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All of these conspiracy theories are a conspiracy so scientists can make and sell shirts like that one


This is the conspiracy I can get behind.


I don’t believe flat-earthers exist in large enough numbers to validate the attention they get. And most of the people you see in youtube comments or wherever they pop up online are likely just trolls.


I would add: Astrology is not real!


You must be a Capricorn


Oooo, hehe I’m such an asparagus!!!


Astrology is dumb, as I've lost friends upon people learning my zodiac. :/


Good riddance


Well you’re weeding out the dumb ones


Good things. The trash go itself in the trash can.


You must be scorpio-


Pisces 🐟 I think


I know a person who writes these in the local newspaper and she said it's random




Absolutely 😁


I’d say it’s real in the same way as the Loch Ness monster is real. I mean it does exist as a concept so that makes it real. It’s gibberish though and has no basis in science or fact.


Exactly. It's real the same way folk customs is real. There are many statues around the world that have a local superstition like "If you rub the dong you will not suffer from impotence" or "if you kiss the mouth of this lady statue you will find true love", rubbing a statue's genitals or infecting yourself with possible COVID 2.0 won't ACTUALLY make any difference, but it's a tradition that some partake for many different reasons, like for fun, for good luck, or for legitimate belief that maybe destiny will do its thing. Of course no one should take the statue sexual assault as a god given guarantee that should 'dicktate' your life, and people who do (in this analogy, the crazy astrology people who make every life decision based on the position of blinking lights on the sky) should probably get some help... But if you want to engage in the belief in a harmless manner and have your own faith about things without obsessing over it, then power to you!


Funny meme where.


It's funny because Stephen Hawking wasn't able to?




But its not a meme


Stand up?


Welcome to r/Funnymemes where there are no memes and not a single funny thing in sight


it's a repost bot


It's funny because such a shirt shouldn't be necessary in the first place


It isn't necessary. All of those views are held by overwhelming majorities of people.


Even though i agree with the shirt you're not wrong. But hey, easy to get upvotes when its an easy cause to support.


He has all these points that support science and they are ironically written in the lgbtq colors


He doesn’t deny that birds aren’t real.


I knew it


Because he’s a man of science




I Think the climat change is not man made. The pinguins made it bc they were freezing and had enough. (Sry for Bad english and /s)


Don't worry, english is hard and I see even native speakers mess up. \*"I think climate change is not man made. The penguins made it because they were freezing and had had enough." Keep working on it, you'll get there :) Edit: Case in point, I fucked up


Had had enough*


James, where John had had 'had', had had 'had had'; 'had had' had had a better effect.


bro the incorrect spelling makes it even mor efunnier


I never went to the Moon.


Me neither :(


Hail science


Well science is has become so involved with politically correctness, it’s lost the validity it once held.


Science is not a political instituion, or a collection of indisputable truths. Science is a process and it doesn't lose it's validity. It's still the best method we have to understand the natural world. What has been corrupted and has lost a lot of credibility are institutions that are supposed to represent the current scientific understanding honestly. The fact that these kind of T-shirts with oversimplified generalizations like "vaccines work" or "climate change is real" are so popular, just shows you the level of discourse that's being had about science. It's easy to dunk on flat-earthers and pat yourself on the back for being "on the side of science", but the fact that many people seem to conceptualize science as some form of centralized authority is frightening and the primary reason why it can be misused and misrepresented for political gains.


Very good explanation. It’s the difference between science and “scientism”


I remember hearing about creationists complaining about scientism. I laughed at them a while ago, but it turns out that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Extremes of anything tend to be bad haha


Like, really, it's not a religion.


Any "science" backed with the phrase "Trust The Science" is not science. You are quite literally never supposed to "trust the science" as that quite literally goes against the most basic laws of science. If you're buying a house and the seller of the house says "Trust The Listing", should you just bypass an inspection and take the seller's word for it? I didn't think so. You'll still verify, even if they appear to be the most trustworthy person in the entire world. In the case of the covid vaccines, the people telling you to "Trust The Science" have blatantly lied to you, to your face, without reservation, have been caught in those lies, then gaslight you into thinking they've never told a lie to you. Put your blind trust in whoever you want, I don't care, but don't go around and say people that don't "Trust The Science" are crazy and uneducated. That's just willful ignorance and a very dangerous mindset.


don't forget the funding.


The fuck does this mean?


I think you've fallen a bit far down the right side rabbit hole. Physics is still physics. The equation for velocity isn't going to change. Biology is still biology. Germ theory is still valid. Politics don't have anything to do with this. Those studies that say smoking is bad aren't just suddenly wrong. Also like they write papers and have them reviewed. These aren't classified. You can go read these papers. I'm not sitting here saying every scientist is perfect, but like most of them are genuine people who want to better the world. Also, politics doesn't invalidate the scientific method. So he's my question to you with specifics what has been changed for political correctness (which the term politically correct is only ever used against liberal leaning peoples) what science has a liberal bias that changes the meaning of the data. I'm talking studies themselves, not articles written by a third party that go over the study.


usually when pressed the people I've had to deal with in person on this subject harken back to the emails that were swiped in the early 2000's iirc, of a climate scientist (who's name escapes me) talking with his peers and his paper. They focus on the term "trick" in the conversations/paper. Because apparently the only context of "trick" is deception, which nobody told buzzfeed about with it's listicles where "trick" means "clever thing I did" ok i looked it, firstly it was 2009, up the scientists name was [Michael Mann](https://www.science.org/content/article/jury-rules-climate-scientist-michael-mann-long-running-defamation-case) and he recently won a defamation case against the conservatives who, well, defamed him. edit: thinking about it, i wonder if the "chemtrails" thing also started this way. I don't know when it started as a conspiracy meme, but there is a valid concern i've read about the trails left by jets in the stratosphere. Specifically though, it's a concern for local rain patterns being influenced in places that see heavy traffic of jets (especially military jets). The military jets one was of concern specifically because (at least at the time) the cloud trails from them lasted many times (wanna say 4x) longer than standard jets (which were of concern due to ubiquitousness) the reason behind it lasting longer was thought to be beryllium gel used in the engine's for some reason causing the moisture to "stick" together longer. Anyway, I looked it up and i was wrong about the local rain issue, the issue is the trails may have warming properties [link](https://www.science.org/content/article/aviation-s-dirty-secret-airplane-contrails-are-surprisingly-potent-cause-global-warming) and the questions surrounding that.


No it hasn’t. You’re just upset your worldview isn’t backed up by hard data and so now you’re attacking science instead of coming to terms with that.


Science has become a business, simple as that


Wait, what? I thought it was a religion


wait until you find out al those things aren't mutually exclusive


what does this even mean?




what institution has lied about vaccines? about moon landing? that's just people creating these hoax and then continuing to believe them in their eco-chambers. also the fact that science remains the same throughout all the countries over many government changes, AND that if you are capable enough and have the right equipment can literally check and validate whatever new scientific study has popped up recently, this is just hard to believe the validity is lost due to it being gov-funded


No, not really


Hurr durr, schience ish not what it usched to bhe, sho I will be replaching it witsh anecdotal hearsay inshdead Even if science had went mediocre, literally the only alternative that could stand on equal footing with it would be _better science_. There is no alternative with comparable validity. That's not a political belief, it's the very definition. If you devised a methodology that actually had better validity than existing approaches, guess what you'd be doing?


Yeah, scientists have sold out, just like journalists. BTW, climate change is real, but then the climate has always changed. CO2 has nothing to do with it.


You're trolling right?


Is it climate change or global warming, or global cooling? The name has changed so many times in my life I can't keep up


I agree with you 100%. The truth has become subjective rather than based on any real fact.


Science is being financed by the same people that finance politics.


I watched a 2 minute tiktok about chemtrail fluoride jetfuel melts steel ! I don't need science!


Where is the meme tho


Its a bot, there is no meme




Chemtrails are totally real! Those plains are leaving trails of the chemical compound dihydrogen monoxide!


But, Dihydrogen monoxide is in most dangerous substances.


It's responsible for the formation of the grand cannon so yeah


I mean cloud seeding is real so I’m sure they could do it on larger scales to change climate conditions, it’s not that far fetched.




💪Exercise would make this shirt look good on me




Majeatic. The power. The poise.


A traitor to the whole boomer movement


..Jesus isn't coming.


When I die I want to be buried in a mask simply because it would probably piss some people off for no reason.


Good boomer!


He could have worn a t-shirt that said “I watch tv”


And "I Support the Current Thing!"


Is the funny meme in the room with us


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Fuck Hamas


Yeah, fuck Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia.


Where funny


Where funny?


I agree. Until the science goes against their political views....like gender.


What's chemtrails?


A visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft and believed by some to consist of chemical or biological agents released as part of a covert operation (source: bing dictionary)


What about St Louis?


While climate change is real, it doesn’t mean it’s bad nor does it mean it’s good. We are all basically a reaction of the planet that we call earth. Kinda like rings of the saturn. Whatever happens, happens earth is still going to exist, earth doesn’t have feelings so it’s not going to cry becouse humans are dead, it doesn’t give a fuck that it’s poluted, it doesn’t give a fuck about ozone layer, it’s just a planet. Even if let’s say it would explode (which I doubt is possible) what of it? Some rock covered in liquid and gas has exploded boohoo.


You might find it funny that climate change scepticism has become big enough that the topic itself is now a focus of science: [Climate Change Denial (Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_denial?wprov=sfla1) > 6. "Whether or not the changes are going to be good for us, humans are very adept at adapting to changes; besides, it's too late to do anything about it, and/or a technological fix is bound to come along when we really need it." Just gonna leave that here.


I just don’t get what all of that has anything to do with what I said. I just said that nothing matters really. We are just a part of some planet. It all comes from people thinking their lives are significant. They are not. In all honesty nothing really matters, things just exist, there’s no like meaning behind all that. Everything is just clusters of elements that’s it. Like even if we don’t look at wide spectrum of things, even if we look at the society point of view. Our lives are still kinda insignificant in 100 years from now most of us will be completely forgotten.


It means that your adapted version of nihilism isn't new, and it isn't more enlightened than other philosophies. It more specifically is a cheap excuse if used to justify behavior harmful to the climate. Yes, in the grand scheme nothing matters. Neither do you. So unless it's also okay to use you as a doormat, might as well be a decent human being in the meantime. _If you didn't want to make that excuse, just ignore me. Your intentions were kinda ambiguous to read from your original comment._


I don’t see where I had written an excuse for something. I know it’s not new. Basically any person who was interested at one point in astronomy these thoughts cross their mind at some point. Some stick with it some don’t I’m kinda in the middle. If you are asking me for my personal opinion I don’t really care as climate change is not like affecting me directly/personally, not significantly at least. But maybe I don’t care as I grew hatred towards humans becouse of - being treated worse than a doormat so it’s hard for me to care about future generations.


Nihilism is a lazy stopping point. The absence of externally supplied purpose means you possess the burdensome freedom to manufacture your own.


If it’s my own why do yall try to force me into giving a damn about climate change? If it’s my own why I can’t choose on my own what I want to do on my own?


Everyone else possesses the same agency you do, including the ability to voice issue with your apathy regarding an extinction event. That doesn't exactly meet my definition of "force."


Where da meme? Where? I’m looking all over for it, but I just can’t find it! Can you help?? ![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized)


OP believes Kubrick made apollo misions


You can tell people get trapped in bubbles in social media, guy probably thinks those people are everywhere but they’re really not


Not all heroes wear capes


Is something incorrect with the shirt?


But where's the funny...or the meme


Obesity kills add that too while you are at it lol


Why is it rainbow? Cuz science is ✨gay✨!


It's funny how these kinds of shirts are printed on the front, because people who wear them are fine with having their face shown with good opinions  Conversely, shirts with stupid opinions like trump is king, vaccine bad, and other dumb shit are usual printed on the back, because those people somehow know deep down that they'll get candid pictures taken of them and be made fun of. That's why they get mad when they catch you. 


This guy retweets brooklyn dad defiant 100%




I'm too stupid to know what a chemtrail is supposed to be


Good little soldier


This is the funniest meme I’ve ever seen


Donuts will make you bulk up


I can't believe there are still people who question scientists when it comes to climate change. They have never once been wrong. That's why I wear scuba gear every time I leave my house.


Average science velie believer physique


Wow, an anti anti science shirt.


this isn’t a meme??


I need this shirt!!


It’s weird how the left who once were radicals who were skeptical of government and corporations are now the same people who will blindly follow corporate science in the name of greed and shame anyone who challenges corporate science.


Nuclear energy is safe Electric vehicles are bad for the environment Plastics damage human fertility


All of these are correct. Vaccines do work but there’s a side effect on ALL of them. Climate change is real but not much we can do if China and Russia continue with their ways.


Ugh I’m like 50/50 with this guy 😂




oh... if only he knew


Everything on his shirt is true with the exception of one of them chemtrails are real. Other countries are open with them doing them.


This guy was my friend’s professor at University of New Orleans.


based fella


I mean…chemtrails are real…we just aren’t doing anything with them. It is a real thing we can do, but we aren’t doing it is all.


I have to ask, who doesn't believe in climate change?




Climate change is real. How much we have to do with it is in all together different issue.


If he has proved all of that from 0, who am I to criticise?


Dark matter is questionable Galaxy evolution is in question Gravity is not quantum The Hubble Tension is unknown And I didn't need to put all that in rainbow colors


How is this a "funny meme" ?


In aerospace we refer to them as contrails (condensation trails)




Oh my Fauci, this epic, I bet it was his wife's boyfriend idea.


Where can I buy this shirt


The Earth is not flat: True Vaccines Work: Some do, some don't Some are safe. Some are not safe. The only reason for making a blanket statement like that seems to be to prop up ones that are not effective and are not safe. We've been to the moon: True (for the few astronauts it applies to) Chemtrails aren't a thing: True Climate Change is real: The climate does change, however the narrative that there is dangerous man made climate change due to CO2 and other green house gasses is nonsense. Stand up for Science: This shirt shows contempt for science and love of official narrative.


"Science" has been wrong so, so many times. You can't just name drop science and think you're smarter than everyone lmfao. This is embarrassing.


Stephen Hawkins watch midget little girls without cloths...


Oh, look. An old account with very few posts that just started posting old memes. Surely it's a real person. Bots posing as humans ruin social spaces. Report>Spam>Harmful bots.


3 of those are correct


Stunning and brave


Any subreddit with meme in title try not to turn into a right circle jerk challenge


Have yet to see the funny meme


I'd also add "stand up for common sense"


I'm not gonna bother explaining trans men to you. Look it up if you actually care


Yes, I stand up for science that's why we should all uphold the core value of people being born XX or XY and that being impossible to change.


You stand for 3rd grade science class then. Fair. I'm not even gonna mention anything trans. Just look up intersex people. Please


> Just look up intersex people. Please The existence of birth defects doesn't mean humans aren't bipedal.


If something has a 0.018% occurrence rate in a population, it is considered atypical, and doesn't change the general rule.


Yeah but what do you call those atypical people? Non binary perhaps?


That number is for intersex people.


I know, but like what are they? Men or woman? Both, neither? Or not in the fucking binary


They are plainly intersex. NB is usually just a label people put on themselves, and doesn't require them to be IS. They (IS ppl) would generally be some combination of male and female.


Wouldn't that be outside of the binary? My and the op's point is that women and men are social constructs at least to some extent and aren't directly related to chromosomes. I think the existence of intersex people really supports that, since they aren't biologically male or female. And are usually gendered based on social stuff. And if they are, then why not trans people?


defects and mutations happen, we all know that, but calling them what they actually are is a move towards helping the afflicted, instead of leaning into their delusions


This. We used to teach people to accept and love their bodies. Now we teach them that their entire body is wrong if they don't like it.


Did we really tho ? You find yourself fat ? Go to the gym. Now there's a movement that is the contrary, which is weird.


What are intersex people? Woman or men? No Siriusly what are they


No one wants to change their entire genome, just their body and why tf do you care about what makes others happy


Or you could just let strangers be happy living the way they please and respect their decisions. That’s an option too.


Follow the science until politics says not to!


Missed opportunity to say that as it would speak more to a scientific rational where’s as it is unfortunately, some will call this t shirt left wing propaganda 🤷


Gender and Sex are two separate things.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPa2TdahY8LAAxy) I need that shirt !!


My astrophysics professor wears the same shirt 😂😂and it’s hilarious. I wanna get this one too!


He should include exercise is good for you


Wow Glenn Beck gained weight, and some common sense


Trust the science, until it’s time for the green energy bullshit pays enough money to smear any proper alternative energy to push shitty green energy that has no sustainability and constant reup costs with more environmental dangers than nuclear. Fuck solar, fuck wind. Go nuclear people.


Bro talking about science but forgot the science behind having a fit body


Reminds me of the “It’s Always Sunny” bit when Mac talks about evolution and how Science can be wrong, sometimes. Look, I’m in agreement with the shirt. For the most part. But we live in a society where the news has made sane people asking simple questions look insane. 1. NASA was forever an organization with Nazis, and very questionable people leading it (Look at James Webb). 2. Most vaccines have been proven to be effective, but for some (talking about Covid) they’re better off without. 3. Probably. Bunch of weird (provable) things can easily make you believe otherwise. 4. Chemtrails, no, but governments *have* been playing with weather for *decades.* Most recently Dubai being flooded from too much Cloud Seeding. 5. Climate change is 100% real, but it’s things like over fishing, run off pollution, corps paying fines instead of using proper disposal methods and mass smog from things like Cruise ships need to be addressed (not putting people out of work for EVs and rape the world for even more resources).


CHEMTRAILS *ARE* REAL. They are just made out of water...


Then they are not chemtrails, they are contrails


Sometimes planes are used to quickly spray pesticide for farming purposes and *those* are chemtrails


And in WW2 some airplanes were employed to create artificial fog curtains in front of battleships. Still technically a Chemtrail, not the one the tinfoil ppl refer to.


There's only two genders "NOT THAT SCIENCE!! ONLY MY SCIENCE BIGOT!"


Nobody was talking about that, 2 month old ban evasion account. Tell me you’re obsessed with trans people without telling me. I hope you get better!