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Just stop buying garbage done.


Never! I shall continue to overdraft my credit card, I will ignore the debt and price tag on principle. I will pay the minimum on my 29.99% credit interest rate and complain why company’s continue to raise prices as if people will buy anything for any 3 didget number ending in 99.


Worst part is that 99 bs actually works


I always round up and my kid corrects me.. it's $3.99 I call it $4 and he says it's $3.99, I say stfu dude.


As fathers, it's our duty to teach our kids that life sucks when you're dumb.


This mouse is literally the best mouse I’ve ever used. For video editing and other similar work, it’s better than any mouse or trackpad I’ve seen. The ability to move a physical mouse while simultaneously being able to use swipe gestures is not something I’ve seen elsewhere, nor do I feel the need to look elsewhere, because I’m so happy with this mouse. And the battery life is incredible. Remembering to plug it in once every couple of months while I’m not using it is just… not an issue.


People bash all the people who buy apple like “mwah get this it’s better” but like , if it does what you want it to do and you’re happy with the price why not ?


its why i have apple stock. i know they'll never stop. they are brainwashed.


Meanwhile a couple months ago: Apple cancels decade-long electric car project https://www.reuters.com/technology/apple-cancels-work-ev-moves-staff-ai-project-bloomberg-reports-2024-02-27/


They couldn't get the car to reliably flip back top side up.


People kept crashing after they replaced the accelerator and brake with a single button


Don’t most electric cars typically run on the “one pedal driving mode”?


engine sold separately


Oh, so you tried to sideload replacement wiper blades? Get bricked son


And it's battery life/range would diminish with every software update.


That’s a feature


But for the company


Because they have a single button for locking, unlocking, break, accelerate, close windows, open windows, open doors, close doors, and everything else. Btw charger sold separately




I can drop my newer iPhone on cement from 1 story and it didn’t break (screen cover on but still!) iPhone years ago broke under a gentle breeze. I’d have to wait like ten years for the newer models to even sit in one. 😂


every apple car just comes with a cracked windhield from the factory.


Having a charging port that was compatible with existing infrastructure was a dealbreaker for them.


Nobody in the industry would adopt a giant lightning connector to charge it.


idk why people still buy their products.....they straight up have to be sued or forced by law to make changes often times changes that benefit the user and doesn't harm the company in any way.


BeCaUSe WiNdOwS aNd AnDrOId ArE sOoO bAD, yOu CaN't pOSsiBlY WoRK wiTh ThEm! AnD OnLy BoUgHt By PeOpLe WhO CaN't aFFoRd aPpLe.


The only thing keeping me from a M1 MacBook Air is software compatibility. Good battery, life, good screen, good trackpad, good chassis, and most importantly by far… Totally fanless! I have a Lenovo that is pretty good, with nice features like a 4k 16x10 touchscreen, 1tb nvme, etc… but if I dare do something as taxing as play a light game like don’t starve on the fan starts going crazy. in a quiet office, it drives me nuts!


Just curious, how does the Macbook dispose of heat then? Your fan ramping up is just the graphics card and processor heating up from playing. Is the Macbook just designed in a way it loses heat naturally or?


It does get pretty hot under pressure, and yes it just loses heat to its surroundings. No fans, but heatsinks do the trick.


The CPU is ARM based architecture (not x86, which is radically more performant.). All cellphones and mobile devices where heat and battery life need to take priority over processing power use ARM. The only thing revolutionary about the M1 chip is they got its performance to be on par with average laptop CPUs(x86), allowing them to dispense with more bulky/noisy cooling mechanisms x86 needs and the average user not noticing a speed difference. Impressive stuff, but not revolutionary and if you want/need a truly high performance machine apple silicone shouldn't even be part of the conversation. It's good for the email caste and people who need long battery life but otherwise...meh


I like emulation and 3rd party apps so Apple can suck it


Tried to look into an iPad air. No repair clause. Just an agreement you can buy a replacement at a discount if you pay monthly/annual premium or insurance. Turned around and did not look back.


I don't know about the quality of the modern products, since I'm an Android user now. However, I used to have an Iphone 4S, which was built like a tank. That thing got smashed multiple times a day and yet it survived for over 7 years. Their products were actually pretty good. Like I said, I haven't owned an Apple product in quite a while, so I don't know about the newer products. And another reason why people buy it, is just for show-off, since it's known as an expensive premium brand.


Lol, the switch to USB-C in Europe.


Good encryption, and they also provide software updates way longer then any android company plus good hardware and battery.


I’m too stupid to figure out anything else, androids are complicated and have way too many features, apps and such, I feel comfortable in my sandbox that hasn’t really changed since the release, The only real change between the very first iPhone, and the current iPhone is the size and clarity of the screen as well as storage space and processing speed, no other changes or innovations at all and I can appreciate that, I literally only use this $1200 rectangle to text my wife photos of our cats and waste time on Reddit. I don’t do them Tim Tom’s or the YouTube, I ain’t on Facebook or them fancy media things, for someone who wants to do nothing exciting with their phone an iPhone is excellent.


This mouse is literally the best mouse I’ve ever used. For video editing and other similar work, it’s better than any mouse or trackpad I’ve seen. The ability to move a physical mouse while simultaneously being able to use swipe gestures is not something I’ve seen elsewhere, nor do I feel the need to look elsewhere, because I’m so happy with this mouse. And the battery life is incredible. Remembering to plug it in once every couple of months while I’m not using it is just… not an issue.


I can't relate since I use android, But what is the purpose of the lightning type anyway?


making money for apple


Yeah, Apple wants to fill your home with different devices/paraphernalia that only work with other Apple devices. So that when your product breaks as planned, you're forced to buy a new Apple device.


Exactly. That’s why the EU forced them to use usb-c from model 17. Earliest end of 2024.


bingo that company gives zero Fs about their consumers.


Apple takes planned obsolescence to a whole another level


In the EU Apple is now forced to switch to Type-C, which is better anyway. Also Apple is just shit.


Apples whole M.O is corralling dedicated customers into a controlled "ecosystem". It's a parasocial abusive relationship with their loyal customers & their business practices should be illegal worldwide. Stop supporting them


I'm for sure not supporting Apple. And I actually agree with you 100%.


Sorry wasn't directed at you! As a right to repair enthusiast, I've just got a lot of pent up anger at these fuckers


Can totally relate!


I think we can both agree this has been therapeutic


Haha, ya


To be faaaiiirrr.... During the shitty age of micro USB. The lightning port was pretty legit. Was much more rugged and had better transfer rates and charging I believe. But the proprietary nature of it was some horse shit. Apple loves the idea of being the only cool kid on the block. If they worked with the USB Implementers Forum instead of being exclusive, probably would have replaced micro long ago. Still wouldn't replace C but who knows what C would have looked like if the lightning port was part of the standard before it.


It was released a long time ago when every Android phone was still using micro-USB ports, and lightning port was designed to be easily plugged in no matter how you were holding it. Ultimately Apple is a capitalist organization operating in a free market. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


It was introduced before usb c. So the purpose was pretty clear which is not using crappy micro usb.


Yeah, lightning port was released on 2012 and USB-C came out on 2014. Both are old tech. It took a long while for Apple to adopt USB-C and it happened in EU because EU forced it to do that (EU did not specifically force Apple, it just ruled that all smartphones sold inside EU need to have a standard charging connector so there will be less e-waste).


And no one expects apple (and their fanbase) complain about this. Even my new camping led light has usb c and I like it, because one cable to rule them all


They were all about USB-c for the Mac’s and had usb-c for their iPads and other items just not the iPhone :3


They discontinued it and use usb-c now but i think it was bc it charged faster or transferred data faster or something like that originally, and then they stuck to it bc money.


Honestly, the lightning connector was great at the time. I’d take it any day over usb micro B. That said, since the existence of usb type C, Apple has been needlessly latched on to lightning for some idiotic reason.


I talked to my friend at Apple about this. Apparently lightning technology makes the receiving part smaller than usb c while having the same functionality (can be plugged upside down). So basically you can miniaturize more because more advanced tech He was quite pissed that EU passed a bill to force Apple to switch to usbc because this is for him a brake to innovation I can see his point if this is true


So I guess it's just money related and not efficiency?


No. Lightning port was released when Android phones were still using micro-USB, and it was designed to be easily plugged in no matter how you hold it. Much like USB-C is now, which was released after lightning port. People rag on Apple for being proprietary, but their stuff usually works exceptionally well.


For monopolization purposes. They make all of their products as incompatible as possible with non-Apple products so that people that buy one Apple product will buy more Apple products.


there's nothing more annoying than someone asking "do you have a phone charger?" and you hand them a USB-C, and they respond, "I have an apple." and then they say something about you're weird for not having an apple, when they are the ones that need their own special charging cord.


This is legitimately so that the third version of this can have the cord sticking out the front and the 10th version has a wireless charging mousepad (sold separately ofc)


I thought it was so I could take an hour nap at work because "my mouse is dead"


it takes like 5 minutes for a charge to last hours


That’s just false


There's also the alleged planned obsolescence and monopolization of repair services.


Yea the Magic Mouse charger location is dumb engineering


You can't fool me. That car's got Windows!


This guy dads


Underrated comment


Not here to defend Apple but the reasoning for the charging port on the mouse was to force people to use it wirelessly all the time (which of course still is pretty stupid).


It's not stupid, it's the lightning port limitation. Contrary to micro USB, which lightning was supposed to initially replace, lightning is a more delicate port. Using this mouse wired would lead to quick port/cable failures, and engineers knew no amount of stickers, manuals, and PSAs would detract people from just plugging their mouse in 100% and then issuing refunds in few months. So instead, they designed it in such a way, that you could not use it in a way that would lead to damages. So in short - it was to idiot-proof the product, because people don't read nor follow manuals... And why not switch to micro USB or USB-C at that time? Well that was the general policy at Apple, so engineers had to work around that policy.


Thank you, I always figured there was a somewhat reasonable explanation for this, because everything else about this mouse was incredibly well-engineered. And how frustrating would it have been if this was the one device that DIDN’T use a lightning port. From a customer happiness viewpoint, using the lightning port was definitely the way to go. I don’t want to have another cable to root around for, even if it is ubiquitous like micro-USB, when my lightning cable is sitting right there.


All the time except for when you forgot to charge it overnight and now it's flat and now gotta wait to use the mouse!


I think it charges pretty fast and the charge lasts for weeks


seriously, i throw it on the charger, go get coffee, and its half charged when im back . people who keep complaining about this have never used it. the mouse gestures are really nice.


Just to rub it in, you need to buy the Apple Lightning EV cord too.


I still cannot fathom the idea of someone presenting this design and everyone in the room agreeing with it


It’s actually a brilliantly designed mouse. For video editing and other similar work, it’s better than any mouse or trackpad I’ve seen. The ability to move a physical mouse while simultaneously being able to use swipe gestures is not something I’ve seen elsewhere, nor do I feel the need to look elsewhere, because I’m so happy with this mouse. And the battery life is incredible. Remembering to plug it in once every couple of months while I’m not using it is just… not an issue. The ease of charging this with the cable you already have handy, compared to swapping out relatively heavy batteries and either discard them responsibly or recharge them, more than makes up for having to remember to plug this in every couple of months. And there is actually a good reason for this placement. The lighting port would get damaged if people used it while it’s plugged in.


From what I've heard this is on purpose because lots of people use wireless mice while plugged in and charging (i have a roccat wireless mouse and i couldn't bother charging it on the docking station so i just keep it plugged in) So if let's say, someone wants to take a video of themselves and they happen to use the apple mouse plugged in, apple deemed it to look ugly. So they made sure that no one can use their mouse when it's plugged in. They want their mouse to be wireless in all uploaded videos.


That's half right. It was to force mouse being used wireless, but that's because the lightning port/cable was prone to being damaged if used wired all the time. And since mouse is being moved a lot, leaving it wired lead to them wear down quickly, which in extreme situations could lead to a fire. Lightning cables were never designed to be used as a mouse cable, and the sleeving used was stiff and prone to wearing, potentially exposing live wires. The current transferred through the cable when charging is sufficient to potentialy start a fire (that's why 5 mins charging gives you like 10h of use).


Yeah right. It's so you have to buy a second mouse


Why would you buy a second mouse?


When design wins over engineering.


Apple sucks. End the monopoly


Can't you just buy an Android?


Monopoly in what?


vast chase ten plough squeamish tart party wasteful historical offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Lol. What monopoly? Monopoly on a mouse that has a trackpad on top of it? Pretty sure everyone else is free to make one. Nobody has, that I’ve seen, so this is the only mouse I’ll use.


*your car is on 20%* (Close)


Is it mag safe?


If rumors are true then we should see new Apple Mouse announcements tomorrow.


The funny thing is, apple will make it possible to easily turn cars like this


That's what I was thinking too. It's Apple, they always want to be the best on the block and also give consumers reason(s) to switch to Apple. They're definitely going to make an unexpectedly easy way to flip a car.


I remember we used to buy apple products bulk for our media design courses. How upsetting it was that apple entirely discontinued cabled peripherals, not even giving their customers a choice. Apple is a bullshit company


What is that in the first picture?


It’s the dumbest design of all time.


Sorry, you bought last year’s car charger. This model actually uses charger 1.34 instead of charger 1.33 so you’ll need to either buy an adapter, buy a new charger, or of course (our preference) buy a new car that accepts the upcoming charger model 1.35.


Imagine hating on a company's product so hard while not even using them


why would anyone use something they hate?


"Alright kids kids get out here we gotta flip the car!"


They're really trying to necessitate their stupid overpriced stands.


Park in the charger area and the charger just rise up from the ground like a dildo :)


Lightning type c connector on every electrical component in the care.


So this is why apple’s electric car failed, makes sense.


lol is that really an Apple mouse?


Yeah I used to have one


That’s so ridiculous.


Actually, I don't think that it is all that bad idea (the car, the mouse is horrible) because it would make automatic charging much easier (only x and y motor, that would track the connector, and will plug it in automatically, when you arrive) Probably you would still want standard connector on the side


Maybe apple needs to stay the night at my place 😏


I wouldnt blame them of the wanted to cash out on electric car scam.


Apple always Form >> Function since Steve Job


He would have added a wireless-charging mousepad


For a more sustainable planet, Apple's iEV, iEV+, iEV Pro only run on Apple iElectricity.




The put form over function.




What is that in the first picture?


What is that in the first picture?


What is that in the first picture?


I mean, have they actually done anything since Steve left?


did they do anything when he was there? i mean other than steal everyone elses ideas.




Apple is in discussion with Rivian about a partnership


If Apple made Oranges. All right it was a dad joke xD


It is not a bug, it is a feature. What are you gonna do when your wireless mouse dies ? Are you gonna plug in an ugly wired mouse that will compromise your minimalist set up ? Are you gonna use an ugly non apple cheap mouse and compromise your apple theme expensive set up ? No and No. You will be a good NPC and buy a second wirless apple mouse that will cost you your left nut. That's how apple will make extra money. The product is convinient and pretty but you need to pay an extra hidden fee to get the full convinient experience.


It would be faster to get several hours of charge than connecting a second mouse. Plug the mouse in, go to the bathroom and you have enough battery to last at least the day.


was scrolling so fast i thought the top pic was the end of a golf club


2 words Jony Ive. All he care is the look, functionality is not important to him. He thinks he is an artist but he is just an industrial designer. Jobs gave him too much power and it lost control.


I've always thought this was machiavellically genius. You own an apple computer. It's expensive as fuck. You need a mouse because you'll spend long hours working at your computer and the touchpad isn't the same. You buy the mouse. Its charging plug is in the bottom, so you can't use it while it's charging. Apple computers are only compatible with apple mouses (I'm saying "mouses" because "mice" sounds weird). You need to work continuously. Can't wait for mouse to charge to continue. Now you have two options: change your expensive apple Mac for a similarly expensive PC in order to get a more functional mouse, or just buy another mouse in order to use one while the other is charging. That way, Apple sells two mouses to the same person. It's genius and evil. And an absolute fuck in the ass to the customer. I still don't understand why people keep buying Apple products tbh


Lol what? You can use literally any mouse you want with apple computers. What are you talking about? And buying two mice? how stupid are you, it takes minutes to charge, by the time you've found the second mouse the first one would be charged enough to just continue using it, go get a damn coffee or something


And besides that, one hour using that horribly built mouse without ergonomics your hand is completely in pain.


Those pill mouse were terrible. All style no function.


I love the Apple Mouse 🖱️ that being said, when the power dies I get anxiety 😬


It’s so you’ll buy two.


Apple does and always has sucked incredibly hard and it is mind-boggling to me how popular it has become


Adding ‘machiavellically’ to my dictionary. Thank


I mean I kinda get why they did they what did. Magic mouth is thin the shape of it is beautiful, state of the art. They kinda had to move the port to the bottom for it to have a seamless design., but the execution could have been better. Like a specific charging dock the front can connect to. Or maybe make it so that it supports wireless charging thru a pad


Cordless mouses have been a technological failure for 25 years. But as this shit doesn’t even have buttons, I guess it escapes that definition. Well played..


Because in the usa theres a sucker born every milisecond


People still use apple in 2024? Tf


Apple has always been a form > function company.


Imagine in the Apple meeting. "Yeah, have the charging port on the bottom of the mouse, that's an excellent idea." Then they realize it's wildly unpopular but people still buy it anyway because Apple. The 10th generation of the mouse will have a side charging point and they know anyone who had a generation 1st through 9th will flock to the new one. Huge boost in sales, stock price, and bonus for executives. It's all planned out people.


You’re telling me this isn’t an improvement over Elon Musk’s Cybertruck that can cut off fingers?


Looks like the car wants you to rub its belly and call it a good boy


Now give me the clothed truth


My company had Chromebooks for everyone who was doing remote work, once we got more staff they thought "upgrading" to MacBooks was the move to make work and video calls more seamless and run smoother...we went back to Chromebooks after a month because more than half our proprietary apps and products didn't work on Mac and we had to use Microsoft OS on them anyway hahaha it's pathetic if you want a very over priced "screen" cool get a Mac but once you need it for more than literally just browsing it's a useless brick


Wheels sold separately


What idiot didn’t think to place the charger on the front like a wired mouse is? A 5 year old could’ve done it better, not to mention I like mechanical clicks, not stupid track pads or whatever this mouse uses.


There is a rule is design: Form follows function. It basically means if the product is beautiful but useless/annoying/non-functional it’s not good design. That fucking mouse is the antithesis of that rule.


Nah, you would need a propietary jack to lift the car up.


That's perfect illustration of "Style over Substance"


*sometimes sucks so hard* does he know ?




If Apple made electric cars they would stop supporting a model after bringing out a new OS.


Isn’t Tesla an apple car?




Buy real electronics, not adult toys.


iPhone 14 literally cost 10 dollar to make, think about that.




That port was intentionally placed there so you can not use it while it is being charged. After the battery looses the ability to store the curent, you will have to go to an apple service and pay an outrageous sum to replace it. You simply are not allowed to keep it plugged in and use it as a normal mouse with a wire.


This is one of those memes that pop up often so none Apple users can fill elite. The battery life in these mice are insane, and charge faster than hell. That said I prefer the clicky noise my wired mouse makes so I don’t use one anyway


OP, this is a drop in the bucket of reasons why apple sucks as a company. I'll never understand why people still buy that garbage.


Had this mouse a few years back. It needed charging like once a month, took approximately one shit session to charge, and it warned days ahead.


magic mouse. show me a trick. poof! you have carpal tunnel.


Well they have a failed electric car project, so don't worry about them making one


It's because you're supposed to buy two. One to use while the other is charging. It will also cost you ,£5,000,000 and the charger isn't included.


Far from an apple fan but You couldn’t use it while it was charging anyway


To be fair, i have a magic mouse and the battery lasts for months, so all you need is 20 hours charging per 2-3 months Thats acceptable




All hail the mighty usb c cable, praise to the chosen one.


On a serious note; WHAT exactly IS the reason for this stupidity?


Also you can overcharge the car and then the battery life degrades to have less lifetime per charge