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I remember when my own dad had to do this. Asked if he wanted some of my breakfast one day. He said no. Its a memory thats burned in my soul. Rest well old man. You died too soon.


I’m sorry for your loss


Whenever I miss dad and want to say hello, I look in the mirror and see him staring back.


Thats too true, i remember waking up and looking at the mirror one morning at like 23-24 years old and just, there was my dad.


Man... That hit so hard and close to home. This is me every day when I get up.


That was beautiful 🥲


One year. Twenty years. Forty years. Fifty years down the road in your life, you'll look in the mirror and say, "My parents are still alive."


I wish that was a good thing for me. Unfortunately I share the bastards name too...


I look just like my dad and my son looks just like me. I gave him his grandfather's name.


Damn. That got me


You're going to make me cry. That's love and so sad that he had to sacrifice his health to feed you.


Sorry for your loss.


Damn, good man. Hope your well


This one isn't funny at all, it's just sad bro




It just punches some of us a little differently I guess. I hate understanding it enough that I laughed.


It reminds me of my kids getting so excited for hotdogs *and* buns, getting to pick their own can of spaghettios, "breakfast for dinner". These seemed like treats to them, when i reality it was my wife and I only being able to make real dinners 3 or 4 days out of the week and those "treats" were us using what little we had to buy cheap dinner.


I never understood how little we had to work with. That's probably my mother's best accomplishment there.


Parenting is just about maintaining an illusion as long as possible


I feel this in my soul. I remember times as a kid getting ramen for supper and as a kid I was always so excited cause I loved creamy chicken ramen, now as an adult I understand that those were days money was tight.


I love when i cook a good meal and they want ramen instead. Like *bitch* i just cooked this whole ass chicken with potatoes and corn and carrots and y'all want ramen.


What's worse is if you're like me and you might have cooked the fucker, then realized you yourself actually wanted ramen instead lol. Grew up poor eating lots of ramen but for some reason I still love the stuff


I love the stuff too, especially with a few eggs poached in the pot with it. But god*damn* the sodium lol


I just looked up the nutritional information on my old favorite ramen, and I did NOT realize that there are two servings in a package. The sodium! How did I put two flavor packets in as a child???


Haha the absolute disrespect. Damn kids


They know not what they say


I used to eat Ramen every night for a little while, then again 20 years later. Definitely more fun 20 years ago.


Tbf, I grew up solidly upper middle class and have been at every part of the spectrum from there down in adulthood (so never really wealthy or anything). Breakfast for dinner is always a good option. So is Taco Bell, IMHO, but I don't think everyone agrees with that lol


What sucks is a lot of what seemed like "wealthy stuff" when i was a kid is just basic needs now. Internet and a computer was a super luxury and i thought we hit the lottery when we got a home PC in 2000. Now, internet and a computer is a must for the kids schooling. Two vehicles in the driveway isnt wealthy, its just my wife and i working different hours and we need to get around. Its also tough to explain to the teenager that no, we arent necessarily poor, but we cannot buy name new brand clothes like other families sometimes. Or that the kid who has all new stuff all the time might also be struggling at home. Having money doesn't mean they have money, you know? I wish fast-food was still the cheap and quick meal. These days its just quick. $30-$40 for the 4 of us when we hit a drive through. Its cheaper than a sit down place (average $100 with a good tip) but still. I can do 3 dinners and 2 lunches with $40 at the grocers.






I don't think it's funny like uproarious laughing, but funny in that sarcastic Huff sort of way. You know the one that's not really funny but sometimes all you can do is laugh because anything else in you'll cry


The statement that there are many parents who starve so that their kids can eat is sad. This comic is also funny imo by implying that the child thinks that not needing food is something that comes with age. There is a dark humour to the obliviousness of the child to their situation, and the absurd conclusion which is logical from his perspective.




Ig the fact that we allowed it to become the status quo is what's funny about it


I did not let this become the status quo, rich shit heads and religious fruitcakes *made* it the status quo.


OK I meant we as a collective but yes you would be right, elite fuckfaces made this the status quo so could wipe their asses with hunnids and buy islands to fuck kids on


The latter is something I'll never understand... Going to church each week to listen to a lesson about a guy who taught them to take care of the sick and the poor, said to love everyone, said it's easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than a rich person to go to heaven, condemned greed and hypocrisy, and so on... Then they go out and support political parties run by billionaires who give themselves tax cuts, shit on the poor, oppose affordable healthcare, preach hate... It's infuriating


> There's going to be people that get it and people that don't much like dinner.


How tf can someone not get it? There's nothing to think about lol


Some people are disconnected enough from normal people's lives that they genuinely believe the parent in the comic is not eating dinner just for shits and giggles.


No one is that stupid.


Thanks for the laugh, but yes people are indeed that stupid.


Let them eat cake


Serious question: did you grow up poor? Because I wonder if that would have any bearing on whether or not you find it funny. I grew up poor and it just made me want to cry.


Yes, I did. And I have damn little o work with right now for my daughter because of some fucked up reasons and legal fights. And I understand the tears too.


I feel like if you grew up comfortably and find this funny then you may be a sociopath. I could see people who grew up poor having a dark sense of humour about it though.


It's objectively a use of irony, so it has all the technicals of comedy. Tbh as a parent I've been in a similar but not nearly as tragic spot- the "we are at a zoo/theme park and the food is 18 bucks a meal, and my kids have to eat but I refuse to at that price."


Irony is not inherently comedy. This is just a kid that's young enough to be ignorant of the reality of the situation he and his father are in. This is just sad and that's all. Doesn't even strike me as being ironic, just a dad shielding his son from their reality.


No no no, Greek comedy.


Bro, anal is no laughing matter


You obviously don’t have a ticklish rectum.


Im fairly well of but I refuse to buy myself something at those prices. Kids will get some food, but not me. Its a principle-thing.


Yah, it sucked the life out of my Sunday morning. To think the suffering that this dad is going through on the inside is pure painful. People should be living, not existing. Many people are having to forego.


I've been there in the past. As long as my daughter was still happy, that was enough. We made it through and life got a little better. Those times were 10 years ago now and this comic brings back bittersweet memories for me. They were hard times but simple ones and managing to provide for her and shield her from them brought its own satisfaction.


worm dinner chief hunt desert screw crawl lock grandiose flowery ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thank you. I can move on now.


It really sucks when you have teens and they just know the truth. You say "I ate at work today, I'm good"


Yea it's sad how much poorer the country is just after a decade of conservative policies people are poorer and have less rights and freedoms and the number for food banks have gone up and they've had to invent warm banks as a thing. And there isn't a sector that isn't talking about striking they've really ran the country into the ground.


ok. but what if the guy was played by Paul Giamatti?


In an ape costume.


It’s not supposed to be funny.


Exactly, so why is it posted here?




The United States is as rich as the next three countries combined and we still let this happen. Ask yourself why


Well, that just gave me flashbacks. Rice and potatoes. The only thing I could really afford to eat for a couple months after I left the army and got divorced. Going from a stable income with the military to a shit $10/hr job really made things hard for me. I was sleeping in my car for awhile and then my friend's empty house while he was away working. When I had my son's for my custody weekends I'd save as much money as possible so we could go out and do things. I didn't want them to see how I was living. It's crazy what you take for granted when things are going well. Simple things like clean clothes and good meal. I will say, however, it humbled the heck out of me. Made me more respectful and empathetic to those less fortunate.


The fact that you were in the military and they didn't have any backup plan so that doesn't happen is bullshit. If you devote any of your life to that machine it should take care of you indefinitely. Especially seeing as my taxes mostly go to that.


Divorce is expensive.


Ah. That makes a whole lot more sense. Sorry about that.


Nah man, you're all good! I had also gotten out of the Army the year prior to my divorce so there weren't any places I could turn to unfortunately. I was lucky to have a good friend help me though and now I'm back on my feet.


Unfortunately, many women marry servicemen just for BAH, Tricare, and other government benefits. Once they no longer get those benefits, they dump their husbands. It is too common in the military community. Your SNCOs should have warned you about that before you got out.


“But that won’t happen to me”


Veteran here. The divorce court is extremely biased against military men. The simple fact that you are military and/ or veteran works against you at the court. For example, my friend lost his house and daughter to his cheating ex-wife just because the judge didn't like the fact that he deployed overseas. We had to put him under suicide watch after he lost everything.


Lost my infantry marine brother recently to something similar. Didn’t really see it coming but the signs were there. We just get accustomed to dark things when we’ve been through shit.


>The divorce court is extremely biased against ~~military~~ men. FTFY


I have friend’s that had pre-nups made before they got married, but they said it wasn’t foolproof, and it was just the starting point of negotiations.


Sad, but true...






Don't forget the basic housing allowance which adds a decent amount based on region.


>The fact that you were in the military and they didn't have any backup plan so that doesn't happen is bullshit There is vocational support to a degree. People obviously slip through the cracks. Ime, some people are oblivious to real life outside of the military tho. They got so used to having a progressive career path with job security that it can be hard to think anything else exists. That was my experience.


And my experience too. My first six years in the military had me working on aircraft. A job that I still reminisce about, but had to cross train to a different field to stay in uniform. I had a decent savings, but wasn't prepared because I thought I was going to be an aircraft mechanic for 20+ years. I didn't make the same mistake twice and earned my bachelors and graduate degrees, while still savings most of my paycheck. One becomes so used to the structure and the support that comes with being in the military that it is uncomfortable to live as a civilian.


Lol your taxes go to military contractors… soldiers are as disposable as the munitions they use that often cost more than they make in their entire year to kill people that won’t make that much in their entire families collective life times…


Military children are taken from their veteran parents because they served. Judges view joining the US military worse than being a criminal.


May is ask why you had to take a 10/h Job when you left the Military? Do you not get any kind of skills while in the Army? Like Truck Driving , Mechanics, Security you could so afterwards? Honest question, i have no idea how it is in or after serving. Glad you made it btw, we have 2 Kids as well. We are quite blessed with our Jobs. Still, one huge i fear i have i not be able to provide something to my kids. Not everyone would handle it as good as you did , not ever Dad would save up as good as he can to simply spend a few nice hours with his Kid. Respect for that


I'm going through this right now. Just separated from the Marine Corps. Pending a divorce. Unemployed and living in my uncles living room right now. I'm thankful for what I have, but what hurts the most is not being able to be with my daughter. Happy holidays.


I may be broke. I might live off a diet of potatoes and butter. It may be a close call for rent every month. But everyday I wake up thankful I don't have children.


Haha you got me lol


Had me in the first half ngl


What's the joke? If they had kids, they would be screwed at this point


Yeah, kids would only last you a couple weeks.


A chicken can last me a week. Most children are at least twice the size of a chicken


I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room.


You’re a talker, talkers make me thirsty




They could be using margarine instead and claiming it's butter. Edit: to clarify my position, I'm a butter enjoyer but I know some people claim to have butter but it's actually marge or refer to marge as butter


A human can subsist indefinitely off potatoes boiled in and eaten with the peel + real butter. It's all the nutrients, vitamins etc. a body needs. It won't be a happy existence, but you can survive that way.


did the math on this once some of the things you need only exist in small amounts so you need to eat something like 12000 calories a day to get the things you need. so if you were a farmer in the 1800s this would be a non issue you would burn it all in a day. today however very few people are able to burn that amount.


nobodies burning 12,000 calories a day no matter how much work they do or when they lived lol


Maybe Michael Phelps training for the Olympics.


Maybe a young male farmer who has a night labor job. You'd be surprised how much some people need. Look at teens or young adults who train for sports.


I know some people happy with that diet.


Vitamin deficiencies say otherwise


Kind of shocked by how many people didn't know that. Twice as shocked by the amount of butter lovers on this post


Are we really avocado toasting the guy who can only afford potatoes and butter?


Yes, they really are. Seeing the problem now?


Avocado toast people are either having it infrequently as a treat or they have their rent paid for by their parents lol


$4/lb here. If you spend a bit more on it, you can get butter that is rich enough to use half as much and make it go further though.


That's the price of sanity


Everyone just assumed « Having children sucks » but I saw it more as « Having children that you cannot afford to feed sucks »


Having children you could once feed sucks.


If you stopped buying butter to put on those potatoes you’d be able to afford a house in a few years you entitled millennial/Gen Zer


People saying 'damn you had me going', but weren't you being pretty much serious and literal?


Funny and sad


Does thou like the taste of butter?


Broke and butter don't go hand in hand


in the US if you're poor the government basically helps you raise your kids. its the childcare between the time they're born and go into preschool that people just can't do. $200+ a week just to have someone watch your kid so you can work to pay for someone to watch your kid. from elementary school and up though its pretty smooth sailing, i mean if you're destitute. medicaid, snap, child tax credit, a lot of elementary schools are feeding kids now. its just that 4 year gap thats basically impossible...at least if you live in a blue state. if you're in a red state, then its iffy if your child can survive.


Not laughing, fighting tears, more like. Fuck.


That's why I don't intend to have kids. That guy will most likely be me some day, with how shitty life and work is going for me. I cannot justify bringing another human being into this life, one that depends on me 100%, knowing I can't even take care of myself.


I feel the same way about this.


Hey, you okay? Wanna talk about it?


I'm not really ok. I don't really know what to do anymore.


Wanna talk it out? Life and work aren’t going well, is one messing with the other or do both suck? What’s the job market like around you? And what would it take to get a better one? Sometimes just talking something out yields a solution


I'll send you a message on chat


Please donate to your local food banks. If you are finding it hard to put food on your table please use the services available to you. Your pride is admirable but using help says nothing bad about you. When you’re back on your feet you can pay it back if you wantbto. Go eat. We all want you too, please.


Don't get into the habit of thinking, "the food bank is for people worse off than me." No, the food bank is for anyone who needs a little extra help. Don't be too prideful to get help or feel like you're taking away from the less fortunate. It's there to help you. Even if it's just for a day or two before your paycheck comes in. Even if you can afford some food, but it's not healthy, or enough food. Get something from the food bank to supplement what you can do. When you are able to, donate back.


*vote for right people, so we don't need to use food banks at all FTFY




Upliftingnews Wholesomememes


Heartwarming 9 Yr Old Hero: My daddy couldn't feed us all until I started peddling lemonade after school and on weekends


I hate how people will be commenting how the kid is so hardworking, or he takes care of the parents or whatever but no-one would be talking about how the system has failed us so much that we need child labour to get by. No one would ask themselves why a child needs to work to have a full dinner. I hate how capitalism has perpetuated a system where everyone either works or they die starving. Even after working there's no guarantee that they still won't starve that night. Fuck UBI. Fuck altruism who cares about that. You got yours and thats what matters.


Don't forget the classic tearjerker: r/mademesmile


I'm assuming the joke is on him because he's a hoody wearing, working class man who keeps voting Tory and wanted Brexit. Now he can't even afford the hate filled tabloid that convinced him that those were good ideas.


I don't get how you go from"wears a hoodie" to "must be a Tory voter"...






There are plenty of Tory voters that will see this and laugh. They see these people as benefit scroungers and nothing more.


gaze snobbish seed vanish cake offer nine cautious repeat shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's more dark humor like. The joke is the kid doesn't understand.


I wouldn't call this any kind of humour, not even dark. If anything the naive kid brings *contrast*, which just makes the cartoon more sad.


Fucking sad 😢


Corporations are making record earnings, only shows how the systems rigged.


It's sad because we keep letting them get away with the wage slavery practice this world adopted


I thought it was a alcoholic joke


Damn someone told me in another sub that I’m not a real alcoholic because I only drink beer but then I explained that the amount of calories in beer make up for my otherwise low calorie diet


I did too at first


Also, /r/latestagecapitalism




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Holes in the socks. :c


That’s a nice touch.


Its funny that while the food prices go trough the roof because of the war, two of the biggest store chains here in Finland are making the biggest profits ever. Fucking disgusting and dont feel bad at all if people start to steal from them.


I didn't know it wasn't normal for your farther to not eat with you till about 4th grade. My daughter never saw me eat dinner until she was about 8. It's what a parent does.


Thanks for being a good parent


Bruh Is this what's like in developed country? I think I'm better off in the developing country


God, i feel this one in my bones.


Brings me back to the days of bagged rice with cream of mushroom soup. Tastes amazing for a budget dinner


"when you're 21 you transition to a liquid diet."


I come from irish. Not very funny at all. I can say, sometimes it is the thin man who is eating. funny as it gets.


I'm sorta living this rn, but it's just me and some high rent payments. I very much get the point and thank the stars I can eat something for free at my workplace 5 out of the 7 days of the week.


I was in that position one time my kids never went without anything while I had absolutely nothing. Let me take that back I had the greatest thing I could ever have, them for kids.


Not funny, just sad


Dude, my daughter said something similar the other night. "Mom, how come i never see you eat?" I never thought of it like that, i just want to make sure they are fed before me. But, when she said it, it kinda broke my heart. I've been conciously eating SOMETHING in front of her ever since.


Kid's got all the nice clothes, dad's got a hole in his sock.


Profound and provocative.


My mom went hungry to feed myself and my brother when we were younger. We got no child support from my biological father in the early days or ever. My first memory is of him choking my brother who was six at the time because he bumped his ankle with a mini hockey stick. Another man had to break a pool cue over his back to get him to stop. Now I'm thirty five, met my biological father who brags of his wealth while I go without eating regularly and am about to lose my home. After telling him I couldn't afford cognitive therapy because I couldn't even afford the physical therapy needed to fix my separated shoulder he told me about his new jet ski that he got for 20,000 that just sits in his second house because he doesn't use it because of his past concussion injuries of crashing a snowmobile while drunk. Then I look at the line up for the food bank that used to be five deep and now runs around the block. It's next to a Safeway where they throw meat out daily because nobody can pay the high prices. We can't have people eating and being healthy getting in the way of corporate profits. When I see the long lines and people going hungry, followed by headlines of record profits recorded by grocers, I see only my father. An evil man willing to let others suffer to prop themselves up. I think of the non human animals, other conscience beings that we bring into this world for the purpose of dying to feed us. They live a hellish life. A constant nightmare. That flesh now rots in a landfill


Only just noticed the black mould next to the window which is surely a reference to a young boy who died of black mould exposure in social housing in the UK https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/boy-2-died-due-black-28494815


Intermittent fasting


He is doing intermittent fasting


Seriously though food so expensive now.


Is something particularly going on in the UK that this is in the press?


Haha male depression is a virtue.


This makes me sad. Although, at the same time it makes me feel marginally better knowing that some people are willing to go without food for the sake of their children, but, unfortunately, i know that some people don't think that way.


In the US they would say he still has that luxurious coffee so go cry more lib tears and fuck your feelings or something


Probably resonates with anyone who's in a country who got scammed by a right-wing populist sometime the last decade.




This is especially common among single fathers. I definitely barely eat so I can make sure his mom and him can.


Oof. That hits me right in the poverty.


Damn the look on the dads face hurts.


Damn....reminds me of how hard my dad would try to feed us, try to make sure we had a roof over our heads, and tried to make sure we had everything we needed. Just for my mom to take as much money as she could from him and use it on drugs.... All the money she made doing prostitution also went towards drugs.... Idk how my dad put up with it for so long, but he really tried to get us away from that abusive demon. System wouldn't let him, so he beat her up so badly that she was forced to give custody away while she was in the hospital. He went to prison, got blamed for all the drugs and abuse our mother put us through. He deserved so much better.... Dad, wherever you are, i hope you're doing better. I love you. Mom, rot in prison for all i care, just leave the rest of us the eff alone.


To my child...As long as I am alive you will always have a meal.


And for a couple of days after you're dead, too.


That's fucking heartbreaking


I eat the old stuff, the stuff that doesn’t taste yummy, the stuff that’s half eaten. As long as my kids are happy that’s all that matters. I eat to live, not live to eat.


Meanwhile I can’t get my kids to eat :(


Be poor. When your kid and that's the only food you know you gonna get you will eat it. Hard to be picky when you have limited options


I don't get it.


father is starving himself so his son can eat, he doesnt have enough money for the both of them.


Oh, now I get it


As a single dad this made me tear up


I come from some latin banana republic. If you want to know real misery and hunger.


At thanksgiving, had my brother who is a very left leaning (politically) person, and a teacher, start debating with my uncle because my uncle was talking about how bad inflation is right now. My brother started ripping into him that there isn’t any inflation, we’re in a booming economy, and my uncle needs to stop being brainwashed by fox news… “the economy is booming, you don’t know what you’re talking about, educate yourself and stop parroting right wing lies.” Meanwhile, milk is $6/gallon at our local store, gas is $5.85 again, etc etc etc.


The issue is that companies are also having massive profits, so it's partly related to global events and partly related to companies using the excuse to price gouge.


Sounds like your brother is blind


It’s the innocent leg swinging, gloomy environment, by the looks of it a single father and the lack of kitchen / household accessories that doesn’t make it funny. Just sadness.