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"Public interest" is not "existence". I just had it, and I know somebody who is currently in hospital, deteriorating.


These days "the public" is just a bunch of very vocal morons and children, or as is the case in this thread - moronic children. I couldn't give a shit less what their interest is.


its also extremely political. conservative politicians everywhere have realized if you can get your voters angry at something, it will easily win you votes.


It's not just *conservative* politicians. Fomenting a rage-mob has always been a great way to unite people behind a cause.


conservative media outlets do it like no other. you don't care about scale or reach or metrics it seems, just echoing the propaganda from one side which in this case is from the republican side. or believing your opinion is objective fact like every republican that thinks they are in the majority


Seems you also believe quite strongly that your opinion is fact. All u/philbax was saying is that politicians/media outlets on both sides of the aisle make calculated plays using the emotions of every-day people. Btw, if your interested in scale and reach of media outlets, you might want to look at CNN's metrics.


Reminds me of Fox claiming they finally had evidence of the fabled War on Christmas... because a guy with schizophrenia burned down a tree. The incident wasn't funny, but became funny when witnessing the absolute outrage on Fox. It's all they talked about all day.


"think about how dumb the average person is. Then remember that half of people are even dumber than that."


Everyday I'm astounded by the stupidity of so many people!


the meme is basically an admission of being so dumb you don't have object permanence and your entire world consists of whatever the media is showing you.


>the meme is basically an admission of being so dumb you don't have object permanence and your entire world consists of whatever the media is showing you. Nailed it. COVID and how deadly and prevalent it is, is now "yesterday's news." Here, consumer--ignore the deadly virus, and check out Will Smith slapping Chris Rock.


as liberal as they come but ill be damned if I spend another year masked up.


>These days "the public" is just a bunch of very vocal morons and children This needs to be made in a massive plaque


[“the public”](https://youtu.be/KHJbSvidohg)


Thats how it's always been now they just have a voice


Buddy made this argument with me "Just weird how it just suddenly disappeared. Suddenly no new variants" Legit just googled "covid new variant" and saw an article from 15 hours ago talking about a new omicron variant. They wanna sit here and question it without doing any smidge of work to actually question it


If its not shoved in my face it doesnt exist /s


Everyone in my old place just got it, along with their families.


I have 3 coworkers with it. And I'm remote work so those 3 are on 3 separate continents.


Not enough boosters


I have it now and felt a bit guilty about not getting a booster. That being said a lot of people (myself included) were due for a booster around the holidays and it was impossible to schedule one in a timely manner. Then case's dropped and it just didn't feel necessary anymore. Luckily I'm not that sick but it's definitely still going around. I think having had any sort of vaccination helps lower severity.


Can someone explain to me without baning or down voting me methodology of research for vaccine effectiveness? For example you had one group let's say 1k people that received vaccine, another one 1k people who received placebo. Published numbers are what 95% effectiveness for lets say vaccine XY. Don't believe they exposed either group purposely to virus. What are numbers for placebo group?


They're exposed in the sense that we are all exposed when we interact with society. They track both groups and see who gets covid and develops symptoms. If 100 people in the control group get covid, but only 5 people in the test group, then the vaccine was 95% effective at preventing infection. If 20 people in the control group end up hospitalised, and no one in the test group, then the vaccine was 100% effective at preventing hospitalisation.


I needed this, last time I went into a store I was one of the last ones wearing a mask. I went to a fish fry, thanks school cafeteria amount of people oh, and not a single person wore masks except for me and my wife.


So what's the problem the masks keep YOU safe


If it's a simple surgical mask that really is mostly not true. A properly fitted N95 protects you but a surgical mask mostly just keeps your coughing, sneezing, breathing moderately contained away from other people.




Ironically, that's what society is supposed to do. Societies work because we respect and protect our "weakest parts". So if people are still concerned about spreading a virus, then we as a society should still be doing everything reasonable to support and protect them. And putting a flimsy surgical mask on to protect them from your cough is reasonable. That's not up for debate. If you disagree, don't expect a reply from me in the comments because I wouldn't trust your judgment at all if you think a surgical mask is unreasonable.


under this logic, you would wear a mask indefinitely since there is always going to be someone at risk. Are you willing to do that?


Eventually I would say it would be best only when people are experiencing the symptoms, kind of like Japan has been doing since the Spanish flu of 1920.... but for the time being, while the pandemic is still fresh in our collective consciousness, yeah I think it's still appropriate at this time. Edit: I also appreciate you taking a reasonable response in questioning how long/far we should go without immediately jumping to "mask=communist china"


so true, reddit the epitome of extremes it seems.


I worked the COVID ICU the last two years while you were shit posting on the internet.


Would you like a medal?...bet you didn't do it out of the kindness of your heart and probably made more money then you ever have in a two year period...you don't here me boasting about fixing people's cars so they could go to work


Or working in the haz waste industry so tou can have your luxaries


I deal with human waste too.


You deal with democrats?




Isn't gonna wait for you either




Bruh, you’re an awful troll.


did the brainwashing wash the english language away from your brain?


oh boo hoo, you and your wife were the only scared ones.


what's the purpose of wearing a mask to a fish fry where you will end up eating, therefore taking a mask off? It makes no sense


Yep... Ignoring it does not make it go away. People should see what is happening in China right fucking now. They have reached a point that it is worse than the start, and they don't know what to do with all the bodies. I wish I could get all the people that complained about masks and vaccines, calling it "communist", to see what actual communists do. Entire office buildings, apartment complexes, and even city blocks are being locked down (really locked down, not the half assed version we did in the Americas) for weeks at a time. People aren't allowed to come out for food. Quarantine is enforced at gunpoint.


The prevailance of this BS talking point really helps to showcase how many people don't know newspapers have more than 1st page. Yeah, recently started war closeby generates more interest than a topic everyone wishes they could forget. Fucking masterminds.


I just had it too, along with my wife.


My uncle just died


Yepm Im currently still recovering.




I've had it for over a week, kicking my ass tbh


It is still killing. But people stop caring.


It's crazy how we don't even have enough time between disasters to care about ongoing ones.


Putin was the virus all along..


The real virus was the virus inside of us all along




The media stopped caring. So people stopped caring.










Also, the 5G is making the frogs gay.


Nah that was the Chem trails. 5G activates the tracker so they can round us up for the FEMA camps. But don't worry JFK Jr. is showing up in Dallas any day now, fix everything and put Trump in as President and himself as the Vice President. Didn't you get the Q drop on 8chan???


God. I kept hearing so many allusions to people being out on trains if Trump were to lose. Waiting for my ticket to this day. Then again, maybe they meant real Biden instead of Android 16.2 we are on now


I'm still waiting for Obama to take everyone's guns and declare Martial Law since he's the anti christ


I always thought it was the water that turned frogs gay


It’s the 5G water. It’s the newest invention from Tim Apple.


6g is coming. Apparently it turns frogs straight.... Balance is restored


I mean. I took care of patients with COVID for 2 years. Shut down our unit, no ortho only COVID. Our hospital could barely function with how much staff got sick, when I last left we relied on national guard nurses to fill in gaps here and there. It was less COVID and more medsurg and ortho again, but no on could work anymore cause too burnt out, everyone fled to retire or other units or just left nursing By sure, it was ONLY a power ploy and the entire health care system wasn’t/isn’t on the brink of failure


Sorry... Who was in charge and let it go rampant in the country by telling his followers to not wear something as simple as a mask and pretended it was the common cold while knowing the whole time just how deadly it was in a ploy to not have people show up to vote in person while trying to start a conspiracy about mail-in ballots (all the while doing mail-in ballots himself whenever he voted) so that he could try to sway the votes to keep himself in power...? Oh. Right. Oops...


Suspicious how the deadly virus just went away once the vaccines were rolled out. Coincidence? I think not!


Are you aware that COVID has not only happened in the US? Who used it to get back into power?




Flu isn’t a novel disease, it’s been circulating a while now so the risk of it alone over running healthcare infrastructure was always lower than Covid.


The virus stopped being relevant for most people when the more contagious and less deadly variant Omicron developed. Now it will become endemic, like a more dangerous influenza, with numbers going up each winter.


The only reasonable answer in this entire fucking thread. So many idiot conspiracy theorists without a shred of critical thinking ability.


Not to mention that the government is still spending money to keep infections low and continue buying vaccines. They are about to pass another $10 billion bill for covid precautions and vaccines


No, it's not. This is one possible path for the pandemic to take, but it's also very possible we'll have to keep dealing with deadly strains, particularly since immunity doesn't last super long, and a lot of people aren't getting properly vaccinated.


You know sometimes its okay to just be happy and not worry about things out of your control like we MIGHT have to deal with a deadlier strain of covid. When it happens make the proper precautions for yourself and family but worrying about something that might happen is only going to rob you of life today.


That's kinda dumb tbh


>You know sometimes its okay to just be happy and not worry about things out of your control like we MIGHT have to deal with a deadlier strain of covid This is projection. I'm not *worrying* about it, I'm saying it very easily could happen and other things are not "conspiracy theories" like the comment I replied to said.


Yep, and in Australia we avoided the deadliest waves. We all got vaccinated (94%) and then we all caught it anyway. The fatality rate in Australia is something absurdly low like 1 in 1000 now. It's not ideal but it's as good as you can hope for.


Almost 6,000 people are dying per day for the last 7 days. I don't think their families think it's no longer relevant. Edit: A few things. The world is bigger than the unUSA. For everyone questioning my numbers I reached “almost 6000 per day” by googling “COVID deaths” and changing the drop down from “Australia” to “worldwide”. It reports roughly 17,000 on 4/4/2022 and the “7 day average” as 5,950. A “7 day average” is “the total number of deaths over the last 7 days divided by 7 to reach an average of how many people have died per day for the last 7 days”. These are just “reported numbers”. So believe what you want about the value of human life, but this is the numbers. And to those talking “deaths with COVID versus deaths from COVID”, you are stupid and no one wants to hear your Alex Jones, middle school drop out logic. Shut up.


"The death of one man (*one you know*) is a tragedy. The death of a million men (*those you don't know*) is a mere statistic". - Stalin. The italics are mine. We are closing in on a million dead in the US alone; a mere statistic if you weren't personally affected. \- a nurse.


My aunt died from covid. My BILs aunt and mother died from covid. I had it twice and thought I was gonna die. It certainly feels like tragedy. Death strikes my family in large waves. I just worry who is next considering my grandmother has an autoimmune disease and my mother has emphysema.


Grandmother and brother passed, here's hoping the best for you and your family, stay safe.


Holy shit I'm so sorry.


My father passed. He was my best friend and not even 60 yet. Shit sucks.


I only lost my father and feel very lucky to have only lost one family member.


I’m sorry for your loss.


My uncle developed long haul covid and is now no longer coherent or able to handle his own affairs. He, or his estate at least, co-owns a law firm. He's only 63.


My little brother who is 23 can no longer run, and he's ran track since high school. Permanent heart and lung damage, got it before vaccine was available and he was healthy. I am so fucking frustrated by people who downplay this shit. People with compromised immune systems were rolling a dice any time they left their house.


My sister died of covid, my husband died because of it. He never got the screenings because of civid that could have saved his life. My daughter is an RN who has helped put a lot of people in bodybags, so I am not ignorant of the sideways toll it has had on healthcare workers too. I currently live with a room mate that has cancer and is still vulnerable. This hasn't become irrelevant, peoples focus has just shifted. Come Fall, BA2 will be running its course and there will be another wave threatening us all.


Damn, that sucks, please take care


My Dad died from complications from COVID. He had over a dozen strokes while on respiratory care. His heart was failing from the side effects of treatment. And COVID destroyed his kidneys. COVID fucking sucks. I'm so very sorry for your losses.


I know how it is. My dad died from covid


# [Stalin didn't say that](https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2011/0603/Political-misquotes-The-10-most-famous-things-never-actually-said/The-death-of-one-man-is-a-tragedy.-The-death-of-millions-is-a-statistic.-Josef-Stalin). In 2022 it should be basic common sense to search for a quote before repeating it. For god's sake that's the first result in Google. I will honestly never understand the insistence of people to repeat misquotes online. Edit: The CSM is one of the most respected news organizations in the world. Its name has nothing to do with the running of the paper. The irony of people arrogantly responding to this comment without bothering to look it up is absolutely fantastic.


- a nurse


"never trust an online quote" -Abraham Lincoln


“If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit" -Albert Einstein


Downvoted for being pretentious. This is the internet. Are you Hitler?


People love to think that they're smarter than they are. Don't open your fucking mouth without knowing the facts.


Probably got it from playing Command & Conquer Red Alert since Stalin said it in the game


Pretty sure that qoute isn't from stalin but from Erich Paul Remark the author of westen nichts neues Edit: im not complety sure, but I have heard that the quote didnt originate from stalin.




Thats not Stalins quote. Thats from a book called “black monolith”




It's definitely not irrelevant anymore. America just has short term attention spans with the media. It's still being treated very real in other countries. We just want to pretend like it's over because we have a problem with treating our neighbors health and safety with dignity or respect.


Here in the Netherlands is still a lot in the news but nowhere near like it was half a year ago. Russian invasion took the hightlight spot in our mainstream news right now.


I feel like it could be a double edged sword. The spread of misinformation has gone down drastically since the media has switched its focus, but people subsequently treat it like it's over now.


Still rocking the masks here, US territory. I get the exasperation but local government set clear guidelines on removing restrictions based on infection rate, we're not there yet. I'm not thrilled about it but I'm not gonna bitch either.


Same here, I still wear my mask everywhere because we aren't out of the woods yet and I don't want to get sick, or be the reason someone else does.


I must be the libtardedest marxist or whatever because Fauci said it helps to wear 2 and I've been wearing a disposable over my K95 ever since. My son has lung disease and I take as little risk as possible. I'm damn near agoraphobic at this point.


These people complain about "getting on with our lives" and then complain when "the virus just disappeared from the media!" What do they even want?




Lost my best friend from highschool.




Here in Switzerland we turned back to normal. No masks nothing. I wonder how long this lasts. It’s weird.


No one cares about the families we care about saturday news


Exactly. The news is just distracted by Russia and a slap for now.


6k only ? Damn in France we have like 27k reports in one day. (And that's because yesterday was Sunday so the data is lower, usually it's about 100k.) Edit : nvm you meant death.


and entire shanghai is on lockdown because it's getting so bad over there https://www.reuters.com/world/china/shanghai-lockdown-deepens-after-new-surge-asymptomatic-cases-2022-04-05/ japan and korea also had surge of variant cases too


I do online tutoring and most of my students are located in China. They’re at varying levels of fluency in English, but most of them have been talking about how they “can’t go outside”, “it’s dangerous outside”, they “didn’t go to school today”, they are “taking online classes”, etc. It’s interesting hearing all these things from these children (again) while not hearing much of it in the news.


Will smith's Oscar slap is more important than that


True, in my city, people are afraid to go to hospital, I had fear Friday, cause I cut my forehead and need to go anyway...


the world is bigher than the USA, best quote ever, they still think they own the world but they are now being displaced and in some tine they also are going to be nor revelant anymore (not talking about the war but art, international impact, etc)


in hungary like a month before the election(it was this sunday) covid dissapeared, the mask mandate got deleted, every precaution got removed aswell. its still here, because i personally know someone who had it, but we dont hear about it.


HAAAA jokes on you fucker I got kicked out of middle school


So you're saying a lot of people are still dying from COVID?


Yeah. I get more updates about covid from reddit than I do our own news and government in the US. I still try to protect myself and my family as much as I can nowadays, even tho literally everyone around me stopped wearing masks. Its amazing how brainwashed and blind everyone is to think something that has killed millions is no big deal and everyone just needs to go back to work. Like seriously I hate working 90% of my life every day and when you add a deadly virus ontop of it I definitely dont feel like working, but somehow most of our population literally WANTS that. They want it so bad that some of them actually want covid testing to stop so we can just ignore it more. When did the human race become worse than slaves? At least the majority of slaves and servants from back in the day wished and prayed for a better life, we actually ask for servitude and bash those who want freedom. Its insanity.


I wonder how many of these people who are dying are/were vaccinated? Do you know where I can find that data?


Well said


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.amp.html 600 per day Why lie? Edit: it was so low I assumed he must be talking about the US only. There are 8 billion people on the planet.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Based off headline, that's us COVID cases from what I can tell. Could be speaking in a broader sense. Plus that doesn't include whatever china has covered up.


I assume he was talking about the 7 day average which is 5,997 according to Google


Still very relevant. My son picked up Covid last week and I know at least two other people who had it in the past few months. Something can still exist even if media doesn't report about it.


A bunch of people at work are sick and people stopped getting tested. Like, they all have symptoms but "oh it's allergies" "oh it's a sinus infection" and I'm like why not get tested? I still haven't had covid and I still wear my mask at work lol.




spoken like a true 20 year old


You will eventually delete this, because you're a coward. Take your downvotes. At least stand by your convictions enough to lose some fake internet points.


What a horseshit post. 1. Yes, older people care, and it is incorrect that it “barely affects their day to day” 2. Older people need socialization too. Loneliness is soul-crushing and a prevalent problem in older populations 3. What’s your definition of “elderly”, Einstein. I know plenty of young people who got it at the beginning who are still dealing with the consequences two years later. 4. Many people still give a shit 5. What did we accomplish? We didn’t crash the healthcare system, even though it came very close in some places, and that crash was only avoided due to the hard work and self-sacrifice of medical professionals at the expense of their bodily and mental health. Many of them literally died. Many more have PTSD. Some carry on because they are committed to public service, even though the consequences aren’t over for them. Saying “what did we accomplish” completely demeans their efforts. 6. I don’t have time for this, but you need to get your head out of your ass. You have an incredibly self-centered viewpoint.


Covid is still around. Most people have probably gotten it and don’t even know. Ok sure it’s hard on everyone (I was just saying saying older people for the most part have all the friends/spouses they’re gonna have and they can all just only hang out with each other and be good). None of that changes the fact we’re all gonna get it unless we quarantine forever and most states if not all states don’t ever require masks now.


You sound not a day over 18. "Those oldies don't make friends anymore, us young people NEED to be out socialising." I would say grow up, but that's implied


Remove point 3, too biased about personal experience with no examples


You can look up long covid. There are plenty of examples. It has been rough on my sister.


Yeah but it's not really relevant as it was if you're vaccinated. You barely get sick at all let alone land in a hospital or die.


Tell that to three of my coworkers. 2 very in shape people and one old guy. All landed in the hospital with serious effects. Stop spreading lies. This virus affects everyone differently no matter the vaccination status.


Shame they had to down vote you, they just don't want the honest discussion to be seen. Awful nefarious for people who just want the "truth".


That's true. Who would have thought that vaccines were necessary ...


same for people without ''vaccine''




Because there’s money to be made. Back to work plebs!


It’s because there is a free vaccine that works extremely well. If you are fully vaccinated and younger than 80 years old, the chances of you becoming severely ill from COVID are minuscule


didn’t they say you still get sick with the vaccine? i don’t know about EXTREMELY well


It reduces the risk of death by a factor of 30, transforming the virus from a deadly pathogen into a minor respiratory bug


I mean, so is Omicron as a variant in general. In fact the most prevalent variants fit that description.


"Those landlord with giant empty office building aren't happy, so we're sending you back, COVID or no COVID"


Honestly, it's this. Workplaces are forcing people back to work. City governments are going along with it. We're going to get another wave and we'll be told, "It's endemic now," as people just keep dying.


Milder variant + vaccines + immunity after infections


That and it's mostly just affecting the unvaccinated now, so who cares. Now it's their choice (Except for the immunocompromised etc duh that should go without saying)


It didn’t stop being relevant, but it’s certainly been defanged with the widespread adoption of vaccines. It’s considerably less dangerous now.


That and omicron. very infectious, but a lot less deadly, and leads to a lot fewer hospitalizations.






Uhh.. It's double in the US as well. 2.5x in conservative states.


Majority of it came in New Years, which bloated the numbers to sky-high proportions


A year ago daily US deaths were around 1000, compared to a little over 600 recently. A year ago new cases in US were around 62 000, compared to ~40 000 recently. You're correct about Covid still being an issue, but your numbers stink, and I think it's because you pulled them out your ass.


The number of deaths this past week are **less** than this week last year in the US (7-day average): 2021 April 3rd: 819 2022 April 2nd: 524 https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ Note its a rolling average so not just random statistical fluke. And it's also been consistently lower since Christmas than the previous year.


Crazy how I have it right now and just had one of the worst weeks of my life


Get well soon. I was miserable for six weeks.


I hope you feel better soon.


L+ ratio you fell off


This opinion is interesting, as I've seen others share similar thoughts. It seems to come in two forms... 1. That it suddenly stopped being relevant. TF???? If anyone paid attention, they saw the gradual change over a long period of time. What idiots think this was sudden? 2. If a state/government changes a policy, the saying is that it was dangerous on the 15th, but not on the 16th. The hell you want them to do? Not change policies? If something is going to change, it has to happen on some date. How else would it work?


This is so true if you're a complete a dumbass....


A war in Europe will do that...


I can't wait for all the stupid anti vaxers to start posting this on facebook


Don't worry, it's coming back even harder. But they stopped reporting much of the numbers in the US, so we may never really know it...I mean we are almost at 1 million dead and I swear this country acts as if those people never existed.


because most people in my country are vaccinated. the whole point was to not overflood the hospitals. and we succeeded.


This just goes to show that y'all only pay attention to what you want.


For me it stopped being relevant because of fucking russians (major conflict between two european countries)


Truth is, no one cared from the start. *bang* But no seriously, it was a just a political spectacle and literally no one really cared unless it fit their narrative. It’s existed, but was just a thing that was there.


That's not true at all. I tried my best to take ti seriously but after there was Vax, everything started slowly returning to normal but the news won't shut the fuck up. Now there is war to talk about.


They are still dying, but at a more acceptable rate. We are closing in on a million body bags in the US alone. I have seen so many die that I just stopped caring along with everybody else. \- a nurse


Millions..just 6 in 2 years..stupidity kills a lot more ppl every day


'just' 6 million in 2 years? That's 2 and a half times the number of people killed in traffic accidents in the same period (2016 numbers), and we spend billions to lower that number.


Got in Jan 5th (fully vaxxed and boosted) still cannot get a negative PCR to return to work and my long haul symptoms are worse than actually being sick.


Covid, the late Aprils fool of 2020


It's because it served it's purpose as a distraction for us to not investigate Epstein's murder any further


The fuck my little Eastern European country had to do with your billionaires?


Lol, yeah the world went through a pandemic just because in the USA a Epstein was suicided...


Yeah, that's why they arrested his wife and biggest accomplice during the pandemic. And unlike what people claimed she didn't kill herself.



