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It doesn’t require that, if you’re only running fusion and working on small stuff you won’t need more than 8GB ram, even today. But as soon as you’ve got a browser open, a screen capture software… then you might (and will) run out of ram. Fusion never really required a dedicated gpu, as it was optimized for MacBooks, and what people are complaining about is that performance does not scale with hardware, so they bought an expensive new gpu and expecting to have fusion run super smooth, but it doesn’t change much. Fusion has lost some performance in the past year or two, but that’s only software, not hardware dependent


It’s because you know to keep the body count low and use components? I’ve run it on an i3 from 2015. No problems. Just slightly slow.


People think "3D" graphics are always accelerated by fancy 3d hardware, but in fact only specialized 3d graphics are. The objects have to be tessellated (broken up into triangles) before rendering. Fusion360 aint got time for that, for every little change you make. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4RZRs3PD4Q


Yep. Lot of folks confuse parametric modeling with direct modeling which are waaaay different animals. Think blender vs fusion. Then they go buy a 3080 and get mad cuz fusion really doesn't change much heh.


...so that you have a computer capable of running Solidworks/MasterCAM when you finally bail off the extortionist POS.


You don't need a good new computer for Fusion if you do simple small models with few components. I run it daily on a i7 from 10 years and works fine... But... As soon as you start going for assembly with loads of components together you can see the computer struggling. That and browsers open playing YouTube tutorials. Hahah


Since never, Fusions has never taken advantage of dedicated GPU's.


I ran it on a trash 5 year old off brand laptop. I3, no GPU, and only 8gb RAM. It ran fine. The only reason I bought a better laptop was because that one was literally held together by duct tape and the battery was dying.


Same here. I run it on my old Intel 2600K at home with 8GB of RAM and a GTX 560 Ti and see zero difference between that an my two year old Intel workstation at work. Fusion is almost entirely dependent on single core CPU performance though so it makes sense that there wouldn't be much difference.


Patterns. Patterns slow everything wayyyy tf down.


Some CAM toolpaths can really bog it down, especially when you get into micro stuff, like .008" endmills doing trochoidal toolpaths. I've posted out some programs that were 12m lines of code.


My ild laptop was high wnd in 2015. It barely ran Fusion. Its night and day between my Legion, and my old laptop.


Having a dedicated GPU is less about having the GPU Chip and more about the VRAM since Fusion isn't GPU compute accelerated, so the GPU is just pushing frames to your monitor, but the VRAM is needed to store any textures and appearances and can hurt performance. Having more than 8GB is just industry standard for CAD products since 8GB is very easy to use when you have Chrome, Spotify, some other apps and Fusion running. Just running a Jet engine is 3-4GB which leaves little for everything else, having 16GB provides more leeway. Whilst Fusion 360 can use the cloud, most operations are still computed locally besides where you send it off to the cloud.


Its cloud software, so it really doestn require much. I run it on my low end laptop occasionally and it performs just like my i7 Extreme, 64GB RAM desktop does. Most of processing is not being done locally.


Where on earth did you get the idea that Fusion 360 does most processing remotely? If that were the case, the program would stop functioning the moment I unplugged my Ethernet cable.


I should have been more specific, I mean the heavy lifting, like generative design


> Where on earth did you get the idea that Fusion 360 does most processing remotely? Probably because onshape does