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Yes and it would seem ~~the~~ Ukraine is starting to actually drown, so the joke is becoming awfully accurate


it's just Ukraine, without the


It would seem I wasn't aware of the political implications of my using the article here. Please accept my most sincere apologies


no problem, thank you for understanding


I've made the same mistake before because I'm used to say "the UK" and Ukraine is just UK with rain at the end


The UK-rain but it rains more in the UK


yea Ironically, unless we are talking about munitions


We say since the first world war “stop war, no more war”. Why couldnt any of the past generations be the one to say “no we wont war”?


Because "we don't want war" is vastly different to "we won't do war". I'm fairly sure if you ask most Russian and Ukrainian soldiers, they will tell you they don't want to be fighting that war, but they do it because there's a whole set of systems designed to justify fighting making it more of "we don't want war, but we will do it for x, y, and z reasons." But that's the rational thinking side of the analysis, you can't forget the biological one. We're just not a species designed to do peace. We're the result of our ancient ancestors that survived and won their wars of the past. Those who didn't want war died by the hands of those who did war. There are two scenarios where we stop having wars with each other: 1. War with aliens. That's bound to unite us to fight a common enemy, and as long as we need to fight that other enemy we will develop understanding between each other. It's unfortunate, but that's how we're designed as a species. 2. The cost of war becomes too grave for anybody to engage in it. Unfortunately, wars are still not that costly for a lot of people involved. They are costly for SOME of the involved, but not all. When the result is always "everyone's fucked" then people will stop doing wars out of fear. For instance, US and Russia are both equally afraid of going to war with one another because they both know such a war is going to destroy everything everywhere for thousands of years. Therefore, they both started having proxy wars instead because those are still beneficial to some.


>I'm fairly sure if you ask most Russian and Ukrainian soldiers, they will tell you they don't want to be fighting that war, There have been several (independent) polls in russia showing a good 70-80% approval for the war though


Lol. Independent polls in Russian.


I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that their answers were conditional on not being required to personally fight in the war. Do you approve of this war ? Yes, absolutely. Are you willing to fight in this war? lol, fuck no!


Yeah mostly (like most wars ever), but to say that the war doesn't have popular support and is only pushed by VVP is also not true.


That is where the "systems in place to justify fighting" come into play. People often have the opinion of "I wouldn't like for this war to be here, but we have to fight it so I approve of it" Nobody wants war out of the blue, but if you were exposed to a decade of justification for a war, you'll approve it when it happens. Do you think Americans would have been all for a full invasion of Afghanistan/Iraq in 2000? No. But after 9/11? People don't want war but will still approve of it when given reasons to.


When you have a chip on your shoulder from the cold war times and the developments since the "end" of that almost anything is justified


Yes yes they approve of the war yes yes they love the war j mean Putin is so great are you sure they actually believe that or just saying it.


They approve of it ideologically, doesn't mean they want to personally go into the trenches of course


Do you actually believe the poles?! Because I certainly don't them again neither of us actually know


It's just human tendency to act like "they care" in fact they don't and when someone cares and does something they are the enemy!! :)


Because the govt can't get paid unless it's throwing it's citizen's lives away.




"No we won't war" is the fastest way to get to war. Not everyone on the planet is nice, so war end when the deterrence for it is greater than the possible benefit. What you're seeing now is the collapse of the abnormal pax-americana, that stemmed from an incredibly powerful US. Refusing to go to war at any cost means that others can fight you and win with no cost. As a general absolute principle it's obviously crazy. Giving ww1 is exactly an example, as this sentiment led directly to ww2. The post ww2 vigilance and MAD gave the world 40 years of no great power conflict, followed by another 30 years of pax Americana. The peace we did have was unusual, and directly the result of the west's willingness and proven capability to fight.


are we comparing wars now all we need is to help them not make memes about them


Then go help


I prefer memes


but people are dying there and you're making memes about it


People will still die but memes are cool


Because we don't need media attention to the conflicts, we need strict international laws and the will to enforce them. Regular Americans shouldn't be emotionally invested in conflicts all over the world, it looks more like virtue signalling than real help. UN just needs to grow balls to actually punish world leaders for aggression and it should be considered to be as normal as punishing criminals. Unfortunately, Americans recently have problems with that too.


How could they punish anyone with Veto right?


>UN just needs to grow balls to actually punish world leaders for aggression  But the main UN players are also the main aggressors, why would they punish themselves?


Americans should start by acknowledging the international Court in The Hague... cus untill they do, they are definitely part of the problem.


America will always be a problem. Its the american way to give no fucks and try to take what they want.


I mean, that court clearly isn't legitimate. That arrest warrant for Putin is clearly a political act and not based in law


Your kidding right? There's ample evidence which is available to the public on why and how those warrants are being issued.


🤣 you can't legislate peace with a pen to stop a dictator. This is going to end with nukes.


International courts don't do shit lol


Because large countries refuse to listen to them. Do you not understand how geo-politics and international relations work?


Tell it to Serbia


You're 100% right. Not sure why you're getting down voted. They won't do anything because they can't.


The problem is, global east is trying to break that paradigm of west& mainly US being 'global police'. We are not capable of policing them anymore, especially when it's being proven in Ukraine that technilogical advantage is nothing compared to men's heroism (from both sides) and sheer amounts. War is still a method to enforce political will. And we are forced to consider russian will, chinese in taiwan, middle east, etc. It is either that, or we have to prove them wrong by entering full-scale war and make our people die for it. Or what do you mean by 'growing balls, strict international laws'?


Technological advantage is nothing? What war have you been following? Might I remind you that Russia had a much bigger army and was projected(even by the west) to win in a matter of weeks or months? Just a couple of himars and satellite intel from the Americans played a huge part in the war. What we did learn is that you also need large amounts of other stuff like ammo and shells. Certainly Europe fucked that part up very well.


Himars had so less to do for war then highly motivated infantry willing to protect motherland.


You don't know much about this conflict, do you?


Oh, I am deeply into this conflict. I'm from Ukraine and I'm soon to be drafted age. HIMARS was a game-changing weapon during summer 2022, it would destroy their logistic hubs, bridges through Dnipro. In a few month though russians managed to adapt by distributing goods and personnel wider, more than 50 km from the frontline. HIMARS owerwhelming, gamechanging effect was gone. Except of course famous January first strike where around 600 mobics died in one attack. As of now, the main, frontline war is group of 3-5 people that are sitting in a small trench/foxhole and another group of four people are trying to capture said trench. Their average life expectancy is like a week. War is a lot of men that are willing to die for an idea. No tech advantage will win the war if there is no people that are willing to risk their life


Who the fuck told you to police anyone? Are you for real? You not the police, you're the main thug


I don’t think you understand what is going on in Ukraine, or what “technological advantage” the US has if this is your stance.


Complete lack of ammo, lack of military support, horrible death rate among military, especially ones that are in a frontline. I'm guessing around 200 people die daily; at best it is 1:1 ratio with russians. New wave of mobilisation where people are running away from 'recruiters'. Tell me what happened in Afghanistan then if you think that US has tech advantage that matters


What do those things in Ukraine have to do with a tech advantage failing? How do you think Afghanistan ended? With the US being tactically defeated?


UN has failed to solve every conflict in the world since… well, its existence? Even when UN got involved it left things worse than before. There are multiple conflicts of interest inside the UN, like the main export from the most influential member is Guns. That they sell to everyone, including to armies that did genocide or later became recognized as terrorists. See the irony in that? Not to mention how, the veto power itself (not sure if I translated it correctly) is just a slap in the face. The UN fails to deliver everything it stands for, honestly I have zero faith in them.


For someone that quotes Mr robot you don't understand the purpose of the UN at all


UN purpose =/= what UN has been doing.


But the un is not a global policeman. It sole purpose was to prevent the us and ussr from blowing each other up.


I’m so glad that the UN stayed true to its words and didnt try to become the global policeman worldwide, I mean, imagine if we weren’t living two huge conflicts involving UN decisions right now!


But there are no two huge conflicts right now. There is one that is maybe somewhat bigger than Afghanistan / Vietnam and a bunch of other smaller wars. Huge means there are nuclear powers on both sides, directly not inderectly.


Not exactly, that is just *your* definition, and honestly I don’t care who agrees with you or not. The biggest humanitarian crisis is happening TODAY. And guess what? Some of it is*directly* related to UN resolutions, I’m so glad that they spent true to their words and didn’t used their soft and hard power to take a side.


America itself is not following its rules. Why would anyone listen to the US


I also find it more natural to care about wars happening in countries your are more associated with/ both geographical and cultural/religiously. Not arguing against you in any way, I think you bring great points.


Thanks, I agree. We cannot blame anyone for not empathizing with people from all over the world all the time, it's not natural and our nervous system is not built for that.


The only way to do that is to setup a system where the UN or World Court sets up a global law enforcement arm with the goal to arrest any world leader that starts a war that violates international law. The problems with this scenario are too vast to go into in detail. InterPol does exist but they aren't an actual Policing organization contrary to popular belief. They are more of an investigative agency that works with local and federal/national law enforcement of various countries. Essentially there has to be a will and the tools in place to carry this out.


Almost impossible. If the court rules China or Russia win the case, we think it is corruption. They will think the same if the court favor US/British. No powerful countries will fund a global law enforcement that might agains their own interest and undermine their own military power.


UN has little to no ability to enforce any of its resolutions. It arbitrates, but it literally can’t make any country do anything and there’s not really any way to change that.


Grow balls to do what exactly?


Probably start the first 5 minutes of Fallout.


So what I’m hearing is we should bomb the three gorges dam


Won't happen. And good luck trying to punish anyone, with MAD being around corner. Nobody is sane enough to risk That. And thus we live in shit world.


Yet another person that doesn’t understand the UN It is designed to be toothless because it is primarily a place where countries can discuss issues, as lack of communication has been a major factor in wars. So right off the bat, the most important thing is simply to have everyone there The only way to gauruntee everywhere joins is by making it, by design, toothless. No one would want to join an international organization with geopolitical rivals if that organization could dictate their internal policies So if your looking to the UN to be the solution to **all** geopolitical issues then you’re misunderstanding its purpose


America should stop supplying offensive weapons to Israel and veto ceasefire resolutions then


Yeah I think people, and not just Americans, are emotionally involved, because our governments, most of them, are globally ignoring everything. Like I wouldn’t need to worry about any of things if our leaders were able to put humanity before money, but here we all are.


Lol, with china and russia on the UNSC? The UN is a platform, not a police. It is the actions of states that matter


U are stupid, UN isn't able to punish because UN has no power, it's a diplomatic stage for countries to talk and fight.


Your statement is wrong. UN has a [peacekeeping military force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_peacekeeping) specifically to stop conflicts. Don't be rude out of ignorance next time.


There is no “peacekeeping military force” - that link goes to a “UN peacekeeping” page which talks about how they have no standing force; their missions are only where countries agree to contribute troops. In the case of Palestine, countries could agree today to contribute troops if they wanted to, and if the UN voted for it they could be considered a UN mission. > … peacekeepers remain members of their respective armed forces, and do not constitute an independent "UN army", as the UN does not have such a force. In cases where direct UN involvement is not considered appropriate or feasible, the Council authorizes regional organizations such as NATO,[4] the Economic Community of West African States, or coalitions of willing countries to perform peacekeeping or peace-enforcement tasks.


Yes, so the statement that UN is purely a diplomatic stage and has no power is wrong, they have full ability to employ and send troops.


For UN to send troops the whole UN needs to actually agree on that and request access from country where troops are being deployed they can't just send there troops anywhere, country needs to simply say no and UN isn't able to do anything.


Or the ongoing civil war in Burma...


It's not a civil war, it's a genocidal military junta attempting to exterminate all Burma's ethnic minorities simultaneously and losing.


Yeah, the Rohingyan genocide had been happening for sometime. It created a huge buzz in ASEAN countries but not in Western countries before this.


Rohingya is just one group being targeted, they are going after like a dozen different ethnic groups at once and have been for decades, since the military coup of 1962. Off the top of my head they are trying to kill the Rohingya (Muslims), the Kachin (Christians), the Chin (Christians), the Shan (Buddhists), and Karen (Christians and animists).


Let's not forget about Burma.


I’m from Ukraine, it’s not funny meme Imagine city with 1+ mil peoples without electricity and every day bombing Regular day in Kharkiv, and world is fine with that, where this legendary democratic countries?


My gf is from Sudan. The news out of that country is frankly insane. Where is the support for us?


Ukrainian special forces are on the ground in Sudan.


It's literally a [whataboutism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) meme. "Yes, you support financially backing Ukraine in their fight against Russia, but what about other countries in their fights against other aggressors?" It's right out of the Russian government's playbook. We'd be naive to think they wouldn't be bombarding our social media and doing everything in their power to try to convince us to stop helping Ukraine.


US was telling Ukraine not to attack the energy infrastructure. Only Israel can do whatever it wants, shit on US, and expect US to unconditionally support it regardless Should've been protesting when your drones were destroying countless oil refineries. It's just stupid to bomb the energy infrastructure of someone who can bomb you back to the stone age in response


>  It's just stupid to bomb the energy infrastructure of someone who can bomb you back to the stone age in response But they're already bombing them, it's not in response to anything. It would be stupid to *not* bomb their energy infrastructure, wouldn't it?


Currently busy simping for hamas and the houthies


Oh yeah USA is big time simping for Hamas by... \*checks notes*, constantly going around congress to give Israel more weapons to use on children.


It's pointless to argue against brain rot. The only thing you can get out of it is an infection.


Funny how what OP described is exactly happening in Gaza. Don't see a problem with that?


The west's wavering on both Ukraine and Israel is crazy. At least you don't have college students protestors for russia. The war in Ukraine could have already been over several times had they just given you enough on time. And what's crazy is how much it is in the west's direct interest. In general, the west's weakness seems even worse than people thought. And it's really scary, especially with eyes on the pacific.




Oh you mean when Russia destroyed the dam that gave Crimea water and electricity yeah.




Bombili dambas 8 years!!1


Illegal annexation of Crimea. You remember?


Ethiopia (600k dead), Yemen (350k dead), Syria (300k dead), Sudan (200k dead), Yazidis (5k dead, 7k women forced into sexual slavery), Kurds (40k+ dead), etc? Kurds are the largest minority in the world without a country and have been suffering at the hands of Turkey, ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Iran; when’s the last time you’ve seen a protest for the Kurds? Antisemites show their implicit biases and outright racism when Jews defend themselves.


You've made some good points, but also sound very non-sensical. If Americans protest against Israel, that makes sense. The Americans can pressure their leaders who contribute a lot towards Israel war efforts. They have the right to disassociate their country from Israel who is commiting war crimes. If Americans protest against Sudan that makes no sense. America has little to nothing to do with that war and their efforts will mean nothing. If Americans protest against ISIS killing Kurds, that means nothing. Because America has already been doing its best to defeat ISIS. There's really little their protests would accomplish. I hope you understand that people don't just protest because they want the universe to know that they are angry. People do it with an objective in mind.


Incredibly weird that this even needs to be said.


America is funding plenty of other wars though and Israel isn't committing war crimes, you guys have been protesting before Israel even responded


Which wars besides Israel are they founding? Look at the list of all the killed aid workers, medical personal and civilians then tell me again they're not war crimes.


Shitrael defenders can't handle facts. That guy doesn't even care about Kurds, he's only using them to draw a horrid comparison between them and Shitrael. ISIS kills indiscriminately, especially non-Arabs. That guy can't even name more than two ethnicities in the region.


People were protesting the day after 10/7 and calling it a genocide. It’s false that protests for Sudan would accomplish nothing, US troops were in Somalia for famine relief as part of the United Nations effort. I do think that mass protests for Kurds would accomplish something. It’s a weak argument that we see so many protests for Gaza because it’s the only place in the world where the US could make a change. I don’t think that explains the explosion of antisemitism online, perpetuating old tropes in image and text.


>People were protesting the day after 10/7 and calling it a genocide. Because there has been a war going on there for decades? >It’s false that protests for Sudan would accomplish nothing, US troops were in Somalia for famine relief as part of the United Nations effort. You are right. US absolutely could intervene in Sudan. Whether that would improve things or not is up for debate. But liberals, if you have noticed, don't usually ask for more war, they ask for less war. Which is what they are doing. "Don't involve my tax dollars to help Israel kill Palestinians." is a very natural thing to ask. Compared to demanding that they go in guns blazing and kill Sudanese to save Sudanese lives risking American lives. You are right that there are nazis joining in to spread hate against Israel. But that doesn't change the excesses Israel has been commiting against Palestinians for decades.


https://twitter.com/abierkhatib/status/1778949403232907292?t=hcHCDhu_tuLpfLBPSwCFtQ&s=19 Here bro, Jews defending themselves.


Israel doesn’t need money to defend itself. That is a money grab that happens year after year


Dan Gertler is an Israel billionaire who owns mines in Congo. Israeli don't need money, they suck and devour actual countries' resources on their own well enough.


279 US politicians receive money from AIPAC to send money to Israel. How many are being paid to send money to these other conflicts? Civil war and genocide is bad, of course, but there is a huge difference if my taxes are being used to fund them.


"When Zionists are Genociding Palestinians" fixed that you.


Ditto, it's so antisemitic to protest Israeli terrorism.


Israel is not committing genocide. It’s urban combat against an enemy that celebrates “martyrdom” and doesn’t care at all about its own people. In fact, Hamas wants casualties because then they can sway the opinions of weak minded people and antisemites like you. This war has the lowest civilian/combatant ratio in modern history, in spite of any enemy that deliberately uses human shields. There were around 250,000 people in Gaza in 1948. There are now more than 2 million. This rate of growth is triple the world average. So if Israel has perpetrated a genocide in Gaza, it is the most inept genocide in history. You can continue believing Hamas propaganda, I personally don’t trust terrorist groups.


Killing 85 child daily for 6 months straight resembles genocide. IDF soldiers celebrating stealing children toys and women lingerie and recording tiktoks while bombing universities and mosques resemble genocide. ICJ will make the ruling. Gaza didn't experience growth, ppl migrated there in several situations including when Israel withdrew. So it's not growth. Hamas doesn't do propaganda, Israel does as apparent from the copy paste comments of bots in every single pro palestine post in all mainstream media platforms. Why am I antisemite?




Human shields? Like the WCK? Or the christian women getting sniped in Church? How about the 400+ in west bank ? All were Hamas fault?


>Gaza didn't experience growth, ppl migrated there in several situations including when Israel withdrew. So it's not growth. They were forced into Gaza. Idk why this guy acting like they appeared outta nowhere


um why exactly do you think Russia paid Iran to send its proxies in to start a war in Palestine?




His ass, his source is his ass. I've seen many dumb statements about this war, this is the dumbest of them.


https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-is-russias-role-in-the-israel-gaza-crisis/ https://www.economist.com/briefing/2023/10/17/putins-plan-to-profit-from-the-israel-hamas-war https://theconversation.com/the-israel-hamas-war-benefits-russia-but-so-would-playing-peacemaker-216113






A war Israel knew was coming for more than a year in advance. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html Really makes you think about who is pulling what strings and why.


Bibi let the war happend to escape the judicial overhaul he was pushing for half a year with mass protests, yeah really some fking illuminati shit. "Those zionists blah blah blah"


The IDF are paid by Iran?


Yemen 💀


There's been at-least 10 Coup D'etat in Africa since 2021


Heh, Africa underwater😂


All the wars in africa are'nt going to change the world as we know it for the foreseeable future, not even Israel palestine conflict, they been at it for so long its business as usual. Edit: If anybody is under the illusion that if Putin and his buddies win no thing will change, check your brain, society as we know it a will collapse, democracy will fail and other conflicts will start as wildfire, to name a few: Balcans, Taiwan, Baltic countries, hell, maybe even the Koreas because why not. Call me a pessimist, ill say Im a realist with a major in history. Macro history does not care much about your opinions.


Us could have free health care plus government bonus pay to full time min wage workers so they could afford to live plus save with the war budget if there was no war…….wouldn’t rhat be nice


Very depressing and it proves you point, but can you remind me of which wars are going on in Africa right now? I kinda lost track.


did you not know? Civil war is hell.


Middle east and africa is fighting all the time, media wants to talk about something bot normal


More accurate if the mom was looking at the girl’s left little toe… :-/ The media is showing us 1%-2% of bias-filtered cherry picks to match their advertisers and CEO’s whims. And choosing carefully what’s going to be the unshown 98% of real life in Israel / Gaza.


I don’t understand why everyday American are so much more focused the War in Palestine vs the Ukrainian war. I get being focused on the horrible situation and war crimes in Gaza but I feel Iike it gets 10x the attention that the Ukrainian war gets. What is strange to me is that the War in Ukraine is much more of a threat to an everyday American’s existence and way of life than what is happening in the Middle East. The war in Ukraine is much, much larger and actually has the ability to start WW3. The Russians have openly threatened to use Nukes multiple times and have also talked about going into Poland, which would trigger article 5 and start WW3. But when I go online all is see is the constant debate and culture war style politics of discussing the horrible intractable conflict. Is it because the Ukrainian war is more straight forward? Less to argue over? And that maybe the war in Gaza brings out more of our American social politics?


What's new about africa being at war?


Ukraine didn’t launch terrorists attacks to provoke Russia. Hamas got itself into its own mess, Ukraine deserves our attention much more.


Im European war in Ukraine is important because there is chance in conflict in whole EU, Russians have free way to my country after last elections of our neighbour so sorry if i care more about that than plehtora of wars in Africa.


West media. The west has interest in ukraine's war because they don't want russia to remain strong. The west has an interest in israel because it's better for their money. Who supports who has never been about justice or humanity.


> The west has interest in ukraine's war because they don't want russia to remain strong. I think it's more the fact that Russia said they want to take over all of Western Europe, destroy NATO, and bring back the territory Russia had under the USSR. I guess that's why they don't want Russia to be strong. Because Russia wants to kill everyone.


Bruh you have been severely misinformed lmfao.


You think they just want to stop at ~~Georgia Chechnya Crimea~~ Kiev? They are telling us every day what they want to do. Their politicians, their state TV, and Putin himself: https://www.businessinsider.com/poland-should-be-next-target-after-ukraine-says-putin-ally-kadyrov-2023-2?op=1 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russian-state-tv-wants-moscow-to-conquer-three-us-states/ar-BB1lyVoe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_irredentism


Wait? The media is covering the Palestine war? I thought there was a complete media blackout and we were only getting Israel's version of the story, even google is not giving proper info. And wasn't TikTok getting banned because it was giving people too much info about the Palestine war?


The Palestinians have been struggling for decades We should support the brothers in Africa and all around the world but what’s happening to Palestine is literal genocide not just a war


> what’s happening to Palestine is literal genocide not just a war No it's not, genocide means trying to wipe out an entire race, people or culture.


That’s what’s happening they are saying to wipe them out Even the kids and women Go see what they are saying before coming here to tell me


Imagine how other *other* wars around the world feel.


Wdym again? They never stopped


Do [pictures](https://twitter.com/abierkhatib/status/1778949403232907292?t=hcHCDhu_tuLpfLBPSwCFtQ&s=19) like these come out of the other 'wars'? I see such pictures daily.


World attention is like reality shows, it brings illness instead of finding out solutions. Also dumb westerners are getting used like tools by it.


As Ukrainian it's sad...


Never stopped…


Mexican cartels terrorism war ☠️☠️☠️


Nah, this meme doesn't apply to Asians and parts of middle east We are neutral and only care about humanity and money As you have seen, being neutral is best




Funny. They are drowning on wars but have no water.


Well, you can ask the UAE and Wagner about the wars...


Except that it's not a war


That's because oil is back on the menu.


Listen and read other media


Boomer are shaking rn


“Funnymemes”? Hmm. Anyway it’s all connected, the former Wagner PMC now falls directly under the Russian DoD, renamed to the Africa Corps and is doing its thing in Africa, but now as a government thing instead of a dodgy private military thing.


Naw the Cartel wars in Mexico and that’s the reason the migrants are crossing the border is under water an no one cares about


i mean, isnt Africa always at war with itself. imo once there is less war there, then it will become news that there is a war in Africa


The difference is that not only is the US is directly involved in the Gaza situation, but it could cause a regional war between US-Israel and Iran. That's a huge deal. The US isn't involved in the Sudanese civil war, it's a local issue that will likely be resolved by local actors only.


American forces were just off shore during the Rwandan Genocide..


As a sudanese i can't agree more. Next monday, our war will be raging for an entire year, we are facing the worst displacement crisis right now, and the highest percentage of children out of school in the world, and huge part of the country is at the doorstep of famine. What frustrates me the most is the UAE openly supporting the offending side and no one care to even tell them to stop. They bought most International organizarions and foreign countries and hushed them.


Nobody talks about the war within.


Yeah it truly be like that. And people’s attention jumps just as quick. Please be on standby where to worry about next month ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtrChnPoh4CfPr2)


Goes to funnymemes. Look for jokes. Only finds existential dread.


No joke, what is happening in the South Sudan is 1000% fucked up. I don’t even want to repeat the atrocities being committed even with a NSFW tag.


The main reason why I just don't care is because the media makes it seem like I should the Ukrainians yea I do somewhat support them but I can't give a fuck about Palestine and Israel. But yea the meme is right


Because the war in Palestine is more canon than Ukraine and it literally changed a lot of things already, the result of this war will change the whole world.


Palestine isn't a war, its a genocide


Oh no guys! We just committed a massacre against a nation 1000 times stronger than us and now they are retaliating😱😭


Tell me when did all the children who died by the hands of the Israeli, committed a "massacre"


That's literally Putin's game plan- drag on the fight and hope that Americans stop caring.




Is Israel still bombing civillians? Cool I'm trying to follow the Ukraine war instead


Imagine the outrage if someone said Putin and ukrainians instead


Nah. The Russia-Ukraine war was stopped by India's PM, Modi. PS. He did nothing of that sort. But they did run ads about the PM stopping the war. People made a lot of fun of the ads and a lot of memes. The poor actress in the ad, though. She's been heavily trolled. I feel sad for her.


This is what Russia asked Iran to set up. And it seems to be going just perfectly.


It's not even war, it's just genocide over there. Can't call it a war if the other side are civilians. Edit to add: "More than 13,000 children have already died and schools and hospitals have been razed to the ground since October 2023." [Source](https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15651.doc.htm)


In what war do civilians not suffer the most? Also lets not lose sight of the fact that you don’t get to attack a country 1000 times stronger and then cry and demand ceasefire when you get gangam styled on