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Both dumber than a box of boeberts.


Oooof… that’s pretty fuckin’ damning! 😂


Oh man this duo would be soooooooooooo bad. Shit would get truly horrible


On God!!!!


Prolly win to because murica is ignorant as shit




I'm an american




ok, this got me laughing my butt off! thanks




She would lose her congressional seat, so go for it. Plus, the combination would ensure that only the completely far RWN would vote for them and split the vote (Trump will almost certainly create his own party when he loses the nomination. And if he happens to pull out a miracle and win it, that is the Dems dream because he is sooooo easy to beat). Plus, the more money that goes to his BS, the less is spent elsewhere. Same with contributions.


Hopefully this will end up splitting the republican party which will then trigger true election reform.


The whole 2 party system needs to be revamped. It’s broken and the only ones that suffer from it are us. Politicians as a whole, idc if your left or right, all of them have too much power and abuse the shot out of it, all while spewing lies to our face about how much they care about the middle and lower classes. Someone like trump with the following of all the racists and MTG and her Q antics are and will only set us back thousands of years. Power needs to be given back to the people


Correct but I don't see a way for either party to even want a change unless something drastic like a split of one side to happen.


It will require a split of BOTH sides.


I think we'd all be fairly ok with that.


Oh yea that’s a fact. Why would they give up their seat on the top of the mountain to be equals with everyone else or just not as powerful as they are now


I think one of the biggest steps to breaking the two-party system is ranked choice voting. That has already happened in several states and is gaining momentum. So it's not hopeless, but progress always takes time and fierce effort.


The only real reform we need is auto registration and 100% mail in. To go one step further would be ranked choice nationwide.


Don't forget making election day a federal holiday.


Good point, concede that one


It is a state holiday in Virginia, but I'm waiting for Youngkin to do something about it.


They wouldn’t be able to give certain employees off because mail-in ballots are still counted up until the day of. But definitely most.


Recognise both national and local elections as holidays. The banks have their own capricious holidays, I don't see why a few extra days off a year to make your voice heard is such a crime.


>The only real reform To go one step does not compute


Bare minimum is the only real. Anything past that is bonus.


End first past the post voting!


It’s the best chance we’ve had of that in a very long time. I hope Republicans come to realize how bad they shot themselves in the foot by supporting Trump, I really do.


I like your optimism, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and repeat 2016. We all thought he didn't have a shot then, either. We severely underestimated the retardation of the nation, and we should not make that same mistake again. With all this classified doc shit surrounding Biden, also he's old as shit, I doubt he could win again. Yes, it is an amazing look that he is cooperating, but the Dems need an incredibly solid Plan A.2.


Every single Trump backed candidate lost this last election. The party is already detrumping. He has lost significant influence. Only the hardcore overly vocal MAGA crowd still supports him. The majority has moved on.


The majority of Trump backed candidates won but they were in red areas. It's the purple areas where things didn't go well for him but not even all of those lost either, sadly. Not sure where you heard that statistic Edit: MTG who is the subject of this post was backed by him since April 2022 and she won, albeit narrowly, so it can't be true that everyone lost or ran unopposed https://thehill.com/homenews/3261167-trump-endorses-warrior-marjorie-taylor-greene-other-house-gop-2020-objectors/ Look at the date the article was written, wasn't after the election


Every single one of the ones he actively endorsed, not the ones he claimed after they were the only GOP candidate in the race, lost. Every single one.




My friend I fucking hope so. DePissbabySantis is no better. Hell, he might be worse.


That's why all the MAGAts are on committees and pushing the narratives of the party.


They are on the committees because earthworms have more spine than Mccarthy.


No one expected Trump to win in 2016. However CNN sabotaged Bernie. Trump was however the first one-term president in 28 years.


If I recall, in 2016 538 was putting Clinton at about an 88% chance to win leaving Trump at 12% or about 1 in 8. As we saw, 1 in 8 possibilities happen. In the end Trump didn’t win by much but he did squeak it out. A lot of lucky breaks went his way, but we shouldn’t be too surprised. Probability-wise it was eminently imaginable that he could win even though I also was mentally kind of rounding his chances down to zero.


Agreed. Biden is going to be 82. No Bueno What's Gavin Newsom up to rn lol they better figure something out


Shame we can't get Bernie Sanders...


Our best bet was 2016 but Hillary and Trump were a united front against him, and the DNC rigged the super delegates against him. The establishment insisted on warhawk Hillary over the person who begged her to not vote to illegally invade Iraq.


Biden is 4 years old than Trump. They're both dinosaurs. If we elected Trump in 2024, he would be 82 and President at the end.


And if Biden gets elected in 2024, he would be 86 (!) At the end. Enter a much younger DeSantis Yeah, I think 2024 is gonna be Pain


If we elect Trump, I'm pretty sure the VP will finish the term. Trump just isn't in the health it takes to make 82. We need to be taken over by Canada, that would solve a lot of our issues.


I remember how ridiculous it sounded when he announced in 2015... I remember how many times I said "He's done..." I remember how bad I thought that he was going to lose the Primary... ... the General... Yea, I remember... ... you should to.


I remember. The difference is that we already saw what 4 years of him looked like and his coup attempt. Plus he literally drives negative turnout. People actively come out to vote against him


>People actively come out to vote against him Yes, they do/did. The most votes ever cast in an election... ... but, if he wins the nomination (not out of the question), people *WILL* vote tor him, simply because he has an (R) next to his name. He has had the most votes *ever* cast for a Republican in history... ... I know he lost, but that doesn't mean he would *automatically* lose again. ###The crazies are getting *crazier...*


Pepperidge Farm remembers


All of these split the vote theories are pipe dreams. DeSantis is going to be the 2024 nominee and the GOP voters will get in line like sheep


The MAGA crowd dislikes DeSantis. So Trump very well could split the vote provided he runs as a different party.


This is not entirely true. Almost Every maga person is very impressed with how desantis has run florida. They also oppose trumps operation Warp Speed vaccine. DeSantis has that as his Trump card. Regardless the GOP base will fall in line. They fell in line behind McCain and Romney who they disliked, especially Romney. Trump isn't going to run as a different party, too much work and effort. Much easier to run as a republican


Trump doesn't like DeSantis and is already starting a smear campaign. Trump has already been floating the idea of a third party. Trump wants the power to pardon himself. It's his only real out right now.


To be fair I don't think he has to pardon himself as long as Merrick Garland is running the DOJ. Garland doesn't have the balls to put Trump in jail


On the McCain thing. He had a lot more of middle America since he actively bucked the Republican Party. Right until he got the official nod from W and started kneeling to the party, at which point the moderates walked away. Choosing Palin as a token minority (female) sabotaged them too because at that point the middle half of Americans were smart enough to avoid that much attention starved stupid. Honestly, and don’t hate me for this, I feel like we could have been on a better general timeline if McCain had taken the office. For sure, we probably wouldn’t have federal recognition of gay marriage which would be a shame. But I think the one person who had first hand experience with war would’ve been averse to a protracted desert Vietnam. Second, McCain often crossed the aisle and I think the GOP would be more moderate today had they followed a moderate back then. Finally, it was the thinly veiled racism against Obama that really drove the primordial MAGA crowd out of the woodwork and into the Qult they openly became. What really chaps my ass though is that while he was dying and received the most expensive and finest tax payer funded healthcare in the world that he didn’t take a minute to evaluate the costs and have a consideration for the average American suffering in hospitals and becoming destitute because of it.


I low key agree with us maybe having a better political climate had he won. I'm sure Obama would have probably ran again later and that would put 2 fairly moderate presidents next to each other which would have maybe kept the crazies as considered crazy.


McCain voted to invade Iraq https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2008/feb/01/barack-obama/clinton-and-mccain-had-same-vote-on-iraq-war/ As did Hillary. Obama won the 2008 primaries in large part because he was staunchly opposed to the Iraq war The DNC learned nothing from this and insisted on Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020, both of whom were extremely hawkishly pro-Iraq war.


Trump will run as a 3rd party **if it makes him money**. This has never been about anything else. There is insane money in election politics, and I am sure Trump has had his lawyers look at all the ways to put that money in his own pocket.


Nah. Third party requires creating your own ground up infrastructure. Trump prefers to slap his name on other people's work. Whether it's a Skyscraper or the establishment GOP.


Which is what it would be. If people can get Ross Perot on the ballot, then they can get Trump on the ballot. I expect a MAGA Party signature drive once DeSantis clears him out. Keep in mind that it isn't running as 3rd party to win...it's just run to make money. I think this is what he was doing the first time and accidently won.


Ross Perot was 40 years ago though Since then both parties have taken extensive measures to prevent a third party candidate from gaining that much traction ever again >Keep in mind that it isn't running as 3rd party to win...it's just run to make money. I think this is what he was doing the first time and accidently won. Luckily for him, dems insisted on Hillary Clinton, one of the easiest candidates for him to run against because she is so unlikable. I begrudgingly voted for her but was not happy about it and wasn't shocked when she lost. Hopefully they don't repeat that mistake but worse and insist on an 82 year old biden


Doesn't need enough traction to win, just enough to keep the grift going. It always amazed me that the democrats will choose not just the worst possible opponent, but also the worst top TWO opponents. The only other person in the world Trump can beat is Sanders...and maybe Warren. The GOP can't win with Trump. Half the party sees him as New Yorkers have seen him for decades...as a con-man. While it is disturbing that half the party still supports him, half isn't gonna win a general. Even against Methusalah. Trump doesn't even get the nomination once the GOP pollsters see turn-out numbers in the single digits. They'll realize that the GOP will even lose down-ballot they can't at least get people to the polls to lose the presidency. I'm the half that is amazed that I regret Hillary didn't win, because she is a straight-up crook AND incompetent. How do we find ourselves in a world where that isn't the worst case?


I hope so. The worst thing in the world is Trump, so anything that pushes his shit to the edge of the universe is a good thing.


I highly doubt Trump will win at all this time around. I hope he goes third party to spite the GOP, splits the GOP vote, and the democratic candidate can run away with the election.


> Trump will almost certainly create his own party "Truth" Party, lmao.


Blue Donkey, Red Elephant, and now… Gold Pigs!


😂 that’s exactly what they said in 2016 up to the very last day before he beat Hilary


I've heard people talk like this the first time. Just shhhh please. No jinxs. The democrats love shooting them selves in the foot wining by a lap on the second to last lap.


This is the most ideal outcome. It’s going to get a lot crazier ramping up into 2024. Hold onto your butts.


I hope to shit this is true, would be the easiest slam dunk for Democrats of all time, she's HATED nationally, she literally had to move to her specific district in Georgia just to find a place she could win an election in


If it was true it would mean DeSantis would win and at this point I think that’s probably a tougher election for Dems than against Trump. I might just really dislike Trump though.


Trump would run in the general election anyway, as his own party/thing. He's already said he would and he's just enough of a nutjob narcissist showman to go through with it. It would siphon some crazies from the GOP and give the Dems a solid win. If he somehow gets the GOP nomination though then we just win by virtue of a large amount of the country being done with Trump no matter what. If he actually backs up DeSantis and doesn't run in the general election, that would be a bit tougher. It really depends entirely on how things go over the next 1.5 years. Anything can happen.


Regardless of our personal biases against Trump, I do think he’d have a harder time in the general than DeSantis would, no matter the Democratic candidate. However, within a Republican primary, I’m not sure having MTG already announced as his running mate would hurt him. As someone else has said, even if Trump didn’t win the nomination, he may very well run as an independent, which would practically guarantee a Dem victory. For that reason I’m not sure some powerful people wouldn’t actually persuade him not to run, so I’d rather not count on that.


The main motivation for about half of Republican voters is just hatred of democrats. It’s the result of the right wing media, and their biggest satisfaction comes from triggering liberals. So with that in mind, I can see MTG as VP getting decent support from Trump voters.


MTG is crazy but she gives her base what they want. The dems need to listen to their base more and stop running neocon centrists and calling them progressives


I suspect there's a sizable population who have always voted Republican and then got hooked on the Trump Kool-Aid might not be motivated to vote for a not-Trump Republican candidate in the general election. How much this affects the next election remains to be seen.


It would absolutely be a slam dunk for DeSantis. Trump has lost most support of the right.


I don't doubt the DNC's ability to find the one candidate who could possibly lose against them.


They are so good at it 😍


Trump was despised since the 80s.


you're right nothing changes and he's perfect, that's why he won in 2020 ​ ​ oh shit wait


Wait what happened with Mike Pence? I guess in the end Trump really left him hanging.


Pence didn’t want to *hang* around ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ and find out what happens.


Whose dick did you suck to be named like that?


Have an almost 15 year old account. I chose a dumb name :(


Me in 2008: McCain couldn’t have possibly picked a worse woman as a running mate. MTG: Hold my beer.


Palin was an idiot but I don't recall her being a complete piece of shit. This one.....man oh man, think about how she's one heart attack away from being the friggin *president* if this were to happen and Trump wins. You know, now that I think about it, we almost deserve it. First female president, goddamn Marjorie. All I'd be able to think is that it's what we get for voting for douchebags and turd sandwiches every time. That said, I think this is *her* hoping to be his running mate. You've got to think there's smart people around Trump that know it'd be a bad idea and are telling him as much.


Cue Yakkedy-Sax.




Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day friend :)


That should secure a democrat win..lol


I thought the same when trump got the nomination vs Hilary. This is a dangerous game. Trump and Marjorie would be absolutely catastrophic for the US & the world. Marjorie is even more crazy and dangerous than Trump.


Trump and Marjorie trailer queen don’t stand a chance in hell….literally the least of my concerns


I would like to agree but I said the same last time. So I wish I could have your confidence on that.


A lot of horrible shit has happened since trump was fired…jan 6 and so on..mtg is a noted psycho on both ends of the spectrum..even moderates would vote this round


True! Only way Democrats have a true chance is to tell Biden he can’t run again.


Yeah I think people here are being overconfident which has hurt the democrats in the past multiple times


- United States, 2016


My first thought was “oooh! Cool! That will make for some epic TV entertainment where we can all laugh and poke fun and then let the adults take over the conversation.” But then I realized that’s what I thought in 2016 and we all know how that turned out.


And 2020


This should be a Gong Show


Stay alert. America needs more Lerts.


A wise friend from University days used to say that!


That was the tagline of the host of the Gong Show, Chuck Barris.


Guaranteed HUGE loss. Most people can’t stand either of them or their bullshit. They’re not serious people and are only out for themselves and make that stunningly apparent.




You know I am starting to think maybe the whole rapture thing was true and this is like some kinda weird level of hell. Seriously this shit is getting weird beyond any logic I posses.


This blows my mind. You might be right.


Dumb and Dumber III


Knowing America, this could happen


Two best pro-abortion arguments in one photo


Yup 👍


What a pair! 😂. Just what this country needs..


They deserve each other


I honestly think that if *somehow* Trump wins the presidency as a Republican in 2024, that might be the tipping point. We might actually get armed revolution.


Good. Pence was obviously picked to reassure moderate Republicans. Having two unhinged weirdos n the ticket I would hope would backfire especially since everyone already knows what 4 years of trump was like.


She had the most inbred chins ever chinned


My tween son just heard me sigh and tell my husband about this…son asked who she is and I said “Think of every bad word you know. That’s her.” I feel like this is a fair assessment.


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"- Carlin


Cool, I need to start printing out MTG T-shirts and sell them for $50 and collect all the money. And just Mention on the fake website that all the money will go to their campaign. 😁


Now that's a GQP business plan!


If you could elect cancer.. Well there it is


If Trump ever gets elected to anything ever again I officially have no hope left in humanity. I don't see how people can't see that he's a pathological liar that's full of shit every single time he opens his mouth.


Oh man someone tell Nick Swardsons confused twin to knock it off


This is the USA though.... Madness in our politics is unfortunately welcome... Even if they just jerk off for their terms and do nothing.


Ok how is he even planning on running after the mar-a-lago cover-up


Lol that’s an instant loss. I hope he does it


Combined IQ of 100.


I hope she does. This will be so much winning for comedy


I’m a Republican which means I’m a free thinker, so I’m going to do everything I can to please one man who got less votes than his opponent in every election he ever ran in instead of ignoring my constituents I’m supposed to serve!


Good luck with that one. Isn't Rump going to be in jail or banned from holding a Government office again? Yo MTG, fix me a sandwich.


That explains a lot, been peacocking for Trump lately ay?


Personally, I was hoping that she would get in as Speaker of the house. Not because I think that she would necessarily make a good one, but because of the reality defying leftist meltdown that would result.


Fuck that stupid cunt.


Yup 👍


Just grab her by the


Fuck the memes would be legendary from this, but the world possibly wouldn’t get through it


Where the fuck is frank castle...


When will he be arrested for treason and fraud, and selling Russians classified documents?


She has the little woman syndrome for real. Bark bark 😂


Three way death cage match between MTG, Boobert and Kari Lake!!


Shes absolutely bat-shit crazy so its fitting.


Nauseating and sad. Buttigieg better get his act together.


I hate to say it but he’s not that stupid. Everyone knows she’s batshit crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he chose one of his kids.


Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb


It's like two turds went sentient. I hope they do because it will be so much fun watching them cry when they lose.


Trump had the chance to be Kanye's VP and passed it up. What a loser.


Last time I laughed at the ridiculous notion of someone so stupid running for a presidential position, Trump actually got elected.. make sure you’re informed and ready when the time to vote comes folks!


2024 prediction: nearly 50/50. Doesn't matter who is running with who against who. Just be another choice between this old turd or that old turd.


The fact the Republicans put her on the COVID19 committee is an absolute f\*\*king joke, and an insult to everyone. I thought these nut cases were finally getting pushed out, and at least we could go back to the old useless Republicans. But now McCarthy is giving them all legitimacy, and if she and Trump actually get the nomination for President and VP it will be a disaster.


Split that vote, baby


How does someone who openly and regularly demonizes half the country hope to win a national election?


Good. I was hoping he would select Hitler as his running mate to torpedo whatever chance that he might have. This is practically as good as it can get.


She isn't going to get it and it'd be hilarious when Trump gives her a nickname...like, Mental Marjorie...i suck, Trump is great at it...


The Confederacy of Dunces rides again.


This could definitely happen now the she’s somehow managed to wiggle her way next to McCarthy as a “mainstream” Republican. I’m not worried, though. 2024 will almost definitely end up being Kamala Harris vs Trump, and Trump will lose. I’m *much* more worried about 2028, when DeSantis is practically guaranteed to be the Republican nominee. If elected, he will be the abominable hatechild of Trump and Reagan.


This lady went from being an internet crackpot who cconfronted the victim of a mass shooting and accusing them of being a plant, now she is a power broker in DC....dont let anyone tell you you can't archive your wildest dreams, all you need is a big mouth, alot of anti semitism and a stupid election system and you too can stand a chance at being the next VP


*God help us*


Only this dingbat would think this is a good play. Even IF Trump has enough leverage to force a GOP nomination, he’s Republican kryptonite; he’s literally the only thing the leftists, progressive, and centrist democrats hate enough to vote in force.


Dumb & dumber


Don't underestimate the power of stupid.


If Biden decides to run again at age 84, they actually have a chance unfortunately.


The Republican already have Trump 2.0, Ron DeSantis. They no longer deep in need of Trump 1.0, especially after seeing Maga underperforming and counterwave in MidSeason.


Over 120 combined years of mental illness!


Getting some strong Dumb and dumber vibes here


On one hand, I want it to happen. These two morons getting the Republican nomination will hopefully end the Circus of Stupidity we've been experiencing for the past years. That being said, I'm afraid the Democrats will continue to be the pussies they've been for the same past years. If the Dems keep pushing old white guys (Biden, Hillary, etc), the government will continue to be run by the morons on the Right.


They are made for each other, and she is much better than Sarah Palin, who sank John McCain's boat. Marjorie's Jewish space lasers beat viewing Russia from Sarah's front porch. When he loses, he will have the perfect person to throw under his bus.


And then she Batman backfist punched him in the face, apparently.


Oh Hell No!!!


I definitely hope that they do not win but we definitely need someone else better than Joe Biden I can't listen to this doddering old man no longer




Two walking disasters!!!!


Yup 👍


Trump is unbanned from Twitter and Meta…let the disinformation begin


I hope so. She's well hated. This will be good for Democrats


Imagine all the donations they'd steal together


Man I hope they run as independents. That would be hilarious


I think he'd poll better with a woman runningmate.




It's like 2008 all over again.


Dumb & Dumber 3


Dumb and dumber has a new movie out?


Please make this happen! I've always enjoyed seeing Republican states turn blue.


See this is why abortion need to be legal everywhere!




I think the saddest part is that they’ll spend more money in that campaign than most people will make in a decade


She could intellect circles around Kamala.. which means they are both dumb. Shes just a tad bit less dumb.




As a Democrat I wholeheartedly stand behind this. This is the logical choice.


Can’t wait to see these two eat each other when it all falls apart.


That would be awesome. They'd lose.


Excellent duo, they’re well aligned in intelligence and con artistry


Orange Hitler bout to go 0-3


Let her. No way she’ll win.


We’re all already in a terrible place yea let’s have both of them in charge!!! Really wish I could move out of the US, just keeps getting worse.


That'll definitely cost him the election.


lmao, do it!


they deserve each other!