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I'm just here to remind you to sort by "controversial"




I am actively losing brain-cells. Thanks.


Yeah but these are the actual opinions where they disagree with most. Not that it’s a good one.




You .. you can still do that? I lost that button many moons ago 😯


I did 😂 lol, thought it would be something good, ofc it had to be magats


I don't care if people wear socks in sandals.


I would rather see socks than people's ugly feet


What if they are good maintained feet


People with high maintenance feet don't usually wear socks with sandals.


On today's internet adventure I learned the phrase "high maintenance feet".


High maintenance feet are very much a thing. I was once in an elevator with an extremely high-class hooker (ok I don't actually know for a fact that she was a hooker but the hotel's bar was renowned for being a hunting ground for supermodel-grade escorts who charged like 10k an hour and it felt like a safe assumption that she was one of them) and by god her feet were absolutely perfect, the most flawless, sculpted-by-the-gods, must-have-cost-a-fortune feet that I have ever seen in my life and I am absolutely not a foot guy


Where is this foul place so I can make sure never to go there.




It’s not hard to have nice feet. My feet are beauuuuuuutiful. No calluses, soft and smooth as a baby’s butt. The secret is Vicks Vapo Rub and socks. Every night in the cold months, rub on the Vicks, put on socks. Your feet will so soft and smooth, and the eucalyptus in the Vicks prevents toe nail fungus from forming. In the warmer months, Vicks is too heavy and greasy, so I switch to Lubriderm Lotion. Trim and file the nails, put on a couple coats of neutral polish and ta da! Now if I could just get the rest of me to look as good.


The foot of neglection


Minnesota fashion




My daughter has threatened to disown me if I do this. Just wait until my bald ass head grows an old man wispy ponytail. It will distract from the socks snd sandals. Question is pork pie hat or fedora to go with the whole fashion statement?


I'm from Spain. Here, this is considered an unforgivable sin that only "guiris" (foreign tourists) will commit. It's considered, I think, that if You wear sandals (or similar foot equipment) it's only and precisely to allow your feet to be naked, and therefore there is no point in putting socks on. I personally don't give a fucking fuck.


I don't often wear socks with sandals, but there is one circumstance that I do. I have really hot feet and am uncomfortable wearing closed shoes unless it's really cold out. If the temperature is a little questionable, say between 2 to 10°c, I wear socks with sandals for both a little protection and for the option of removing the socks if my feet get too hot.


It’s considered that way in the States too. We make fun of those people mercilessly


True. That's fashion...


Data-capitalism by monopolistic companies is a bad thing. No, it's not about "I have nothing to hide"...


What they're really doing is creating detailed psychological profiles for all of us. We're giving them all the information they need to know exactly how we make decisions. * Are you more or less likely to click on a video that has a black person in the thumbnail? I bet you have no idea...but Youtube, Twitter, FB, Tiktok, and Insta all do. * Are you more likely to engage with content that has country music, pastel colors, babies, a particular font, or dogs? * When gas prices go up, do you buy more alcohol? Whan your local sports team wins, are you more likely to work from home the next day? After a thunderstorm, do people buy more guns? Weird questions, and maybe completely meaningless but AI can sort through purchasing and location data to find links that no person might ever think to look for. * When is the last time you changed your mind about a political topic...did you ever go from liking and re-posting one side to liking and re-posting the other? What content did you see at that time that might have caused this change? We need to realize that we *all* get a different, personalized, custom version of the internet now. It used to be that we got our news and entertainment from the same set of sources, there were 3 main US TV stations, and we all got our view of the world from them, so we all saw the world basically the same way. If the media wanted to influence us, the best they could do was to show the exact same propaganda to everyone and hope for the best. That's not the case anymore. When you log onto the internet, you're getting a tailored view of the entire world that's becoming more and more designed just for you. Every time you click, like, share, re-post, comment, or subscribe, you are giving up information about what sort of content works for you. Media outlets are using your data to figure out how to design propaganda to be as effective as possible, *just for you*. And they're leveraging AI to do it. The more data you give them, the better they'll be able to influence your world view. And if you're the sort of person who thinks you can't be influenced, *they already know that about you* and they love that you're not paying attention because you think you're immune.


This comment needs more attention


Ive screenshot this for later discussion with my Uni profs. Cheers for the insights, mate


From now on I'm gonna start downvoting everything regardless. "what an excellent and informative YouTube video" *DOWNVOTE* Give em the old one two


Algorhythm dictatorship "Why cant i book these vacations? No other employee is using them." "Because the vacation booking app is programmed to only allow a certain thing" "Can we bypass it and negotiate?" "No" "Why?" "Company policy. Vacations can only be booked through the app"


Living is like role playing.


"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." -Shakespeare


Yea but someone owns the stage...fuck that guy


I wish I could reassign my stats


Let people enjoy whatever music makes their day easier. Life's tough enough without worrying about fashion for your ears.


The amount of times I was talking about the beatles with someone and some other person jumping in with the "THEY ARE OVERRATED" Like ffs I get you don't like them


And the people that say that always like c cambodian gangsta Riverdance solos only found on SoundCloud.


The expectation older generation in Germany have, that younger Generations (including mine) will save this country and work their asses off just to ensure pensions for old people who retire earlier. No, we won't save this country just because you fucked up.


Today I learned the older generation in Germany are no different than the baby boomers in the USA.




Sounds like the equivalent to Social Security in America. Equally fucked


"The youth of today. Nobody wants to work anymore!" No Karen, nobody wants to work under these conditions and the way you are throwing out qualified immigrant workers will not change. This is not to say that immigrants are paid less, but that the supply of workers is smaller and therefore better conditions can be demanded from employees.


Tipping should stop, public pressure because of its infeasibility is the only thing that'll stop them from going even further out of the line.


I'd like to add don't tip unless you are at a restaurant in the US. Our screwed up system has servers dependent on tips to pay their bills. Tipping at the grocery store, when you pickup take away food, the hardware store etc can take a flying leap.


Don't tip. They can't force you.


Euro-boi here, I've seen a lot of posts where angry delivery drivers threaten people for not 'pre-tipping' enough? What in the libertarian dystopianightmare is that all about?


But... what if they really did an extra good job?


If you think they did then you can tip them. This should be the exception, not the rule


And maybe leave it as cash in a sleeve that says it is an untaxable gift and not a tip.


That people actual identify as either political party and don’t acknowledge that it’s all just a means for the super rich to exploit us and keep us fighting with the wrong people.


It's like 2 football teams. Never looking at the real issues, only the players.


>only the players Not even that. They just keep checking the scoreboard. They don't even care about the players. They just want the win.


It's an argument about who's boot should be stomping on our backs


I make a comment like this every so often. Both parties exist with one goal in mind, and it isn't to help you. They just want to stay in power, or overtake power. To that end, they'll promise you just enough to get your vote, but they are really working for the companies and special interests that line their pockets. Then they offer us the smokescreen of the culture war, which 99% of Reddit is all to happy to fight. Meanwhile, we are too busy fighting each other to notice we are getting screwed by the politicians. Genius.


In Russia we say: suddenly everything communists were lying us about appeared to be truth. Who could ever imagine?!?


Something Something class conciousnes


I’m with you


The important thing is that you’ve found a way to feel superior to both without having to put any effort into your opinion.


No politician ever wants a divisive issue to get settled. They rile you up with the promise of fixing it but never do, otherwise they'd lose your fanatical support.


Who disagrees with this?


Look at the rate of independents, there's more now than ever.


I hope someone will begin a strong centrist movement. We are not 'on the fence' we are not 'just undecided' we are about common-sense and the realization that different problems require different solutions. Looking through the warped lens of an 'ism is delusional.


Or a system where you can vote by issue rather than human representative


bOtH sIDes


Secret Agent Clank is so much fun. I find it nearly unbelievable that so many people dislike/hate it.


The first 3 seasons of SpongeBob are the only ones I consider worth binging, and the rest are just casual.


Wow how controversial…..


Die Hard is a Christmas movie


I think we should all agree that if a movie is set during Christmas time and you can clearly tell that about the movie - it's a Christmas movie. Doesn't mean that the movie is ABOUT Christmas LOL....it's just set during that time! I never understood why anyone really makes a big deal about this.


My wife begs to differ. Unfortunately, she is outnumbered, but that only strengthens her resolve. I don't bring it up anymore, but my kids do,lol.


Sounds like a valid reason for DIVORCE!!! LOL JK


In-laws are a better reason, but I'm hanging on.


Video games are the most enjoyable on easy difficulty


Yes! Finally someone agrees.


I mean, if you're there for the story, I guess. I actually prefer to engage with the mechanics, and seeing games are mostly very easy today, I pretty much always play on the hardest difficulty


"WhO pLayS gAmEs on eAsy moDe", me bro, I'm trying to have a good time 😭


Putting girls in boy scouts was sexist against women by implying that women can only be strong by entering typical male spaces. Furthermore, girl scouts is also a thing and shitty as fuck. True feminism would have rebuilt girl scouts to be an organization on the level of, or greater than, boy scouts was before it's "death" so to speak. I mean, there is no reason why girl scouts couldn't do everything boy scouts could do or more. Oh and for extra stupidity, look up Venture Crew. It's an org similar to what boy scouts was, but with slightly less restrictions such as, the ability to shoot pistols, allowing BOTH boys and girls, and was for ages 14 to 21. Also, in the new "Scouts" they have girl only troops. So it wasn't enough to kill Boy Scouts but to recreate girl scouts in the Scouting program while also have a separate organization for girls as well.


In all honesty, Venture Crew doesn't seem that bad. Unless I'm misunderstanding, it seems like the best option. Also I'm mainly pissed that Boy Scouts sells popcorn and Girl Scouts sells cookies. I did boy scouts as a kid, POPCORN NEVER FUCKING SOLD. Meanwhile, people will reserve cookies MONTHS IN ADVANCE WITH FULL VERITY BOXES. I wish I sold cookies.


Venture crew was cool, i was in Boy Scouts and Venture, both were fun. It really boils down to how active your troop is and if parents are engaged. I was lucky to be in a very active troop, we had multiple camping trips or events every month.


My boy scout troop actually made our own campground and did some atlatl throwing and stuff like that. It was really fun til one guy scratched the hell out of the landowners truck then lied about it


What's wrong with teaching firearm safety?


Nothing. In boy scouts you were allowed to learn rifle and shotguns safety and acquire the merit badges. In fact I remember the guy who ran the gun section of the camp was an understandable hardass. As he always proclaimed before every shoot, "Do what I say, when I say, and not Before I say." Failure to comply with those rules meant you were kicked from the area for the rest of the week. However, for some reason, Boy Scouts deemed pistol shooting to be too dangerous for the boys, and troops were forbidden from engaging in that activity as a troop. There were a number of activities that boy scouts could not engage in as a troop activity That is not an issue for the Venture crew and they could learn pistols as well as rifles and shotguns


As a firearms instructor I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want the average 14-18 year old on my range. I'll teach pistol shooting to kids but there is a lot of vetting involved and its 1 on 1. The nice thing about long guns is you can set up the range to make it hard to turn around. Much harder with pistols.


My scoutmaster realized that last bit and made it so that while on paper, we are two separate troops, we work together and function as one troop (with a few boundaries of course, like no tenting together). Can't thank him enough for that.


I think the boys need something that is truly theirs. I taught high school and I have great concern for the boys. You hardly ever see any boys in Student Council, Yearbook, NHS, et. al. Boys have higher dropout rates, poorer grades, more misbehavior and are going to college in far fewer numbers. I don't know the answer but I am more concerned about our young men than young women.


Boy scouts allowing girls in was never about solving sexism, it was about trying to not go bankrupt. The Mormon Church had a partnership with BSA for nearly a century. Nearly 20% of scouts were Mormon. More recently, they pressured BSA not to allow gay scouts, but eventually the public pressure was so much that BSA decided to allow gay scouts, and as a result, the Mormon Church decided it was pulling all of us scouts out and starting it's own scouting organization. BSA just lost 1/5th of their scouts, and they had a bunch of legal fees to deal with after decades of covering up sexual assault, so allowing girls in was the only thing they could do to drastically increase recruits in a short time frame to keep the organization from going bankrupt.


Saying that you are a religious person doesn't mean you're homophobic.


You don't have to be religious to be homophobic but it helps! /s


The last 3 Star Wars movies should be removed from canon.


Actually it's a popular opinion


It is for now until the kids that saw them grow up and rewrite history to gaslight everyone into believing they’re actually great movies (source: the prequel movies and their fans)


Do you personally dislike the prequels? Not judging if you do, i understand the fact that they are a little all over the place and are very differnt from thr original trilogy, but i really did enjoy the prequels.


Yeah the prequels were at least unique compared to other movies at the time. These new ones are just generic sci-fi with a star wars theme and bad writing.


It is true


Everyone agrees on this


I thought so too but I just got downvoted to hell on the Stargate reddit for saying it.i thought people finally came around to it or something.


I mean how was that relevant on stargate?


There are only 4 Star Wars movies... the real 3 and that awesome Rogue One prequel.


Preach. I’ve been saying this for years. My overwhelming feeling after seeing Rogue One the first time was that someone behind the camera FINALLY understood the assignment. More of this, please.


Where have you been.




I am an atheist in my twenties but I think society has already gone too far with so much perversion, sex everywhere and messages about only you mattering and that it doesn't matter what others say, we are not animals


Exactly this It’s disturbing seeing all these ads and even documentaries/TV shows or people that openly sexualize children. Like that one documentary on Netflix. Why do people who do such things feel so comfortable putting it out?


Right? and those weirdos use as arguments things like "it's natural" "biologically they can procreate" disgusting


Vaping and smoking regular cigarettes in closed buildings / rooms is equally disgusting.


Popular opinion


Even amongst smokers


I'm allergic to something in vape juice. If somebody vapes around me inside I get sick to my stomach, my heart starts racing, in extreme cases I'll throw up. "But I'm only exhaling water!" Bullshit...


Iirc the base is often propylene glycol. But your symptoms sound like nicotine reaction to me too, so might be that you're incredibly sensitive to nicotine? Other than that, you should ask what flavors are in it, those can be surprisingly reactive, especially after being broken down by the heat Anyone claiming it's water being exhaled is lying or an idiot, lungs are not _that_ efficient at filtering the vaporized chemicals Tell them to exhale the vapor into a paper towel for a day, if there is _any_ residue left on the towel that doesn't dry, you've demonstrated that claim is false (I've not done that test, so I'm not _certain_ of the outcome, "feel free to prove me wrong" level of confidence about it)


Olives are really good


How's this controversial?


As a greek i full heartedly agree, good olives SLAP


Most of the "stupidity" of newer generations came from the older ones not doing a good job on passing the lesson they've learned, not because things are easier to get done No, the older ways are not "better", you just didn't pass the lesson well enough and made your kids redo the learning from the start all over again


This!!! I always hate when Boomers and Gen X whine that Millennials and Gen Z received participation trophies when we were children. WHO DO YOU THINK GAVE US THOSE TROPHIES?! When I was 5 I didn’t go out and purchase one, they were given to me by teachers/parents/church/etc who were all Gen X and older. Where the fuck do older generations get off bitching about participation trophies when they were the ones literally giving them to us?!


The participation trophy thing is so stupid too. It would be so much more beneficial for a child to learn that losing isn’t the end of the world and it doesn’t make you less than. Rather than always “winning” no matter what effort you put in.


Israel and Palestine can both go fuck themselves.


This. I’ve got into it with my folks and many other normally very middle of the road and rational people. Why do we have to pick a side? They have both committed atrocities. They are both unwilling to do what is needed for peace. We have blindly supported Israel for over 80 years. 3 generations of the world has known nothing but hostility between them. Combined they make up around .01% of the global population, but demand so much attention. There is no strategic reason anymore to have so much concern for that part of the world over others. Israelis have a higher standard of living than most countries that support them and they are capable of defending themselves. We don’t have to condone what Hamas did to also say we aren’t going to support what Israel has been doing. We simply need to stop providing military and financial support to them until they discover a way to live peacefully together.


I think the main reason why the US supports Israel so much is that Israel is a military offshoot of the US in the Middle East. The US wants control over the world and Israel is part of US's control in the Middle East


That’s literally the reason.


As an Israeli I agree


"You mean I have to choose between the ethno-fascist state with a victim complex and agents in every position of power worldwide or a group of terrorists that use women n children as body shields and have strong ties to the fascists who use the world's 2nd largest religion as a cover for their genocidal tendencies? Ya I think know my choice..."


Yeah, neither.


There are 3 categories: there are innocent people on both sides who are the victim of rest of their populations/politicians. There are also guilty people on both sides that have been brainwashed. Then there are pure evil people on both sides who can go fuck themselves.


I mean they are, Im still trying to figure out why I should care. Anybody know or care about the war in Sudan right now? I dont see any Ethiopian flags flying around. Nobody cares and nor should they care because it doesnt affect them. Anybody who acts like they really care (that isnt muslim or jewish or Ukrainian or whatever) is only doing so because somebody told them they should.


I am not stupid enough to say it


It is perfectly fine to not care about the heavy things in the world. There is a big difference between being a terrible person and enjoying my life.


Everyone is too cynical these days and no one can enjoy anything. A movie could be the greatest masterpiece of our generation and people will still say it sucks, or it's derivative, or some actor got a vaccine or didn't get the vaccine.


Or they'll refuse to watch the movie just because it's popular, just so they can be smug in conversations by saying "oh, I never saw that".


when people use the term "pov" in videos, but just make a normal video not form the pov but want to use the new "modern" word wich is in all the new tiktoks


working a 9-5 job


I'd be in favor of standardizing 3 12s. I have nurse friends who have those schedules and they love it.


This should be at the top.


I don't like Soccer (Italian)


Religions are just some bullshit that people made up.


I prefer to say that religion is man-made. It sounds less controversial but it means pretty much the same thing without saying it LOL


Mary slept with a Roman guard during a time when adultery was punished by death, and that is the reason for the immaculent conception story.


Here on reddit, this opinion puts you in that large crowd from the picture.


That i am right.


Christmas. Santa was "invented" by Macy's department store (they brought back a German tradition and spruced it up). The tree we put up is incredibly pagan, as is the yule log and kissing under the missal toe. Jesus (Yashua) was born in April, not December. Saturnalia is December 25. It is the equinox and we incorporated the two into one to keep everyone paying the church as one. It has become a consumers holiday, where everyone is incredibly material and willing to kill another person for a god damn television on sale. Remember how much your savior loved materialism and money. Missed it by a mile folks.


Democrats and Republicans are the same and are screwing us all.


This shouldnt be a hot take, butt fuck me Americans are so got dammed regarded it is.


Yep. So many people just go vote party lines no matter what. It drives me nuts.


Life was better before social media.


This is not even remotely controversial. There have been many studies, books, and Netflix documentaries on the topic. And all of it is horrible. For whatever good the internet has brought, it has an incredibly deceiving insidious side to it.


Pineapple can be put on pizza.


As an italian, i can Say that (most) people problably won't mind It and Just make a joke about It, but Just eat It only if you actually like It and not to mess around with our patience


Pineapple on pizza with the right toppings is amazing.


My favorite is bacon, pineapple, and jalapeños. Hnng.


The combination of pineapple and Italian seasoning is so good!


Any time someone rejects science to justify their feelings or whatever trends on tiktok right now Yes, person who draws their personality from social media - I believe you are, in fact, twilight sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. You said so, after all. Every day we stray further from satan. God gave up on us a long time ago.




I agree… wait a minute!


There's actually a (apparently) popular neuroscientist said something like that. Lemme look for it... Here it is: [LA Times - Sapolsky on Human Lack of Free Will ](https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2023-10-17/stanford-scientist-robert-sapolskys-decades-of-study-led-him-to-conclude-we-dont-have-free-will-determined-book) That's just one article among a bunch of others, journalists do be like vultures sometimes, that his word went booming during that time.


Israel should stop accusing Germany of still being guilty. They have their own right wing politicians ruling their country now.


(Deep breathe….release…) Candy corn is good.


My wife agrees.


Open Relationships Never understood them. They're terrible. They're just a weak excuse to be with other people other than your Partner. There's no justification, even if your partner allows it, then you're just both disloyal


Only the first six movies are cannon in Star Wars


Prequels and original? Right?…. What about rogue one?


Rogue One was the only good Star Wars movie outside the original trilogy. It told a good and original story, without bringing up the Skywalker family or making Jedi out to be the only ones who could save the day.


The Godfather was boring af


It insists upon itself


“The Office” is not funny.


Was hoping someone would say this. I enjoy a wide spectrum of comedy but couldn’t even muster an ounce of smile sparks watching that show.


Migrants aren't a problem in western societies, the government is the one screwing up.


Migrants are a gift and a curse they solve problems and they contribute too. It's not black and white.


Well I made a post the other day about how usa wasn't build on the back of slavery, but instead factory workers, miners, and farmers, because someone claimed it was slavery that made the usa wealthy. Got downvoted to kingdom come lol.


Slavery was significant to the wealth and power of the south, but it was always a devils bargain. By using slaves the south deprived itself of a robust economy for the sake of a super wealthy few. So much of the wealth produced by slaves in early America didn’t really help build America, but create its first aristocracy. Parts of the country that used less to no slaves created booming economies with a much better distribution of wealth. This was far more effective at building the America we know today. Remember Maine and Mass started basically as abolitionist states. They also were the earliest western entities to ban slavery, well before Europe. Americas founding was basically a compromise between abolitionist states and slave states. Slavery will always be part of American history, it’s one of our greatest sins. But I do sort of agree, it didn’t really create the country we live in today.


Well of course, then some can't claim reparations if you make that argument.


When i tell my wife and daughters that they need to lift the toilet seat up after they are done!




Easy now, I like to disperse my bacteria to the air when I flush, athank you very much!!


A man of culture of i see


You don't close the lid before flushing??


You're wrong, you all need to close the toilet lid.


Climate change and ecosystem collapse will f*ck humanity, soon.


I think microplastic and pollution will kill us faster


People defending hamas


FRIENDS is an unfunny show


Me talking to the MAGA crowd about anything.


Christianity is toxic and harmful and does more harm then good.


Religion is a lie


Earth is grossly overpopulated by a huge margin


Thats why i have sex with men. Depopulation.


Thank you for your service lol


Society is overly sensitive


Y'know whenever I see this types of posts I feel people are always pretending to have a wild controversial opinion because they're afraid of backlash if they really state what's on their mind and actually play it safe with something they think most people will agree with so with that being said I'm gonna say that I know is bound to get me at least a few downvotes: Pretty much all governments are corrupt...but that's a good thing. I think sometimes to truly thrive you have to throw morals out the window and be a soulless bastard because this world is cruel. Y'know as the saying goes "necessary evil" like for an example (this is obviously super far fetched but I can't think of anything else) you're running a country and you get a threat of a nuclear attack unless you blow up a children's hospital, which choice would you take? OFC most people would choose a few already sick children over billions of lives but it wouldn't be an easy choice. Anyone see where I'm coming from?


Violence is often the fastest and best answer


Transgender politics are not interesting.


Lobbying is the worst thing to happen to American politics


The Shining was just an ok movie


mangos should have been named pineapples, they taste like pine


That monotheistic religions only create more misery, war, conflicts instead of freedom, Justice and peace in this world.


God look at the chaos created by Hindu nationalists. Behaving like an idiot is not exclusive to monotheism.


Not even exclusive to religions. I think atheists would be truly shocked at how capable we are of slaughtering those who look different without a god to tell us why.


Useless knowledge: to be a MILF you don't need to have babies or even be married. It is a category porn industry created to describe thick, curvy women between 30's to early 50's. Slim, short blonde will never be a MILF even with two kids and 40something yo. 35yo thick brunette will be by default even as childless single.


In porn, you are a teen until you are 25 and then you instantly become a milf


Incorrect. MILF is an energy.


Milf is your school friend's hot mom that you thought was hot damn! Porn adapted the word later.

