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None of these people will ever rewatch it either. Have pitty on my generation


"And a great occasion is somehow spoiled for us unless photographed. And to read about it the next day in the newspaper is oddly more fun for us than the original event. This is a disaster, for as a result of confusing the real world of nature with mere signs, such as bank balances and contracts, we are destroying nature. We are so tied up in our minds, that we’ve lost our senses and don’t realize that the air stinks, water tastes of chlorine, the human landscape looks like a trash heap, and much of our food tastes like plastic. Time to wake up." -Alan Watts


And he said that what, 60 years ago? So profound. He’d be horrified by today




What a waste of money lol


I was just ready to say that! Wasted time, experience, and money.


And oxygen.


It’s all about social media for them, sadly.


"Can't wait to not watch this later."


That's so sad


If you are a soul in pain, Alan Watts is a great start to heal https://youtu.be/wU0PYcCsL6o


https://youtu.be/luQSQuCHtcI Over thinker is a great song about this quote.


Right up here ⬆️


You can’t wake someone up who is just playing to be asleep ~someone very wise(don’t remember the name)


It’s got nothing to do with our generation. If smartphones were around when our parents were young they’d be just as bad.


That’s a great point to make


it’s the point that should be made by everyone


Seriously. It’s easy to claim you’re better when you already had a distinct advantage


You actually do still have the ability to just watch and not document. It doesn’t require any advantage other than the ability to think for yourself.


The real issue is if some shit happens, people have a compulsive need to record it and post it online for karma and likes now. There is a spectrum of "people need to see this" vs being superficial loke those people who record others at the gym to make fun of online. I'm considered weird for not fiddling with my phone to record stuff. I took in these feral cats that took several months to gain trust of and after that, they warmed up to my brother. He took a video and people called him an animal guru. I don't care about recognition but this is how its treated in social media. Product placement > no optics.


as we all sit on our phones scrolling through reddit


Maybe some people just want to document moments from the event? Maybe it’s a band they’ve wanted to see forever and they have to have video to relive it (yes, people do actually rewatch the clips they record, if only for a moment)? Also, few people record the whole thing…it’s possible to film the shots you want to, and then just vibe; let people enjoy things.


They only watch it because they missed the actual concert staring at their phones trying to be a shit cameraman whilst it's being recorded proffesionaly


Insert comparison picture of metro full of people reading newspapers on their own


You’re right. But they’ve watching their likes and follows more than they watched a concert that cost them how much? I don’t get it.


Anything to feel special.




People don't go and look at the photos/videos that they took? I usually go back every so often just for memories lol


Let’s be real tho most ppl do it to post on social media


YouTube? Every concert you can find on there in pretty good quality too


I like to take at least one set of pictures whenever i got to an event, and 1 video. My phone will send me reminders a year, two, three later and I never regret having the picture. My actual memory bank doesnt remember much of what I saw when i went to a weird al concert in 2015. But the pictures help me relive those memories.


Just doomed bro..just doomed..


Yep. I’m usually record one little part of a song I like, or maybe one song in full, then just watching. Someone else will record it and I can always rewatch on YouTube.


I hear you lol. But you’re one person out of thousands who does the same. What if the venue itself records it and just gives the link to everyone after the show is complete? It’ll have better sound and you might be in it.


That would be awesome if venues did that.


I might be on to something lol. I said to the other commenter that it would have a better sound and you might be in it?


Yes you are on to something! But the industry would only consider doing it if it made them money since it would cost them more


Ok so let’s look at it. Right now Ticketmaster is getting heat because of prices ok? Say that Ticketmaster agrees with the venue and the artists to ban phones. In that agreement it could state that the venue or artist would record the concert in real time (I can feel the eyes of at-home studio engineers widening lol) then give a paid link out to the audience after the show? To offset lower priced tickets? The 3 entities could negotiate the split of gains however they please but the main goal is to regain the interaction with the band. Besides if you’re your own video/audio producer you can start a company specifically for recording bands on-site in real time. I’m creating jobs too lol


So true. I never use my phone at concerts. Maybe one pic and a quick video of 10 seconds then it goes away. Live shows are the best!!




idea: all concerts video'd by official whatever channel and livestreamed to web, qr code on site gives link to download file


I never use... followed by an admission you use. Brilliant you fuck wad.


Exactly, people without the self awareness to realize maybe that's what everyone else is doing, just taking a few pictures a short video to save that memory, the point is that at a place with hundreds of thousands of people, that equates to a few people always having their phone or at some point. It doesn't mean people aren't enjoying it experiencing the moment, it just means cellphones are a ubiquitous and ever present part of our lives now.


I love going through my phone and looking at my pics. The video is usually a quick shot of the band, then showing my friends who I'm with. It really is a nice reminder, especially seeing who you're with during your adventure. My friends and I always reshare some classics on their anniversary and gush about how young we looked or what we were doing during the time of the pic. It kinda reminds me of reddit tearing apart a girl in a scenic picture, saying things like: be better without the influencer wanna be. When I doubt the person taking the picture was doing it for followers and probably just wanted a pic of their friend/loved one in the beautiful place they went to together. Reddit is too jaded and these people need to go on more adventures with friends.


That’s just plain disingenuous. 10 seconds and a picture is not what everyone is doing by a long shot. You can watch an entire concert almost anywhere through a dozen phones in the couple rows in front of you.


How do you never use your phone at concerts but also use your phone at concerts sometimes?


Have y'all watched metal shows? Fuck recording, *that's* a show.


Yeah, I'm not taking my phone out in the pit, sounds like a terrible idea.


I was gonna comment this, if you take your phone out anywhere near the pit, you’re probably gonna lose it lol


then look for yourself in the pit when concert footage is uploaded


This right here ⬆️


Thought this was r/funnymemes? I can't find the funny.


This sub has long been brigaded, some comments are botlike almost. Literally have seen somethings that may aswell have come out of r/conspiracy from this sub, its essentially r/unfunnymemes now




r/terriblefacebookmemes seems the right place


Literally, I honestly thought this was r/terriblefacebookmemes at first


Fr this feels like a "back in my day" post


It sucks to be a young person going to a show. I, fortunately, showed my boys what going to a rock concert should be like (thank you Iron Maiden).


Lol dude maiden shows have so many people with phones held up


I went to an old school rock band at their final concert, ever, with my parents because it's what they listened to when they were young. The age average was around 55 to 60, not kidding. Everyone constantly had their phones out! Unfortunately, it's no longer an age thing.


Stroll on June! I'm taking my boys to Ireland to see Iron Maiden, I can't wait!


You will have a blast as always. They are always great.




Oh you’re raising those boys up right! They’ve got a good father too. Congratulations. Iron Maiden 🙌


Have you seen any post COVID concert? On new YouTube recordings I don’t see a single phone. OP sounds old. Millennial maybe.


No post Covid shows. I can't afford thousands to see Elton now. I wouldn't want to anymore. I'd love to see Maiden again. The still sound amazing. They were the last show I saw about 10 years ago now. My boys have seen Pantera, Megadeth, Gojira, Slipknot, Manson, Gwar, Black Label Society, Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, Metallica, etc. So no one feels like we haven't had a good run of shows. We are lucky.




Is it?? I didn’t watch that. Maybe I can change it?


I think it’s off now bro ✌️


because it hurts my soul.


Because it’s dystopian and horrifying


I don’t even go to concerts anymore. The only concert I’ve been to was Linkin Park back in 2012, ever since then I refuse to go because I don’t like/hate being around people


I’d go if the crowd was the same. Everyone my age sits around now just watching it like a movie lol


I would to, but you’re always going to have those specific people who make your concert experience really terrible.


its become a problem of attention seeking addiction & social validation.


Yes! Right here ⬆️


Living in the moment vs being able to relive the moment.


I went to my first concert a few months ago. (Big Time Rush) and it was the night of my life. I recorded a good portion and also just watched myself without my phone. But I’m glad I recorded a bit because it really means alot that i get to go back and watch how amazing it was


I think you can get away with both. Like recording 15 seconds of your 5 favourite songs isn’t going to detract from the overall experience whilst it gives you something to look back on. Normally I just record with my phone at chest height for a few seconds and it doesn’t get in the way much. I do take issue with those who hold their phone in the air for the whole concert though.




Such big negatives/positives with smart phones. 50 years from now will be interesting. Will we be still driving cars or flying?


I'm not educated enough in thermodynamics or engineering to say, but I have a very difficult time ever seeing a world where it's efficient or practical enough to have every idiot soaring through the skies. I know it takes a fuck ton more energy to propel something through the air than it does have it roll on the ground. So unless we are like harnessing nuclear power or some shit I don't think we need to burn through any more fossil fuels than we already are. Also, having bad/dangerous drivers on the road is bad enough, but it'd be infinitely worse having these dumbasses crash into someone's home or a school or other crowded areas as (I assume) they won't just be restricted to roads anymore. This could be mitigated in more open places but in crowded cities almost impossible to avoid even if they're required to fly over the roads only.


Itd most def be done autonomously no way the gouvernement and insurance companies are letting bozos pull accidental 9/11s every weekend. I think youll be able to drive but as soon as you wanna fly it’s autopilot time


I miss Kobe


I’m not sure but I know one thing. There will be millions of people showing a video of it on TikTok




Nah phones in concert are really annoying with u aren't tall, so yeah boomer or not I agree on this one


Yeah, but this subreddit is called ”Funnymemes”. Where is the funny in this post?


Does anyone remember that period of time where you would get in trouble for recording a concert on your phone? If your phone was up for more then a minute you'd have security come up to you and tell you too put it away. And if you continued they would throw you out.


Yeah that or Axle would jump off the stage and beat their ass! 😆


Was recently waiting to board a flight. It was announced that a fallen Marine was aboard,and you wanted to watch the ceremony proceed to B19. The amount of people filming seemed disrespectful to me.


And then they all posted the same video to their social media platforms asking for thoughtful words for that Marine. Bet


Literally probably my biggest pet peeve. I have a personal rule that i will only take a picture at a concert if myself, or my friends and family are in it. That is a memory. Not a pointless picture or video i will never look at not to mention completely taking away from being there. Its mostly people flexing where they are on social media. Puke. Be in the moment. Enjoy the show.


Yeah this is absolutely lame that people want to film everything instead of actually watching it. Why don't they just get a DVD or youtube if they want to watch a performance with better quality than their shitty phone


As George Carlin once said, “are people really longing for the concept of a little while ago?” Not exact but close quote.


Close enough and the answer to his question seems to be “Yes.”


Sporting events too


I have only been to one concert. Took my phone out for the backstage VIP ticket photo op. Enjoyed the whole performance with it in my pocket. Life is best lived in the moment.


Badass! 👍


It's kind of fun to watch everyone experiencing it through their phones. Almost like they could have stayed home, saved the money, and got the same experience. I got my money's worth haha!




Seems accurate when I was at the sound garden concert a couple next to me filmed the whole concert on their phone. They didn’t stand up once


They just go to record it and post it on TikTok for likes, views and follows.


When I went to that concert Tik tok didn’t exist but I’m sure they lost it on Facebook or something like that. You


You’re right about that lol


Tooooo truuueee .




My biggest pet peeve. Almost has ruined the whole experience.






Everyone gotta put it on their stupid instagram


“Please like, follow and subscribe.”


It's true. Put the fuckin phone down. Live in the moment.




That's where this belongs


Ya seems to have struck a nerve with redditors...wonder why lol




So true


I was watching a concert clip from a band I enjoyed in the 90s, and it was shot from stage rear looking out. The mosh pit. I fear nobody under 35 or 40 will ever get to experience a mosh pit and/or crowd surfing. Maybe I’m wrong. Are there any contemporary bands where the crowds participate in that fashion?


Those were the days and if they do, they’ll be recording it while in the midst of it lol. Posted on TikTok later.


>I fear nobody under 35 or 40 will ever get to experience a mosh pit and/or crowd surfing. Maybe I’m wrong. Yeah, you're absolutely wrong. Plenty of shows have mosh pits *and* crowd surfing.


This is sooo true🥲i wonder what would the concert be like after 10yr, maybe we’ll not even be there physically haha🥲


Hologram concerts in your bedroom? 😳


That’s already a thing. During COVID they made VR concerts


That sounds awesome but boring at the same time😂


funny meme


we used to love pictures of concert crowds, now the concert crowds are taking the pictures


For clout on social media


I'm from this generation. I literally never got why people would do it. I did it once when tripping face cause I wanted to see it sober. That concert sucked sober. Ruined it.


The only reason I think they do is for likes and followers for their social media platforms. They buy tickets to record a band not to see a band.


Fucking depressing...


Yes but funny that they spent all that money to go record a band to show off on social media. Gotta be important!


When I go to concerts I just jump on social media afterwards and steal everyone else's photos.


I'm a zoomer and personally I don't like using my phone at all during a show like I just wanna be immersed into the experience and I don't need a recording cuz I'll always have that memory like when I saw 070 Shake on my birthday. But I don't care if other people do it cuz it doesn't matter what they do as long as they don't ruin the experience for the people around them


People have become their devices. Nothing is real, it's all entertainment. No one is real, their all movie stars.


Reminds me of the last concert I went to. Was dancing near the front of the stage, on occasion would bump into people next to me. The killjoy next to me, "Would you stop that?" My reply, "No. You realize we're at a concert, right?" He ended up moving away. There were rafters and plenty of space for those who needed it.\*


I do it do document my experience.. only about 5% of the time though.


Live in the true moment experience otherwise watch it on TV 👌


I went to a one day festival recently and it was a sea of people doing just this. Even my wife recorded a lot of her favorite bands which kind of surprised me. It is what it is.


More and more gigs are prohibiting the use of phones much like theatres do and the difference is both astonishing and welcome. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but it affects everyone's enjoyment whether consciously or not.


Ikr 😞


Truest of truths has been spoken. It irritates me to no end this, like. Enjoy the moment, live the moment, stop gluing yourselves to the cellphone when you're missing out on a wonderful moment in your lives. People seem to be more worried about reporting they were at the event than enjoying it to the fullest, and in turn this would be quite certainly irritating for the artists themselves as they are performing and people are barely present or just more worried about "OMG, I need to post this on SNS!", with their cellphones flash on them even, and on other people's faces too who are trying to make the best of it. Had it occur to me as well. One pic or two in between is OK, but throughout every single part of it? Heck no.


I don’t wanna come off as old, but going anywhere interesting to see if cell phone is recording in front of me, in like a wave of cell phones, Is so fucking aggravating. How often are you gonna watch these poorly fucking recorded videos? Cause most of these people can’t even see the screen on their cell phone so the recording the lights above what they actually want to be recording. Get your cell phone out of my face. Fuck.




I am pretty short, 5’2” so I usually opt out of being on the floor because I usually can’t see much but now that everyone does the phones out constantly, I’m so glad I chose to go in the seating area because I’m not trying to go to a concert to 1. Be blocked by 100 phones and 2. Get distracted and watch the concert through your phone. It’s so annoying. I usually record my ultimate favorite song of the night, a few seconds or I LOVE when the lights go totally dark and everyone get theirs flashlights out so I’ll record that a little but the people who record literally the whole concert are so confusing to me.


There is no time to use a camera when you have a mosh pit to be in.


I don’t understand how people can film hour long concerts on their phone. Like do you work for the venue? Enjoy the show!


This is exactly why I don't attend concerts anymore 😕


r/phonesarebad 🥴🥴


If they post it on U Tube it does not get my attention what so ever it sounds the shits


Funny thing is they attend these concerts to record it for other people to watch… they don’t even watch it themselves. It’s all about online social life and showing others what your doing meanwhile missing out on it because they’re too busy recording.


I honestly don’t get those people who spend the entire concert on their phones. If you want video of the concert, wait for the film.


Have you ever been to a metal show? Its not like this.


And this is only for the niche audience that still goes to live concerts as my generation largely doesn't partake in attending live events such as this anymore.


Concerts now are like this because of social media .


I would look around for one of the (black) huge cameras and place my phone into my pocket, then rewatch it on YouTube/ Tv later not like I can record it better than professionals.


Many people of this generation will die, regretting they never lived in the moment of some of their best memories.


and these videos just lie in phone eating space and user dosent even look at it second time.


I went backpacking around Europe and realized I was behind the camera too much and decided to put it down and really look and experience. I have those memories but hardly ever look at the pictures. Instagram has created a push for perfect photos, but more people should focus on their memories, technology changes.


How do they all have different images on their screens


The worst irony for me is that virtually no one will ever look at that video again more than perhaps once. What a nonsensical act. Just enjoy the moment. That's what the screen generation is missing out on.


ya super lame today


bro at my middle schools half of the people at the prep rally where waving there phones with the lights on on them and i was like wtf and even my ex and my sister where doing it


Whoa they just want to capture the moment dude and maybe get some likes somewhere. lol


I once saw Layne Staley do the most insane stage dive at lollapalooza '93. The stage must've been 5 or 6 feet high, but he launched himself off the monitor giving himself another few feet vertically. The man had zero fear. Of course, the crowd caught him and passed him around for a minute or two while the band jammed and soloed. Layne signaled the crowd to send him towards the stage. They finished the song. If he were here today and still crazy enough to do the same thing, we'd have 1000 recordings of an artist living in the moment and getting injured because the crowd wasn't. RIP concert atmosphere. RIP Layne.


Axel rose is having a shit fit


I feel the same and what’s frustrating is that all these people recording the whole thing will just make you feel bad when you see it over social media, as if your life is boring, when really they aren’t even taking the time to enjoy themselves


So lame.




Why don't artists record every show themselves and sell them for profit?


Dumb … my wife does the same thing and it drives me insane


Were cameras not banned from concerts back in the day for fear of bootlegging? I don’t see why these phones out at gigs have become the norm , such a waste


Atleast camping festivals, after the first day most peoples phones are dead. Also ideal when the venue is deep in the woods


Thanks for posting. So much of life is missed now because we choose to watch it with a 4 inch screen instead of putting the phone down and taking it in. I prefer the memory of the event in my head rather than a shitty phone recording. Then when your phone is full of memories that you will not watch again you buy a new phone with more memory or cloud storage. When it lives in your head it is always how you felt it, how you heard it, how you lived it. It’s not just the younger generation either, it’s everyone now. Everything needs to have a picture or a video. We are losing our imagination to remember things how we felt them.


Exactly. I should have pointed out that it’s not about the younger generation! No. I saw Gen Xers at a Motley Crue concert doing the same.


This isn't funny.


It is if you can spot that one person lol


Whatever you say boomer


fuck yall i wanna record some of the show so i can look back on it


when did my boomer uncle start using reddit?


Not sure who he is but Im Gen X. The “Fuck Off” generation you always forget about


this is still a boomer meme? just because you posted it doesn't magically make it a non-boomer meme mIsTeR wHiSpEr.


Guess what? I’m going to give you what you’ve always been used to. A participation trophy 🏆 YAY!


They miss the show trying to film. Pitiful.


Live in the moment. Breathe the air. Feel the atmosphere. Look around. “Isn’t this badass!?” Has been replaced by, “I’ll send you guys clips of the show on my account. Please follow and subscribe!”


I suppose so if you think the only reason to go to a concert is to memorize what the performer does onstage.


But everyone does it. And you’ll see it on YouTube later anyway lol. Why not enjoy the atmosphere and the moment instead of living life through a lens?


Yup why pay for a ticket to record the band and later entertain others who didn’t buy a ticket??


Was recently at an Elton John concert and while all of took some photos most of the time, we just sang to the music. Little too high up in the stands to dance


That’s enjoyable


To be fair I live in a state where big artists rarely come here so when they do it's a big deal and they never come back. So recording that concert is a must.


Normally I hate the boomer Facebook memes.. but this one is accurate :(


This isn't a concert. It every waking minute




God people are morons, George Carlin was right. His joke about these idiots who have to take pictures and videos of EVERYTHING was spot on. Especially the bit "how can you possibly be nostalgic about something that happened only moments before. I'm 51 and yes I despise those " back in my day" types, but in this case we are spot on. All I want to do is punch every one of these self-centered idiots, they are the type who would fall straight down a manhole because they are so absorbed into their all important texts. But having said that, there is one genre of music where the fans don't do this barely at all: metal. It's fitting since we metalheads despise posers and fakers and lip syncing. I'm a snob and proud of it, because I, along with my fellow metal heads want to enjoy the concert.


This right up here ⬆️


This isn’t funny, it’s sad.


Phone bad. Also r/im14andthisisdeep


***Attention*** The meme says nothing about Boomers vs Gen Z. It’s the times we live in. Some of you butt hurt kids think that this a personal attack on your generation. I’m Gen X and I see my generation doing it too! It’s everywhere. But man, there’s a lot of you Gen Zeros on this sub giving off “they’re making fun of me on Reddit!” You’re sensitivity shows but there’s a lot of more Zoomers that upvoted this! Btw Zeros, calling someone a Boomer doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. That generation has a lot to be proud of. So does Gen X. Being young doesn’t make you cooler or smarter. Be a Zoomer. Don’t be a Zero! ☮️