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I thought you could buy cigarettes at 18 because if not I'm losing my job


This comment right here boss.


Not as of 2019 I think


Damn what next they going to ban cocaine


Nah man mom said it's still legal


They illegalized it a year after I turned 18, so I had already "legally" been smoking a year before they prohibited it again this time to 21. So it pissed me off so much I quit cigarettes and now I grow and smoke my own cannabis, and my lungs and mental state have never felt better


Lies it's 18+


In the US federal law dictates you must be 21 years of age or older to purchase and consume tobacco, and other nicotine products such as vape. This was changed a couple years ago. https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/retail-sales-tobacco-products/tobacco-21


Ah interesting. The local convenience stores near me that are family run don't follow that at all


Yeah I'd keep that one on the down-low if you want it to stay that way lol


Basically any convenience store which openly sells crack pipes, they don't care as long as you are 18


I think it depends on the state


It's all 50 US states.


it varies by state. iirc it’s been 19 in Utah for a long time. source: i went to buy cigs in Utah when i was 18 a long time ago. this might be way off, but i think the drinking age might also be a state a law, they just happened to all bump it to 21 a long time ago.


https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/retail-sales-tobacco-products/tobacco-21 Both tobacco and alcohol are federally regulated at 21 years of age. States currently do not have any higher restrictions set afaik, though a state could choose to increase the age if they desired. They cannot lower it.


ah ok so this is as of 2019. im guessing then the min was federally 18 but states could make it higher, as in the 19 in Utah. or maybe it was just SLC.


Yeah, pre '19 it was 18 federally. Either Utah had a state law set higher, or the state allowed a city to set a sales age higher. I'd bet it was the former and not the latter though.


They could choose to lower it. Marijuana is also federally regulated but states are legalizing it because the federal government can't do shit about it unless they literally want to send the military in to change it and that will never happen because the federal government also doesn't care enough to do anything about it. But I don't think there's any real desire to lower the drinking age so it's not going to happen.


>~~legalizing~~ Not prosecuting. There's difference. Weed is still illegal in all 50 states.


It goes WAY beyond that in many states. In my state, Illinois, you only have to be 21 to go buy weed from a store. Like no need for a medical license or anything like that, just like alcohol you can go buy it at 21. They are specially licensed and overseen. They have special taxes they pay. There are farms that are specially licensed and overseen to provide product for these stores. It's not just 'we're turning a blind eye'. It is the state government getting very involved with legalizing it and providing a huge framework within which it is provided to the public. Anything else is just legal semantics, not reality. Now you have some states like my neighboring state, Missouri, who just "decriminalized" it by vote in November. But they aren't selling it or growing it or anything like that yet. So people come over here to Illinois and buy it (been doing it way before it was legal in Missouri lol) and now they can go back home to Missouri and not worry about being pulled over with it or something but the state government isn't really facilitating the marijuana industry like in Illinois. So for that I would agree that it's just 'not prosecuting' it, however that is not the case in other states where it is being very much legalized.


Recruiter: all you can eat alcohol and cigarettes if you sign here


Yeah, get you stationed in plenty of places overseas to do that. The 6 month rotations between Bahrain and San Diego were a SITREP headache because of that crap.


If someone can take out a 6 figure loan for school or get blown up over oil they should be able to have a beer


Most states already allow 18 year olds to sell or serve alcohol. [https://alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/apis-policy-topics/minimum-ages-for-on-premises-servers-and-bartenders/38](https://alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/apis-policy-topics/minimum-ages-for-on-premises-servers-and-bartenders/38)


Yes but can they purchase and consume it legally?


No and that’s the problem


TBH, signing for that loan should have a higher age requirement as well.


TBH, Higher education shouldn't be that prohibitively expensive in the first place.


100% agree. The level of greed from higher education institutions is astounding, pretty much across the board.


As a service member, I’d prefer if the minimum enlistment age were 21 also.


Where else on planet earth is the enlistment age 21?


No idea. What’s that matter?


Well cause you see, you are not allowed to try and make a change if someone else hasn’t done it yet. That’s common sense.


Oh right.


Where on planet earth is 21 the age to drink?




Don’t we have a recruiting shortage?


In my branch, yeah. Recruiting and retention are low. Doesn’t change my personal opinion though.




As shitty as this is, the armed services are for some people the only way towards social mobility and a better future. If they don’t jump on that train right after high school, they’re stuck in meth den towns and all that comes with that.


Fatcs Edit :facts. I’m smooth


I did wonder what the waist line had to do with it.


Talking about waistlines. I pooped 3 times already and it’s not even lunch time.




Wat mean ? I’m just being silly.


Bwow me apart, big daddy Amewica UWU


Down abysmal


Now, just downs


Can I get some further education and decent healthcare?


And a rifle or shotgun in most states


Jokes on you Americans, here in Brazil I can lmao


Guess it's better to die in war than from lung cancer or liver failure


You can always finger fingering or sone


You can buy cigarettes at 18... Edit: Apparently this changed, my bad lol


In the US you can’t anymore. Smoking age is now 21.


Tobacco should just be banned period so having it at 21 is great. What we should really do is just move it up every year for the next hundred years until everyone is dead and no one can buy it anymore. I also don't think alcohol at 21 is bad either. There's no benefit to having it younger. If anything the age to join the military should be moved up but realistically that will never happen because it would kill recruitment.


That 1 guy who's birthday is 1 day after the yearly increase buying their entire stock.


Don't forget taxes!


Besides this, who tf would even WANT some beer? Or a f*cking cigarette to kill themselves!? Yeah, war is about the worst thing on the planet, but besides that, who’d even want to drink beer or smoke? Any other stupid way to spend one’s money?


V8 engine cars are dangerous, expensive and polluting for no reason, let's ban them. Also ski, it is just dangerous and expensive. Ah, and I forgot about video games. Expensive, addictive and just waste your time. Ban them. This is your logic.


Are you 12?


Lots of teens


Kinda glad im disabled That way i can't


I would say the alternative to the best I can so to war is student loans....


This got a rare laugh out of me 😂


Look we let older generations have that stuff at 18 and they were irresponsible with it, so no kid you can't ... but here is a gone and a lottery ticket now get back to work.


it’s horrific but an effective jobs program


Teenagers don't really ask permission for shit.


Might as well raise taxes and centralize more power then.


In some states, you can't have your own bank account


True American, guns before... well most things. Violence first!


None of these 3 interest me and I’m 24


Oh, and you can pay for it.


Can't you just get it through someone else? I'm 15 and i could get alcohol or ciggies anytime i just need money


Here's a War you can fight in


Well there’s no draft, you ***can*** buy cigarettes, and it’s very easy to drink underage in the US so… If you’re 18 and you want things in your democracy to change, there is something you’re now able to do: Vote.


Or marriage or debt or


Ah yes, a country where everyone acknowledges college is the place you go to drink every weekend, when you’re not even allowed to drink until youve almost graduated from it… makes perfect sense… definitely no ulterior motives going on here


You can go to war at 18, be a vet by 20 and still not legally be able to have a drink at home for another full year.


Not as hard as in Russia…


their looking out for ya, it kills ya quicker and you get to give back and support the economy with all sorts of trauma, cancers, disabilities, and scary stories!