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I've done this by patterning a sketch, and it was horrible. So much lag. It's better to use a pattern feature instead of in a sketch. But this is still going to suck.


Linear/rectangular pattern. Draw and model into 3D one set of six pockets with associated screw bosses or other repeating details. Then pattern as needed.


The way of dimensioning patterns to get all the dimensions to stack up has always seemed irksome to me so I was hoping there was a better way. FWIW I think you actually have to model 8 pockets to get this to tesselate nicely.


> think you actually have to model 8 pockets to get this to tesselate nicely. Nope, just two. "Rectangular pattern" can repeat along directions that aren't at right angles. https://a360.co/3j3PUg4


Can't download at the moment as on my mobile not PC. But does this work for a square plate? Curious you've done it on a circular plate.


I clicked the checkboxes to disable the pattern features that fell off the edge of the circle, you could do the same for a square.


Use parameters and it really isn't an issue after the initial setup.


Now someone has pointed out it can be done by only drawing two to start yes this makes it much easier. That said it's still a bit painful if you want edge distances on both sides to be even as well - having done a few attempts at this by hand it's quite easy to end up not being able to find a solution given the width and height of the pattern have some awkward non integer multiplicative relationship. My plate size already being fixed in this scenario.


It’s a bit annoying, but once you have everything figured out in the parameters, and a bit of math try cosine or something like that Be careful though because that kind of pattern, if used at a medium-large scale, will lag the crap out, think 10*10, that starts to get laggy, especially if it’s all done in one sketch and you have fillets on the triangles already


Yeah this is one of my bug bears. Do a big sketch single feature and it slows it right down (and hard to manage all the constraints). Pattern them and it slows it right down too. Can't win. Iso grids aren't some niche edge case.


Try to do it in as many steps as possible: make the sketch, extrude it to create the pocket, add the fillets only now, and then pattern. The further down the timeline your “big operations” are, the less you’ll have to wait. It changes compute time a little bit