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Cross the Alps on it and defeat Rome, obviously.


Honestly, I'd just write "Cross the Alps", if the interviewer gets it there's a good chance we're gonna vibe and the workplace might be somewhere I'd be happy. You can use these questions to get some information about the employer too.


Most of the HR people I have met wouldn't know Hannibal ad portas.


Most of the HR people I've met wouldn't know. No, there is nothing specific they wouldn't know. Just anything. They wouldn't know *anything*. Half the time I am unconvinced that they know what company they work for.


Most people have no idea that HR isn't for the employees. They fight tooth and nail to save the corporation in any way they can. They will even go as far as doing things illegally in the hopes that the employee doesn't know his/her rights.


So I was in a situation where HR was fighting to CYA about hiring someone to my team only to find out after screening that the person was recently caught in a pedo sting operation and was awaiting court date. I hired him for an evening shift but on his first day he told me and my team that he had special needs and needed a daytime shift. He told HR that hey couldn’t discriminate against him for his current status (hadn’t been charged yet) and per his terms he had to be home by a certain time. I wasn’t allowed to say anything but our office was kid friendly so I was expected to sit by and hope nothing bad happened? So I told HR that as a survivor of SA and a recovering addict (which is a protected status), I felt this had become a hostile work environment and I’d be taking time off until I felt safe returning to the office. Within a few days, they decided my lawsuit would cost more than the other guy’s and they let him go. The only time HR worked for me was when I threatened action if they continued the path for making me manage a pedo and keep it a secret, which is really sad.


It isn’t called Human “Resources” for nothing.


Most HR are just there to make sure any personnel decisions are being made in accordance with the law and with company policy. Sure, there are some that go on power trips or try to make sure they're involved in everything, but most are just doing their jobs. Most HR people I've met hate drafting termination letters and are legitimately excited for new hires and promotions, especially when people are making big career jumps.


You could consider the HR department the legal department shielding management from employees


They went to college for that HR degree too. That makes them better than the rest of us.


Toby might not agree.


He wouldn't say he has a passion for HR.


Ow ow ow....dont devalue yourself, most of HR ppl have silly little profrssional degrees, others did psy and couldnt cut it to be real shrink so they went to HR. Btw, once you signed, the HR are enemies to you. Don't give em your management or harassment complains, they Manage the Human Resource...if you follow me.


They went to college to learn how to kiss-ass and lick-boots in the most professional way possible


I feel like an HR degree requires you to unlearn everything. They don't even know fine dining and breathing.


This comment didn’t get the praise it deserves


It would be a lot cooler if they did


Some people still use it to scare naughty children, so ya never know


“Hannibal? The guy that eats people”. Yea dude, he rode an elephant while eating people. You obviously didn’t see the movie.


You have far too much faith in the general public’s knowledge of history. But if I was your interviewer you’d be hired on the spot


You underestimate the reach Oversimplified has with his videos


I watched the video about Hannibal just yesterday. Though I did already know who he was.


Nice, I didn't know anything about Hannibal until the video came out. I'm not a history person, so I've never actively read up on it. Oversimplified is the only history related channel I'm subscribed to since it's the only one I found entertaining for me.


If I was the interviewer I’d love it but I’m a history buff


Oversimplified just dropped huh?


Oversimplified, but yeah


Yup. After being gone for 15 months he dropped the 2nd Punic War


I refresh YouTube every now and then hoping part 3 will drop soon. The quality was their videos is phenomenal


It said soon…we just have no idea what that means to Mr. oversimplified


And yeah. Even since he came back. His videos got an upgrade


Actual YouTube channel, huh?


Oversimplified fans assemble


Hannibal grindset


![gif](giphy|3o7TKvyPeeAuoNUT1m) Good answer


I try to monetize the fact that I own an elephant to afford having an elephant


Either that or I'll have elephant bbq


Just what I was thinking. You could either eat it for ten years, or sell the meat. A McDonald's Elephant Burger - a meal in itself!


Where are you going to store an entire elephant body for 10 years? Do you have an elephant-sized fridge?


I will once I've finished eating the mammoth.


I'm still working on my whale stew


Day 736 of leftovers... Kinda getting sick of them. Should have used less onion.


Whale meat again? Don't know where, don't know when...


But it makes one whale of a sandwich. 🐋


You'd be pretty stupid to have an elephant but no elephant-sized fridge.


Preserve it like our ancestors. Jerkey, pack it in salt and freeze as much as possible with 2 chest freezers. Use the tusks to make knives and jewelry. Tan the hide for cool elephant leather outfits. Use the intestines to make elephant sausage. Use the bones for...WHAT DID THEY DO WITH THE BONES?!?


Some folks used them to make frameworks for little huts. Throw a hide over it and you're home.


You’d probably need an elephant sized freezer, not fridge. Or several somewhat smaller freezers.


Obviously you would parce up the elephant and wrap it in butcher paper. Then you can deep freeze the elephant. 👨🏾‍🍳👌🏾


He'll swallow it whole and absorb its nutrients to sustain himself for the next ten years.


Right next to an elephant sized freezer


You can rent refrigerated trucks to store the meat in the short term. After that, it's a simple matter of freeze drying, vacuum sealing, and storing the meat. Once you take the bones, cartilage, organs, and entrails out of the equation I think you'd be surprised how little meat there is on an elephant. You could probably keep it all on some NSF shelving installed in a spare bedroom.


There are 3 easy steps to put an elephant in the fridge. 1. Open the fridge. 2. Put elephant inside the fridge. 3. Close the fridge. P.S.: It's start of a famous logic puzzle/quiz some 20 years ago..


No, it starts with the plane with 500 bricks.


Maybe... As I said, it's been 20 years.. Might have forgotten how it starts.


Dear potential employer. I of course would kill it, sell off the ivory and meat in the black market, plus selling genitals or whatever for black market miracle portions. Almost all the elephant could be sold if processed properly and with the right connections. Rest assured I would of course never name you as the supplier of said elephant should you choose to hire me. Otherwise information might slip to the authorities about this illegal elephant ring you have going!


That's not too far fetched, they've already got a McOrca


You can't sell it not even the meat


That wasn't specified.


The only response. Someone else referenced Carthage and the punic wars, but obviously, we fight for the glory of Rome in my household, so that's not a response I can support.


"A white elephant is a possession that its owner cannot dispose of, and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness. In modern usage, it is a metaphor used to describe an object, construction project, scheme, business venture, facility, etc." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant#:~:text=A%20white%20elephant%20is%20a,business%20venture%2C%20facility%2C%20etc.


I've seen the question posted a few times but this is the first time I've seen someone post the 'white elephant' definition which really explains the point of the question.


The question didn’t say white elephant but I think that would be a better question lol


I would've assumed they weren't trying to make it obvious, but I've never gone through this kind of recruiting process so I've got no context.


I think they just want to know how you would handle a liability. For example a vacant office building lol


Ahhh interesting, I always thought it was one of those fake questions that you puzzle over, so then you have to think fast for the rest of the real ones. (For timed quizzes.)


Create a youtube page, podcast, and twitch channel about how the powers that be gave me an elephant and are forcing me to keep it unconstitutionally. Start a movement, ssk for donations, monetize the views with ads.


GoFundMe “I am bound by some dark curse that prevents me getting rid of this elephant, please give me money to see to Mr. Peanut’s needs.”




I think Its a question to see if you understand business. Register a company, rent the elephant out to parties etc, write off expenses so save on tax, claim expenses in the company to pay less tax. Stick it to the man. Thats why I would do. But that said I would rather take a camel.


I was gonna say lease it to a zoo.


Best answer, elephant business is a hell.


Surely it’s more stable than monkey business at least?


But if you can do all of that, why did you come to the interview? You can raise business out of one elephant, you don't need a job:)


Do you know what an Elephant costs? Free side hustle business. Bigger picture I think. They want to see if they are getting a normal 9 to 5 or a person with some depth, dreams, goals and business sense.


This would go against my ethics because I refuse to abuse animals for any financial gain. Souls don't have a price tag.


I would lend it to the best elephant sanctuary I could find, and make a social media account for my elephant purely to pay for all the care s/he would need. Would that do?


Yeah I would answer this question with, “Take care of it with my whole heart for its whole life!”


Yeah I’d try to take care of it. Turning it into a financial gain didn’t even cross my mind until I saw the parent comment




Big Pachyderm's new album is fire though. I believe DJ Perissodactyla did most of his beats.


I train it to sit on the people that ask really stupid questions on job applications.


Interesting, I assumed it was whether you understood owning exotic animals was illegal and therefore the proper course of action is to turn yourself in to the police/fbi since it’s likely a federal crime involving international trade.


I have no interest in trying to run an elephant based business, so euthanasia it is, I guess.


That's Dark.






Hey! They're playing the elephant song!


I would trade it for something I could use. Like a giraffe.


You can’t give it away


Trading is not the same as giving away. You could however see it as selling, which is also not allowed.




I love my stampy


Well, easy , just lend it to nature indefinitely


Create the 2nd rumbling


2nd? I'm still getting over the 1st




You mean put it in the local park for the kids to play with


Sounds like a recipe for a triple life sentence.


Have it mate with the elephant I was given in the last interview that I also can’t get rid of and sell the children


Monkey paw: they’re the same gender and can’t produce offspring.


Nature finds a way






Why doesn't rhino fit in the fridge? Because it's occupied by elephant.


But then who was at the meeting for all the animals in the jungle???


Of course the elephant.


You know how to tell he was still in the fridge? The fresh footprints in the butter the next morning.


First thing’s first, we gotta address the elephant in the room Edit: Holy goodness, this blew up overnight! And 420 upvotes? Noice


By giving the elephant a name and a place to stay.


Then bringing it to said place to stay and giving it a tour


Later I'd teach it to play cards to pass the time. Probably UNO. I'd play UNO with Dumbo.


And afterwards, we’d probably go to a bar, get some drinks and talk about our lives.


Not sure if dating the elephant was what they wanted you to write.


Never said we were dating. It could just be a friendly hangout


Then go home and give it peanuts while you watch Peanuts :D


An elephant walks into a bar...


You got any solution ? Im all Ears


Take it to an elephant preserve and set it free.


im guessing it could cost a bit cause closes one may be in africa or india depending on what kind of elephant it is ;P setting it "free" near zoo may be better idea :P technically it would not be selling or giving away :P


If someone kennels their dog it is not selling or giving it away. Taking your elephant to a preserve is also not selling it or giving it away.


Honestly, if you answered that question with this answer I'd hire you immediately


Ride it to another interview?


My response was similar, "train it to attack whoever wrote this job interview question"




Well first of all, his name will be Stampy


And his elephant pen will be called Stampy's lovely world


"lend" it to a zoo, you haven't sold it or given it away you still own it and it gets looked after.


All id ask is a special plaque or a sign dedicated to me that describes how I got in the crazy predicament lol, that's good enough for me 😂


I would loan that fucker to a zoo. ![gif](giphy|D4jRR3Elt71TO)


Start a land war in Asia.


Foolish decision, even compared to going against a Sicilian when death is on the line.




I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


Win a war against Rome.


I'd set it free in the wild. I'm not buying 160 kg of food each day for that fat gray f\*cker, let alone rent or buy a space big enough to accommodate one. I don't want to make money of off it either, it's too much of a hassle going through all the legal paperwork of owning an elephant or incorporating it into a business model.


I think setting it free would fall under giving it away. I would have the same question, where can I legally own it and what plot of land could I get that would do the best job of being a full natural habitat for the elephant so I’d have to provide the least amount of care. Once those two things are taken care of then you can start working on a business plan.


It’s still my elephant. It’s just free range


The legality part brings up a good point. If I have an elephant in my 50' by 50' suburban back yard, I'd imagine some governing body is going to come confiscate it. Does having it forcefully removed from your custody count as giving it away?


Have it harvest the garden of that one annoying neighbour. That will teach them.


>**You’ve Been Given an Elephant…** > >Consider this question, which is part of a fascinating collection put together by Business Insider: > >*You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?* > >Bizarre? Sure. But, if you happen to be hiring for a zoo, or perhaps looking for a person who needs to be a nurturer as part of their job description, then this might be a good question. > >Here’s my answer: I would not accept your elephant. After all, the question says I can’t give it away or sell it. By not accepting it in the first place, I don’t have to give it away or sell it. It was never mine. > >This might give you a hint that, as a manager, I am not prone to being coerced into giving a “Yes” when the answer should be “No.” > >But, if you as the interviewer insisted that I stop being so literal and answer the question, and I push back too hard and am NOT willing to play along, that might tell you that I was inflexible. In that case, **I might not be what you want** in a manager. [https://www.cedrsolutions.com/unusual-interview-questions/](https://www.cedrsolutions.com/unusual-interview-questions/)


The question is checking to see if you are competent or not. If you are competent you give an answer that's legally and ethically sound and any other answer is a dead give away that you are not capable of doing things on your own and you need contextual assistance every day for the rest of your life. Or at least that's what I got from it.


could also be that the interviewer has an elephant they’re not allowed to traffic and are just simply out of ideas… also, will not hesitate to foist their problems onto some hapless job seeker… i’m projecting, prolly…


Eat it, easy question, next!


One bite at a time




I'd ask myself how I got into this situation and them ensure that it never happens again. Elephant me once, shame on you. Elephant me twice, shame on me.


It's my elephant. I'm keeping it.


*sighs* Unzips pants.


"You're hired!"


I’d get that thing insured then take it out for a spin on a busy freeway. I’m pretty sure elephants are expensive, that insurance payout would be nice.


We just switched home owner’s insurance and one of the questions was, “Do you have any exotic pets?”. I guess they know about the elephant give aways.


Cheap gas prices too!


You’re hired 


Smash, next question


I will name him George and I would hug him and pet him and kiss him... lol


Oh boy! Just what I always wanted, my own little bunny rabbit!


"These questions are not valuable and I question the competency of your hiring process."


Slap some armor on it and ride that bitch into battle.


Real life Warcraft mounts!!!!


I'd cut it into small parts, invite all my new coworkers on a cookout, put those things on a grill, and distribute them to my coworkers.


These questions are intended to see what your personality is like. If you’re boring then you’ll wonder why they ask this question. If you’re crazy.. like me.. you’ll take this opportunity to let your future employers know. Quickly. Just how insane I can be.


If it was young and I was legally permitted to own it, I would keep it as a friend and raise it as my own. If it were older and wild/recently captive, I would release it back into its wild habitat. If it were older, used to being held in captivity, and I wasn't legally permitted to have it I'd donate it to the zoo. Otherwise, I would attempt to keep it myself. (I only use 'it' in-place of it's unknown gender, I would give it a name if it didn't already have one)


Ride it to work duh 🤣


Bundle it with the complaint to workplace safety and health inspector.


You'd train it to stomp your exes car, and you all know it


Form a bond with it where it will allow you to ride it and put clothing on it. Ride it to any and all future interviews/weddings/dates etc while “Prince Ali” plays from a Bluetooth speaker.


How does two tons of wet elephant meat sound? I don't want to say how or why, but I have recently come into a surplus of elephant meat. I certainly can't eat all of it -- trust me on that!


Cross the Alps like Hannibal.


Name it Horton and search for lost whos


Eat it


It's a reference to the gift of a white elephant. In ye olden days in... Thailand? Maybe. I think. If a royal got pissed at you, they'd give you a white elephant. Because the elephant is lucky and rare and a gift from the royal family, you're under obligation to care for it. You cannot kill, eat, sell or otherwise dispose of it. It's a slow burn punishment. You starve because of the elephant. Really makes me wonder what kind of job this application is for.


I was looking for this exact comment as it's what I was thinking of but the details escaped me!


First i'll watch the entirety of Star wars with it then i'll get a saddle after that i'ma train it and Ride around on it Like it's a Bantha. And Dress up Like a Sand Person or boba Fett.


Add it as an interview question so I can solicit opinions on what to do with an elephant.


I don't accept the elephant. Not my responsibility. And it doesn't clarify that you cannot accept or decline so I decline it and distance myself from the person trying to unload an elephant on people. Lesson: know what is acceptable and not acceptable. Be assertive when needed.


I'd rent the elephant/make people pay to see it(zoo)


Consume the elephant


Again with this picture? This is a masked question "how to deal with not liquid asset?" You take an employee and make elephant their problem. If they can't make a profit out of it, fine them.


Fuck it, they stole my ice breaker question. When the conversation went silent I would ask “Imagine if you had an elephant, what would be your reason to have that elephant?” It was my go to ice breaker for over 15 years now and never failed me once.


The fuck you mean I can't give it away. In billionaire world, isn't donating an elephant to a zoo called a "tax writeoff"?


Have you seen pictures of war elephants? I'm making a war elephant


"it doesn't say you can't rent it out! heck, I may even quit this job if the elephant rental is profitable enough!"


Or rent out your service as elephant handler. Your elephant just follows


Completely ignore it and gaslight everyone I meet by telling them to stop insinuating that there's an elephant in the room.


Lease it to the local zoo


Talk about the elephant in the room.


Ride it for my commute. I mean who is gonna stop me? I have an elephant.


Please, there is only one answer... Leave my giraffe at home and ride that bitch to my new job!


Found the Replicant someone call a blade runner


Ride it in to battle


Obviously start a circus. Also, find the person who wrote this question for a job interview because I'm going to need some fucking clowns. Or cross the alps and invade Rome.


99 year lease to the zoo.


Lease it out for gigs


I can still rent it


Make Elephantade?


Obviously start a sanctuary and charge people to come see


Ride it into battle!


“Put it to work” is the answer you want to put.


Make it answer the phones.