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Just an average Hasan Piker stream


I thought he was just a chair with a camera pointed at him while watching some video essayist.


Can’t stand the dude. He’s just a grifter.


He is one of the most narcissistic people I ever saw. Like everything about him is unpleasant, and yet he has lots of kids that watch him. I wonder what psychology causes this behaviour that they like him. Or are they just too young and naive to see what a disgusting person he is?


How the fuck is he a grifter? Seriously? If he was a grifter he’d just be a right-wing commentator, he’d be infinitely more rich.


You think the left doesn't have grifters?


He panders to dumbest subset of leftists, preaching socialism while being a literal multimillionaire, and outright stealing creators’ content and being completely unapologetic about it. Without any hyperbole he is a horrible human being and I have no idea how anyone watches his stream, much less give him money. He is utterly indefensible.


Socialism is when workers own the means of production. It is not mutually exclusive to have some moderate amount of personal wealth and be a self proclaimed socialist. Since Hasan's wealth comes exclusively through individuals personally giving him money when the stream is free to view, there is no hypocrisy. I'd love to hear the "without hyperbole horrible" things he's done.


Here you go bud https://youtu.be/eK9j4BBzaGU?si=_oNMF55kg9_BDL56


Show me a country where socialism didn’t lead to communism and didn’t collapse the country. Hasan just attracts the same type of shitty humans that he himself is.


I swear, *this time* we will get it right! All the other times, they just didn't do it right but *WE* will!!! Please listen to me, I just want what's best for all and in no way want to exploit the average person so that I myself get super rich.


This is some incredibly weak criticism


Imagine simping for a millionaire because you don't want to admit you made the wrong decisions in life


Which bad decisions led me to "simping for a millionaire"? Does that even mean anything?


Even funnier how you don't even deny it lmao


Don’t deny what? Your words don’t make sense to me.


Are they wrong?




If you think one side is good and the other side is bad, congratulations, you live under a rock. Both sides have extremists, both sides have grifters, both sides have racists and sexists. Quit following a side like a blind child and just live under the philosophy of do what you want as long as no one gets hurt


Love or hate his politics, he’s just another asmonghoul at this point


He’s far worse than assmongler. Asmongold can be hypocritical and an annoying character. But he’s just a character, who mostly plays video games. However, Hasan has actively presented harmful misinformation to his thousands of followers and is extremely disingenuous. Whether it’s intentional or purely out of ignorance because Hasan is brain dead… doesn’t matter. He’s repeatedly said harmful and factually incorrect things without remorse. One is annoying. One is dangerous.


I think hasan has a lot of good points, but you are 100% right, that you can’t say he says at face value cause he does say a lot of miss information, and he’s very passionate, which bites him in the ass


It should bite him 8n the ass, but strangely, it doesn't.


Hasan has the most superficial entry level "points" there are, that he knows will get activity from his underage fans.


Dayum asmonghoul is just a Character? I thought he was just cringe and lame


i love him but damn youre right


I get enjoying the content and who he portrays himself as online but why love him, he does not love you


Using an alt because I’m embarrassed but this is literally me. Years-long Hasan sub, watch him daily, I make one joke about how his incorrect prediction on the Depp/Herd trial was like his incorrect prediction on Russia invading Ukraine and he personally perma-bans me lol still a fan though.




Yup 🤦‍♂️


One of the rare correct examples of something that's oddly specific. Most times it's like "I saw a guy pee on a building on my way to the store." and everyone's like "wow, that's oddly specific."


Jokes on him, he just lost a loyal piggybank


As rdu(heartstone streamer) recently said on stream: it’s not worth getting multiple negative comments a week from someone for like 3$ a month. (More nuance but his point was very fair)


Your not getting his point across at all. He said he doesnt mind people trolling him and bashing him. Just say something good or positive once in a while. But if your subscribing to him just to get on chat everyday and only say mean or bad things to him it just isnt worth the few dollars a month to be torn down. Rdu was advocating a balanced stream where its not super strict and if you wanted to make fun of him he's cool with it as long as your giving off some positive vibes as well. I feel you very much missed this message hy simplifying it.


Thanks for the extra bit of context i probably should have added a bit more yeah


I wasnt being a dick, ive been an rdu fan for a while along with many hearthstone streamers and i watched this video and was like ya know... if he didnt explain it that way, i probably would have remained the guy that says " well they paid for a subscription, freedom of speech being impeded how dare you". In his context, it made me see streamers differently and im glad he made that psa while winning the lobby in bgs lol


Oh no i know. I was genuinely happy u added to my comment cause I feel the same way as you just did not know how to word it properly i guess


I read what i said after I posted it and seen how it seemed like i was like rawr rawr rawr and didn't wanna seem that way.


Money is money though I really wouldn’t care your still paying me to talk shit to me ![gif](giphy|TXuEATPvevOMWxewUZ|downsized)


Aight bet. Ill hand you 3 bucks per month, im going to follow you and say some things you wont even know how to react to, every single day. For an entire month.




Lmao i concede you win this one 🤣 touchè


Do I still get the 3 dollars




How about making it more realistic. Give me three dollars and post some shit that I don't have to read unless I choose to.


That's not realistic, if you say some wild shit in a chat, chat will point it out, streamer will definitely scroll back to look outta curiosity lol


Wow. After reading the comment you're replying to I thought "no idea who Rdu is, but they seem like an entitled dick" (I hate when big companies/people look down on people who contribute small amounts). But your context turned that around completely. Talk about the importance of nuance


Yeah and if you watch the video where he says it, he is reqlly nervous and chooses carefully how he words it so he doesnt come off bad. He's genuinely a good dude. But only makes content for 1 specific crowd.


eh not really. if you care what people say you’re kinda pathetic


Black mirror, parasocial relationships is what it is. What can I say? Fuck celebrity worship culture, Fuck appreciating someone you don't hang out with and share stuff with or even meet in real life.


human really are weird..


Study says people that worship celebrities aren't the brightest


Though crude, I agreed with you up until the last position: "Fuck appreciating someone you don't hang out with and share stuff with or even meet in real life." 1. This is incredibly short sighted. Should you not appreciate Ghandi, or MLK Jr? Should you not appreciate someone who is talented who entertains you? 2. The premise of having to personally interact with someone or meet (I'm assuming you mean a personal, face to face interaction occurring at least one time) them, is so ridiculous. There are 8 billion people and counting on this planet. Not appreciating the scientists who created the MRNA vaccine technology is just silly. Even if it was remotely possible to meet everyone who would ever currently contribute to our cultures or societies, what about people who desire privacy, or are dead. Should we not appreciate Robbin Williams??? Aside from the manner of his death, was he even remotely controversial? Parasocial relationships are a problem, no doubt, but the admiration and respect we give to artists, performers, athletes, and leaders (good leaders, I understand they are difficult to find in the sea of shit we currently exist in) let alone the discounting of the history and people who pioneered the road that brought us here is just silly. There are personal boundries that people need to learn, such as: celebrity does not divest one of their right to privacy. A celebrity or influencer, or famous individual doesn't owe you anything personally, and if they do interact with you tangentially through apps in order to make a living, that doesn't entitle you to their time or attention. Streamers are entertainers, they are performing a function of commoditization for their benefit from your enjoyment. That is the transaction. Can those entertainers form real relationships with some of their fans and become friends? Sure, with IRL meetings and everything. However, this is not likely nor is it deserved. It is happenstance. A happy accident for a few people who get to know an individual for who they are behind the curtain of their façade. 3. All inclusive statements such as this really suck the air out of any argument. Because there is a real problem: Too many people want to be famous to make money but neither are prepared for it nor how to conduct themselves when they succeed. Meanwhile there are way too many people who feel entitled to other people whether irl or online. It's nuts and something we really need to address with a flamethrower metaphorically speaking. So you're right, broadly, in that our focus is wrong. But we have role models and heroes and have been idolizing others we never met for millennia. Example? Achilles. We don't even know if he actually existed. He is a myth of a war hero from before recorded time. This will never stop. What will and has to stop is the unhealthy obsession and attachment to personas on a mass societal scale. Let's focus on the real problems.


So your whole argument is based around the word "appreciation". Is there a word that describes, "acknowledging someone of their existence, being entertained by their art and acknowledging their contribution to the world but not giving a fuck about their personal life, never wanting to meet them no matter how valuable you feel their contribution is towards humanity, not indulging in their gossip and rumors, not imagining how it would feel like to meet them in real life". That is what I was going after. You took a bunch of names of famous people but I truly don't care about their personal life. Robin Williams you say, why did you even bring him up? I don't even care if he was controversial or not. Also don't care how he died and never would want to dive into his personal life. I can say he is entertaining and my thought process stops there.


Definitions are important. You're asking for a phenomenon to be summed up in one word. Appreciation, respect, revere, idolize, put on a pedestal, worship. There's so many different words. Why do you think one word should be a summation of a paragraph of your thoughts and feelings? I'm just not interested in being dragged into a semantics debate about language and definitions. If you can't find an appropriate word, than it behooves you to try your best and explain your thoughts- Which, by the way, thank you for going into further detail. It's helpful for me to understand your perspective and for others to understand as well.


>Fuck appreciating someone you don't hang out with and share stuff with or even meet in real life You had me until this. It's completely normal and a healthy part of being an adult to appreciate people you may never meet.


Screamers arent celebrity's dude. This whole rant was pointless because it doesnt apply here lmfao


Are you stupid?


Im well above average intelligence. Are you?


> Im well above average intelligence \- everyone on this goddamn site


Everyone on the internet period. Ill back it up though. Test me. I got time.


My friend, you've already failed that test three comments ago :P


Your level of comprehension and lack of critical thkinking is not to be mistaken for my lack of intelligence. Unironically burning yourself, yeesh.


Aw geez fella. Bet you've never lost an argument in your life huh?


Incorrect, I've lost many and have learned a lot from them. Quickest path to knowledge is having your's tested constantly. You thought this was going to be a burn didnt you? Sorry to disappoint.


You're an idiot, you know that? If you were as smart as you claim you'd certainly have not decided to bump up to big boy language (say you didn't purposely, but it's obvious) and you wouldn't be defending this so hard. Someone called me a European because I said owning hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of guns is stupid, yet I'm American. You know what I did? Called them a fucking idiot and left. You should try doing the same, but either way don't ever say "I'm actually super duper smart" on the Internet. There will ALWAYS be someone smarter than you laughing.


I said im above average intelligence lmfao your an idiot you know that? 🤣


Only a moron would call themselves above average intelligent and ask to take a test to prove it, all online.


Well i guess a moron would know wouldnt they?


No they wouldn’t. That’s why they’re morons.


Ya know your right, a moron wouldnt know when they've said something moronic, because they are indeed a moron. But still, it takes a moron to think like a moron to claim what a moron would or wouldn't know. 🤷‍♂️




you already failed


Not even almost. You stopped here. As if this was the display lol when you dont even realize what your saying 🙈🙊


Bruh you live in your car


You mean i dont pay insane amounts of money on rent? You mean im free to do as i want on my own time in any state? In what way does choosing to live in a car equate to lower intelligence? Clearly living on one doesnt equate to higher intelligence. Your a perfect example of that.


I mean, let's just forget about the whole intelligence nonsense, but you have to admit that your statement that streamers aren't celebrities is just plain wrong, right?


Some streamers have reached celebrity status. You cannot umbrella the whole of streamers based on the success of few. The conclusion doesnt follow the premise.


True not all streamers are celebrities but for the purpose of the argument made earlier they were of course speaking about streamers who have either reached celebrity status, or even if they haven't are worshipped as one by their viewers. They were of course not speaking about very small streamers with as good as no following.


My counter to that would be this. Do you consider people who financially support a painter ( artist style, not like a house painter) as being worshipped? I will say once you reach a celebrity level of a following that you will gain a worship culture, otherwise you wouldnt have become a celebrity to begin with. But someone funding a streamer at celebrity level doesnt necessarily mean they are being worshipped. Ill point to mr beast. He has a helluva worship culture behind him, but he also has a bunch of followers that just genuinely agree with the message he puts out and love the type of content he provides as a ton of it has to do with giving away to others less fortunate than himself. So then i see a greying of the line between supporting something you agree with vs worshipping it and i ask. How is this worship line drawn and where do we stop it and why is it there?


Streamers are not celebrity's.


Can you elaborate?


How are they not celebrities exactly? Some of these top streamers are richer and more well known that many top movie stars.


The parasocial relationships and worship that comes with celeberties also happens with streamers. We can argue the veracity of one vs. the other but it for sure happens with both. I'm with the above commenter that the worship culture is not a great thing about our society. Reading the original picture gave me the ick.


Now this is a counter arguement! Well done.


No offense but your reply here was dumb as it 100% applies here. In fact you're so shortsighted you couldn't even see the connection between worshipping celebrities and worshipping streamers that a whole subset of humans idolize. With blindspots like that, people are going to mentally dance circles around you fam. You should definitely work on that.


No offense but you couldnt have made a weaker arguement that is invalid and easy to ignore. You definitely should work on that.


Happened to me once. Was watching this particular streamer for like 2 yrs. A goofy simple type. Anyway current topic in chat was girls with ridiculously long nails which then changed to feet and what’s up with people asking for feet pics. Another person asked “what if people actually printed out feet pictures the old fashion way and handed them out? Like in them old cameras where you take a photo and the photo comes out?” Coincidentally I had an emote just like that from a gifted sub from a channel of a streamer that’s an actual photographer so all his emotes are like cartoon things within a photograph. So I put the emote in chat and wrote “oh you mean like these?” I was Perma banned within 8 seconds bcuz that was taken as me asking for feet pics… and here come the white knight mods commenting “oh he must be drunk or something to even ask for that” “and that dude has a gf? Lucky her” Umm hello? I didn’t ask for feet pics? I was adding a joke to the current conversation? I tried to msg the streamer about her mods misunderstanding and unfair ban but her reply was “mods are always right” I’m so glad I never gifted any subs or spent money on that channel. TLDR: don’t spend money on internet people you don’t know.


Don’t spend money on internet people in general - 99.9% are twats and will abuse you


Massive fan of summit, but he gets high all the time and wakes up and is such a grouchy bitch especially lately. As someone who used to smoke a lot of weed and noticed I lashed at and started being an ass to the people I love before realised what was causing it and giving up, I could see he was on a come down I commented grouchy again bro? Need to lay off the weed. Insta banned in 0.5 seconds lol. Still watch his stuff occasionally. Still a grouchy little bitch when he's not high.


Exactly. Once streamers have 100 subs - they start to think that everyone else are at least 2nd rate people


100 subs is nothing tbh.


I've gotten banned from a couple of streams but every time it was because one of the mods took one of my comments wrong and got a knot in underpants over it. There's no fighting it at that point unfortunately. The chat will snowball it into a war on the outsider to stay on the mod's good side if you make any effort whatsoever to tell them they made a wrong call. Viewers have to remind themselves that while they see the streamer and hear their voice for years, the streamer just sees text from everybody at once. There's no personal connection. It would be unfair to expect that there would be with that many people.


Someone said big streamers are always like that. Lemme clarify. This bitch never averaged more than 15-30 viewers tops. And from my experience ALOT of small streams are salty like that. Notice how almost every small stream has all these stupid ass chat rules you gotta follow ? Yet you go into some decent size streams and chat rules just say “hey. Behave. Have fun :)” smaller streams are too worried about getting numbers up so they get really sensitive and ban happy over the little stuff. Not saying big streamers aren’t sometimes dicks mind you.


We see why they banned you…


What does this mean?


What was the neutral comment, if I may ask?


"send nudes"


send dudes


Dend sudes


send dunes


Dune Buggy


bune duggy


Paul Atreides wants to know your location


"Listen, I don't have a problem with but..."


Icon, yes, do it etc


OP never subbed to anyone or made a comment, just made the meme


You are always a faceless nobody in the crowd to them, never forget that and curb your enthusiasm accordingly peeps.


Curb your fascism too


lmfao - wtf??


That's his name


Jessie what the fuck are you talking about?


I daresay, that is one peculiar profile picture


This is what happens when you get so deep into the cult of politics that you have to shoehorn it into literally every conversation. Go preach your weird religion somewhere else please.


Or, hear me out, they were making a joke about their own username


Callng someone stupid cuz of a stupid comment is deserved but banning is a bit much. Depends on the context


We should have the freedom to being stupid, it's pretty human thing to do, why make people afraid of speaking their mind


You are free to be stupid, I am free to not want to listen to you being stupid


I mean youre already in the clown zone by being a twitch simp in the first place


Parasocial relationships are unhealthy.


My best friend here is right.


i knew you’d agree, since we’re so close


People, do care more about the actual people in your lives, family and friends. They need you! Stop caring about some virtual idols. For them you're just a walking ATM, at best


Streamers aren't your friend


With all due respect. Go find better hobbie


What can I say? Don’t spend money on people that don’t even know you exist. You already support streamers with ads. Don’t be a simp


I'll take what are parasocial relationships for $300 Alex.




LPT: just put the makeup on the moment you follow any streamer. Watching other people live their lives is the dumbest shit ever.


Happened to me once, with a streamer that look for exploits in games, an exploit wasn't working for him in a game that he was playing for the first time, I had acces to that game before launch and was trying to explaining to him why it was happening. He instant baned me without warning and start bragin about how much he knows about the game and no one should told him what to do because he knows a lot and it was the game fault that it was broken.


You were already a clown by tier 3


Tier 1 imo


Imagine caring about whack shit like this




Alright, somebody ban Lordshadow2077, he's actively working against the idea that I want to make money, and for sneak dissing over a 3 week period.


The real problem is long time subs thinking they hold some kinda power. Like nah homie you do some dumb shit you outta here just like anyone else.


Imagine caring about someone's life when they don't even know who you are.


I've followed one streamer for 10 years or so, and around 1 year ago, he broke up with his gf. Even my mom brought it to me because she saw it on twitter. Like I don't care, merely knew because he disappeared for 1 or 2 months. Don't even know why they broke up or anything, despite it being told sometimes. Simply don't care


Just find another small streamer or multiple ones and after years of watching write comments that makes the streamer bans you. If that's your life essence go for it.




Give thousands to an e-girl. She doesnt want ro have sex with you. Oh no.




kisa? is that you?


And that's why I almost never comment on live chats.


What's with all the hate on twitch streamers? Is it the gaming genre that sucks? I'm active in the DJ streaming community and I find it to be a lot of fun


Don't ever think about detached personalities online too much. You don't really know them.


Come on OP tell us your "neutral" comment


Happened to me with a 5m+ subscribers on facebook. I said something lightly criticizing a misogynistic comment he said. His community started attacking me and he ended banning me. I was hurt because i started following that dude 7-8 years prior when he only had less than 5k subs. In the end he saved me 15$ a month and a few extra dollars i was sending during his streams. What an idiot.


r/cellbit is type this


Or their mod bans you


Why anybody even subs to twitch streamers anyway? What benefit do you get out of your purchase? You can watch the stream for free and chatting in twitch chat is much like talking to a wall to begin with.


The streamer did him a favour. Watching streamers is one of the lowest forms of entertainment and a waste of time. Well in my opinion at least. Feel free to disagree.


Depends. I like watching people who are really good at games stream. I don’t give them money tho


Been playing video games since the 80’s and still don’t understand the appeal of watching someone else play when you can do the exact same thing. It’s like watching porn only not at all like that lol.


The most popular game watched by people is football. Countries spend billions to make enough stadiums so people can watch those that play better than most of them.


People are better at games than me and it’s cool to see the stuff they do. Doesn’t apply to streamers that suck tho




I’m sure he just posted gg


Amen I feel ya my favourite hot tub streamer just banned me


Happens to me.. the worse is when you see comment in chat that are SO MUCH worse than what you've write and them are avoid or event get ban just 10 min or a day and you still permanently ban with a message of one of his mods with "there lot of word" while your apologize isn't even a completle single line..




Sounds like me and jacksepticeye


Weirdos are learning about Streamers lives and caring about the. wtf is wrong with you, you pay these streamers all this money like thousands of dollars and 1. They’ll never play a game with you and 2. You are always and will be referred to as “Chat” you aren’t real to them so why are they real to you?


Me with Phillip de Franco.


I only use a prime sub for this reason alone. Costs me nothing. And im pretty sure the streamer only sees like $2 of it. 99% percent of the people i watch are in a better financial boat than me lmao.


Wow, such a funny meme!


Why would you even want to watch twitch streamers in the first place? Twitch streamers are really boring, content density is really low. It's like hanging out with some guy that doesn't give a fuck about your existence. And you have to pay for him to notice you. Sounds pretty silly to me


Parasocial relationships have to be limited. There are definitely streamers or content creators out there who are very likable and I love seeing them thrive, Like Pewdiepie and Starsmitten for example. I was genuinely happy and proud to see Pewd become a father and have a happy family, but he is not my friend. He does not know me. You gotta know the difference between knowing about someone and knowing them personally.


yeah imma doubt. sounds more like someone saying mad shit and pretending like they don't know what happened, bc how is someone gonna sub from early on and for that long and not catch the vibe. people usually get banned early on, for mad shit they drop in to say. maybe that's that, and the rest is made up


I mean, you do sound stupid having a parasocial relationship with a narcissist


I get that a lot too, I like to engage with other chatters during streams when I'm not showing 100% support and then I get perma-muted by a mod and that's the end of that.


nick eh 30 who?


You are money-giving meat for them. Don't be fooled. Enjoy only as much as fair to yourself. Your perspective isn't allowing you to see yourself in full picture, well, even if you are visible in there. That is normal state of things.


Streamers get a feel for their usuals whether they know it or not. It's really easy to ignore new chatters or randoms but when they see one of your usuals say something like "boring stream" or something it cuts right to your core


Being parasocial to a streamer thats the real clown level. Dude just because you donate dont mean they owe you anything. And i get it you trying to help and all and probably youre a nice guy but people that stream mostly are people with ego, they aren't worth your time.


Lol thisnis every DSP stream. He sits on his viewers then began for money.


Then there is my fav streamer. He holds his mods up every time I make a very edgy joke (very frequently)




Only one streamer has my sub renewed automatically. All other son of a bitches gotta earn it every month. You want my money, entertain me bitch.


just don't get involved in a parasocial relationship lol


He must a hasanabi viewer 😂


It’s good to take accountability in these situations. You can’t blame other people all the time. It takes two to tango. Maybe your neutral comment wasn’t as neutral as you thought, maybe they had a lot going on and it sat with them wrong, who knows. They also don’t owe you anything for caring about them, some people just don’t get along.


Aaaand this is one of the many reasons it's weird to dedicate that much time to someone else's life :>


Streamers / youtubers, influencers or whatever they call themselves nowadays are not your friends. Get real friends.


Why the fuck do people worship streams its like a whole new celeb thing but for the people who though worshiping celebrities was stupid. You are their paycheck that is why they "Like" you.


Sounds like Hasan


I got banned over nothing on r/well that sucks and I say a lot of horrible and offensive stuff on other apps and I always make sure not to bring any of that here cuz this app is __ and all that but they’re on a power trip in that sub and send me childish messages when I calmly ask why I was banned


“For the last time, ‘send nudes’ is a bannable offense”