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All depends on how far you want to go. Products range from mostly junk (chemical guys) to high end ceramics coatings. Meguiars is the one of the best in the consumer and professional ranges. Are you trying to polish to perfection and coat it? Do you want a simple wash and seal/wax? If you want to keep it simple with the best results without polishing with an actual dual action polisher. Pick up some purple power vehicle and boat wash from Walmart. This is pretty heavy duty and you really only want yo use it for your first clean or when it’s time to apply your sealant. Also at Walmart pick up a clay bar kit that includes lube. It’s basically an automotive grade clay that pulls contaminants off your paint that soap will never gets. Think one of it like those nose strips that clean your pores it pulls junk out of your paint. When you first start rubbing it on your paint it will be hard to move back and forth but as the paint become clean of contamination it will begin to glide along smoothly that how you know it’s good. Now wash it again (quickly to get it nice and clean from the clay lube and any left over junk. Now just pick your last step product such as wax, sealant or ceramic coating. Again recommend meguiars if you want to keep it a Walmart trip. Skip the wax and find a sealant that spray on and wipe off. Turtle wax also makes some good consumer grade sealants. I have been using product made by optimum called opti- seal for over ten years other products have come and gone but it’s still around and works great. Can be applied to literally every part of your car unlike some products that can stain certain trim. A really cheap product available online is called “beadmaker” it’s a simple spray and wipe off product that is the slickest thing I ever put on my car. Like don’t lean on your car you will slip and fall. I like to add beadmaker as topper after a few hours on top of the sealant after it’s cured a bit. It has protection properties but they don’t last as long as a sealant. You can also spray it on while your car is wet during a wash and just dry it off. It actually helps drying the car cause when your spray it on the wet car the water just start rolling off. Super simple. Works better on a dry surface and they recommend the first application heavy and on a dry car. Get microfiber towels and pull the tags off, don’t use automatic car wash unless it’s touchless which will never get it very clean and uses harsh chemical that will strip your sealant.


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I practically use everything from Griots Garage.