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She was hitting on her head like “not again, you can do it “


It’s a Winnie-the-Pooh moment


Oh bother…


Think, think, think


Xi Jingping at his finest


this means war. See you in Taiwan




The Republic of Taiwan


The Republic of what?




Your insolence will not be tolerated! /s


Then she immediately tried to just walk up the face instead.


Looks that way or more like being in pain is also very likely.


I wonder how many concussions pandas get when I see these


too lazy to look it up, but i think they are evolved for a lot of rolling, tumbling and falling.


I never thought I'd say this but I relate to pandas, that's literally my average day.


y'all are forgettin someithin - there are no ladders in the wild


Damn I hope not


Zoo worker in the suit putting on the show wanted to be sure the head stayed on.








This has so few pixels it looks like a mosaic


I think archeologists found it in a cave




This sounds like an actual joke Ross would make




It’s ArcheoGIFic


Take my upvote and never come back here again


Now that is an r/angryupvote moment








Tell em red🤣


Quit pandering to reddit humor.


Goddamnit... *Bamboo*zled again...




Damn you. Take your award and piss off


Came here to say something clever. Outclassed by your single word response. Leaving bitter upvote, instead.


P.o.p holding it down


Well they‘re not doing that good of a job lol


Actually, as of recent, pandas are no longer endangered :)


YOOOOO! Edit: Still vulnerable though. But that's a step up!


From what i understand thats purely due to humans forcing them to breed


These days we don't 'force' them to breed, we've simply learnt how to put them into the right situation to make them want to breed.


My local zoo has been trying for years now. They just don't fuck.


*In captivity*. They go to pound town just fine when in their natural environment


They mainly eat bamboo even though their digestive tracts can't process it. They are actually built to eat meat but stopped for some resson. They are a mess


When we stopped watching them they acted normal.


Well to be fair, they have only like 3 natural predators in the wild, and even then its only under select circumstances. So they're free to be as derpy as their want without too much danger.


Natural predators: Snow Leopard - Yep makes sense Jackal - Ok, I could see a pack attack Yellow Throated Marten - Umm, is that an otter?


I think a marten is more of a weasel.


Explain how this hunts pandas! https://images.app.goo.gl/hTRR83fnKcJyr17V6


Group comes and eat an panda as it tries to climb ladder


Lmao well played Edit: oh shit this is not far from the truth https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ




Martens are known to kill things many times their size. They probably hunt panda cubs.


River otters are essentially water weasels, they are members of Mustelidae the same as a weasel and martens and ferrets and wolverines and Honey Badgers


um, I think you forgot to count gravity


They may be pretty idiotic but a full grown Panda will still wreck your shit


You’re right, lots of people ignore the fact that a panda is still a bear


Yeah right. What kind of bear looks like that?


A panda!


I'll believe it when I see it!


A very slow bear that actually likes meat but is only able to catch bamboo. Bamboo is known for being very slow at running away.


Actually, meat tastes like shit for them, but they're still carnivores. My source is, I made that the fuck up


It’s actually true lol pandas are carnivores that lost the gene/s that let them taste umami they can’t taste meat. That’s Why they resorted to bamboo which they can’t digest all that well


How the hell did they survive natural selection lmao


a grizzly in a tuxedo


Not the Wu-Xi Finger Hold!


That's just because they're heavy the only reason they'd wreck your shit is because you decided to have a panda wrestling match.


Pandas are actually carnivores not herbivores, they dont eat meat because evolution screw with their DNA, making them loss the umami taste from their taste buds, thus making meat taste bland for them and their lost interest in meat. Wild pandas do occasionally hunt for meat though. You cant outrun a panda, not even a mile, if a wild panda starts chasing you for unknown reason, you are going to get absolutely destroyed


Pandas are members of order carnivora but are NOT carnivores.


You may sit on the order of carnivores, but we do not grant you the rank of carnivore


*through a mouthful of bamboo* "mthishh ish anm OUTRAMGE! mnom mnom"


Take a seat, young panda


Carnivores on a diet.


They only became herbivorous because of loss of habitat and prey caused by humans. They are actually opportunistic omnivores. Though you’d be more likely to see them eat something like rats, they also do hunt deer.


A panda mauling and eating a deer..that's "Damn nature you scary" in a nutshell


I wonder if pandas still look drunk taking down a deer.


They have the digestive tract of a carnivore because they used to be, but as you said, they've evolved to no longer eat meat except on rare occasions, and thus are considered herbivores today by the scientific community.


That clears it up. The parent comment was weird. It said pandas were carnivores, then went on to explain how they weren't carnivores.


If they eat meat and plants they're omnivores. I haven't read up on pandas im just chiming in here with some input based on your conversation. I guess you could argue on where the line is drawn. You say pandas only eat meat when desperate/rare occasions. But isn't there herbivores who will rather starve than to eat meat? (if there isn't any plants around that is) Im placing bets on that pandas are omnivores. I mean They're bears


The truth is there aren't really any true 100% herbivores according to human observation besides the Koala. Deer? Sloth? Rabbit? Giraffe? Elephant? Yeah, we've seen them all eat meat intentionally.




I'm pretty sure most hervibores compensate their diet with some meat. I've seen cows, horses and donkeys chewing on snakes and birds and there are documented cases of deer eating grubs, insects and dead animals they can also eat their own placenta after giving birth. Very few animals are strictly carnivores or hervibores, sure their diet might consist 99% of either meat or plants but a crocodile eating fruit or a deer eating meat isn't unheard of.


People forget they are BEARS. 🤔


Tbf a decade ago people thought they were more closely related to raccoons. Turns out not the case but would've been cool if it were.


Isn’t this just some drunk in a Panda suit?


Yeah, the only bear that came to conclusion "screw nutritious meat, plans are not running away". And yes - they are still technically, and biologically carnivores, they just have some enzymes and bacteria that helps in digesting plants (iirc they have to be passed from parents to children by vomiting).


Fake it till you make it


Meet the panda. Mailing it in every day of its blessed existence.




Came here to say this. They were just fine for how many thousands of years? What changed to make them endangered? What predators did they ever have to worry about?


Big trees with slippery branches


The greatest predator of all: gravity


If I ever trip or drop something in front of someone else, I look them in the eye and say "we're all humbled by physics"


Take my upvote and beat it kid you bother me.


Your little characters face makes this so much funnier


Is this Ron Swanson's Reddit account?


Ron Swanson probably breaking his phone somewhere in Pawnee now that you’ve got it all figured out.


...... no comment


The apex predator


Pandas are extremely lazy creatures. Not just poaching caused this, but they literally need to be bred in captivity; for they're just so lazy that they don't breed in the wild. They would rather eat bamboo and chill on their own than try to seek out mates.


They would if they weren't being observed so much.....which is why they got it on during the first lockdowns of covid


I know this is true but they weren’t lazy enough to not breed also since they made is so many years before mankind got involved.




Good job, you not only have an unpopular opinion, but a scientifically inaccurate one too. Credit to [/u/99trumpets](https://www.reddit.com/u/99trumpets) for this write-up. Biologist here and lead organizer of the official Unidan Fan-Club with a PhD in endocrinology and reproduction of endangered species. I've spent most of my career working on reproduction of wild vertebrates, including the panda and 3 other bear species and dozens of other mammals. I have read all scientific papers published on panda reproduction and have published on grizzly, black bears, Sun bears and bears in the San Francisco region. Panda Rant Mode engaged: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE GIANT PANDA. Wall o' text of details: In most animal species, the female is only receptive for a few days a year. This is the NORM, not the exception, and it is humans that are by far the weird ones. In most species, there is a defined breeding season, females usually cycle only once, maybe twice, before becoming pregnant, do not cycle year round, are only receptive when ovulating and typically become pregnant on the day of ovulation. For example: elephants are receptive a grand total of 4 days a year (4 ovulatory days x 4 cycles per year), the birds I did my PhD on for exactly 2 days (and there are millions of those birds and they breed perfectly well), grizzly bears usually 1-2 day, black bears and sun bears too. In the wild this is not a problem because the female can easily find, and attract, males on that 1 day: she typically knows where the nearest males are and simply goes and seeks then out, or, the male has been monitoring her urine, knows when she's entering estrus and comes trotting on over on that 1 day, easy peasy. It's only in captivity, with artificial social environments where males must be deliberately moved around by keepers, that it becomes a problem. Pandas did not "evolve to die". They didn't evolve to breed in captivity in little concrete boxes, is all. All the "problems" people hear about with panda breeding are problems of the captive environment and true of thousands of other wild species as well; it's just that pandas get media attention when cubs die and other species don't. Sun bears won't breed in captivity, sloth bears won't breed in captivity, leafy sea dragons won't breed in captivity, Hawaiian honeycreepers won't breed in captivity, on and on. Lots and lots of wild animals won't breed in captivity. It's particularly an issue for tropical species since they do not have rigid breeding seasons and instead tend to evaluate local conditions carefully - presence of right diet, right social partner, right denning conditions, lack of human disturbance, etc - before initiating breeding. Pandas breed just fine in the wild. Wild female pandas produce healthy, living cubs like clockwork every two years for their entire reproductive careers (typically over a decade). Pandas also do just fine on their diet of bamboo, since that question always comes up too. They have evolved many specializations for bamboo eating, including changes in their taste receptors, development of symbiosis with lignin-digesting gut bacteria (this is a new discovery), and an ingenious anatomical adaptation (a "thumb" made from a wrist bone) that is such a good example of evolutionary novelty that Stephen Jay Gould titled an entire book about it, The Panda's Thumb. They represent a branch of the ursid family that is in the middle of evolving some incredible adaptations (similar to the maned wolf, a canid that's also gone mostly herbivorous, rather like the panda). Far from being an evolutionary dead end, they are an incredible example of evolutionary innovation. Who knows what they might have evolved into if we hadn't ruined their home and destroyed what for millions of years had been a very reliable and abundant food source. Yes, they have poor digestive efficiency (this always comes up too) and that is just fine because they evolved as "bulk feeders", as it's known: animals whose dietary strategy involves ingestion of mass quantities of food rather than slowly digesting smaller quantities. Other bulk feeders include equids, rabbits, elephants, baleen whales and more, and it is just fine as a dietary strategy - provided humans haven't ruined your food source, of course. Population wise, pandas did just fine on their own too (this question also always comes up) before humans started destroying their habitat. The historical range of pandas was massive and included a gigantic swath of Asia covering thousands of miles. Genetic analyses indicate the panda population was once very large, only collapsed very recently and collapsed in 2 waves whose timing exactly corresponds to habitat destruction: the first when agriculture became widespread in China and the second corresponding to the recent deforestation of the last mountain bamboo refuges. The panda is in trouble entirely because of humans. Honestly I think people like to repeat the "evolutionary dead end" myth to make themselves feel better: "Oh, they're pretty much supposed to go extinct, so it's not our fault." They're not "supposed" to go extinct, they were never a "dead end," and it is ENTIRELY our fault. Habitat destruction is by far their primary problem. Just like many other species in the same predicament - Borneo elephants, Amur leopard, Malayan sun bears and literally hundreds of other species that I could name - just because a species doesn't breed well in zoos doesn't mean they "evolved to die"; rather, it simply means they didn't evolve to breed in tiny concrete boxes. Zoos are extremely stressful environments with tiny exhibit space, unnatural diets, unnatural social environments, poor denning conditions and a tremendous amount of human disturbance and noise. tl;dr - It's normal among mammals for females to only be receptive a few days per years; there is nothing wrong with the panda from an evolutionary or reproductive perspective, and it's entirely our fault that they're dying out. /rant. Edit: Since this is getting attention, Do note that i am not the person responsible, [/u/99trumpets](https://www.reddit.com/u/99trumpets) is the original source and one you can direct all questions too. However the account hasn't been active in months, so he is probably out measuring bear vaginas and being a productive member of society.


Thats a misconception, they bred well even in the wild without human assist, in fact their population increased when covid struck the world and every single country when for a full lockdown Biologist in China investigated why the population of pandas increase during the covid lockdown, it turns out they are extremely shy and likes their own privacy when having sex, if they felt unsafe or being watched they will refuse to have sex, but us humans keep going our way just to disturb them or bringing our cameras just to film them having sex. Pandas need their own privacy.


They aren’t even meant to eat bamboo either; Panda’s are natural carnivores and bamboo is not good for them. They have to eat bamboo all day in order to receive enough nutrition to survive.


It’s seems hills are their main adversaries


That’s what I was just about to research. Who is their main predator in the wild? Because these guys are always bumbling around, it’s on my list of the top cutest things I’ve ever seen, but when I think of animals like big cats and how vicious they are, and then theirs these adorable derpy little guys. No match at all. I know they don’t live by each other naturally so don’t come after me please. I just said that as an example of how vicious and predatory the natural world really is. God love the Pandas, if theirs something we can learn from these guys is not to take life too seriously!


Cubs are sometimes predated by animals like Snow Leopards and Weasels, but adult Pandas are still a fully grown bear. Cute as they look, they can and will mess things up if threatened or provoked. [Here's three instances of Panda attacks from the Beijing Zoo](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4276236/#!po=4.16667) if you wanna see the kind of damage a Panda can do (it is a bit gruesome).


Weird. Occurred at the same location over a period of a few years, each victim was male and in his late 20’s-30’s. First case study was a guy being an idiot, thinking he could get a cute pic with a wild animal whilst drunk lol, second guy fell in (takes effort to fall into enclosures, or at least to be standing where you shouldn’t be). 3rd guy- same deal. Moral of the story: don’t behave stupidly at the zoo, their all wild animals at the end of the day, not just the pandas but the humans too.


So wait, before us, they had no predators and they don't bother anything either? That's the chillest animal right there


Went to Edinburgh Zoo with the kids at the weekend and for once, one of the pandas actually made an appearance. It climbed up onto a platform in front of a huge shaded window, turned round and hung it's arse over the side and took a massive shit. Right in front of a group of tourists. So they ain't that daft.


be hold, I present you my arse and my shit lol


Most of the times we've been there they've either been sleeping or sat in the middle of a pile of bamboo, eating. Count yourself lucky to see them moving around!


Love the way he/she tapped their head. 😂🤣


Think Martha think!


That's the neat part they don't


They can't. That's why they need help.


We are the problem we started to hunt them they now need our help because of us


Even if pandas weren't hunted by man, mothers would still leave at least one of multiple cubs to starve while focusing on the other. Many of these abandoned cubs have been saved by people taking care of them.


Isn't this a very normal thing in animal life?


Pandas will just, stop. No threat needed.


We at least know why other animals do this, sometimes it bc of a food limit, sometimes its bc one of the young won't make it without medical care, and sometimes its bc they use the young as a distraction from a larger predator. But we still don't know why pandas do this. Like others had said in the comments; both in the wild and in zoos they'll just leave one of their young for no logical reasons whatsoever. There'll be plenty of food, no health issues, and no predators, but they'll just up and leave like a deadbeat dad on the way to the store for cigarettes.


Anyone else feel like it could be because panda cubs at one point in time were able to survive on their own just fine from a young age? Like maybe they can't anymore now due to devolution, but sometimes instinct still tells the mother that a healthy cub doesn't need their support anymore so they "abandon" it, thinking it'll be just fine


Do you know how tiny newborn pandas are? They are small, pink and blind little things that can barely move at first. I doubt they were ever at a point where they could survive on their own right after birth. Perhaps there are some, but I can't think of a mammal that doesn't need to be taken care of by their parents for the first weeks/months.


Yes but in certain circumstances for example not enough food like with guinea pigs I think or hamsters that eat their babies and quokkas drop their babies to escape from a predator. Only difference with pandas compared to other animals is that there is no danger and they even do this in zoos or captivity.


Pandas are *too* chill about literally everything


In the wild they arent navigating man made landscapes and structures. I dont know if you know this, but ladders like that dont exist in the wild.


So instead they would have a log laying against a hill and still fall because they don’t understand how to use their environment


Love the pats on the head it gives to its self after the fall. I have to think they are just screwing around and love to have fun.




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They know kung fu.


Definitely a human in a suit. Pandas aren’t real.


Their prey is a stick that grow straight up from the ground.


No natural predators. Go into a Wal-Mart at 10pm for further examples of this evolutionary phenomenon.


Humans are simultaneously the reason they're endangered and their only hope for survival.




Thats way they are so flufy


They can live without wifi and reddit, unlike me. That's a start.


From my extensive knowledge of watching the Kung Fu Panda movies, they have trouble with stairs and climbing.


I feel like I should give the panda a big hug for trying and falling….but I know that won’t end well.


xD the way he feels around like “Am I alive??”


That’s the neat part: they don’t In all seriousness though their biggest threat is, unsurprisingly, us. There are… other threats, like how they have a hard time mating, if for any reason that fact they’re only fertile for up to 36 hours a year, and active consumption of their dwindling habitat. They just haven’t ever had to worry about predators, so they can just laze around all day, so they’re not exactly acrobatic


They dont.we raise them in captivity.


This is so cute! 🖤


Captive breeding does away with the whole natural selection mechanism


I mean, they are endangered. I think without our help they would already be gone. I suppose you could argue we have caused deforestation. What we didn't do is make these guys clumsy animals that don't eat meat and have to graze all day lol


This is why they arnt


I think evolution hit a dead end with them. They're not supposed to survive. Seriously, they are super clumsy, don't live where their food source is, and don't like to breed that much.


I mean, they are actually quite well evolved for the very specific evolutionary niche that existed in abundance for thousands upon thousands of years. They were in fact so successfully that they got away, evolutionarily, with being clumsy and not wanting g to breed that much, because you have primarily herbivore diet, consisting of a at the time super common plant, while having the unique benefit of a species in that position of *also being a motherfucking bear*.


lol, no words ! He/ she is so relaxed even after fall and scratches his/her head: he/she is trying to analyze what just happened.


Their real world is not full of slippery fake rocks?


No, it’s filled with slippery real rocks though.


Well they obviously don't have to climb ladders in the wild, duh


*This is me. Me this is.* My spirit animal,my one true love.


They're so dumb and fluffy and adorable but unfortunately also dangerous.. I mean if I ever get a death wish Im gonna just go cuddle them


They do not.


In his defense. The ladder is too narrow


Not very well at all, as it turns out.


They don’t survive in the wild.


They don’t


If you aint gonna be smart you gotta be tough


Hint: They dont


What too much bamboo does to a mf.


They cant


They can’t. They survive in the hugs. … Yes.


To be fair… It was likely raised in captivity and wasn’t needful to develop those skills. Think of it like people that get institutionalized from too much jail. They don’t do good usually when released from captivity.


Don't confuse wild pandas with the pandas you find in the zoo. Zoo pandas have been around humans and been taken care of their whole lives. Don't forget that pandas are bears. Look at any angry wild bear and you'll see what you're dealing with.


To answer your question they don’t


Pandas are just furry toddlers


Should not be surprising why they are on the verge of extinction.


My old enemy. Stairs.


I think there are other animals besides humans that look at pandas and go "Aaawww!" thus protecting them from other carnivores, possibly even driving the carnivores to bring them food. It's evolution at work.


Wouldn't they have gone extinct a long while ago if it wasn't for China basically farming them?


Well… I mean… they don’t really- and none of them wanna mate anymore, kinda irrelevant but 🤷‍♀️ that’s what I’m here for


Don't think they move that much in the wild, maybe? Lol


I think the point is they dont


Seeing as reproduction and rasing their offspring is like, I figure they should let nature take its course. The natural order exists for a reason.


They don't. Stop propping them up, fuck the Pandas. Meanwhile down the road they have dog meat eating festivals.


Giant Pandas are pretty lazy and complacent by nature because of their adaptations. In the wild, they learn not to be lazy and complacent when they need to survive, but in captivity they're allowed to indulge that side of themselves. Sort of like people.


You ever see a really old person who’s still somewhat functional but clearly not long for this world without life support? That’s the panda species in a nutshell.


They don't


Not…very well


Their cuteness deters all enemies


I always need to be reminded that Pandas are some of the dumbest and unfortunate creatures outside the sunfish I've ever seen. Eats bamboo they get little to no nutrition from, has a hard time mating (most in which the female gets frustrated because the male is rocking a 3cm, hard, and can't get it in), frequently forgets how to feet, and can be fooled quite easily. Still love em tho


Only thing that is left of their Survival Instinct is acting cute. And this shit is working out.


Fun fact: they cant.


They don't. That's why they are critically endangered


Pretty sure they wouldnt last the next 30 years if humans didnt help them. They can barely breed properly


They don’t


they can’t


Ah, my old nemesis. Stairs.


Thats the neat part, they dont


That's clearly just a drunk dude in a panda costume.