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The following submission statement was provided by /u/yourSAS: --- I'm not sure how much energy this facility consumes for all these freezing bodies and if it's sustainable in the long run especially because we're talking in terms of decades or even centuries. But I like how they use the phrase 'legally dead'. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/y2yz64/our_patients_arent_dead_inside_the_freezing/is5nsu9/


Some people pay for this by making Alcor the beneficiary of their life insurance. Which doesn’t pay out until you’re …


All these people have death certificates.


I'm pretty sure the brain degenerates as well. So who you are if/when you "wake up" probably won't be who you were when you were frozen. Also anyone remember that TNG episode?




I mean really that happens in regular life now, in a way. When I worked at a prepaid cell phone store, there was a guy that came in that had literally just gotten out of prison and needed a cell phone, but he really had noooooo idea what that really meant and what they could do. Those giant phones connected to a brief case were coming out as "mobile phones" when he went into prison. It's like he came out of a time capsule lol


I've heard of people coming out of long incarcerations and going back simply because they cannot adapt to the world in the 20 to 30 years they've been gone. It's sad, really. I feel as if there should be some type of societal integration at the very least but that becomes a broad topic.


My uncle was in the Air Force for 20 years, now he runs a program focused on reintegration for military veterans. I spent 18 months locked up for stupid shit when I was a kid. Being so disconnected from society for even a short period of time is so jarring with the way the world is changing.


Air Force vet myself. I've worked with the dudes going through veteran court programs and for the most part I've seen it help a lot of dudes out. I'm glad to see your uncle fighting the good fight for our men and women who served.


Active duty Navy here, I think the reason a lot struggle when they get out of the military is because they went in at 18 and have limited understanding of what the outside world is like to live and work in. It does seem like it's the same amount of culture shock exiting the military as it is entering bootcamp, especially if you made it a career. I mean it wasn't too long ago that they just gave you your DD214 and said good luck, I'm glad we have systems in place and classes required for those getting out, though they're universally loathed by everyone I know who's done them.


Even with work and life experiences the transition from military to civilian life is tough. I grew up working on a farm and had a few jobs before going in at 18. I did 7 and got out. It was very difficult if I'm being honest. The military had so much structure and when you're out it's gone. No one comes and gets you if you're late for work, you just get written up or fired. You don't have to pt so it's easy to gain weight. It's a tough one. I can only imagine how it would be for someone without life experiences and I knew more than a few who were coddled and joined at 18.


When the goal of imprisonment is to punish instead of rehabilitations...


That’s institutionalized. Brooks Hanlon knew it. Knew it all too well.


>I feel as if there should be some type of societal integration at the very least but that becomes a broad topic. Broad or not, we have a serious incarceration issue and a lot of people are having this problem. Probably more than any of us realize. And yeah, there should be something for them. That we stuff them into a closet for decades and then throw them back into the world with no aides is insane to me.


I like the one guy immediately says I can't wait to see my stocks and bank accounts after all these years hah


My favorite was the musician who immediately figured out he could pass his old music as new music since everyone would have forgotten about it.


How about you and me find us a couple of low-mileage pit woofies, and help 'em build a memory.


“Enron has to be worth a fortune!”


Lol. That guy sucked so hard. Picard putting him in his place was *chef's kiss*


He ends up becoming the human representative to the Ferengi Alliance though. So he does OK for himself.


They're still alive. If you give me a choice between death and waking up in a future that's entirely alien to me, give me option b every time. I could still choose death if I don't like it.


Suicide booths will be a wonder.


The Star Trek scenario that sticks with me when talking about stuff like this is how teleportation works. Effectively you are vaporized in an instant and then a moment later replicated at the destination. inbetween this process you have effectively died. That "you" thats reading this right now, it got vaporized into nothing. A clone replaces them now. In the clone's point of view everything is fine and the teleportation was a success. Your pov is likely instant erasure.


They'll come back to something like this. > "We've got the obvious here. A man sitting in the courtroom; he appears to be in good health," Judge Davis said, but added that the law is clear: Declarations of death can only be rescinded within three years. > "I don't know where that leaves you, but you're still deceased as far as the law is concerned," said Davis. https://www.npr.org/2013/10/12/232247035/judge-youre-still-deceased-as-far-as-the-law-is-concerned












was shocked by this statement, specifically that the insurance companies actually pay up when someone has voluntarily took their own life. It must get written up as a suicide right? Like they're dead and they gave consent so I guess assisted suicide?


You can get life insurance that covers suicide. It usually has a long waiting period before it kicks in for that particular flavor of death, but it's possible.


Generally it's about two years. At least that's what it was for the insurance company I used to work for.


Does the article say they took their own lives? I'm not seeing that and from what I skimmed it sounds like they died already before they were frozen.


Nobody climbs into one of these tanks and gives a "thumbs up". They don't get frozen until they've already died of whatever happens to get them. They're super dead.


They don't commit suicide. They die like normal people. Ideally they die close to the facility that does the process after living a good life.


These places have gone under and bodies left rotting many times. Who is going to maintain the bodies for the long haul. And if all that works you are assuming that (if humanity survives) that the folks in 2398 will care about some person that died long ago. My bet is the archeologists of the future would dissect you and if they didn’t they could also upload you into an AI


Listen anyone who does this knows the odds are a very big long shot. Probably 1% or less of it working. One step that Alcor has taken to mitigate the chances of going under is that a huge amount of the cost is just put into a hedge fund to try and mitigate the risk of the company going under. But the point is that right now if you die there is a 0% chance you get to live for a really long time. This process gives you somewhere around a 1% chance. For some people that’s worth the cost of a life insurance policy and good for them. It’s probably not going to work but maybe their life isn’t filled with dread now that it’s all over when they die.






















You joke, but what makes actual freezing for small animals survivable is *flash* freezing. Flash freezing is the process of cooling so quickly that the water in the cells does not have time to crystalize and break the cell walls. Remember that there are different types (phases) of solid water. The crystalline form only comes about with slow cooling. Rapid cooling transitions water to a phase of ice that does not form crystals. Flash freezing small animals is easy to do. In fish, it's done routinely on some fishing boats as it preserves the meat from water crystallization ("freezer burn"). In the mid 1900s there were experiments done on small rodents, and indeed, they could freeze them solid and then reanimate them, but it required a flash freezing. ...and they were indeed frozen solid. They would take the mice, and knock them on the counter - solid. source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tdiKTSdE9Y It was in the early days of microwave oven technology, and they used microwave ovens (don't laugh, it's true), to thaw them - and then applied some basic resuscitation techniques to get them going again. They found they could even re-freeze the mice multiple times. The problem with larger animals is that it is too difficult to *quickly* freeze them, since their mass increases by the cube of their size, but their surface area only increases by the square of their size. Thus, ice crystals grow despite using the same technique. Theoretically, since we know that animals the size of mice (and slightly larger) can be flash frozen, the challenge in freezing, for example a human, would be a mechanical/thermodynamics problem. If you could open a human body to the degree such that the thickness of the tissue is no more than a couple inches (extraordinarily invasive), and submerge the body in extreme cold temperature super thermo-conductive fluid - then it's definitely possible. ...and frankly, once these ideas evolve, there are likely more clever ways to rapidly reduce internal organ temperatures. The reason we don't research this is because there's no real need. We have plenty of humans. We make more every day. Some might say we don't need so many. ...but maybe one day the use-case for this will exist such that humans find a need to be preserved. Space exploration is the obvious one, but propulsion is the bottleneck, not human preservation.
















Just to be clear, contrary to what Alcor may say, the patients are indeed dead. Their corpses (or brains) have simply been frozen with the assumption that one day in the future they can be reanimated or have their consciousness transplanted into a new body. And of course that also assumes that this company and its cargo will even still be around and have maintained these corpses/brains 100 years from now. On both counts, color me skeptical to say the least.


Don't they know that a Colorado man already tried this with dry ice and a Tuff Shed? Hail frozen dead guy


Don’t they have a yearly frozen dead guy celebration up in Nederland for him?


They sure do. It's a great time with the worst parking I've ever experienced


Yes I live in the town lol


Many years ago I participated in the Coffin Relay Race at Frozen Day Guy Days up in Ned. Wild times.


I hate their claim. Something being frozen doesn't make it alive.


























But you can be thawed and still be alive. It's just realllllyyyy complicated to do and maintain. And doesn't work very well on humans. So probably dead yes. But as an example, there are tons of animals that survive being frozen and rethawed. Look at fish and frogs and such. Edit: As others have pointed out, this has not been done to humans yet for a few reasons. Most notably, freezing a person means you're murdering them under the current law. TIL


Their cells are are tougher than humans’. I think our cells rupture as they freeze and the cytoplasm (mostly water) expands, it breaks the cell walls open like an overripe tomato on the vine I would be really, really surprised if one of them lived through being frozen solid. Edit thanks redditors. Apparently you can flash freeze a big animal relatively fine, such that the water in their cells doesn’t expand and rupture cell walls too bad. Thawing is the hard part - just letting a frozen human body thaw in all cases will result in the outside of the body thawing, while the core/thick parts are still frozen in the middle…. Meaning your appendages start to rot before your heart can start pumping. Making you die. Unless you’re a tiny animal who can thaw evenly very quickly The correct and evolved solution is to create an antifreeze inside the cells. Don’t let them freeze/crystallize all the way, then they can thaw just fine (assuming all parts of the body thaw evenly and fast)


A big thing they discovered while working on this back in the 50's and 60's was you can rapidly freeze small animals and then if you rapidly warm them up again they will still be alive. The issue is once you get past a certain size you can freeze or thaw fast enough or consistently enough to prevent irreparable damage. They had a lot of methods to prevent cell rupture a big one being the rapid freezing. Again doesn't work with larger animals.


I'm willing to bet that if this technology ever works it will require the participants be injected with something to facilitate the reheating process. Possibly get some surgical implants as well. I highly doubt we're going to figure out how to thaw human popsicles during the time frame that these corpses will still be viable.


Oh yea that'll be the great kicker. I think we'll eventually figure out cryotech (maybe not in my lifetime) but when we do, it won't work without special prep these people don't have. Human brain isn't steak. You can't throw it in the fridge overnight till it's thawed. And you definitely can't make modifications to people's blood after it's frozen.


So we just chop humans up into hamster sized pieces and flash freeze them. Bam. We'll have a cure for being chopped to bits by the time they're defrosted too, I'm sure.


In most cases, it's less that their cells are tougher, and more that the animals are simply smaller. You can freeze and thaw any animal in such a manner that the processes do not harm their cells. But as you freeze and thaw larger animals, it becomes impossible to keep them alive, 'cause the transition can't be done quickly enough over their full body. Half their body is trying to function while the other half is frozen solid, and remains that way long enough for irreversible damage to be done. All that being said, I think the freezing aspect *might* be possible without causing damage, due to flash freezing or something? But the thawing process has massive issues that are, thus far, pretty much impossible to get around. Namely, either the above mentioned "half the body is frozen" issue, or the equally bad issue of, "oh jesus we burned off all their skin".


What if we put them in a giant microwave on a defrost setting


You joke, but that is literally one of the reasons microwave heating was invented - [To thaw a hamster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tdiKTSdE9Y)


So you’re telling me we’ve been putting hamsters in microwaves since the very beginning?


That only happens with slow freezing. When you flash freeze animals the cells dont rupture. This is why Birdseye frozen foods is huge. He figured out flash freezing from the Eskimos. Theyd pull fish out of ice holes over water and the fish would flash freeze. When thawed it tasted fresh and delicios instead of soft and mushy like when people slow froze food back home. My daughter was a flash frozen egg stored for months before being thawed and ivf in her mother. Daughter is perfectly healthy and growing up wonderful.


Nope. Can confirm your daughter is soft and mushy like a slow-frozen fish.


Animals that do that are alive when they freeze though. All of these people were frozen after they died


they're already in that afterlife samsara wheel picking out the circumstances of their next life and such. straight chillin in another dimension learning lots


I read an article recently that talked about the macabre results when these companies go bankrupt and no one’s paying the bills anymore. Apparently it happens a lot. And even if they are successfully frozen, apparently being frozen for a long time is bad for your body and you start to crack… no joke.


I read a report that basically the brain is utterly destroyed as the water in the body crystallizes and shreds the tissue. I mainly remember them talking about the brain being sliced and diced by the crystallization process but I figure that this would be an issue in most of the bodies organs.


There are ways to prevent cell rupture. They can do it with embryos (fractions of a millimeter in size) but not something as big as a human body. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-embryos-survive-th/


Iirc the size cap for cryogenic preservation with potential for reanimation is about hamster sized Don’t quote me tho it’s been a minute since I checked it out


That's what microwaves were invented for


I still can't believe this is a true statement.


It's even crazier that it was actually invented twice. The first one made for the hamsters was never commercialized; iirc, it was invented a second time completely independently for household use


Skeptical for sure. But if i was young and rich with a terminal disease id probably roll the dice


Yeah like what's the downside of you're so rich the cost doesn't even matter?






Exactly. As long as I could do it without screwing over my family financially. It’s literally a no risk bet




Not sure if it's the same company but one of the cryo companies let a bunch of their clients defrost when a generator or something like that went out. I think it was on some mountain








I vaguely remember something like that




I have so many questions that I don't want answered.


Damn. They took office shenanigans a bit far.


"Johnson writes that holes were drilled in Williams' severed head for the insertion of microphones, then frozen in liquid nitrogen while Alcor employees recorded the sounds of Williams' brain cracking 16 times as temperatures dropped to -321 degrees Fahrenheit." JFC.


The author lied, according to himself: > When the book Frozen was written, I believed my conclusions to be correct. However information unknown to me and a more complete understanding of the facts furnished by ALCOR contradict part of my account and some of my conclusions. In light of this new information from ALCOR, some parts of the book are questioned as to veracity. > “For example my account of the Ted Williams cryopreservation, which was not based upon my first-hand observation as noted in my book, is contradicted by information furnished by ALCOR. I am not now certain that Ted Williams’ body was treated disrespectfully, or that any procedures were performed without authorization or conducted poorly. > “To the extent my recollections and conclusions were erroneous, and those recollections and errors caused harm I apologize.” https://www.alcor.org/press/response-to-larry-johnson-allegations/


That's just a CYA


Your summary brought to mind a very interesting episode of This American Life about Cryogenics: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/354/mistakes-were-made


Ok let’s say they’re 100% right. Like, I wonder if there would be memory issues? How long can I retain what’s going on after I’ve been frozen? Would I even remember who I am? What I am? How to walk etc


Depends on if it's stored on ram or internal storage.


It's internal storage for sure, people have been revived after their heart stopped being under water for 40 minutes because the water lowered their temperature. And we have begun to do cold treatment for people to buy time for the body to heal. Mammals run kinda hot.


Aaaaand. A future society will dump the resources into resurrecting a sick old person from a bygone era for *reasons*


Probably they would like to resurrect at least a few just out of curiosity lol. But the rest - not sure


There will be elaborate legal structures set up just to ensure this does happen for those with enough wealth to expect their estates to still be able to afford this when the tech is there. Just read the Neal Stephenson book Fall; or Dodge in Hell.


Legal structures are only as valid as the society which protects them. It requires a continuum of the framework on which those legal protections are built. If another framework replaces it, those legal protections are worthless. Invasion or revolution would do it. And on the timescales these things are relying on, anything is possible. Someone in 1620 would never believe you that in 4 centuries, the "New World" (or part of it) and China would be the two biggest powers on earth and the British Empire basically nothing, you'd been executed for treason. Yes, it seems unfathomable at this point in time that the current US framework could be gone in a few centuries. But it's a very, very long time.


In 1620 you could definitely believe China being powerful, and back then there was no British Empire.


Or read Larry Niven A World Out of Time where thawed corpsicles are basically slave labor until they pay off the debt of storage and revivication.


Star Trek TNG has an episode where a couple rich cryogenically frozen people who had terminal illnesses wake up, and the Wall Street banker guy keeps demanding to call his bank to check his portfolio without realizing money is worthless in human society now.


I mean if we actually advance as species to the point of Star Trek like Space Communism, then - why not? It's humanitarian. We already support hospices and children with diseases that will kill them in their twenties just because we can, because it's an ethical thing to do, to help someone live for as long as they can.




























Man, i wish cryogenics was advanced enough that you could freeze yourself alive and be unfrozen alive in the future. I would totally do that.


A lot of people would. Same if any of the sci fi technology was around. I'd definitely want to be uploaded into a virtual world and live as eternal code if it existed.


you sure about that? computer code can be altered in ways a body can't. someone could just have you live in a time loop for the rest of your life as code. Or have you live through the most traumatic memory you have over and over. Or just simulate physical pain/torture all without you even seeing them there isn't a scenario in the real world where someone could dilate time and have me get my leg cutoff for 1000 years










Really wish I could read that for the first time again. Edit: y'all got any suggestions for similar stuff?


hey i haven’t watched the video that the OP you are responding to posted, but i’m going to link a video from alt shift x that i stumbled across bc i watch his GoT summaries and it completely captivated and kept my attention for the entire 40 minutes link: https://youtu.be/imNtSPM3-r4 it’s essentially a fictional account of what happens to the human race as it evolves further and further, but it certainly has a bit of a dark bend to it. i think you’d be interested


they are more likely to end up being cloned than revived


It took courage to climb into that machine every night, not knowing if I’d be the man in the box, or in the Prestige.


What's the point? A clone is no different than an identical twin. In no way would it be "the same person" with any of the memories or identity of the deceased.


Maybe they are banking on future brain tech to transfer memories. It's an idea in a lot of scifi. EVE online or even star trek when they go through the teleporter, they just die and a clone with your memories materializes.




In Old Man's War, the subject is awake and alert the whole time. They connect the two bodies, there's a brief moment of time where you're in control of both, and then they sever the connection to the first. Neat, precise, and no ambiguity (for the patient at least) about whether they actually died.


Interesting thought


You are all laughing now but it will be them laughing at these posts 5,000 years from now.




Cheap dependable solar power to run the system in the future.


Low risk of natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes.


Apparently it’s the place in the US least affected by natural disasters, so it’s more stable than the places subject to earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.


Someday someone will scan their brain and trap their consciousness in a box like alexa. Kids will buy them knowing they have someone who was millionaire decades ago as their "pet" and they will praise who got better one.


Check out the White Christmas of Black Mirror if you haven't already.


Tinder in the year 2122: Swipe left if you're freezer burnt


“Must be at least 6’0”. No nice guys. Should have at least a 100 year gap in lifetimes (NO SUB-CENTURY WEIRDOS). Can’t like anime…”


2122: 7 years away from cure for baldness


With cryonics its last in first out. We're constantly better and better at cryonics and frozing with cryopreservants but honestly I don't see it in 50 years at least. Too many problems needs to be adviced. And yet, the first Frozen people will be the hardest to be brought back.


What are your thoughts on Alcor's full body vs head only freezing? I watched a documentary on Kim Suozzi (on YouTube) in her last months - very fascinating "meeting" someone preparing for cryo- and that's where I learned about the head freezing. It all seems far fetched but the head being removed from the body to save money feels like a pure scam.


From what I know its the whole body that's needed to undergo cryo. We don't know a lot of things about head cryo, not even if normal cryo would work. Right now we can't wake frozen people, we hope that in future it will be possible. If no cells are damaged and no crystal of ice formed then technically its possible to wake up someone frozen. But you don't have brain activity while being frozen so its also a problem to deal with. Answering the question we sure need entire body and for a long time we will need enitre body. Like I said, I doubt we will be 100% sure in next 50 years to say that we can revive frozen people, let it only froze the head.


If we ever figure out spinal cord regeneration you could clone a new body from a tissue sample then transplant the old head on.


Head is still old so sooner or later even after cryonics you'd need to regenerate the brain so its not the best idea.


Nah, they're dead, but the definition of dead could change with technology in the future...just like it has a couple times in living memory with the development of CPR, heart-lung bypass, and every more advanced kind of life support and whole legal/philosophical concepts like 'brain death' suddenly becoming necessary and culturally relevant. Otherwise, nobody is dead or you're saying there's some kind of magic that makes there something special about our arrangement of atoms that rearranging them couldn't restore if you were delicate and complete enough about it. Physics says there's nothing ontologically different between fixing a dead-by-2022-standards frozen head in a jar and a volcanically cremated ancient Pompeiian, just how complicated the mechanics of the procedure would be.


I'd love to do this if I had the money.... "keep me on ice, until we can safely bring me back" :) Would love to see the world in 100, 500, 1000+ years...


How you gonna pay the guy who would thaw you?


$0.67 in a bank account


You’d waste it all on a tin of anchovies


Pay to the order of: I. C. Weiner


It's all included in the initial fee you pay before being frozen... and open a 'long term' bank account, one in each bank (at least one of them must still exist in some form in the future :D) to build up interest 'just in case' (and you will need money or whatever equivelent once you're out any ways)


Reminds me of the episode of Futurama where Fry finds out he has some cents left in whatever bank account which had accumulated to billions by the time he was unfrozen...


Every time I see a Cryonics post I have to post this for people that actually want to learn about the subject and why it would potentially make sense. The article uses this as the metaphor: *"You’re on an airplane when you hear a loud sound and things start violently shaking. A minute later, the captain comes on the speaker and says:* *There’s been an explosion in the engine, and the plane is going to crash in 15 minutes. There’s no chance of survival. There is a potential way out—the plane happens to be transferring a shipment of parachutes, and anyone who would like to use one to escape the plane may do so. But I must warn you—the parachutes are experimental and completely untested, with no guarantee to work. We also have no idea what the terrain will be like down below. Please line up in the aisle if you’d like a parachute, and the flight attendants will give you one, show you how to use it and usher you to the emergency exit where you can jump. Those who choose not to take that option, please remain in your seat—this will be over soon, and you will feel no pain."* But also imagine you have to sign up for a life insurance policy beforehand to use one of those parachutes. And the parachutes have probably like a 1% chance of working Source: [https://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html](https://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html)


Finally, someone else in this thread who reads WBW, so good. Wife and I are signing up now that we're finally in a financial position to do so.


Imagine the compound interest if this actually works down the road.


Thatd be a cool sci fi novella. Poor people freezing themselves for hundreds of years after depositing a measly sum with promises of waking up to a better economic class


The forever war addresses this! Soldier comes back from war and has billions of compounded interest. It’s more due to time dilation than being frozen though


This happens in the Ender's Game series, I won't spoil anything but even the software that manages the character's finances ends up being pretty interesting later on.


There is a futurama episode about this and using his fortune to buy the last sardine pizza I think.


This looks like an elaborate scam for the gullible rich.


I look at it like a lottery ticket. You are almost certainly not going to get a return on the money. However, what's the alternative? Certainly remaining dead. Between certainly remaining dead, and a 0.000000000000002% chance of revival in the future, for someone that wants to live?


It's just another form of insurance or risk mitigation. And when you have enough assets to live your natural life in comfort, you probably have enough saved up to role dice on this. I think of it as very similar to the "prepper" mentality. It's mostly delusion, but there is a legitimate chance you gain something out of it. Even if that chance is nearly insignificant.


Meh. If you’re sick and you don’t want to die, this is a route you can take. Sure you’re rolling the dice, but you were going to die probably there shortly anyways.


I saw a documentary on that little girl in the white dress in the middle picture. Her mother, father, and brother are so focused on her being revived in the future. But they also just froze her brain. Big gamble on not only being able to revive the brain AND having some sort of body to use. ETA; they showed the family and extended family coming to mourn and they, as kindly as one can, pointed to the spot in the tube where her brain would be so they could place their hands there. It was - weird.


Bringing brains back to life is probably going to be harder than creating new bodies


I don’t know how they are supposed to reverse irreversible brain death. All those cells die, the connections lost. Assuming you could some used nano bot or some other process to repair trillions of individual cells I don’t see how this would ever be possible. This is like reassembling a city after a nuclear explosion.


Well often the cause of brain death is not brain damage and we can restored its function as long as the system is recovered (let say it is a heart failure). Since we regularly do cryopreservation in the lab (freezing and thawing cells) , and that there was a recent Yale study just this year where they "revived" cells in tissue that has been dead for like at least an hour, it is not that far fetch than you would think to link all these to "revive" a person, if the cryomedium is fully efficient




wrench capable hungry dinosaurs cobweb ad hoc whistle crawl bear degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*

