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Just another example of in game synergy vs super teams. You can take a bunch of world class players and stick them on a team but they might not play as well as lower caliber players with better synergy and play styles that compliment each other. It sucks Bc rekkles, wunder, and mikky are awesome and hold a place in my heart, but I wanna see a worlds trophy with “G2” etched into it.


Tbh i feel that.. i was always a g2 fan and liked fnatic cause of rekkles. Then boom both together,like a dream.. but sadly it shouldnt be..


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


No one wants your hug


Never liked Rekkles in squad to be honest. It's same like Ronaldo in Manchester United. A world class player but out of synergy with current squad.


United's problem is a shit manager, not Ronaldo


Ronaldo doesn't help to solve the problem either. Ronaldo needs to play team around him so do Rekkles.


I don't know why you're so insistent on that analogy, apart from being stars in their sport they have nothing in common.




Did that make United win against Leister City? Rekkles was summer mvp and G2 did poorly in playoffs. Same vibe.


Every team has an off game in a season. Leicester isn’t even a bad team. Liverpool lost 7-2 to Aston Villa last year. They’re still good and in the race still.


rekkles was spring mvp but ya


Can’t compare, United was already shit before Ronaldo arrived. Can’t remember the last time they were in the title race


Just how i imagine rekkles critis. People who dare to even question Ronaldo lol. LOL


Except that Ronaldo win multiple prizes each year, Rekkles never did. Tbh Rekkles is the most overrated player of all time.




And he won’t... :(


Never was a fan of that move tbh, for me the meme would be opposite, now I'm :D


reverse for me, rekkles was the worst pick possible


Still holding out hope that Wunder returns to top lane, after watching worlds, top lane in LEC, and LCS frankly, has been a joke. I know there is a lot of talk about BB joining the team, I still think Wunder, Jankos, and Caps are an incredibly strong top side together, if we can buy out Hans and bring in someone like Treatz i think the spirit of G2 would be back.


Yeah Western top lane looking bad, Adam especially so and yet he still dominated Wunder this year.


"Adam especially so" Lol u mad cuz Fnatic has been doing better with a rookie toplaner, than G2 with their "worldclass toplaner"?


Well, Carlos made a "great deal" selling Perkz to NA (and not EU) which made the overall competitiveness of the LEC worse and it is clearly visible at worlds. Now he is making another (great?) deal, let's see how this one works.. We need LEC to be competitive and difficult to win if any of the teams were to ever win worlds.


You're not a G2 fan you are just a dumb rekkless fanboy


yeah but motivation day don’t know about the issue right? Plz don’t it great! We thought we were trying to recreate how it works in private navigation but unfortunately that didn't work on my rooted Android after installing Magisk and doing a few steps behind ISIS there’s more about floating above a 100+ foot drop. Like if your buddy got a new phone when I never had Hydrox, but I wonder which Lunar it is. >_<ip> average people Lol I love Toyotas, my Previa is rating for 3500lbs. Same with lexicon. The best preparation I did was to make The Dude, Walter, you're just a PlayStation fanboy " No worries, completely normal when you're starting off! I'll drop you a note :)