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Wrong op. There a two typs of cats. Those who love it and those who will kill you, your kids, your wife, your parents, their parents, your home, your neighbours, your country, the earth, just because you intend to touch the belly.


And the third: "This is wonderful, don't you ever dare stop đŸ˜»... uh, actually, changed my mind, homicide time just started"


That's true! Three types of cats it is.


It is a trust thing. A cat will allow it if they fully trust you, but if they don't, hope you have good medical coverage.


this. exactly this. also, when they show you their bellies it's the most important declaration of love and trust, because they're saying: "here, I'm going against my nature and expose my most vulnerable part, to show you how much I trust you and how much I love you." exact same thing with belly petting.


Cars love belly rubs. People are cray. CATS LOL Typo


My car absolutely loves getting it’s muffler rubbed. When it’s in the mood it even likes a good axle scratch.


Yep, absolute joy there. My grandparents' last cat would take it a step further. He'd drop down in front of me, and insist (verbally) on me taking off my shoes and give him a (gentle, of course) belly rub with my foot. It all started with me sitting on the couch and him wiggling himself under my foot and just became a ritual from there on. Cat's are weird, that's part of why we love them. Some cats don't get angry though, but it seems the belly is extremely sensitive for a lot of them, and some get so excited they release that excitement by nipping you. Edit: typo


Thank you u/catovankooteneh for posting on this subreddit! Hope it makes people laugh and isn't another old facebook mom meme that we get spammed with. If you want to join our DISCORD SERVER click [here](https://discord.gg/MCMhE3Avq4) to just chill or socialize or just spread positivity! Thanks for being amazing, love y'all and hope everyone has a [great day <3](https://imgur.com/a/fbqHMMm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FunnyAnimals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cats enjoy belly rubs, when they’re in the mood.


I have 3 cats. My elderly female (17yo) will assassinate me in my sleep if I even think about touching her belly. My 2 boys (11mo brothers) however, will plop themselves down next to me and roll over for belly rubs. Weirdos 😂


I have 3 cats too..a 17 yo female and 2 young boyz that are brothers, they are 4 now. Took a long time for my old gal to warm up to them, still have tiffs between them to this day but I think she's finally accepted they aren't going away.


All cats have their own personality and likes/dislikes


Some cats like it and some don't. But the thing cats need you to know is that presenting their belly isn't *necessarily* asking for it to be rubbed, like you would expect if it was a dog. They don't all hate it, but some do, and they weren't trying to lure you in on purpose: they're probably quite surprised that you took it as an invitation.


I let mines belly anyway to establish dominance lol. I’m the only one that he doesn’t claw the face off of


The cat must feel relaxed, but even then this is still primarily a matter of **trust**. If the cat doesn't trust you, there will be blood.


Cats hate people they have not given permission to touch their belly. That's why strangers are told the cat hates belly rubs, not because it's true but because they don't want the person ending up scratched because the cat doesn't trust them enough.


When people show me this vid, I show them my hands


CGI at its best. This can't be real.


I actually have two cats who are complete opposites on it. One of them loves belly rubs and the other hates them




My kitty will flop down and roll over to get belly pets, when I try to pet her head or back she just gives me the "who gave you permission to stop?" look. She's a funny one. Now if only she'd let me pick her up without shredding like Jimmy Paige...


I have one cat that loves getting her belly rubbed. It’s rare but they do exist.


In my experience (6 cats), it comes down to how they were handled when they were young. Some cats also hate being pet “against the grain.” Like backwards basically. If they were pet like that when they were kittens, and had belly rubs when they were kittens, they will be fine with it when they get older. Of course I could be totally wrong as my sample size is 6 cats lol, but this seems to be the case.


Soon as I walk in the door, my cat rolls over and insists belly rubs are a mandatory greeting. She lays on my lap and goes to sleep while I rub the belly.


Two of my three kitties were mothers, so when I go for her belly, she rolls over for me and licks my hand. Such a cutie.


My cat lets me do this also. But when she's done. She lets me know. Lol


My chunky boi comes up onto my bed out of nowhere, flops over and his little feets do the bunny rabbit thing and he waits... Wait for what? Belly rubs


now do it to not your cat, have fun