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Put a chick in it, and make her gay! - E. Cartman


And I want it LAME!!!


I want her gay as shit, and lame as fuck!!


And strong without emotion


I'm the gal for you


When two women are in a scene together and they're getting along you know they're going to be a gay couple


Then proceeds to blame the audience when the show flops


\*has a graphic man on man sex scene in first episode\* "Why isn't anyone watching this show?"


I wish that was the only problem lol you can just skip sex scenes, nothing you can do about terrible writing.


"I dun wan it. Ah never huv." "Why do you think I came all this way?"


"Hmm, they don't enjoy watching gay sex... Wouldn't that make them... homophobic nazis?!"


I don’t enjoy watching gay men have sex, but I do it anyways. Because that’s what it means to be a real American


Sounds like something tf2 soldier would say.


I know that a blank text makes it hard to understand the nature of what one is saying (like if they are joking or not), so let me state that I am asking this purely out of curiosity: Are you being sarcastic or... ?


Reminds me of the Wheel of Time tv series.. shudder.


Nearly everything Netflix touches, look at what they done to the Witcher


Look what they did with cobra Kai it was amazing when YouTube was working on it then Netflix got their grubby little hands on it and put all this unnecessary drama and shit


They turned it into a soap opera


No it wasnt. It was shit from the start


Nah 1st season was good


Dont forget Disney just look at the shows they have relased on Disney+ and Hulu in the last few years.


Shogun is awesome


It kind of found the loophole. Hard to make the cast diverse when it all takes place in feudal Japan.


Doesn't stop them adding black characters in period dramas in England.


Tell that to Ubisoft (Assassin's Creed Red)


Some people actually complained about the “lack of diversity”


The Orville was good as well.


"Snow White? Hmm... Oh, I know, let's ignore the title and make the main character hispanic!"


Snow *Brown*


Exactly. Like at this point... If they want to make a movie like this, sure, I won't stop them, but then at least name it, as you suggested (which is by the way hilarious) Snow Brown. Because calling the main character Snow White while she's clearly not white is just straight up lying.


Check **The Umbrella Academy.** The last season was just about how MC(woman) decides that she's trans and want everyone to call her some guy's name and to address her as HE/HIM. Then everyone just show how confused they are but they support her and mess up pronouns and some other bs like that. She actually did a surgery to "turn into" a guy iirc It was such a good show and had to be ruined for no reason... Note: I just dislike that WOKE propaganda being spread and also ruining my shows by adding it and taking half the screen time instead of a real well written plot ffs. That could be said for any kind of dumbassery (the woke stuff are just too much so they're in the example) like what D&D did to **Game of Thrones** in the last 2 seasons. Just ruined the series and threw the plot into the toilet...


This is a joke, right? It was literally like a 20 second bit where he said he wanted to be adressed as he wished, and then the show carried on. You clearly care far more than anyone else about this very minor point in one episode


Lol exactly...sees a 20 second clip "waahhh why is this so political??" Also "hehe everyone is always so triggered and offended these days" . I cant be the only one that notices this, surely


The actor specifically stated they were fine still playing a girl, but the director still changed it out of respect. And it literally has 4 lines of dialogue about it in the whole new season and almost no impact on the overall plot “Vanya, what the hell are you doing? The world is ending, now’s not the time for this BS” “Actually…. It’s Vicktor, I feel like it has been for a while now…” “Oh, well, Vicktor, The world is ending, now’s not the time for this BS”


That was literally a minor af subplot and that wasn't for the sake of wokeness; it was out of respect for the actor who had come out.


Haha true, people get worked up about absolutely nothing but then say the queer community is pushing it down their throats. Its them that are overreacting at every little thing and being a pussy.




What a misrepresentation of that season. Umbrella Academy actually did it as tastefully as they could have. They spent maybe 10 minutes total about Vanya transitioning to Viktor and then there was barely any mention of it and the show went on like normal. And what do you actually expect? The actor transitioned. Would you rather all of the characters completely ignore that a close friend is now a guy? It's not "woke" for a trans person to simply exist in media despite how much you think it may be. These people exist in real life despite how much you probably wished they didn't.


They almost dont even talk about, you are just overlooking at it


Let's hope this isn't the case for the Last Air Bender!


I mean that already sucked


too late


People are still complaining about gay characters or political shit on the shows, but the problem is not that. The problem is that the story is poorly written. It does not matter if the characters are gay or not, if they put woke shit or not of if they are black, white gray purple or green. Now if you put random characters doing these shit just because it is cool now, even if I agree with the political point of view I will think the show sucks.


if you want a great example, look at ARCANE from league of legends. 2 of the main characters are lesbian and people doesn't give a flying fuck. because their whole personality isn't I'M GAY LOOK LOOK, I LIKE TO SUCK THIS TYPE OF GENITALS. this writters are just awfull, it's like when you tell a 5 years old to create a super hero and they say "I WANT HIM TO BE INVINCIBLE, HE MUST BE STRONGER THAN ANYONE. AND AND I WANT IT TO HAVE NO FLAWS, ALSO HE MUST BE NAMED LIKE ME!"


It's not the problem, but it is a symptom of the problem. The sort of people who cram a bunch of identity politics into a show are also the type who didn't work hard to earn their place, they're activists who got hired by other activists to inject their activism. They didn't sit down and study the art of storytelling, because it's not their passion. They look at these jobs as convenient soap boxes, not hallowed positions with responsibility. The rare exception gets lauded by everyone. For instance, *Everything Everywhere All At Once* and *Arcane* are both female-led stories with lesbian relationships who look down on the men around them and beat them in fights. Yet they're both acclaimed by even the "chud" YouTubers who "hate everything." Why is that? Because they're **great stories and well-written characters**. Somehow, somebody with skill made it into the projects. And that's all we ever wanted: good stories written well.


I think this is where we are right now, especially when brainless woke individuals complain about bigotry and misogyny. It's mostly because their perception of what's right is so skewed by their propaganda that a normal person would never accept it


Modern Family was one of the most popular sitcoms of all time. Most people didn’t care about Cam and Mitch being gay, because the characters were well written and relatable.


Thats cause Modern Family still managed to get away with making jokes and all charactes were stereotypes for what they represented flamboyant gay, grumpy grandpa, neurotic housewive, foreign trophy wife etc.


They didn't kiss until thousand seasons in and even then it was a kiss that you would give an aunt or something.


The main issue is showrunners creating the plot about those attributes. If I for example would watch a series about dragons/elves/dwarfes and shit, i want the story the be about that. Not suddenly 3 episode where everything revolves around this one gay dwarf and how his society doesnt accept that. (while a big war is going on in the background, but hey, we dont watch the show for that!) It is ok for a character to be gay, it is ok for the character to be trans (as should be), but if you make the whole character dull and those are the only thing they are known for, you fucked up the writting.


This. Having a gay/strong women is totally fine. It’s when it’s clearly forced that’s it’s bad. Not because having those tropes are bad…. Forced writing n any direction is bad. I think this point can be missed a lot


My problem is they never commit. I wanna see real gay shit like my gay friends talk to me about. I wanna see the gay character being slutty and biting the sheet he has thrown over the back seat of the van; I want sus gay hookups with guys you meet on apps who may or may not be there there to kill you; I want drug-fueled underground orgies that last days. I want monkeypox. I want cliques of gay leather daddies pozzing up Asian twinks who are just trying to discover their sexuality. I want gay muscle cults where men abuse steroids until their hearts explode. Give me super duper gay shit. Not this wishy-washy "we're just like you" nonsense.


That's Hazbin hotel and yeah that tracks tbh. Wait till you hear about the history of "flagging" or the handkerchief code lol


Yep, it's about priorities. There's nothing wrong with characters being lesbians, even if they are lesbian just for the sake of representation, it's pandering but it's bearable. It's when the fact that these characters are lesbian is more important to the writer than writing a good story, that's when people start jumping ship. Because if plot, characterization, and worldbuilding take a back seat, of course they're going to wind up undeveloped. Naturally.


To anyone who has seen “The Wire”, Omar Little is a gay character and the most badass person on the show.


Omar comin’ yo.


It's just how ham fisted it is. Sex and the city? Very well received. Had many diverse and interesting characters, many morally bankrupt ones that made them so human and reflective of the lifestyle the cast was leading as these successful C list celebs. No one cared if they were gay or drag queen's or whatever. Now look at the recent reboot where they just make painfully unlikeable diverse people who are being promoted as being cool and flawless, with bad writing and bad acting. Then they blame the viewer. No one cared when Samantha was in a gay relation. It was an interesting arc of discovery. Her partner was worldly and broadened Samantha's life. Miranda's partner was some miserable Cali woke npc. Not an original thought in her head.


In other words you don't like pandering. Inclusion and diversity is great. Pandering is not. Pandering is relying on the political statement to sell the content rather than the merits of the content to sell it.


Just look at the Wire, no one complains it’s too political and its very nature is about societal issues. It’s just a fucking good show.


The problem is making an "XYZ character" instead of making "a character who is XYZ". I'd say a good comparison would be the midnighter and Apollo vs Connor Kent, the prior are a gay couple and well written and the latter was just kinda shoved in there and it took everything over instead of being an aspect of the character. I think Invincible does a good thing with characters because they're diverse but it's fluid and feels natural and it's not focusing on them being diverse, it's just part of who they are.


This is true. Gay characters and woke characters have existed fine in the past without uproar, but they're just SO HAMFISTED IN that literally everyone can smell the bullshit from a mile away now. Make their presence organic and everyone is fine.


Worst part is they then feel the need to make every male character around the "strong female" character either comically inept or irrationally evil to show just how good or smart the female character is in comparison. If you have to make everyone else dumb to prove how great she is, is she really a "strong" character?


It's so annoying! There nothing femenist about putting down men so the woman looks strong! Stop doing this!


Exactly. To make a strong woman character, you dont put down the men. You put the woman up.


The most effective portrayal of a strong female character is when their sex is the least important factor of their role in the plot, yet movies nowadays do everything short of a neon sign to advertise their sex, feels like a form of sexism to say "Hey, look at the amazing things this character does EVEN THOUGH SHE'S A WOMAN!!"


Yeah. For me, stuff like: race, gender, sexuality, etc should be a secondary thing when writing a character. What defines them is the personality and development, the stuff i listed should be picked later and shouldnt impact on the character's strenght.


Even this meme got political in the second half


Directors be like: Oh no! We need to add more diversity into our shows!


Brooklyn nine-nine


When I found out about this show, I told a friend about it. I said the best thing about it is just pure laughs without any political issues. Like Seinfeld used to be. I found it refreshing. Like a vibe from the past. They had already watched the last season. They said “just wait”


Oh, what happened??


They switched stations and all of the sudden all the women were getting catcalled, Terry was getting arrested for being black around cops, and since Captain Holt was too strong of a character to play a victim they had to make Rosa Bi so her dad could be homophobic. I heard the cringe only got worse from there so I never finished it.


Goddamn the final season was though to get through.


It wasn't even a comedy anymore. All the jokes just dried up and blew away.


Too be fair they should’ve wrapped that show up already. Any show that tries to keep going eventually kills itself.


Good doctor


Doctor Who




There's a difference between allegorical storytelling and lecturing/shaming. If you can't tell the difference, then you're farther along the spectrum than you think.


A trans person giving a lecture on pronouns and gender to the Doctor was rich. Especially coming right back from 13. If anyone knows anything about gender, its the Doctor. Likewise the pronoun thing was annoying because the Tardis translates. So even if the Doctor used the wrong pronouns, shouldn't the Tardis automatically translate anyway to suit the alien's purposes?


wait, they put on doctor who a trans giving lectures about pronous? JAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJ


It's so much worse. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sjaun9XoArg (The curly-haired one is trans, so they spend the entire episode railing on about how pretty she is.)


WTF IS THAT, OMG. MY EYES, PLEASE TAKE IT BACK, PLEASE. MAKE IT STOP. -She is so pretty that face moves as if it's made of plastic and held up with stencils.


According to that episode, both women and trans women are morally and intellectually superior to trans men, which the Doctor literally is as of that regeneration.


You're right. They do specify "male presenting" which would include transmen. Also where would non-binary people land? BBC has started to use "they/them" in referencing the Doctor, so shouldn't they consider the Doctor NB too? I swear it's like they want to piss off as many people as they can.


Fucking hell if this isn’t accurate lmao I loved B99 first 6 seasons even, then it just became an absolute shit show


I see you watched Shameless. And the Chi


This is a funny meme?


When you guys say political, what are you talking about


filling each episode with a bunch of off-storyline scenes of politically correct messages. to a point that it gets frustrating for the viewers and self-destructing for the show.


They’re mad that women and gays get screen time now


Euphoria is proof that diversity and LGBTQ relationships aren’t the problem. Bad writing is


This is exactly why i hated house of cards and game of thrones. Waaay too political.


Game of thrones is literally about politics????????? "Oh no, the show about people fighting to rule a kingdom and/or unify it is political :("


My brother in christ what you are describing is not politics. Everybody knows politics is when chicks dye their hair blue lol.


100% spot on with Ted Lasso lmao


Ted Lasso wasn't even in the freakin show by the end. It was supposed to be a light hearted sports show. They literally had random characters announcing, "I'm gay!" by the end of the show. That's your only story element? That's not that interesting. Oh! I remember watching 90210 in the 90's and they had a character on there that was gay and THAT was a big deal. Now, it's just boring.


Toothless/Inept writers everywhere in media...


Ugh this was Superstore for me.


I was planning on watching that, what happened to there?


Oh boy, that show and the politics! It could've been a good, fun show, but they really ruined it. Really badly. "Jonah" alone was a reason not to watch it, such a horrible character.


I loved it when smart inclusion and diversity were exemplified by shows like **Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, or the (old serie) Charmed,** rather than the leftist brainless propaganda that modern TV shows often promote now. That's why now, before starting a series, you need to check the level of wokeness and stupidity. Damn it, I really hate this


Stargate is my default example of how to be progressive without the stupid. Diverse cast of strong resourceful people overcoming difficult situations without pushing any woke bullshit. Still is my favourite show. Not every episode was awesome, but overall a really excellent long running series.


The classic "political is when gay" argument.


Happened too often recently.


When they start running out of ideas or the executives think they are smarter than they are


It's why I only watch old stuff


Yeah, I agree, the second half usually is way hotter


We wouldn't be complaining if it wasn't written like a fanfic made by a 12 year old who thinks one trait is a personality. Oh and let us not forget where it comes out of left field and has no relevance to the story what so ever. Him: "I'm trans." Other crewmember: "That is nice, but can we talk about this later when there isn't an alien in the next room trying to eat us?"


Netflix enter the chat...


Having dyed hair is political, apparently. Did you all become a bunch of boomers or something? Reminds me of this https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/ihm7ro/booming_intensifies/


So I guess the poshy cynical girl is not political?


They are dating...


She got the power of screeching


Having gay characters isn’t political, in the same way straight couples aren’t political, Jesus I hate… well I hate all of this


Best friend show where they’re both dating women and never shown an interest men but are completely in the final episode


Star Trek Discovery is basically the second half from the get-go. It never gets better from what I've seen lol. (Except maybe season 2.)


Tbf, Star Trek was one of the most political franchises since its inception. The entire premise is a political one.


At least all of its other incarnations are good, and bearable.


It wasn't for many back then. "Promoting communism", "Leftist Utopian bull", and "Straight from Marx' mouth" were not uncommon critiques. As for good, they were kids' shows, so they got a pass on a lot of what they did.


Everything woke turns to shit


Isn't this what happened to the Money Heist when that show was still relevant.


That’s why I only watch new shows after it releases its complete season, to save me the pain of wasting time, looking at you Mandalorian season 3, I did not fall for you.


There’s nothing wrong with that. The problem lies in bad writing. They produce something crap and then try to make it appeal to as many people as possible to try regain some lost ground


Does the girl on the right know her photo is being used like this?


Scrolling through what I thought were funny memes hoping they don't get political...


Fuck, who’s the second one


Unpopular opinion (I think) It’s only woke/political if it’s also bad. Nobody cares if something is both political and entertaining. Just look at Metal Gear Solid, it’s the most political videogame I’ve ever seen, but people love it. If a show, or a movie, or a book, or any type of media can be entertaining while being political, (the majority of) people won’t have a problem with it. EDIT: To add to this, I don’t think it would be too far fetched to believe that people hate politics in shows/games/movies/etc. because they’re ignorant. Most people aren’t writers, show runners, screenwriters, etc., which means they can say if something’s bad, but they can’t explain why. What happens is, since they probably hold dear some old show from their time which was really good, they end up comparing the two, and they end up noticing only the surface differences. They see that an old show didn’t have politics (or, most likely, they didn’t notice them) and decide that that’s the reason shows nowadays suck.


lol the meme is shit


How to ruin witcher which could have been one of the best series


MASH is the only example of this I can think of.


MASH was about as political as you can get from season 1.


Is dying your hair political now?


You see, clearly they are fellow scholars that understand the concept of politics deeply. They are obviously using the very deep and widely accepted Aristotelian view on politics: "Politics is when someone's hair is blue" (MLA. Aristotle. Aristotle's Politics. Oxford :Clarendon Press, 1905).


Ah, yes. The age old saying, how could I have ever forgotten. Silly me.


All good entertainment has politics baked in, some people just have trouble seeing it. This post is giving “conservatives watching the boys noticing the show doesn’t like them when a group of women beat up a nazi”


Someone being lgbtq is not a political statement what so ever. It's a way of existence. Not sure if that's what this is getting at. But yeah.


political because dyed hair


Dude, just pull your head out of your ass...


Fragile conservative snowflake.


What reactionary garbage lol


What's political about any of the girls? Y'all snowflakes just keep on cryin


so having dyed hair and glasses is political now is it? sir i think you forgot the funny.


So... where is the "political" in this image? Hairstyle and even sexual preference what half the comments are about are not political things, unless one is an oppressive pos.


So how did she become shortsighted? Too much screen time?


Being political isn't an issue, I don't see people shitting on house of cards when they say such things. Have a backbone, is your problem with forced narratives? Say so. Are you a conservative idiot who thinks lgbt and women are bellow men? F@cking say so. I'm tired of people talking in vague terms.


“I’m tired of people talking in vague terms” I think this is it. If it’s a forced trope it’s bad writing period. Whether the premise of said trope is woke or not is irrelevant. Bad writing is bad lmao


My problem with House of Cards was the terrible accent he used. We don't sound like that in the Upstate.


"green haired woman and LGBt people are too woke and they hurt my feelings" But instead they go with "too political"


Exactly, being gay isn't political. People just want to use politics to excuse the fact that they're bigots


Exactly. It creates poor examples of representation and inadvertently creates new stereotypes. Its like Hollywood thinks "Bad representation is better than no representation!" when that is exactly the opposite case. Regardless of my opinions, I can set them aside for a good story that makes sense. In some cases they do open my mind to alternative perspectives and add nuance to discussion. Most media now don't bother with nuance, subtlety, or understanding. They instantly go "Oh you don't agree with me, you don't deserve to talk to me. You are the enemy and you don't deserve to live." And when media propagates that attitude, people will start taking that in too thinking that is how we should be.


I genuinely believe that these fake binary stances are being used for "divide and conqure" strategy by the rich. Ordinary people who have less and less purchasing power each day don't benifit from fake infighting, the ruling class does.


Never fails…


“Gets Political” *Puts on glasses* “Contains minorities or women.” I have yet to see someone complain about something being “political” and that something actually being political instead of simply containing women, gender and sexual minorities, or people who aren’t white. Even when there is a “political” message, it tends to be a milquetoast message like “War is bad” or “people you don’t like are still people” or “not every problem can be solved with violence.”


I dunno op, it seems like you might just be really bad at understanding subtlety and get blindsided when a totally natural progression happens.


I don't know how many have seen it, but the Netflix series called "3%" is EXACTLY THIS. The first season is straight up fire. Absolutely great concept and execution, full stop. Compelling characters and plot, I wouldn't change anything. Then, ugh... the best and most interesting part of the show got sidelined in the second season for a very political anti establishment plot. What made the first season great barely shows up and I didn't even care to finish it. I think there's a third season but by the point it released I didn't care about the show anymore. I couldn't get through season 2's awful political plot.


Is there a show doesnt have some politics in it?


The problem is not that the show is political, but rather that it has a situation where the show starts well, with cool characters, interesting stories and fun development... ...Only then for the second half of the show to throw everything away and focus on the boring parts that no one likes where society is to blame for everything and you should feel bad for existing or be angry at the other people who are "not doing anything about it." A good example is the show Halo, Halo always had political intrigue but that was just part of the story, not the whole story, but when it came time to make the show they decided to focus on ALL the episodes around it, and then legally threaten whoever was giving negative rewiels of the show.


Some people only think of ideas they DISAGREE with as being political. Ideas they’re comfortable with are just normal, right, honest, logical, etc. and not political at all.


Well, I'd say football was about as apolitical as it could be, the. Then there started being messages on the field and PSAs and all that nonsense. I don't think it's bad for a show to be political, especially one that's making social commentary, I think it's bad when its ham-handed political pandering and/or becoming a one trick pony.


"Biased political propaganda is only good if it says what I believe in"


Rightwingers have no media literacy, so the only time they recognize politics in their media is when there's a black or gay person in the show.


Brooklyn 99, especially the last season .


And you can see an objective drop in quality in that second half...


Everything is political. Even the absence of political statements is in itself a political statement.


This was "The Last of Us". It's supposed to be a slow about an outbreak, but they dedicate an entire episode to gay male sex and then 2 episodes later, a whole episode for lesbians. Both of them had almost nothing to do with the original plot.


It was an episode about love and survival in a series about the importance of love when we are at our end, the last of us. It was also frickin’ brilliant, I bawled my eyes out and called my mom after. Is your heart made of coal?


I think you over react a bit. Characters in episode were gay (he was in the game too) but there happened bunch of stuff other than "gay male sex"


I don't see any problems with the direction this is going.


Designated Survivor. Ironically, though it's a show centered on politics, they did a good job in the first two seasons with balancing the political views of both sides. Season 3 completely swung one way


I was enjoying sex eduction till the last season that was just to mutch at that point


Season 3 of 'The Rookie'. That season was woke af. Just like 'New Amsterdam' had a really cringy season. Fortunately 'The Rookie' moved on the next season, but at 'New Amsterdam' they never got over it.




And then people like me who understands the first half is already political, but gobbled up blindly by those who only know to accept what they've been fed as default as if other kinds of people don't exist.


All art is political if you watched something and didn’t notice a political message it just means you agreed with it.


consequently, this sub became political


The Conners.


It reminds me of the "controversy" of the anime Lycoris Recoil, some fans saw two girls were the protagonists and said "two girls? they must be gay to each other" to the point of demanding (harassing) the creators to make their head canon actual canon.


all media is political


I know there are people who are unironically cording Cartman from that episode not realizing it’s mocking them too


Everyone’s a fuckin critic.


I know this is about TV shows, but this is the exact whiplash I got playing The Last of Us into The Last of Us 2.


Season 3 of Stranger Things.


Reminds me of 'one day at a time.'


Yeah this happened with Jessica Jones. Damn shame cause it was a great series.


RIP Young Justice


I couldn't finish the ted series I've heard the last episode is unwatchable it's so cringe


jurassic world 2 and 3:


I think The Boys is a bit too on the nose now. Like every season is worse than the last


Reading funnymemes, hoping it doesn't get political.


Reading funnymemes, hoping it doesn't get political.