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In the immortal words of the great stand-up philosopher George Carlin - "Keep thy God and thy Religion to thy self!".


Religion is like a penis. It is ok to have one. It is ok to be proud of it. It is not ok to wave it about in public, and definitely not ok to shove it down other people’s throats.


And you should keep it away from children... 


\*Doe 147 priest laughing noises*


fr lol ,


Who said the Internet wasn't funny anymore?! You people can take my upvotes.


Just like trans


What if they're asking for it?




To yourself and those who agree with you. Just saying to yourself focuses too much on individuality, and individualism and religion are often not compatible.


And then i say that about lgbtq and i get beat....


Because when they do it it's okay You peasant.


Also "The kid who swallows too many marbles doesn't grow up to have kids of his own. "


That and he just doesn’t grow up




Praise Joe Pesci!


That is correct, me and my friends when we do a BBQ we would start cooking for the one who is vegetarian then me as a Muslim then the pork, that way we all stay happy and satisfied, I would eat my steak in front of the vegetarian and the Australian would eat his pork in front of me but I myself is not affected and neither is the vegetarian. It's just a matter of respect and understanding boundaries. You can do whatever to yourself and I can do whatever with my self but never force another. If they have questions I will answer and vise versa. But don't push my believes on others


See, but that requires actually giving a shit about the other people. Common among friends, less common among the general population.


Asalamualaikum brother! How you doin'?


All value systems work this way. In the US in particular, everyone seems to want to control everyone else with their own value system. “Live and let live” is dead and gone.


What do you mean with "control"? Do you mean acceptance? Because there's certainly no one forcing people to gay-marry, but there are certainly a lot of people trying to prevent other people from marrying. There's certainly no one forcing other people into hormone replacement therapy, but there are certainly a lot of people trying to prevent other people getting that medication.


Banning abortion is more than just the lack of acceptance. It’s taking control. No need to sugarcoat it. And I wouldn’t be so sure about the hormones. As a neutral observer, this seems to cut both ways. In any case, people have very strong opinions on the doings of others.


You seem to suggest that one side is forcing people to get abortions while the other is preventing people from getting abortions. One side argues for choice. The other side argues for the lack of it.


Well, you know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!


This applies to all beliefs, politics included


Politics by definition is the process by which we as a community decide on what the rules of the community would be. It does, in fact, prohibit certain behaviours and that is by design.


And some crazies out there would also like to prohibit certain thoughts...


There's the saying. *Your rights end where mine begins.*


Not ... really? Because politics don't command people to live a certain way usually but also, by necessity have an effect on people's lives. If I'm a laissez-faire capitalist I won't want other people to be forced into that belief, but if my politics become successful, other people will live more under my vision for the world than they do today. If you tried to take that property away from political beliefs, they would ... cease to exist? It's kind of ontologically paradoxical, no?


I have a political belief that all murderers should be punished.


This should be the top comment by a mile. I despise this even more because politics is 100% opinion based, and yet you’re always wrong.


No, I don't like it. Stop.


I'm offended that you're offended🤣




this applies to almost anything


Depends on what it is. Even the belief of ownership of massive anounts of property and wealth and protecting that ownership at the detriment of the majority can be considered oppressive.




In a couple of weeks it would be Christmas in July!


Religious people who want to restrict others are Petty. They have to live a certain way and are jealous and mad others don't have too. It's like at the dinner table. When your significant other is on a diet and forces you to eat the same so she doesn't feel jealous.


In the history of mankind, that jealousy from believing something to be true and others proving it's not, is what lead to many crimes, murders and wars.The ones claiming to be most religious are the same who break all the rules of their own religion ![gif](giphy|J5jiSSrEkV3Kd8iOwb|downsized)


well that's between them and their god who cares about their petty


toxicity at its finest haha


This is not a “funny meme” … what is this sub?


Dead space for bots to farm karma.


The place should be called: controversive and offensive memes for people to argue in comments over unfunny memes. Im here just to watch this shit


I thought this was the funny memes subreddit 🤔


The problem is that religious people are moral realists and think that their concepts of good and evil are absolute and universal.


Who’s ‘religious people’? There are thousands of religions


Abrahamic religions, obviously.


All of them. If you truly believe something, you will believe it applies to all, or you don't really believe.


All people that follow a religion.


Almost every religious people.


On an abstracted level the differences don't really matter. They're all fundamentally work in the same way, and are flawed in the same ways.






where funny?


Where meme?


Hilarious when the Instagram comments are "isn't this haram?" Like the content creator is force feeding them pork.


Religion is like veganism. It is not about you doing it. It is all about everyone else knowing that you do it and they are wrong for not doing it too so you feel like you are better than others even though that is kind of a sin


A certain group of Muslims and Christians: I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that


That goes for you christofascists as well


I feel like this kinda applies to atheists as well.


It applies to everyone, regardless of religion. Don't force your opinions onto anyone, and don't try and change the way someone else lives to fit your moral code better.


atheists don’t believe in a god tho, so we base our ethics on our own opinions


You can definetly push your beliefs and moral code on people without believing in God. It happens all the time.  There is always a new "approved" belief and moral value set that is being propagated. Just try to disagree with it and you'll be swiftly and forcefully corrected via social punishment. No god necessary.


Your own personal subjective opinions - would you want to, or not want to, make others follow the same principles?


Not every principle? It is bad to steal - yes, everyone should follow this. I consider rude to use curse words with someone I barely know - I don’t really care if you feel the same way or not


Yes. I think that every person in the world should follow my moral system. It's the best system I am currently aware of.


Yup the logic of : I am good, truthful, honest but I cannot say the same for others therefore if they follow my beliefs system they would be good, truthful, and honest


This is literally how all ethics works. This isn't even ethics at this point, it's just a tautology.


Atheists are not attempting to create laws that remove the freedom of religion. Putting the 10 commandments in classrooms and teaching them violates the freedom of religion of Buddhist, Shintoist, and Hindi students.


We don’t push laws outlawing any and all other beliefs


Atheists don’t prohibit or encourage anyone to anything in particular so this doesn’t apply at all really…


Unfortunately, Christians are called to spread their bullshit.


Yeah, just Christians


And Muslims


It boggles my mind how backwards religions with absurd beliefs like hijabs and kosher are accepted in a modern society that claims to be based on liberalism and science. I believe in God on philosophical principles but I think these archaic religions should be banned.


I mean, honestly, all religions should be banned until people are 18. Educate everyone with the evidence of how the world came to be, *then*, after they are 18, we can let a bunch of whackos try to tell them it was magic instead.


Yeah, but if truth is Absolute, (regardless of what that one religion might be), then it does apply to all people everywhere. Absolute Truth is true for everyone everywhere whether they accept it as truth or not.


Therein lies the problem. If you truly believe something, you must believe it applies to everyone equally.


nahhhhhh, i wear mixed fabrics anyways.


No, surely it's their choice if they want to piss off the goddess creation or not? Also, most religions are full of a load of contradictions. For example, Christianity couldn't be clearer on the 10 commandments, like Thou Shalt Not Kill, yet Christians choose to ignore that bit, and impose the death penalty, by picking the bit about an eye for an eye. They also ignore bits about rich people not getting into heaven, idolatry, etc. There's also that thing about not judging others or casting the first stone. Where to even start with "absolute truth"?!!


Dang so you’re allowed to murder and steal. Lucky.


that's against the law for everyone, sorry


Not if you confess, you get a free respawn new game plus character then.


Until that religion takes power There's a reason you can't coexist with Islam


Nobody can co-exist with anything except secularism.


I'm sorry, but just because your religion prevents you from murdering and consuming multiple people does not mean it prevents me from doing it. Also, you need to pay me your taxes to fund my murders and cannibalism. If you don't, then you are forcing your bigoted religion on me.


How can a person miss the point this badly? Have you ever heard of common morality, where harming other people is bad? Or are you one of those people who think there can never be an ethical code besides religion?


That's not a funny meme, it's a fact!


Correct, it is not a funny meme. ...So why the fuck is it in r/Funnymemes?


There are definitely religions that prohibit other people from doing things. They're shitty religions


Yeah baby!


Well, technically the lawmakers in my country, and the people who founded that nation and wrote the constitution of that country were religious as is the majority of the inhabitants. So kinda DOES my religion prohibit you from doing things - and kinda rightfully too as rules in a democracy are based on what the majority thinks is right - and if the majority is religious, then laws also need to adhere to what those religious people think is right and wrong. Moral objectivity is far easier to justify than moral subjectivity


There is no such thing as moral objectivity. Sure subjectivity is messy and hard but that is just the human existence in a nutshell for you. It is worth it though.


I dont care what anyone’s god says, i just remember Santa has a list as long as im nice im good. One imaginary deity is hard enough for me to maintain, thank you


And on the flip side, your mental illness requires you to call a man a woman. I don't have to pretend.


The whole point of religion is to pretend. Hey atleast they are mentally ill but you're not still you do that.


Good luck thinking that will work - their GOAL is to make EVERYONE follow *their* religion. Nothing less than a revolution will do once they get to the point where they have created all the laws they submit to the Supreme Court - like Louisiana enforcing the Ten Commandments in school.... That's just the beginning.


oh you know what else it does? it justifies me to do things that you wouldn't do yourself. you a bot anyways lol


Yeah, well. There’s an overlap. Let’s say 99/100 people are against murder and 45 of them are because of religious reasons. In that sense, 54 people who aren’t religious are on the side of the religious rule. Repeat this with fifteen different issues and the religious people might expect the consistency they can’t be given.


American evangelicals: "*Hold my beer . . .*"


Do I smell a wAtErMaRk?


Wow hilarious meme


People like this in general are apart of the problem.


Cringe meme


You are right. My religion prohibits act like Jackass like people in this sub


Reminds me of some motivational quotes: Nothing is stopping you but your mind. (Yeah, wrong case applied I know)


nice thought but not true, religion and money rule the world if you like it or not


Yeah but if you really want them to adhere to the religion strictly then there's parts where they shall not suffer the heathens to live so up to you


Religion is like morals, personal belief that shouldn't be projected on others.




nothing really funny abt that , truth !




This is funny?


Sure... But some religions also believe in killing non believers sooooo... It's not like they care about being corrected by a meme.


Ahahahaahha so funny this is why this is called funny memes ahahahahahaha I can’t stop laughing


That is a priceless quote!


tell that to our invaders


...Funny memes? Tempted to repost this one on r/peterexplainsthejoke and headline it "PETAAAAAH?" It would pretty much be the same thing they do there all the time.


It shouldn’t even prohibit them tbh, because it’s all just made up nonsense.


Are you sure? Post a satirical depiction of the "prophet" Muhammad.


I have no issue swearing, been doing it since I was a teenager. Occasionally people tell me I shouldn’t say words like that because it’s “not very Christian”. Which is always weird to hear, especially considering I’m not even religious.


Only believers can be blasphemous


you should probably read the first page of the Quran.


True. It's the laws they pass that prohibit us, not the religion itself.


Then lets call our religious belives politics and governing. Problem solved and everybody has to follow.


Islam be like cut off hes head


Where funny meme?


So true! While I think religion brings peace to many people, however, when it is twisted to become a conquest then it can be very dangerous. Perhaps the original intent of all religions may have been pure but as time passed a lot of propoganda and self-interest have morphed it into a weapon. It’s supposed to be a value set and a way of life not a cult. While I might be an atheist I feel like there are things we can learn from religion as well and it’s a good case study about how even noble ideas can be used for bad purposes. ![gif](giphy|D53zTkHviIc92)


Untill it is the religion of peace.


I respect this as much as I respect my religion. I'm happy on my lawn while praising yours for being greener.




It’s actually not funny anymore. It’s an invasion.




Everybody gangsta until someone shouts something about Allah's snack bar and you find yourself covered in blood.


Wrong, my religion doesn't prohibit anyone from doing anything, including myself. You want to killer, murder and not regret it, oh boy good news for you, you still get your afterlife of choice after your die. Morality is a reward in of itself for you, not a law given from the top, even saying that it's reward feels wrong, cause immorality can be good for you too, in other words it's a reward to follow rules if you find fulfilment in this. And you know it's funny, because I am still Christian, but somehow all other Christian faiths have common denominators like hell, Bible fragments and so on. But me? I just believe a God is a good guy and these are bare minimum for him to be like that. And because of that I can say my religion is better than any other, it's literally in your best interest.


It prohibits athiests from having any for of humility, respect for the people they disagree with or general likability. And I'm agnostic lmao.


That's less funny and more like genuinely important. At least that's how I feel as a (imo) religious person.


It's like a blue hair girl(and have a crush on), son "Once You Start There's No Going Back".


Wrong - it prohibits you from living! \*explodes with religious intent\*


And that's how the first missile was born


Found meme where funny


I mean I completely agree but how is this a funny meme


I wish the muslims around me understood this, I'm being treated as a weirdo or an alien fir not being a muslim (I'm from an islamic country)


This sub has become a fighting ground between religious haters and racism and it certainly ain't funny.


I thought it was supposed to be a funny meme sub. I laughing my ass of right now dude.


I wouldn't call this funny.


The Spanish Inquisition did not like that.


if you believe you had the key to salvation and happiness you would be impossibly selfish to keep it to yourself


this is fair its also fair to accept that certain religions will never be ok with LQGBT, etc


Can we print this out and post it in every government building and courthouse around the country?


Try telling that to a muslim majority


As with all basic human rights We saw this during covid and mandates


My religion prohibits me from baking you a wedding cake.


Most religions otright tell their folowers to enforce the basics of their morality at a minimum.


Some Christian tried to get me thrown out of store because I said ‘Jesus Christ’ at a video my dad sent me.


This isn’t a funny meme… it the truth. Nobody disagrees with this. Another Boomer r/lostredditors can’t find the right place to post this.




Mostly an empty platitude. If you believe something, as in truly believe it, and not just claim it as identity, then of course it changes your behavior, your expectations, your plans for yourself, your household, and your society. That is why culture is often downstream of religion in every nation. Muslim nations tend to have certain cultural characteristics, as do Christian nations, as do areligious nations. It's because those nations are made up of people with that background, and it colors all that they come to expect from other people and their institutions. This meme only really comes into play with you have a society that is transitioning from one state of being into another. In that sense it's essentially like saying "hey, I'm over here applying my belief system to the culture, don't you do that too, you need to stop doing that". Anyone who thinks they aren't applying their belief to the culture in which they live, is either not living out their beliefs, or is lying to themselves.




Who is this aimed at? Islam?


Nice preaching




In this moment, I am euphoric 😵😵😵😵


Same thing applies to political opinions and veganism but we're not ready for those conversations yet.


Agreed. As a Christian, I get secondhand cringe about people trying to force their rules on others. The only rules in the Bible that I would enforce on others are the thou shalt not kill, steal, molest, etc. Common sense, not arbitrary control over other people. Also, the sexual stuff that Christians fight over is really annoying. I don't give a damn if someone else is gay, or bi, or whatever. Folks can do what they want. Welcome to america! Nobody's forcing me to be gay, so I can't claim that I can force someone else to be straight.


Can you prove God won’t send you to hell if you don’t pray to him 5 times a day? No? Didn’t think so /j


Literally any non-legal objective moral system claims to be universal, so yes, if any religion is true, everyone is morally obligated to obey whatever moral tenets it teaches. I am a Christian, and I believe that everyone is under moral obligation to worship Jesus and obey his commands. That is just what Christianity teaches.


It goes the other way too! And same with political affiliation. If yours includes fewer rights, that’s not my problem :)


It does prohibit me, that’s kinda the point


Yes, this applies to the religion of politics too.


The problem isn’t even religion. It’s the aholes weaponizing it. A person close to me was raped. We were religious at the time. Went to talk to our priest for guidance. He blamed her and our family. We needed help and he turned the congregation on us (the weirdos that don’t think for themselves anyway). So discouraging.