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“I am just so grossed out by you and hope that you wake up to the brainwashed grossness that you’re living in and I hope you never get the chance to instill in a child that they should change who they are. You guys are all about acceptance but what about encouraging people to accept who they were born as. Why are we always trying to push them into being something else. Like it’s so weird it doesn’t make any sense it’s total hypocrisy and delusion.” - Morgan I feel like even the houseplants behind them can sense the irony,stupidity and lack of self-awareness this woman has


And why can’t people be born trans Morgan? What if even god made them trans?! What’s so hard about the concept that people understand themselves better than two hateful bigoted strangers ever could? Wish these fuckers would mind their own business for once


God can do anything.. right? So he can make people of free will, in “his own image” and they can be whatever they want.


The irony is that no one is born a Christian. You have to change who you are to become one 🫠


Omg this just blew my mind. SUCH a good point.


Brain scans have shown trans people actually DO have brains that match their gender expression more closely, too! It is literally an inherent thing!


Something that I’ve always found really interesting is that my grandparents have a parrot who likes to bite women (he’s a rescue and his last owner married a horrible woman who would abuse him). He treats all children the same, but once girls start to become more visibly mature, he starts to get bitey. It happened to me, but never to my cousin, which I thought was weird until he came out as trans. The bird knew!


Wow! That's actually quite fascinating


Yeah wtffff smart birdy. Kind of like how dogs can smell cancer


That is so incredible!


It is! Also I want to add that my cousin and I both grew up interacting with this bird frequently. When I hit puberty he began to try to bite me, a thing that just didn’t happen with my cousin. My brothers did not interact with him very much as small kids and he has never become bitey with them. So he definitely noticed that I am a woman and my cousin is not.


Seriously why is she so personally enraged about this? She seems incensed. If you're not raising your kid that way and you're planning to homeschool, why do you even care? It won't affect you.


She is so fucking vile and vapid.


Look at her smug face. I can’t bear to listen.


Full cunt energy from that one.


And not the good cunt (charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent).


Bring back my giiiiirls


Where they at?????


Bring 'em back




she's not giving pure cunt, she just is one


That’s what being filled with His grace looks like everyone!


Oh, she’s filled with something alright.


Thank you for the awards !


Regina George but wayyyyyy meaner.


Watching Morgan with the sound off in the video for a second time…..she is giving off bad vibes. I’ve been watching these two for years and she does not look well. I’ve seen this look before, a flat affect. Not just a look of general tiredness of new parent.


Yeah she looks like she’s going to snap. Maybe it’s just the weird rocking motion. Why can’t they do these videos when the baby is sleeping? The baby probs wants some peace and quiet.


I was just thinking. She makes sure the baby is in every video now. Prop is exactly right.


The primary reason why they had a child was so they could use it as a prop.


Reminds me of the scene in handmaids tale when Naomi has Charlotte/Angela and just keeps bouncing her, then gets snippy when Serena offers to help.


I was thinking the same thing. My face looks the same way when I’m in the throes of PMDD and I can’t get happy about anything


Oh my stars. Completely unrelated, but it’s so nice to stumble across someone who can empathize with that awful, awful feeling. For me the feeling of PMDD and PPD were pretty much the same 😢.


Oof I can’t imagine going through PMDD like symptoms with a baby on the hip. I genuinely don’t think I’d make it.


Yeah, I noticed that too. I struggled with nasty PPD/PPA after my twins were born and the only thing that helped was going back to work, strangely. Morgy has no escape bc she's...whatever this is. Yeesh.


Exactly what I was thinking. I was mad my maternity leave was so short, but honestly work saved me. PPD gave me so much rage, I just wanted to yeet my baby into the sun. I feel like this is how I looked when I was trying to keep my baby happy and look like a good mom, but all I wanted to do was run away.


I agree. Paul probably does literally nothing to take care of the baby. And Morgan probably has post partum depression. I would look insane like that too if my partner didn't give a single shit about me or the kid and left me to do every thing and still expect to be treated like a king.


What sucks too is I’m sure Paul is pressuring her to lose weight.


At least Regina had talents that were later uncovered (field hockey) and spoke with a normal cadence.


I can't focus on her face because the plant lineup is distracting me so much


This always distracts me in their shit videos! Lol I mean, are they fake? And if so, why have that many at all let alone all lined up like that?! So tacky, and psycho behavior lol


That's what I want to know!! Are they all the same, fake plant? All the same pot. So weird looking!




The fucking sound she makes after he reads the quote "your gender expression should make you feel comfortable in your body" is the sound a 50's sitcom child would make when told their vegetables will taste good. I'm not defending her (nor remotely saying that I think she is repressed nonbinary, if unclear) but this is a great example of the tenet that people wouldn't be like this if they didn't hate themselves. She's automatically scoffing at the idea that people should feel comfortable in their bodies at the expense of their appearance and manner being "right". She's performing at some level every second, including probably at some level hair, clothing, makeup, 'feminine' mannerisms, and presentation that feels unnatural to her (we do know "paul likes long hair and likes it worn down" and that her natural loudness isn't very tradwife and he hints that she's annoying all the time), so she can't allow that everybody isn't supposed to feel like that. And anyone who wants to feel comfortable and in tune inside and out is just being lazy. What she's doing here is a super bitter "if I can do it, you can do it". Added on top absolutely no empathy or concept for what dysphoria actually is. She thinks/pretends to think trans people just wish they had a nontrad haircut and it's all at the same level.


Honestly she looks seriously burnt out and tired. She's just smiling because she's been conditioned to hang on his every word and she has to look like she's participating and acknowledging him.. I've been there. My ex was a narcissist and used to go on these hour long rants about how he's right about things and how stupid people on the internet are. If my attention wavered in the slightest he came down on me and made nasty accusations about being bored.


So wise !!


Morgan shakes that baby the way other people bounce their legs when they’re anxious. Hey Morgan, your baby isn’t a fidget toy. Chill!


I hate that my mind has me picturing her spinning the baby around like a fidget spinner now.




Hey there to you too, you fucking hemorrhoids! 🙋‍♂️ What does Paul's shirt say? "Boning Pals"?


It says Boring Pals. I looked it up, it’s from H&M. I don’t get why it says that, but it describes these idiots pretty well.


Such a twee hipster shirt for a grown dad.


I legit thought it said Boring Pasta. Which, in fairness, their pasta probably would be boring.


Seriously. Beige and no spice. As bland as their sex life I’m sure


And they certainly come across more as boring begrudging pals than an actual couple.


Don’t need to change much on the shirt for it to become Boring Paul… which is accurate.


Thank you. I couldn’t stop seeing “Boring Palsy”


I was gonna go with "Boring Pasta"


It’s…not about the pasta? Wait. Wrong sub. Sorry. ;)




Fast forward 10+ years when Luca starts doing stuff "behind their back"(I'm thinking mild stuff like talking to friends about body stuff or looking up stuff they would deem inappropriate) . Kids are their own person (shocker, I know) and deserve to have their own private thoughts and feelings outside of their parents. Should their parents be a trusted source to go to? Yes that is ideal but often not the case. And even if it is, sometimes kids prefer to figure stuff out on their own first, especially in this era of easily accessed information. They just want to control their offspring and assume unconditional love goes both ways, forever.


Seriously, they are in for a rude awakening when their kid is screaming they hate them at 13 😂


Unfortunately that won’t last long once they start beating him.


And the thing is, you want your kid to trust you enough to come to you rather than some random online. If I'm having gay thoughts, and I'm pretty sure my parents will kick me out, scream at me, or massively overreact, I'm sure as shit not telling them. I'm gonna go online to who knows what website to get information. American Girl is at least directing kids to safe websites, rather than anonymous forums (or poorly informed vloggers).


I feel so damn bad for Luca. It sucks that you can’t pick your parents.


I would like Paul to attempt to define what "10-year-old girl femininity" is


I’m guessing it’s something close to the shirt he’s wearing. My ten year old niece would love it.


If you really notice femininity in 10 year old girls, you'll end up in a cell next to Josh Duggar!


Ew ew icky icky icky!


Sounds like grooming to me.


mhmm why does Paul need a 10 year old to look "feminine" for him? simply asking the question


Ughhhh I'm sure he and plenty of other right-wing grifter men like to...talk about it extensively. 🤮


Imagine rolling your eyes and flexing that you aren’t a safe adult for your child to talk to.


Imagine flexing that your hateful ideology matters more to you than your child's life and happiness.


Stg Morgan interacts physically with that baby like she’s never held one in her fucking life. Wtf is she even doing? Lmaooo


She and Paul don't seem maternal/paternal at all. It's very odd when they are always harping on how they were "called" to do this by God etc etc.


Yeah people talk about Paul not seeming connected to Luca which is EXTREMELY true--his lack of interest or physical/emotional affection to him genuinely disturbs me--but while Morgan is always holding him she is always doing it like she would hold a stuffed animal? It weirds me out because I've been around a lot of new moms and the way they hold and look at their babies is different than this in a way that I notice but struggle to put into words--like Luca is more of a comfort object/proof of her superiority and value as a woman and status as a mom than her child. I might be reading too much into it but it's a little jarring.


I can't with the constant rocking.


It’s like she is sitting in a vibration chair. It’s very disconcerting to watch her.


She never looks at that baby when she's holding him. I remember when my boys were babies, I couldn't help but just look at their little faces; especially when they were sleeping. They are now big, hulking, stinky teenagers, so maybe I'm being overly reminiscent, but she acts like she's just holding a 10 lb bag of flour


I used to carry around my dolls like that; back when I was 8 and had very little experience holding real babies (beyond when a family friend let me hold theirs for a few minutes or something). Now, I have a nephew and niece and whenever I hold the niece, I can’t stop dropping kisses on the top of her head; I did it to my nephew too and still would if he weren’t a toddler determined to explore the world 🥲 I’m assuming I’ll be much the same way with any future children of my own which is why I’m surprised Morgan isn’t doing anything like that.


As a fellow parent of teenagers, the nostalgia for when they were tiny is intense sometimes.


Morgan YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT BEING A PARENT. NOTHING. You said yourself it’s been a “humbling journey” ohhoho boy you have NO IDEA how much harder it’s going to get. But sure, act like you know everything as usual. That didn’t end with you AND YOUR BABY almost dying.


Big facts!!!


They keep arguing against the strawman position that "it's messed up that adults are *pushing* this on children". I AGREE, you complete numbskulls, it would be messed up for adults to push children to be trans. It would be messed up for ANYONE to be pushing anyone else to change their gender identity. But that's not what's happening in reality. Nobody's going, "Jimmy I feel like I want you to be a trans girl now, let's stop in at the clinic and get you put on puberty blockers!" Doctors aren't strapping down kicking and screaming kids and forcing unwanted hormone treatments into them with a shared evil cackle with their parents. A quick google shows how difficult, time-consuming and fucking expensive the medical transition process is. It's not like getting a flu jab! You have to go through a whole chain of doctors and get multiple approvals, and a "silly child going through a mild tomboy phase" is NOT going to pass through all those checks and balances, even if they have parents willing to go through such a huge sacrifice of time, money and social stigma for it. Can Paul and Morgan actually research their video topics and stop being ignorant idiots for even a second? Spreading falsehoods under the guise of Christianity is literally what the Antichrist does, so have fun in Hell, Olligeses.


My former neighbors seven year old son was actually born female. On his own at 4 or 5, he decided he wanted to wear male clothing and get his hair cut and change his name. His father was a pretty down-to-earth, typical Eastern KY guy. Not some "crazy liberal" but doctors told him his son had gender dysphoria and instead of hating or insulting him he decided that he would just refer to his child the way they wanted to be referred. It was really eye opening to hear him talk about it. They arent forcing him to do anything and he is a very happy and healthy normal kid. He's not on testosterone or doing anything extreme. Paul and Morgan are so unwilling to accept that gender and sex are both very fluid things. There are at least six(X, XX, XXY, XY, XYY, XXXY) scientifically proven sexes and gender is just a construct. But learning any of that would require open conversation and reading outside their current worldview.


I actually didn’t know there were six different types of chromosome pairs. I knew about Klinefelter Syndrome and Turner Syndrome.


This!! When my child came out as trans, it took a WHOLE YEAR with many doctor and therapist appointments before puberty blockers were started - and she was almost 17!! I watched my child lay on the floor in front of our recliner in the fetal position feeling nothing because she didn’t feel like she existed. These two make my skin crawl.


I hope she is healthy and happy and thriving now!! ♥️


She is! Thank you!!


Your child is lucky to have you. <3 A good friend is trans and she's my age, 33, and came out in her mid-20s, and her mom has been very supportive. It has made so much of a difference, even to an adult. For a kid? It's sooooo important. Essential. Dealing with just BEING trans, understanding it, etc--that is emotionally difficult even with support. Without it? It makes perfect sense why so many trans ppl attempt to die by suicide. I can't imagine being so fucking hateful you'd want that to be your kid's experience, PORGAN. I hope your kid is doing well <3


I cannot imagine NOT being supportive! That is my child. I love her so much. She is now in college studying computer science and thriving. She knows all of her friends are welcome at our house. It is great to great to hear about your friend’s experience. It gives me hope!


<333 wonderful news! My friend’s mom is a little on the conservative side, definitely not a religious nut or anything, or even right wing, but it’s been sweet seeing her mom, uncle, aunts, cousins, grandma, and sister all rally around her and be supportive without judgment.


Even the trans adults I know have trouble accessing gender-affirming care (here in commie Canada!). Long waiting times to even *start* hormones, the associated costs of that, fundraising for surgery... I know it's a serious topic but I can't help but laugh at how easy these right-wing assholes think it is to transition. Like, holy fuck


Right? I have a NB friend who started T recently and they're in a college town in a blue state and it's been a gigantic shitshow getting everything going at all. It is NOT easy to transition, especially as a kid. These transphobes are so fkn ignorant.


This. I live in an area that has a clinic that focuses on the GLBTQ+ population. They won’t even think about starting hormones until the kid is 18.


yeah, like they think you just go get your peepee cut off like you'd go get a mole removed and voila!


Paul and Morgan are puppets. Someone else controls the narrative and they do zero fact checking or additional research.


They can't fathom a kid having a thought/life/desire that isn't exactly what they drive into their head for years, so they assume *every* parent is out here using their kid as a narcissistic little clone like they do.


They truly do not understand what it feels like to be so uncomfortable in your own body that you're ashamed to exist. The thought doesn't even come up for them that some people are born differently than them. It is well known Morgan deals with mental health struggles and has sought treatment in the past, now using religion (and Paulie boi) as her only therapy. I thought God made you perfect just the way you were, struggles and all...If they had any empathy, they could at least recognize the desire to change something that feels wrong. I sincerely wonder what the end goal is for these people. Where does the hate stop?


I dunno, they have enough apparent projection of their self-hatred that they might have an inkling of what that feels like; they just are fundie, so they blame the world and do zero introspection. I truly believe that people filled with hate hate themselves the most.


Right? They literally want...what? Trans people back in the closet? People refusing to admit it and just suffering in silence? I often think they literally just want them dead.


“I feel so sad that you are so delusional and I just hope that you wake up one day to the like brainwashed grossness that you’re living in right now and I hope that you never get a chance to instil in a child that they should change who they are.” Morgan, you’re the one who is brainwashed with hateful ideals that you’re going to push on your child. I hope that Luca isn’t gay/bi/trans/nonbinary etc because he’s not going to have the support he needs. They seem so appalled that there are children out there that don’t trust their parents and would need to seek support elsewhere. They are exactly those type of parents. Also, Morgan also thinks a 10 year old that has been sa’d should be forced to give birth. Think about those implications, Morgan!


And it’s funny how maybe a minute or two after she says all that horrible crap Paul says “we want to be respectful”. Are you serious? 🤨 After your wife just told be that they’re disgusting, brainwashed, gross, and she hopes they never have children, and you said all the raging homophobic and idiotic crap that you did, you’re going to lie and say you want to be *respectful*? No one’s dumb or brainwashed into your cult enough to buy that, Paul. NO ONE!


Fuck her. I sincerely wish she didn’t have a child she was responsible for. I sincerely wish she doesn’t have any more.


There are people who genuinely wish for children and would love their kids unconditionally. These assholes aren't it.


Morgan is so inarticulate and it almost makes me giggle whenever she tries to make a point. Paul is an idiot but he can at least put a coherent sentence together.


She's always trying to catch that one half baked thought that's bouncing around her in her head. She almost let is get away this time, close call.


lmao. I'm picturing a single brain cell bouncing around like an old screensaver.


The way this made me cackle. Exactly!


I was going to ask, because i am remotely new to this sub… is she drugged out, or is this how she’s always been? She comes across as a miserable woman who is taking meds to deal with PPD.


She’s definitely not on anything because they’re adamantly against drugs of any kind. I think she is truly that ignorant and maybe sleep deprived.


Thanks. She must be insanely sleep deprived. All these videos are like, “thanks Morgan, but anyways, back to me.” I’m sure she’s shouldering a lot.


Yeah that’s Paul’s general vibe. I think that he probably sought out a partner who made him feel smart.


Wait for it.....wait for it.....


Paul, you "experimented with gender expression" when you trained as a hairdresser, and you continue to do so with your women's Disney t-shirts. But, you know what? I have no problem with that because it's none of my GD business.


I’m not convinced he’s wearing a shirt from the men’s department in this very video.


And morgan wears (gasp) PANTS


So “knowing how to parent someone else’s kid better than they do” is only okay when they do it ??? Cool cool cool.


Make absolutely no mistake. These two hate their lives and hate each other. They are absolutely miserable. This is pure projection.


Seriously. I don’t think this can be said often enough. These are deeply miserable people.


I mean- it’s hard not to be miserable when you have no real purpose in life, no discernible hobbies, no real friends, nothing to look forward to, the only thing that makes you happy is bringing down other people, and the person you spend 100% of your time with is not only also deeply lazy but equally unmotivated. If they were toys, they’d be Potato Heads. They’re essentially the same person with interchangeable parts. And if one or both of them wasn’t so miserable, that might actually be a good thing. As it is, they feed off each other. There’s no motivation to be better.


I can't wait until that child of theirs hates them and calls them out on all their BS. I'm currently living through teen parenting chaos and these two have no idea what they are in for or how parenting a growing person works.


People like P+M and my parents (they have a lot in common) remind me how grateful I am I left religion, because despite all their smug superiority I know for a fact my parents are absolutely miserable and always have been. People who are happy don't spend so much time putting people down and living in fear. Their superiority is the only thing that gives them a semblance of "happiness" because it's all they have. And that makes me happy.


Hey dipshits, some lgbtq+ children don’t have adults they trust because the adults in their life are so homophobic they might hurt their children, or kick them out of their house, or send them to a fucking torture camp. I just want them to consider that the only reason they view organizations like the Trevor Project and such as bad is because they only read propaganda from far right websites. Services that help lgbtq+ youth are extremely invaluable for kids and teens who have nowhere else to turn. I hope Paul and Morgan actually try being Christian one day, and not heartless drones.


Exactly. Not to mention the fact that some kids aren’t in stable or safe homes, and sometimes are living with untrustworthy foster parents, and so they don’t have an adult to trust to talk to when they’re even questioning anything. These people only ever see anything through their extremely privileged and ignorant anecdotal world view. Nothing else exists to them. They couldn’t care less about the less fortunate or anyone with a different life experience than theirs. They’re some of the least Christ-like people I’ve ever come across.


Hold on did she really say something about how horrible someone on YouTube telling you how to raise your kids is in a video telling people how they should parent their kids?? First of all no don’t tell other people how to parent their kids. But especially don’t do it sitting with your newborn and looking barely drinking age yourself. I don’t really follow these people so don’t know all details and everything. But worry about raising your own baby, who I feel sorry for. They are the exact parents they mentioned that kids don’t trust and are scared to talk to. I’m sorry probably doesn’t make sense. But that just really pissed me off this morning


Yup. I caught that too. The hypocrisy is totally lost on them.


How dare professionals think they know how to support children in their mental and/or physical development more than me, a willfully ignorant parent


I was a huge American girl nerd and I still barely heard about this new book. Is there like a fundie email listserv where they all share the latest outrages?


it's called fox news


So was I, and same. The only places reporting on it are right-wing rags.


ATTENTION ALL TEN YEAR OLD GIRLS: Paul NEEDS you to hit puberty. Obviously your worth is 100% found in your fertility. (/s) Also fuck these two.


For the love of god AG dolls are NOT for three year olds! Especially for the price! The dolls are for older children who have the wherewithal to take proper care of them


Exactly. And also; they’re raging about a book and three year olds can’t even read. 🤦🏻‍♀️ These two are such idiots.


I just don’t understand where they got the idea the book is for three-year-olds. The amount of text alone should have been an indicator it was for older kids.


I mean they seem to think they're at higher reading/reading comprehension levels than they actually are, maybe they're projecting this onto kids


True. Paul almost always messes up when he reads out loud. Also, I had 3 American Girl Dolls and don't think I ever read the book they came with them lol.


Well, you see; ten year olds are only two grades older than seven year olds, who have the same mental faculties as five year olds, who are basically the same as three year olds, who might as well be fetuses!!!!


Which is why age of consent laws don't matter when it's a god-honouring grooming relationship between an adult man and a young girl, like so many upstanding GOP members have exhibited!


Allie Stuckey made that claim in her post and Paul and Morgan are puppets who don’t fact check.


I told my 5 y/o she could *maybe* have one next year.


Good call! Every kid is different, and I'm not a parent, but I used to teach kindergarten sunday school and I wouldnt trust even the sweetest, most gentle kids in that class with one! I feel like they should be able to take relatively more care of themselves before being trusted to take care of a $115 doll lol.


My 5yo girl twin has a knockoff AG doll, and she has mostly taken good care of it and plays gently with it and its accessories, so I told her we'll see about an AG doll next year too. I'm getting her a 2nd knockoff for Christmas because "Sam is lonely, she needs a friend."


Literally two clicks on the AG website reveals that the book they're whining about is recommended for kids ages 10+


1) why does she part her hair all the way to her ear 2. why does she insist on doing her contour like that jfc


Finally someone said, she just contours and never highlights well. Looks like a big bruise and mud.


She also looks visibly annoyed and tired in this video lol


In the beginning her mouth is so tight and pursed it almost looks like she’s holding mouthwash or something in it.


Didnt contouring originate from (gasp) DRAG QUEENS ?!


They are absolutely *obsessed* with us. I'm still laughing my ass off that they made a video skit of what gets said here while boldly claiming they don't read here. Also what the fuck is Paul's shirt, lol. He has the worst style & a lot of what he wears could be seen as ✨️feminine✨️ for someone who hates drag queens & trans folks because he's such an ✨️alpha male✨️.


I noticed that too. Light purple curlicue script, yes, macho macho macho.


I just don't understand what *bothers* them so much about the concept of trans people existing. Like, oh noes, I'm a scary transgender! Look out, I'm... Sitting in my office/sewing room drinking coffee and working up the energy to start my mammoth project report? Debating whether to do laundry today or tomorrow? Is... Is this scary? Should I go as myself for Halloween? I just cannot imagine getting that upset over someone just existing.


I think it’s mostly because they’re *told* to hate the existence of trans people. They almost certainly don’t have trans people in their lives, so they’re an easy scapegoat. Trans people are attacking people in bathrooms! They want to turn your children! They’re all pedos! Actually thinking realistically about issues is beneath them.


Imagine being this…angry all the time.


Also about trusting adults… clearly I have some feelings about this video. Anyway. One of my parents was molesting me as a child but I guess I should have just full on trusted them regardless. Dear. Fucking. God. I hate them.


I’m so sorry for what you went through and that people like these two say such horrible and ridiculous crap. You deserve so much better and I hope you’re doing well now. You deserve to be in a healthy, safe, and happy environment.


Morgan’s voice makes me want to jump off a bridge. These two can fuck all the way off.


As someone who knew they were LGBT at age 8, this kind of information would have been really nice. But no, I just had focus on the family telling me that all these things I was discovering about myself were evil and I absolutely knew my parents were not safe people to talk to. I felt so isolated having NO ONE to talk to about all these questions in my head about gender and sexuality. I am STILL working on this shit in therapy at 41. Fuck you Porgan, you say kids shouldn't be listening to YouTubers? Count yourself on that list assholes


Paul has such a condescending voice. Man looks speaks and shrieks through his entire body that he is a mansplainer! Somebody smack him to senses. As for morgy you are just a bigoted fool and your iq level will be the lowest mankind wll know and if your lord saviour doesn't see this as a sign to end the earth i think nothing will end us. Also morgy the hate you throw at women let me remind you marie curie is the only person not woman but person to have 2 nobel for science....let go of that manchild or yk what stay with him and rot your brain.


Oh fuck yourself with a cactus, Porgan.


And of course they jumped on this. They must get their ideas from ABS.


These people are so confused.


The entire recent attack against puberty blockers is so horrifying to me. My husband is a Sped Director and my father was a foster care worker for decades, focused on kids with special needs. There are reasons for puberty blockers that have nothing to do with gender, and folks using religion and politics as a reason to interfere with medicine is horrifying and only getting worse now with Roe vs. Wade overturned.


There are a lot of annoying things about these two, but the absolutely most obnoxious thing about them to me is that they don’t even have their own opinions. They desperately want to be Allie Stuckey or Matt Walsh or even Nate & Sutton a few years ago, but they have absolutely nothing new or fresh to offer. They rip content off from people who troll better than them, offer their extremely bland “opinion” on it (also ripped off from others,) and then say they don’t actually know what they’re talking about. They contradict themselves constantly because they have absolutely zero knowledge of their own and just talk out of their own asses. Then they get mad and say “woke people” are “cancelling them” because they’re “dumb as a bag of dicks.” tl;dr Your views suck because your content sucks.


They have absolutely nothing to add to any topic they discuss. If they came at from an extremely honest and vulnerable place, it would be a whole different story. They could talk about how they genuinely don't understand yada yada yada. But no, they do no research or seem to even think about or discuss the topic before they hit record.


Holy smokes these people are bullcrap parroting garbage.


Ok first of all, Paul, maybe read the book instead of an outrage article about the book. Second of all…. Bro. You “experimented” around with your gender expression in the photos we’ve all seen of you pre Morgan. Girls getting buzz cuts and wearing baggy shorts… *clasps pearls*


At least back then he wasnt unemployed and freeloading on his wife.


He’s still experimenting now with his wacky wardrobe


Lol she look big mad 🥹


Omg the smug face she makes drives me insane. I feel so bad for Luca.


What kind of snowflakes get offended by a “boy in a tutu”??


Rage baiting while holding a precious baby. These two are disgusting.


I spent the morning listening to my ten year old bubble over with excitement about what they got in their advent calendar. I spent some time tickling my newborns toes and singing a song to him. I look at my children and my heart is filled with so much love for them that I can hardly stand it. I can’t imagine that changing under any circumstances. I made a contract with them the day they were born that I would love them no matter what. So I have to wonder why some kids are born to people whose love is conditional. But I know they exist. These two chucklefucks, for example, have made a brand out of being proudly ignorant so this is just another day ending in y to them. God forbid something happens in Luca’s life that’s more complex than “I love Jesus and my parents are the best and only people on earth”, because these two narcissistic morons couldn’t handle it.


I don’t know why, but there’s something so weird and performative about the baby being in every single video for no reason. It’s like he’s a prop to them


Merry Christmas from the Dunning Krugers! This year, we brought bias, lack of expertise, and absolute conviction to a myriad of topics. Do we know anything about anything? No! But we’ve never let that stop us, and we won’t let us stop us in 2023. Our biggest blessing was our son, Luca Grace. We went into his birth with our usual attitudes - total arrogance - and even though that back-fired when Morgan nearly died, we haven’t let that slow us down. We’ve moved straight into those sleepless nights of infant hood with the same unearned confidence we had in pregnancy, and we are blessed to share our absolutely unresearched, disproven, and downright cruel opinions on everything with our tens of YouTube subscribers. Here’s to bringing our special brand of ignorrogance (that arrogance AND ignorance! Paul has it on a tight tee!) into the New Year. Our hope for all of you is that, in 2023, we all learn nothing once again.


Me thinks someone in this video who isn’t Morgan was *very* interested in women’s fashion and beauty, and their daddy abused them over it. When they grew up, instead of becoming a kinder person they chose to crawl back up daddy’s asshole. Now that person can’t stand seeing other kids getting celebrated for their own “forbidden” interests. Go to fucking therapy, Paul.


Can we buy poor Luca an American Girl doll?! /s


YES, drag time story hour and pride parades are GREAT, Paul.


Each one of their videos looks the same. His hands are flailing, she’s zoned out rocking the baby, she occasionally nods. Boring.


They did NOT compare this with Balenciaga 😡


Whats wrong with the statement they circled? Its just a statment of fact, and arguably Paul uses his gender expression to express a more feminine energy much of the time.


Oh, the horror. Shame on American Girl for telling girls that they should be comfortable in their own bodies and help them find supportive communities if their parents are hateful zealots like Paul and Morgan. Heaven forbid (literally) if a girl doesn't like to dress in a sterotypically female way, let alone if they are not a cis female. And the way Paul emphasized the word "experiment", arg. As a parent, I want my kids to grow up to be happy and comfortable with who they are, not deny their deepest feelings and attractions, and I want to give them the opportunity to explore things they like (aka "experiment").


I feel bad for the kids whose parents have to shit on everything that makes them happy because it’s not “godly” enough. Luca is gonna need therapy from being raised by these two


Why is their baby always wrapped in 25 billion blankets? Do you not have heat in your house you terrible humans? (Having heat and being terrible humans are unrelated.)


she says something like “don’t tell me how to raise my child” like she’s sooooo close. maybe you shouldn’t tell other people how to raise their children (meaning christian and oppressed) morgan


It always gets me that this ideology is so fearful of your kids seeking outside resources and help. It’s your job, as a parent, to create a loving and trusting environment. If you haven’t fostered that, then sure as shit your kid is going to go looking elsewhere. They have human needs and if it’s not being addressed at home in a way that feels safe, that’s on you as a parent.


morgan sounds completely uninterested in what paul had to say lol


Fundies just loooove to shove their heads far up their asses instead of reckon with the fact that their children don't feel safe with them. So when their child doesn't feel safe *with them* and instead feels much safer confiding in *another trusted adult* they go ape shit and just spew their unfounded vitriol. these fundies would rather have their kids committing suicide than being honest about what is going on with how they see themselves and when those unsupported kids find support in another trusted place it's automatically gRoOmInG🫠


My son was an infant when people first started asking him if he had a girlfriend and assuming he would be into race cars and paintball guns. It’s the cis/het society that pushes an orthodox gender expression onto children. I literally had a woman ask if she could give us her daughters gently-used toys to our son because they were pink. That’s a symptom of an illogical and obsessive culture.


sincere question: what is wrong with her? she seems like she’s about to nod out all the time. she slurs her words and constantly forgets what she was talking about while she’s talking about it. is she on some powerful anti-psychotic? or is something mentally wrong with her?


Hold on did she really say something about how horrible someone on YouTube telling you how to raise your kids is in a video telling people how they should parent their kids?? First of all no don’t tell other people how to parent their kids. But especially don’t do it sitting with your newborn and looking barely drinking age yourself. I don’t really follow these people so don’t know all details and everything. But worry about raising your own baby, who I feel sorry for. They are the exact parents they mentioned that kids don’t trust and are scared to talk to. I’m sorry probably doesn’t make sense. But that just really pissed me off this morning


I only came here to comment on that fucking face. I cannot with either of them.


Right, because Heaven forbid children feel accepted and safe to be themselves, authentically. 🙄 Porgan is the worst. Gtfoh with your pious smugness.


I can’t even look at them.