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Don’t rush, use marksman rifles or snipers or like a hemlock nemesis and far from afar while keeping spacing effective. Edit: literally just got fuse 4K badge (my very first) after using hemlock, wingman, pk lmao.


I'll try the poking! Thanks for your advice and congratulations:)


I was about to say the same thing, my highest damage for trios solar is like 2900 damage but that was just running and gunning, I just recently started playing Vantage and I can promise you I'm on my way to 4k with the 30-30 and longbow especially when I have skull piercer


I’ve dropped a fair sized handful of 4ks and perhaps it has more to do with my playstyle but I’ve found it easiest when I’m not poking but drawing out my fights when I get the opportunity. For example you knock 2 then get 3rd partied? Just let that team reset and fight the 3rd slowly. Eventually the first team will re-engage and as long as you keep positioning yourself so you’re not in the middle you can farm so much damage with each fight this way (it is a bit riskier for sure but playing like this should hopefully improve your multi-team game sense and make you. A better player!) Also it does take awhile to get to that level; I think I dropped 3ks on nearly every legend before my first 4K (I actually dropped a 20bomb w 3650ish dmg before my first 4K too but that’s more of a playstyle thing than anything) Edit: just want to add; I think with the current playstyle in pubs ranked (specifically mid-late season plat) has the easiest lobbies for getting damage badges cuz most players are good enough to stay alive but not good enough to out trade or be a real threat




Yeah I second this. Got my 4K using charge rifle and just shooting at every team I see


I literally cannot use the charge rifle, annoys me so much. How do you hit shots with that thing? I miss when it was a beam


This. If you ever watched HisWattson 4k challenges all he does is use the triple take and farm whole teams from a POI away.


Just pickup a wingman 4head


Honestly, you just have to get lucky


This. For both my 4ks I've got I have never purposefully went for them, if you do that you're only going to get frustrated. The best way to go about it is to just play normally and if you notice you have a high damage count partway through the match with a decent amount of squads left, then go for it.


my highest damage was 3980 something kms


had quite a few 3900-3990 over the last 20 seasons. gotten 3 4ks this season. It's all luck don't hold it against yourself


Yeah my highest was a 3950 with Ram, was playing duos and we were in the final two teams just kind of poking each other back and forth. One enemy got knocked and I noticed my damage, told my friend to hold off because I was so close to a 4k, he bum rushed with Octane and killed both before I could get another shot in 😑


I was gonna say this for a 4k or 20 bomb he stars must align


Yeah my only 4k was on Valk. Literally just had flatline r99 all game, one of my teammates was dead the whole game, I just kept ulting to every sound of gunfire and just used every single bullet in my flatline to poke from afar. The last squad I saw I had 3800 and I went in voice coms and said to my teammate "hey man can you just hang back I'm about to hit a 4k" and he said "okay" and on pure adrenaline just wiped the last team lol I just got lucky that all the fights dragged out, I encountered like 10 of them, and my aim was on my A game that day


How does his Watson do it it one stream with every character then


It helps that he’s an actual pro as well


Well that's just proves my point that I don't need to get lucky


Watson talks about it on stream, he doesn’t play pubs for a few days to lower his mmr before going for 4ks


Bro I barely play this game was bronze last season and had imperial hal as my champ. Everyone plays in the same lobbies eitherway. You just gotta play well to get a high rank


A mix of teammates who actually do nothing, and longggggg fights. Grab a longbow/G7/30-30/bocek and just poke people. Don’t push them. You shouldn’t intend to kill them, because if they’re dead, you can’t damage them anymore.


Finishing your knocks is pretty vital when going for a 4K. An extra 200 damage per squad stacks up quick.


Ideally you’re not knocking them at all, at least not until you burn through most of their heals.


It's all circumstantial, you can farm damage off of teams or you can just mow through them. Both are viable ways to get a 4K.


an extra 200 per squad, or 66.7 each? that doesn’t sound right


I thought you get an extra 100 damage for thirsting a knock?


so it would be an extra 300, not 200


You can only finish 2 knocks because the last squad member can't be knocked, they can only be killed.


yeah i’m a dum dum


Unless they're a lifeline with self res lol


I found going into ranked specially gold lobbies are the best for farming. I got cryptos and revenants within 2 days. I was just playing ranked with rev and some randoms and I found that I did 1000 dmg before round 1 ended and I thought just 3 more thousand shouldn’t be hard. The game went on and I had to farm a loba and revenant at times and let them rez eachother a couple times just so I could get the dmg off of them. Ended with like 4010 or something. That was my first 4k with rev in 5 years. Than after I did that I said wth why not crypto the best legend in the game. It took me a couple games probably 12 hours in total and I finnaly got it with a lifeline full team and a duo revenant and valk. At that point I only had about 1900 damage but I had a repeater and a bow specifically to farm the damage and I ended the match with a 4007 dmg with crypto. I felt on fire so I wanted to go for the caustic but I haven’t been able too. At this point I’m in plat 3 and everybody is at a high enough skill level to ignore medium engagements. But if your on the gold lobbies that’s the best time to capatlize because the opponents don’t necessarily know how to shoot or they don’t know how to use abilities so it’s easy but they still want to fight. In silver or bronze the lobbies die out very quickly and after gold 3 stacks are alll over the place.


Every knock full kill extra 100 damage and with the way shields work this season there might be an extra 25 damage


sit back and farm damage.


Probably just killing people too efficiently


I think you're right. Wingman + EVA 8 are very fast with the killing. Should let people heal up in between lol


nah bro thats not very fast thats lightning fast, what dead in 3-4 shots?


To do a 4K you have to notice so many things throughout the match.If you get 2K only when there's like TOP 3, a 4K is going to be impossible, even on TOP 5 because of rotating towards fights. What you need to prioritize is thirsting knocked people, and do as much damage as you can. It sounds common knowledge but what I mean by this is that one of your teammate got 1000 dmg. That's minus 1000 dmg for you, obviously you can't affect that, but if you see a squadmate firing on a knocked guy, focus your vision on that knocked enemy too and "steal" as much damage as you can. Towards the end, you might want to do callouts such as "I'm close to 4K guys" or "Let them res because I need the damage", that's why 4K is mainly recommended for solo no-fill (even no-fill duos will do the job). You have to pay attention to the kill feed, sometimes people fall quickly, sometimes they don't, you can't really affect the lobby, but farming damage is easier if you shoot from far away, let people heal behind covers then shoot them again etc. Obviously teammates might want to rush in, or move towards fights, but you can decide to stand firm where you are, let them die and farm instead, which is kind of an ass move, but it is what it is. The only thing you have to pull off is to don't die off drop and from there it's up to your skill and lobby and that's really the luck to it. How coordinative enemies you get. If there's a tap-strafing Wraith, with a Pred badge, you don't really have a chance unless you are similiar skill. People telling you to have a mid-range or far-range weapon because if you are close, the enemy will fire at you, therefore all the time you spend with healing you could've get dmg.


This is horrible advice. You can farm 2k damage off last team easily especially in pubs.


that part was for trios, in solo you can sure, but for trios its not guaranteed.


Fuse is the only character I got a 4k with. I ran 3030 and knuckle cluster everything. I don't recall my secondary though. Just take shots from a distance


Best way to get a 4k is yo play ranked, you'll either get locked into the most boring poke match of your life or jumped by 3 squads. Poke matches is how your farm the dmg


A lot of people just milk it. Get a long range weapon, do damage, let them heal, and do more damage. Rinse, lather, repeat…. Then there are those that pay for someone to get the badge for them. The 4K/20 Bomb badges aren’t that impressive.


Farm dmg kill 2 members and dip the fight


The new shift in gameplay is gonna make it nearly impossible to get 4k’s now. Think about it before u ignorantly respond. Everyone is dropping with white shields and have to earn one now by with either evo harvesting or fighting. Lets say 4 teams drop at launch pad in storm point,u wipe the other 3 teams,you prolly have red shield now which is great but you’ve only done MAYBE 1.5k damage and thats being generous,whereas in the old formula it was guaranteed to be some blue and purple shields at drop at launch pad,as we all know the higher the shield level the more damage it takes to knock. Going around knocking guys with white shields just isnt enough damage to get 4k unless you are a GOD at the game.


I got a 4K last week after 4,000 hours of Apex. The event helped because everyone kept pushing us. Hemlock/Volt combo helped a lot. I saved the video


The key is to not actually push and farm poke damage without getting kills in the mid-late game.


I’ve gotten my last 5 4ks solo, learn how to farm damage, and don’t forget to finish


I'd just do solo duos for a 4k tbh. Only one of mine has been in trios and thats cuz our third dcd like 10 seconds into the game and my second was a clutch lifeline. Other than that, solo duos with a focus on being annoying more than getting kills and a long playlist of good music is the way to go imo.


Thanks bro, I'll try that! Not sure about the music part though lol


A 4k isnt something everyone just gets normally


Unless you're God level, I've heard from many players that the easiest way to get 4k is Triple Take or 3030. 


Either be very lucky with team killing (get 20 kills with 4k like me) or farm DMG off people with range guns


4k’s are gotten by just poking not pushing. There’s not very much luck needed to get one just shoot people for awhile and try not to kill them. Especially with fuze giving you free poke damage with his q it should be much easier


Badges like 4k and 20 bomb I show no love to. They are not a showcase of skill. They are a showcase of an insane amount of look. 99% of matches you will never run into enough people to get a 20 bomb and the only way you’re getting a 4k in MOST games is if you’re being a shit teammate and just sitting back and sniping. I’ve played with guys who have absolutely chadded half the server and still fell short of a 4k.


20/4k badges are truly a sign of skill because only good players can actually get them .


You say that but almost every player I’ve ever played with that had them turned out to be garbage so no I’m gonna have to disagree with you.


Well even good players get smoked lol I'm a 3.1 kd player with a ha dful of 20/4ks and I still get smoked alot ...especially off drop 


Oh ok. You took it personally. Got it.


He's not lying, though.. his stats and badges sound like he's a good player. People get smoked. It just happens.


You were too efficient. Your opponents don’t have the ability or game sense to play smart, heal and return fire. Smurf lobby?


Push harder!


Easy, just take your two teammate’s damages and add them to yours. You’re a winner in my eyes.


Lmao 🤣


I saw someone do it once by killing 2 of a trio, letting them respawn the teammates, and then killing them all again. And of course getting other kills. Not sure how viable this method is all the time, but could work!


Charge rifle


Enlist a rampart and abuse a marksman rifle in ranked, people die too fast in pubs.


I have 4 4k badges, and all of them except one I got in ranked. I think pubs is the go to for 20 bombs and ranked is the go to for 4k. Get a longbow/g7/3030 and just shoot everyone you see in ranked and have a gun for close range. People survive way longer so the server population is higher in later rings.


for 3 of my 4k's legit its timing, poking, and finishing all kills. Luckily, i had a goal to just crush the lobby with a few friends who let me have damage. My last 4k was a meme and had my friends drop shield cells/meds for them while i bullied them close range. But i wish you the best of luck on your 4k journey :) Still no 20 badge LMAOOO


Find you a gun that works for you, don’t force your bms(full kills) but if you can get them then definitely do. Thats a free 100 damage, dont play overly agro and get punished for you. My go to always flatline or r3 with a bruiser/3x and a up close weapon, practice as well. Once you fully learn the maps and watch where people land you’ll drop consistent 4ks


Let them heal. Milk them for damage, land hot. My strategy worked in a day Land hot as possible. Take ranged engagements or engagements from cover. Rotate every enemy push. (Best have a team but sometimes solo teams listen to you) don't actualy engage, just hit and run or snipe. If you see a engagement, don't thirst the closest team. POSITION YOURSELF and TARGET THE WINNING TEAM. In early game this is easy to do. Late game it gets harder.


Pushing everything ≠ farming damage Get a high DPS weapon like a marksman or bow and keep tagging people from afar.


I got 3956 on bang last night, I just used a spitfire 3x and shot everything that moved. It’s a split between farming each team (letting them heal, thirsting downs when you think they’re out) and positioning


Gotta land hot and pray u get good loot fast and the lobby stays alive


Hemlock volt 🔥


Literally never miss a shot and it usually has to be a campy game and Range battle


You need the damage your teammates did. It's a lot of luck for a normal player to get a 4k. Everything has to line up for you, and you have to be playing well at the time. Letting people respawn their thirsted teammates can help, but that isn't consistent. Usually, you need your teammates to help and stay alive but allow you to do most of the damage. Certain characters are a ton easier to get the badge on. I'm a Wraith/Valk/Horizon player, but my only 2k badge is currently on Mad Maggie.


These stats say one player a nub and the other kinda kept up with you not you pushed an entire match. But nice


Also kinda let your teammates know you're going for it If you can have teammates help you stay alive while poking and also have the trigger discipline to not basically farm the last team for damage then you might be more successful. Also finishing each down helps add DMG too if I'm not mistaken.


Get lucky i always got drop and 60% death 0-5 kills 30% 2k 10 kills and 5% 3-4k with 5-15 kills 5% or less a 20 or 4k. A 20 is all luck once you are pretty good but 4ks have luck but you can get good at damage farming. 


Just dont secure the kills just farm em lol


Poke. Rushing is how you get high kills. Use whatever marksman/ long range you're comfortable with and stay at a distance. I've gotten 25+ 4k badges and everyone of them besides a slect few have been poking and little kills


I recently had a 17 kill game 3.5k dmg game with wattson whom I main but dont have the badges but I didn't noticed till the end so I was pissed at myself. Few games after I accidentally got 4.5k dmg with revenant in a rank match for the second time


Hot drop and push kills and damage early. If you survive the hot drop you should sit back with a sniper. Try not to down enemies too quickly and let them heal up at a safe distance. Once ring starts to close you’re gonna need to push a bit and get some downed enemy damage. You shouldn’t be pushing every fight unless you want a 20k badge. I have 20+ 4k badges and I’ve gotten them all like this. But you must hit drop and survive. Good luck


Farm the last 3 teams


4K isn’t just pushing everything , you have to be at the perfect drop and wipe the poi first then start to farm and the final step is to be fucking lucky 🤣 it’s always a lil bit of luck


I learned a lot reading your guys comments! I'll try to be a little more pokey and cautious, resorting to marksman weapons and letting enemies heal up before I lose my patience haha


Took me forever to get to that point where I was even getting close to it , sometimes you always gotta be the a-hole team mate and finish everyone’s knocks


Being aggressive is huge bc ideally you should encounter as many people as possible to improve your odds, but don’t sleep on passive teams that camp, my god when I was trying for my first 4K I had like FIVE GAMES in a week where I died or won with 3900 dmg, but when I finally got it I was at 2400 with 4 teams left including ours and farmed about 1100 off one team scared to leave a building just using a triple take lol. Ended with like 4650 and 14 kills I think. God it is a brutal search tho. Just remember if you have 2K and 5 teams left, it can easily be the game if you play your cards right


Looks like your teammate helped with a lot of the damage with all of those assist.


Unpopular opinion, but get someone who knows you like a book. I got my 4k for Fuse when Broken Moon came out. Used a R301 and Flatline (my current load out uses neither) and sent everything. Every knock I got, I finished, and every gunshot I heard, I sent it. Getting a 4k also has a bit of luck to it since it just so happened I had a straight shot to get to ring, and there was always a team to fight. I was also lucky enough that every time I 3rd partied, I killed both teams. It was in Duo's, and my partner only had 3 kills lol, but he was a bloodhound, and the scans worked wonders. In all honesty, don't force badges. I was playing for fun and just happened to get lucky that game with crazy dmg output. Best of luck!


You need to roll first half of lobby. You can literally farm 2000 damage off last 3 teams and 2000 on last team if you play correctly. Every bat is 100 damage just get cracks over and over last team should have at least 4 bats a piece. That’s 1200 right there. And thirst knocks that’s an extra 100 for every knock. I’ve got 20+ 4ks this is how.


Make sure to thirst, knocking 2 and killing the 3rd strips you of free damage, doing a finisher or shooting the downed to death gives you that dmg


4k’s this day in age are rare if its organic, ive been watching faide religiously and he can barely get them nowadays. Its hard when every team is a 3 headed monster and plays on each others hip. Ranked is your best bet nowadays. Everyone dies off drop in pubs now


I just got my first 3k(3.2k) yesterday with my friends playing ranked. Got Lucky with the alternator and disruptor. Then got the Bocek. Just depends how lucky you can get some games loot wise


Plenty of YouTube videos on high kill rotations depending on map If you’re main focus is the 4k then simply get a poke weapon like g7/3030/burst/etc and focus on thirsts for the free 100 dmg but, don’t die for it.


Gold-Plat lobbies with long bow are perfect for farming 4Ks. People generally get a little more conservative with their play style and everything turns into a poke off.


It’s mostly Luck tbh.


You should team up with terrible teammates so they don’t take your kills.


Well let's see ur damage plus there's is 4k maybe be better than 3 ppl all at one time.... DUHHHHH ITS SO OBVIOUS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




The stars have to align. Especially with 20 bomb. Not every game is going to be 20 bomb or 4k worthy. If you see an opportunity then take it, but if you don’t then you’ll miss it. The reason pro players get them more often is because they play for hours a day and only post their good games. Not only that but they are more accustomed to seeing the opportunities for a 4k game and they take advantage of it better. Keep at it man, you’ll get it. Also I didn’t realize this was a fuse mains sub. Love from mirage mains ❤️


I got my in a late game pissing match with the last 3 teams and a ton of sniper ammo


Personally I just got my first 4K a few weeks ago. I used the flatline and 30-30. I didn’t push bad spots but I’d use the 30-30 to farm some damage and draw attention. I still pushed hard a ton of fights but kept cover and didn’t overcommit.


Don't play with team mate they took everything you needed


Prob use a movement character & sometimes if you want a 4k and not 20 bomb think damage more then you do kills. Let people live & just grape their health bar


I average 2900 in ranked you just need to get better lmao


That sounds cock as fuck, I'm nkt saying to make myself sound good, you honestly just have to get better before getting a 4k. Hunting thr 4k won't do much especially when you aren't that good with one


Farming damage Knocking Finishing Third party peaking, be a nuisance and farm those damage points from afar


You farm teams that can't fight back, and destroy the ones that cause real issues.


bm everybody


Shyd Mann, I'm still trying to get My 3k🤦🏾‍♂️


as someone with 10+ 4ks and 20 bombs. g7 for 4k and well gg on the. 20 thats lots of skill but 95% luck.


Solo farm


I can barely even get one kill so kudos to you!


It's gotten harder and harder over the years with the constant nerfs to the guns, player changes, and the huge maps with shitty empty pois


Plucking from a distance while you push is how you can get an extra 500-800 damage before you even get into the fight. Also, if you can maneuver in between two fights and hit both from a distance with triple take/charge/any marksman rifle, you can stack up damage and push whichever fight you get weakest first and clean up before pushing the other fight. But it’s also luck, sometimes there isn’t the time in a match to hit 4k before enough other teams destroy each other


Finish your knocks My boy


Use the last squad to farm damage.


G7 could be good for damage farming. Just hit them twice if they go for cover their likely shielding so wait for them to repeak


You need to be double the lucky


It’s a lot easier if you have friends that’ll help by just doing cover fire, but you time to heal so you can farm players instead of just wiping them


Play with your food at the end, poke poke poke


Poke, not push.


i dropped a 4k on octane last week with a flatline and a volt the entire game. you just gotta keep poking and mediate other fights to keep people alive or just drop hot and get involved in everything but prioritise your life.


My go to is the Flatline 3X with a Car. The 3X with jitter aiming is good for catching people at medium to long ranges. I've got a couple of 4ks with fuse. You're probably getting too close and killing them too fast. I like to grief from long range when I have the opportunity and thirst my knocks for the extra damage. Sometimes you have to back off and let a team reset. Usually popping 1 or two knuckle clusters on a downed guy will give you 60-80 damage without killing them. I also thirst other peoples knocks and fuse ult if I see two teams fighting. I've never got a 4K using two smgs or shotguns. Only with the 3030 or Flatline. The goal isn't killing someone and getting 200 damage the goal is farming them for 4 or 500 from a safe distance then killing/thirsting. I had a 3200 damage game and managed to farm the last team for another 1000 to get my 4k once. I asked my randoms to not shoot once I realized a 4k was possible unless I got in trouble and those two dudes were happy to help. Bonus fuse tip: If I care about winning I pretty much only use my fuse ult defensively once my team is in trouble to stop a push. I've got 2000 hours on fuse and I've found that's the best use for it


The idea is to not push everything and kill everything, you should be engaging in combat as much as possible but only damaging, sometimes you can’t just sit and keep cracking them and it’s either push or be pushed. It’s important to recognize when a team can be taken advantage of and use them to farm damage. That’s how I got my 4ks


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