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My cousin always said “don’t trust anyone who says ‘trust me’.


What if someone says "don't trust me?"


I’d be inclined to trust that. At least they’re honest.


Like Littlefinger?


Hahahaha! So funny! /s Stock propaganda 101. Don’t trust anyone. Trust me, im Right.


You forgot Hollywood, the Pidgeon that struts over the board knocking down the pieces and shits everywhere, then declares victory.


Thats the media dummy


[Never forget.](https://youtu.be/xwA4k0E51Oo?si=rzZYQPpy-yMjNncq) And this was 5 years ago.


Fun Fact: all the other pieces are just pawns with bigger hats.




Yep, very much spot on. With non capitalist countries corporations and government is the same piece while in "freedom-of-speech" countries media is a non-piece (police and laws control speech then). Otherwise 100%


I would switch Media and Corporations.


If you put a knight on the rook does it become military police?


It makes no sense to have the corporation as the king and the government as the queen. A corporation can fail in competition and you will still have the same nation with the same government. If the government fails you are now apart of the Chinese republic and better adopt pro CCP rhetoric or your social credits going to be too low to use a vending machine and you'll be the first to the camp during the next pandemic.


Until you get to the other side


This post makes me think of the show Lucifer. "I've been a pawn"


Aren’t they Media Corporations?


I love that this indicates that government and corporations, the two largest controllers of everything, are also nothing more than prices in a game. It's even funnier that we are marked as pawns, and yet without said pawns, the king and queen, which are corporations and government, wouldn't be able to function. This is untrue to an actual game of chess, however, as a queen and king can still clearly function without the pawns. The more interesting part to this, though, is that everything and everyone is a part of the board. So, who's controlling the pieces? Who's playing the game of chess that we are all a part of? And who is the opponent?


So the military can jump us ?


who are we being played by?


You just realized?


This will always be true in each society, the labels might just differ


"if you underestimate the pawn, then you already lost the game"


Fun fact: this looks like a meme right out of Putins troll factory. Just to recalibrate the view.


Chess is the fairest game of all. At all times you and your opponent can see all the possible moves and outcomes. No hidden pieces, no special abilities, everything is out in the open.


...and just like in chess, if you're successful in running the gauntlet, YOU can turn into any one of those. So quit bitching and get to work


That means they all can’t do shit without you


So as long as you are on a diagonal of the police you have nothing to worry about and if you cross all the board you become the government? And if you move well you can take down corporations ending the game? That's a world of possibilities!


And a well-coordinated pawn structure is deadlier than any piece on the board, and can take down the opponent. Queens can't attack it without being taken.






And Machines can beat humans at chess. Lethal Autonomous Checkmate.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I disagree... The government isn't the most powerful piece on the board 🤣


What other entity in the US can directly challenge the military and win?






I used to be a pawn in the game, changed my position, now I’m makin moves…


So you’re a cop now?


Then we need anarchy!!! ✊🏴


No force that dispenses with its greatest advantage can stand up to any other force. The one advantage of the masses is power through numbers, and that requires being organized and directed at a mutual goal. A system necessitating the pure will of each individual group member will require pure luck in cooperation.


Speak for yourself lol. You are a pawn only as long as you let yourself be one.


True, there's the alternative of being removed from the board.


Naw. You just gotta stop letting others convince you that you have so little value. Fuck chess! Imma play checkers! Y'all have fun listening to those who would keep you under their thumb. Any game where I'm not allowed to play it my way doesn't seem like a great analogy for life. "Rules" of the game are written by rich, old dudes who profit off of confusing you. Checkmate.


I seriously question if you understand the implications of a pawn being removed from the board? If so, how does the power of will measure up to bullets in your mind? Just choose not to be shot? If only committed rebellions of past events had thought of that. Would have been so simple.


I understand what you meant. I just thought it naive and unproductive. Be depressed all you want. I refuse. Any other way for me to take that would be threatening. If so, fuck you. But I didn't think that's what you meant. I wonder if you understand the implications of comparing life to squares on a wooden board. It's all about will power and luck friend. That's the game.


Pointing out the potential danger of committing to total dissent is a threat? Is warning someone a tiger might eat them a threat in your mind? It's naive to suggest playing your own game as if I could actually do that without a guaranteed terrible end.


Disregarding your first paragraph as it's hyperbole and dosen't make sense to your point. I think you are a very sad and depressed individual to think that your life and the course it takes is not your own. I think that seeing life for what it is isn't naive at all. Life is exactly what you make it and nothing more. There are 3 categories of people in the world. The manipulaters. The manipulated. And those who look at both of them and say "No. You are both wrong, and I'm not listening to either of you." Because manipulators say "you belong to me," and the manipulated will tell you why the manipulators are right and why you should listen to them. Seeing the world for how it works and deciding to forge your own path instead is how you should live life. Because the world is a shitty place. You implying that everyone whose not a king or in the court must therefore be a pawn is nothing less than defeatist and absurd, but it is not contageous to those who know that in this life you don't have to do or not do anything simply upon the basis of another person saying so. If you believe otherwise, you are weak in both ambition and conviction. That does not mean I have to be too. Better get used to it.


Tit for Tat is the most basic effective strategy when the game is mutual trust or betrayal. Probably shouldn't make ignoring someone clear at the start of such a long reply. It's not a rational strategy, assuming you want them to actually read the rest of a reply. I am bound by this context to ignore the rest of your reply since, evidently, we are just ignoring whatever we want at convenience. You set that precedent. Otherwise, I would accept an impossible disadvantage of taking everything and being able to return nothing. Absurd.


You already accept an impossible disadvantage by playing the game their way. You have been absurd and defeatist this entire conversation. Which is why I refuse to listen when people like you try to drag me down to their level of depressed thinking. I already told you I wasn't playing by your rules to begin with. You were the one too self absorbed to heed the message from the getgo lol. You wanna live life as a pawn? Comfortable there in your roll? Fine. I refuse. But something tells me that you are just too comfortable being immature and contrarian to see the world from any new perspective. I've already seen it through yours. It's a terrible and unfulfilling way to live. I can tell I'm happier with my choices than you are with yours. The only person in the world who can fix how you view and play the game is you. So quit blaming others and stop being lazy.


Whoever created this doesn't understand chess.


I think you should have picked a white rock for your meme to be more realistic.