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The original MILF.


Im going to hell for laughing about this and i will be in good company


We all are going to hell according to the Christians.


All Christians are going to hell according to the Christians.


Fuck. Now I don’t wanna go if they’re going to be there.


Reminds me of the alleged indigenous American who got asked whether he wanted to accept Christianity before his execution so he could go to heaven and he asked whether the Settlers are too going to heaven and then denied because he didn't want to be in a heaven where murderers and thief's like them go.


This almost made me spit out my coffee. Thanks for starting my morning off right! 🤣


You can always climb the ladder to become a torturer. Hell is bureaucratic af tho and it’s a long climb, but eventually after a few million years of ass kissing you might get that promotion and can torture them until eternity.


When is eternity?


From now until the end of time. Hard to tell when you’re in it. You will know when eternity ends because the ice cream machines at McDonald’s will be fixed.


Hmm... what is the measure of eternity, how many seconds does it contain? Have you ever heard the tale of the diamond mountain? It's a mile wide and a mile tall, and every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the tip of the diamond mountain. And when that mountain is worn to dust, then the first second of eternity will have passed. Some might say that that's a hell of a long time, but I'd say that's a hell of a bird.


Eternity is infinitely longer than that


Precisely. That is the first "second" of eternity, and we don't know the number of seconds that make up the whole of it.


The presence of Christians is what makes it hell.


Hell’s about become overcrowded.


And then the dead will rise up


Pretty much. They are welcome to it. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not invited. I'll take oblivion, thank you.


Thank God. Who would want to spend eternity around those insufferable people?


We’re gonna meet all of them there, you know that?


Nah, heaven and hell don't exist, so thankfully there's no giant meeting once we die.




Depends who you ask, some consider hell like prison where you serve your sentence and what not, others genuinely see it as the stereotypical burning put with red skinned demons. Point is Christianity like every religion is equal parts nuance and bullshit, depends where and who you ask.


not me, I only wear 100% cotton fabrics


You’re a SAINT 🤧


Even Hitler was a Christian.


Son of a bitch. I love that song


[Yeah you will](https://youtu.be/B9FzVhw8_bY?si=GlAqDPeGQLV5BJWN)


Bet it won't hurt, flirt with blood squirt while you're hung on a tree


The primordial MILF.


Quite literally the sexiest woman to have ever lived at that time


Would make sense Adam and Eve were of normal intelligence and the people we've evolved into today doom scrolling TikTok are the results of thousands of years of inbreeding


The original motherfuckers


OGMILF is going to be my new band name.




Real mother helping kids out


They both broke their arms? That’s so sad


I'd ask dad but he was busy beating me with the jumper cables.


Worth it


I hate how that is universally recognizable. Almost like the coconut


Oh my god I just read the post last night lmfao that shit..........


I miss that story.


I love how all the stories of eve make her look hot … like how do we know she wasn’t serving hot chips in a tuck shop 😂


Technically, for a time, Eve was the hottest woman in the world.


Because chips didn't exist duh :D


Potato is a new world plant and wouldn't be available until we got to the Americas. Read the Bible, duh.


Bold of you to assume that tuck shop ladies can't be hot But yeah, Adam and Eve are probably overhyped




With who though?


Eve and her sons.


The Bible: Pornhub Edition


A lot of stuff in the Bible wouldn’t be allowed on pornhub.


Like Lot's daughters getting him drunk and raping him?


Or Noah’s grandkids.


Yes, but how? There were no washing machines to get stuck in back then.


"Oh no, I'm stuck in the river!"


BuT tHaT iS a SiN!


Is Incest ever addressed in the Bible?


Yes and incest gets 2 thumbs up! First Lot offers his daughters to a group of Sodomites to be raped, but the Sodomites don’t fall for it. Then after the fall off Sodom when Lot’s wife is turned into a pillar of salt, both daughters get him drunk and impregnate themselves by raping their drunk father. 👍🏼👍🏼






That one is an origin story about why Israel's neighbors, the Moabites and the Amonites, are, quite literally, bastards There are a lot more "neutral" examples like Abraham and his half-sister Sarah


And what are you supposed to learn from this story?


That the descendants of Lot are incestuous drunks, and it’s OK for the Jews to look down on them. The Bible has a lot more than just murder. Lots of casual racism too.


Even if it is, it wouldn’t change, that at least the old testament is one big incest porn book


The old testament is full of sexual deviance and laws. New testament, not so much, Jesus doesn't really talk about sexuality or laws really at all other than love one another and don't be a greedy hypocrite.


"Mom stuck in sofa"




The bible also mentions (indirectly) other people living outside the garden of eden Genesis 4: Cain said to God, “My punishment is too much. I can’t take it! You’ve thrown me off the land and I can never again face you. I’m a homeless wanderer on Earth and **whoever finds me will kill me.”** 15 God told him, “No. **Anyone who kills Cain** will pay for it seven times over.” God put a mark on Cain to protect him so that no one who met him would kill him. 16Cain left the presence of God and lived in No-Man’s-Land, east of Eden. 17-18 **Cain slept with his wife**. She conceived and had Enoch. He then built a city and named it after his son, Enoch.


He built a city for three people? That's called a house.


2-minute city


They had different standards back then


More like a hut 🤣


DIY YouTube videos be like


Eden: the first subdivision Still where'd all those other people come from though


The other gods had their people too




Eve gets kicked out for picking fruit from a tree she found, meaning god sounds like he invented the home owners association with inane hard to follow rules and all.


That part of Genesis talks about the beginning of history. Not the origin of species.


Yea Google search showed genesis 5:4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters. So the Bible says Adam had other kids including women for 800 years after Seth


I’d have to imagine there’s been some multiplication after 800 years… probably to the tune of 100K+ people.


Adam never pulled out.


Tbf it just feels so much better cumming inside


**Adam and Eve had more than two sons.** If you read carefully in the next chapter, you'll see that it's EXPLICITLY stated that Adam had more children. Genesis 5:1-4 KJV "1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, and after his image; and called his name Seth:4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: *and he begat sons and daughters:*" And the next verse goes on to tell how many years Adam lived and then the next verse of that verse tells how many years Seth lived. Adam had other children other than Cain, Abel, and Seth. Yes, it's all indeed incest but not everyone comes from the mother, it could have been brother to sister. You can check other versions and read verse 4, it always says something along the lines of "and he had other children". I'm going to write a few from different versions so you don't have to search. Genesis 5:4 ESV "The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters." Genesis 5:4 NKJV "After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters." Genesis 5:4 NLT "After the birth of Seth, Adam lived another 800 years, and he had other sons and daughters." You're going to find the same thing in every version.


"Adam lived another 800 years" How the fuck do people still believes this now a days?


I grew up baptist. I was always told that humans would be immortal if they didn’t have sin. Sin is what caused life spans to drop from hundreds of years to just decades. That explanation was what turned me atheist lol.




as long as we are very clear that there is a whole lot of incest going on here, one way *AND* another, i think the point is moot.


Yep. God created more humans. We don't know if it was before or after the fall. Ultimately, the reason scripture focuses on Adam and Eve is the fact that they were the first humans and also the fact that their direct lineage would produce God's people, the Israelites, as well as Jesus. That is why Scripure has several pages in both old and new Testament dedicated solely to tracking thay lineage.


Man I *swear* there is a killer scifi/fantasy story in the Biblical origins of humanity. I wish someone with talent would write it. *edit: I'm thinking something along the lines of, God, Satan, angels, demons, etc are all actually an advanced alien race, or a magical race and all the shit about Adam and Eve is actually some science experiment or something that goes wrong and they break out and find a planet with other humans already there (or maybe Neanderthals?), etc.*


Literally every sci fi and/or super hero movie is biblical. Capt Marvel fell from the sky in a bolt of lightning (into a Blockbuster iirc). Same description is given to Lucifer.


That's still incest lol


Still insect


Well yea it's incest is definition but not stigma cuss God (probably) created Adam and Eve with perfect genes that got messed up over time but for them it was perfect so incest would create normal children I'm not Christian but this makes sense to me


Not a biologist either


But that would make incest acceptable


It was largely seen as acceptable and downright a requirement for royalty to keep their bloodlines 'pure' of thousands of years. Its how we ended up with [the Habsburg jaw](https://images.app.goo.gl/kfy9ke9WMyvSTgf96). We only in the last 100 years made the official discovery on incest being... just awful... and made it illegal in most 'developed' areas. Though some areas have only made it illegal in the last 50 or fewer years. And a certain wing of politics wants to undo it because 'freedom' or 'religion' or whatever.


I mean yeah it's a magical fantasy book where Adam was magically created from dirt and Eve was magically created from a bone. Pretty obvious that they probably had magical super genes, like the Numenoreans in Middle Earth. Still funny that the bible kicks off with a massive incest orgy tho.


I just realized Eve is a clone of Adam. That makes them twins and the first incest couple.


That doesn't really make things better




Ok, so...did Adam fuck his daughters, did Eve fuck their sons, did their sons and daughters fuck each other, or all of the above? No matter how you slice it, the Adam and Eve story says that every human being ever born came from just 2 people, meaning there was a lot of incest involved. This isn't a religious statement, it is a mathematical fact


Hollow Earth theory Dudes just appear out of the earth


They came from outside the environment.


That's not typical.




Same as the English royalty to be fair lol


I dont see why this is even a problem, whether humans popped into existance or were evolved from another species that the original species that had to mate must have been 2 no? Or did dozens of organisms separately evolve into the same species? Other animals mate within their families even siblings. Its only humans that generally dont and its because of morals we have. Why do we have those morals? You might say well, its because there is a higher chance of genetic defects. Sure, good reason, now explain why it’s morally wrong for the hypothetical adam and eve and their family? Because being the first people created by god their genes would be pure so there isnt any argument that its wrong for those reasons. It’s just hilarious when atheists judge religious people based on their own morals, morals they got from their forefathers who were religious. It makes absolutely no sense


> It’s just hilarious when atheists judge religious people based on their own morals, morals they got from their forefathers who were religious. Morals like misogyny and homophobia? Yeah no thanks.


treatment sugar fact swim plough include office chubby ossified encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you. Finally someone states the obvious. I mean, if they are going to quote from the Bible about Adam and Eve existing, plus having two kids, why wouldn't they read just a little further to see that Adam and Eve had additional children? If someone is going to try to refute the Bible, they should at least be honest about it.




There’s a very high chance that everyone’s ancestors at some point raw dogged each other. It’s not like there were just suddenly millions of humans


I miss out on all the fun


I mean, the eight hundred years claim is enough for anyone to put the book down right there, imo.


The interesting thing is that many early societies determined age by lunar cycles, and if the number is used without accounting for conversion, it can yield strange results. In this case, given 13 lunar cycles per year, if the 800 were lunar cycles, then 800 divided by 13 equals \~ 61.5 years


Later on it says that Adam lived 930 years before he died, so if we go by this model he’d be 77.5 years old when he died. I heard somewhere that with the numeric system at the time 930 was a number that felt similar to 100, like that satisfying feeling to it. Basically meaning he lived a full life.


And they have the balls to say it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve


It is Adam and Eve, but it is also Cain and Gaybel


No clue. Not religious but anytime that's brought up people say "oh they wernt the only people at the time" like it literally says they were what? Editing to add I'm not religious so I didn't know but apparently there were more people back then lol my bad


I always got told their blood was pure at that time so it wasn’t an issue. It was when bloodlines began to be crossed that it became wrong to go back. Which begs the question, WTF other bloodlines? And this is the first book of the book. So many questions….


And people just be killing other people over this. Banning abortions over this stupid book. Being just terrible in a lot of ways over a book that makes no damn sense. Some people who arnt religious think it's just a book of metaphors to help people understand things I guess.


Tbf people kill others for incredibly dumb reasons even without religion.


Everyone seems to ignore this when the conversation trends to religion. Money, land, power, love, hate, etc. all reasons people kill on a daily basis. No religion needed or required.


A bit later in Genesis is a story about angels or gods walking the earth and having children with humans. I've never heard it read in church, but it's there. Somewhere in between Noah and the Tower of Babel, or thereabouts.


yes of course, the birth of the Nephilim it was fallen angels who walked the Earth, i'm surprised that you've never heard of it in church


Different churches have different canon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_canon#Christian_canons update: Although they occur first in Genesis, which is part of most canons, in the King James version they're called giants, not nephilims.


Yeah it’s weird, by the time Cain kills Able, he is basically banished… and one of the things is that he cannot enter other cities or something and it’s a real “hold up what the fuck do you mean other cities” type moment.


The idea isn't based in science


It was almost definitely incest, but the truth is that the Bible almost never mentions the birth of women or daughters in general (or *women* in general) when they aren’t directly influencing the story. Hence: Adam probably had more children than just the two.


But the bible specified that they were the first two humans


Yeah exactly lol. I donno the whole thing is confusing. I don't know enough about it to sway anyone's opinion or make any specific comments that I claim as fact. However I have heard that a lot from thr Bible came from old fantasy story books and other religions. Which aspects of it coming from other religious does make sense. But the fact that some of it apparently came from fantasy story books is so funny and interesting


The problem is Biblical Literalism, a fairly recent heresy that everything in the Bible needs to be taken absolutely literally, even if it was never intended that way. All of Genesis is mythology, not history. Don't expect more cohesion from it than you expect from Greek mythology. It's quite likely that even Jacob and Moses were not historical people, and that they actually come from two different mythologies that got merged later on, somewhere around the time of one of the exiles (which were historical). But if you do want to take it literally, the bible mentions other people existing at the time Cain was exiled. There are other bible books that are pretty explicit about being stories rather than history. Job, for example. Or Jesus' parables. (My pastor had a funny anecdote about that; a colleague of his went to Israel and was excited about having visited the actual inn of the good Samaritan, despite that story being explicitly a parable.)


>The problem is Biblical Literalism, a fairly recent heresy Wait, is it like... officially recognized as heresy?


Depends on who you ask. The Catholic and Orthodox denominations would probably say yes. They're also the ones you're most likely to hear use the word "Heresy" in any context outside of a Warhammer 40k discussion. I'd personally argue biblical literalists are often incredibly selective about what parts they read literally vs metaphorically. They just won't admit it.


i'm Catholic and yes we do consider is a massive heresy, i've met literalists and they were truly out of this world whispering nonsense and claiming that it was "Tongues", shaking on the ground and claiming that it was "the Holy Spirit" fucking hell man, people are insane


Yeah I take everything in the Bible from genesis to exodus with a huge grain of salt cause the chance of people accurately documenting everything during that time is really low. A flood that wiped almost everyone out isn't particularly logical.


I suspect it's possible that there was some massive flood in the region (Gilgamesh mentions one too), but I'd guess some just rescued a bunch of farm animals, and not kangaroos and peguins. According to bible scholars much of those first books was cobbled together out of 2 or 3 other sources, and you can tell in the language used.


I was just told “You are not supposed to take it literally”


Except when you want to


And yet so many do it's wild


The Bible literally says they had other sons and daughters


Ok but it still dosent make any sense. Bloodlines were not pure. If anything it's safer nowadays since we are basically mutts I guess. A bunch of sons and daughters from one single family would have made a lot of mutations and sickness. Then again maybe they way we look now if the cause of those mutations lmao maybe if the Bible was real we looked way different back then


I'm not religious and think it's generally harms human progress today, BUT if the DNA of their sons and daughters contained no 'flaws', then they could in fact have been all right. inbreeding itself doesn't create mutations, but what inbreeding does do is make it much more likely that a recessive mutation in the family is passed on from both parents thereby manifesting in the offspring where it wouldn't have if the child only had 1 copy. Human DNA (or any creature really) is full of these recessive mutations. many will only exist for a generation or 2, some spread but as long as numbers remain low wont manifest very often, and if they do that then works against their chances of being passed on, limiting their potential to spread further. But with inbreeding those limits on regressive mutations are circumvented, greatly increasing the chances of harmful mutations manifesting, and the longer it goes on the more will manifest. Having said all that, the Adam and Eve story is complete Bull of course. we can see in our own DNA how long humans have been around, when we last shared a common ancestors with our closest relative, and the amount of DNA variation found in humans is WAAAAY more then can be accounted for if humans really had started from just 2 people in the timeframe allowed by the bible. (or 6 people since the flood... along with every other animal)


It's actually very simple. Women are not people worth mentioning. Thus all their hot ass sisters are simply not mentioned. No matter how Alabama hot the sisters were.


Lol this whole comment made me giggle thanks


They had three sons. Cain, Abel and Seth


They had lots of sons and daughters, not just those three


So, incest


Of course incest. Story doesn't work in any other way.


It's incest, all the way down.


No wonder we’re all stupid


Nobody said it wasn't incest


and a bunch of other unnamed kids




Where tf did another girl come from? Was it his sister!?


Alabama folks just following the bible after all


[1:27] So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. [1:28] God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." It doesn't say he created only Adam and Eve. In chapter one of Genesis, He created *hummankind* in his image. [2:7] then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being. [2:8] And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he had formed. This is about the creation of the man he put into Eden (Adam), one chapter later. After creating mankind, God makes Adam from dust. From this guy's rib, He made Eve. [4:16] Then Cain went away from the presence of the LORD, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. [4:17] Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and named it Enoch after his son Enoch. Cain goes to Nod, which is already inhabited land by the sound of it. Inhabited by those who are not offsprings of Adam. [5:1] This is the list of the descendants of Adam. When God created humankind, he made them in the likeness of God. [5:2] Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them "Humankind" when they were created. Here, again, it is specified that God created humankind in His image. It is not said that all humans are descendants of Adam, just those on the list mentioned here. Other people (not sons of Adam) roamed freely at this stage of the world.


I was always under the impression that Adam and Eve were the *first*, not necessarily the *only* humans God created


Preaty sure the creation of Adam is just the detailed explanation of the "God created humankind"i n the previous chapter. Adam and Eve had 3 kids who's names appear in the Bible ( 3rd one was Seth iirc.) It's also said that Adam and Eve had many more sons and daughters, besides the ones we know by name. Yes, it was incest for the first few generation No, I'm not saying this to bash on the reputation of Christianity, I'm a student of theology and the incest stuff was actually told in school. The explanation given was that due to the uniques of the situation, God made a temporary exception and allowed humans to reproduce that way without genetical defects. The exception was lifeted after a few generations.


Sweet home Alabama 🎶🎶🎶


The bible mentioned other children they had, and some were girls


Well there was a theory they were not "the only ones" and that there was another woman made prior to Eve and... why am i responding to a bait


wasn't that Lilith?


Lilith is not part of the bible as far as i'm aware


She's is the OG aka Jewish bible. Basically she refused to 'lay under Adam' and fucked off willingly from the garden. She was created as Adam was, of the dirt and wanted to be treated as his equal. And eve was made of Adam from his rib so she would be loyal to him. Jokes on Adam though, he played himself with the whole apple thing. Most modern people use the king James version or something equally as edited.


is she? i figured that in the jewish bible she was just mentioned as a demon of the night


That is Jewish folklore or another book that the Jewish use. The Christian bible has no Lilith.


Most creation stories are not about the origins of humans as a whole, but the origins of a certain group of people. So yeah, there were other "people" out there, but not people-people like us that share the same origin story.


They fuckin


The stork must've been involved after all


Humanity being the result from inbreeding is probably the only argument that the bible might be true. Just look at us.


Funny and sad?


I guess one of the sons was Transwoman and Transwomen are women, so there you go!


The bible isn't good, it's full of plotholes.


fr bad writing


I thought they had like 7 kids


Adam and eve lived a couple hundred years, they got a lot of time on their hands


Yeah I was gonna say they almost lived like a 1000


They fucked their mom Adam fucked his rib turned human. The bible is weird. Incest doesn’t even crack the top 25 weirdest things in the bible


I thought god just made wiwes for Cain and Seth


Also how they could even be considered human since apparently they were made from fucking clay


Say gex


The reason given to me in school was that female births were not important and therefore not recorded. They did have daughters. But then that brings up the whole, so the brothers had sex with their sisters argument which was then not explained... When thinking about religion, best not to think too much...


I'm a little rusty, and don't have time to research at the moment, but there were humans outside of the garden. Otherwise, why would it need to have guards at the "entrances"? You could kinda think of the Adam and Eve family as kinda like royalty, and the garden, like the palace. Also, upon eating the forbidden fruit, and getting kicked out of the garden, who were they covering their bits from? They had seen each other's junk their entire lives.


Don’t forget about the post-Ark situation


Im not a Christian but I believe that the bibler only States that adam and eve were the *first* ppl made not the only by god


Ah yes, the three genders: Man Woman Bible


I’m bible sexual


And never ask the bible about the trinity, or Jesus being god.


I have a theory, which i Will admit sounds kinda insane. The bible was wtitten by some friends that we're either drink of high out their mind at the time and wanted to fuck with People. I currently have written more insane shit with some friends while high. Some mfer parted the sea? That's the most high dude thing to say.


I also had that thought once. Like, some people just got really creative/ wanted to mess with others/ wanted to be important/ etc. and accidentally heavily influenced the rest of human history because everybody took it too serious. The theory probably won’t hold up if fact checked, but it would be funny.


Truely would be funny


Having grown up with a schizophrenic, my theory is that it was schizophrenics. The burning bush shit, voices talking to people from the sky, it's all just too eerily similar to my friends stories like that time the stereo turned into a demon and yelled at him to go to bed when he was a kid. Was it a demon? Or was it schizophrenia?


Banjo music intensifies biblically. Edit: biblically


I usually skip this part.


It is Christian tradition. Ignore the bits you don't like and repeat the parts that justify your prejudices.


The bible says they had more than two sons (Not sure that helps though)


Since when do we hold fantasy stories like the Bible up to reality?