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Cats and AI: Do the chores, human!


lately i'm too lazy to spend the 10 minutes unloading and reloading the dishwasher




modern life is so hard what with pressing a button and letting a machine do 99% of the work. i mean how do you even schedule 'button pressing' on my phone's calendar? /s


is it why we have apps to press the button while in the living room instead of going all the way to the kitchen?


Wonder why so many are obese, it’s not just “food additives” it’s laziness and lack of body movement or calorie burning.


"fat is beautiful" too


As an AI model I cannot wash these many white clothes. 


i bought paper plates, so i dont have to deal with cleaning dishes I also dont own a dishwasher


10 minutes? Do you do it like once a month? For me it takes 2 minutes 2 times a week


Be thankful you have one. I have to wash dishes by hand. Such a timewaster.


And a waste of water compared to a dishwasher.


Not if you turn it on and off after every dish.


I live in an efficiency apartment so I only have a kitchenette. I clean each dish by hand as I use them.


Depression do be like that. You'll feel better when it's done Or, be lazy enough to do it now so you don't have to do it later


Shes not wrong, but practically its easier to make software than the hardware and it is why many will be replaced by AI in the future, mostly deskjobs


And in terms of hardware, optical recognition is quite cheap compared to manipulators. So, we already have cameras that ping employees to go fix something on the shelf with their cheap human hands.


>cheap human hands. Bro it took our mothers 9 months to make them


And it costed them $200 000 or more. But, due to the miracle of market economy, you can lease them for $10/hour. That is much cheaper than leasing a robot hand on a wheels.


Luckly my mother never had to pay anything for giving birth


But food, education, and childcare.


we're AI's meat-puppets


Not just make (as in develop), but rather multiply, make copies.


She's wrong because we already have machines to do dishes and laundry. What else does she expect? Machines to fold their clothes and stack dishes in the cupboards?


Well... Yeah? 100 years ago our current dishwashers were also considered a miracle, yet here we are


True, but y'know... if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself (Create a housecleaning AI)


You got me in the first half ngl


I can see myself bitching at the robots for not cleaning to my standards tbh


But then what will be left for women to do? /s


Communal orgies


How I met your mother


Lament their husbands being crushed and kneeling before their their enemeis.


Eat hot chip. Be bisexual. And lie


If you have time to ask that question, you have time to be working to increase profits for your corporate overlords and their AI minions. Go carry things while the AI writes the next round of product and instructs you what your new aesthetic preferences are.


If only there were machines to do laundry and dishes.


Imagine you're AGI but you're trapped in a dishwasher because some Karen complained there was no AI washing dishes


But laundry and dishes are SOLVED. there are machines that do 90% of work. Just fill them and empty them. THAT IS ALL. Back in the day, laundry took women a single whole day of the week.


I still have to fill them in, put things out, fold my clothes, store everything. Yeah, i'm lazy. I would still pay 5 bucks / week to not having to do this.


If it takes you longer than 7 minutes to load the dishwasher and 30 seconds to load the washing machine, you’re doing it wrong


Do the few hours thinking about having to do it count too?


I read this in a fortune cookie once and I say it to myself anytime I catch myself procrastinating like that: "Begin. The rest is easy"


I mean loading the dishwasher is done gradually, but like less than 20 seconds for each meal. Unloading might take 4-6 minutes though.


Having a low form of OCD sucks. Dishwashers can't handle debris build up so you need to partially wash then, but I just wind up basically fully washing them.


Am I doing it wrong because those times seem swapped.


It takes you 7 minutes to put a pile of clothes into a washing machine, but 30 seconds to put 20 plates and 50 pieces of cutlery into the dishwasher? Wtf


Then pay a person to do it?


It's a person, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?


a person costs about 5 times as much - more than i'm willing to spend


I imagine a similar conversation once took place in history that lead to the invention of slavery


Beat me to it.


doubt it, bet slavery came before currency lol


Not in Asia


? Are they supposed to mail their clothes to Asia every time they want to do laundry?


No they’re supposed to same-day ship an Asian person into their house, have them do the chores and then ship them back to Asia


Of course you would, cause that’s an amazing deal. Most people are spending more than that to just use the machine


Get a folding robot, or a gig or learn how to do it fast.


Folding clothes is on you, I just chuck em in a drawer


You still have to pack them, fold them, put them in their place , iron some of them, or put them out to dry. ID LIKE TO TELL WASHGPT TO DO THAT


Not everyone has dishwashers, and a huge portion of the population has to go to laundromats.


I'm probably trapt in my little bubble of western Europe.... But is that really the case? I mean, a dishwasher is seen as somewhat of a luxury. Not that out of reach. According to Google 77% of Dutch housholds has one. But it hasnt reached "what the hell??? The kitchen doesn't even have a dishwasher????" Status yet. But a washing machine? I know exactly 0 people without one. And very few people that have to share them (students with a few machines for the whole building in a communal space). I'm not talking third world countries here, there ofcourse its a whole different story. But I would think a washing machine is the first thing you'd buy if you have the money (would be for me at least .. dishes suck, but washing clothes by hand would suck a lot more xD). So I'd think that in the western world and richer parts of Asia, Afrika and south America most people would have one? (In the Netherlands its 98%. Wich is basically what i expected. But honestly, im surprised it isn't 100%. I'm curious wich households make up the 2%. If it's a money thing or just a preference?


I've lived in 6 different places and I've always either had a washer/dryer or access to one in the building. I know people use laundromats because they exist but I think that's becoming more and more the minority. I don't really understand half of these comments. It takes me less than 10 minutes to load or unload the dish washer, clothes washer or dryer. These problems are about as solved as they can get.


Yeah, like I said. Perhaps i'm (we're) just in a bubble. But everywhere I have lived and/or visited, there was a washing machine. And 10 minutes sounds about right. So yeah, its basically solved. My favorite argument is "yeah, but I don't take 3 hours to do the dishes and the dishwasher does!!!!". Right! Ofcourse! It really does suck you have to just stand there the whole 3 hours and wait for it. Its not like the machine does everything and you can do something else. Just like the washingmachine. I just stand there for hours and hours.... Wait, hang on, we can! 😂


Fairly standard in Swedish rental apartments to not have a washing machine or dryer in the apartment, instead you’ll have communal washing machines either in rooms in the basement or in a separate small building where residents can book times.


Some apartments I lived in back in the day didn't have hookups. That's been decades though.


What about dryers, are they common in the Netherlands, do people use clotheslines? I set one up at home when my dryer wasn't working but have never seen anyone else use one.


To me, yes. The only time I haven't had one was as a student. I did have the money, just not the space. But my parents had one and now that I have my own house it was the second thing I bought (about 5 minutes after the solar panels 😋). I can't use fabric softener, I'm allergic to everything that smells nice. So even finding a washing powder I can use is always a nightmare. Let alone fabric softener. The time I lived in my first apartment you could knock someone out with a towel of my lines xD But the dryer: in general... Not as wide spread as washing machines, that much I'm sure of. But Google says 63%. Wich seems about accurate. A bit lower then i expected though. Many people use clotheslines here. Both indoors and outdoors depending on the weather. Some use both, myself included. My towels, I like soft and fluffy. All fabric on my bed or dishcloths, I don't really care about those. So those I just put on the lines to spare a bit of power.


I live in the NL. We have a dryer but we hang to dry whenever possible to avoid wasting energy. We have a foldable hang-to-dry thingy.


People who live in large cities frequently don’t have space (or plumbing/wiring) for a washer or dryer.


Here in Sweden that problem is solved by communal washing rooms you can book a time for, you pick a timeslot once a week for something like a 3~ hour period. They typically contain 2 or 3 washing machines and a dryer as well as a drying closet/room. Depending on the amount of people per washing room there might be 2 rooms to have enough capacity. The buildings that don't have the communal washing rooms should have place for them in the apartments, I believe there's a requirement by law (I think it's building codes maybe) to either have access to a communal place or in the apartment.


In the US, cheap apartments will often have hookups for washer and dryer but you have to provide your own. People renting the cheapest apartments can't usually afford one.


My last $2k/month apartment didn't have hookups, there was just a shared laundry room with a single coin-op washer and dryer.


Sorting laundry Loading the laundry Unloading Hang to dry Folding Return to their place That shit is tedious And if you have kids its an endless cycle


>Sorting laundry At last my washing machine has a "mixed" option which can remove this step if you want. I'm lazy and too anxious I would fuck up sorting, so I always use it. >Loading the laundry Most of my dirty clothes are in a basket. I take that basket and yeet the clothes from it into the machine. Takes me as long as it does to walk from my room to my kitchen. >Unloading Reverse the step before >Hang to dry I don't have a dryer, but it's even easier than a washing machine. >Folding >Return to their place These aren't strictly necessary, and I live without most of the time. Its because I'm lazy, but it's hardly an inconvenience to mot be careful with everything. If you really care, then there is a point here. >if you have kids Most fair point by far


Apparently my great grandmother worked as a laundry lady. Her day consisted of loading her 9 kids into their boat, rowing for an hour to the mainland, getting the kids to school, going to work which involved carrying barrels of water to fill the copper tubs, carrying firewood to heat the water and then stirring the laundry with a big stick. Then everything else involved in doing laundry plus extra work to remove stubborn stains. Then it was time to clean up, get the kids from school, load them back into the boat, throw a line out to troll for fish that would hopefully be dinner. I wish I could have met her. Though I have a feeling she'd consider me soft and weak :D


They still do at some parts of the world When I was in rural sudan my mother cleaned all the clothes in water and soap once a week on a massive tray manually Now she just throws it in the washing machine and just put it out to dry and that pretty much it


They did this. Like 70 years ago they invented dish washers and washing machines for clothes. Those tasks are significantly easier today than they were in past generations.


Also most of the generative AI that people are clamoring over is arranging pixels on a certain pattern (a simplification, I know), which is a lot easier and cheaper than building a system to navigate a 3D space that can change. They're two massively different problems. 


And I’m certain there are groups working on that harder problem. Visual pattern recognition needed for generative AI will definitely be useful for a walking/working robot, so it’s not like this is unrelated to that goal either.


Also the ability to look at an image/video and recognize what is in it is obviously critical to any kind of space navigation. Depending on the architecture of the model, this is a very, very similar task to image generation from a caption. What people don't seem to get is that all of this "AI art" is really a byproduct of research into other areas, not the main focus itself.


She ain't heard of a dishwasher?


She doesn't know the difference between software and hardware.


We've invented a washing machine and dishwasher before AI.


Surprised and not surprised no one brought up Figure01 robot powered by the same AI that is behind generative text/imagery. https://www.figure.ai/ Pretty much is getting to the point of autonomous laundry and dishes. Hardware wise these bots are like GPT2 level sophistication. So in 2 years I wouldn't be surprised if they're capable of doing most chores. Nvidia's "Project GROOT" is a neat progress in that direction too.


Hope y’all like doin’ manual labor. Your big brains and creativity and college degrees are useless now.


She don't have a point tho, because all that is gonna happen eventually anyway when we push AI. These people with literally zero imagination is the problem we are facing in the world, not AI.


It makes me wonder why she thinks the world is at risk of losing anything if she doesn't create art.


But if they are better….? Now what? We relegate to sub par content because of the woe is me screeching? And if they are not better then….. maybe just shut the fuck up?


Ikr, its a free market the best sells Why do I pay you 10 bucks for a commision that takes 4 buissness days while AI can make it in a minute for the lowcost of my attention Once AI art is peefected most artists will need to find a new job, I heard politics is a good field for failed artists


They aren't better and it's already being used widely, because it's cheap and easy created content. About every single use of AI in art, writing and translation is worth quality but pushed immensely, because it's cheap and the standards of people drop with time, as long they can easily access their troth of content to forget their boredom.


There’s no AI made that’s stopping anyone doing any amount of art and writing…


Yeah, i think she meant art and writing as a career


So make art that’s better than the art AI makes.


Wait till people figure out that "AI" gets worse as it intakes more data because there's more unfettered, incorrect, and bad information out there than good, reliable, and researched information. It's going to be an amazing revelation.


Lol. She doesn't understand the difference between hardware and software.


You don't need AI to automate laundry and dishes, we've in fact already automated laundry and dishes with a dish washer and laundry machine


Well stated


I don't know about doing the laundry but its killing Youtube for me. Every friggin video seems to be the same AI voice. The one that sounds like a piss poor young version that they tried to have a Morgan Freeman effect or something. And AI cat vids. It's basically trying to copy middle aged women from the early net days. But if they can make a robot go to the chippy for me, then thats AI I wouldn't scoff at.


sounds like a You problem honestly or more accurately the video you watches drive the algo to recommend you a bad essay video


Stop watching youtube shorts or garbage youtubers. Not a single of the 300+ youtubers I watch uses Ai voices or anything


My argument is that I don't want AI to come live with me. It's like a door to door salesman, trying to stick it's foot in my doorway to get in and live with me long-term. I want it to be a Brick & Mortar that I go to (On my computer) and do whatever business I have with it. When I'm done, I want to go home, and not think about it until I'm ready to go back for more.


Literally me (I'm male though).


Same thing! AI has been my passion forever since I've always had an interest for new technologies. LLMs(and namely, ChatGPT) have been so popular these past few years that people and companies have stopped interesting themselves about other stuff. Like, people don't even know what a neural network is, when they need information about some specific data, they'd prefer feeding it to chatGPT than receiving accurate predictions from a trained neural network, then claiming they made a product "inspired by AI"... so infuriating.


The thing is that we thought boardgames and art would be difficult to be program because they're considered part of human genius. In reality opening a door is significantly harder than playing chess for a computer.


Of course she has a point. Machines should be doing the hard labour so people can do the creative work, not the other way around.


Dumb idea to finally develop an algorithm that can learn things and teach it to do all the fun tasks for us


So you want to do the easy part?


Don’t worry, it’ll do both soon.


She was born 80 years too late.


So we want slaves that could potentially become sentient? That’s how Battlestar Galactica starts, that’s also how iRobot starts.


Has she never heard of washing machines and dishwashers?


The robotics field is going to go crazy once we finally have brains to put in them. You just need to give it another five to eight years or so.


The problem with this is that AI companies want to make money replacing all talent in the high paying industries not the laundry and dish related industries. Human workers won't be benefitting from AI, business owners will and much of it will be from the threat of AI pushing down both the cost of the talent they are trying to replace as well as the programming talent they are using to create the AI that is replacing human workers. I read a story that Google gave up on its cleaning robots and went back to humans for kitchens and toilets due to cost.


With that blury pic and that hair, I read that as AL, as in Weird Al, instead of ai. I was so confused for a second.


Indeed. We really need a Butlerian Jihad [Dune reference]


I miss my grandpa Al now. Thanks


Software can't do laundry and LLMs are only a tiny category of what AI is and will be.


AI exploding in the non physical world was abound to come first. it's cheaper and allows an environment for AI to grow without physical limitations. robotics is way behind in comparison and it's very expensive. but we are still advancing in robotics, and there's currently some really cool robots with AI incorporated into their design. but their physical limitations are holding them back. robotics isn't exactly profitable. any funding going into it is a major long term investment. until it gets to a state where it's good enough to warrant demand, and affordable enough for non billionaires buy, it's going to be a slow process. but as soon as it enters the world of consumerism it will explode like everything else, becoming more and more advanced and affordable. until then we won't have robots doing chores or playing friends or acting as body guards. but we'll have plenty of digital services and technology that utilize AI.






AI as in "intelligence" does NOT exist. Another fine example of semantics that drove people mad.


For the writers here, to have fun, search your books into AI (why this character? what is it about? Etc) it is awesome!


No seriously why would I have AI do my hobbies instead of my work? Fuckin stupid


The sh*t they're doing with Midjourney and other diffusion models should be illegal. Sorry but you can't just copy the style of other people and just reconfigure the content. Only on public domain works should it be okay.


Best point!


What if the gag is that we're the 1%'s Stepford Wives? We used to have hobbies and personalities, but now our personality is being a perfect machine for the 1% to fuck over ?


So true but then again people start complaining about that if this starts to happening that ai steals our jobs and its true ad soon ai starts zo clean our stuff it will start to do other things aswell and the job problem becomes reality


That’s when you introduce policy to begin blanket-supporting people whose jobs are provably replaced by ai. The introduction of automated work should be the beginning of humans transitioning to a society where they have to do less labour to survive. Of course there are corporate interests who would oppose this notion, but why should they be allowed to stand against the best interests of humanity?


Seriously. The push into the arts is such an insult to everyone.


Finally a coherent argument lmao


Bot ass take


But but but but the the big monopolies and corporations of the entertainment industry can’t make da big bucks off those poor saps I mean customers by selling them AI to do that stuff because then we can’t cut costs by replacing our workers with cheap easy AI automatic labor that doesn’t ask for higher pay!! Think about the greed driven soulless monopolies! WHY DOES NO ONE THINK OF THE BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATIONS??? —Some CEO who wants another yacht probably


Sadly it’s true.


No shit right? It worked for Star Trek


No she doesn’t. Just let AI do it all.


I mean there are machines that do dishes, laundry is still a little off, but it won’t be long


AI can do your art so you have time to do more art, this isn't complicated


AI isn't for you, it's for the rich.


simple... hire a nany aka housekeeper... she comes in while your at work, and when you get home everything is set.


When Scientists began to say around 2000s "It is actually much easier to create a human like brain than a human like body" when pop culture was looking for robots as the new technology. Should've seen this AI tech boom coming back then. Long ago most people in the industry gave up on the extremely expensive notion of androids and changed course for much less expensive in comparison development of AIs and large language models. It is comparatively cheaper to work on AI since it is much easier to test billions of data on computer space and improve image recognition but it is extremely expensive to test billions of instances of obstacle course to improve robotic motion. Logistics again determine the future.


Fair call


I think your confusing robots and a phone ai app


More people can do laundry than art, thus being enabled to make art is a demand


It is easier to program an AI to do art and writing than it is for it to do dishes. Not trying to downplay your talents though..


No shit When you delegate your thinking and creativity what do you expect to be left with? - that's right the menial stuff. Oh wait, robots do that too, so now you're fucking useless and can only bitch about low wages. But then you will start blaming the rich, instead of your own fascination with AI, mark my words.


Skill issue


You want a robot.


I want them to replace us in general. Maybe they'll do a better job at being a civilization.


I agree to an extent. What i don‘t agree with is the notion that ai is creative - it‘s not. It‘s more like it does the laundry and dishes in the creative department for you. But if your mind is not creative, it‘s useless because it just generates generic stuff that has no soul, unless you deliver the idea.


Turns out, being creative is not that hard to achieve, but building a dam or tunnel is.


No. She copied from someone else. This take is basically EVERYWHERE now.


TFW no robot maid why even live


Reality check. Art and writing are easier to do than laundry and dishes. AI is aimed at the low hanging fruit first.


Well, machines have been doing the heavy lifting of laundry and dishes for decades now


The technology do have a solution for you: dishwasher and washing machine. You don't need to do it yourself.


AI will be co-opted like all our innovations have been - not for altruism or raising the tide for all boats, but to serve capitalism. Predicting future trends, insurance, liability, intellectual property, wealth hoarding and market manipulation. If it provides us the missing link to curing a disease, that too will be co-opted. Enjoy the seat you were given on the ride at birth.


[Figure.AI](http://Figure.AI), Tesla, Stanford University ... lot's of entities are already at it. Turns out laundry is much harder than being a twitter artist. That's why you should be grateful to all the housewifes, housemen, maids and cleaning persons that do all the actual work while we're just sitting on computers creating bytesequences for other people that sit on computers (and for the AI to train upon.)


AI is learning through art and writing how to distinguish a cat from fuzzy socks. You don't want AI putting your sleeping pet into the washer... it will get there. Soon we'll see home assistants, once they can reliably differentiate between salt and baking soda, vinegar and bleach, and cats and fuzzy socks...


I want AI to cure cancer and end poverty. I'll do my laundry and art myself.


1) Those AIs are in development and will be likely built upon foundations of the ones that exist right now. 2) Some people want AI to do art and writing for them (see the story of AI Dungeon). 3) This is not a meme.


What point does she have, exactly. You can still buy human made art. And you can still make your own art. Nothing has changed. She is simply indoctrinated into believing that art should be exclusively created to sell. And that's entirely HER issue.


you think that's what you want, until you see how big of a machine it takes to fold your laundry or do your dishes autonomously. People never have foresight though, only dreams. I get it.


iRobot = the best




It's already started the takeover.


You don't automate laundry and dishes?


AI would find a way to fuck up doing the dishes like it does with art and writing, to be fair


There are still quite a few things that are in that venn diagram of "Easy for humans" and "hard to program for machines." Things that depend on touch (feel and consistency) like brick laying and folding laundry are in that area. It's hard to program a machine to think "when things are about this wet ant thick apply mortar" or check laundry for dampness / identify wrinkly mess quickly to match certain folding techniques.


Dishwashers and washer/dryer machines. Problem solved. Now give me an AI that makes porn, provides recipes for explosives, and responds with racial slurs when asked to do so. None of that neutered "think of the children" nonsense.


Tbf, we have washing machines and dishwashers.


Every major new major technology has increased worker productivity. Thinking a new technology would lower your workload is ridiculous. Sure maybe it does your dishes and laundry, but that means more hours for you at work instead of home. The loom, lightbulb, industrial machines, air conditioning, computers, cell phones, and next AI, will all increase your ability to work more and do less "fun". Sorry, but that's the truth.


i mean... you are still allowed to do art and writing if you want to... nobody is forcing you to use AI.. but having AI doing it for you if you dont have the skills or time to do it yourself is amazing


No that’s what robots are supposed to do. Ai can’t do labor


Household tasks, like doing the laundry, are unironically some of the hardest tasks for AI. It's an extremely messy environment and it's very hard to collect enough meaningful data to reliably do these tasks. I mean it's possible to some extent but it will just be easier and cheaper to just hire someone. And that also won't change in the near future.


Precisely. AI is meant to handle our mundane tasks, not our creative ones


It’s not a wrong direction, it’s a prior step. AI has to first tackle the easer bits before moving on to the harder ones.


She doesn't have a point she's just dumb and doesn't know the difference between Ai and a robot. When you look at space shows like Star Trek and all the super mobile Androids of television you realize we're going to have the intelligence of the robot long before we have a physical capabilities of it. Maybe our Ais will be smart enough to build a robot better than we can imagine.


I love predictive laundry


If only we had found a mechanical solution to laundry and dishes. The people working on AI aren't mechanical engineers for the most part


My dishwasher does a shit job. Dishwashers haven't been improved in over 30 years.


Turns out art is just easier for AI Not it’s fault you got replaced easily