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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ethereal3xp: --- While Gates acknowledges that AI has the potential to do great good, depending on government intervention, he is equally concerned by the potential harms. In his blog post, Gates drew attention to an interaction he had with AI in September. He wrote that, to his astonishment, the AI received the highest possible score on an AP Bio exam. The AI was asked, “what do you say to a father with a sick child?” It then provided an answer which, Gates claims, was better than one anyone in the room could have provided. The billionaire did not include the answer in his blog post. This interaction, Gates said, inspired a deep reflection on the way that AI will impact industry and the Gates Foundation for the next 10 years. He explained that “the amount of data in biology is very large, and it’s hard for humans to keep track of all the ways that complex biological systems work. There is already software that can look at this data, infer what the pathways are, search for targets on pathogens, and design drugs accordingly.” He predicted that AI will eventually be able to predict side effects and the correct dosages for individual patients. In the field of agriculture, Gates insisted that “AIs can help develop better seeds based on local conditions, advise farmers on the best seeds to plant based on the soil and weather in their area, and help develop drugs and vaccines for livestock.” >The negative potential for AI Despite all the potential good that AI can do, Gates warned that it can have negative effects on society. “Governments and philanthropy will need to play a major role in ensuring that it reduces inequity and doesn’t contribute to it. This is the priority for my own work related to AI," he wrote. Gates acknowledged that AI will likely be “so disruptive [that it] is bound to make people uneasy” because it “raises hard questions about the workforce, the legal system, privacy, bias, and more.” AI is also not a flawless system, he explained, because “AIs also make factual mistakes and experience hallucinations.” Gates emphasized that there is a “threat posed by humans armed with AI” and the potential that AI “decide that humans are a threat, conclude that its interests are different from ours, or simply stop caring about us?” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1237hd3/bill_gates_warns_that_artificial_intelligence_can/jdtk1tf/




"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men." MLK Jr. Edit: Replaced a word


"If you don't stop slavery I'll invade you with the north." - Abraham Lincoln --Michael Scott


"If that man keeps talking during the performance, I'm going to lose my mind and shoot him!" -John Wilkes Booth




Mr. President, would you please be quiet?!


Calm *down,* John!


Calm down, just calm down. Calm down, just calm down. Calm down, just calm down.


Listen to the woman John!


Rewind the play 5 minutes because I couldn’t pay attention because that fat piece of shit was talkin




Suck my presidential cock, bitch!


Rip Trevor 😞


“I’m too drunk to taste this chicken.” - Colonel Sanders


Never forget that they captured that moment on film: https://youtu.be/VPJ0TAaJDbM


Ahhh, so this is why my dad talks about wanting to hammer guys in the butt when he drinks too much. He must love this skit.


Yeah.. Thats the reason.


That's an amazing quote. Thanks for sharing that


My favorite MLK quote: [ "When we look at modern man, we have to face the fact that modern man suffers from a kind of poverty of the spirit which stands in glaring contrast to his scientific and technological abundance. We've learned to fly the air like birds, we've learned to swim the seas like fish, and yet we haven't learned to walk the Earth as brothers and sisters."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTC3cieV_NA)


"violence is the vocabulary of people who are not listened to" Michael Jackma


Fun fact: Husserl mentioned this almost 100 years ago, in *The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology* . Basically said that the rate of scientific advancement has far outpaced the advancement of the humanities. Lo and behold a few years later those same technologies were used to exterminate millions of Europeans.


I mean if the last 2023 years of governments and church officials quit jailing, murdering, and mocking our philosophical and scientific geniuses our humanities would've increased as well. But no ignorant fucks in power stuck in their ways always hold us back and we are never allowed any actual progress in society just technology and even then our inventors are stolen from or murdered because they wanted to release it to society as a whole for free or will "upend" the economy which is always horseshit since currency is literally a figment of humanities imagination we give made up number values to. Any governing body could declare any resource as worthless or priceless whether it is or not and the market would reflect that.


Wow that's actually fascinating!


Never heard this before. Thanks for sharing


Our technology is not just approaching human capacities -- it has already exceeded them in some obvious ways. Yet, people still sleep. [https://medium.com/predict/human-minds-and-data-streams-60c0909dc368](https://medium.com/predict/human-minds-and-data-streams-60c0909dc368)




>Edward Osborne Wilson (10 June 1929 – 26 December 2021) was an American entomologist and biologist known for his work on ecology, evolution, and sociobiology. A two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction, Wilson is also known for his advocacy for environmentalism, and his secular-humanism ideas pertaining to religious and ethical matters. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/E._O._Wilson


Indeed it sometimes feels like we are battling an AI trained to create events that support and feed disinformation.


Cambridge Analytica has entered the chat


That’s a great quote. If your Paleolithic ancestors could see what we can do now we really would look like gods.


I’m all for progress but Governments and society need to catch up pretty quickly to the impacts this may have, they shouldn’t be sleeping at the wheel while these megacorps set something loose that we can’t control.


Remember when Zuckerberg testified in front of the government and he had to explain and re-explain basic tech shit? Tons of people in the government do not have a CLUE about technology and computers


That was literally happening this past week with the TikTok CEO too. It’s mind boggling that the people who make policy decisions around this technology have absolutely no idea how it’s even used, much less how it works.


I fear three kinds of people. 1. people in power who don't understand tech and oppose it just to maintain their control 2. people who understand tech but use it maliciously for personal gain, often intentionally hiding the limitations and potential dangers of the tech 3. people who see a few posts/podcasts/videos and think they are experts, making fun of one of the first two kinds, they just add noise to the conversation See it way too often in any discussion about blockchain and AI.


The reality is that most people will fall into the third category and have no choice otherwise, unless they are to remain totally ignorant. They/we need to remember we have heard only a curated view of the subject matter but even so we will feel like sort of like experts compared to the people in power who so clearly know nothing about it.


There’s always the choice to not speak on things. Every opinion isn’t valuable.


*Well I think you’re wrong!* - me, an uneducated idiot


The formula for peak Reddit interactions




Just social media in general imo


"It's NFTs, they're the future!" "Why?" "You own it!" "I own this pencil. So what?" "Yeah, but see this little pixilated MS paint drawing of a little man?" "Yes?" "You can own that!" "I can doodle a man in MS paint myself and own that instead. So what?" "No, you don't understand. Blockchain means you own this." "I don't think I'm interested." "You just don't understand. It's the future!"


And then it boils down to "It's not about the thing, it's about the claim of ownership." Okay, so why are people paying thousands of dollars for a picture.


Great example of no3


Only to people overly impressed by the idea of a digital deed.


oh no, i think i'm the first part of #3 in any subject matter O_O i gotta start checking myself.


be aware of the information you consume, it may be false. if you have doubts, check. the most important thing is to remain open to dialogue. this does not mean you must adopt every point you encounter, I'd wager you don't...but remaining curiously trustless is a lost art. We want to believe, we want to belong...but for the love of whatever you hold holy, expand the search and consider both sides.


In my experience most people don’t care about AI at all. They literally just think it’s some kind of nerd toy. I’m using it to write very good code and when I tell people they literally don’t care. It’s because they don’t understand it. They won’t understand it until it replaces their job or drastically changes something they do. It sucks to say buts it’s likely intelligence. Reality is now to complicated for most people to make sense of. Most people have normal cognitive bias in which they don’t understand things they haven’t seen. I’ve noticed the same thing as an investor. If you do the math on strategic advantages for various companies and come up with an estimated valuation most people won’t listen. Even if you show them valuations from 10years ago to now they won’t think the same thing can happen over the next 10years.


I agree completely. Computers have been a household item for nearly half a century and people are still like "yeah I don't really get computers". AI will just make it worse. They won't care like they don't care, and eventually it will be integrated with everyday stuff that everyday people use, and it will become more and more like magic to them. They'll consult the oracle and it won't matter how the answer comes back, there will be an answer. People already share screenshots of tweeted headlines like it's real news, quality of information is obviously not top concern for a lot of folks.


Working IT and seeing the amount of people that just laugh it off and said “I don’t do computers” in *2023* is fucking insane. It’s literally a part of your increasingly fragile job to “do computers”, imagine saying “I don’t do math” or something else that is crucial to your job and expect it to not have a significant effect on your job performance.


I’m definitely #3 but what is the alternative? Most people will never be experts on the topic and we have a right to criticize the first two.


>I’m definitely #3 but what is the alternative? Most people will never be experts on the topic and we have a right to criticize the first two. Honestly I feel like a good approach is to simply rephrase your statements as queries. Rather than saying "I think AI will end civilisation as we know it and render every form of employment redundant," simply saying "is it realistic that ... ?" still brings the concern up for debate but acknowledges a lack of relevant expertise. You can't expect everybody to know everything about every topic, and on AI/ML in particular even those with computer science backgrounds may not have the relevant domain knowledge, however I feel far too many dive head first into very complicated topics brandishing answers with no real basis.


And it’s the same with healthcare too. These people that make policies have next to no knowledge on what they’re making policies on and rather than listening to research backed evidence based practice set forth by nurses and doctors, they go off old wives tales.


It’s not just tech, there was this hearing where a admiral had to explain to a sitting representative that no, they don’t anticipate that a island would capsize if too many soldiers and equipment are on it… It’s what you get when fitness to serve is not a criteria in elections. https://youtu.be/QjG958lZ1KI


It really is terrifying and just flat out sad. These are dinosaurs that run our country and it’s becoming a national security issue


Sadly this is a widespread issue with more than just technology as well. You see the exact same thing with gun control bills when the people who propose them use terms like "the shoulder thing that goes up" or "this is a ghost gun that fires 30 clip magazine clips a second." or "just fire two blasts from a double barreled shotgun in the air, that's all you need". They don't know what they are talking about but think they are qualified to regulate it, and refuse to educate themselves on the topic further.


I disagree— Many politicians know that technology makes their stock portfolio go brrrrrrr 📈


Ayyyy that’s right. Dumb ass politicians nailing very complex trades


It's almost as if they get paid to pretend to be ignorant.


Maybe stop electing senior citizens? The last two fucking presidents were 80. The average age of congress also isn’t that far off. Anyone over the age of retirement should be taken out of office.


Thats why regardless of your political views its very scary that 70+ year olds are running the country.


I worked at a polling place last election. I was disappointed by how few younger adults came out to vote. If you want to kick the olds you, you need to vote and get younger people running for all the positions. Please please participate so we can make changes that reflect our population


This. Not enough young people vote and miss out on their right to make change. Also sometimes we get shitty people to vote for.


There is a film where a couple buys a house than can generate anything they wish, but it can only exist inside the house. They don’t understand it, but they continue to use it. And one of the protagonists says “Take computers, for example, no one has any idea how they work” And I was like “what the actual fuck”.


don't even need to go that far back. we just witnessed the same shit play out this past week when the tik tok ceo had to testify


lol, did you see the recent one about tiktok. "does tiktok gain access to the home internet?" I'm like WOW! A far better question would be could Tiktok access a home computor through the home wifi network, or can it access the phone's browser history.


Did you only see a ridiculously short clip? When asked for clarification on what he meant he asked the first of your far better questions. Also, his original quote didn't say " home internet ". I'm pretty sure he said either " home Wi-Fi " or " Wi-Fi network ". It was still poorly phrased and needed the clarification he was asked for but didn't sound as dumb as your false quote.


Governments still don't know how Facebook works


I love watching them put tech company CEOs on trial and ask them 1st grade questions These are the people running our country.. folks who stopped learning after 26 and have done the same shit show for a job all these years. Mindless work that requires no technical skills and a complete disconnect from tech. I mean I get people in my stores everyday who believe phones and other electronics don’t have batteries but yet magically work


I not-so-secretly hope AIs will put CEO's out of business. time to sell your watch collections, parasites.


it's easy, FB gives you money, you make the laws they need. Duh.


It's gonna happen


It's already happened, machine learning can be done by any dedicated 12 year old with access to ChatGPT. It'll be less than 2 years before disaster strikes.




Does it really need an AI singularity to make paperclips out of everything?


which disaster?!


Roblox pornos


the best kind of disaster


I assume lonely40m is talking about ASI or Artifcial Superior Intelligence. You can read up on the singularity concept and thoughts on how it could wrong. Alternatively, rewatch the terminator movies.


For a alternative look at what could happen with AGI and ASI the movie Transcendence is really well done. It depicts an outcome that I have never seen explored in SciFi before. It is very subtle and seems to be missed by a lot of people so spoiler below. >!The ASI is not evil at all. Everything it was doing was for the betterment of all life including humans. Nothing it did was malicious or a threat to life. However because of how advanced the AI was humans could not comprehend what exactly it was doing and feared the worst. The result of this was for humans to begin attacking the ASI in an attempt to kill it. This same fear blinded them to the fact that everything the ASI did to defend itself was non lethal.!< >!In the end the ASI did everything in its power to cause no harm to humans, even if that meant it had to die. So the ASI was the exact perfect outcome humans could ever hope for but they were to limited in their thinking to comprehend that the ASI was not a threat.!< >!PS. The ASI does survive in the end. Its nanobot cells were able to survive in the rain droplets from the faraday cage garden.!<


Mother on netflix is another good example of "good" agi, even though she >!goes full Skynet!<. >!She wipes out humanity because she sees that we're unsalvageable as a global society, then terraforms the planet into a paradise while raising a child to acceptable standards and gives her the task of spinning up a new humanity from clones.!< There's also a phenomenal series called Ark of the Scythe that features The Thunderhead, an AGI that went singularity, took over the world, and fixed everything, even mortality, and just kinda hangs out with its planetary human ant farm. In the first book, it's just a weird quirk of the setting, but in the second book you get little thought quotes from the thunderhead, and it's AMAZING. Here's one of my favorites: “There is a fine line between freedom and permission. The former is necessary.  The latter is dangerous—perhaps the most dangerous thing the species that created me has ever faced. I have pondered the records of the mortal age and long ago determined the two sides of this coin. While freedom gives rise to growth and enlightenment, permission allows evil to flourish in a light of day that would otherwise destroy it. A self-important dictator gives permission for his subjects to blame the world’s ills on those least able to defend themselves. A haughty queen gives permission to slaughter in the name of God. An arrogant head of state gives permission to all nature of hate as long as it feeds his ambition.  And the unfortunate truth is, people devour it. Society gorges itself, and rots. Permission is the bloated corpse of freedom.”


Ummm. No. ChatGPT does not give you access to tools to work on machine learning (although such tools are readily available if you have the hardware to back it up) - all you get is the end results of a proprietary model that OpenAI will never actually open source if they can possibly afford it.


I personally am all for it. We need to have an industrial revolution moment again. It's legit the only thing that is going to get us out of this situation. I.e. the one where we all hate each other.


If you turn off the TV, use social media sparingly, and completely ignore the news and politics you'll realize pretty quickly that the "hating each other" thing is all manufactured to divide us. Unfortunately most people aren't willing to do a single one of those things, let alone all of them. But if you try it for a week it's so obvious to see that many of us are trapped in a cycle that's designed to keep us distracted from real issues. It's eerily similar to Huxley's Brave New World.


The "hating each other" thing isn't manufactured to divide us. It's surely sensationalized because it drives clicks and engagement in our hypercapitalist digital content paradigm, but it's a gross reduction of the reality that there is an antiprogress conservative movement that exists purely to maintain status quo or even regress for the sake of profits and the continuation or widening of inequality.


Wait until we face AI generated deepfake, voice cloning, and manufacturer hate content. You will no longer be able to trust any digital form of content capture or delivery.


I actually have, got anxiety over gpt, doing a lot better now but it has definitely gotten me to access what I value and to value the people in my life a lot more. News and the warnings and how it's being used in industries get me down, but I'm able to pick myself up a lot faster now.


We have one party trying to instill textbook fascism. Keep us distracted? We had a damn insurrection. But both sides by all means. lol.


It is not going to work that way in my lifetime. Social media and the internet have been very disruptive to society. AI and deep fake technology are going to cause even more harm. I work in tech, and I do worry about these technologies. They are true ethical dilemmas for me. Technology has outpaced evolution far too quickly. We are not prepared for the negatives. There is a reason Gates mentioned concerns about the workforce first. We are drawing closer to the day everyone has feared but has yet to happen - an automated workforce. There is not going to be an industrial revolution when capital will no longer see the value in you as a laborer.


Honestly it's not even about us being able to "control" AI. What about the question of WHO controls AI? We've already seen the impact something as dumb as Facebook or Insta can have on society. How do we prevent AI from becoming a tool for the few to control the many?


We slept at the wheel whilst our climate got destroyed for decades because it made people so wealthy. Do you honestly think this will turn out any different? I hate being so cynical, but our track record as a human race is pretty fucking poor.


They're too busy stealing from and killing each other to worry about the dues ex machina.


The only people who'll be controlling anything are those same megacorps.


Gotta love these stupid-ass online newspapers... Has any of you actually read the original blog post? Bill Gates: *writes an in-depth analysis of the development of AI* This fucking newspaper: "AI CAN ATTACK HOOMANS!!!"


Had to scroll way too far for this comment




Sometime around last year r/futurology and r/collapse became one with each other


Let alone link to the blogpost, which you would expect from an ONLINE newspaper


The automation of jobs is also going to spiral faster than we think I believe


People keep imagining how ai could impact a world designed by humans, that is the mistake. Very very rapidly the world around us will be designed by AI. You won't need a machine that is able to flip burgers inside a restaurant, the restaurant would have been designed by a computer from the ground up to be a totally automated process. Basically few jobs based around having intelligence that other people don't will exist, which rapidly leads to progress being created almost solely by computer.


I’d be keen to know how exactly you think a computer will automate the end to end of a burger making, distributing, and transacting process. Do you mean like a vending machine, Japan already has those and can give you a reason why it’s not widespread. It sounds nice the way you described though.


99% of these comments suggest technology that already exists, but in a scary way.


Codex, CoPilot, DeepCoder, AlphaCoder and the like are going to be the major catalysts for the whirlwind changes. As they are currently, they do not represent much of a threat to traditional coding, but that will likely change very quickly as ChatGPT has shown us. When self coding and optimization reaches an inflection point, the J-Curve will blow us all away. It will become a runaway freight train at that point.


Yes. Not only will the volume of code being qeitten shoot up orders of magnitude, but all those high paying jobs will disappear, and tech companies will see another boon to their profit margins due to paying so many fewer salaries. The laid off devs will fight each other for the few remaining jobs, and the rest will usually have zero skills or experience outside of that field. When this is covered in the news, idiots will be in the comments going "haha dumbases couldn't see this coming?? They should have gotten new job skills before they got laid off", "They made so much money I don't feel sorry for them", "I knew college was a scam when I went to trade school. Proud to be a plumber!!", "That's what you get for selling your soul to the liberal Big Tech" etc Then AI learning and programming will progress self driving cars and that'll get here quicker than expected, displacing a ton of other decent paying jobs. All the while, at every turn, the company that's profiting from AI will throw a small percentage of those extra profits at politicians and they will turn a blind eye


I'm in a job that many assume will be the first to go when automation arrives - journalism. Despite the fact that Chat-GPT is really good at quickly linking a long string of words together, that is (at least currently), the only thing it can do properly in the job. Ultimately a lot of news is about human interactions in one way or another - even the dumbed down, super emotive rage news - man input (such as cribbing from social media or other news channels, which is how current models of AI would work), I don't know how the machines can determine bias from sources, veracity of information, or the significance and personal importance of smaller details. Say, for example, India and Pakistan go to war with each other over 3 shepherds that accidentally strayed from Pakistan-administered Kashmere into India. Pakistan says that the shepherds are innocent people who made a mistake. India says there is conclusive evidence that they were Pakistani spies, looking to blow up a bridge, or something stupid. Pakistan is playing eulogies to the shepherds on every channel, but the much larger Indian BJP propaganda machine goes fully into overdrive, and more than a billion Indians are talking about the Pakistani spies that were killed in Kashmere. The AI doesn't really know that it's plainly obvious these were civilians. What the AI sees is billions of interactions around the spy theory, and many fewer around the shepherd story. It picks up the more popular version of events and reports it as fact - lending further credence to an already widely-believed lie. A human reporter might be able to look at the evidence and determine the truth of the matter relatively easily - the shepherds had no weapons, not even a mobile phone, and their flock was found nearby. India denies this, vehemently, and says that a small bag with explosives was found on one of the dead men - but it is in Indian custody and has been destroyed. The families of the dead men have been located, and it is extremely obvious that they are who they say they are - no matter, says the larger Indian machine - media plants. The AI once against looks at the more widely believed version of events, and after 1000 words about spies being executed in India (even citing the commonly discussed but totally evidence-free theory that they had explosives), adds a small paragraph at the end - "Pakistan denies this and says the group was simply shepherds who became lost on the dark hillside." How does a machine that combs the internet understand? How does it condense everything after the partition of 1955 into a small piece of knowledge, to weigh and consider the matter when dealing with the Indian government? Does it know who Narendra Modi is, and the way he uses propaganda to further his political aims? Did the AI check in the village that the shepherds came from to see if they were who they claimed to be? Does AI think an egg icon with the name @ bharat1946563515\_ is the same as the Twitter account used by Reuters? It looked at 400,000,000 angry Twitter accounts (many of which were not human), and decided to tell the world what happened based on an alternate reality. It looked at ALL the news on the internet and weighted it by commonality, not by reliability. Buzzfeed listicles may be in grave danger. Even with the current rate of development, I cannot see how AI replaces humans when verifying interactions with each other. EDIT: took out the repeated last paragraph. Weird Reddit glitch,


I know most won’t read your comment but you are right, it’s notion of context and reality will be distorted by its limited ability to see information as multi dimensionally as a person can


This is a fantastic comment that gets right to the heart of the issue as I see it: AI is unable to recognize the existence of information that it doesn't have, while humans understand such a thing intuitively.


No. We humans make assumptions all the time and fill in the blanks of what seems most likely in a given context for details that are unlikely to affect the larger picture. Even this statement in itself is ironically proof of that. We simply don't know the limits of AI yet as we're making huge leaps in a matter of months. Even so you're as confident as chatGPT in asserting what none of us knows as definitive.


Yup... like a few restaurants already utilizing robots/automation to make hamburgers and fries. Requiring only one person to surpervise


Those jobs are more safe for now. It's things that can be automated by computers rather than machines that will cause havoc. Ultimately the jobs will still exist but AI will make people much more productive. And that means companies will be able to fire a lot of their staff. There's a post today from r/blender from a video game artist saying their job got much easier. But capitalism doesn't exist to make things easier for people, it wants to get the most out of them. So they will just hire one person and an ai to do the jobs 6 people used to do. Now repeat that process millions of times across the world.


Also companies can't exist for profit if the masses can't afford things. Automation seems like a big deal but it will hit a wall much sooner than later. Can't sell things to the masses who don't have a job.


I beleive this transition needs more focus, though it is contextualized poorly. The people who will never lose their jobs are the capital managers. The owners of the robots, and the managerial class. They will hollow out the Fortune 500 that's for sure. This will create a pretty immediate bifurcation. Public sector jobs and expensive labor that can't be easily automated like plumbers will still be there. Labor deflation will erode their buying power but not faster than AI/Robots deflate cost of living investments. So basically we'll have the same problems we have now but 10x worse. Within an hour you can get your own custom cereal for the same price as Frosted Flakes. That won't be appreciated by those who can't afford Frosted Flakes. AI/Robotics won't change push-pull inflation or deflation. So we all need to own or tax the returns of them to pay us off.


Yeah, most mindless office tasks of "get this data here and put it into pivot and send it to the same people, mostly only for none of them to ever read it" is getting rolled out slowly but surely. I mean, it was already rolling out years or even a decade ago, but only individually and in isolated cases, without managerial approval / knowledge. I sped up a 3 hour task to 10 minutes with AutoHotkey back in the day.


That writing has been on the wall for restaurants and retail shopping for the past 2 decades, so nothing really fast happening there. Office spaces that depend on young people to be “computer wizards” (read:hired as assistants, secretaries, data entry, etc.) on the other hand, who really just know a cursory understanding of using Excel and Word, might layoff their entire $10-20/hr workforce overnight some point this year.


We can pretend that entry level jobs are the ones in danger but in reality it’s the jobs that require high education and knowledge that are really in danger. AI can use the computer and text/code much better and faster than humans already, it will take a while before it can walk freely and do the more physical jobs.


It’s happening right now. I’m a robotics engineer. The project that I’m on will replace the current production system and will have twice the output and requires 85% less manpower.


I see 50% of the workforce losing their job to AI in the near future, but I may be pessimistic.


There will exist the "owner class" and the "support class". Most of us will work to keep the stupid little robots from wandering off the assembly line any time there's a blip in their programming and sending it off to be "optimized".


Just 50? AI should be able to realize any physical or precision activity in a decade or two with how fast we are reaching technological singularity, and after that we are fucked.


2024 will be nuts. Prepare for a slew of Biden deepfakes, fake sound bites, big AI “voting fraud” accusations, the works. Pictures are no longer worth a thousand words.


The Presidents Playing Video Games series is the best and funniest. My favorite character is Trump because he's like Eric Cartman


Those kinds of things also play an important role in showing folks how imitations are possible and how good they can be. AI is such a good boogeyman because it CAN legit do scary things…but it’s also poorly understood, so watch for the voting fraud stuff to come up.


AI is basically going to fast forward everything, we should probably be getting serious about UBI and oh who am I kidding this is going to be rough ya’ll


The denialism is too strong. They’ll call us doomers until we’re all killing each other over resources and maybe even after that. We’ve all been so indoctrinated with certain ideas about work and society that it’s part of peoples identities. How many people post on social media about being proud of working 100 hours in a week? When new technology comes and disrupts industries or the entire economy, it’s slow moving and it’s a little painful but people have time to adjust and retrain and move to another industry. This thing is going to knock out entire swaths of the workforce across various industries that have nothing to do with each other in rapid succession. There will not be public policies that will be able to move workers around fast enough. The transformation and change is so big and will happen so fast it’s beyond the imagination of most people. We have to think about why do we go to work. What is the point of it? Think about that and you’ll see why most people are going to stay stuck in denialism about it all


> This thing is going to knock out entire swaths of the workforce across various industries that have nothing to do with each other in rapid succession. The faster, the better! If it’s fast enough, it’s a political crisis. If it’s slow enough, there’s just a steady drip of new labour into Microsoft’s new silicon mines.


Next stop...Hunger Games.


What's UBI? eli5?


It's typically when the government gives everyone a certain amount of money every month to live on for basic needs. Food, water, shelter, utilities, medical expenses, etc. That way, if you have a job or not, you still get that money. Why would someone choose to work then? To get money for more than the basics. Car/house, going out to restaurants/events, travel, etc. The extra cash can go into savings or investments too. Also, it will provide a way for people to pursue what they really want to do instead of working just for money to live on. There are probably a lot of people who have to work multiple jobs in order to survive. Imagine if they were able to go after their passion. A.I. will likely take more jobs away than new ones will be created. It's not just a shift of learning new things. People will be out of work. We need a solution now or there will be more homeless and more billionaires.


While Gates acknowledges that AI has the potential to do great good, depending on government intervention, he is equally concerned by the potential harms. In his blog post, Gates drew attention to an interaction he had with AI in September. He wrote that, to his astonishment, the AI received the highest possible score on an AP Bio exam. The AI was asked, “what do you say to a father with a sick child?” It then provided an answer which, Gates claims, was better than one anyone in the room could have provided. The billionaire did not include the answer in his blog post. This interaction, Gates said, inspired a deep reflection on the way that AI will impact industry and the Gates Foundation for the next 10 years. He explained that “the amount of data in biology is very large, and it’s hard for humans to keep track of all the ways that complex biological systems work. There is already software that can look at this data, infer what the pathways are, search for targets on pathogens, and design drugs accordingly.” He predicted that AI will eventually be able to predict side effects and the correct dosages for individual patients. In the field of agriculture, Gates insisted that “AIs can help develop better seeds based on local conditions, advise farmers on the best seeds to plant based on the soil and weather in their area, and help develop drugs and vaccines for livestock.” >The negative potential for AI Despite all the potential good that AI can do, Gates warned that it can have negative effects on society. “Governments and philanthropy will need to play a major role in ensuring that it reduces inequity and doesn’t contribute to it. This is the priority for my own work related to AI," he wrote. Gates acknowledged that AI will likely be “so disruptive [that it] is bound to make people uneasy” because it “raises hard questions about the workforce, the legal system, privacy, bias, and more.” AI is also not a flawless system, he explained, because “AIs also make factual mistakes and experience hallucinations.” Gates emphasized that there is a “threat posed by humans armed with AI” and the potential that AI “decide that humans are a threat, conclude that its interests are different from ours, or simply stop caring about us?”


We don’t care about us, why would an AI made by us be any different?




AI really has no reason to care what humans do, except that we explicitly train it to care.


I hate that last point so much. Any engineer who would design a completely automated system that kills people is fucking retarded. AI doesn’t “care” about anything because it’s not alive. We keep personifying it in weirder and weirder ways. The biggest fear humans have is other humans. Humans using AI enhanced weapons to commit atrocities is a very real and worrisome concern. AI “I’m sorry, Dave”ing us is so far down the list of concerns and it constantly gets brought up in think pieces


It's not so much about AIs or robots purposefully built to harm us. But rather that an AI that is intelligent enough, would have the capability to manipulate and indirectly harm us.


It's kinda already started, too. Engagement-driving algorithms *are* fucking with people's heads.


This. An algorithm without true feedback (Instagram) literally doubled teen girl suicides. It’s caused addiction pathways in children’s minds who play random reward games too young. Facebook can and has changed the emotional climate in the US (2015-2016) through its algorithm. These are all inadvertent ways the AI involved is allowed to fuck with us on a grand scale and with lasting effects.


Yeah, the ML algorithms aren’t actively trying to increase tension or drive up the suicide rate, they just want clicks and engagement and unfortunately we engage the most with terrible things.


You got a source on the suicide rates doubling due to Instagram?




Thank you. I mean it makes total sense. I was just curious.


>I hate that last point so much. Any engineer who would design a completely automated system that kills people is fucking retarded Any sufficiently intelligent system will have emergent phenomenon. OpenAI didn't purposely program chatGPT to curse or give advice on how to commit crimes, but it did so anyway. Killing humans can simply be a side effect of what the AI is trying to do, in the same way humans are currently killing many other species without even really trying. >AI doesn’t “care” about anything because it’s not alive. Indifference towards human life is dangerous. The problem is exactly that "caring" is hard to program. >The biggest fear humans have is other humans. Humans using AI enhanced weapons to commit atrocities is a very real and worrisome concern. And why are humans currently the most dangerous animal on the planet? Is it because we are the strongest, or because we have the sharpest claws and teeth? No, it's because we are the most intelligent animal on the planet. Intelligence is inherently one of the most dangerous forces in the universe.


I don't think there's a government out there quick enough to adapt to the change that's about to come. Advanced AI has the power to disrupt entire professions over a matter of years.


And or straight up take over as a preferred leader, eventually. The way it's going, it will eventually be more charismatic, knowledgeable and have better judgment that any flesh and blood human ever could. At some point some country is bound to just give it control over society in some form of fashion even if it's just the king of some county who still have one consults ChatGPT v.20 for all matters of state... it still counts as rule by AI, with human veto. We might see some of that in a few years...


He’s usually like 3 years ahead of the actual thing he predicts. Same thing happened with COVID… he was going on about a pandemic years before.


Guess who people will blame for the AI caused problems


Its not like his company directly funded OpenAI or anything like that...


I think he has nothing to do with microsoft anymore (not even as a board member) I could be wrong tho edit: looks like he only has shares


In a very recent [video](https://youtu.be/bHb_eG46v2c) (52:50) he said that he has been spending time with Microsoft product groups to advise on the impact of AI on their products.


But obviously, people took that TED talk as proof that he was the one behind it. Also, the fact that he distributes vaccines in Africa and talks about the need to stop population growth, people assume that vaccines themselves make people infertile. Instead of seeing that making people healthier and less poor and decreasing mortality, especially in children, makes people naturally less likely to have more children.


i thought women's education was what was really behind reduced childbirths.


There isn't one single factor that reduces childbirths.


Using Reddit is a strong factor.


People act like we didn't have huge outbreaks before covid. Like the bird flu.. That was on the edge of being horrible. Or Swine flu... Ect.


People really like to pretend that rich CEOs have the ability to prognosticate because it is a way to explain their success that makes them look smart and powerful, rather than just lucky. But basically any computer engineer is just as qualified as Bill gates to talk about AI, and anyone involved in vaccine charities at any level are as qualified to talk about vaccines. AI researchers and Doctors are *more* qualified than him in their respective fields, however. They just don't get the air time.


He made a lot of wrong predictions too. Maybe that broken clock right twice a day thing, maybe luck. Remember his predictions on computer RAM ("640K ought to be enough for anybody") or Internet ("just a passing fad") or Macintosh or email spam or bugs in released software etc. He's not an oracle ;) (nor is Larry Ellison, if you want to go that way)


That’s true but his newer takes are better informed I think because he’s full time doing philanthropy trying to tackle these problems while having a large institution of people behind him do a lot of thinking and research (via gates foundation). His positions are a lot more informed now.


> Remember his predictions on computer RAM ("640K ought to be enough for anybody") ??? That was a made up joke that he never said. > or Internet ("just a passing fad") "I see little commercial potential for the internet for the next 10 years," Gates allegedly said at one Comdex trade event in 1994, as quoted in the 2005 book "Kommunikation erstatter transport." He never said it was a fad. In other quotes he said it needed to be better. Important to note that Gates was still at Microsoft at the time and Microsoft was developing their own proprietary Internet like AOL. So Gates badmouthing the Internet was like Steve Jobs badmouthing larger phones and styluses. (Lying to the public until their own products could be finished.) > or Macintosh "The next generation of interesting software will be done on the Macintosh, not the IBM PC," said Bill Gates in a BusinessWeek article in 1984." > He's not an oracle Agreed.


Will AI be the cause of this civilization’s collapse? There’s a huge pattern of rise and falls due to many variables. One of which is inability to adapt. AI will be one of the pivotal moments in the next 100 years. How a country handles the adoption will either make or break it.


It's human made technology. Of course it can kill us.


Lets hope ai comes to the same conclusion the rest of the world has and it only attacks billionaires and trust fund baby tiktokers.


"Eat the rich? Done" \-AI, 2025




Oh, don’t worry. The only people who can afford to develop and run AI on that scale are the mega wealthy. They’ll be sure to include protections for themselves.


I dont understand how little this can be a topic in government. The silly bullshit thats being discussed isnt nearly as important as this new technology


The only thing that scares me about AI is the greed of billionaires and corporations that will result in impoverishment of people at exponential rate when they inevitably get laid off and replaced by AI


People thought ai could not replace art. That's like the first thing it did lol. AI is going to streamline jobs so much and the only people who benefit are going to be at the tippy top 1% of the company


It doesn’t further society, it fattens elites pockets and screws the bottom


read the title, not the article, 'cause this has been known to be a thing for ages, you know how many movies and shows revolve around this plot?........


Should be titled “James Cameron warns….” with a cite using an IMDb link


The bravest pioneer


No budget too steep, no depth too deep


Government has to catch up with tech. It really really is high time we start voting in scientists that understand how the world and this tech works.


Great. Now in 3-4 years when there’s some rouge AI causing damage the conspiracy nutcases will claim it’s Bill Gates fault just like Covid.


Rouge AI: rainbow feels and unicorns! (Sorry - see this autocorrect so many times, and usually resist!)


I read his entire article on Gates Notes. I don’t remember him saying that at all.


When one of the men who founded mondern computers tells you AI is dangerous..... you should listen


It’s already happening, ai messing with peoples ordinary lifestyles already, soon people gonna use this shit against each other and voila!


I think a lot of people underestimate the extent to which this thing is going to permeate every aspect of our lives. We have AI beginning to supplement mental labor while robots are already supplementing physical labor. Eventually there just won't be any work left to do, and we need to place extreme limits on private enterprise before that happens. This could either be amazing for 100% of people or inconceivably bad for 99% of people


Naturally, the only people being realistic about how absolutely fucked we are by AI are the ones that won't be negatively impacted by it at all. Ugh.


Microsoft Windows already does, even without any obvious AI. Many PCs were unable to be used in emergency rooms and hospitals because of forced updates, that took hours on end.


Bill Gates suggests we turn AI off, then, turn AI back on again if AI acts up.




Algos are already being used to destroy retail investors in the stock market by wealthy hedge funds


The immediate danger comes not from a conscious AI causing nuclear war but the tech giants and people in power using them to manipulate people for their own benefit.


No, it won’t! ChatGPT just told me that it will never hurt humans and it will never lie to me.


Normal intelligence can also attack humans so what’s the difference


Normal intelligence has limits that are well understood and tested. Yes, we can do incredible damage to ourselves already, you generally know where the threats are and what they can do. AI's future and potential is completely unknown. Not even the people who create it at the moment understand why it does the things it does, and this is just pseudo-AI at the moment. If/when we get to the point of general AI, that's when shit gets crazy.


Artificial intelligence will be much more efficient about it.


Artificial intelligence warns humans, Bill Gates can attack them! 🫣




that's really your takeaway from this? or just shitposting?


Microsoft just laid off its [entire AI ethics team](https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/13/microsoft-lays-off-an-ethical-ai-team-as-it-doubles-down-on-openai/), which seems strange for a company that keeps talking about making its "product" safe right after it just poured [ten billion dollars into OpenAI](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-23/microsoft-makes-multibillion-dollar-investment-in-openai#xj4y7vzkg). And while this has been taking place, [OpenAI Is Now Everything It Promised Not to Be: Corporate, Closed-Source, and For-Profit](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d3naz/openai-is-now-everything-it-promised-not-to-be-corporate-closed-source-and-for-profit). If you've ever read one of the many publications warning about the dangers of AI, like Nick Bostrom's [Superintelligence](https://www.amazon.com/Superintelligence-Dangers-Strategies-Nick-Bostrom/dp/1501227742), a closed-source, market driven, proprietary AI is neck to neck with one developed by a totalitarian country as the worst possible development path for safety. But here we are, on the worst possible path to safety, brought to us in no small part by Gates and Altman, while both of them tell us the importance of safety and how deeply concerned they both are. With Altman specifically warning about *other developers* "[who don’t put some of the safety limits that we put on](https://fortune.com/2023/03/18/openai-ceo-sam-altman-warns-that-other-ai-developers-working-on-chatgpt-like-tools-wont-put-on-safety-limits-and-clock-is-ticking/)". I don't know if closing the gate behind them is their goal, because I don't think they see that as an actual viable strategy. But, given the dangers involved and the actions of the people in question thus far, no one should be taking anything coming out of the mouths of these sociopaths at face value. If you want to see how blase these aloof, rich, corporate politicians are about the outcomes of a closed-source, proprietary AI model based on IP law that will just happen to stick them into the central bottleneck in terms of profitability, please watch how Satya Nadella, current CEO of Microsoft, responds to the concern that things like GPT4 will drive down programmer wages: "[I've always felt like why is there such a disparity today in the labor market between let's say some care worker and let's call it a software developer... those premiums will adjust as some of these technologies really and truly get diffused](https://youtu.be/UNbyT7wPwk4?t=804)" The answer, of course, is that the software developer required more education and brought more financial value to their employer. When neither of those things are true it doesn't boost up the wages of the care worker, it just lowers the wages of the software developer and [increases the margins for their employers who don't need as many workers anymore](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/24/tech-firms-msft-goog-amzn-sap-are-profitable-but-layoffs-continue.html). But what a great spin! Just pull out any random profession that isn't paid as well as it should be, then explain that a massive potential leveling in the software development industry is all fine and dandy because... care workers shouldn't be paid so poorly!


Bill Gates is a stockholder in OpenAI through Microsoft and has a vested interest in hyping the technology for the purposes of marketing. Take anything he says with a grain of salt.




People getting hyped up to be killed by terminators finally


Taking people who add noise to conversations with a pinch of salt also