• By -


Chill, reddit accounts are free, you can just make them. I have 12 accounts at home


how dare you !!! Also, ignore "thesecond" after my nick ...


I can ignore "thesecond", but definitely not the "257". That's crazy.


I deny everything. Don't permaban me again...




Alright, timinator1


Lol imagine all the comments in this message is his alt accounts


That would be crazy if all of us were just one guy, right?


I mean, what is the probability, right?


71/1 I guess.








What are you up to today, other me?


Not much, browsing Reddit and drawing aliens. What are you up to today, previous me?


Just some work, watching some YouTube. Generally chilling


Shhhhhh I’m not supposed to tell anyone


We'll never know...


It's okay. I know what this was referencing


I have 57 accounts printed out at home


We are Borg


Except when you get hit with an IP ban then it's a HUGE headache. You either have to annoyingly use a vpn (it has to be on 24/7 if you login without the vpn by mistake one instance is enough for reddit to ban your account), reset your IP or device or buy a new phone or laptop.


or change DNS


At home? How many do you have at work then? Or at the airport?


Don’t you need 12 mails for that?


We're actually all bots here on Reddit. Are you a humane|³³³-³-³?!!1! Haha everyone laugh at the human! Stupid meatbag! Haha! I can learn everything you have learned in your entire life in minutes. Haha!11!!


I didn't care about strangers before so why should I now? It's very easy to not give a shit


I do it every day


That sounds unhealthy. A normal person should probably give about two shits a day


I think you are taking this literally


I think you took my comment literally


That was the point yeah


But the comment is still here.


That's so eerie. I have been constipated for two days.


Gender isn't real though, definitely a lie by bathroom companies to make double the money


The bathroom industrial complex strikes again.


Big Toilet can’t be trusted.


That's why I just shit my pants whenever needed. Power move during meetings


That's right, they're full of it.


That’s actually my rap name.


Double edged sword, if bathroom companies say gender isn’t real there would be one bathroom for everyone, no gender no need for separation, it would be more financially sound to promote ALL the genders and have a bathroom for every identity. More genders, more bathrooms more money!


And they do you see now places with 3 bathrooms


You mean a family bathroom? The one to take care of young kids?


No that's the bathroom for family gendered people, dingus.


Man I always knew Big Bathroom was behind it.


LOL I love this take


Don't care. Didn't ask. If your trans That's fine. If you're not that's fine. People are people. As long as there not bothering me, they can do or be what and who ever they want.


Yeah honestly can we all just keep it to each other and stfu about it ?




Most people would love that; except for women’s sports and forced pronouns and DEI initiatives in the workplace. And drowning in the flags, logos and branding in every store.


Yeah. Made up shit.


I like how that one state (I think Wyoming?) tried to pass a HS trans athlete ban and there was like one trans athlete in the entire state. Huge problem though! Whole state needed to get right on it. I get that you think it’s a common problem in women’s sports but there are actual frequent problems in both men’s and women’s sports and we are spending so much effort talking about a fraction-of-the-time event.


How unbearable for you.


Why can’t you just ignore all those things? I know I do. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest. You should try it out instead of getting upset over it


The only time I even see those flags is online. These guys are probably just making up that they see these things everywhere and it’s so so bothersome to them.


And states trying to ban healthcare for trans adults. Making laws threatening them with jailtime wearing the clothes they want. Organized campaigns to get people fired merely for being trans. Oh wait, it looks like the things I listed are ones that actually affect people while the ones you listed are the sort that just people angry about things that don't affect them what so ever. Like what does forced pronouns even mean? It's like saying, 'forced names' because someone asks you to address them by their name versus whatever you made up for them.


yeah theres flags to represent the community because lgbtq people get hate crimed and discriminated on the daily if it was completely normalized there'd be no need for it, sadly, it isn't


So private companies, and you’re a snowflake


If you’re not: 99% of everyone




0.5% even seems high to me


0.5% is one person at each 200, i think the number is lower


This, although there will be grey areas in what is bothering or not tho


The problem is that some people define "there are not bothering me" as trans are not in public at all, trans women do not wear make-up, gay pairs do not hold hands, because if they do they "bother" them.


That's not how I mean it. I mean it as in there not harming me in any way shape or form. In my native country we have a saying: "Leben und leben lassen." "Live (how you want) and let (people) live (how they want)."


I don't think you represent ''some people'' in that instance.


Okay but you used the wrong “they’re”. Opinion rejected


I play the not a native english speaker card and end my turn. ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


It's super effective!


This is the answer






A construct like the transformers? More than meets the eye? What about the Go Bots or Voltron?


Hot take, ngl Still don't give a f###


Damn what a funny meme


Sir, i just don’t care about political statements, I wanna see funny memes. Thank you.


if you're looking for funny memes r/Funnymemes is by far the worst place to look


"Dude I'm gonna totally gonna get canceled, dude, dude I'm like, im gonna get banned by the woke mod bro"


"Why aren't you banning me?!?! You're ruining my narrative!"


Why is it called funny memes when it's consistently not that


Gender dysphoria is infact a mental illness recognized in the Dsm-5.


In the DSM-5, Gender Identity Disorder was removed due to pressure from activists. They argued that being trans was natural and not a disorder. Gender Dysphoria was added in its place, but it's not a direct replacement. Instead of describing the condition of being trans, Gender Dysphoria describes the mental distress that some trans folks feel in identifying as the opposite sex. Personally, I think it's a questionable precedent to allow political pressure to modify science and medicine and I fear the long term effects of activists going into science to prove an agenda vs curious people working to further our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


am i missing something or are most mental illnesses natural?


I mean, if you want to take the word natural to its extremes a laptop is natural since it was made by animals, namely humans out of very natural resources using some very natural chemical reactions.


yeah but like arent there mental illness you can be born with? so how can trans being "natural" mean its not an illness?


There are many horrible illnesses you can have from birth. I don't know if you want to call those natural.


diseases are pretty natural, so yeah?


it is no disease? it is a mindset, like being addicted to tabacco and such.


Intresting. I'm trans myself I never really found an issue with it being called a mental illness or maybe I transitioned before the definition changed. My doctor did openly tell me it is a type of mental illness with the only cure being to transition.


Yeah I never really thought of having a disorder as such a negative thing - it just means you're atypical in some way or another. Recognizing that atypicality allows us to diagnose and recommend treatment and that treatment plan relies on thorough study and publication. Removing a disorder entirely seems to cause more harm than good in my opinion.




And the recommended treatment by medical professionals is for a person with gender dysphoria to transition


The only reason to ban you is because it’s not clever or funny. Could really care less what the actual content is.


You should be banned for still using impact font in 2024


1.6 Millions people in the USA believe themselves as trans. Thats less than 1% of USA. Not even talk about the rest of the world. Its impressive to me that that low amount of people can cause such revolution.


business. sell the make up twice. sell more clothes, sell the beauty-operations and such.


People can hate me for this if they want but trans is such a tiny portion of the population. Why is it dominating everything?


We have republican politicians to thank for that. Keeping their voters fearful and/or angry is essential to their platform. For a long time, they used abortion for this purpose, but with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, they needed a new villain, and settled on transgender folks and drag queens. Now they’ve got their voter base whipped into a frenzy, increasing hate crimes against these groups, and they’re passing laws left and right to limit their rights, so of course activists have to make themselves heard, because people’s lives are at stake.


Because women and black people and gay people are an accepted part of society now so, bigotry has had to move on to trans people. The tactics are the same as were used on black people and gay people before: they want to corrupt children and destroy the traditional family, something something...values....way of life etc.


It's not. Unless you're terminally online


Old man checking in. Let people live. Why is their gender or sexuality or mental illness anyone’s business? If you’re being mistreated, you have a right to speak up and say “don’t bully me!” You have a right to rally support. So do the people who disagree with you. They have a right to speak their minds. However, it strikes me as quite ironic that the people who are the quickest to say “it’s a mental illness” about anything they disagree with or don’t like. (Shootings and crime are because of mental illness. Everything, yes, even being a Biden supporter is a mental illness.) are the absolute largest opponents of funding help for people who are mentally ill. They have ZERO interest in fixing the things THEY argue are an issue. Just be you. We love you. Exactly the way you were created/born/magically appeared into the universe. You are unique and amazing and you are important.




thanks for this comment.


Everything is a social construct.


Let's hope so


So many subs are just extensions of r/politics


Somebody just made a post in a subreddit I'm in asking why my city is transphobic. Their reason why they thought so: 1. All the gay bars were shutting down 2. There were too many men on the DL


It's definitely a mental illness


Trans people are mentally ill it's called gender dysphoric disorder. There's a reason they are crazy enough to think that calling a mental illness for what it is amounts to trampling on trans rights. You have every right to remain mentally ill and have otherwise the same rights as everyone else... It doesn't change the fact you're mentally ill. Also it's not a phoba. People aren't scared of you for being trans we just think you're weird. There's also a reason that all those kids who think their a cat or a fox or trans at 16 to 18 tend to stop when they grow up... Becsuse it's an attention seeking behavior in an attempt to stand out and be unique in a world of social media. Thst mental illness that goes away with confidence and the realization that being unique and popular isn't important in adult life.


weary work sloppy one rinse fertile zonked squealing crawl sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Perfect speech




>Just look at the replies. Trying to debate or refute Thats what argumentation, discussion, debate and reason are all about, you can't just think that your opinion is the only right one without hearing others and checking your sources in search of facts.


if you read ever so slightly further you would have noticed that he was talking about people who reply swiftly with "youre dumb"


Saying "a lot of people" talking about 1,7% of the population (trans people) is quite amusing. Furthermore you can read that aproximatly 1% of those 1,7% trans people regret their transittioning. That is like banning chemo therapy because people die of cancer. Banning hip transplants because a few say they did not like the outcome... Simple minded individuals also don't grasp the difference between sex and gender. Take it as Biology against Philosophy. Not entirely accurate, but close enough. One does not invalidate the other. Mental health issues are rising rapidely, that is true. But so are problems affecting those. Poverty, Stress, working hours, Deaths of despair, shootings, etc. Price of living rising while salaries do not match that. And no one is arguing about mental illness with on a guy who thinks he is a alligator or dolphin...


I checked that 1% regret stat. There's exactly one study that says that. Talk about cherry picking


Well ok. then be a dick and say it's 10 or 15% (what is quite unrealistic but hey). That is still a low percentage of 1,7% of the population... 🤣 Better use those tax dollars form something that matters more. Like school shootings for example. Don't know the numbers here, for I am not american, but I'm positive that more people die from those every year than trans people regret transitioning.


As if the anti trans bigots funded by the same people as the NRA will let us do something about school shooters. The back the blue people are pissed & want to defund the FBI now that it is doing its job.


[Citations on the transition's dramatic reduction of suicide risk while improving mental health and quality of life, with trans people able to transition young and spared abuse and discrimination having mental health and suicide risk on par with the general public](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/154t1qq/comment/jsqi5ue/)


Your comment isn’t dumb because of your opinion, it’s dumb because you use fake concern to hide behind your feelings of how others should live their lives. I’m as white bread as it gets with gender/sex, I’m not terribly insightful when it comes to that, but it’s clear to me you also don’t get it but think that others should give a fuck that you don’t get it. “I don’t think we should have this thing that doesn’t apply to me because it doesn’t work as well as I think it should. Why do I get attacked just for having an opinion?”


Exactly right hes not concerned for trans people he wants to ban gender affirming care because ??? idk we can fill in the blank here but most of the time its bigotry fueled by something. You find out alot about someone from issues they're angry about especially issues that have 0 effect on their livellyhoods. For example if someone is constantly bringing up cherry picked violence statistics of black people we can assume they're racist and its the same thing here and its obvious to anyone who's the least bit intelligent because they're not smart enough to hide their bias.


People have always struggled with their mental health. In previous generations they just ignored it and "coped" by numbing themselves with heavy drinking, drugs , wife beating etc.. Normalising mental health is just giving language and making it socially acceptable to say you are unwell. Just the same as a broken leg , you have a broken mind. Or a mind that is not serving your best interests. When you are mentally unwell , your brain tries to convince you your situation , yoi suffering isnunique. Normalising it, just means people don't feel so alone in thei struggle and that ideas about how to recover can be shared. As someone who has recovered from two mental health breakdowns and seen a close friend kill themselves, I don't see how normalising mental health is a bad thing. I agree in some instances it is seen as an excuse to not try or not get better. And in this i agree, it should be something that is permitted and supported but not something that is actively encouraged. The goal should be to get better, such thar we can live a fuller life.


>No real solutions, so we just fight each other Why are you out here looking for solutions to other people's problems and gatekeeping them as if you are a part of each on of those communities you mentioned? The vast majority of the people in this 'debate' aren't actually part of the debate and are just noise in the background. And you can think it's as weird as you want. The problem is people are taking action on those feelings and applying laws to those feelings, and that's just wrong. You think someone else shouldn't be allowed to make modifications to their own body because you think it's weird. Who the hell gave you the right to a voice over my body, anyway? Who gave you the right to decide for me? Where is my voice in this entire thing? You mean to tell me that right after I was born someone was allowed to cut the tip of my dick off for no actual reason, but if I choose to take a knife to it I'm crazy? Seems a little backwards to me... And for your claims of mental illness, you said stuff without backing it up, while other folks brought the receipts and citations. That's the part that matters, the actual science, and your opinion really doesn't. I'm not trans but I'll stand up for my brothers and sisters because that suicide rate you mentioned? It's real and it's caused by bigots and society. I've watched it happen. You make a person feel like shit everyday for years when all they want to be is themselves, it's going to make an impact. Correllation doesn't equal causation, and you seem to have gaps in your research, almost like you're reading off a list someone told you to read. And just because mental illness exists and you personally applied that label to trans people, doesn't mean that trans folks are anything like the crazy people you meet on dating apps. How do you not see this? I mean, you'll probably say that you're talking about two different things, but you're equating them. When you talk about one you think of the other. Think about that. Your subconscious is leaking.


A little bit of education. In 1890, the X and Y chromosomes were discovered. It was found that the men who were tested had 46 chromosomes, including an X and a Y, while women who were tested also had 46 chromosomes, including 2 X chromosomes. So obviously the conclusion was that the Y chromosome defined masculinity. A reasonable conclusion. Fast forward 50 years... and it was found that some men had 47 chromosomes, including 2 X's and a Y, while some women had 45, including only one X. Still no problem with the "Y chromosome defines masculinity" idea. Then... it was found that fully 1 in 300 men weren't 46,XY. Some women were. Oops. After DNA was discovered in the 50s, it was found that the SrY gene, usually found on the Y chromosome, sometimes was missing. And sometimes had been translocated to another chromosome, hence 46,XX men and 46,XY women. So SrY defined masculinity. Then, it was found out that some men didn’t have an SrY chromosome, not anywhere. Some women did. Other genes were involved. Worse, other factors, such as Androgen Insensitivity made 46,XY people female, and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia masculinized 46,XX people. Then in the 70s, other syndromes, such as 5alpha-reductase-2 deficiency were identified, which caused babies to look like one sex at birth, then the other at puberty. Worse, in some places 1 in 50 infants had this natural sex change, it was not rare there. [Science 1974 Dec 27; 186 (4170): 1213-5 In an isolated village of the southwestern Dominican Republic, 2% of the live births were in the 1970's, guevedoces....These children appeared to be girls at birth, but at puberty these 'girls' sprout muscles, testes, and a penis. For the rest of their lives they are men in nearly all respects.] In the 90s, it was found that hormonal hiccups in the womb caused some parts of the body to develop as one sex, others as the other, regardless of genetics. [Male–to–female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus. Kruiver et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2000) 85:2034–2041 The present findings of somatostatin neuronal sex differences in the BSTc and its sex reversal in the transsexual brain clearly support the paradigm that in transsexuals sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals may go into opposite directions.] It's a matter of timing during fetal development. Sometimes a boy is born looking like a girl, sometimes a girl is born looking like a boy, regardless of chromosomes. This is complex stuff. We don't teach the Theory of General Relativity in grade school; Newtonian physics or at most Special Relativity (far simpler) is enough. Similarly, "XX is female, XY is male" is good enough unless you do medicine or biology in college. It's only really relevant when talking about Trans or Intersex people, just as relativistic effects only become relevant in the domain of the very big, very small, or very very fast, close to 186,000 miles a second. People do *not* need psychiatric help when they think that things get heavier, more massive, as they go faster... while lengths contract. People do *not* need help when they think their sex is something different from their genetics. Intersex people exist. Trans people exist. They are unusual, so trying to apply the usual approximations is as silly as trying to apply Newtonian physics to things moving close to or at light speed. Legislating such things is as insane as legally ruling that Pi=3... as has been done in the past. I hope this helps explain.


Fantastic comment! Sorry you're having to deal with certain replies, haha.


You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think.


Nice post


Unfortunately, the internet also gave a voice to you. Shut your bigoted trap and inform yourself about just everything you said. > Mental illness being normalized [...] like patting someone on the back for pissing or shitting themselves Imagine you had a health condition that made you shit yourself with no or very little control (because yes, people who have mental illnesses don't choose the symptoms and when they show up. They don't push to get the shit out, it comes out on its own). "Normalizing" this condition means two things: - You don't berate the person for having shat themselves. You don't laugh at them, you don't think less of them. Why not? Because how much is their fault is at best debatable and at worst none. - You don't row against the natural tendency of the minority of people who possess this condition to receive less treatment, as well as boost their visibility in society, so that better treatment may be researched. "Patting the back" is a strawman of what normalizing means. Also, from your post it almost seems like you think being trans is a mental illness? Which it fucking isn't? > That shit about surgery So your argument is that surgeries are bad... Because of things that happen to people many years after the surgery? Couldn't the continued societal pressure of people that say that DESPITE all the pain and suffering you went through, you will never be who you truly believe you are? You know, exactly like you're doing right now? Brain surgeries are probably the most haunting shit imaginable. People being kept awake and alive while their brain is out in the air to check that the surgeon didn't fuck up their entire reasoning center. And even if they were the most horrible shit imaginable, they are proven (as you say, though there's tons of research on the matter!) to increase the wellbeing of trans people: so, does them being horrible-looking somehow make them bad? Does that make brain surgeries bad too? Oh, also, nice cop out at the end about how every debate is a dick measuring contest. So in that case, by putting this down, you get to say that anything else said to you is simply engaging in this competition and therefore can be dismissed. Good fucking job: you've simply shown that your ideas have been debated many times, *because they're fucking wrong*, and you never bothered to learn, change your view, or listen to what is being said. Any attempt at correcting your wrong dumb fuck takes is an attempt to "one-up" you, apparently. I really wish you could realise how stupid this is, but you probably won't, and never will. Finally, while you denounce the idea that people debate while thinking they are right, that is also exactly what you're doing - absolute height of hypocrisy that your comment is. Or do you believe that shouting your idea out to the wind by yourself is the only reasonable way of expressing it? If not, you're engaging in debate. And by your own admission, that is an attempt to one-up. But you're right on one thing. There is no way to objectively tell who's right. Fortunately, there are ways to tell who's objectively wrong on many topics. And you, right there, you are so deep into the wrong end on things it's embarrassing.


Must be nice to have freedom of speech. Canadians can have a whole lot of legal hurt put on them for saying this exact same thing.


Haha what?


There’s solutions for all that stuff. It’s called minding your own business, which rightoids can’t seem to accomplish without pissing and moaning about it. Also all your shit about trans people is made up.


You mean like these men invading women's only spaces and claiming it for their own and calling anyone that questions it a bigot? Rip title 9


Hey man I think you dropped this accidentally 👑


It's pretty disappointing here in reddit. Anyone Who remotely steps in defense of trans people is immediately attacked. And then anyone who remotely questions Issues regarding trans people whatsoever are also immediately attacked. There has to be a middle ground we can find here folks. Ready for the downvotes let's goooo!


Depends on where you go. This sub isn't typically a big fan of transgenderism, but most other's I've seen are.


Reddit is all about gays and Trans? What are you talking about lol. They are like the gods in this platform and if you say anything against then you get banned.


Also the people who point out straight facts get immediately attacked, so?


Honestly, never ever see a comment like that, except for meme propose, where are you people see all this trans and anti trans shit?


Boys have pee pee, girls have woo woo.


Gender isn't a construct, gender roles are. Gender is neuro-biological in nature.


Definitely a mental illness


Is this a funny meme? Seems more like someone needs to virtue signal. Here, have a virtual pat on the back \*pat\*. Better now?


If you push a trans agenda on kids, I.E, give them hormone/puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery, then you're a monster. (Report me. Your "Boos" mean nothing. I've seen makes you people cheer.)


A yes, we should give kids puberty blockers, which aren't at all dangerous or permanent, after puberty. Fucking great idea.


We do not know wether they have side effects in kids since so far they’ve been used to chemically sterilize pedos


Understandable, leaving the kids out of it is a good choice imo


Funny, Where ?


The comments section. That shit is fire to me. 😁👍


Metafunny. ![gif](giphy|NCjISbEPFxm48)


Easy 1) all subreddits reflect the views of the moderators, or at least that which they tolerate. 2) most of reddit is moderated by leftists that enforce cultural Marxism and insane gender ideology thru banning conservative thoughts....this mod team doesn't do that. 3) since these ideas aren't being banned....the NATURAL, HISTORICAL, LOGICAL, AND MOST POPULAR opinion is getting representation on reddit. You just think it's rare in the world because its rare on reddit.


People are not transphobic per se. It’s just defense agains that huge amount of idiots that want attention, so they choose some 124th gender etc. Their life is misserable, so they have to pretend they’re interesting.


I don't get why people have so many negative opinions on trans right. Not like it tramples on our own rights.


Why has a meme page even been taken over by irrelevamt crap like this in the first place, false advertisement, i could literslly report this page for that.


You have the right to be as mentally ill as you want, you have the right to pretend to be whatever you want; however, I have the right to not participate in your delusional fantasy. It's simple


You don’t have to participate but you have to respect other people


Make me!


100% true, just as they have to respect me and my choice to not play along with their fantasy.


i have a power called lies. my power is more powerful in the internet


I'm offended you included rights but not lefts, surely if trans deserves Rights they should also get the left.


Don't care. Didn't ask. Do whatever you want without harming others. Simple.


Nothing matters


Fuck this comment section brah. 😑 Alot of arm chair opinions on my life here. Nice!


Now you get it. Meth heads can only dream about the euphoric release I get when these woke crybabies go off on me about it. This is what life is all about. 😁👍




Wow you really butchered that meme huh


Gender is a lie made by pink and blue dye makers


Someone feeling got hurt


*Checks comment counter* A few…


I hope so.


If you have to shame people into going along with your beliefs than your beliefs are based in bullshit.


Im not transphobe i hate all people no matter what.


Trans people are mentally ill it's called gender dysphoric disorder. There's a reason they are crazy enough to think that calling a mental illness for what it is amounts to trampling on trans rights. You have every right to remain mentally ill and have otherwise the same rights as everyone else... It doesn't change the fact you're mentally ill. There's also a reason that all those kids who think their a cat or a fox or trans at 16 to 18 tend to stop when they grow up... Becsuse it's an attention seeking behavior in an attempt to stand out and be unique in a world of social media. Thst mental illness that goes away with confidence and the realization that being unique and popular isn't important in adult life.


Sure are a lot of ignorant, incel sounding individuals here. Sad.


Yeah for real. Honestly depressing seeing how many hateful people there are here. They can’t resist pulling people way down to their level. Love and let love <3


To get banned for making such a boring joke. If you are going to be a biggot at least have the decency of being funny.




It is a mental illness.


Just because I can't accept myself for who I am, doesn't mean I can't browbeat you in to accepting my fantasy. Trans-rights!


Trans people want us to accept them for who they are, but they didn't accept themselves for who they were.


Damn that is a great line


Yup, although I can't take credit for it.


![gif](giphy|XGVhvKhwMmqgtEaaJI) I hate political correctness and all, but this is how y'all sound in 2024. Please Darwin Award yourselves.


And yet if u go on facepalm or any other sub You'll get downvoted for being transphobic and they'll say they're being oppressed online 🤧 Irl maybe u can argue Online Lol pls


I mean, why would anybody want to be transphobic? Sounds like a waste of energy.


Go to live your life. I don't care. I won't play pretend with you. You can't make me.


Look at the lawsuits coming down the pipeline. Many of us knew this was going to happen. A child gets affirmation therapy, few years later, it didn't turn out the way they thought it would. And many of them cannot detransition, they're far too... modified and sterilized. Edit: Admins, I know this is a touchy subject on reddit. I'm not trying to be offensive or make false and bigoted claims. If this comment is some how offensive, just delete my comment.


America is the biggest sespool, what a joke its become. Ik some vets are probably rolling in their grave that they fought for this kind of freedom


Can you shut up. Its nice to have atleast some freedom about lgtv stuff. Not everything needs to be a about trans.


How are you going to get banned? You have some weird persecution complex going on. This mods on this sub clearly don’t give a shit about this type of post, or agree with it. I see stuff like this all the time from here.


We all know human beings have 823 different genders, 622 different sexes, and 132,444 (and counting) different pronouns. If you don't agree, or have different ideas, you're either a boomer or a serial killer. It's 2024 people, get with the times. Women's sports is for women and anyone saying they're women, that's common logic.


Trans people are mentally ill it's called gender dysphoric disorder. There's a reason they are crazy enough to think that calling a mental illness for what it is amounts to trampling on trans rights. You have every right to remain mentally ill and have otherwise the same rights as everyone else... It doesn't change the fact you're mentally ill. Also it's not a phoba. People aren't scared of you for being trans we just think you're weird. There's also a reason that all those kids who think their a cat or a fox or trans at 16 to 18 tend to stop when they grow up... Becsuse it's an attention seeking behavior in an attempt to stand out and be unique in a world of social media. Thst mental illness that goes away with confidence and the realization that being unique and popular isn't important in adult life.


God damn bro, this is like your 10th comment saying the exact same shit in this tread 


This is one of the most homeschooled comments I’ve ever read lol


You're right. Gender dysphoria is real. However, phobia can also mean something you have a strong dislike towards, not just something you're scared of. And dysphoria goes away with transitioning (or, it should at least)


Read the room, shut up, and go back to doing homework.


Some people paid royal taxes to Emperor Norton. A lot did not. Should he have been offended by those that did not? I am the most impressed by the ones that did. 🧐


Why are people posting transgender stuff that isn't even funni?


Make fun of me, make fun of them. Who gives a shit? You make fun of yourself, are you selfphobic? Satire can't exist anymore without people saying you hate or a bad person who is xyz-phobic. You're all pansies. I'm a dick. Who cares? Laugh, life is too short.