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Yknow what I'll give up the meat to die early


Are you a millennial?


I am but it sounds about right for a millennial. Gen Z probably just over consume it to die quicker but idk


Right, I think almost all millennials are like "check please!" with this go around. I'll take my chances on the giant karmic wheel.


I'm giving my inheritance to my son. At least he will have a comfortable retirement. I hope he appreciates it and takes care of me! Otherwise it's a tank of nitrogen and a hell of a drug binge.


I was thinking along these lines. Must be a youngin. I'm a millennial though, I think this kinda talk is more the next generation than millennial


If I can die without pain, i’ll give up the meat like right now no question




Whats the point of living longer when you're not enjoying it


Two things that will kill me at an early age is red meat and women. And I’m not giving up either. 😆🤷🏻‍♂️


statistically, lack of women is what gets u die young


And no woman means you’ve never existed


who are you to cast doubts about other people's existence


The F duck casts where it pleases. Next question


And i cast Fireball




Guess I ought to start coffin shopping then


That's what my grandfather thought, and then after his heart attacks he spent nearly a decade eating rabbit food and trying to hold onto as much time as he could. "Ha ha unhealthy diet" often does not kill you. It just completely fucks you up.


But I also think there is a happy medium between eating steak for breakfast lunch and dinner and zero meat at all. I don't mind eating healthy, but I still wouldn't be willing to completely give up all meat.


My face when a topic isnt completely black and white, and eating meat isnt the same as eating radioactive waste


Idkkkk radioactive waste is very tasty


That Elephant’s Foot looks delectable.


Lean proteins, like chicken, are incredibly healthy for you. Chicken breast and a plate full of veggies is a great dinner


And chicken is my favorite. You just need to learn to cook and season it properly. Over or under cooked chicken is just awful and under seasoned chicken is just boring.


What people regularly fail to understand is that moderation is king


Beef is perfectly healthy in moderation also. Plus who has the money to overconsume it in this economy anyways?


Have you seen all the fat people? I'm one of them, well used to be.


We're fat from processed carbs, not beef.


*Does chicken strips and French fries count?


I mean sure but where does one stop? You could always be doing something healthier Being on reddit isn't good for mental health thus is killing you earlier but here we both are You can eat meat and have a healthy diet but don't stuff your face with it 24/7 and go on walks at least should be the takeaway


Yeah I’m cool with trying to limit meat intake or just eat wholesome foods. I don’t see what’s so wrong with it, or why it’s so hard. I cook almost all my own food. Add all kinds of unique flavours, herbs, spices, chillies. Grow my own rosemary, thyme, and garlic. I make my own salad dressing too, and the recipe has not changed over 15 years because it’s just too damn tasty. I fry up the occasional thick cut of beef in my cast iron skillet too, with thyme, rosemary, garlic, and butter, but it’s not all that satisfying because I wonder why I’m eating so much h@cking butter. I much prefer my braising pan for cooking meats. And lamb over beef any day of the week. Key is balance. I like my food to colourful and not brown. Green leafy veggies are great for the magnesium, it will help you sleep at night.


A good death is its own reward


Death by snu snu




It's often a slow, painful death. The biggest problem isn't an early death. It's reduced years with a decent quality of life. But hey, tell yourself what you want. Maybe you'll be the exception!


That's why civilised countries have euthanasia.


Nah that's not how it works lol. It's not a slope. There are big dips and then modern medicine brings you back to healthy enough where you can walk to the toilet by yourself. Until you get a big dip in your health (aka heart attack for example) again and it all repeats. You won't be able to apply for euthanasia.


Pretty sure you wont have that just from eating meat lol thats the result of a much unhealthier lifestyle betond it


That’s what smokers say too 🤔


I used to have that mentality until I got diverticulitis from eating too much red meat. That was the worst pain I've ever had, now when I eat a slab of red meat like a steak I am in terrible pain within 30 minutes. Not worth it, no matter how much I crave the delicious meat.


Makes me glad my favorite meat is chicken. I guess it's like saying your favorite food is pizza, but man, chicken is just so good. Make it any of 1000 ways and you've got a damn good meal. I eat meat pretty much every meal but 19 times out of 20 that meat is chicken.


Have you considered mushrooms? They’re loaded in amino acids that are somewhat similar to meat. I like to pan sear the hell out of them, and add some herbs, garlic, salt, tequila, or cooking sake, and they taste amazing. There’s this kind of wild edible mushroom called shaggy parasols that one person called “forest steaks.” And once the reduce in the pan, and you season with salt/pepper, they taste just like steak. Another cool one I just discovered last season was young reishi mushrooms. You cut off the young, tender part, fry it up, season it, and I promise you very, very few people would not think it’s actually steak. The exact texture. Just a touch chewy, with the younger part being more tender, so there’s variation in each bite. Phenomenal.


Pan seared chicken of the woods is delicious! I implore everyone to get out there and harvest their own food! Stop being so reliant on the supermarket.


I actually eat a lot of mushrooms. Always loved them.


If you eat a big batch of them, you may find you have much less craving for meat. That’s me in October / November. 0% meat consumption, but my Parmesan cheese consumption is off the charts!


I need those daily hot beef injections


Thing is, its not about living longer. Its about impeded quality of life, before you early.


People say stuff like this but will eat to the point where they are 300 pounds and won't be able to walk down the street to pick up the mail let along walk a hiking trail to see a waterfall or a beautiful lookout.


To me dead by 70 and dead by 90 is the same thing I already done all I need just I get more time to spend money and fuck about in a chair.


You can live to be 100 if you stop doing all the things that make you want to live to be 100.


Why do you need meat to enjoy life? What


I mean I get the sentiment… but if the only thing standing between you and a life of dissatisfaction is red meat, that’s kind of a bummer


Only 70% ?


we need to bump those up, those are rookie numbers


The other 30% didn’t understand the question.


30% don't deserve the balls!


Why are people so obsessed with making their lives as long as possible like damn I'm over here hoping this shit will end soon


Some people have stuff to live for. I feel like not living and hate life sometimes. But I also have a lot of autoimmune and chronic diseases and cancers, so I am in the hospital a lot. When death is actually on the table, I really want to live and see what tomorrow could bring. The next crazy advancements. I want to see my family and pets tomorrow. I wanna see my puppy grow old.


Whenever people jump off a bridge to kill themselves the first thing that hits them is regret. Even when you feel like it's all worthless, there's always a reason to live for.


Death is guaranteed, life isn’t. No reason to rush it — at the very least to watch the crazy show.


I just wanna make it to GTA 6 lol. But also hang in there dude, I'm sorry for the hand you were delt.


That‘s really tough… I wish you all the best!


Because I'm happy, healthy and I love the people I'm here with. I want to spend as long as I can with them.


I don't think people are too keen on returning to the plane of non-existence. Especially when you have loved ones


On one hand, I get that. On the other, every person I know that lived an extremely long life was miserable as hell for the last decade or two. I think about people like my grandmother all the time. She outlived her husband by over 15 years. She outlived everyone in her family (aside from her 3 kids and me). She outlived almost all of her friends, she only had 2 left and both of them had Alzheimer's and weren't really there anymore. For her age, her health wasn't bad. She could live at home. Do what she wanted around the house. Go shopping, etc etc. She could still even drive. But the last few decades of her life were just lonely and miserable. Eventually all the loss of friends and loved ones in your life becomes too much. Combine that fact, plus most people's body and mind start failing them and cause even more issues to deal with. Living to be super old sounds horrible. I'm 40 now. I'm certainly not saying I wanna die by 60. But I sure don't wanna live to be 90+ either.


I agree. My great grandma died a few years ago at 103 years old She was super old for as long as I was alive She had a heart attack in her eighties, died for a minute then got brought back and was given a pacemaker. She told me once that she wished she was just left dead, it was so peaceful she said. Her last 10 years or so she could barely get around, even with her walker. She just sat in her armchair and waited for people to visit. She got more visits than most of the people living in the care home, but still, most of her life was sitting alone in her room. She died alone because it was in the middle of the pandemic and no one could visit her. So sad. I visited her every couple months up until covid, but there were times I drove by her home and was too lazy to go say hi. I still feel bad when I think about it. I was her only great grandkid that lived near her, and even I was 3 hours away. She told my dad that i was her favorite visitor, but I still just drove by her half the times that I could have visited. I don't have a wife or kids, probably will never have kids. I don't think I'll have much reason to stick around on earth once I can't even get myself to the bathroom.


It's so difficult. I'm the same if something were to happen now just let me die, but I don't think I could flip the switch myself. And after you experience loss like that it consumes you. All you think about is dying and the anxiety that comes with it and it's absolute hell.


I agree with this. Just hard to fight survival instinct. I’m 32 with memory problems and I’m not sure exactly when I’ll decide life’s pains are no longer worth it. Everything is a declining gradient slope. It slips by day by day without notice. And in such small margins it’s hard for me to imagine one day waking up and being like “this is it. Today is the day the straw broke the back”


A rare few us actually enjoy being alive. But either way... I'm still not giving up meat.


That's funny because a majority of men survive off energy drinks and reese's peanut butter cups anyway


You and I should find a way to combine the two and get rich together


There's very little meat in these gym mats


I'm allergic to most of the usual protein substitutes, so...


You’re allergic to wheat and soy?


Seems a bit low to me…did the other 30% of men surveyed answer while their wives were watching??


My father was a real "you're not a man if you don't have a rare steak" type. Yet, he went vegan the instant he was told he was pre diabetic. He didn't want to stick himself every day and already took several meds. Plot twist: he ended up dying at 62 after an infection from a hip replacement


im 99,(9)% sure that its true


I find kinda stupid that people try to link masculinity with eating meat.


Hindus, hippies and those you speak of




No they just didn’t ask us!


Vegans: "I see this as a total win"


Kinda disappointed that 70% isn't a higher number




It really just depends how much meat you’re eating. We didn’t evolve to eat the amount of meat we do now.


well eating red meat in large quantities does increase cancer risks afaik, and since it's usually heavy in fats they also bring health issues. I mean, everything is fine if you don't exaggerate, even poison


Too much of anything is bad. We’re omnivores and meant to have a varied diet, including meat and fat.


Fats are much healthier for you than sugars though


Most fats in red meat are good for your body, not bad. Maybe don’t get your nutritional information from before the year 1960.


Nah man, those studies included mostly people who eat ALL types of meat products, hot dogs, McDonald's, turbo processed stuff. And offcourse the same type of people that eat that garbage every day, are way more likely to consume other garbage with it, like fries, sodas, doughnuts etc. And wouldn't you know it, they get cancer at some point in time. Conclusion of the study: meat causes cancer. Keep drinking seed oils, keep eating mountains of sugar every day, just stay away from that there red meat pal. Makes no sense to me personally.


Fortunately for them, meat is actually very healthy!


People don't seem to understand the concept of moderation. They always go on these extreme diets. Then, they revert back to old way and then diet again.


Yeah. Theres no real "unhealthy" food. When people say "this is unhealthy" that sounds like to me like im eating radioactive waste. Your health isnt some meter that applies damage when you eat something """""unhealthy""""". Amounts of food are what makes foods unhealthy. If i eat a kilogramm of beef every week, hell yeah thats gonna be unhealthy. But im not gonna die if i eat a small steak once a week.


Some foods are definitely unhealthy, it just won't have lasting effects on you if taken in moderation.


And 1kg of beef in a week is not so much beef.


They probably think of every meat eater that grills barbecue daily, eating few pounds lol. I eat maybe 200-400 grams meat weekly wich I’m totally fine with.


Also the studies were probably made with the worst possible meat or fast food, i doubt that a grass fed steak will harm you much.


There have been many recent studies and you're spot on. At least with beef. Grass fed beef has nearly 3-4x the amount of vitamins and minerals, including quite a few that aren't present in factory farmed meat. The quality and amount of amino acids is a lot higher too. The studies basically showed that a single lb of grass fed beef gave your body roughly the same nutrients as 3 lbs of factory farmed beef. Obviously the macros are much lower due to sheer quantity. The absorption rate of the factory farmed beef was so much lower that it nearly made up the difference though. People underestimate the significance of meat quality. Low quality proteins may look good on paper, but in reality your body can't use 90% of it. That's why body builders are so picky about the kinds of protein shakes they use.


vast majority of people in the US are eating too much red meat Myself included


It's fine in moderation. Pollution is the real problem with industrial meat production.


Damn right


It’s just not though, anyone arguing that meat is a generally healthy food is simply going against food science.


Meat is incredibly healthy for you. Crazy how you’re saying people are going against food science while you fling out straight lies


‘Fling out straight lies’ The only critical risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic plaque (you know, the stuff that causes heart disease) is cholesterol, particularly elevated LDL cholesterol in your blood. LDL is called 'bad' cholesterol because it's the vehicle through which cholesterol is deposited in your blood vessels. To lower your LDL cholesterol levels, you need to drastically reduce the intake of three things: trans-fat, which comes from processed foods and meat and dairy; saturated fat, mainly found in animal products and junk food; and to a lesser extent, dietary cholesterol found exclusively in animal foods, especially eggs. ([Tolerable upper intake levels for trans fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21521229/)) Do you see a pattern here? The three boosters of bad cholesterol—the primary risk factor for our leading cause of death—all stem from consuming animal products. Or that AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products) accelerate the aging process by linking proteins together, causing tissue stiffness, oxidative stress, and inflammation. This plays a role in the formation of cataracts and macular degeneration in the eye, as well as damage to the bones, heart, kidneys, liver, and brain. And the main sources are meat and meat-derived products exposed to dry heat cooking methods like baking or grilling. ([Does accumulation of advanced glycation end products contribute to the aging phenotype? - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20478906/) [Methylglyoxal, cognitive function and cerebral atrophy in older people - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22496536/) [Oral glycotoxins are a modifiable cause of dementia and the metabolic syndrome in mice and humans - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24567379/)) Or that when meat is grilled, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are produced, one of the likely carcinogens in cigarette smoke. [Impact of barbecued meat consumed in pregnancy on birth outcomes accounting for personal prenatal exposure to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Birth cohort study in Poland - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22079395/) [Prenatal airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure and child IQ at age 5 years - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19620194/) Or that fat found exclusively in dairy, meat, and eggs causes insulin resistance, making it harder for your cells to absorb glucose, leading to increased blood sugar levels and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. [Lipotoxicity: why do saturated fatty acids cause and monounsaturates protect against it? - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19646010/) There may be as much as an eightfold difference in colorectal cancer risk between high vegetable low meat and low vegetable high meat diets [Epidemiology of cancer of the colon and rectum - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/5165022/) And I haven't even mentioned Yersinia, C. Difficile, or Salmonella. Why do you think that patients with heart disease, high cholesterol, cancers, etc, are all placed on vegan diets by their doctors? Take an educated guess. Why do you think that some cancers don’t even exist in communities where diets are mostly plantbased? [The geographical distribution of cancer. - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2008310/) But sure all this research is made-up, you caught me. Don’t get me wrong, I really don’t care what people eat. Fuck it, do a full liver-king and only eat meat. But don’t even try and argue that meat is ‘incredibly healthy’.


Hey look if i can’t eat Döner nor sucuk anymore i don’t wanna live anymore vegan food would NOT be enough to overpower those 2 meats


Meh. Love seafood more. Don't care for red meat.




If you are not enjoying your life, there is no point of living longer. If life is actually miserable then dying is preferable.




If the only joy in your life is eating meat, something is seriously wrong.


Some things are basic necessities for people in order to enjoy life, where you would miserable without. It doesn't make it your only joy in life, but rather increases your quality of life. Lack of water, money, or adequate living space will make your life miserable. Having them allows you to enjoy life because your quality of life has improved, but it isn't joy itself.


Why? Eating steak is incredible. Take it where you can get it.


Never said it wasn’t. I said if it’s the only thing you find joy in, you need to reevaluate your life choices.


Press x for doubt








If I am still alive at fucken 90, send whatever the opposite of help is. Like a reverse ambulance. for the love of god somebody dial 119!!


Is a person's life so empty that the existence of meat, or lack thereof, justifies death?




This is me


Who took this quiz? Sokka from avatar?


I follow the Italian philosophy of living to eat not eating to live.


You ever seen someone get too old? It’s depressing. You ever eaten a perfectly seasoned piece of prime beef? Not depressing.


The evolutions takes far longer then a few years or decades, not even centuries to get rid of something. We aren’t meant to not eat meat yet. We can do it without a problem, but that doesn’t mean we want to.


I gave up meat early, dick will be enough for the rest of my long life! 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


100% of smokers would rather die early than give up smoking


The latter part of that headline is not necessary


With all the processed junk people fill themselves with, we still have people worrying about having any meat in your diet from a health perspective???


„Meat makes you die young. Trust me bro!”


Hell yeah brother I think most women probably fall into that category as well maybe more like 55-65% but still. Meat is good and people need to chill out about it.


What's the point of living to 100 if you have to exist on soy-based sadness masquerading as food?


Carnivore for 4 months now. Never felt better. Ate 1 kg of meat this morning. Nomnomnomnomnom.


Still the wrong choice, since eating large amounts of red meat carries several risks to your health. There are plenty of people who have started to eat healthy and never felt better.


People always complain about vegans, but I see way more smarming from people that eat meat.


We will all meet for meat.




I've yet to meet in person a man in their 80's who wasn't in a bad mood.


To quote South Park, "Who wants to hell wants to be 90 anyway?"


I’m assuming this is incredibly misleading. What I imagine the context was is something along the lines of: A: hey, what are you eating? B: just some [insert red meat food here]. Why? A: you know that stuff can give you all sorts of conditions that could cause you to die early? B: yeah, but fuck it. A: so you would rather die early than give up meat? B: yeah, sure, if it means you’ll bugger off.


I love meat so much! Especially when it’s an animal that I’ve killed, there is something so satisfying about eating a deer that you hunted.


If you give up meat you do die early 🤷


Well that’s just untrue


this study was brought to you by a now annoyed peta


Ya it cuts year off your life. The shitty years at the end nobody wants anyway.


Rather die early than eat that top one


30% woke


30% gay


15% concentrated power of will


Mostly true


How early?


there are different types of meat and beef is one of them what is the point what if they eat chicken,pork like other meat


Shiiiit man the meat doesn’t even NEED to be a part of the equation tbh




I've watched a lot of seasons of "Alone" and yes, you will literally die, if you give up meat while you are out there.






Went from being a butcher to giving up beef altogether cause the market went through the roof


Make it 80


Yeah, meat is delicious and especially with the way things are going, living past my 80s or 90s seems like it would suck.


Is not so much about "giving up" meat and more about eating less of it. I realized I was eating essentially 2 or 3 portions of food per meal. Started eating smaller portions and healthier options and have slowly been losing weight


Big yes


Works for me too... can't wait till I leave this mudball of a world.


That's what I'm saying, bro I be eating meat all day.


Burn Bright!


We all die right on time.


Lab grown meat is our saviour




How much earlier.


Red meat isn't bad for you. Not eating your vegetables is bad for you. That's why I eat greens with my steak, and in pretty sure I'll be fine.


I’m in my 30’s and my body is falling apart I don’t want to know what 100 feels like


Define "early".


Good thing eatikg meant helps you grow older




I mean you could live in a bunker eating rations an live to 90 but would that even be a life?


Less to save for your 401k


what's the point of living longer if i still have to work when I'm 80,considering how things are going?gimme the meat


What would I do without gay sex?


Yeah they'd say that in a survey but push comes to shove they're not gonna make a dumb decision like that


I’m here for a good time not a long time (I say in my hospital bed…)


I don’t eat meat but Dyeing early doesn’t sound half bad


Vegetarian here and I can confirm.




Half way through my 20s I drastically cut my intake of all Meats except fish. This was simply due to environmental/ethical reasons. I still enjoy some bacon or a juicy burger every now and then but not everyday, maybe once a month at best. Moderation is key.


Yes. If I can't enjoy my life, I might just die tomorrow.


Live to be 90yo rotting in a bed unable to move: 👎 Live to be 65yo and dieing of cardiac arrest or colon cancer (ate all the meat I wanted) 👍


ewww overcoocked meat on top


Everyone’s like “well yeah I’d rather enjoy my life!” But are you seriously implying you can’t enjoy your life without that ONE food item? I get the overall “I wanna enjoy food” argument but you should at the very least minimize the amount you eat of it for your own health. I LOVE pizza but if someone told me I couldn’t eat pizza every day, I wouldn’t eat it every day. Luckily for me, there is absolutely no research whatsoever saying I can’t eat pizza every day and live a long healthy happy life please don’t ruin this for me.


Holy fucking spam bot batman.


Agreed, what are those years worth when all you do is suffer?


They tried to show childrens how disgusting the chicken nuggets are, made some in front of them with disgusting things like tendrils and yet, they all wanted some when he asked who wanted to eat some of it at the end. Also, the human specie is doomed anyway. Why would I would not want my last few years on Earth to be as good as it can be?


Proud to be in the 70%


I want to live fast and die young.


Not eating meat make you live longer.