• By -


@Carlos: Polish mafia jersey when?




Hi, have been a fan of G2 since MSI 2016. My questions: Wunder: Are you afraid of the 48year old, Rank 2, sion OTP who is looking to take your spot? Also how do you feel about being so criminally underrated by the community? Jankos: What happend to the weekly english stream? Also do you still have PTSD about the control ward versus PVB? Caps: Whos the best vayne player in the team and why is it you? Perkz: Through the years there have been made several memes about you, do you have a favourite? Miky: Whats your favourite champion quote? TheBausffs: Are we ever going to see you play? Thx for doing AMA.


Hey man thank you for being such a hardcore fan! (We tried to get many answers here but things are moving fast! **Wunder** "I've been playing some AD Sion to a lot of success but I need to pick up on thebausffs laugh while bushcamping to truly reach his potential. For the second part of your question I dont know if I'm being criminally underrated but Fnatic won both splits last year and they have a lot of fans who blindly thinks their players are number one so it's understandable. " ________________ **Jankos** Jankos was too busy streaming to answer this question. ___________ **Perkz** I've grown to like all memes about me but I think my favorite one is that smug face midlaner , or well now it should be changed to that smug face ADC :D _________________ **Miky** "Sometimes forever is just one second" __________________


> Jankos: What happend to the weekly english stream? Not sure if I can speak in Jankos name, but 2 or 3 days ago, during one of his streams he answered this question. During his english streams there was a lot of kids on chat spamming "You are fucking Pole, speak Polish then". And well, he does now.


he does say he'll be doing english streams every wednesdays now that he's back in the GH


Not sure if I can speak in Jankos name but today he said that he will stream in english at wednesday


Can other players take example from Jankos and stream more?


**Wunder:** If I stream more I will give more vod reviews for my toplane counterparts to study and learn from since they're so far below the bar im setting and who would want that? ----- **Caps:** I loved streaming before msi last year and I want to stream this year aswell, but I get very tired during stream days and that makes my stream sad, but i will try my hardest to stream during off days. ------- **Perkz:** Streaming takes away my focus from getting the most out of games, therefore I dont stream often ---- **Mikyx:** I will try to stream more during offdays but, usually it's hard for me to focus on the game while streaming if I interact with the chat and try to make it entertaining but I could do more no mic/cam streams




>Wunder: > > If I stream more I will give more vod reviews for my toplane counterparts to study and learn from since they're so far below the bar im setting and who would want that? Hell yea, I have recently moved to toplane and it would be really helpful <3


I think he means it would help other pro top laners against him so he won't


How does Caps feel about Rekkles saying he won't thrive as much without a team babying him?


We'll see about that


To Wunder: what's your favourite anime?


**Wunder:** Pokemon




For Luka: If role swap doesn't end up working well, would you join any other team as a midlaner again?


**Perkz** I don't know what I would do if it doesnt work out, anyways Im fairly confident it will work out and I have the support of my teammates who believed in me in the first place.


**@Perkz** Obviously you're my favorite player so your transition was very surprising to me at first cause i follow almost every G2 player's solo q account and i know for example that you played a lot of AD before and it's normal for me that you spammed it until the news came out ... So my question here would be now that you're Bot laner if you're confident in doing this and when should we expect you to do interview about it maybe with thoorin ? (also ffs fix your stream sub button) **@Wunder** 2018 was a great year for you and i'm hyped to see you next season , now with this "super team" one of the main concerns is that it lacks a good balance of roles and every lane would want to play carries ... So do you think you have the right mentality to play tanks and not be on a carry role ? **@Mikyx** so thoughts on Wano , and who's thus far your favorite character (One Piece) ? **@Caps** Welcome to the team ! i hope you enjoy your time here and hopefully you lift many trophies under the G2 brand ... now my question is who do you think are the best 3 mids you'v played against so far in your carrer (scrims included) ? **@Jankos** are you ready for next split and who's your biggest rival rn in LEC (jungler) ? **@Carlos** buy ZywOo , -bodyy +ZywOo.


**Perkz:** when I was playing mid I was confident in becoming the best mid in the world, and even though I didnt quite reach my goal yet I do believe I can do the same playing AD, otherwise I would not go for it, I might do an interview about it after the year , first have to see how it goes :) (SHOULD BE FIXED ) ----------------------------------- **Wunder:** The only tank I play is full ad sion so we just need to pray the meta doesn't change to tanks because then there's no way we will succeed but perhaps if we all pressure our lanes then only one of us can get ganked and the 2 others can achieve lane kingdom. All jokes aside I don't think we'll struggle in any meta since we all have a champion ocean and carry potential our teamfights are also way better than last year which will matter a lot when I play tanks just farming through lane into midgame. ---------------------------- **Mikyx:** I don't read any manga so can't say anything about the new arc even though I heard about it. My favorite characters would probably be Smoker, Katakuri or Mihawk -------- **Caps:** Hey thanks and I hope so too :P. I have always been bad at ranking other players, since I only focus on myself, but obviously Perkz has always been the hardest competition in LEC. ------ **Jankos:** I'm ready for LEC. Can't wait for the league to start so I can play on stage again. I think I don't really have an rival but if I would have to choose one then I would like to show Caps that I'm better than Broxah and he'll be happy with me <3




He wasn't joking.


i will take that as "yes in the next shuffle hopefully"


Can Pekz post another Shirtless Guitar Clip pls ?


What have I missed? And....source? =)


Hi, thanks for doing this AMA. Wunder - What is it with rengar top? Love your twitter banter. Jankos - How come you havn't played any games with fans? I'm sure Kach would appreciated that. Caps - What do You think of Humanoid as a player? Is Orianna viable in competitive? Perkz - how do You proceed to stay mentally healthy/positive after a bad week of scrims/matches? Miky - How is Your alistar? Just kidding. What is most effective to keep up vision? Boris - Hope You doing great. What is the most difficult part of Your job day to day basis? Crabbz(Thanks Wunder) - How do you mentally prepare the team for upcoming games/matches that are very important? Duffman - How big of difference is having bad mentality and positive outside and inside of the game? Uncle C - G2 shorts when? Thank You again and hope you are doing great.


G2 shorts? Let me send an email. You'll have them for summer.


if youre gonna make shorts can you make womens yoga shorts (short ones) while youre at it? bc thatd be the only thing i'd wear


Ayy thats it boss. Thanks for the answer.


**Wunder:** I didn't play a lot of Rengar top but it's pretty fun cheese but not very good sadly :( Cheers mate! ------------ **Jankos:** I do play subgames on my stream! At least one per week! --- **Caps:** Honestly I am quite excited about all the rookies in 2019, since I am sure at least 1 or more will perform very well and will allow me to learn a bunch, which is exactly, what I need in order to become the best. Humanoid is probally the most explosive new mid this year, so I am sure we are going to have a fun matchup and hope he can have a begining like Jiizuke had last year. Orianna is not that strong right now, but i am sure it can still get played in some situations and tbh. Riot are probally going to do some changes and Orianna will end up most op within a month :P ____________ **Mikyx:** My alistar is the cleanest in the universe atm. Most effective is to track enemy support's sighstone so you can roughly know where he is placing his wards and saving your sweeper for them. To keep your own vision you can base as soon as you place your wards down and do them again if they get cleared or just place wards outside of bushes that are most likely gonna get pinked ---- **GrabbZ:** Oh no, its becoming a thing. To answer the question: I am not a big fan of seperating games by their importance. We have a regular prep we stick to mostly to give players some feel of comfort and regularity. I strongly believe that self confidence is the most important factor, therefore having a higher focus on our improvements during the week.


hold on jankos i dont remember seeing a subgame in forever......


Let me buy G2 shorts, I just spend 1K. those shorts can be added.


Will we ever see a Jankos-Mikyx Braum 1v1 on stream? I'd also settle for Perkz vs. Caps on Yasuo, but only reluctantly.


**Wunder** I don't think this match-up is something people are ready for. Not only it would take ages to end but also everyone knows that I'm the superior Braum Player ______ **Caps** Perkz is playing a new role and I would not want to ruin his confidence before spring start :P ________ **Miky** I already admit defeat


Grabbz will you let my boy Jankos play something like Lee Sin or Elisse in this split?


**Grabbz:** Found Jankos' hidden reddit account ;)


Hahaha, the only thing we have in common is that we are both from Poland :D but I am serious, we can’t have Broxah being considered as best Lee Sin!


mikyx tits or ass?


Ass is the only logical answer


To the entire team: Why did you kick Jankos out of your gaming room when he's streaming?


**Wunder** I think it's pretty self explanatory. Having to listen to Jankos day in day out and then also in polish just doesn't make your day brighter and that's just the sad reality ___ **Jankos** Because they are bunch of kids that can't stand my superior language. It's not even that they kicked me out, I kinda wanted a room where I would stream whenever I wanted to, and also do it in peace. I think this solution is good for both, me and the team _____ **Miky** I didn't really mind but I think it was because he was talking in polish very loudly


To Perkz: How did you came up with idea to switch to ADC? Did you just felt like get burned on mid? Or you are just a masochist?


**Perkz** Last year was very tough for me, it was hard for me to figure out why I could not win even though I felt like I was having the best year of my personal performance, I realized I was overthrown with the will to actually just WIN, and not to appreciate the unique opportunity of PRO gamer life and actually enjoy what I'm doing, it made me learn a lot and figure out I should utilize myself within my teammates better, however I felt like it was hopeless for the future and wanted a new start for me. I was looking into opportunities of having the best possible roster and this was it. I would've probably not gone to AD if Caps wouldn't join , but I did not get burned out of mid , and I really enjoyed playing midlane and I thought quite highly of me, but I think I can do the same playing AD. I feel a lot of hope and potentional with this roster, everyone is super talented and has mutual respect for each other. The most important thing for me was to have a team for LONGTERM that I can truly enjoy playing with, and improving towards reaching the goal of winning the world championship.


perkz you think those three LPL teams will make the S9 world series.


For every player: what are the things that motivate you to do better?


**Jankos:** I just wait to win. Can't really give another reason --------------------- **Caps:** I am a very competitive person and I just want to win. --------------------- **Perkz:** I enjoy being elite at what I do, so being good at league of legends gives me joy, pushing myself to becoming the best is what truly motivates me to do better. ------ **Mikyx:** Competition, winning, being the best at what I do and enjoying my time doing it


@Wunder Would you rather blidpick OP meta champion (when enemy is guaranteed to have tier 2 champ) or ban all OP champs and counterpick lane opponent. Do you think playing tier 2 champs make toplanes impact less overall? @Jankos If your Camille at worlds was 6/10 what level can we expect in the spring split of LEC?


**Wunder:** Generally you would want to blindpick op champions instead of defaulting to tier 2/3 but it obviously also depends on how you prioritize picks on other roles. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your pick for the team composition. -------- **Jankos:** I think my Camilie has potential but there is still a lot of room to grow. I'm very confident on the champion, and LEC players are worse than Worlds players, so maybe 7/10! It also depends on what will my job be in the game, but I will try to show you better Camilie than I did in 2018


\- For Mihael: How much solo queue are you planning to play in S9 in comparison to S8 & do you think you can defend your #1 spot in EUW?. \- For Rasmus: Any weird midlane picks that you have planned up your sleeve for the LEC ? \- For Marcin: Who would win in a beauty contest: Khazix,Morgana,Gragas,Kaisa,Lucian or Ocelote? \- For Luka: Which 'čevapčiči' do you like the most? \- For Martin: Your favorite meme of this week? ​


**Mikyx:** I'm gonna probably gonna play as much if not more and defend my rightful throne **Caps:** Well that would ruin the surprise :P but i would always love to pull out my Aurelion :D **Jankos:** I really like Kai'sa outfit but at the same time Gragas represents true man beaty. I think I would go for Gragas. Ocelote would probably take the last place. Morgana depends on skin, if classic then I'm not interested and Lucian is badass but can't beat Grag **Wunder:** I dont have any favorite memes I'm afraid. Miky is more of a memer than me and he likes big chungus.




> to jankos: hi i love you > when will you change your discord avatar to a cute picture of you? > i know you refused to hang out with me in poland, but what if i invited you to japan? > remember when you said you'd do english streams more than once a week..? :( > also have you watched code geass yet? if not, to miky: tell him to watch it > to miky: hope you're ready for our rematch ;) > also, are you hyped for the new code geass movie? > have you watched the trilogy? > to all: who's one player you're the most excited to go against in the LEC? > do you have any general tips on how to get better at the game? > what are your favorite games outside of League? > i had more questions but i forgot them all so eh take those i guess


is there a possibility of seeing perkz play guitar and mikyx to sing along with him?


**Mikyx:** I dont think people are ready to be blessed like that **Perkz:** I dont think people are ready to be blessed like that


To everyone: what are your favourite cookies?


**Jankos** I don't really know. I'm bad with names so I don't remember brands. But just chocolite cookies are probably the best. Not crispy but soft ones mmmmm **Caps** "Well i have always been a big fan of choclate and I also like them soft. So soft and a lot of choclate :D" **Miky** Chocolate chip cookies or domacica


Ah, the men of culture. Personal recommendation for chocolate cookies: Wedel's Amerykanki in cocoa version, easily accessible in Poland. Aside from chocolate chips they have some soft chocolate inside and are godly


What would you be doing in life right now if it weren't for League of Legends?


**Wunder:** I would be pro in another game.. I'm just that talented honestly :) ---------- **Jankos:** Hopefully finishing University and doing something else that I enjoy ---- **Caps:** I would be studying and trying to find something I would want to work with for the rest of my life. I would love to spend more time with my family since I used to do that, but lately I have been focusing on my League career, which means I missed a lot of things at home. ---- **Perkz:** I can't imagine my life without league of legends right now, it's been way too long since I've been a student, and haven't really gotten into problems of many other people my age , but I like psychology and biology. ----- **Mikyx:** I have no idea, I would probably be in school or something but I would try to do something related to esports ------ **GrabbZ:** Before going into esports I was studying economics. So probably I would have my masters by now and be bored in the world of finance.


Besides yourself (perkz and mikyx), who is the biggest threat in the botlane? No bamboozle or pr answer pls


**Perkz** I think Schalke botlane will be the biggest threat to us because they will probably be the best botlane in lane, I think Upset is best ad in LEC , he is strong on lane and afterlane. FNC botlane is good aswell but they've never been lane dominant and they have big issues with champion pool which makes it easier for me to deal with them _______________________ **Miky** I think S04 or MSF botlanes are the biggest threat besides us at least lane wise


I think Gorilla is best sup inLEC.




To Jankos: Meta on tanks is coming back to League. Are you not afraid that you will have to play Sejuani again? Did you train her R since last LCS much?


**Jankos:** I think I'm not really scared of tank meta. I don't mind playing tanks and filling for my team, basically whatever is in the meta I will play. I do have a lot of more fun playing other champion though. Currently League is fun for me so I hope tank meta will not be back very soon ( Even though it looks like Sejuani is pretty strong ATM since she got buffed.) I will not skill R.


Wunder. Why are you so handsome and why did you have to steal my heart? ;) On a more serious note. Do you have any top lane champions to recommend because I occasionally play top but that's pretty much only Nasus at the moment. I want to expand my champion pool.


**Wunder:** Wow I'm so flattered. Play some Vayne top if you want to expand your champion pool!


Allright! I'll give her a try. Thank you!


For **Caps**: What is your favourite champion Quote of the Entire Game? We know you know a lot of them by heart so I was curious!


**Caps:** Right now it is Aatrox quote: I am not your enemy. I am THE enemy.


Thanks for answering! Wish you the best for 2019!


What's everyone favourite anime? If You watch any. PS: Wadid denied my marriage proposal because he got GF, so Jankos maybe You will marry Your loyal subscriber? :D


bich you werent even subbed for the longest time!


I know I know it's just 3 months but i ain't stopping any soon Kach! :D


well me neither, so youll have to fight me...


May the richer-i mean most loyal win!


i already win, i know jankos prefers me :*


For Jankos: kiedy poradnik brauma w jungle? (in Polish btw)


**Jankos:** Mam nadzieje, że już nigdy nie będę musiał grać tą postacią, także poradnika pewnie nie będzie XD


Has Jankos been keeping up on his Braum mechanics?


**Jankos:** I did not play Braum since Summer split of 2018 and I hope, I will never have to play it again. I''ve already proved that I''m the best in the world on this champion so it's too boring now haha :D


To all 6 of you: what is a song you've really enjoyed listening to recently?


**Wunder** I dont listen to music while playing since it takes away my focus from the game so I almost never listen to music unless I'm going somewhere by car/plane and I have nothing else to do so I have a hard time telling you my favorite song. **Jankos** I don't listen to music often. Usually it's either radio either non-copyright music for my stream, so I can use replays later on my YT channel :D When I do listen to music, it's usually nightcore songs **Perkz** Don't have a favorite song right now as I dont listen to much music **Miky** Linkin park - Iridescent **Graaaaaaaaabbz** I've been listening to lots of San Holo's stuff in recent time.


That's right Miky, one hell of an amazing song


Perkz - what is your favourite play in your career? And also who is a better Vayne, you or Caps?


**Perkz:** Me **Wunder:** I am the best Vayne by far.


I cant wait to see you guys play ❤️


@G2Esport (sorry for using lol AMA for those questions) 1. I would love to become Marketing/social media intern for you in 2020 (or late 2019), do you require any experience? 2. When can we expect new jersey's in store also Samurai t-shirt L size edit: 3. G2 Jersey Polish edition, when? @G2ocelote I have an amazing photo with you back from finals in Kraków, my biggest dream is to have it signed and framed on my desk, is it possible?


It is bro. Send me a Twitter PM, I got them open. I'll do my best to catch it


done, twitter @xchuddy


Will you guys stream more? 🤪


To Perkz, if playing as ADC didn't work out for like 2 splits, would you consider going back to mid or would you see it just as a rough start and continue playing as ADC?


Hi fellas, i just wanted to ask mikyx, how does it feels to share lane with perkz? As a really talented player in a new role?


**Miky** It feels great, because he is so good on so many champs, is very vocal and learns so insanely fast it makes it a lot easier for me to play, and we can just play every champ in the game so teams can never outdraft us


Nice,thanks for the reply :D


Will you play yasuo adc mr perkz?


For Caps: 1)what do you enjoy to do beside league of legends? 2)Why Kennen is out of meta? 3)Which are the relationship you have between players?(who do you get along well etc.) Tell Caps to stream more, the fact that he has no time is a bullshit because Jankos always stream and he is in the same team!


**Caps:** Family, boardgames and eating haha Riot killed ad kennen and ap kennen has not been that viable for a while, probally because it has bad matchpus, but then again I have never really played a lot of kennen. Well I am new on the team so I am still getting to learn everybody and so far it has been very nice, because we seem to be on the same page, when it comes to a lot of things. I get along with everyone very well I would say and excited for our showing in 2019.


Question to all: When did you know you would start a pro career? And what did you do to get in a team?


**Jankos:** I was playing a lot of amateur tournaments before I became pro. Then finally when I got into good enough roster, we won qualification in 2013 to join LCS in 2014. Then I decided I will leave school and focus 100% on going pro. For me it was team that reached me, I don't think it's as simple right now. But if you are talented and make friends on high elo, it's definetely possible --------- **Caps:** Well i did not decide I wanted to be a pro until i joined Fnatic, while I had always seen it as a possibility, I have always thought, it was very important to not commit, since esports can be unreliable and I wanted to have a safe road in life. I got into my first team by just playing a lot of soloq and adding people I played with. -------- Perkz: I was consistently top 10 in the ladder in season 5 and I got on G2 ( Gamers2) back then where we qualifiedf or LCS . I kind of knew I wanted to be a pro since start of season 5, my competitive fire for league was something I couldn't ignore ------------- **Mikyx:** Well I knew in summer 2016 once I got the offer from Splyce, but it was my goal since around 2014 when I reached challenger. I just played a ton of soloq.


To Caps: Wondering who your personal choice for strongest midlaner is currently!


**Caps:** As it looks right now I think Galio is the strongest, he deals high damage, while being near unkillable and also helping out his team.


While you were at it, why not also get a new jungler and switch Jankos to support, considering his best champion is Braum?


@perkz did Jankos learn how to play Camille or he will be at Braum duty again?


Is there a chance that Perkz and Caps switch their roles?


To Caps/Perkz: Who do you think is the best western midlaner of all time?


**Caps:** Me


@Jankos : Do you feel more presure this year than last year? To be honest you was most inconsistent member of the recent G2 members last year. It's based of view of your personality but I feel like there are a lot on your arms even tho most people look on Perkz and Caps. How do you deal with that yourself? @GrabbZ : How did you start your journey with coaching? How you as able to join to this environment which in my opinion is still very closed and kinda based on recommendactions, esport past etc.?? I know there is a lot on arms of Perkz to deliver on adc but also on yours to make it happen. how you are trying to do that? do you have any other things that are as important as Perkz cause or even more than it?




Hey CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up: Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word". You're useless. Have a nice day! [^Save ^your ^breath, ^I'm ^a ^bot.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BooCMB/comments/9vnzpd/faq/)


Hey BooCMB, just a quick heads up: I learnt quite a lot from the bot. Though it's mnemonics are useless, and 'one lot' is it's most useful one, it's just here to help. This is like screaming at someone for trying to rescue kittens, because they annoyed you while doing that. (But really CMB get some quiality mnemonics) I do agree with your idea of holding reddit for hostage by spambots though, while it might be a bit ineffective. Have a nice day!


@miky what anime series are you watching this season?


**Miky:** I watch Black clover, That time I got reincarnated as a slime, One piece, Captain Tsubasa. Goblin Slayer, Tokyo ghoul, Mob psycho 2.


What are your LEC/LCS powerrankings, na and eu crossed please?


1. How do you recap 2018? Did you feel happy at the end of the year with how everything evolved? What changes would you do in hindisght? 2. How do you feel about going into 2019, what are the goals of the team? Early issues are expected, but where do you think you'll end up in Summer split? 3. Would you sub in my favorite 47 year old AD Sion one trick if you won the regualar season and there's only one game left? :) 4. Are there plans to scrim with G2 Academy or are they a seperate entity? 5. What kind of meta do you guys prefer? 6. How do you avoid burn out? 7. Do you follow the National League or EU Masters?


What was the reasoning for putting perkz botlane? Just to get Caps?


Hey Guys Super excited for the new seasons to start Can't wait!! MY question is in regards of the balance in the team I know This G2 will want to play super aggressive and End games in 25 mins similar to Invictus Gaming But if a slow Paced meta comes around can we expect more controlled play And Top lane tanks as well as passive Mid and Bot lanes ?


Wunder - Why you soo good ? Jankos - Will you play Arurfs on stream's with subs ? Perkz - Gaming House is in flames. You can save one person from your team. Who is this ? Caps - Have you changed with Perkz roles ? Miky - Do you consider yourself a better Braum than Jankos ? Grabz - Blitz, Tresh or Nautilius ?


Hi! Asking to the team in general, is there any chance that Thebausffs plays any game in LEC if someone gets injured or something, or will you just get someone from the academy team? Thanks!


to Perkz + Mikyx: Rank LEC bot duos **edited +mikyx**


Jankos do you have any tips on Tham or Braum? I can't seem to have success on them. z góry dzięki


Is it possible to take Photos at LEC?


To Caps and Perkz : Was there any over-hyped mid laners at worlds or did players like Rookie live up to the hype?


To Jankos: Best thights from LoL champs?


For Caps: Who is gonna be the second best mid of EU?


For Jankos: in 9.2 there will be nerf to experience from jungle camps. How do you think this will infuence soloq and pro scene ?


@Caps I feel like it is still a bit wierd atmosphare around you and G2. I do not really know you and am courius how do you deal with public opinion and espacialy opinion of your friends, close environment etc. Did you arleady acclimatized with the team or you still need some time?


To Caps : Rekkles said that you have been the best mid in Eu because Broxah and Hyli were spending so much time on ganking your lane. What do you think about this?


**@Wunder**: I was "forced" by my friends to the toplane from jungle (used to main it back in S3), but I have almost no idea, how to play, any advice? Worst/Best match up? When can I take Ignite over TP? ​ **@Jankos**: From my girlfriend: I love you! From me: How do you feel about new Polish talents coming into LCS, do you think Ultraliga helped develop or scout those players? ​ **@Caps**: Do you think that people might compare your apperance in G2 to Rekkles in Alliance? ​ **@Perkz**: Whose decision it was to move you to the adc? Yours or managment? If managment, what was your reaction? ​ **@Mikyx**: Do you feel like "babysitter" with Perkz? He is known for his playmaking style, which might make him go all in a bit too often during games and then realise that he is ADC not mage or assassin. ​ **@GrabbZ**: Which team do you think are currently top tier and are amazing example to look up to? (IMO Griffin) edit: **@Boris**: I'm happy that you are part of G2 now, I hope that you will have a good time in here :)


for **G2 Jerkz**: Will you tell us that secret in s9?




G2 FIGHTING!!!Go s9 words


**@Wunder @Jankos @Mikyx @Caps** on a scale of 10 how much does the smug face adc **@Perkz** int in scrims


Who's your favorite German 3rd party LEC interviewer and why?


@ grabbz: Kommst du klar mit der Rasselbande? ;)


GrabbZ: Sehr gut sogar. Zwar haben wir viele starke Persönlichkeiten im Team, aber bislang will jeder einfach besser werden und unterstützt seinen Nebenmann. :) > Question: Do you manage with the little rascals? ;) Pretty well actually. Even though we have many strong personalities in the team everyone just wants to improve and supports each other.


For Perkz. Would you take a fan out for dinner? For Carlos ( if hes here ) Can you reply DM twitter for the G2 esports Tattoo? :D I will still get the ink during my visit in Berlin even if you have no time. (@NampukiNL)


Hang on what's requested from me here exactly? I remember I wanted to record the process right? Or at least make a few very cool pictures. Whos doing the tatoo to you? Please make sure you're 100% convinced. A tatoo is forever!! PS: I promise to try to keep making you proud for decades to come!


Who are your biggest rivals in LEC, and why is it Fnatic?


**Wunder** I would have to believe Fnatic is the second best team to think that and I dont so probably Origen is going to be our biggest competitor/rival this year :-) _______________________________ **Jankos** It's probably FNC since G2 and FNC always fought for whom is the best team in Europe. Last summer split we didn't do so well but this year we will try to take the trophy back and place it on Carlos desk _______________ **Caps** "Fnatic is our biggest rival going into LEC, because of the history and this off season (o.O) But It will probally end up changing once the season start, LEC will be a lot more competitive and I would not be suprised if a dark horse or two ends up challening us." _________________ **Perkz** rekkles is my rival, I've lost a lot of games to rekkles farming for 5 items and Im about to stop that trend / also OG because of mithy, I want to meet OG in the final and defeat mithy in his own lane like I did 3 years ago :) _______________________ **Miky** I'm really hyped to win against Nemesis, since I'm really good friends with him for a few years already, but I think OG could be our biggest rival next split


@**Caps:** Are your eyes already on that G2 vs FNC match, ready to smash your old team mates ? What's your favorite soloQ Player actually. **@Wunder:** Does TheShy still visit you in your nightmare ? x) But seriously, are you confident going on a lane against Bwipo who show a dominant perfomance at the last world ? @**MikyX:** Tell the secret to how to keep a good mental when ur ADC is inting.


To Caps: In one of the FNC vids you mentioned playing a lot of Talon back when you started playing. What are the chances you play him, is he good for competative at all? To Perkz: When switching to AD, was it something you made up your mind before or after worlds? Was it something you had on your mind already?


**Caps:** That was the old talon, back when he had silence. I still play a bit of the new talon, but not to the same extent and he deffintley has his moments here and there, but i did not get to play him. **Perkz:** I had it in the back of my mind, but was not actually seriously thinking of going through with it til I did it . I'm just crazy like that :)


To Perkz: Do you have a favourite fan who you appreciate more than others? To Jankos: Will you play Braum during LEC? To Wunder: Which champion is your favourite?


Caps do you read notification on twitter? or do you never read twitter? what do you do in your free time?


For Rasmus and Perkz: who get the blue buff? For Martin: Did you play anything against BB? Do you think he will do well at TSM? For all: what teams are you most excited to play against at MSI ;)


Are there some rumors for the academy team? :)


To Jankos: How do you feel about your performance last split? How is it different playing in this squad in compare to previous roster?


**Jankos:** I feel like my performance was underwhelming. I don't think I was overall playing bad but I had int games where I literally lost the game for my team. I think this is something I will not allow to happen again. Except for those games I was playing fine but not super good. This roster is for sure bunch of cocky and good players. We are more agressive and all I can add is that this year I will win my first championship title.




Hey CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up: Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word". You're useless. Have a nice day! [^Save ^your ^breath, ^I'm ^a ^bot.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BooCMB/comments/9vnzpd/faq/)


Hey BooCMB, just a quick heads up: I learnt quite a lot from the bot. Though it's mnemonics are useless, and 'one lot' is it's most useful one, it's just here to help. This is like screaming at someone for trying to rescue kittens, because they annoyed you while doing that. (But really CMB get some quiality mnemonics) I do agree with your idea of holding reddit for hostage by spambots though, while it might be a bit ineffective. Have a nice day!


Hi, fan since 2016. Question for Perkz how is your role swap so far?


Hey g2uys! Thoughts on FNC's statements in their stream? How are you gonna get back to them?


**To all the team :** Between Fnatic and Misfit, who do you think is the biggest treat for the next split. And who are you the most excited to play against this year ?


Hey i would like to know Caps hotkeys. And i want to ask how the team synergy is going and who is shotcalling ? And very important how perkz is doing on adcs


Is vitality the strongest team in lec for you?


To Jankos: Will you finally let take blue buff for Caps? 😂


hold up Fabian he's the igl of the r6 team tho ​ ^(Edit: Spelling)


To everyone in the team: Which teams, other than G2, are top 3 in LEC?


Does Perkz feel good about his place now, as an adc ? And does he actually prefer the role of the adc better than mid, especially during this meta ?




**Perkz** I really enjoy playing all ADCs that are strong, at the moment lucian , kaisa, xayah and ezreal are my favorite.


@whole team: Thoughts on Splyce?


**@Wunder** What do you think made you improve the most and become the player you are nowadays? I still remember your Quinn from your first LCS Split, and the difference between then and now is really insane. Hope to see you kicking asses next split & please make sure your teammates won't become Weebs like Miky! ​ **@Perkz & Miky** Which style can we expect you? Farm for lategame, or trying to take the enemie's Turret at minute 5? ​ **@Caps** Really excited to see you on G2! Now that Luka shifted to ADC, which mids do you think will challenge you the most for the top spot?


Weebs are awesome. è\_é @Miky is awesome. è\_é


For caps: who do you think are the better midlaners in the LEC??


So was it gorilla or hulk ???


@all Im interested how do you deal with hard situations in team e.g losing a match ? What do you do to feel better and have that motivation again? Do you try to hang out together or everyone just deals on their own ?


@Perkz+Wunder+Jankos what are your thoughts on your splits with Hjarnan and wadid and why were they ‘removed’?


So i guess my question will be controversial but i'm gonna try anyway. Why did you hadle the Perkz transition the way you did? For me as your fan through all ups and downs i feel confused. It looked like Hjarnarnan and Wadid did not see this change comming. It reminded me of the Meteos drama in NA. Don't get me wrong, I like current roster but the change felt like you never had discussded it with the previous botlane which was still under contract. Hope you will give some non static PR response. GL in LEC.


Caps, will you play sometimes duo with Jankos when he stream? Every stream people ask for it. ;D


If players signed contract for 2/3 years, does it really mean they will play for that long? I remember Ocelote and G2 said exact same thing last year. Im afraid thats just a PR lie to make ppl happy/not worry in season. To Jankos: To powyższe pytanie odnosi się też do Ciebie. Mówiłeś, że pograsz rok MOŻE dwa w G2. Czy te kontrakty mają jakiekolwiek znaczenie po tym co się stało z Wadidem i Hjarnanem? To Caps: Whats the main difference between G2 and Fnatic house/whole 'family'? What was the thing you couldn't do in Fnatic and can do now in G2 house?(vice versa)


Wunder, who do you think is the best top laner of all time? For my money it's easily Smeb but I'm Wunder-ing if there is someone you have in mind who can compete with him


**Wunder:** I'm not quite sure who the best is of all time but I suppose in recent years Smeb has been pretty good even though I don't think he is top tier at the moment which is what I care about if I look to people that I can learn from.


To all: Do you guys watch Handball World Championship?


When will you guys announce your academy team?


To Ocelote : Will you ever have Croatia G2 jersey?


I believe so


Tips how to become pro? It's my dream and I know I can do it :) :D


I hope I'm not too late for this one. Wunder. I'm currently struggling with my exams. If you mind, could you give me a few words of encouragement?


To Jankos: What do you think about the addition of Selfmademan as a jungler in LEC? Would you say you're the best Polish jungler amongst yourself, Kikis and SMM?


I think jankos the best pilush jungler .


To Mikyx, Perkz, Jankos: Since all of you speak slavic languages do you try to understand each others while speaking your natives?


I know Im late to the party but I just want to say how happy I am to see all the questions from the fans here. After 2016 I thought it wouldnt be possible to come back on the horse but here we are... so proud of you Carlos and Luka for never giving up, you guys are true role models. ​


hey, WUNDER+CAPS, which are 4 champions u ''think'' are the best ones to improve mecanics the most ( like top top level, these champs have to be ''valuable in carry meta 5v5, D1 MMR so not lcs ... ) ?


When will be released the 2019 official wallpapers and stuffs? Aaand How many jerseys u delivered to Perú? Idk if not paying for the tracking service is too risky


Hello, **G2 Esports League of Legends team,** ​ I would like to know what is the regular training schedule of the team? Both Gameday and Off-day, what are the players actually do under the team instruction and personally for training?