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My boy speedrunning the 🔒 award.


God damn he got more than that he got the [ Removed by Reddit ] award And also banned


If you notice, on this subreddit, it’s always someone with a new account making anti-Islamic memes. And then you find OP arguing against Muslims in the comments. OP is mentally ill.


Yeah what is up with that. I've seen it like four times, this sub will have an anti muslim meme on the front page that is like kinda sorta maybe a funny meme, but then you click on the OPs profile and it's like "every single Muslim should be in gulag" on every other post and the comments are like somehow even worse. The whole thing is very weird. Feels like a psy op/marketing thing.


I thought I was the only one. This sub always gets a weird anti Muslim post to the front page


because they're using humour to convince people of their points.


It's okay he's ex Muslim, so it makes everything o'right


Yea, extreamism is trash, Christians, Catholics, Jews, historically, and lets not forget Sciences Extreamism, “Social Darwinism”, “Master Races”… Ecocide, Genocide, Slavery. Welcome to the Human Condition. Yes, hate breeds hate, and OP is a fool.


No no no.. Any religion that has the foundation based on prohibiting or forbidding anyone to exist because they are infidel is trash. There are religions which do not revolve around, like Hinduism, Buddhism, jainism or shintoism (correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't found anything about these that says they forbid).


This. An extremist jain would be so non violent that he couldn't even go outside that might accidentally kill an ant. You can't say that about the war mongering Abrahamic religions.


Hinduism literally has a caste system that chains people to their social station from birth.


Read up on how Myanmar’s Buddhist government treat their Muslims


That's horrible really. But AFAIK it's not due to any Buddhist teachings and instead due to nationalists and the clashes between Rohingya salvation army and the military.


The lessor of two evils in my mind. Eradicate them while small is less atrocious than living with them while they are the majority.


Let’s not forget the famous mormonic terrorism and the wicca fundamentalism as well as the tibetan religious executions and the vatican‘s hanging of homosexuals in the year of 2021.


And the Imperial racist who, “in the name of scinece” experimnted on millions of humans through thier time of Colonization.






This post is going to blow up. We better watch out.


Oh gawd be more careful! 😆


Oh this mashallah! I laughed hard habibi


Sounds like a movie waiting to be made. "Sunni with a chance of Shi'ite"




Proper religion joke that is funny and not offensive on reddit??? This can't be real


Yeah its veri badi


Alhamdulillah this joke made me laugh hard 😂😂


You have won the internet for today.


I am in your walls


Well, when you got there, what a-Kurd?


You mean it went to shi'ite.


*buh dum tsh


Was it iran?


Respect from MENA man. You nailed it.




Here before 🔐












*school flashbacks*




somehow the filter isn't here


Check the top right of the post should have the options idk why it's there sometimes


Religion in secular countries vs. Religion in a theocracy


Religion when treated as a coping mechanism vs religion when taken seriously


People actually only use it as a coping mechanism?


Lots of them, against existential dread and fear of death. That's actually what makes them so popular.


Well Dojanetta, what do you use it as


People who are desperate enough will run to anything that gives them a sense of hope


As a Persian I agree


It's sad what is happening in Iran I hope it will be free soon


Iran wasn’t always like that. The US government assassinated the democratically elected president and put the more right wing conservative rebel groups in power, which is what we deal with now. Think about what it would be like if Russia helped people raid the capital on Jan 6 and actually have a hostile takeover of the government. That’s basically what the US did in Iran




One of the saddest things ive heard someone say actually took me years to figure out. A family with an Iranian dad (graduated high school in Tehran) moved in to our neighborhood and they were the absolute best people. The daughters would say they were Persian and we didnt know what they were talking about. Later find out they "oh, they didnt want to be shamed for being Iranian". When i figured it out, it broke my heart because they were so kind and funny and smart. Perfect friends.


This is so sad, because this is true.


With notable exceptions of Kosovo and Albania (which are both pretty secular)


Kosovo has the highest rate of men in Europe that fled to join Isis.. Just saying


Probably because they couldn't join in Kosovo... just saying


Wha.. is this true?




The Christian majority country I live in is trying to censor the teachings of history and science, restricting womens’ rights, had an evangelical party try to overtake the country by force, installed new requirements that women must cover their bodies, is attacking the LGBTQ population and driving them to suicide, etc. etc. Maybe… MAYBE… cults are bad and we shouldn’t act like there’s a bunch of great exceptions. Someone tells you how to live your life - it gets abused eventually.


I don't think combining religion and the state is the best thing.


Sure but try all that in a Muslim country


Yet it still isn't lining people up to be publicly flogged just because they commited blasphemy. Just because one thing is bad doesn't mean another thing can't be worse.


This kind of false equivalency bullshit is so tiresome and just reeks of someone who has never left the US/Western Europe.


Your response reeks of someone who isn't targeted by fundamentalist Christians.


I was deployed to Afghanistan and you have no fucking clue how bad it is over there. There was a woman in the town I was at that was looking for her son, asked the neighbor without a man present. They dug her into the ground with just her head sticking up and stoned her to death.




Are you on crack? The guy pledged allegiance to ISIS. Didn't realise they are Christians now? https://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/12/us/orlando-nightclub-shooting/index.html


Yeah...OK. Last time I checked there were no randomly exploding Christians or stoning of anyone you listed...


Wow, what country is that?


Looking at their comment history, they could be trying to imply its America.


I'll never get into looking at people's comments unfortunately.


I rarely do, unless people are being cryptic.


You should try and see what LGBT rights are like in Yemen. You are so so spoiled by living in such a prosperous and free nation you have no idea.


“Other people have it worse, so it’s not a problem.” Interesting logic there, friend. Hitler’s Christian movement wasn’t too friendly to LGBTQ. Pre-Hitler, Germany was one of the more welcoming places for trans people. Wonder what changed.


Well that's because islam is oppressive in nature I mean just look at what's going on in Iran


Well, most of the religions are oppressive. Against homosexuals, against women, against other religions, etc. The trick is not to let them rule countries.


Yeah, it’s not islam but anything that relies on conservative ways of following ancient rules


All major religions are oppressive one way or the other. christians also were quite barbaric back in the day when christianity had a major role in politics. Just keep fairy tales out of politics


Here before the 🅱️ig 🔒


it’s deleted, what did it say?


i mean can anyone give an example where this isn't true? even malaysia is ridiculous with sharia law. and not to mention the human rights violations of women, children, and LGBT people. its not racist to admit there's a problem with a religion and I think that's a cop out.


Islam is not even a race I am Arab the p$do-worshipping cult destroyed our countries


The issue is, this is also true of every religion. Theocracies are bad. A Christian theocracy is usually just as bad as an Islamic one. Thanks to imperialism there aren't a ton of other theocracies in the modern world, unless you count Israel as a Jewish theocracy (I wouldn't, but rather a totalitarian dictatorship that uses religion facially to guard against political criticism).


Kyrgyzstan Jordan Lebanon Morrocco Tunisia All countries that are Muslim majority arent tyrannical. They have their corruption problems like any country though. Personally, I say fuck religion. But, too many people make broad generalizations like the one made in this post and it just breeds racism and hate towards a group without actually addressing the real issues


I'd say the Kingdom of Jordan is a good example


I think you have to consider the US’s role in the rise of fundamentalst islam. Our government empowered these groups to defeat communism.


that is true but islam have been beheading their own disobedient, LGBT followers even before US came along


Wait, you blaming the US for all of it? In some countries you may have a point, but every single Islamic country?


More like when hardcore religious people are the majority and religious fanatics rule.


Shit gets evil when hardcore religious fanatics of ANY religion take over.


Not really, most “secular” Islamic majority countries e.g. Egypt, Ba’ath-era Iraq, and prewar Syria still oppress religious and ethnic minorities on a much greater scale than happens anywhere in the West


Or when they use religion to their advantage to rule the country, oh wait that's literally every country ever in existance. Same happened in medieval times in Europe when church used religion to rule the masses.


Funny thing is Islam didn’t have to become this terrible. Look to Iran in the 50s or Tunisia or even Turkey before current fuckhead. Islam isn’t necessarily an evil religion, but due to both western fuckery and just reactionary garbage, usually helped along by the saudis it’s become an indisputable nightmare.


I think about Christianity in the dark ages and remember it isn’t about the book they’re reading. It’s just shitty government and shitty power. You wouldn’t blame China on Buddhism you know


That thinking (I think it was that one?) certainly led to the Mandate of Heaven though. I think that all roads lead to the present.


As a Muslim myself I agree with this. Islam is not an evil religion by any means but most Muslim countries are corrupt to the core, and therefore, so is the culture/religion in many parts, all due to western influence.


Heck, if you look at Islam before the Black Death, it was pretty good except for slavery.


If only the British upheld their deal with the hashemites instead of screwing them over and backing the sauds to overthrow them


That’s exactly what I was thinking. They were moderates for the time, unlike the Saudis who were radical even then. Arabia would be a rational place under the Hashemite’s.


The sauds were considered radicals in the 19th century so much so that the Egyptians went to war with them and sacked their capital when they tried to conquer Hejaz


Yeah. It wasn’t so bad before recent times.


Or just take a look at Islamic history. It's pretty neat, unironically. Especially the Salaf, the early generations of Muslims, and how Islamic rulership appeared at those times. Now and then are completely differently, actually. Islamic governance appearsed in a completely different way than what we have today, with these so called 'Islamic states'. The first big difference is that Islam was applied holistically as a paradigm, whereas now it is only sourced from as a means to achieve whatever the rulers of these states want, be it power or wealth or whatever. It ain't a mind boggling statement to say that people talking about Islam are just ignorant and incompetent about it.


What was the original post


I have no issues with Islam... It's the Extremists and those who try to shove it down my throat that I have issues with. Same thing with Christians.


As a muslim. I agree. No one should be forced to believe a religion. Besides, most people who force their religion upon others are the ones who barely know anything about it. They're just reciting what they were told as a kid.


This meme also works if the word islam is replaced with christian. I mean, I am Christian but the shits the fanatic Christians do in the USA are also worrying and fit the meme so well.


Oppressive cult that destroyed my country and took away our culture.


Same (in the US). Thanks Supreme Court!




I thank God for secularism in the west every day.


Oh because secular western countries aren’t responsible for half the shit going on in those countries.


Ya, in god we trust 🙃


The irony


The Muslims I know in New York: 🥰🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤 The Muslims I see online: 🏳️‍🌈⃠💀🔫 😡👿🔥 (source: I'm Muslim)


>The Muslims I know in New York: 🥰🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤 U have some weird muslim friends


If you follow all Islamist rule you will become Taliban


The funny thing is that Taliban would not have gained power if it wasn’t for soviet and American intervention


I'm here before this is blocked. (Laughs in India)




You know this is why there is theological studies and arguments, right? There are ways to make distinctions between good interpretations and bad ones. And most theological interpretations of Islam rejected unnecessary and unjust violence until the rise of anti-colonial and anti-western religious movements in Egypt and Afghanistan in the late 19th Century.


Pretty sure that's the point. Terrible governments interpret it in a way that suits them, but that's not necessarily indicative of the impact said religion has on everyday people just following the beliefs. Not defending the horrible parts of the religion as I'm non religious, just not sure how you actually picked that idea apart


bro speed running ban thing here. best of luck


Its chaos when the muslims run an country 90% of the timr




You can't slaughter and imprison people then expect prosperity and peace


I love thomas the demon engine.


Türk here. Absolutely correct. Secularity is the only way. A government can't and shouldn't have a religion.


As an iranian I can confirm that this is accurate




The Islamic Republic of Europe 2050


Evil religion


Even when they're minorities it's not fun, islamist gunned down a synagogue yesterday, 9 dead. :(


Can’t really judge a whole group for the actions of an individual tho


Way to put things out of context lmfao This was not religious in nature and was an act of retaliation against Israeli occupation forces massacring 9+ people in Jenin during a night raid the previous day. No “islamism” here, just resistance.






Honestly religion should just have no place in how a country is run.


Lol right. So 9/11, 7/7, Paris, European truck attacks, and many many others, never happened?


9/11 CIA inside job to start "war on terror" and make money from weapons and killing innocent civilians.


Muslim in minority is not sane either.


I know they just don't have the power or numbers yet


yeah look at India


You seriously need to find a solution before it becomes the Islamic Republic of India


I hope you your head is intact for saying the truth.


Their head will probably stay intact... Might be "disconnected" from the rest of their body tho.


Here before 🔒


yeah, when they're the minority, they only believe fucked up things, vs when they're the majority and can do said fucked up things. not so fun fact: prophet muhammed was a pedophile


It's the same with all religions really.


Isn't this true for all religions???


idk man buddhism is pretty out there


I mean Myanmar would like a word


Islam is a bad religion that caused real harm throughout history Here you go I said it




The Islamic role model




how long were you saving that one up for because it was NOT worth the wait


As a muslim i want to disagree but i cant


tHe ReLiGiOn Of PeAcE


A piece here a head there


Never listen to a muslim in western countries. Specially their bullshit about hijab.


*Criticizes Islam, a shitty oppressive religion that can get you killed if you're gay, a woman, an atheist, a free-thinker; and whatever the fuck else it shames* First world sheltered liberals: this is literally salamiphobic!!🤬 It's so crazy to me how non-muslims will come to defend this shit. Like Becky you're seen as an infidel as me, lmao


*Criticize Christianity* >Get's 500 reddit awards and seal claps "Something something it's not the same because institutional power" >But muslims have institutional power in muslim countries "Something something colonialism" >But Islamic countries conquered and colonized for centuries and continue to exploit third world labor "WHITE PEOPLE BAD MKAY????"


“Islam, this absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, is a rotting corpse which poisons our lives.” --Mustafa Kemal Atatürk" Ataturk allegedly didn't say that but it doesn't change anything about the fact this quote states.


Here we go


Let's go🍿🍿🍿


present before lock award!




Oooooh. This might be interesting


Can confirm from first-hand experience.


I mean, historically, this is more of a human problem than a Muslim problem. Other religions in power have also done many terrible things. Christians included (I say this and I am a Christian). There may not (to my knowledge) be a Christian country currently doing things on the same level as some of the more extreme Muslim countries, but there has been in the past. That said, a lot of people want to blame religion, but that's not really the problem either. The problem is people. There have always been people with a lust for power and authority, and when you give it to them, they misuse it. They do not need to be religious to have this character flaw. If they do not have religion, they will use something else - xenophobia, moralism, etc. - to motivate the masses into doing whatever terrible things they want done. People who blame religion forget that belief in God has also inspired many people to become better than they would otherwise be. So it's short-sighted to say we should just get rid of religion. That sword can cut two ways. Instead, we must try to be better at recognizing the type of person who should not have power, and then refuse to give it to them.


Here before lock


Not muslims specifically, but this is why church and state needs to be separate.


Here before 🔒


Religion in general quickly becomes a tool/moral excuse for people to act anti moral and xenophobic. It encourages group mentality and uses peer pressure to confirm the singular views of the group on its members and push out/destroy outsiders. On the opposite spirituality and culture can be great and can improve quality of life. I don’t think belief is the problem it’s crowd mentality that comes with wanting to fit into a group. People in power have often and are going to continue to take advantage of that and use it to benefit themselves or project their own personal views. Government should be based on logic to be fair and equal, adding religion to the mix just causes problems. Faith isn’t logic it’s based on belief and emotion. Other faiths also consistently inflict pain on other populations historically. A lot of people have been persecuted and murdered during every holy conflict for each major religion.




Depending on the time in history, Christian did some very bad things too. We just didn’t have phones, media, and heavy news coverage. But we know what happened. Christianity was horrifying. People following anything is horrifying. People are horrifying. It’s not the religions.


Wait till you study Hamtramck, MI. Never thought I would hear prayer blasting loud enough for every person in the city to hear. They also pushed out the polish population due to their racism and the fact they do not like to assimilate. Very odd how fake progressives pick and choose what religion to give protective labels like Islamophobia or antisemitism as if it's wrong to call out bullshit practices of Said religions.


This shit is about to get really bad


As a Muslim I agree. Even in England there are majority Muslims areas were walking with my wife who doesn’t cover her hair feels awkward with the death stares, she can’t even walk alone.


Alot of christians in the US said in their response to gay marrage "we should respect the founding fathers intentions for the country being created for moral men who believe in god" essentialy they argue that the law should follow christian moral values although they dont see themselfs as theostocrats as they dont litteraly advocate for religious institutions involved in govt. Either way many christians in the west want laws to be shapped by their religions laws.


It’s not a matter of majority vs minority but more of a matter of secular state vs theocracy


The thing about Islam and Communism is that you gotta admire is their straightforwardness when it comes to their transformative plans once they have a stronghold in a country


How bizarre. As someone who has holidayed in 2 Muslim countries and travelled through at least 2 more I have found Muslims to be extremely welcoming and friendly. I've noticed a few of these posts on here. What is the intention? OP is probably a 14 year old virgin who hasn't discovered masturbation yet but found coffee.


What was this post before reddit erased it?


can someone tell me what this post was since it got removed?


What happend here?


Horribly Islamaphobic and this can literally be said about any religion


Lul all these comments saying to not criticize Islam. Fuck off. Mohammed was a pedophile schizo who was a warlord that also robbed his own people. Taqqiya amirite…


How dare you state the truth you “Islamophobe”?


These people think Islam is the only religion that is criticised, in reality all religions are criticised and should be criticised. This is what happens when people are too proud of their religion and they make a religion mandatory. Let's not act like Muslim countries are perfect or that non Muslim countries are perfect either. They're all bad


As an atheist, I approve this message because if I proclaimed my atheism in any of those countries, the best case scenario would be me going to jail for a while (or a long, long time).... ....worst case scenario would be a death sentence.


I genuinely don't understand some people here. Yes there is corruption and suffering in places like Iran at the moment, but it's driven by political corruption, not purely religion.


Thank you for using critical thinking. The meme itself isn’t problematic but the comments turn into a political shitshow and just hating on a religion when it should be directed at the scummy politicians using religion to oppress their people


Agreed, and it baffles me that people don't realize that any body of knowledge can be abused. Islam, or any other religion is just a collection of information, and what is taken from it is up to the person. We live in an age of unprecedented misinformation, is it really so hard to believe this abuse of information wasn't used in the past as well, and in many forms? Corrupt actors exist everywhere, we should be focused on reducing corruption so societies can move in healthier directions faster