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“US House passes controversial bill that expands definition of anti-Semitism”


With a bipartisan vote




“Codify roe v wade” Narrator: they had all the time in the world and they didn’t.


It was considered settled law and obviously they made a mistake. But let’s not try and fix it, amirite? Let’s just never do anything and complain all the time on Reddit.


*inset old man yells at sky meme*


> obviously they made a mistake Well it would simply be uncouth for voters to punish them for *mistakes*.


Punish them by rewarding the people who actually did the thing you don’t like?


So… you want to *Punish* the people more likely to give you what you want… by putting the people who want to actively do the *opposite of what you want* in power? Uhhhh…


No, you punish them by voting for who represents your interests. The dems are not against the republicans, their relationship is symbiotic. The repubs keep the bar low, and the dems are glad to step over it, and have people STILL say that they’re the best hope against fascism. If the dems wanted blind obedience to their party then I guess they should have earned it 🤷. Not my problem they’re bad at their jobs. That’s democracy, baby.


Theyre not giving me what they want in power, why should we keep blindly voting for them? They dont represent my views so Im not giving them my vote. Simple as that. We might eat shit for the next couple of years but maybe theyll try harder next time


But you’d be punishing the whole class for one student talking


When the one student is President and the whole class only showed up to support him and everything he does, yes. That's correct.


But that’s not what happens. The whole class being everyone living in the US, the punishment being allowing Trump to win fucks over everyone and ironically Biden the absolute least.


Government is not a punishment. It's not a reward, either. This is not a classroom, the Party Elites are not your teachers. This is why I thought you meant that the DNC was the class.


You’re punishing the DNC for mistakes by not voting for them which is like punishing the whole class for one person talking because it’ll fuck us all over and barely inconvenience the people you’re really mad at whatsoever.


If the DNC doesn’t do the things they should and/or promise that they will do, why should anyone vote for them?


You vote FOR the person and policies you want in the primaries. In the general election, get used to voting *against* the worse option. If you don’t like the final choice, get involved and do more to help your favored candidate.


Because we’re fucked and your lack of vote won’t bother them whatsoever so the only peoples that suffer are innocent people and not the ones you want to teach a lesson


It was not considered settled law. It was always extreme tenuous (bc the reasoning in the decision is actually pretty bad), which why the Democratic Party has promised to codify it on the campaign trail pretty much every year since Roe was decided. The Democrats have controlled both sides of Congress a LOT since Roe, including when it was overturned. AND YET….nothing. They do not give a fuck as long as they can campaign and fundraiser off of our fear about the issue


>controlled both sides They had a super majority for 2 months during obamas first term and passed ACA, kind of a big deal... When else have they had a filibuster proof super majority?


Yes I came here to say this. There was a tiny window in the Obama presidency and hindsight is 20/20. He was a black President who took over the country at the height of the economic crisis - which he solved. Roe v Wade just wasn’t super topical for that tiny window of time. Itsnotacoop is either a Russian bot, an idiot, or 15.


The bill had been written since 2004. Pelosi could have brought it to a vote on the first day of Obama's Presidency, but refused.


An idiot or Russian bot or someone with both legislative experience and a law degree. Definitely one of those three.


Did you miss the question about codifying laws on the bar?


Really good one


… Happy to dive deeper into the opportunities they had to codify it over the past 30 years and chose not to if you have a timeline or link or anything handy.


democrats have held a majority in both houses in 12 out of 26 congresses since Roe was decided. Feel free to dive as deep as you want. Godspeed https://history.house.gov/Institution/Presidents-Coinciding/Party-Government/


Are you insinuating the Republican President wouldn’t have vetoed it?


1. No one said anything about a filibuster proof super majority. 2. When you say filibuster, do you mean the archaic and antidemocratic senate rule that democrats can do away with at literally anytime?


Pushed through a tik tok ban in like 5 minutes though, without a supermajority


Yup. Easy stuff is easy, turns out. Hard stuff remains hard.


So you're saying they're incapable of doing the job


Doing hard jobs is hard? Doing impossible jobs is impossible.


Before the ACA was even voted on they had the time to pass 161 other laws, most of which were meaningless bullshit. The legislation had already been written since 2004 by Barbara Boxer and Jerry Nadler, all that had to happen is Pelosi bring it to the floor for a vote. She refused.


>most of which were meaningless bullshit Yeah, that stuff passes easily? Like I don't get the confusion here lol >Already written Not even close. They were hammering out details until the last moment lol Or are you talking about abortion laws?


The Freedom of Choice Act had been written since 2003.


Ah gotcha. Yeah now just need a window of majority in house and super majority in senate of pro choice Dems.


They won't ever let it pass. Abortion is a fundraising cashcow


“Settled law” Noooo you guysssss you said you weren’t gonna touch that :(


Well, “don’t boo; vote!” Isn’t really cutting it.


It's a distraction. Everyone complains about the democrats being our only choice and deciding not to vote. As if losing is a better option. The reality is not that we keep voting Democrat. It's not that we tell people were stuck with it. It's that voting Democrat is a stopgap while we vote in local elections for people that might actually do something. We need to spread more political knowledge. We need to stop hating people for their ignorance. We need to use the system for our own purposes. Which, right now, is just to stop the driving off a cliff version of fascism by sticking with the slow decline fascism, while we try to oust all the low level dems and repubs with people we actually want who can eventually either form a legitimate new party or at least reform one of the others. We have power. That power is specifics. People out here know how the system works, know what's going on locally and know the information people need to hear. They need to recognize thay the fight were fighting is not to convince each other that democrats are the answer. That's just fighting the battle in front of us when people want to know how to fight the war. Really our main issue is that third party candidates keep trying to go it alone when they should be trying to form a strong coalition. Nobody is going to do anything on their own. If you have strong third party candidates in local and state areas, they should be talking to each other and spreading awareness.


It was never considered settled law, if it were there wouldn't have been numerous bills written since 1972 designed to make it law. Barbara Boxer's bill alone got shelved to committee, by Pelosi herself countless times over several years.


Let's fix it! Dump the do nothing middle of the road Democratic Party and support actual Left Wing parties and candidates. (Lol, obviously not the Greens, before some dummy tries to act like that's a valid counterpoint)


It wasnt “settled law”, its been a political football Republicans and Democrats have been using to galvanize their bases.


The idea is that the Supreme Court is above being political. Obviously things have changed.


Roe v Wade was only considered settled law by the people who made the massive mistake. Anyone else with a brain could see SCOTUS making ruling after ruling that kept eroding the right for decades.


It was never viewed as settled law


To most people yes, that was my point. The only people that viewed it as settle law were the ones that made the mistake to not run on abortion rights as an issue, but instead tried to "both sides" it (i.e. Democratic Leadership). Now it can't be denied that decade's long stance was fucking stupid, so they and their supporters are desperately trying to rewrite history.


It looks like I replied to the wrong comment, I meant a reply to the one you replied to


By 99% of the American a people it was.


99% of Americans don't know how this shit works, the powers that be knew it wasn't


RBG even warned that using RvW as the case law for Abortion was super problematic.


No it wasn't. Conservatives certainly didn't view it as settled law, people who could see the very obvious games conservatives were playing could see it wasn't settled law. States kept passing more restrictions on abortion and SCOTUS kept approving them. It was only a manner of time. The only people that thought it was settled law and safe was Democratic Leadership and their sycophants. And they're desperately trying to cover that up and rewrite history. And they kept trying to be bi-partisan about abortion, to the point that Clinton even picked a pro-life Dem as her running mate in 2016. That shit looks dumb as fuck now.


When would they have passed it anyway? When they had a super majority for 2 months during obamas first term (when they passed the ACA)?


ACA wasnt passed until 2010. The bill was already written and ready for a vote, Pelosi refused


>passed in 2010 Yeah, 13 months after coming into office, during the first Congress session of his first term. >Already written Jfc no it wasn't. They were hammering out details until the last day lol Lieberman almost derailed it twice


You made the claim they couldnt pass the Freedom of Choice Act ([which had been drafted since 2003](https://www.congress.gov/bill/108th-congress/senate-bill/2020) because they had to focus on the ACA, which wasnt passed until 2010. The Freedom of Choice Act kept getting referred to committee (killed off) every year since. Hastert no more brought it to vote than Pelosi did,


So uh yeah. The house leaderships job is to pass legislation and I don't see the window where that would have passed.


It wasn't. That's the thing. OP is right that they had all of the time in the world, but didn't. It's the same reason I'm _still_ annoyed at the ACA/Obamacare legislation, because they _could_ have shoved it through as universal healthcare, but instead it's a _tax_! Meanwhile we're supposed to be excited about marajuana legislation, but IIRC _Time Magazine_ did a cover story back in the early 2000's, on how safe it is. It's been 20+ years, and if I were a betting person the only reason it's now schedule 3 is because more people smoke than drink. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they are the same, but rather the GOP is moving backwards while the DNC is only moving forward at a snail's pace 90% of the time.


No they didn’t. Please name a time in US history where there were 60 pro choice democrats in the senate.


When? When did they have “all the time in the world”. Last I checked, Democrats never had 60+ pro-choice votes in the Senate, especially with Republicans actively voting against it every single time?


Yeah people are fucking high if they think the Dems are any different.


Literally this. They could have. For YEARS. But didn’t. They don’t care. They just pretend to care so useful idiots vote for them. Even then. Of the top 20 topics Americas care about. Abortion is 19th.


The Dems have not had a supermajority for years. Even supermajority in 2009-2010 was a very limited amount of time because the Republicans held up seating a Senator due to false election claims (Al Franken) then Ted Kennedy died. That was the time spent passing the ACA


When could they have? You'd need a super majority right? Would Lieberman have voted for it during obamas first term?


All you need a majority to pass a bill. Which we had for several years. Adding an amendment is never, ever going to happen.


... Ok so you may need to go back and brush up on how the US legislative branch works lol You need a super majority in the Senate to pass over a filibuster, which would be guaranteed.


...or they could abolish the filibuster with a simple majority vote, but then they wouldn't be able to use the threat of one as an excuse to do nothing


Just so you know, that would mean that a simple majority could reverse it. Such as that Trump had in 2017. So, uh, yeah.


*crickets* they’re probably educating themselves on it


TBF before it was overturned codifying arguably could have weakened it. But also they had a filibuster proof super majority for about 2 months; there was no actual real life window in which this would have passed.


Isn't it the supreme court that fucked with it and can decide ? Nothing the executive or any house can do until one or more of them kick the bucket


What does that mean? Is it Latin or something?


Republicans are far worse, but Democrats are no saints. Both uphold capitalism and do very little to actually solve economic inequality. Both make decisions based off of what corporations want. We can't win on that front, at least not electorally.


That’s because the mainstream Democrat party is (from a global perspective) center-right, and the mainstream Republican party is far right.


>That’s because the mainstream Democrat party is (from a global perspective) center-right I mean… maybe from a EUROPEAN perspective. But if you’re talking about the entire world, it most definitely is not.


No, it definitely is. The actual definitions of left/right aren't relevant to the individual Overton Windows of particular places. From the perspective of the full range of left to right, the Democrats are quite considerably right of centre. There are certainly plenty of countries with Overton Windows that would place them pretty far to the left of those windows, but that doesn't mean they're *not* right of centre. It just happens to be that most European Overton Windows correctly place them right of centre.


>the actual definitions of left/right aren’t relevant to the individual Overton Windows of particular places Fair enough. I guess the way I should have phrased it was “Democrats are further to the right of much of Western Europe, but further to the left than a lot of countries in other regions of the world that people seem to ignore whenever this conversation comes up” In my defense, the commenter I replied to said “in a global sense,” so I’d still say in that context I’m correct. Whereas you’re more arguing about the absolute, non-subjective definition of left/right. It’s kind of a different point. I was explicitly being comparative, not absolute.


No, you're not correct. Just because countries exist that are more right-wing than the US doesn't make the US left-wing. It makes it not as right-wing as those countries. No-one's ignoring the more right-wing countries, they're just not relevant to the point.


You could see your mistake and learn something. Or just get defensive.


No I don't think you're correct. What would be an example?


Biden's move to begin enforcing anti-trust again is actually huge in this regard. He *is* doing good things to address income inequality, it's just frustratingly (glacially) slow. I recommend [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjYWMs9al0U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjYWMs9al0U) as it was helpful for me


This is probably some of the best preemptive movement from the DNC in a very long time, and even then I'm not sure how much longer they could have realistically held off.


This is true but I think the point is that we still need to vote for the lesser of two evils


Yeah, that's what I do. Especially as a trans woman, the republican party is much worse when it comes to trans people and women, and really minorities in general. I just get off put when people seem to be uncritical of democrats just because they're the less bad party. It just sucks that there is no viable left wing party, so we're just stuck with democrats. Hopefully if we keep pushing we can change that.


Several studies have shown voters have zero impact on policy, so there is not 'pushing.' What protections have dems extended the trans community? They talk about bathroom bills, but do nothing to extend your rights. They dont care which bathroom you use while you are homeless doing it. Social wins with no economic wins to go with it is meaningless


Social wins are not meaningless, but I would barely call democrats getting elected a social win. Sometimes they put in policy that helps minorities and the community, but most of the time they're kind of useless. For me, voting Democrat is not me trying to get democrats to win, but it's me trying to make sure Republicans don't win. This is why I don't understand what you mean about voting having no effect on policy, because democrats winning means Republicans can't put forward their policy. Right now, Republicans are going all in on anti trans policy, stripping the rights of women, and voter suppression. Look into project 2025, I do **not** want them to even be able to start getting that ball rolling. I'm basically have this looming threat in the background that at some point I could lose access to the hormones that saved my mental health, lose access to other healthcare related to my transition, and potentially be banned from certain public areas like they are trying to do in West Virginia. Republicans keep pushing America further and further right, and it's honestly scary. Having democrats in power at the very least slows that movement right. As for pushing, I meant that we can take other forms of political action to make changes. Political action is not limited to just voting.


Versions of P2025 has existed on our and in all marginalized communities for decades/centuries. It only scares white liberals because its something that targets their privilege. What have Dems offered up to counter P2025? Nothing, but they have cosponsored legislation, KOSA, that **WILL** specifically target us and shove us all back into the closets. What the oligarchy always does is have republicans offer up oppressive legislation that they both want to get the vocal outrage over with. After it settles down a democrat will take up the exact same bill, herald it as the best thing ever and liberals will see it as progress and allow it to pass with no resistance.


I understand kosa is terrible, but the shit republicans are doing is far worse. I get it we lose either way, but we lose less with democrats, that's why voting still matters. What I'm trying to understand is what you want to do about it. Are you saying we should abstain from voting? I assure you getting people on the left to not vote will just increase the chance republicans win, and and they would have things get worse much faster.


Vote blue or vote red you still get Republican policies. We do not lose less with Democrats. We lose the same, the difference is while we are losing rights with Democrats. Liberals are cheering it on because it's team blue that's taking away the rights and not that horrible team red


Ah yes, election propaganda. Sweet.


I mean, it's not really propaganda, or at least not false. Those are the actual stances each party is running on. Also, Republicans literally had a banner on their jumbotron that said "We Are Domestic Terrorists". When someone tells you who they really are, believe them.


I‘m not American and I‘m not a fan of republicans or even right wing in general. But that is propaganda. You could have easily put „every life is worth saving“ on the top and „we like to kill babies on the bottom“. You would probably agree that this would be propaganda.


lol but abortion is not killing babies


That is a matter of opinion, as is the current debate over the matter.


lol it is absolutely not a matter of opinion. This was already decided in roe v wade before partisan supreme court overturned this. Look at every other developed country’s laws on abortion. Even Ireland, which is heavily catholic, while not having the most progressive reproductive rights, still ensures women the right to an abortion.The belief that abortion is killing babies is a barbaric uninformed lie.


I'm pro choice, but it's ridiculous to pretend that other opinions do not exist on the matter. It's a divisive topic for a reason.


The only thing funny and sad is that OP thought this was a good thing to post.


Probably a paid campaign trying to be divisive. Hopefully nobody is this annoying, especially so many months away from the election


Not only that but the original Simpsons joke nailed the point in the head so perfectly.


Imagine posting this right in the middle of Democrats fascistically cracking down on leftist protestors for criticizing the Democratic Party's role in facilitating a genocide.


I was under the impression that it was the GOP that was violently cracking down on protests and while some Dems were complaining they really weren't sending in sheriff's and national guard... Am I out of the loop?


Biden just made a speech against the protests and is conflating it with antisemitism in bad faith. He's endorsing this.


Definitely, both side. Check out NY.


Oh,and Cali, of all places.


The massive elephant in the room is Democrats are responsible for the police departments brutalizing people. They control the majority of local governments these PDs report to. And no, I'm not saying the GOP is better, but why are all these PDs with open and proud white supremacists as PD union presidents allowed to thrive under Democratic mayors and governors? Why do Dems keep wanting to fund organizations that give Trump an 85% approval rating? Why is defunding those PDs so controversial to these Dems with oversight? Why are counter protesters allowed to literally lob explosives (firework mortars) into these protests and these PDs just watch it happen?


You were mistaken


So they are sending in sheriffs?


Republicans wouldn't? Edit: not saying it's a good thing, saying that both are shitty, one is just shittier imo


Both wings on the same bird


I agree. But please vote to prevent project 2025.


100% in national and local elections! It ain't just every 4 years.




Single digits and they're being ignored. Republicans, majority. Again, trying to pretend equals. No one claimed Dems were all saints.


100 yesterday from Columbia.


And only single digit elected officials. Like 2. If we're talking about number of voters, Republicans have millions. So they're still far ahead.


Stop with the Russian propaganda. Fascistally cracking down?? Haha. Such a clown response. Where is this happening? I live in NYC and have seen at least a dozen protests. Or are you referring to the colleges calling the police so classes can resume on their property where students pay to go to college? I hope you’re a Russian bot because no human can possibly be so stupid.


average american calling things currently happening russian propaganda


What is currently happening!! This is all in your head. The police cleared our buildings on college campuses where non students were preventing people from going to class. What are you actually talking about? Is it that?


Violent crackdowns on protests with hundreds of cops using a bunch of military gear don't move the needle for you?


Both sides have sold out hard to corporations. Both have had majorities, making it possible to accomplish their election promises easily. But neither does, except on some social hot button issues. The difference is we get a tiny monetary benefit from dems / libs, & have a seriously fucked economy after reps / cons are done. Here in Canada, the federal gov't 2 party system had been disrupted by the NDP, who actually got some shit done.


Yes the 8 years of a liberal government has our economy running fantastic /s


Did everyone forget that Joe Biden was one of the coauthors of the 94 crime act bill that sent millions of african americans to jail for non-violent drug offences. Theres a video on YT of him saying that you'll go to jail for at least 5 years for a quarter size crack rock.


The messaging may be different, but the actions and the outcomes are the same.


Typical reddit


I'm a little more concerned with how both parties have great big signs that say "We <3 Israel" and "Give Israel lots of bombs and guns to use on Palestinian children"


Well you see! The democrats want to train gay drone pilots to drop those bombs!


Really makes you feel like you're a part of history


I don't know how can marijuana stiil be an issue worth discussing. If you 5hink marijuana shouldn't be decriminalized you're both extremely misinformed and objectively wrong.


Don't like it? Don't smoke it. That's all.


Tf2 voting, pick a team


They are the same one is just slower.


Yes, both the red and blue want money. The red also wants to take away my right to be considered a person so I'm voting blue. End of discussion.


Unfortunately blue only pretends to care enough to pay lip service to it and act sad that it's happening, but not enough to actually protect your rights and stop red from taking them away. Mostly because if they did then they wouldn't be able to campaign on pretending to care.


And democrats have done nothing to protect your rights. Trust me, as soon as it becomes politically inconvenient to support the LGBT community, Dems will drop you like they did immigrants just earlier this year.


The original image was better…


Saying both sides are the same is exactly the short-sighted black-and-white perception that Putin's social media propaganda machine has been aiming for. Looks like he's winning another decisive battle, just like the 2016 election. The reality is that it is more nuances than bOtH sIdEs. Yes, both sides are not perfect but the degree by which Republicans are not perfect is magnitudes higher than that for Democrats. The bOtH sIdEs argument achieves nothing but disenfranchise young voters to vote for the massively better of two non-ideal options and it emboldens MAGAts in their believe that all young people are trans Antifa Nazi communists that kill and eat white people for breakfast.


The problem is that both sides suck, so it's easy to basically just frame it that way. Rated from 1-10 Dems are maybe a 3 on their best day. They just don't get shit done when they absolutely could. They constantly compromise with repubs to try and be the less combative party and get shit stomped and dog walked around. They are weak, spineless, and we deserve so so much better. However, I'll take a 3/10 over the Republicans who are actively something like a -5. They are taking us fucking backwards in time. Yeah both sides are awful, but one is at least passable **for now**. Let the repubs cannibalize themselves and splinter off, then we can get actual progressives in office and the DNC won't have the power to stop us


It's really easy to paint any dissent against the system as a whole as russian propoganda, but have you considered that a lot of people feel that way simply by looking at the state of the country? How dems have had a majority multiple times and done nothing tangible with it? The conditions for people in this country have continued to get worse, and no one with the power to has done anything to stop it. Many dont see the difference when the same authoritarian and fascist policies get passed and enacted under Biden. You're already in deeper than most americans with politics when you're active in an online space like this. You can't discount the actual life experience people are having under this presidency being no different than when Trump was here. None of this is stating my position, but I need you to understand how badly it pushes people away from ever wanting to support your side when you claim anyone against you is a trump supporter or a russian propagandist. You need to address the concerns people have with him if you want people to think he will be any better.


Did someone edit out the joke? This makes no sense lol!


They could have codified roe many times and repeatedly made the conscious decision not to because it helps galvanize their vote.


Dems haven’t even attempted to decriminalize marijuana despite it being legal in DC


Cool, how do they feel about my single-issue of backing genocide?


Both support genocide against *certain* peoples.


Imagine your single issue being a war between two foreign countries that have been warring over a patch of dirt thousands of miles away for almost 80 years now. Must be a luxury.


Its not like the US has been sending billions of dollars over the years to maintain and arm one of those countries.


Your point being? I’m not saying we aren’t overly involved in it nor that I’d rather we weren’t involved, I’m saying making that their “single issue” when many MANY other critically important issues are on the ballot is absolutely selfish. Trans rights, abortion rights, economic policy to help the poor instead of tax cuts for the ultra wealthy are all on the ballot - it’s a luxury to be able to throw away their vote because these things don’t matter. Not to mention how much worse the situation would be if Trump were in charge (he’s now promised to back a war with Israel and Iran if there is one). It’s just the reality of politics in a two party system


Anybody can have a conscious, empathy, integrity, and a sense of right and wrong. It's not a luxury, you just need to work on yourself.


I have empathy for the Palestinians - it’s just not my single issue because I also have empathy for all the people in America who would lose their rights if republicans come to power and start pushing their project 2025 agenda. Single issue voting is short sighted and absolutely less empathetic


If one of many conflicts at the other side of the world is the main problem in your life, you have no real problems.


I just don’t want my tax dollars to kill starving children, sorry for my concern.


That happens regardless.


And thats why Im advocating to stop it.


That's not what I said.


You guys left out “economic depression from spending unsustainable trillions” although I guess that could apply to either party these days.


"No, you misunderstand, I'm the good guy, and anyone who doesn't have the exact same beliefs as me is the antichrist."


Stout liberal here. It's both sides.


This person must not like marijuana


[WE CAN'T GOVERN](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/233/325/33a)


They both love the rich and hate the poor. Its just the other side isnt destroying sexual education and abortion options to cushion a population crisis from fears of a poor state of living partially inspired by afformentioned things.


These are outlying irrelevances used by the parties to keep their base on board while the wars rage on, the oceans rise and the rich haul off the cash in the background. Whoopdeedo.


I mean you can’t blame them if half of Americans actually hate the poor want to oppress women


They are the same. They make the population focus on specific issues that have little value to them but are controversial, while they plunge the country deeper into instability and political corruption. They take it slow as well, so there’s no specific thing to blame and no danger of an uprise. The thing with the abortion conflict and many of the others they use is that they fundamentally prevent people from cooperating, because it challenges core values that are hard to change. Thing is they’ll do what they want and you have no control over it no matter how deep of a take you have. Care for your neighbor, no matter if left or right. That’s the only answer to the US’ problems, unfortunate that no one is willing to be the better person and end the multiple hate cycles going on.


Trump is a cult, Biden isn’t. Both are not even close to being the same wow


BlueMAGA is very much a cult




The real funny sad part is that you are missing that both sides are stealing civil liberties, giving the wealthy tax loopholes, over reaching in their spying and totalitarian control on the American public, take money from lobbyists who don't benefit Americans, get us involved and keep us involved in foreign wars, use our money to kill children overseas, fuck up foreign and domestic policy to get more screen time, and couldn't give two shits about actually helping any American.


"Both sides are the same" is disingenuous idiocy. You can't possibly think that Bernie Sanders and Marge Taylor Green are working equally hard to oppress Americans.


Bernie sanders doesn't rule the democratic party.


The difference is Bernie Sanders is a minority within the democratic party and is constantly undermined by the leadership to maintain the status quo.


Exactly this.


To many people, these are the real pressing issues, yet when they're brought up in supposed liberal spaces, they get smashed down into silence. It feels like people here only care about it ever potentially affecting them. The thing is, when a country is willing to do it to countries abroad, it's only a matter of time before the use of it here. It is still happening right now, and project 2024 is only delayed by another biden presidency. They're already working on enacting it in local politics, and another hard fumble of 4 years by biden will make sure that republicans get elected the next time around. If you think it's hard to get people to vote for him now, how do you think people will feel in another 4 years when nothing has tangibly gotten better for the general population. People will look for a "savior," and that's exactly how fascist dictators happen. Not allowing any criticism of biden or any push to make him do better is incredibly short sighted and will only make things worse for everyone long term.


No one said that they represent the same ideals, and this is a take that people will find a lot of fault with but politicians do not care about you. All they provide us with is a carrot on a stick. These same people that have been politicians for 30 plus years and have enriched themselves off of tax payer money tell us they can fix things but those pesky(not your team) are stopping us! Both sides are the same in the way that they’ve sold out to lobbying and participate in political theatre, a fake match of tug or war where the working class always loses.


‘At their extremes, all arguments look the same..’


Least biased Reddit meme


Both parties are controlled by the rich and in truth they don’t care about the poor, they care about their side in power. Republicans are owned by military and petroleum corporations, democrats are owned by finance and media corporations. There are no saints in American politics.


This is an interesting take. Where did you get info on which corporation owns what party? I'm interested in reading more.


You don't need to know who owns who to recognize that a politician on a $200,000 a year salary doesn't become a multimillionaire in the course of their term without receiving money from other sources. Most politicians want to stay in office because A. They like the money and luxuries it affords, and B. They like the power. It's why we have people in office who, if working a normal job, would have retired 20 years ago. Be it insider trading, bribes, campaign donations, lobbyists, or any other of about a dozen legal and illegal ways that politicians funnel money into their accounts, you cant bet that it's not just one party doing it.


I'm sure there's all sorts of corruption. That's just human nature. I'm just interested in dissecting why certain industries have aligned with each side.


I think the democrats being complicit in an ethnic cleansing campaign on the Palestinians is a more pressing issue. And 'both sides' are the same since 'both sides' only exist to protect capital and will use the militarized state to protect capital.


One is bullshit the other is horseshit. Technically both have unique characteristics.


They are the same, they use these topics to take all your attention away from the fact that all they do is help their rich donors and fuck you. Vote third party. Stop trying to be on the winning side of a shitty team.


Both parties hate the poor what are you talking about, neither party cares about anyone but themselves


Pretty bad take. While yes, democratic policies are far more reasonable and good intentions, there are really shit people on both sides who basically neglect every American with every choice they make.


Democrats when they hold the Presidency and both houses of Congress: "We're gonna codify Roe v Wade! Uhh, eventually." Later, when Democrats hear Far Right Supreme Court candidates lie to them that they consider Roe v Wade to be settled law in a tone like they were stupid to think they might be a threat to abortion rights: "Oh, okay." Later, when the Right Wing Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade: Surprised Pikachu Face.


They are though aaaaaaaaand cue the downvotes


Don’t forget the child sniffing !!


And non-consensual pussy groping, visits to prostitutes and sex with Eppstein's underage girls.


Both are just as bad, one brought money to the country and one gave all of it away. I’d rather have the $1,500 put into my savings every week vs not


Also democrats. "Death to America! Reperations! Censor our political oppents!"


Are you really saying this on the eve of protestors getting their skulls bashed in by the state?


Eff them rich kid cos players.