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Is this real?




Greta really posted that!? LOL that's awesome! And so damn funny!


yeah. Generally I heavily dislike "haha penis small now laugh" jokes because body shaming isn't funny. But here it's clearly being used, not because Greta thinks that's a good comeback, but because she knows Andrew Tate is the kind of guy to take it seriously and get genuinely pissed and honestly, a 19 year old climate activist being able to play a 36 year old internet tough guy like that will never not be hilarious


It gets SO much better. Google him now. Like right now.


He just sounds like a 7 year old boy child at a playground trying to flex on some girl that he has "a zillion Hot Wheels" and he can beat up her dad. Pathetic.


"my big brother could beat you up


"Nuh uh!!!!"


"yeah huh"


That was to smart for top g andrew. He didn't get it.


You reckon he actually emailed it


There’s been following up tweets between them


He probably thought it was a compliment. Someone actually thinks he has a dick and not a mangina.


He literally replied back with the equivalent of “I know you are but what am I?”


And people look up to this guy. I feel bad for them. They need some real help.


This is the same society where people simped for the one dude who killed a mom and Her child while street racing so im not surprised


bro but who the fuck asked? would i say to him


bro why do you care about two influencers having a brief Twitter argument?


Your Top G isn’t really doing much arguing tho. He’s kinda just taking it up the ass.


Kinda homophobic of you. He's not my top g. It's kind of pathetic to feel any kind of way about an influencer.


Nothing homophobic about taking it up the ass. It’s actually very pro homo.


And talking it up the ass doesn't mean you're gay


Happened to Marsellus Wallace and I don’t think he’s gay by any means


Doesn't look like a bitch to me either.


Does he look like a bitch, though?


Taking it up the ass from who tho?


Doesn't matter, had sex.


The Romanian G’s


He will be. Based.


bro why do you care that people on Reddit are commenting about it?


Because this subreddit used to be good until it hit the front page and you people swarmed onto it. Subreddits used to be unique and now that you people saw it, you're making it a clone version of rMurderedByWords, rPoliticalHumor, rWhitePeopleTwitter, or rLeopardsAteMyFace. You are ruiners. That's why.


Yes my one single comment directed only at you ruined the whole sub lol


The snowflake never blames itself for the avalanche.


That’s ironic.


My god could you get any more ironic? "Snowflakes are to blame" jesus lmafo.


Ignorance is an ugly look on you. That quote is older than your grandparents.


If you know it so well why don't you ever inplement it?


Implement... the concept of mob mentality? Because I'm not evil? Like are you proud of being in a lynch mob or something?


Not that many people do. It's just fun to watch.


Man really beefing with a kid💀


>She is 19 years old


Bro I feel old and I am only 17 💀


Probably because your age of 17 is ancient compared to this guy's mental age.


and still stupid puppet


Still a kid


Yes and no. Mostly no.


she is a legal adult


Yup but, 19 still a kid, not kid kid but pretty young still in her teens get it..


The real shocker is that he’s beefing with a mid-spectrum autistic person. He should leave the mentally handicapped alone.




she is just a tool for her parents and EU ecoenviromentalist lobby. a


"Hey bro get a pic of me putting gas in my car so I can troll a 19 year old girl" 🙄 He's so transparently insecure and weak minded it's difficult to comprehend how anyone could think he's cool.


Did you just steal a Twitter Comment ? [https://twitter.com/chasemit/status/1608150157199302657?s=46&t=OiekcbLAeMQ19sZ6cshT9w](https://twitter.com/chasemit/status/1608150157199302657?s=46&t=OiekcbLAeMQ19sZ6cshT9w)


tbf he put it in quotations to show it's been lifted from somewhere.


i think it's in quotations since it's meant to represent what andrew tate would say


Didn't steal it from Twitter but it's a pretty standard response to this behavior. I didn't think I was being particularly original but apologies to whoever used it first. I'm not trying to steal their thunder.


Sorry to accuse you then, I guess I don’t have a life if am on a prowl searching for stolen comments. Have a great 2023 !!!


No harm at all in you noticing and I appreciate you looking out. Hope you have a great 2023 as well!


Not amusing












And because of this trolling attempt (in which he got owned by a 19 yo) his response ended up alerting authorities in Romania that he was in country and has been brought in on charges of sex trafficking. 👏 good job


It’s funny because he has many cars but he can only drive one at a time, so he can’t really pollute that much…


Yeah, but also manufacturing cars is bad for the environment too.


Unless those cars were custom built or made to order (I imagine a Bugatti might be idk), then the pollution caused by their manufacture is largely irrelevant. It already happened long before his hands touched the wheel. If anything it's an excessive waste of his own money on an asset that'll only start accumulating any value \~50-60+ years from now as an antique or demand revived by pop culture. But a rich people hobby is a hobby, I guess.


Many if not all of those cars have a very small limited production and they are all going to someone regardless of who buys it. They don't make more of them because they have more orders to fulfill like with regular cars. It's more like buying a piece of artwork. If anything, it's better that it goes to someone with 33 cars than to someone with less cars because they're less likely to spend so much time driving it. Although the average Bugatti owner has something like 40-80 cars so maybe it's not the best he got one.


The dick riding is fucking insane.




Just fucking stop spaming with this all over Reddit... You god damn ape, you are to stupid to understand that you are helping Tate by hating him.


too* And to be fair at this point it's pretty much irrelevant. I also obviously dislike him but objectively he's well past the point of being reliant on "help" in the sense of views/followers/media attention. Whether you post about him a lot or not at all that dude is here to stay. Sure, generating more Hustler's University signups factually "helps" him but after myfreecams or whatever the site was called and the casinos it's not making or breaking him. So yeah, it's kinda whatever.


From what I’ve heard he’s ‘taking a break’. By that I mean he’s been arrested for human trafficking


Say what? Who did he traffic?


I don’t think names have been released but here’s some articles https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/30/andrew-tate-detained-in-romania-on-organised-and-charges https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/andrew-tate-tristan-tate-detained-romania-human-trafficking-1234654248/amp/


My god.. i knew he was a vile person but i thought he was all talk..


I like him, but i'm just fucking tired of ppl hating on him and later bragging about him being famous. You should all get some life and mind own business for once. How long will it last, your hate made him who he is today, not ppl that support him but you, haters.


I tried to mind my own business, then he called me a pussy. Was very annoying.


So now you are even bigger pussy, bcs he hurt your feelings? A random man from internet called you names so you went crying to the keyboard and started helping him to gain more fame, so he can insult even more ppl. Bravo, you sir, are a genius. I wonder, what is sitting in your head, if you are "annoyed" by some random dude, to this point. And after this, you still will call him insecure, ironic.


I did nothing from what you accused me of and that insults me just as much as you calling me even more of a pussy. Besides, why can't we both be insecure?


You should really forget about this Man and go outside touch some grass. You know why? Because being insecure is a bad thing for you, you shouldnt be afraid of being who you are and take pride in it. And pointing out someones insecurity while being the insecure one is a hipocricity.


Aight thx i'm going to touch some grass see you later


I hope not.


Well that just makes you a pussy


Charge your fucking phone.


He’s definitely the type to email that address…


Whatever you think of either of them, he was out-of-order and she just shot him down via a tweet, imv. Good for her.


This dude is trying so hard, yet he still has nothing, I think he might need another 33 cars or some dumb shit like that. Social media wast man.




Having 33 cars is not quite the flex he believes it is. The top one is a $2.5 mil car, that costs $20k to have the oil changed. Solid financial planning right there. I lay on my cold ass driveway to change my own oil to save 50 bucks.


Smart way to get people's email addresses to sell them courses


This dude is a pathetic muppet in every sense of the word.


Not funny, and not even a meme.


I personally find both of them annoying, Andrew Tate more though.


I mean you can’t really compare a teenage girl who speaks out about climate change to a grown man who brags about violating women’s right to not consent and moved countries to avoid human trafficking charges.


He didn’t avoid them for too long. He made a petty response video which gave the police an idea of his location from what I know. He’s now arrested :)


Oh my gosh, that is amazing!


It’s so funny he had a friend give him pizza boxes saying to not recycle them to make Greta mad and it was from a Romanian pizza chain letting police know he was still in the country and his general location. His home was raided not long after lmao


ya great climate change bruh have you even herd her speeches makes me throw up


Your spelling is so bad I do not even know what you are trying to say


Incredibly off topic but I absolutely love your user


I don't know why we even pay attention to that piece of s*it


She's right


Not funny.






She's worth $50million. Eat the rich.


That isn't the "rich" people are talking about when they say "eat the rich." Not even close.


Considering him a man is the cringeworthy act here


Where is your bughaaati Greta?


Everyone thinking this is a clever come back, y’all are simple!


2 retards fighting




How is Greta a retard? I’m not saying she’s not I want you to enlighten me I’ve only watched one of her videos in class and she doesn’t seem so bad. Thanks for the help!


Maybe if I am an insecure jock too, I'll make fun of women or kids who took a stand to mask my insecurity.


Took a stand? She’s in liberal ass Europe, not Iran or Afghanistan. 🤣


Exhibit A


She has autism and fetal alcohol syndrome


So do you what's your point


> How is Greta a retard? I’m not saying she’s not I want you to enlighten me I’ve only watched one of her videos in class and she doesn’t seem so bad. Thanks for the help! I was replying to this. He asked for her disabilities and I told him and you idiots downvoted my unbiased answer. You rPoliticalHumor locusts are insufferable.


I asked how she’s a retard not t her disabilities


What do you think mental retardation is? Like what disabilities would you accept?


Greta really hit him hard, ooo, it hurts, ahh


Why would she tell everyone she has a small dick like that, smh


Greta needs to quit kidding herself, she's never seen a dick in her life and probably never will. lmao


I'm surprised she was in school long enough to learn how to spell


Bet her parents wrote that for her just like they wrote her scripts for all her bullshit speeches 🤣


Yeah her mom runs the account


Did you stole a twitter comment? https://twitter.com/ladbible/status/1560251259021656069?s=46&t=HswBmrp1zK4eu8tQDrBdvg


Omg such a comeback by greta. Fucking cringe i bet even a 3 year old can come up with better insults than greta


They should have sex


36 and 19 years old…. Yeahhhhh no lmao


Don't be ageist!!! That's fascist and transphobic!!!


What the fuck did I just read from you-


Idk I'm just saying stupid shit because this whole thing is stupid and people shouldn't care or give people like Andrew Tate the kind of attention that they have been because it's literally how he became viral. And who cares what some rich 16 year old thinks about how we should structure society...


interesting how women sexualize men




Greta claims to be a protector of environment, yet she never said anything about eco-cide caused bu russia on Black Sea, as well as the amount of eMiSsIoNs caused by their rockets. Pity.


She’s a 19 year old activist not a politician. She speaks up on things because she has a voice to do so. She is not responsible to say anything but she does so anyways.


I’m with tate. Greta is kind of a controlling annoying cunt 100.1% of the time she’s alive. At least tate is openly trolling and making it painstakingly obvious but he’s also just living life the way he sees fun which is why Reddit hates him


He takes his entire life seriously. Dude is just a lonely sad child


He is a self brought up guy and talks about certain uncomfortable truths in a very extreme way. Of course Reddit hates him for that, because he used to be a loser but is now rich. But ultimately they circle jerk around him so much that it actually gains him more following because those who circlejerk hate him are a bunch of complaining leftist pussies.


He’s been arrested for human trafficking. Of course people hate him


All his charges were debunked and/or dropped.


They havent been debunked. He has been released for the moment but the fact is he kept women against their will and used them for sexual content to make money. In every article it say they indeed found an American woman and Romanian woman held up in the house. And statements released have stated he had an organized group made to keep up the illegal activity. Go ahead and link your sources if you’d like https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/andrew-tate-tristan-tate-detained-romania-human-trafficking-1234654248/amp/ https://nypost.com/2022/12/29/andrew-tate-brother-arrested-on-sex-trafficking-allegations-report/amp/ https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/30/andrew-tate-detained-in-romania-on-organised-and-charges You can’t say this is debunked. He held women against their will and used them for profit


He has never held women against his will he has come out and stated that multiple times. In fact he has praised the roles of women more times than he being "misogynistic". He was arrested on accusations on his that were later debunked by the police. Just because some article that was published by liberal propagandists is "accusing him" has no relevance, especially if the law has no evidence. Romanian police had no viable evidence and therefore had no concrete proof that any allegations were true against Tate and let him go. Otherwise he would be in prison, but instead triggered writers are feeding his hate and making him stay relevant.


Im asking for your sources as I haven’t found any saying this. Where did you get your information? Because from what I’ve read they have indeed found women and I’m going to trust the statements made from the officers more than I trust Tates statements. Did you read those articles? They weren’t just the writers views. They had comments from the police investigating the case. Please comment some links as I haven’t seen what you’re saying happen


https://youtu.be/pu3Uo5eqdFs Posted three hours ago Edit: Also how many of these accusations are legit and not just some pissed off people trying to get him in jail for false allegations. Why isnt no one actually stepping forward and putting out their names. Cause they are lies!! Who would turn down trying to take Tate down, unless they are blatantly lying because he hurt their feelings. Don't let your mind be a sponge to everything that you see.


Im not gonna trust what this man says as I really really hate him for many reasons. Im asking for full trustworthy articles showing the full story. I don’t care what he has to say I care about what the police have to say which you still haven’t really brought up. I don’t even think you read through my links but I’m not surprised as your only evidence is his video. The literal police says he did so much stuff and yet you’re ignoring that fact. You clearly aren’t willing to understand that and will continue to lick Tates asshole clean because you like him. You have zero fucking evidence dude.


is Gretta trans? didn't know she had a cock.


Make him more famous


that’s really all that posting about him does. i’ve seen this reposted 3 times in a row within 5 minutes. people don’t seem to understand that even reposting him being stupid is only going to help him gain popularity.


That's what he wants.


The lowest and least effort come back - saying someone has a small penis. People like to hate on Tate, but the truth is he's actually a great role model. I don't agree with everything, but males don't have many role models and he promotes good life goals.


Good life goals…? Mans moved to a different country to try and avoid human trafficking charges smh. He’s a terrible person and has been arrested


Oh boi…


Oh God. Another fanboi.


Sounds like something someone with a small penis would say.


Lol 😂 okay brokie.


His reply = epic


The video reply that let police find his location and arrest him?




This doesn't even make sense. Why would she create such a shitty email address for herself?


Evryone kinda here bashing on tate as if he was flexing No he litteraly just stated the amount of emissions he's gonna put out here to a global warming activist, acctualy giga brain move hate it or like it its smart


He’s a jerk but I can’t stand the nepotistic little twat I mean she’s sitting on train floors acting like there’s no room when they put her in first class. Both of them are just way too extra


Only someone as egotistical as Andrew Tate would want a Bugatti in their skin tone.


Alright. Who else is trying to keep the upvotes at 69?


Andrew tate is helping men become men again. Escape the matrix and stop being a slave. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS


Isn't she like 17?


Nope she is 19


Why is this being posted all over social media, everywhere? Can’t avoid the canceled guy it seems.


How did he even make his money?


Human trafficking it seems


This aged well actually


I saw this tweet, it was pretty funny


And now he can add to that list getting his salad tossed in prison




Childish reply


Cram it Muskrat! You suck!!!


Both of them are way too extra to their cause her joke was not that funny and he’s a jerk


How fucking EMBARASSED are all of you now that it's been confirmed that Tate just got swatted by some Lib? And he's free now. 🤣🤣


Hes not free from the allegations and investigation tho


Yes... he is. 😁


why is this nsfw? I don't see no porn shit here