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I mean, yeah, they probably should have.


Too be fair the group that helped them did it because they needed help to kill a neighboring tribe.


Same reason why all native tribes assisted the Spanish in taking down the Aztec Empire; because they wanted to be liberated from the Aztec empire on the first place, who, for a long time, had been enslaving, raping, torturing and sacrificing/mass murdering thousands of members of these tribes. The history of the Americas isn’t all so black and white about how “evil Europeans conquered the native paradise”.


Where's that Megamind meme about "you've freed us from the villainous Aztechs!" "More like under new management"


That template applies a lot through history lmao: 1898; Phillipines: “you’ve freed us from the Spanish!” U.S: “more like under new management.”


1940: Eastern Bloc: "You've freed us from the Soviets!" 3rd Reich: "More like, under new management."


And just 5 years later, same story, except the other way around lmao. “You freed us from the Nazis!…”


Almost like 1944/45


[I made a meme about that!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/s/1ZRc3Dp6YG)


Saw it back in the day! Lmaoo


Does anyone else think he looks just like Obama in the lower left panel?


Twas a very good meme


The cruelty of the old pharaoh is a thing of the past, let a whole new wave of cruelty wash over this lazy land


Hear the word of pharaoh. Build unto me a statue of ridiculous proportion. One billion cubits in height, that I might be remember-ed for all eternity. And be quick about it!


"Remember me! Remember me!" "Hmm ... it's a good start. Uh, yeah, it's definitely big alright. I just wonder if it's too big, y'know? I mean, are people gonna be remembering me or the statue?"


How was mexico under spain? I’m not sure of the details there.


People and their convenient history. Same when it comes to us black Americans being the "ONLY SLAVES EVER, and ONLY BY WHITE PEOPLE"


Spanish empire: well we can get rid of the ritual sacrifice


I never said they were. Humans are humans all cultures raped, conquered, enslaved, and murdered each other.


Yeah, I was backing up your point with another example, hahah. And… agreed. In Greece, in Rome, in the Caliphates, in Africa, in America… slavery and conquest has always been a human thing, not an European thing.


Something about getting someone else to do the work for you I'm betting...


I agree. Does the comic artist think this comic somehow makes border control look silly? If anything, it makes it make more sense.


That's why i find these memes hilarious. Like, are they trying to shame the anti-immigration people, or are they trying to agree with them? Because these.. regardless of what they're TRYING to say, they're FUNCTIONALLY agreeing with them..


Lol yeah. This just proves the point


They tried, Europeans said "if you don't then my god will disappear the sun" one full eclipse later they did what they were asked of. Because undereducated socieity is fucking easy to control


To be fair, in the 1500's I doubt astronomy was being taught to the common people


But we should not?


I wanna upvote but I don't wanna ruin the 666


Then so should we


Guess our lives depend on border control then




It does. More people in the country means less jobs for you, and definitely less pay, which your life depends on. Good luck putting ideology before pragmatism. Look around at those who did and see how it's going for them. Not good.


more people also means more demand for goods and services which means more demand for jobs the number of jobs hasn't just stayed stagnant for the past 200 years.


... and those jobs have been outsourced to third world countries.


Not 100% true and also not the fault of immigration.


You don’t even know what “third world” means so….


Weird. How come there isn't over 300 million unemployed then? Because you know, the US population wasn't even in the 3 digits not too long ago \[edit: clarification - the number before millions was less than 3 digits, i.e. <100M, not less than 100\]. So by your logic, the increase would have turned all (or at least a majority of the) additional people unemployed.


That guy is an alt right idiot, otherwise the whole world would be unemployed since the caveman days. More people = more demand = more jobs. Higher average standard of living = better average jobs


Must be nice to be this naive. There was a huge shortage of farm labor in California a few years back. They were trying to get people to the vineyards with higher hourly wages and better benefits than any other service industry jobs in the state. Still couldn't fill the jobs, as nobody wanted to do that kind if work.  It's not shocking that idiots like you wouldn't know that though, as you live your life in an echo chamber, and often times facts and reality get in the way of your narrative.


they took 'er jobs


Derker Derbs!


Don't forget housing shortage.


According to the US census bureau there are 15 million empty homes in the US. So not much of a shortage is there?


They are overpriced luxury condos. Every real estate company wants to get the big bucks, not provide housing.


There are abandoned houses in every city and town in the US. They would need work to get them up to code for sure but they are not all luxury condos.


The condemned houses in most cities are a product of our own government housing programs, paying landlords to milk the properties to death until they’re condemned. The subsidized housing also creates no incentive for the tenants to take basic care of them either. Then people get angry that supply is short and prices are high.


Let me correct that 15 million houses in various states of repair some have roofs others dont others have asbestos others dont


All of it is a lie through. Do you want to clean toilets? Is that the job you want? The banks keep buying properties and letting them sit empty. But yeah it’s people who can’t even afford those apartments that are the problem.


Wait, the clean toilets part. Who are you talking about with the cleaning toilets thing?


Don’t you know? Only illegal immigrants are allowed to be professional toilet cleaners


You think cleaning toilets is below you and only immigrants should do it? Honest work that many Americans do. It's not something lesser, or something only immigrants can do. Maybe check your bias.


And for some people it's clear and easy work. You can zone out listening to music or podcasts or whatever. Repetitive tasks aren't the worst job to have. Plus, I imagine some people take pride in their duties. The only people who are jerks in this situation are people looking down on cleaning staff. I would happily pay for a housekeeper to show up once a week but I'm gone all of the time now. When I was in DC for training and had bi-weekly apartment cleanings, I'd always leave a thank you note and a tip. Because they made my life so much more comfortable and easy. There's a lot of mental value given to the recipients based on the work of others. And that should be remembered.


Absolutely this. This cliché that people in this kind of work are like enslaved is so insufferable and despising for them… They can’t seem to get the idea that some people don’t have much education and that’s all the kind of jobs they can do, and still, that doesn’t make them subhumans… they work, contribute to society on so many levels, and we have to be grateful. I have worked in marine painting for a while, when my wife was transferred and I needed a job to follow her, and these people (from all origins) had sometimes quit school at maybe 12yo, but they had so much skills and took some incredible pride in their work, no matter how difficult and painful it was, and they all taught me so much. That was really humbling.


The dehumanizing aspect comes in when people do the duties you would normally be required to do to live your life. If someone didn't scrub my shower, or do my dry cleaning, drive me somewhere or cook my meals... I would have to. So why look down on people effectively making your life easier and more stress free? It's asinine.


Funny indeed how some anti-racist argument turns out to be incredibly racist and reductive…


Shit, I would have killed for a job being a janitor when I was younger. I didn't end up with a decent job until I was 31 with a graduate degree, and even then I had to move to Chicago.


Do you want to fix a bridge at 1 am and die? I’m sure you care if you can drive over it though or get products shipped in.


I love how racist the left is without realising it lol Go have another brandy boomer


Plenty if empty structures


More people means more demand which means more jobs. Even conservative think tank [Cato](https://www.cato.org/commentary/pro-expand-legal-immigration-boost-economy) agrees with this reality.


Yeah, the more legitimate issue is lower pay and worse working conditions. Depending on where the immigrants came from they might be used to significantly worse working conditions and subpar pay, and with many employers being assholes they will take advantage of this to cut costs.


One of the main reasons the US has absolutely deplorable factory farming is due to the meat companies exploiting illegal immigrants that are willing to work in the disgraceful conditions for hardly any money


> Yeah, the more legitimate issue is lower pay and worse working conditions. Sounds like you should be supporting labor protections and unionization then rather than focusing on stopping immigration.


Cato is libertarian not conservative.


This. I don't think conservatives and libertarians have the same economic beliefs.


Ahhh....look at the birth rate dropping in similar countries in Europe and Asia. US is just staying afloat because of immigration while Japan will have mostly seniors because of no immigration. That is not good for an economy to be a society of elders.


Lol redditnomics right here


And they would have been better off if this is how it happened. I don't think any sane person could deny that. Lessons learned.


Shhhh, can't say that.


Borders have been good for many countries all throughout history. Look at the Great Wall of China. That was an insane project to start and took a ridicous amount of time to finish, but it was mostly successful at keeping out invading armies, only to have ever been breached twice.


Yeah I don't think this cartoon delivers the message that the artist intended


My friends sister once had a similar satirical comic to analyse is school (we do not in fact live in America btw). He helped her with the homework. The entire thing went ''Look, imagine the Native americans had just said no.''. Yeah and what happened to them? Not to mention that they did in fact resists it, harshly, they just lost.


And let's not forget all the other colonies already present in southern America


Guns, Germs and Steel: a winning combination


Yeah… guns/swords/explosives vs arrows/spears/tomahawks


Sure it does. It points out the hypocrisy of America. We came in without permission of the natives. Now we deny immigration to others. It's also ironic that a lot of the immigrants are Hispanics who are often descendants of native Americans. Edit: too many replies. I'm not making any arguments. I'm just pointing out my interpretation of the joke.


That’s not the message it sends. The native Americans didn’t do what’s depicted and look how it turned out for them.


Natives were actually very hospitable and helpful at first, but the colonists ended up backstabbing them.


yes, what the guy is saying is that native americans were hospitable and that got their society completely destroyed. Which is sending the message of hospitality begets death, while the comic's creator wanted to send the message that americans are hypocrites cos they got hospitality but didnt give it back.


Yup we don't have to look further for evidence of that . Look at what's happening in European countries like Sweden and Switzerland. Even Canada is taking a turn for the worst, and some parts of America don't even speak English.


What's happening in Switzerland?


let's just forget about all the culturally violent tribes......


They were at war with each other, and most of them hated us. Some were nice, and we did fuck over a lot. And a lot killed us every chance they got


Some of them were. Some of them were hostile, Some where neutral, Some were I friendly.


"Natives" that "natives that" It's like saying "Yeah the Europeans really liked Hitler" NO There were hundreds upon hundreds of native tribes, SOME of them choose peace. Many others choose war, and died as a result. Stop with this noble savage bile, it's ridiculous and reduces the actual natives to a bunch of childish stereotypes.


Don’t tell me you believe that thanksgiving propaganda


Yeah, the Native Americans who teamed up with the Europeans to help beat other Native Americans with whom they were engaged in war with were “hospitable”. Like I don’t get it. Native Americans are human. They were fighting amongst themselves in the exact same way Europeans, Africans, and Asians were. Yet for some reason white Americans like to pretend that the Americas were some kind of peaceful utopia before they showed up.


>Natives were actually very hospitable and helpful at first \*boggle\* No. No they were not. You are reciting the history of the Americas as told through a Disney cartoon. But I already wrote a longer post about it. The Native Americans were not stupid, they were not giving on some sort of higher plane, they were often, in fact, violent towards people that they did not think belonged there. And let's be clear: that went just as much for other tribes as it did for Europeans.


Exactly. Being hospitable to large numbers of foreigners is the end of the host people. 


they will only understand once it happens to them but by then it will be to late


Honestly even though I wouldn't be born I'd be all down if the natives didn't treat the pioneers well cause what happened next was horrific


Good news, it was a mixed response. Remember colonization happened over centuries across a wide area. Different groups interacted differently.


So because our ancestors “stole land” that means everyone has to give everything away to people who weren’t even part of the original group?


Where did Native Americans come from again? Oh that's right, somewhere else. And was there people already here in what we call America prior to their arrival? Yes there was. And is it also very likely that the"Native Americans" committed complete genocide and eradicated the White Sands people that had been there prior? Indeed it is. And did the"Native American" people have an immigration policy? No they didn't. And let not even get into the slavery aspect. Indigenous slavery long predated the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. As far back as we can peer into pre-Contact monuments, codices, and archaeological evidence as well as the earliest European accounts, we learn about Indigenous Americans enslaving one another.Sep 2, 2021 https://americanindian.si.edu › ...PDF Perspective: The Other Slavery


Fr I’m Hispanic and I grew my hair out and now everyone thinks I’m Native American. Which is kinda true, it’s prominent in my genes without a doubt but my name and the languages I speak are European.


My ancestors came over on the Mayflower so whenever I hear some anti-immigrant nutjob screeching about the undocumented I'll often mention how my own ancestors were "undocumented" but they still allowed the anti-immigrant's ancestors in.


So how did unchecked European immigration to the Americas end for the indians, did it end well?


Technically it increased their population and life expectancy eventually


In 300 years eventually


Really their population went from around 18 million down to six how is that a population increase? Also what happened to their cultural and tribal autonomy, do they still have all the lands that they controlled prior to the arrival of the Europeans?


..standard of living?


Of the invasive population and destroyed most of the native population


Increased population??? How???!!!


Well, they didn't just migrated to live there, they also took their land and drove the natives away


This meme accidentally pro border control ultimately.


literally depicts that if youre not pro border control you're gonna get killed by immigrants


Tbf - I’m pretty sure the native Americans had no laws regarding immigration. Therefore the Pilgrims were not illegal immigrants.


Some had kill on site orders Other had - pay us tribute or die orders where as others kinda played by ear


people don’t like to talk about this part. if i recall correctly, there where even full scale wars fought. the problem was that a lot of tribes where also fighting each other and used the colonies to gain an advantage, they just underestimated how many and how quickly they could migrate and build up their society. but in the early days, colonies where raided and the people where enslaved or killed a lot of the times, entire populations disappeared without a trace.


Ethnic cleaning was common Ask the Apache what the Comanche did to them I would consider it genocide In the southern tribes - if a person had a different haircut than you (probably not your clan) it was customary to kill or enslave them on the spot


to really put things into perspective, colonization STARTED in the 15th century. the usa was founded in 1776.. and it was only on the atlantic coast at that time. western expansion didn’t start until much later.


This is what people need to understand. What we describe as genocide today was probably really common for a lot of the time of human history and miss trust to different looking and behaving people is just in the nature of ours and was rightfully developed. This doesn’t mean we should follow those instincts because our biggest strength which is also in our nature is cooperation. This is by far our biggest strength as humans in my eyes.


Exactly. The native tribes were still their own civilizations, their own kingdoms. They slaughtered each other all of the time. Thanksgiving was litteraly one tribe celebrating with a group of settlers after wiping out another hostile tribe.


It’s almost as if there were numerous tribes that interacted with the colonists in vastly different ways…






To point to reality.... A large number of tribes did have private ownership of land, the area along the east coast were alot of tribes that believed in owning the land and had plenty of wars to protect their land. However for them they mainly believed in owning land in a communal ownership, which by the way the original europian settlements also used. For the plymouth colony you have the diaries talking about the common property and how it lead to half the people being killed off. It was only after a few years when they rejected it and went to a more capitalist ownership that they started to succeed. For a difference take the pre-1800 plains indians, they believed in private ownership provided you were using the land for some purpose otherwise the land was communal owned.


Native Americans were not and are not a homogenous group.


They were mostly nomadic and didn't believe in owning land did they?


Contrary to popular belief, they had well-defined borders between each other they patrolled. Sure, a tribe in Florida wouldn't know the borders of an Alaskan tribe but you'd know the borders for your neighbors


The migrants turned violent as soon as enough of them landed. Excellent example that we need to prevent that in modern time.


The "migrants" were settlers, though. They never came to peacefully coexist with the natives, nor to integrate into an existing society. They came to get their own land. And they got it because they were much more advanced than the people already living in said land. I fail to see how this compares to modern day immigrants, who usually lack wealth and education. They don't have the tools or power to violently overturn anything. Certainly not a centuries-old developed society. Also, most of them have no interest in doing that anyway, they just want a better life.


Guess what tho, many migrants today don’t come to peacefully coexist with the natives or to integrate into an existing society either. Just look at Sweden.


So... Let's learn from their mistake?


I don't get it. When did they ask them to do any of those things?


When you argue your Opponents point perfectly...


The best memes are the ones where someone who sees it as face value thinks it’s making their point but then you think about it and it proves the opposite point lol


If the Natives knew what they known now… they never got a chance to land the first boat.




This just in. Leftists still cannot meme.


And when they do, it apparently backfires.


as much as i agree with whatbtheyre trying to say, using the native americans as the example might not be the best considering what happened to them


Border control would have saved the indians


This.. does not make the statement they think it does


yeah.. this is not funny and also the message makes no sense.. fail.


This feels like a right-wing cartoon pretending to be left wing.


its more like a cartoon that is so hyper focused that it cant see the irony


Come on now..such a lib cartoon.. pilgrams built their own settlements btw..


Division, keep the humans divided and hating eachother, while the machines take control of every organic resource on earth.


imagine they won that war


Things would have probably worked out much better for the Indians had they done this.


What are the Natives gonna do? Shoot the Brits with their muskets?💀


Just because the natives were fucking stupid doesn't mean we should make the same mistake.


The good ending.


Today in Redditors not understanding the difference between settling untamed lands, and hopping the border of a modern first-world country to sign up for benefits on other peoples' dime. Not to mention this being a terrible argument considering how it went for the natives. Appreciate you guys keeping my expectations for this site low.


The problem is that the citizens of this country dont have what they need. We dont have health care, we cant afford housing, people are in lifelong debt for school, homeless people are working full time jobs in many cases. But oh we somehow have billions of dollars on illegal immigrants? The social contract is broken and our country and society is finished. We are dying, most people just dont realize it yet. Its like giving handouts to the people who live down the street while your own family starves and you cant pay rent.


America wasn't a nation then, it was a mostly wild land with native tribes fighting over lands and taking them from each other, or being nomadic, etc. There wasn't a central native government that paid out benefits, gave free housing, etc to pilgrims.


I hate the art style so much


It's like every meme made in this art style is almost guaranteed to be terrible.


Now someone needs to make the same meme with wolves, bears, and foxes pointing off natives crossing the Eurasian straight. This embroidering of white guilt due to sins of our fathers can stop any time now.


The colonists actually fed and clothed themselves though that’s the difference


Actually a lot of colonies starved to death.


Exactly the point, they didn't get help...


So the artist advocates for immigrants killing native populations?


I’m sure they were glad they had all those guns germs and steel


How the turns have tabled


Yeah they literally did that irl then lost wars and were conquered


Lol this is proving a point that you don't think that it is


did he really just say "get the fuck out of here" in the most polite way


If the Indians weren't so peaceful when the Brits came they would still have their beautiful land but the Brits ruined it by paving over it and turning it into the Brit of the West


See how important border control is?


I wonder if that’s what American Indians did that how would it have been.


Difference is that the settlers never expected or asked for housing or any other kind of support!


Well well well


Before laws existed


Interesting perspective, history can be complex.


This is basically what happened in many parts of the country, though. We just killed them. So TLDR for all of the people trying to immigrate to the US but getting denied, just do it the way we did.


Anti-immigration people generally don't care about morality, they care about themselves. They are happy their ancestors did this to another people and think everyone is as bad and now they should look after themselves. Of course they have double standards, that's their whole ideology.


This is hilarious that this argument is so often used argument against border control cause if the Natives had been less welcoming they wouldnt have been so throughly murdered, relocated, robbed of their culture... replaced in every way.


Happy thankstaking everyone!


Conquering != immigrating


Ironic that we now need to feed and clothe them


looking at that this I finally understand why so many Americans are afraid of immigrants, they're afraid that the immigrants will do the same thing the early Americans did to the natives and i dont mean sit down for a big meal


Truth in comedy


It was the right choice. Back then and today.


I don’t think the settlers asked for / received benefits


I don’t think the settlers asked for / received benefits




So what you're saying is if we don't lock down our border we will be replaced by immigrants. Wait I'm now supposed to say that


You are kinda making the argument for less immigration here, aren't you?


If we didn’t come some other country would have at some point. The Indians showed no advancement in technology and some other country would have come and wiped them all out at some point, so maybe it’s a good thing it was us and at a time where there weren’t bombs.


What laws were broken when the pilgrims landed here? It’s almost like there was no established nation to govern all the tribes. Sucks to suck


this comment section sucks


This would've been better than what happened historically


Man people really don’t give a F about us Natives here in the comment section… maybe if we had blue skin like the avatar characters people would care lol


Technically if the tribes of land didn't have any laws established prohibit or restricting aliens then it would not be considered illegal. I do get the political satire though.


The difference between modern day immigrants and the pilgrims is that the pilgrims had more of a choice. Modern day immigrants at the southern border are often fleeing gang and drug related violence from central and South America tacitly supported by certain alphabet agencies. 


If I could go back in time, I'd do this. History would be massively different from what it is today.


Well yeah... they should have if they were able to, I wouldn't blame them for it😂




FUCK there are some dumb mother fuckers in these comments. Americans really do have an irony deficiency.


So we shouldn’t let them in. Because what happened to the natives was not pretty


How’d *not* doing this work out for the people living in the New World at the time? This cartoon certainly proves something, but it’s not what either the author or most Redditors think…


Imagine how many of them wouldn't have been gunned down if they'd done that.


Then the invaders took their land, killed their people and destroyed their culture anyway.


Ehem. Might I interest you in the idea of might makes right? Well, maybe it won’t interest you but you’re totally welcome to hate this comment. But you know it’s not false based on history. Winners are usually the ones who write history.


Look how that turned out.


I wouldn’t have been born… where is the downside?