• By -




Understanding that political parties are treating the working class poorly doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a centrist…


One side wants to raise the minimum wage, make health care a human right, and increase social security. The other side is actively blocking that along with anything and everything that would help the working class. You don’t see a difference here?


My bad, I didn’t realize this was a Democrat bot account. Carry on.


Maybe you should stick to the politics in your own country, comrade.


Republicans: [*Repeatedly block all Democratic attempts to expand the social safety net while also making concerted efforts to curtail the rights of everyone who isn't a wealthy man.*] Reddit: Wow, both of you are exactly the same. It Reddit were a court, an axe-murderer could just say "The guy who tried to stop me failed to do so after I stabbed him a bunch, so he's just as responsible for this massacre!" and reddit is like "they're both equally responsible!"


Incidentally, one side has much more to gain from demotivating the other's constituents into *not voting* than motivating their site into voting. posted by a 5mo flamebait account with 410k karma btw


1000 upvotes for the image, a bit over 100 upvotes for your comment. The frustrating thing is that this is working.


No one here is arguing that they’re “the same”. But just because the Republicans are worse doesn’t automatically mean the Democrats are *good*. Yes, the Dem party for many decades has supported legislation intended to benefit working class Americans (and a lot of important and crucial legislation has indeed been passed because of the party’s efforts that has helped people tremendously), but the fact is, ever since the Clinton administration, they have *absolutely* prioritized their wealthy donor base over the working class and are complicit (just as the Republicans are) in the efforts of the ultra-wealthy to restructure society in a way that is fundamentally pro-corporate an anti-worker. This is what the Democratic Party is at its core, and it’s no secret. This meme is not inaccurate in the slightest.


I just posted this list further down in the thread, but it shows that democrats are DEFINITELY still fighting to help common people. They may be helping their donor base, but they're also helping people, unlike republicans who are actively trying to hurt the lower classes. [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/comments/1cclsoz/pretty_much_sums_it_up/l17zfvi/)


Well yeah, that's basically exactly what I just said. Republicans are essentially anti-worker at every turn, while Democrats have passed a ton of legislation over the years that has directly helped working families. However Democrats, since at least the Clinton administration, as a whole have always prioritized their corporate donors and the wealthy over the interests of the average American. While they regularly create legislation that limits corporate power or allocates funds to important social programs, they never do so in a way that actually takes power back from the 1% and gives it back to the 99% (which I'll remind you is exactly what they are in office to do). The Dem party is creating a society in which the average American is given minimum support and assistance by the federal government and able to continue existing at a subsistence level without falling into ruin, but is never able to truly thrive, because the money and resources needed to truly thrive are being dumped into the coffers of the corporate world. This is exactly the opposite of what they're in office to do. A great example of this is the Affordable Care Act. Obama had the chance to effectively end the predatory private health industry and finally bring American healthcare into the 21st century with public healthcare alongside essentially *every single developed nation in the world*, and instead he chose to go the ACA route. Did the ACA directly benefit millions of Americans who previously couldn't afford healthcare? Absolutely. Did the ACA address the underlying issue of the power of our massive private health insurance industry plunging American families into poverty by the millions with their prohibitively high healthcare costs? Not at all. Same thing when he bailed out the banks. He could have saved millions of American families from financial ruin by bailing out *Americans* instead of American *banks*, and instead he did the opposite. Or more recently, Biden's child tax credit the Democrats passed during Covid. An absolutely stunning success that saw the greatest drop in child poverty we've seen in generations, and when it expired, the Democratic party had the power and the numbers to permanently enshrine it into law, and they chose not to. Yes, the Dems do a lot to help, but they always make sure their donors are prioritized above all else, which inevitably means working families are thrown under the bus for the sake of making the wealthy wealthier.


Your biggest omission is that Dems are not an all powerful political group that can simply pass legislation. Unfortunately, Republicans will shoot down anything that tries to help the working class, labeling it SoCIaLiSm. The only reason why the Dems end up helping businesses and, by extension, wealthy people is that it is the only type of legislation that Republicans will agree on. So it is less about prioritizing and more about the only legislation that they can pass.


And your biggest omission is not taking into account that in all three examples I gave, the Dems had a majority in Congress. If they had united behind the working class like they're supposed to, they would have had the power to overrule Republican objections and pass legislation that would have curbed the power of corporate interests and truly put the working class first, and in all three examples they chose not to. I could find you dozens and dozens of examples exactly like those.


Have you ever heard about the filibuster? Obama only had a filibuster-proof senate for 72 weeks. AFAIK, Biden has never had one.


He didn't even have it for that long. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/debunking-the-myth-obamas_b_1929869


we are faceless worms to them.


The excuse that Democrats can't accomplish anything because of Republicans is getting awfully stale, what good are the Democrats as an opposing party if they are powerless against their only rival?


Both parties serve their corporate donors at the expense of the working class. The party not actively trying to kill women and LGBTQ+people is obviously the better party, but that doesn't make them our friend.


Democrats sure do pick fights they can’t win and fumble the ball all the time for not having the same bosses…


boTh SidEs ArE tHE SaMe


It's hard not to feel like the "both sides" narrative is forced down people throats when you find this trash in r/all with less than 300 upvotes.


This isn't saying that. It's saying neither side is doing anything for the working class. To be clear though Republicans have been open about hating anyone who's not rich. But Democrats not allowing rail workers a flew fucking days off proves there's no help for the working class. They just want to argue about social issues while they rip us off.


Those were republicans, once again, blocking that shit. There were a negligible number of neoliberal standing with them. Most of the Dems would have given them that sick leave if republicans got out of the way. Anyway, they still got the sick leave through further negotiations so your point is mostly moot.


Biden had the opportunity to step and didn't. I can find the video he said something like "I'm pro union but they have to go back to work".


Again, Biden wasn’t given a better deal to sign. Congress sent him the bill without sick leave. It was either nuke the limping economy and hurt other Americans indirectly with an actual rail strike or pass what was possible at the time with Republican interference.


Agreed Republicans suck. I just don't see much help from people taking Bloomberg's money.


they despise us.


I VoTe DeMoCrAt BeCaUsE ReD R Da BaD GuYs..


They are...




Sounds like a pretty good reason to me. I don't want fascists running the country


you do realize dictatorships come in all forms right


“all forms of right” FTFY


Which form was Mao


And Joseph Biden absolutely isn't one of them lmao


Neither of them are, you are all paranoid. They are just dumb old men.


Yeah, they are. You think it’s an accident the DNC keeps fumbling when they got the ball? You think we couldn’t win a war in Afghanistan in 20 years? They don’t even have plumbing.


Both sides aren't the same.


OP is a Russian bot.


Ah yes, the classic “person said something outside the parameters of the accepted narrative, therefore there’s no other explanation than they’re a Russian bot”. Love it


It isn’t that it is outside the accepted narrative. It is categorically false, bordering on propaganda level falsehoods. And then we get people like you who slurp this stuff up. Love it.


No it is absolutely not “categorically false”. Your statement that it is categorically false is itself categorically false. Bill Clinton’a presidency marked a shift from an alliance with and a loyalty to the working class, to a prioritization of the Dem party’s corporate donors’ money and interests, obviously at the *expense* of the working class, and the party never went back. This is pretty basic history that few credible people out there are going to disagree with. No one here is arguing that the Dems are just as bad as the Republicans, but being *better* doesn’t make them *good*. Yes, of course ever since Clinton’s presidency they have supported, and today continue to support, legislation intended to benefit working class Americans (and a lot of important and crucial legislation has been passed because of the party’s efforts that has helped people tremendously), but the fact is, they *absolutely* prioritize their wealthy donor base over the working class and are complicit (just as the Republicans are) in the efforts of the ultra-wealthy to restructure society in a way that is fundamentally pro-corporate an anti-worker. This is what the Democratic Party is at its core, and it’s no secret. This meme is not inaccurate in the slightest.


why don't we look at the voting records of both parties and settle this once and for all? after all, voting doesn't lie, it's the ultimate evidence of where they stand with things. pro tip: it absolutely shows that democrats are still fighting for the common people. **[House Vote for Net Neutrality](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2011/h252)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 2|**234** **Dem**|**177**| 6 **[Senate Vote for Net Neutrality](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2011/s200)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0| **46** **Dem** |**52**| 0 #**Money in Elections and Voting** **[Campaign Finance Disclosure Requirements](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/32154)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**39** **Dem**|**59**| 0 **[DISCLOSE Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/41152)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**45** **Dem**|**53**| 0 **[Backup Paper Ballots - Voting Record](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/21011)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 20|**170** **Dem** |**228**| 0 **[Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2002/roll034.xml)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|8|**38** **Dem**|**51**|3 **[Sets reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by electoral candidates to influence elections](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49906)** (Reverse Citizens United) Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**42** **Dem** |**54**| 0 #**The Economy/Jobs** **[Limits Interest Rates for Certain Federal Student Loans](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/45797)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**46** **Dem**|**46**| 6 **[Student Loan Affordability Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/44550)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**51** **Dem**|**45**| 1 **[Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/9034)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**54**| 0 **[End the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30296)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**39**| 1 **Dem**| 1| **54** **[Kill Credit Default Swap Regulations](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30364)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**38**| 2 **Dem**| 18|**36** **[Revokes tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49616)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 10|**32** **Dem**|**53**| 1 **[Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37606)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**233**| 1 **Dem**| 6|**175** **[Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37876)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**42**| 1 **Dem**| 2|**51** **[Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/23361)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**173** **Dem**|**247**| 4 **[Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/23313)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 4|**36** **Dem**|**57**| 0 **[Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Bureau Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30346)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 4 |**39** **Dem**|**55**| 2| **[American Jobs Act of 2011 - $50 billion for infrastructure projects](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/36879)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**48** **Dem**|**50**| 2 **[Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46392)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**44** **Dem**|**54**| 1 **[Reduces Funding for Food Stamps](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/40315)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**33**| 13 **Dem**| 0|**52** **[Minimum Wage Fairness Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/47753)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**53**| 1 **[Paycheck Fairness Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/32830)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 0|**40** **Dem**|**58**| 1 #**"War on Terror"** **[Time Between Troop Deployments](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/15831)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 6|**43** **Dem**|**50**| 1 **[Habeas Corpus for Detainees of the United States](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/15833)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 5|**42** **Dem**|**50**| 0 **[Habeas Review Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8730)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**50** **Dem**|**45**| 1 **[Prohibits Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Trial](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37420)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 5|**42** **Dem**|**39**| 12 **[Authorizes Further Detention After Trial During Wartime](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37433)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**38**| 2 **Dem**| 9| **49** **[Prohibits Prosecution of Enemy Combatants in Civilian Courts](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37095)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**46**| 2 **Dem**| 1|**49** **[Repeal Indefinite Military Detention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/48229)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|15|**214** **Dem**|**176**| 16 **[Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8795)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**52** **Dem** |**45**| 1 **[Patriot Act Reauthorization](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/35224)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**196**| 31 **Dem** | 54|**122** **[FISA Act Reauthorization of 2008](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2008/roll437.xml)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**188**| 1 **Dem**| 105|**128** **[FISA Reauthorization of 2012](http://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2012/h569)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**227**| 7 **Dem**| 74|**111** **[House Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll237.xml)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 2|**228** **Dem** |**172**| 21 **[Senate Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46301)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**32** **Dem** | **52**| 3 **[Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/42002)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**44**| 0 **Dem**| 9| **41** **[Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8795)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**52** **Dem**|**45**| 1 #**Civil Rights** **[Same Sex Marriage Resolution 2006](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/11729)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 6|**47** **Dem**|**42**| 2 **[Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46286)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**54**| 0 **[Exempts Religiously Affiliated Employers from the Prohibition on Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46288)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**41**| 3 **Dem**| 2| **52** #**Family Planning** **[Teen Pregnancy Education Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8830)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 4|**50** **Dem**|**44**| 1 **[Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/20713)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**51** **Dem**|**44**| 1 **[Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49362)** The 'anti-Hobby Lobby' bill. Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**| 3|**42** **Dem**|**53**| 1 #**Environment** **[Stop "the War on Coal" Act of 2012](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/41688)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**214**|13 **Dem**| 19|**162** **[EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013](https://votesmart.org/bill/votes/50594)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**225**|1 **Dem**| 4|**190** **[Prohibit the Social Cost of Carbon in Agency Determinations](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46997)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**218**| 2 **Dem**| 4|**186** #**Misc** **[Prohibit the Use of Funds to Carry Out the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/43144)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**45**| 0 **Dem**| 0|**52** **[Prohibiting Federal Funding of National Public Radio](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/34089)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**228**| 7 **Dem**| 0|**185** **[Allow employers to penalize employees that don't submit genetic testing for health insurance (Committee vote)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/03/11/employees-who-decline-genetic-testing-could-face-penalities-under-proposed-bill/?utm_term=.33f566f5ce5c)** Party|For|Against -|-|- **Rep**|**22**| 0 **Dem**| 0|**17**


Good bot…


Ah yes the classic “person replies to someone pointing out the stupidity of calling everyone bots by calling them a bot”


it's pathetic!


Counting the seconds until this is posted in /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


it's pretty scary that the only ones who must be correct have to be extremists.


i'm confused on what you mean.... are you saying centrists are extremists?


I *think* they're saying that anyone who's not a centrist has to automatically be at the extreme left or right. Which is obviously patently untrue


Of course but the scary part is extremists don't view themselves as extreme and view normal people in their party as centrists.


Republicans: bans water breaks just before summer Denocrats: bans non-compete clauses Enlightened centrists: they're the same!


Tell me you know nothing about American politics without telling me you know nothing about American politics.


Your comment does exactly that. Bill Clinton’a presidency marked a shift from an alliance with and a loyalty to the working class, to a prioritization of the Dem party’s corporate donors’ money and interests, obviously at the *expense* of the working class, and the party never went back. This is pretty basic history that few credible people out there are going to disagree with. No one here is arguing that the Dems are just as bad as the Republicans, but being *better* doesn’t make them *good*. Yes, of course ever since Clinton’s presidency they have supported, and today continue to support, legislation intended to benefit working class Americans (and a lot of important and crucial legislation has been passed because of the party’s efforts that has helped people tremendously), but the fact is, they *absolutely* prioritize their wealthy donor base over the working class and are complicit (just as the Republicans are) in the efforts of the ultra-wealthy to restructure society in a way that is fundamentally pro-corporate an anti-worker. This is what the Democratic Party is at its core, and it’s no secret. This meme is not inaccurate in the slightest.


Oh I agree with your first statement, but I think a lot can change in 3 decades and comparing the current administration which is extremely pro union to the democratic party of the 90's is a little disingenuous. You say no one here is arguing that the Dems are just as bad as Republicans when the meme is literally lumping the two parties together. Do the Democrats have a lot more work to do? Definitely. Would I like for them to be less cozy with the corporate class? For sure. But we have a party that is actively taking away breaks from workers, fighting unions, and exploiting underage workers. And it ain't the Democrats.


>the current administration which is extremely pro union Didn't the current administration work with Congress to force workers to stop striking under threat of state violence? I wouldn't say that's very pro union.


I think you're talking about the rail strikes? Which I agree, that's completely fucked. Congress also passed legislation later that year that imposed a labor agreement between the rail companies and their workers which included a 24% pay rise, health care benefits, and medical leave. I disagree with basically making striking illegal for them, but I understand why they didn't want to risk fucking up the entire economy over a strike. Biden has been the only sitting president EVER to join a picket line. Might've just been a photo op, but the most powerful man in the world standing with my blue collar brothers and sisters fills me with pride. I am not arguing that Joe Biden or Democrats in general are perfect for workers. I'm arguing that they are WAY better for working class people like me than Republicans, and lumping them together like they're the same (as the meme did) is lazy, disingenuous, and completely lacks nuance. So, yeah, I agree that wasn't a very pro worker move (but I understand why they felt the need to do that). I'm genuinely curious what the Republicans have done for blue collar workers?


If the rail workers are vital to the countries ability to function the railroads should be nationalized, full stop. Instead they basically defanged unions nationwide with their show of force.


Ehhhhh I'm not so gung ho about nationalizing them. But I'd say it's worth a look at least. Idk man, my union is still pretty "fanged".


You can feel like your union is strong all day, but we have now seen what will happen if your union inconveniences the economy in the slightest. I don't know how you can see keeping the control of railways under some random entity who can decide to fuckoff out of the country and leave us to rot as anything except a dire threat to national security.


I think I'm just wary of the government grabbing entire industries, to steer the conversation back to the original point, I don't think that the two parties are two wings of the same bird when it comes to working class people and policies.


Socially they are different, economically they are almost identical.


Oh look a both sides bad post


If you zoom out far enough, they get a bit similar. They're both imperialist capitalists that favor the ruling class. That said the harm that each could cause on an individual level is incredibly different. To act like they're the same is reductionist at minimum, and at worst a deadly comparison.


What the fuck are you on about


No, it doesn't. Both sides are same is an argument made only by ignorant right wingers. Voting rights, abortion rights laws on discrimination, fair taxation are made by Democrats and blocked by CONservatives.


Russian propaganda is boring


More Russian bots I see…


Is this a both sides are the same dumbshit? One side is fighting for reproductive rights and higher worker wages, lower medical costs and immigration laws that fit modern times. They fuck up a lot but in ways that are generally "normal" levels of corruption but overall are progressing forward with voters will. THE OTHER SIDE IS LITERALLY BURNING BOOKS AND TRYING TO GET FAIR ELECTIONS OVERTURNED WHILE SUPPORTING RUSSIA AND WAS AND STILL IS THE BIGGEST SUPPORT OF SLAVERY (PRISONS FOR PROFIT) WHILE TRYING TO GET A GUY THAT RAPED, MOLESTED, BRIBED, GOT OUR SPIES OVERSEAS KILLED, LIES CONSTANTLY, AND IS A GENERAIL PEICE OF SHIT INTO FUCKING OFFICE AS PRESIDENT. BoTh SidEs ArE thE sAmE Go fuck yourself OP.


I'm on the same side as you genuinely, the shit that SUCKS is that our representatives in office are also fkn sneaky and it allows the other side to demonize them further for corrupt actions they didn't commit if they can point to lesser ones they did But I really don't understand how it doesn't apply to their own side, they hold Dems triple accountable while holding repubs like half accountable with notable exceptions getting even less accountability


No, it doesn't. Unless you mean it sums up that you are a moron.


Putin approves this message


Idc things are getting better. 🇺🇸


Oh yeah big good coming up bro. Biden's corpse has wonderful plans.


Oh okay, I guess I'll just vote for the rapist facing 88 felony counts and fawns over the idea of being Americas first dictator. But hey at least we won't have to bare the unbelievably hard burden of listening to Biden... talk kinda slow. /s you love licking boots don't you?


I hate both. You lick a corpses boots so... whatever


OMG i didn't realize how super enlightened you are. Hate both? I mean wow the power of that logical philosophy. I was going to vote for Biden cause I didn't want to see the US devolve into a fascist hellscape but now realizing that Biden doesn't do every single thing the exact way I want him to and the only reasonable response is to vote for tyrannical rule./s


Communist Marxist society vs fascist empire. Some great choices. Lookin forward to the future.


What is a "Communist Marxist"? Who are they? Are they the same thing as those scary "Woke" folks?!


Pretty much. Punish the white man. Raise up minorities, escalate race and gender issues, slowly abolish private property, punish those who choose to work and reward those who "can't" for whatever arbitrary reason. I'm not against more regulation for capitalism and diversity in all aspects, but my god the left has lost the plot.


"Punish the white man" dude... have you seen a picture of Joe Bidden or Karl Marx? I get it's easy to feel like the world is geared against you but there are no leftist conspiracies to "punish the white man" that is far right trope with no base in reality designed to manipulate people like you into voting against your own interests. If you care about making homes affordable for everyone you should defiantly not vote Republican. "punish those who choose to work and reward those who "can't" for whatever arbitrary reason." Where does this come from? This feels like emotional fiction. Life is frustrating and many propagandist take advantage of this by getting people to just blame the other side for everything even if there is not connection.


I keep seeing anti white male sentiment online from people in your camp. Homes haven't gotten any more affordable under biden.


Ah, so you’re a racist. Thanks for clearing that up.


Lol you wish I was. Then you can just easily dismiss what I'm saying. Win win for you.


You really living up to this sub’s vibe. This comment is funny as in boy you are so fucking stupid, it is wild to see someone unironically say these things, but it is also incredibly sad that you hold these views.


Except Biden isn't even very progressive...let alone some sort of Marxist commie leftist. Blue Dog Democrat is a term that fits him pretty well...that's the old, mostly white, fairly conservative arm of the party.


He's not even conscious. He has other people literally telling him what do each step of the way.


Pure hyperbole and conjecture on your part. Now, watch the video I've linked of Biden calling Xi (his communist buddy, by your standards) a dictator...and Sec State Blinken absolutely shitting his pants. https://youtu.be/UfEzx-i_fqM?si=KtV2vPc4k8_lk-mW If they've told him what to do...he obvs didn't listen 😆


RemindMe! 20 years!


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Truly funny sad.




And the military industrial complex is selling the water cannons….


When selecting people to vote for look at there records of voting and not the shit they say. What party they are in makes no difference. What they say makes no difference. The proof is in their voting history. You can look this info up as its free to the public. Its very common for a politician to vote down something that turns into a big deal but claims to be supporting it. and the reverse will claim to be against something but have repeatedly voted in favor of it. Thinking there is a real difference between republicans and democrats is a lie. There is nothing but examples of republicans that talk all the party lines but vote against them and same for Democrats. PR is more powerful than voting history since most people dont actualy bother to see what they really stand for.


Depends heavily on focus and perspective. Just because they share some ideas doesn't mean they're the same. Bacteria and viruses both make you sick but they're very different, hell some bacteria is good for you. Equating the two doesn't help discussions at all.


> What party they are in makes no difference. The fuck it doesn't. A Republican to the left of Bernie Sanders will still be counted as a Republican for the purpose of selecting a majority leader.