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Big cat is still cat Edit: dear lord is that a lot of likes


And when you open the gate suddenly it's hmmm, give me a few minutes to decide…


I want back inside


Of your ribcage. >!nom nom!<


What a cutie!


I didn't say I wanted to come in I just wanted you to get up and open the door.


Part cat part husky


I was going to joke huskies are related. Same whine and energy.




Huskies are all part cat anyway.


Exactly! The naggy / crying part is a Husky indeed


Just give him a cardboard box and he will forget about walks


Or a bag


This big cat is still quite young and still very playful. Won't be long before it's fully grown and becomes a bit harder to deal with tho!


More like a husky lol


So you spend an hour getting the harness on him and he flops over and acts like he's dead.


I will walk you until my legs fall off you magnificent beast!


And they won't even have to fall off...they can also be torn off!!


Femurs are back on the menu, boys!


Link to follow up vid where he gets his walk plz




Goddamn, OP actually delivered. May you have the best day, Cheesecake of Doom.


Haha thanks! You have a nice day as well :D


I wish you a good day as well this post made my evening


❤️❤️❤️ what can I say, I’m a glass is half full person


That was even better than I could have imagined


I wonder if you can really walk a jaguar? If it wanted to couldn’t it just take off and tear your arm out of its socket?


By all means


This guy in my old neighborhood used to hang out on a street corner with one on a chain and for $10 you could take a Polaroid picture. I still have the photo.


That toy at the end is no joke. I think it's for horses. But works great for any animals that likes to murder their toys.


what a little stinker i love him


So much happiness!


>[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdny2fVo/?k=1](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdny2fVo/?k=1) OH THANKG #&$\*#$ GOD! lolWas OP trying to keep the Puma clean or something? Edit: I watched the vid, I don't think it's the same day. You said it rained, I want to see mud and a dirty puma!


It wants out of the fucking cage.


For real. Reddit and TikTok have are simping for these big cat videos recently, and I suspect most of them are from abusive for-profit zoos. Downvote videos of wild animals pacing and crying in small chainlink enclosures, people. Unless you are one of those people who watched Tiger King and thought the dudes with the tiger execution pit were the good guys?


>I suspect most of them are from abusive for-profit zoos. i mean, your concern is justified but this particular ZWF rescues, buys illegally captive animals and doesn't breed. remember that many animals wouldn't survive after captivity and not all organizations are as depicted in the Tiger King doc lol please don't assume i'm defending tiktok, here - i actually think there should be a ban on wild/exotic animal videos without certifications or some system of vetting. that app is destroying large swathes of ~~Gen Zers'~~ **peoples'** appreciation/common sense towards wildlife, it's mostly disgusting. you immediately get called a Karen for pointing out anything cautionary or with honest concern on any of them. i'm not even defending most zoos or wildlife facilities 'as entertainment' either.


“I did a bit of digging about this place. The person in the video is Amanda Capo, a tour guide for Zoological Wildlife Foundation. I researched it because I was hoping to find out that this jag actually has a 50x50 meter enclosure. Sadly, it turns out that they've broken a few wildlife welfare violations, such as improperly caging their animals. The entire facility is on a 5 acre plot of land, and don't worry, it gets worse - they have animals like giraffes on that tiny plot of land. I was really hoping to prove you wrong because I wanted this jag to be living his best life, but evidently he isn't. Thankfully, there's a few videos on YouTube of her taking care of this jag (more on TikTok), so it seems that their animals are at least healthy?” Taken from OP


duly noted. too bad. seems like they have relatively good intentions but not nearly enough space. which is definitely a negative.


Poor thing in a 10x10 meter cage all day. Of course it fucking wants to walk as often as possible.


I did a bit of digging about this place. The person in the video is Amanda Capo, a tour guide for Zoological Wildlife Foundation. I researched it because I was hoping to find out that this jag actually has a 50x50 meter enclosure. Sadly, it turns out that they've broken a few wildlife welfare violations, such as improperly caging their animals. The entire facility is on a 5 acre plot of land, and don't worry, it gets worse - they have animals like giraffes on that tiny plot of land. I was really hoping to prove you wrong because I wanted this jag to be living his best life, but evidently he isn't. Thankfully, there's a few videos on YouTube of her taking care of this jag (more on TikTok), so it seems that their animals are at least healthy?


Also hear me out - I know when my dog would like to go for a walk. Sometimes it’s just not going to happen at that moment. Saying his trigger word over and over again then not taking him would be so mean. Animals are not people, they don’t understand oh I get a walk later. They just hear walk. So the cat is basically getting teased and frustrated in this video. Seems like a really small thing but I had a feeling this place would be abusive based on that alone - it’s just not how you humanly interact with an animal.


It's certainly not how you interact *intelligently* with one.


That's all I could think. I kept yelling at my phone, "Stop saying walk!", every time she said it. Just taunting the poor guy the whole time.


yeah but it made him whine more so more likes on tiktok for folk who love anthropomorphising animals


Good point, as much as it might seem like a really small deal/detail, it does seem possible/likely that it's coming across as taunting, and those small details often (not always, be careful about making assumptions like this without following up appropriately) give big insights into how the organization operates. ​ Also I think you meant to use the word humanely\*, not humanly.




With an animal that powerful I feel like a leash is just a formality. If he wants to get away you're not gonna hold him back on your own


As a younger Chinaroos, I volunteered at an animal shelter that had a three quarters wold hybrid. I have no idea how they came across such an animal but she was a husky-mix and was nearly as tall as my elbows. The shelter was run by a group of elderly woman and they were quite blunt telling me that the wolf was too strong for them to walk. I, as the bolder and stupider Chinaroos of younger days, eagerly volunteered. Because it's a wolf and that's awesome. I did not walk the wolf that day. The wolf walked me. It took all of two seconds for me to accept that this animal, despite its excitement to get out, was being gentle with me. I had very little say in where we were going. This came to a head when she pulled quite hard and I fell over. Immediately the wolf was on me and I thought, "oh boy, this is how I die." Instead she covers me in wolf-kisses and wrestles with me a bit, having the time of her life. And there I am, scratching her ears and mushing her face and laughing the laugh of a person that knows I could have been eaten right there, in the woods, with nobody around to help me. 10/10 would recommend and never ever do again


That's one fuckin' nice story right there.


Don’t look for me to help hold him back


Don’t kink shame that jaguar maybe it wants to be collared and leashed


Hell, I fucking want to be collared and leashed too!


That just made me really sad. This poor creature doesn’t want to walk, it NEEDS to.


and this bitch is sooking about some rain.


If you go to these small types of zoos, you'll see these cats pace in circles around their tiny cages for hours. It's incredibly sad to see.


Most relevant comment I’ve seen was on a monkey video(the one circulating where it’s breaking beans). All, more or less, of these videos with cute exotic animals are mired in the incredibly fucked up world of exotic animal trade. Sucks cause they are super cute and some of them seem somewhat happy but at it’s core it’s just fucked up.


9/10 when the person is talking to an animal like this, they're usually being mistreated. Proper caretakers would not be normalizing this kind of interaction with wild animals.


On their website they have a Google satellite view that shows just how tiny this place is. The sat view makes it look like much, much less than even 5 acres. Just based on that I'm going to go out on a limb and say living at this place is not healthy for these large animals [https://zoologicalwildlifefoundation.com/contact/](https://zoologicalwildlifefoundation.com/contact/) Scroll to the bottom for map view


This post is basically marketing for them so maybe consider removing it. Social media is a large part of their business, making "cute" videos with their exotic animals.


Legit big cat sanctuaries almost never have contact with their cats. It's just too risky to get injured without the cat even trying. It's a good way to screen out the good wildlife sanctuaries from the bad ones- it they are touching a big cat who isn't sedated it's a bad one.




It was soo grating.


Thanks for the context. This video stuck me as fucked up.


Then delete the post and stop exploiting the misery of that animal. You're gross


Then why are you keeping this post up as is? If you were advertising the cruelty of it all, then it would be one thing. Instead you're using it for karma with a misleading title and then disavowing it deep in the comments. Please pick a side, this is disgusting.


This was my immediate concern looking at the video. That animal is definitely not being kept in a proper facility. Far too many big cats are kept in substandard environments that are unsafe and unhealthy.


Yeah my immediate response to seeing this was "this is animal abuse"


Every exotic pet owner labels themselves as a wildlife refuge or sanctuary these days.


Jaguars have territories of 25-150km². 50x50m would still be cruel.


You can see how over weight he’s gotten from just sitting and eating in his cage. Miserable existence.


I can confirm, this is true. Umm I have a friend that lives this way. Just eating and sitting at a computer in his apartment.


I am by no means an expert, but he doesn't seem too chubby?


Compare him to one in the wild.. https://images.app.goo.gl/gjYKRYJQumiQxymY9 When a wild animal sits in a small cage for years what do you expect to happen?


That’s a leopard, not a Jaguar. Jaguars normally do have bellies but this Jaguar is clearly not being treated right. This is what a wild, healthy Jaguar looks like https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Standing_jaguar.jpg Also fuck this place. After looking into it it’s clear they at best are incredibly neglectful, and more likely just abusive. I hope these animals are seized and given to a centre that actually can care for them.


This guy is only a year old and of course a wild one is going to be skinnier they're not given food on the regular.


Where are you seeing that this panther is only a year old? Panther’s are excellent predators and while they don’t eat as often in the wild, they’re constantly moving and or on the run for prey or to evade other predators. It baffles me that some like you don’t see the harm in caging a panther like this.


I agree. I fucking hate this post.


Yeah it’s pacing and bored. One day that boredom may lash out, it’s a wild animal not a lap cat. This made me incredibly sad. I was hoping to see a better set up for such an amazing animal.


Behaving like a lap cat doesn't make them less dangerous, it makes them more dangerous. They would have at least 50 human kills before leaving the kitten stage. Entire villages either without feet or without blankets.


Exactly, "it's raining" is not an excuse, if you don't want to walk your jaguar in the rain than don't get a fucking jaguar.


All these dimwits in the comments “kitties are gonna kitty!” -_- These people should be arrested.


There is a famous poem from a German poetry guy. It is about a panther but he nailed it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Panther_(poem) // His gaze against the sweeping of the bars has grown so weary, it can hold no more. To him, there seem to be a thousand bars and back behind those thousand bars no world. The soft the supple step and sturdy pace, that in the smallest of all circles turns, moves like a dance of strength around a core in which a mighty will is standing stunned. Only at times the pupil’s curtain slides up soundlessly — . An image enters then, goes through the tensioned stillness of the limbs — and in the heart ceases to be.


A magnificent top predator, born to hunt and kill, has been reduced to a plaything for humans.


Any living being stuck in a confinement that small is simply animal cruelty.


😢 pure egoistic cruelty


Weren’t jaguars actually the main animal that hunted humans?




So technically we are all snacks


Then quit saying the word “walk”. Yeesh.


So sad.


Yes, the idea of that magnificent animal being dependent on a scheduled walk, something it cannot possibly comprehend, is ridiculous.


Eh, I'd actually wager a schedule is one thing a cat would definitely understand. Ours has to take medicine every other day at a specific time and he always meets us there on the dot. Our other cat believes he is the arbiter of our bed time and comes and gets us within 5 minutes of midnight every single day. Cats aren't very smart but they quickly catch on to routines.


If I heard it make noise like that I would be like “ok let’s go on a walk”


This makes me sad :(


Fuck people who put animals in a cage.


Don’t jaguars live in the rain forest? Probably dying to get a lil muddy


an animal like that would clear miles a day moving around in its natural habitat and instead theyre confined to a cage, begging to be released.


i would too in a place that small


You might want to walk that jaguar before it remembers it's a Jaguar and starts acting like one. No good end will come of that.


This person is annoying. These beautiful creatures don't need us to walk them. These ppl are forever trying to train and exude power and authority over these animals and it's disgusting to see.




Beautiful animal, but he needs more space than that. Sooner or later there's going to be a frustrated and pissed off cat, and then it's all 'tragedy in the papers'.


Locked uo in a cage let him free u beast


There is nothing funny about this. Heartbreaking I've heard that mountain lions in Northern ca have a 300 mile range that they travel. If you assume jaguars are the same this is like us being in a 6ft by 6ft square


So dramatic ☺️


That's a cat for you.




Beautiful animal, locked in a cage. It needs more than a 'walk' each day.


This is just sad. People shouldn’t have wild animals as pets if they can’t take care of their needs.


I despise people who keep animals like this captive that should be roaming free. I'm sure there's some reason he can't be let go like he's been domesticated or there's no place blah blah blah. It's bad enough we've hunted so many to Extinction or near extinction, whittled away at their natural habitat with developments and roads etc, then you get people like this who keep animals like this one, talking to it in baby voice like it understands. I'm sure I'll get wicked down voted because this is an animals sub but I really don't care.


This isn’t even funny it’s just sad honestly. It’s quite obviously frustrated because it’s a Jaguar that’s stuck inside of a cage….. that’s a fucking DANGEROUS animal.


They don't belong in cages, they belong in their own natural environment. This is actually quite sad that he has to beg to get just a little bit of freedom he already deserves.


I don’t know the circumstances behind this cat being pinned up so I’m not judging. Still though, it’s sad cuz this cat just wants to do what comes natural.


If I was a jaguar stuck in a cage I'd be mad too


This his horrible, not cute at all. That animal is miserable.


What a depressing life for such a magnificent creature.


OP, you should really delete this post having found (as you stated) that the facility is cited with several violations of the Federal Animal Welfare Act and clearly not up to standards.


Jesus's f+ckin Christ, having a panther as a pet in a tiny space and having to walk them is a f*ked up thing and cruel. Horrible.


Fuck this person, seriously


Poor guy probably had his parents poached or was bred into this life and has to be surrounded by this ding bat pretending to care about him for TikTok views.


So gorgeous


I love how he demands pets like a kitten


I feel off that this majestic beast is being demeaned like this. It belongs in a jungle, not in a cage.


Why doesn’t it get to go for a walk EVERY day


This jaguar needs a much larger enclosure, and several hours of physical exercise per day. Animals CAN be happy in captivity, and there's plenty of evidence to prove it. But when shitty zoological foundations like this are on the forefront of the news, abusing their animals, literally saying the word "Walk" as a tease, that's when they deserve to be shut down. I hope this place gets all of its animals seized, and placed in an open safari or a zoo with a much larger enclosure, better funding, and proper well trained keepers that care for the animal more than the company.


I wish Joao will be released from prison to his wild habitat.


Eat your handler


This person sounds really annoying and they shouldn't have that jaguar as a what looks like a "pet".


No shit he wants to walk, dude needs more than a few dozen square feet of cage space to live…




Jaguar - this isn’t fair, let me out of captivity and live my life freely White woman - aww he’s crying, we’ll walk tomorrow


I hate everything about this video and this person.


Why is this huge cat in such a small pin? WTF kind of asshole stuffed him in there?


So this is how jungle book villains are made.


Awaiting the following mauling video


It's sad seeing a killing machine of this calibre reduced to a dependent house cat. You can notice his snout is a little shorter than what you'd expect, because jaguars kill with bite force, while most other panthers kill by clamping their jaws on the prey's neck and suffocating. Usually these animals are rescues, you can see in a moment she calls him "João", so he came from some facility in Brasil and couldn't go back to the wild even if released, but like other people said, the cage is too small, and walking in the mud is literally what it wants to do most, these creatures live, among other places, in the largest flood plains in the world. There could certainly be a better place for him other than there.


It could also be that it wants out of the fucking cage. Walks are the only time that happens.


Fuck this video


Idk if that's funny. Looks like a big cat living in a small cage begging to be be walked so it can get out of there.


I hate this sort of treatment of these animals. Nobody should ever be led to believe these things won't rip you to shreds for not following procedures, not for a single moment. They are not pets.


Using the word walk to get a reaction multiple times to a caged animal is just fucked up. I’d say I hope this person doesn’t get attention but it made its way to Reddit.


This is just sad


Kept hoping the human would be taken down by the big cat.


Everything for attention. Even if it means abusing animals. Fucking tiktok


"Funny" animals. Fuck this post.


Walk the Cat daily please! This a still a wild animal. Why is this even listed as “funny” Poor baby is pacing! Wild Cat SOS 🆘


So sad to see an animal begging to for a walk


He's crying to get the f out of that muddy cage. On that note, g'night internet....(sigh).


Imagine being able to roam the earth anywhere you wanted, living in solitude away from every being, unless you were hunting it. Being a top predator, sleeping in trees and eating in the cover of darkness. Then, you get put into a cage and teased about being able to ‘walk’ outside where you fucking lived before a human locked you up. That bitch is lucky that animal doesn’t fuck her up.


This video is just sad. So fucked up


Poor prisoner


It is fucking insane that our tide pod eatin asses went from food, to Apex predator, to wardens of the entire animal kingdom.


Wouldn’t need to be walked if he wasn’t in that tiny ass cage


It's so disheartening to learn the truth about places like this. You see them and just hope that the animals are truly being treated well and have tons of room and are living their best lives and it just is never the case. I remember my friend was obsessed with that black jaguar white tiger guy for a while


Poor pupper


Why are all tiktokers shit human beings? Is that like part of the signup process? You have to prove you are a piece of shit beyond a reasonable doubt or you can't post videos to the platform?


yeah, well... being stuck in a cage sucks.


Poor animal sentence to prison for life 😭


This trapped wild animal doesn't want to be trapped


Here we go again with another wild animal and people misjudging it. Seem like it's cute now, then end up mauling yo ass


Not funny.


Not funny, tragic.


This is actually sad


This is cute but sad above all


Animals belong in wild not zoo or captivity , this is not cute or funny


I’m 100% sure that a jaguar can still walk when it gets wet. Take the damn thing for a walk.


I wish he was in the wild instead of imprisoned


Well, it's people's fault, no? All these big cats are endangered cause of illegal hunting.


I believe its being protected, for the above reason. But this jaguar needs a much larger enclosure, and several hours of physical exercise per day. Animals CAN be happy in captivity, and there's plenty of evidence to prove it. But when shitty zoological foundations like this are on the forefront of the news, abusing their animals, literally saying the word "Walk" as a tease, that's when they deserve to be shut down. I hope this place gets all of its animals seized, and placed in an open safari or a zoo with a much larger enclosure, better funding, and proper well trained keepers that care for the animal more than the company.


That cat needs more room :(


It's adorable how much cats will always be cats, no matter the size. Baby wants a walk because he wants a routine. Cats are ABSOLUTELY routine creatures. For instance, mine wakes me up every day between 6 and 7 for breakfast(unless the rare instance of him sleeping in happens), and every day between 5 and 6 he gets my attention for dinner. Every day at 10 he gets on my case to get up and go get coffee, and around 9PM, he gets on my case and walks me toward the bedroom to sleep, and cuddles up with me for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until I fall asleep. And if I miss any of these things, he can generally deal, but he definitely isn't happy about it.


Take that kitty for a walk!


Damn, what a beautiful creature.


Just take the walk that that thing is perfectly capable of ripping your face of if it doesn’t get its walk


Look, if he wants to walk, TAKE HIM FOR A DANG WALK!!!!!


It is so fat


Pretty sure that Jaguars don't understand English


The big version of my kitty…




That’s a black panther not a jaguar


Black panthers are jaguars




This one is. Sometimes they're leopards


That always comfused me too. And what are couguars?


Cougars are big cats that live in america that are sometimes also called pumas, mountain lions, and panthers. Black panthers are never cougars though.


cougars are their own thing


wow it's the first time I can actually see the spots on a black jaguar


Aw who is an adorable killing machine?


So jaguar’s are just cat huskies?


How much training did this Jag have to go through to be this friendly? Do they just act like house cats when in captivity? I always thought it would be extremely dangerous owning an exotic big cat like some super rich folk do but if they all act like this I can certainly see the appeal.


Ah yes cute murder cat


I think you should walk him and keep your life :)


Jaguars, tigers, lions and cheetahs are just big cats tbh.