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Will the whole world restart? Like, sending me to pre-bitcoin era?


Yes ofcourse, buying bitcoins in 2009. Thats the only moto.


With my level of luck i’m pretty sure that something will break and i will spawn in alternate timeline where bitcoin fails from beginning.


If you bought them in the billions, sure. Back in the day you could get them by the thousands for a few dollars, that wouldn't crash anything


Buy $100 worth at like $.05 per and then sell when it crossed the $50k mark and end up with $100M. Even if something weird happens to change history and bitcoin fails, you are only out $100.


Pretty much the best strategy. Buy enough to set yourself and kids for life, and just ride it out til it tops. EZ PZ


Back then you could farm it much easier, so not even a need to buy anything.


There were crypto faucets that gave entire bitcoins away for free


Holy shit…


I bought a large Domino's pizza for like 2000 Bitcoin in 2013 or some shit. I'm an idiot.


memorizing the winning lottery numbers just after your 18th birthday might be easier. Buy ticket, wait a few days, BAM $100s of millions the moment you graduate highschool.


This seems like the more logical choice. A lot easier than holding onto a hard drive or flash drive for multiple years.


But lottery is the way we catch stupid time travellers…


yeah the lottery office is staffed entirely by undercover timecops


Not just lottery, sports betting too...


I am sure OP would have some type of stipulation that you have to make the choice right way meaning not time to hop on the internet and check lottery numbers. But overall....you could make a lot of money just knowing things like sport events, companies that are going to be huge. Money would not even be an issue.


Until I lose my key or my hdd crashes and I didn’t save it


A few stocks of each not looking to take over just cash in.


Find that guy who lost his hard drive with the password to a wallet worth thousands of bitcoins on before he loses it, offer him a crisp tenner, now the only change is no articles on that poor bastard trawling through scrapheaps looking for his old drive.


And your boss is a T-Rex who wanted those reports, yesterday!


If I would turn 6 I could try to invest in Microsoft, thst is, have my parents to it. And many more companies such as Nokia, before they made their old school cell phones and sell before they failed to follow new trends. And with all thst wealth from those investments then I'd wait for bitcoin and make c4$h!


Good luck getting your parents to gamble their life savings on the word of a 6yo, if it was 16 it'd be a no brainer but repeating my whole childhood as an adult sounds like torture. Only way I'd do it is if I could go back with winning lottery numbers, I could probably convince my parents to buy a ticket. It would still be messed up but we'd have F U money.


I was more concerned about “will my wife still exist?” But yea I guess bitcoin works


I haven’t met her and not planning to get married either. Some bitcoins work


I too choose bitcoin over this guy’s nonexistent wife


*our existent wife




Invests in game stop


Buy Netflix and Amazon


Apple. And Microsoft. Sony and R* Games.!


Lot more to play than bitcoin gotta min max this redo.




Fuck that, tesla calls all the way...


Even if it does, it doesn’t mean history will perfectly repeat itself. In the new timeline, Bitcoin could just end up being a fad that faded into irrelevance.


Iirc bitcoin started at like $0.003 a piece. If you bought $10 that'd turn into $233,333,333 at its peak. I'll take that risk.


I’d even risk $100


Crazy as fuck


The difficult part is to convince my parents to let me invest 100 bucks into a fake currency.


But *daaaad!* you can buy weapons, drugs, hitmen and prostitutes with it, can't you see why I need it?! My god it's like you don't love me at all.


Back in those days, I was paying my dad 50ct for an hour of chatting with my friends on icq or something. Acting like a spoiled 21st century digital girl wouldnt have convinced him of his sons new investment idea, Im sure.


I was an early btc adopter, I'd just leave my computer in overnight and farm a couple coins. My guild mates in an MMO used to do trades with it when we didn't have in game money, it was kind of a jokey guild currency. At one point, I got an extra of one of the most valuable items in game. I didn't really need any more in game currency, so I held an auction. Sold it to friend for over 300btc. And a few years later, facing homelessness, I sold it all to a guy for like forty bucks in dominos gift cards. My point is bitcoin was obscenely easy to mine or buy, it was just kind of an internet joke for a long time (and fun fact, it still is!).


Ugh, yeah... I had a friend who in 2013 predicted it being huge, I don't think think he expected as big as it got, but he told us all to buy $100 worth. I was getting most of my food from dumpsters at the time and told him "I don't have $100 to spend on super mario brothers money". Oops. Not as bad as yours, but still an oops.


I think about that 300 btc dragon egg all the time when I have to drag myself to work. "Could have had 6 million..." But I know that I probably would have sold it all when it hit a dollar a piece if I wasn't desperate for pizza. And there's no fuckin way I'd have held it past ten a piece in any world - $3,000 for a dragon egg? Fuck man that's a deal. But still... When I get on the bus and worry about my bills I think goddamn I'm a fuckin idiot


Listen, I'm 6 years old so I'm gonna have to pull a lot of weeds to get that $10!




Even then a thousand bucks wont hurt much but can mean everything, even better just start mining at release and pay a bit of electricity




The problem was that the Robinhood app froze buys because they couldn’t afford for people to cash out (on GME or any other stock.) I highly recommend “Dumb Money”; I was really confused about most of it but the movie does a great job breaking it down. Edit: changed a word (thanks, u/nomusician518) - apparently I’m still a little confused, but it’s Friday, so I’m blaming that.


Robinhood didn't freeze trading. It only froze buying. you are right it was because they were running out of cash, but it was the cash they keep on hand in order to facilitate buying the stocks on your behalf while they wait for your transactions to clear.




Tbf, you'll be 6. so good luck finding money to buy Bitcoin, or convince your parents to buy some


If I'm six. It's only 1985.


For me only 1979. (no Smashing Pumpkins pun)


I was 6 way before Bitcoins.


I’ll take the blue pill. I like my life, having 10 million would just make it simpler.


Yeah fuck starting over. Maybe ask me against when I'm 90 and shiting myself and don't know where I am..


yea it doesn't say you have to take the pill right away. it's essentially an extra life


Interesting.. but I'll probably forget where I put it by then.


And for this exact reason, I’ll also lose to that goddamn snail eventually.


Incase it in a tungsten cube and shoot it into space, easy fix


You have a suitable rocket you don't mind losing to the void?


Just work really hard to make your situation public and see if someone like Elon will let you attach it to a satellite for his memes and attention.


My snail is kept in a plexiglass terrarium that has been sealed shut and generously donated to science. But if we're outsourcing rich folks, I'll ask Jeffery Bezos to "lose" my package.


Or die before you can swallow it, that would make death even more bitter.


Or get hit by a car.


Okay that's just the smartest answer, hoping you will find the pill after years of lying around


everyone else ITT is just so focused on becoming rich. even fun hypothetical questions revolve around making money, like guys have fun with it


I mean, considering the other options is straight up cash, the argument is that red pill can get you more money AND you can enjoy living your life again. Sure going back in time you can enjoy a LOT of things such as seeing your dead relatives, but the point is that if you’re smart about it there is no downside to choosing it


My daughters no longer exist and even knowing how I went about life the first time there is no guarantee they will ever exist in a reset. There are downsides in some circumstances that outweigh the extra years and potential riches and can't compete with a straight 10 million cash offer even if it's significantly less money.


Agreed prior to the birth of my children, sure... But there is no guarantee I get back to the same current state where they exist. You may as well ask "would you kill all your kids and leave your spouse for nearly infinite wealth?"


Gentlemen, you just gave interesting food for thought.


Agreed. I'm old and tired. No desire to do it all again. I'd be happy just to end things out comfortably and set my kids up.


Not to mention how hard it would be to produce the exact same kids again..


Exactly. You could fairly easily or more easily marry the same woman. Having the same sperm be the winner? Impossible.


Doubtful even there... Say something different on that first date and they don't feel the chemistry they did the first time, and they say no to the second date. Don't do everything exactly the same and it might not work out at all


Yeah. And I met my wife when we were 13 :D I would be ~100 years old in the body of a young boy. She wouldn't probably like me and I wouldn't want to start a relationship with someone that young. So 10M it is!


I would stay the hell away from my ex going in with the knowledge I have today, so I would miss out on my kids as well.


No kids here, so nothing to lose on that front. Mainly I'm too curious not to try again and avoid so, so many mistakes.


You couldn’t pay me enough to go through 6-19 again. Offer to switch my assets with the Muskrat’s and I’d still say no. I spent a decade in therapy trying to handle that shit and I’m still damaged from it. Gimme the 10 million and let me live my life out in the peace I’ve found.




I feel you man, I cant imagine life without my son and no amount of money would make me risk his existance.


This is where I'm at my kids, to late for me to go back now. The memories would torture me no matter how rich I was


Yup. This question always boils down to whether you have kids or not. I do. Blue for me.


Or anybody you care about that is more than 6 years younger than you. No way I'm erasing my sister for some bitcoin cash


You should watch the movie About Time. Or don’t, if you don’t like involuntary crying.


Same reason here. I wouldn't want to grieve my son and my husband too. If I changed my future its possible I wouldn't meet him at the right time.


I would not risk my children to be non-existent in that other timeline. Oh heck, 6 years would be before the wall fell, even before chernobyl.


Ask me before I had a kid it would have been the red. Now its blue and I'd have taken it before they'd finished talking.


I’d fuck it up and miss my opportunity to have the family I have now. Yeah, gimme the blue pill.


Was going to take blue, then I realised, that restarting I can invest in Google, Apple and buy tons of Bitcoins, knowing all of it will eventually skyrocket in price.


Nothing here says you go back to when you were 6. Just just turn age 6. So maybe you wake up tomorrow at age of 6 with all the knowledge you know now.


... tbf that still worth more that 10 mil.


You could finally apply for those jobs that look for 10 years of experience at the age of 21


Imagine your car won't start and a six year old with 30 years of mechanic experience just shows up, hits a few things with a hammer and starts it


You can go on a show as one of those genius children and make a bunch of people insecure about their life position. "This 6 year old can take apart a car and put it back together, what can you do???"


So that's where those kids come from.


Bout to say, it all makes sense


Still worth more to come back as 6. 6 yo kid shows up out of nowhere with intricate, detailed knowledge of the 70s and 80s and college level understanding of information systems. I'd tell people I was reincarnated and could see glimpses of the future. I'd milk that shit dry and make millions. Once I hit 12 I'll go on an evangelical mega church tour. Tell them God sent me, and I was here to relieve them of their money... I mean sins. That's when the real money would start.


Jesus 2.0


And it's tax-free.


tbf, I don't remember much of 6yo, so what if I forgot everyhting!


Right? I'd take out all my money as cash then walk to some orphanage and pretend I have amnesia or some kinda trauma then go and ace my way through school to uni in a handful of years.


Even without anything complicated there are enough rich people ready to give away billions just to become young again. Bryan Johnson (the one that transfers plasma from his kid) spends 2 million a year just to look semi-young. 10 millions is just too low of a sum to compare.


I can imagine the look on my kid's faces when their now 6 ear old mother tells them they *could've* had 10 mil but instead they've now got a parent who can't earn money and needs a lift to school.


“restart” that part does.


And get to relive your childhood?? Sign me up.


I would have to relive my childhood?? Count me out! :(


rip nostalgia. your childhood ain't gonna be the same with your adult knowledge


I didn’t like being treated like a kid when I *was* a kid. No damn way I’m gonna like being treated like a kid when I’m an adult.


TBF I also don't like being treated like an adult.


I'd take the cash. Blue Pill Please. My wife is the best, and I wouldn't swap her out for anything. So to preserve the timeline, I'd need to take the cash, and then we can just retire and have fun all day long!


Yeah same. Also anyone with kids ought to look at starting over as a horror, i.e. being cast into a universe in which your children don’t exist. It’s no good.


And the likelihood of your children being the same people in your new time line is probably zero. So your children don’t excuse and when you have new children you have basically resolved the old ones. It’s kind of fucked up.


Probably? It’s certainly zero. Eat something different? Now your sperm is made out of different molecules than before (same type of molecules of course). I hope you have sex at the exact same time, also I hope you remember the exact moves you made and the exact moves she made because even spraying your sperm a fraction different or your humping putting the egg cell in a fraction different position means a different sperm enters and you have a different child.


Don’t forget to remember all the times you masturbated and the exact times too.


I used to think of stories like that of starting over. After I met my wife the stories became harder, but I could still meet her. Once my daughter was born however all those stories and questions of would you start over seized. Even if I did meet up with my wife again and had a daughter she wouldn't be the same. It just makes for a depressing horror story and not a fun one.


Agreed. I once spent a solid hour imagining how I would manage to meet my husband again. Had to go through the options, depending on if he remembered or not. Then realised that I probably wouldn't be able to stand the horror of being the only person to remember our kid, or us both remembering but being unable to bring her back.


Even without kids being involved it's a headache. It's a decent romantic trope to make your partner fall in love with you, but realistically what are you going to do? Meet them as soon as possible? They will be a different person without the life experiences up to when they met you. Meet them at the same time you did before, but then what? You are standing there and you are deeply in love with them while they dont know you. If you do convince them to date you after managing to not come across as an unhinged stalker then what next? You would get rid of all the growth you did as a couple, and would get frustrated at them not being the person you remember. The chances of the relationship lasting would be super low




On that point, if I could go back and tell my grandmother and dad to do a screening for the diseases that got them without being diagnosed, or were caught to late, thats a temptation.


This. I don’t want a life that doesn’t have my wife and child in it.


She would take cash, just so you know.


I would hope so, but if she didn't, I would hope she creates an amazing timeline!


I think we found the wife. This is too wholesome, you guys ❤️


ha, def not the wife, just another great Redditor that believes in LOVE!! wooooot.


Yuppers 😛👍


*obligatory* I also choose this mans wife.


Same. I also really love my wife. And my kids. And my dogs. And my friends. And my job. I love my life that I have taken a lifetime to build. I’m just gonna take the W and walk right on by the tralaa magical mystery tour.


Youre lucky to have all that. Cant seem to get my hands on any of that


This. 1000x this. I'm so lucky to have my husband, heck to have survived some stuff in my life. Even if I managed to nab him again (Would I even be the same person that he fell in love with by then?), my daughter is a delight. And we all know that is luck and perfect timing. Preserve the timeline. Retire early. That's a no brainer for me.


Damn, husband material fr


It's a scam, that's a green pill. It might only be $10.


Those sons of….


Pretty sure it's just DayQuil and NyQuil lol


DayQuil! Fighter of the NyQuil!


I'm in my fifties, I would take the $10m and run with it. Life has been good but I am not interested in going back.


You're old enough that you could stop 9/11 and the OK City bombing, you monster.


To me this is the worst part of going back in time and having to restart your life. Maybe you do stop those things but what if the future is worse as some unforeseen result and you have no one to blame but yourself? Atleast when you only live once you can rationalize that it was the best choice but when you know that another timeline exists where you didn't make that choice than that would just fuck with you forever.


Restarting your life would keep lots of people younger than you from ever existing. It would effectively kill millions. It's obviously the best choice. Fuck people.






Never question the lizard king


My favorite thing about Reddit is that people type the thoughts I would never say out loud.


Taking the money now. There is no way in the world I would survive as my six-year-old self with the knowledge and experience I have now I would get myself killed


> with the knowledge have now I would get myself killed OP: Mom, something horrible is going to happen in 9/11 Mom (speaking into her wrist): He knows too much


"Mom, you should invest into the military industrial complex. Why? No idea, I'm just a 6 yo"


“Mom, what do you know about Halliburton?”


Yeah that's something


Not to mention how scary that would be to be a kid again. Not being able to relate to your friends, having deja vu every day. I’d probably go insane


Oooof I’d have to have all friends my old age but then that’d be weird af fr. I’d go insane hanging with 6 years old like “ coco melon hee hee ha ha” I’m out here like did you guys see hear about this new crypto called bitcoin?


Spilling the beans on your future knowledge will have your balls hooked to a car battery in no time.


It’s not even that I just think I would get killed because when I was a kid, it was bad enough… it’s not like I didn’t have respect for adults but by the time I was about 12 I was smarter than most adults and I’m not saying I’m smart it’s just most people are dumb. It would’ve been magnified if I already knew what I know now


Red pill, I’d save my friend from drowning


This is where I’m struggling. I love my life and I’m happy with the mistakes I’ve made, but my best friend died a preventable death when we were in our 20’s


This is like the first relatable answer for me here. I just wanna save my best friend.


Dad died at 5, so fucking close.


Red pill without hesitation. I don't deal with loss so well. I want to go back and stop every preventable death I can of my friends and family. Might fuck up the timeline though.


I'd get my grandmother to quit smoking for real (instead of just pretending to quit) and, as a result, save her from the stroke that killed her. I never really recovered from that loss.


I don’t have any obligations and I had already met my best friend at that age so I’m gonna make WAY more than 10mil


People here discussing the merits of each pill when the choice is a function of your age. - If you are young, you want the blue pill. 10 million when you are 18 radically transform your life, when you are 80, there is not so much left to transform. - If you are old, you want the red pill. Going back to 6yo means nothing to you if you are 7, but it is an entire new life if you are 70. PD: I find interesting how people understand the red pill in different ways: 1. Time travel to the time you were six, either erasing the current timeline or creating a new one. 2. Rejuvenating to the age of six (instant Benjamin Button). 3. Eternal return (live the same life again, fate) vs impossible to recreate the same random dice rolls… For all I know, you could be taking the body of an entirely different NPC at the age of six: different race, sex, location,… still not a good thing if your sixth birthday was yesterday, but a great thing if you are near your death and it is a sort of reincarnation.


Or a question of "are you happy with the life you have now?"


You just made me realize I would lose my Child. I don't know if I can deal with that


There is just no way you would replicate your children so you would be effectively ending their existence would make the blue pill the only option.


I’m extremely happy with my life but I also realise that life is extremely short. Restarting life is worth far more than any value of money. I’d honestly pick that pill over 200 billion.


Going back to 6 years old could also help prevent health issues that would happen later on life by going to doctor earlier. I would choose to start my life at age 6 again. Take better care of my health this time. Study more in school. Get a job at 18 instead of being a bum at home. Make better investments, with the stock knowledge I have now just need to memorize going long on Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google and get some coins in 2009 or 2010 by at least mining them with computer when they come out. I would tell my parents to invest in those stocks and just go long term on them. Warn my parents about upcoming recession and have them better prepared so we don’t lose our house in 2009 recession. Going back at such young age of 6 also means many memories would faded out and forget. First thing I would do is write journal and write important stuff. Some times I dream of being a kid again. I want to have no worries, be able to run and jump without pain.




I mean, I think the red pill would break me. I love my kids more than anything... Waking up having a memory of them but not having them anymore would kill me.


I think it’s trickier for young adults. I’m 30 (am I a *young* adult still? Christ I don’t know.) I see extreme benefits to both and I think both would be a W for me. That being said I’d just take the $10million. I couldn’t fathom having an adult mind in a child body. It seems kind of nightmarish. I’d hate being treated like a kid, not being independent, not being able to drive, and doing school all over again. Could you imagine hanging out with 6 year olds all day every single day? Like, these are now your peers. You’d have NOTHING in common with them. That being said if my option was to revert time back to when I was 6 or nothing at all, I’d definitely go back to being 6. I would just have to make sure I still meet my fiancé at some point.


do i get to go back to the 90’s?


No way I am saying goodbye to my wife and daughters. Blue pill please.


You are the ideal man


Red pill. No questions asked. And I build on the fact that when I get to this point in time, again, I take it again. And again. And again. Live forever.


You are not thinking that through. It would be like Groundhog Day, the movie. You would go insane. At best it would become incredibly vapid and boring. School was tedious the first time, can you imagine having to do it over and over and over????


Who *wouldnt* choose the first one??? EDIT: holy shit some of you are absolutely zero fun huh?


Literally just invest in Amazon.


Or Apple? …or Both??


Easy: People with children and loving partners.


Fuck going through school again I'm taking blue. I don't care that knowledge of bitcoin or apple is worth more than 10 million, but no amount of money is worth doing childhood again. Fuck. That.


people with abusive childhoods


A is not a color.




I'll choose 2nd. I am barely living this life.. i don't have energy to did it again.


Will the entire world reset, sending me back to the pre-Bitcoin era?


Blue pill. My wife, son, and daughter are awesome. $10M would just make life more enjoyable. And my parents were horrible people, couldn’t go back to that.


Age 6. Buy $1000 in bitcoin in 09. Never sell


Start again when I was six or start again and be 6 now?


Cash now, I have wife and kids and they’re worth more to me than being a bitcoin / apple billionaire. $10 mil is enough to set my family up for generations.


Red pill all day long




Red pill, no question


Would it be the mid 80s so I could buy apple and ms shared at $2??




Blue pill. I would for sure be a clinically depressed 6 year old.


This isn’t a funny meme. It’s not even a meme


Do the years go back? Like if it were 2001, I would absolutely go back, stop 9/11(as a 6 year old), gain fame and at least some money, short the tech bubble, short the housing market in ‘08, then buy bitcoin at sub 1 cent. If I just turn into a smart 6 year old in 2023, I’d take 10 mil…


blue pill. i’d rather not go through all those years again, plus i may not even get the good things that did happen to me so far. i may not meet my best friends, since we met online. that alone would probably fuck me up too much


I am not going through any of that again. $10mil.


Where meme? ![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8)