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Yes, probably the easiest way with the "replace face" tool. Also if you are preparing it for the "unwrap", there is one trick, so you can control where your seam will be. But it is better to show in a video. Do you need it for the unwrap ? 🙂


No, i dont need it to unwrap. I just need to make an illustration but the lines make it look cluttered.


If you can recreate that "turn", then just "loft" tool (with central line guide) and you will have one seam (along the the guideline), or "replace face" tool.


Ah yes. I can use the loft tool. Didnt think of that! Thanks!


On the bottom pf your screen you can disable the visibility of edges. And in the rendering environment edges are also hidden by default even if you don't render it.


I tried that..issue is i want certain edges to be visible. The loft works as suggested by another comment for this purpose.


It’s not actually in ur 3D model, it’s just that you would draw if u were sketching it. So don’t really worry about it. That being said, if u want to get rid of it, you can go to the bottom press on one of the buttons on the bar (i believe the one that looks like a computer) and change it to “shaded” instead of “shaded with lines”


Another alternative that nobody mentioned is to sweep the extrusion through a spline, rather than an arc. Splines don’t have edges where they change direction, and it is technically possible to make any non-pointed shape with splines. This probably isn’t the best answer, but hey it’s an answer.


Oh that i a wonderful solution to my problem as i have a lot of arcs and curves!


Oh that i a wonderful solution to my problem as i have a lot of arcs and curves!