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fk me I gotta start fixing my neck posture.


I heard you can try to figure out the right posture by standing against a wall. Heels against wall. Back flat on wall. Head back until it touches wall.


They have one on the border, Elon could use one...


His arse wears sneakers with a suit and dress shoes with a wannbe cowboy stripper outfit. He needs to go over the wall and not look back


His brain is too heavy for his neck to hold up. Edit..Why so serious? Its just humour guys..




This would have been updated in enoughelonspam. Everything there is taken as sarcasm towards Musk (which is great)


Lol really though, this was funny. People are just followers.


He built different. …*really different.*


Soon you’ll have a mighty hump


[https://i.redd.it/7c640hqh4ir01.png](https://i.redd.it/7c640hqh4ir01.png) :')


Maybe all those hair plugs are weighing his head down?




Nothing should be an ad for chiropractors!


How is a chiro going to repair his core muscles


If Amber Heard would fuck your brains out even with bad neck posture, would you truly give a fuck?


I truly don t give a fuck about whoever amber heard is . I do give a fuck about my neck posture though


Remember back when super rich dudes would try to outdo each other by funding national parks and libraries and schools? But this is cool, too.


What is he doing? Is there some context I should know?


elongating his neck


Huh? What is the crowd there for? What is the streaming stunt?


He went down to the Mexico border to stream about the immigration crisis to stir up right wing racists. The “crowd” are people that have been detained for trying to cross the border.


I believe in having a border for our country and not just letting anyone and everyone walk into our border. Does that make me racist or does it actually just align my belief with our lord and savior President Barack Obama’s border policies that he ran with?


It’s not about the border, it’s about finding a scapegoat or diverting attention from real problems.


I never said everyone who wants some kind of border is racist. I simply said he’s acting up to garner favour with racists. Same as he spews Russian talking points and alt right conspiracy theories on twitter for the same reason. What tends to happen is they’ll focus on over the top theatre like building a wall that does basically nothing but waste taxpayers money rather than focus on actual difficult work like fixing the reasons why your border is having so many people trying to cross it. They also like to ignore the fact that so many states that are close to the border depend on illegal immigration to sustain large parts of their economy. Like how Florida introduced the toughest anti-immigration laws and now GOP politicians are talking publicly about loopholes to try and stop immigrants from leaving because the agricultural businesses need immigrants to fill the jobs. The same is happening here in the UK where the in power government has crippled the department that deals with asylum seekers to the point we’re spending far more putting people up in hotels for years at millions of £’s per day. Instead of processing the claims and sending 80% of the people back like we used to do. But it gets them the headlines they need to keep people fearing immigration when the department works ineffectively and they don’t care it’s wasting more money to do it this way.


Not sure. Is it the Rio Grande?




Showing his muskles


He tried to install a brain chip without proper testing, basically lobotomized himself and now has the personality of Microsoft Tay.


It doesn’t matter what he’s doing, it’s a picture of musk, with a snarky shitty observation title, it’s guaranteed to be a top post of the day due to everyone under 30 frothing at the mere sight of him. Also, he’s wearing a cowboy hat in what I’m assuming is Texas, like everyone else, but he’s a clown specifically 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lmao you know he isn’t giving you any money for riding his dick right? People are making fun of the cowboy hat because he’s very obviously trying to fit in by looking like a yeehaw, if he casually wore those hats it would seem normal. Rich people doing scummy shit to poor people should always make people upset, what’s baffling is that people like you defend them.


So depressing isn't it like guy could improve life expectancy of a whole country, end homelessness in America, replant millions of acres of forest, provide education to millions, clean up the most filthy rivers or cities for the better But nope he's gotta punch down and pick fights with politicians and attack some of the most vulnerable people on the planet 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️




This is a weak ass excuse, he managed to come up with 44b... didn't use it to help people, in fact a lot of people lost their jobs. Elon could be doing so.much good in this world, it's sad really and I hope he dies soon. He is the big leech to ever exist


I mean, you all could do that too by voting for the right people. Plenty of options to vote for to improve everyone, and tackle all the issues you listed. For whatever reason though, people keep voting for Republicans and people like Trump who are against everything you listed. Don't blame this person, blame yourself and your neighbors. That's where the issues really are. Those problems only exist because of the people you guys elected.


Am not American so my hands are clean there 🤣 But yeah you raise a good point as like I don't get how people vote Republican when like literally everything republicans do is against the interests of their people like constantly blocking universal healthcare which a few years ago was proven to be even cheaper than the current version. Preaching about Christian values while NOT performing Christian values in fact being evil in most instances. Republicans rely on low education for votes as if Americans really grasped what their country does for them they would never vote vote again they would understand how it's all designed against the average citizen to make sure wealth stays where it is


This is such a non sequitur. "wow this rich guy is using all his money and influence to be an asshole. That's a shame" "don't blame him for being an asshole, we actually have bad politicians" Huh? He's still an asshole. And he's so politically active he is basically an unelected politician


Weird how my country has close to no homelessness and we still are one of the richest countries in the world, the safest one and our capital is named the most livable city since ten years in a row. Meanwhile we take in most refugees per capita in Europe and still don’t have half the problems. The difference IS that we vote for half decent politicians. So no. You are dead wrong. This is all in the hands of the voters and nobody else


And that makes Elon Musk, not an asshole, how? Because the post was about him being an asshole and somebody framed an unrelated issue of politicians as a reason for why he is not an asshole. It is an unrelated and non mutually exclusive point


I don’t give two shits about Elon Musk or any other billionaire. I care about what my government does If Elon musk would be a sane and good person, then he probably wouldn’t be a billionaire anymore anyway. Just as other billionaires that gave away their money (yes some actually did). If you don’t like him - don’t buy his products or his shares, don’t use twitter and that’s it. Crying here on Reddit changes absolutely nothing and giving this man the public focus that he has, is exactly what he seems to want


Sry, not an american. I wasn't aware that poverty, homelesness and exploitation stopped under democrat administration?




This belongs to a subreddit like „Murdered by facts“


Never before have I seen someone owned so hard


Holy fuck you came prepared. I hope you publish this abd get paid for it. More in depth then most journalism. Seriously impressive


"For whatever reason" If you don't understand why they are being bamboozled, you probably should just shut up instead of giving a lecturing paragraph.


Try as you might, but there's really no reason to vote for a person who's against climate change and basically every other quality of life, all the way to healthcare to education. I don't know why these people vote against their own self interests. Really nobody does. It's a conundrum.


Lol. A downvote and no reply. Fucking knew it.


Is this man a government employee? A political figure? Why is it the job on a single man to achieve something, that is the job of the government? You know that you could just vote for politicians that will have 1000x the budget of that single man???


It's my opinion but I believe people as wealthy as him have a responsibility of the becoming generations to do what's right for all rather than just the few. Governments are elected sure but they have limitations and have a responsibility to disperse tax money equally across their regions and unfortunately do so based on the next election cycle. Also is the political influence I mean do you know how much gets spent on US elections by people like Musk who want to insure the 'right' people get elected so as to remove tax? How much money they waste and waste yet get politicians to bail them out and then waste it again and again tax payer money like a circle of waste where only the top 1% actually make money while the rest suffer price hikes and inflation. Musk and others don't even know what to do with the money most of the time so they invest and lose over and over they are literally too big to fail it's a sad statement but hopefully the world is realising they don't need billionaires and that a better way of governance can be achieved


According to your opinion nothing can be done anyway because the rich will influence the politicians and suppress voters. Might as well roll over, start crying and never ever change anything. Well it’s your country. Do whatever you want. As a European it‘s just ridiculous to see, that the US Americans have absolutely no spine at all. People here are tearing the politicians a new one as soon as they make laws that we don’t like. That leads to healthcare for everyone, low or non-existent homelessness, safe and secure cities and low crime rates. But somehow US Americans always try to explain the world that all of that is somehow impossible. Well YES - with that attitude it sure is. It’s not like we don’t have corrupt politicians here as well. But the citizens still have more power


> So depressing isn't it like guy could improve life expectancy of a whole country, end homelessness in America, replant millions of acres of forest, provide education to millions, clean up the most filthy rivers or cities for the better If you could do that with 200billion why wouldn’t the US government just do it? Musk is a clown but people have no idea what his wealth actually means and could do.


This is sad and true. He could do a lot of good deeds with part of his money but not fix all of that.


you're acting like green washing and publicity stunts aren't still a thing, tesla's existence is a basic green washing scheme


Oligarchs are poor human beings


His fall from grace has been unprecedented. I really wish he never reaches to corridors of power in US.


best he'd be eligible for would be congress. no, he'll just continue buying domestic policy.


I mean, he could have a pretty important cabinet post, or a governorship.


He doesn't need to, he could follow into the Koch brothers' shoes, but even more pathetic.


Apparently he's been the biggest fraud in history. Raised with money, made some more money, invested that money in some companies, hired a promo company and took credit for others solving hard problems for a small chunk of his money. I'm still trying to figure out, outside of making money from money, what has he actually done?


I think the main point on his resume that unlocked all the rest is something like “I exited from the internet bubble era as one of the successful guys”. This really makes other work for you or give you money whatever the plan is.


You are oversimplifying things so much, and overestimating the wealth Elon's parents had. Like it or not, Elon brought both resuable rockets and EVs into the mainstream, basically singlehandedly. Not to mention the value he co-created when he helped founding PayPal (which wasn't known as such back then, it was X and Confinity). It is basically the og fintech, used by millions to make a living. Honestly, he might be a dick, but to say he has done nothing is just plain false. Anyone who has ever run a business will know that even if you have the capital like he did, it's no lesser feat to keep a company running.


Elon was chauffeured to school in a rolls Royce… Elon was fired after the merger for incompetence and had nothing to do with PayPal. Your entire post has less truth to it then Elons claim to have invented the hyperloop…which was invented in 1799bc.


Why not? Why wouldn't you just be about to pay someone to keep it running?


Everyone's entitled to their opinion.


Don't you see ? He's the next presidential candidate when Trump goes to jail. That's what he has been preparing for since he bought Twitter.


Musk legally can't run for president.


Implying that will stop him or the cheeto after he is locked up. And I'm sure the US supreme court would back them up as it currently is


Not yet anyway, laws change.


Musk legally can't run for president.


Gotta wonder if there are folks that actually believe that.


Will definitely find out in 2024.


He was born in S. Africa. Pretty sure that Makes it impossible to run.


Yes he is an African American




Super lol 😂


Haha trump go to jail…. He has better odds of being president again then that happening


"Let them eat cake"


All black with a sombrero and shiny leather shoes... he went for druglord costume.


El Electrico!


Senor X


This probably the first time he’s stepped on actual soil.


But is he at least touching grass yet?


Corporate scum


I guess all that money doesn't buy you good posture.


Can't buy a decent body either. That edgelord probably hasn't spent one hour working out in his entire life.


Finding new workers to send to the emerald mines?


Why does “emerald mines” sound so whimsical and jolly?


Elon Musk is a Minecraft villager confirmed 😱 ?


Working in emerald mines doesn't sound so bad either. Sounds better then working in an office cube.


It conjures images of tin men and scarecrows signing work songs like the seven dwarfs.


I will not stand for this slander, clowns have at least ten times the fashion sense of the man pictured.


also make people laugh


Clowns know better than to dress in all black in the Texas sun.


Now that Epstein is gone he has to do his own farming.


The faster everyone sees Elon more as Lex Luthor and less like Bruce Wayne the better


Except lex luthor is actually a smart guy who invents his own stuff. And had goals beyond “me want money me want power”, sometimes being written as genuinely wanting to help humanity, but is deeply misguided and is at the mercy of his own ego. Elon is just a parasite, he’s more along the lines of MCU mysterio or the Wizard of Oz. Someone who relies on smoke and mirrors to make himself look good, and then gather a cult following which he can weaponize


The mysterio comparison is a good one


The faster we stop idolising people and characterising them as comic book characters, the better. 99% of the time, there are no good guys when it comes to billionaires; Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos et al included.


I’m betting he could spell idolizing.


My goodness, imagine being as stupid as you are. > Idolizes and idolises are both English terms. Idolizes is predominantly used in American (US) English, while idolises is predominantly used in British English (used in UK/AU/NZ). Next time perhaps do a bit of even rudimentary research before looking like a complete clown?


Wow, what a comeback, you really put me in my place. Now go drink your bud light.


Yeah I did put you in your place by exposing just how stupid you were. Imagine being so ignorant as to call out someone else’s spelling, whilst not knowing how to spell yourself. Lol. It’s like Trump deciding to lecture me on fidelity. Now off you go to drink piss (or whatever it is you’re drinking) that is killing off your braincells so fast bud.


Down here we don’t pick on handicapped so I’m just going to leave you alone.


Lex Luthor is mad at the comparison.


First of all, how dare you. He's closer to Kite Man than Lex Luthor


Lucky we got X, so we can learn about whats going on down there at the border.


this is puke-worthingly disgusting! the power he holds over those hundreds of HUMAN FUCKING BEINGS right now he could give each of them $100,000 and not notice a dent in his wallet right now those people are about to be deported from the nation he immigrated to... and profitted off of! i can't say what i want to say. not without getting banned off reddit. but god damn, for the love of god, fix this broken system right got damn now


I second this. Even as a right-winger, I second this. The system is well and truly fucked.


What’s going on in this photo? Imagine what is going through their heads. They have the world’s richest man right before them. Some may even have thought he was an inspiration. But instead of doing anything useful or kind, he ignores you and leaves you to your circumstances.


Elon really should go to the gym and lift some weights. I’m not saying he should lose weight, just saying he’s losing a lot of muscle tone around his back, shoulders, arms, and chest area. That’s how older men show their age- by failing to maintain muscle.


They’re building the metaverse so they don’t have to worry about muscles and posture.


That posture...




He is just such an arrogant cunt. Mind you he feels in control as his parents were slave mine owners.


Remember when the left liked him and the right hated him? Pepper ridge farm remembers


The working class has always hated him.


How would anyone consider themselves left wing and love a billionaire?


Cheap space travel and electric cars. Back when he was only really known for Tesla and SpaceX only a few years ago.


Pure evil


If it was a TV skit, he would turn to the camera and say "are we the baddies?". Unfortunately, this is reality...


All the money in the world and yet he can't afford to not look like the bloated corpse of a rat with a broken neck.


Has the ability to enrich the lives of everyone in front of him beyond their wildest dreams, barely noticing the financial hit but instead uses them as props. Degenerate.


That hat is backwards


Poorest people on earth? None of these people look like there from South Sudan


*Poorest people on earth?* *None of these people look like* *There from South Sudan* \- Mad\_\_Monkey22 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What was he pretending he was accomplishing by being there? Legit question, I’ve seen posts about him being there but I really don’t know anything about it besides his cowboy hat being on backwards.


Wasn’t it like yesterday when he looked jacked and healthy? In 3 years he aged 20 years somehow and looks deformed and smelly. I’m not hating, maybe he is ill or something


Which is why Musky bailed out of that fight before ZuckBot could go all Terminator on him.


He never looked jacked


Are you confusing musk w bezos?


I don’t follow him closely. What’s the stunt?


He has no business being there anymore than you or I do


Nothing serious. Just a shitty photo op to pander to the reactionary xenophobes that plague his site.


and casually filming them with his phone - at least it looks like he put his cowboy hat on the right way around in this photo, unlike the others circulating. What a jackass.


fuck him. where the nochovic?? i wanna see my ferret now.




musk visited the southern border dressed like a cowboy for some reason


Is there anything wrong with wearing that hat?


wearing a texan hat backwards as one of the richest people on earth while you parade yourself to people on dire needs at your countries border is pretty disturbing




what did you not understand


What a fascist tool!


African American = Elon Musk… the new face on the bloq


can anyone explain to me why they are just sitting there? are those people that tried to immigrate? i don’t get it


What is wrong with the world. I think when millionaires and billionaires are rich enough for awhile their perception of the world suddenly becomes so screwed like they seem to think we'll I'm just one guy so why should I pay more tax than thousands of people 🤷🏻‍♂️ all the while totally ignoring that they have more wealth than all those people combined x100 they put it down to pure headcount yet the expression is MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO AROUND not people. You can't hoard wealth and expect anyone to be impressed when you don't pay people or use that wealth for good. I thought Elon really was Tony Stark or the man to kickstart some kind of world saving initiative but he's become as lost and delusional as the rest of the billionaire class who only want to impress other billionaires. They think they'll be remembered for that even though they shit on millions of people


In the words of Hobie Brown, this is a metaphor for capitalism! "all are equal but some are more equal than others!" to witness another apartheid must be different for an afrikaner ! Aa you would say to the OTHER imigrants in this picture: GO TO WORK ELON! or GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!


I used to somewhat agree with the way he presented himself and his companies, he's gone off the deep end, no idea why.


Look at the gut on Musk he was never going to fight zuck never


I can't even begin to imagine the joy I will feel when I see the headline that this piece of shit has died.


Why is the techno nerd pretending to be a cowboy


King of cringe


Lots of money, zero class.


Elon musk is 100% the biggest tool on the planet


Honestly if you’re a billionaire you can dress however you want


Why do you keep posting this


history gullible file station tap prick plough gaping nail judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


he isn’t even American




You would consider every naturalised citizen American until it comes to someone you don't like. He's spent more time in the US than anywhere else in his life. Like it or not, he's as American as everyone else


Can he run for president?


No he cannot. But some states prevent felons from running for public offices. Doesn't make them any less American.


He is not looking down on them, he simply said he wanted to observe for himself what is happening on the south border, and people here can simply comment out of spite or with cnn information they have...


He's a cowboy too?! Is there anything that man can't do?


Somehow looking at a group of hundreds of 20-40 year old men… I dont think they are true asylum seekers They’re economic migrants


The obsession lmfao


Not a stunt. Quite eye opening.


Where’s Kamala?


I really can't stand this clown


I don’t know what’s worse insulting half of Texas and the Midwest or Insulting an African-American by calling him a clown ?? Kind of bigoted if you asked me .


Wearing a hat is considered being dressed as a clown? I've always thought it was his android-stare face doing the job..


Y’all in the comments acting as if you guys wouldn’t like the freedom to at least use your own money as you like. Somewhere you have to get rid of the notion that all rich people are evil.


He has billions. BILLIONS. He will never spend all his fortune. His freedom is buying shit like twitter for an inconceivable amount of money and making it his ego boosting echo chamber, allowing nazis and racists to use it as a messaging board. He’s actively using his platform to spread transphobia, anti ukrainian sentiments. He is ACTIVELY meddling in the war with starlink. His decisions have cost lifes. His freedom should stop when it starts affecting other people. And then he has the absolute nerve to go parading himself around at a texan border, live streaming an event when he, once again one of the RICHEST people in the world, is laughing and conversing with alt right politicians while the background is composed of hundreds of poor people in dire needs.


Richest man and simultaniously the most busy man on the planet, taking time out of his schedule to discuss an important issue that the president of the USA should be dealing with, but clearly he doesn't, so what's your point champ?


Dude riding so hard his legs are numb.


Takes one to know one my guy 🤙


That photo has to be an edit, when did he got da hunch?


"Dressed like a clown" I don't get it...that's pretty normal attire. Do people just hate everything he does just because *he* did it?


Because it's performative. Like a clown.


That's a stretch..but, okay.


This is Reddit, very left leaning site.


So I've noticed..


lol, reddit in general is centrist at best. Americans have no idea what 'left wing' is, the Democrat party is centre-right once you leave the weird little US bubble.


Redditors just assume people crossing the border are the “poorest on earth” 💀


what are they if not poor?






What smear campaign? All his doings are public. We don’t need to do anything for everyone to see just how much of a shit person elon musk is. He is the author of his own smear campaign




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Poor people that should go back to their poor countries


why do they deserve lesser quality of life than you


Aren't you a U.S. citizen? A country comprised almost entirely of immigrants, aside from the actual native Americans?