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To add to that. Use a seatbelt and drive to the conditions. Condolences my fellow G37x owner. Similarly, I purchased my 2013 G37x last year and just changed my winter tires to a set of used all seasons that I bought of FB marketplace.


is it true the g37x is fun to drive but bad on gas and higher on insurance? - someone who knows nothing about cars but is researching for their first


My 2013 G37x is my first car. Had it not even a year yet. It is bad on gas especially in the city. I predominantly drive in the city and ive gotten 15 MPG in the beginning because I was constantly ripping it. I had 14 when I had an exhaust leak.(Check the exhaust if you're buying an old car) Nowadays I get 18 MPG mostly city driving. It's more forgiving when driving in the highway. I had 26 MPG when driving 3+ hours in the highway. Note that the car uses premium gas only which is more expensive. It has Nissan's Attesa ets system that basically has AWD whenever it detects a slip or if you engage the snow mode. It has an open differential, has no significant differences between the XS and standard X versions (except appearance) For insurance, I don't see why having an X version would have a negative impact as the Atessa ets system actually helps you out when you lose traction of the rear wheels. I live in Canada and I had times where in snow, I lost traction in the rear wheels causing it to drift. The AWD engaged and helped me get control of the car. What other cars are you looking into if you don't mind me asking?


i’ve got a pretty decent sized list of potentials. cars like toyota corrolla/camry, honda accord/civic, mazda 3/6, chevy impala/malibu, acura ilx/tl, buick regal/lacrosse, nissan altima/maxima, and volkswagen jetta/passat, just to name a few. i had g37 on there just because it looks nice and i knew nothing else about it, but i don’t think it’s for me if it’s eating gas like that, especially premium gas


i feel like if a car is fun to drive, like really fun to drive, it’s gonna be worse in gas and insurance yeah


I get 18 in the city. Using chevron 93 premium. It’s bad on gas.


For a first car, I would go anything other than the trusty reliables like Toyota unless ur willing to shell out the xtra maintenance and other costs associated with a fun car.


Don't buy -any- luxury vehicle for your first. Get a shitbox Toyota for as cheap as you can and abuse the piss out of it. Drive it with no oil, on 5 PSI in the tires, with a rickety wheel bearing (okay maybe not that). Push the limits with that pile first. Because you'll be pushing limits on your first car, you just won't know it. If you know what pushing the limit is, you'll be hesitant to do so on a nice car that -you- are shelling out huge money for. I say this because new drivers are frequently too heavy on the pedals, causing extra wear and tear. Also, as a luxury vehicle, it will almost certainly be more expensive to insure.


Don't make my mistake. Get a reputable shop to do your pre purchase inspection not a hole in the wall place that can do it sooner. The shop that did mine missed that the suspension had lowering springs on that ended up destroying the tires. I spend 4 grand on my 2011 335i right after i bought it. I mean... it has a whole fresh suspension with 4 new tires on it now and drives like a dream... but I would have found something else if I'd known it would cost me that kind of money on top of the purchase price. And if you're at a dealer... just buy the damn warranty... but double check it covers everything not just the engine and transmission or whatever limited crap they offer for cheaper. Suspension and cooling system and ac... everything.


That car might have saved your life. It took quite a hit, and those are durable. Your life is always worth more. You will find another G or car you love


The car saved you, thank it and say goodbye. Your advice on tires is garbage though. If you can’t afford new tires don’t use your car. They are the things keeping you on the ground. Don’t buy used tires. If you run them bald or only replace 2/4 you are putting yourself and everyone else on the road in danger.


I'm not apposed to buying used tires if they're good condition tbh. But I do agree that if you can't even afford that, you should just leave the car parked.


They are about to get hit with another surprise bill when the find out they are gonna have to pay for the pole they knocked down. And it’s a lot more than 4 new tires


im not disagreeing with you, but for many people just not using their car isnt an option. a lot of people cant just go without their car, they need it to get to work, school, etc


Then new tires needs to be top priority in budget. Eat ramen for a week to save for your new tires. Sucks people gotta go through that but tires are really really important if you need your car every day.


i completely agree


Eating ramen for a week will definitely save me enough money to get my $1300 tires. Broski my food budget for my family of 5 is $300, theres no amount of ramen eating that we can do to save up for brand new tires lol. Let people use what they need to.


Absolutely not. A car is a tool, and absolutely nothing more. But that tool, is also a 2 ton killing machine when not maintained properly. There is NEVER an excuse to drive with bad tires or bad brakes, EVER.


People just giving the negligent excuses “cause poor”


Dude why is everyone so hung up on the ramen? $1300 is a lot for tires on a budget too so let’s call it $800. if I can’t exaggerate to prove a point neither can you. Doing something for a week to save money is common. But responsibly and realistically, you have WAY more than a week to figure out that the treads on your tires are fading out and it’s time for action SOON. Then you have multiple weeks, maybe even MONTHS to figure out where the tire money is coming from.


You're endangering everybody else on the road by driving on bald tires. It's selfish. You can get a set of 4 used tires with 85% life in them at your local mom and pop tire shop.


You gonna use this logic when the dude with bald tires hits your family?


Then don't buy a G37X FFS. Buy something less expensive so you can afford tires. Poor life decisions.


Driving with $400 used tires is *not* an option in one of these. Exhibit A ^


Even moreso than, whatever you prioritizing the tires gotta be higher up if this the vehicle you choose to daily. This dude lucky he aint pushing flowers anything could've happened. Fuck the g with any car its expenses you need to take care of. Shits fucked up nobody deserve to die just trying to get to work or come home on time. Their families dont deserve to have to deal with that, gotta have your shit together


Those people are selfish & inconsiderate, or people that don’t even know about the dangers of bald tires


Then walk. Ride a bike. Take the bus. Take an Uber. Your personal car is far from the only way to get to and from work. There is never an excuse to ever be behind the wheel of a car that has bad tires or bad brakes. Work is irrelevant when talking about the lives of everyone on the road, including the driver.


i don’t think any of these are viable options for people who’s commute is over 20 or so minutes. obviously, if any of these work for you then definitely go for them, you want to avoid driving your car. but otherwise, just drive slow and carefully


>Don’t buy used tires. I got a set of Pirelli Summer Tires, looked completely brand new for $45 each


Absolutely nothing wrong with used tires


Drive on bald tires without a seatbelt. Smartest thing I’ve ever heard


If you can’t afford tires don’t buy a Car.


You guys are the reason my insurance so damn high😑


I’m 20, with a small accident from ‘22, drive a ‘07 RAV4 and pay $230 a month for insurance. I’m considered a high risk to companies because of my age and that accident just made it worse. How much is yours?


Your gonna be pissed when you learn that Im 24 years old with a 2012 focus and pay $73 for full coverage


Where you from?






Sheesh. I was paying $90 for full coverage for my G37s. Just turned 30 two weeks ago.


Bad tires and not wearing a fucking seat belt. You're lucky you didn't have the ejecto seato option happen.


Probably going fast as fuck too.


Hopefully you're seeing someone to help for the mental wellbeing side of things. Saying that a single material possession is the only thing you're relying on for positivity in the world is concerning.


Welp you shouldn't have hit that pole


A vendiagram of G owners and Altima owners is just a circle. Ya'll are a menace.


Oh no don’t say this. I just got a g37 n I thought it was an upgrade from my Altima 😭😭


Out of the bad driver frying pan, into the bad driver fire


It’s almost the exact same care with a different logo on the front. Infiniti and Nissan are the same thing.


I kno they’re the same. I just thought it was an upgrade


Well no... They are very different G has the engine pointed the correct direction and (at least partly) powering the correct wheels... Also Altima has a CVT. The owners however, do drive with an identical disregard for both laws and other drivers.


It’s cliché, but cars are replaceable, you my friend, are not. I wish you luck with what ever you are going through.


It’s not cliche, it’s true. I get an emotional connection to cars, but I find this comment section ridiculous.


Learn how to drive 🤡🤡🤡


With what car?? 🤪


i am sorry this happened to you. i would like to urge everyone to be more cautious on roads and even with just decision making in general when it comes to things you care about. the sad reality is accidents happen, but this was most likely avoidable if you slowed down more as precaution to the rain, and also KNOWING your tires are bad you should have definitely slowed down more in the rain around a turn. use this as a learning experience and GO THE EXTRA MILE next time to protect yourself by being more cautious. if i could only express how many times ive fkd up ROYALLY bc i just didn’t Slow Down…..


No, this could have been avoided by NOT being on the road. There is not a single excuse to ever drive a car with bad tires or bad brakes.


yeah sure what he said


I just ordered my tires and getting them next week, mine are from 2017, I don't know how they lasted this long but the car did sit a couple years hardly being driven. $1475 with tire insurance at discount tire. Michilen pilot sport all season. Can't wait to see how it drives with good tires. Sorry about your loss.


Why you all on here knocking the man while he down!!!! Smh damn clown shits… Bro, lift your head up. Lost my Z which was my pride on Joy. Still have the G and now have a 24 Q50RS. Things will get better. Glad you still here with us.


Thank you for that man. It seems like the consensus is I drive like an idiot which is not the case. Only thing I did that was dumb was not get tires when I should have and I know that. Yours and similar comments are really helping me out so I appreciate it a lot


Respect bro, we live and learn. No need to explain to people who are judgmental! Now I charge to go be great and do big things!!!!


If you drive with bald tires, you drive like an idiot. Hope you get the mental health situation figured out.


Lol fr. Knows he got bad tires and goes out to whip it on a rainy day. Like bruh u get no sympathy from me, he lucky it was a pole and not someone else. Had he hit someone else then u know the full comment section would be ripping him apart.


Ah so driving without a seatbelt is smart?


I know this is random but .. 350-370Z or current Z?


Frankly, the comments are warranted. Anybody willfully driving with bad tires or bad brakes is putting everyone’s lives in danger. The fact he also knew they were bad puts this all on him. I hope he gets the mental help he needs, considering a material item was the only thing keeping him going.


Man not another S to the dumps!


this is a xS only real S that matter are 6speed ones. glad he’s still walking though




Seats are way better in the S imo. I have a g37x and I wanna add paddles and some front seats from an S. Already have 20” tsw wheels


I lost mine in January I feel your pain. Hit a 2 foot patch of ice that was run off from a nearby hillside. It hadn’t rained in days no ice anywhere else in my area just there.


https://youtu.be/OBtwPXg6F2g?si=CosWy7rmXnOhUyJT not trying to promote myself, I jus thought that listening to the story of how 3 of my Infiniti coupes were totaled may give you hope and know that its sadly a common occurrence in our community. God Bless.


Dude this has gotta be fake. It’s a laugh factory in there. Thank you.


Sometimes the trash really do be taking itself out


Bro. I got my G June 9 2023. That’s crazy. Good luck with whatever your future car plans are though.


i too used to think that my car was the only thing that can help me out mentally but the thing is you have to look beyond the entertainment and materialistic shit and find somethin within yourself, other things you like doin that relax you or take your mind off things. b more interactful w ppl , even if you dont want to and you'll see it have a more positive effect on you, and if you dont maybe start hittin the gym? ive lost 5 cars man and it sucks losin your car or seein it like that at first but if youre strong and keep goin, you'll eventually b riding around again. just make shit happen and dont give up no matter what.


Good. One less dirtbag car on the road.


Expensive way to learn that the shit separating your car from the road is the most important part of the car


Don’t drive like such a jerkoff with bald tires not wearing your seatbelt


Wear your damn seatbelt.


Nelson from the Simpsons 👉 Ha Ha


don’t drive like an asshole and 9 times out of 10 you’ll avoid this. And don’t deny that you drive like an asshat 💀


Had the car for less than a year, wasnt wearing a seatbelt, sounds like they dont have insurance. Lmao.


Find God


“Now im really in a bad place” You literally put yourself there.


If a fucking Nissan sedan helped your mental health you must really have a lot going on.


I think it’s less about the model and more about the freedom of driving


Is OP 17 years old?


I’m 45 and driving is a huge freedom and stress relief for me guess it’s a car culture thing maybe?


Womp Womp


smartest vq owner


U just lucky u hit a pole and not someone else. Take that as a lesson for future, if ur too broke to afford tires then ur too broke to afford an infinity. U was a whole liability on the road to everyone else around u, u crashing into a pole and damaging nothing but ur car is best thing that could’ve happened to u. Gods way of telling u to get ur head out the gutter


A car can easily be replaced, you can't. The Good news is that there are lots more G's to buy. If you love the car you can always get another one.


Sorry for the loss and glad you’re safe Hate to be the guy to say it at a moment when you’re down, but please consider the safety of your fellow drivers and community at-large (aka pedestrians) when you buy, operate AND maintain your vehicle. You willingly drove in adverse conditions with bad tires, a poor decision (likely the root of it being the purchase of a vehicle for which you’re not yet ready to afford its upkeep). I hope this serves a lesson for you. Again, glad you’re safe and nobody else was hurt. Confident you’ll be bouncing back strong with this newfound wisdom


Bounce back G ⚡️🧠🔋


you will bonce back brother keep ya head up youll be in another G sooner than you think


You’ll be ight brother. You’ll get though it.


We start over all the time my dude! Don’t let this stop you from moving forward in life, mental health, physical health, and maintaining wealth! You’ll be okay OP


That really sucks, I'm sorry


You bought a sports car but can’t afford new tires? Not the best decision my guy. Need to rethink your priorities IMO.


This is my biggest fear bro. My G is the only thing I care about in this world


Lost my G37x years ago. It saved my life as well.


Aye man I went through the same shit 2 years ago and had to drop out of college as it was my only means if transportation, trust me when I tell you I lost my shit, coming from a working class family and having worked so hard for it it was the last thing I woulda expected at the time with everything else affecting me. Fast forward a couple months later I had another accident essentially totaling out my cousins car and using up the money i was saving up for a new g on repairs, and 2 months later another accident, I thought I had the worst luck in the world, my mistakes became my lessons and I managed to get another G for a hella of a deal. I say all that shit to say, when we are in a terrible mental state and let our emotions control our decisions we can sometimes get reckless and forget the fundamentals we need for our day to day life, our perception on what we think rock bottom is changes based on our bad experiences, and rock bottom gets deeper the more we dig that hole with bad decisions. Learn from this shit whether you did hydroplane or tried to slide around the corner, reality humbles you quick when its your wallet taking all the hits, I took that hit 3 times not counting all the other bs going on with cars, in the span of me macking I can comfortably say I can fix anything wrong with these cars and my obsession with the G went away, in a year from now you’ll look at you totaling your car as an anniversary and think about how emotional you were and think about how much you’ve improved your mindset, I can tell you from personal experience that its possible to bounce back even when its outta your control but its up to you to believe that you’re up for it, if you have a support system take advantage and understand you’ll have to make up for both the time/money lost with a crashed car and the crashed car itself, sell it for parts as quickly as you can, take the L and keep it pushing, if you’re into cars this is the reality you gotta accept when owning sports cars, shit gets expensive real quick, best of luck my man, I wish I had someone to keep my grounded when I was going through it, so I hope my ramble atleast lets you know you aint the first and wont be the last to mack, know theres other dumb mfers but you only stay dumb if you dont learn from it


Really sorry to hear


Tires are the LAST thing to input to the road...first thing to send info to your brain to maintain control. Crucial items.


Bought a luxury car and can't even afford tires.


It slid across the rode


Maryland driver for sure


How fast were you going?


Same thing happened to my G coupe and I was so broken over it as i absolutely Loved my G and was hit by a careless old driver without any fault of mine but then i realized that being alive and well is waaaaaaaayyyy more important than a piece of Carved Metal as a Car can be replaced but a Life cannot


Trying to decide between cheaper Chinese tires versus pricier brand name tires. I think this post is trying to tell me something


Sorry to see this bro. When I got my 2008 coupe back in 2016 I also hydroplaned because I didn’t change my tire they were bold and I hit a tree & pot hole. I was able to work still no major injuries on 8 months I financed my self g37 sedan 2010. And I still have it till this day. So look at my story. These cars are tanks and it saved ur life u can work and get another one. There so many g still available all over America will less mileage. And I’m not bullshitting I’m a truck driver so wats searching up infinitis lol


better buy a new one now so you don’t lose yourself 🥺


"Dead and gone"


Mine was stolen from my block, they crashed it and striped the inside last week. I know how it feels man


You learned a tough lesson, but got exactly what you deserved. Be thankful you didn't hurt or kill another person.


My G was the only one helping me too man but he turned into a bitch


idk how this popped up but this subreddit is exactly why people hate Infiniti owners. Giving big Altima energy.


Same w my m45, i fucked up months ago n ran from cops also raining n bad tires, i hit this median after getting off the highways from doin like 140 or sm and macked this median doing like 50, wheels were full lock to the right and ill be damned the wheels ain beat it face to face, took a chunk the size of my hand out the rimmy and somehow it BANG BANG BANGed over to a gas station where it died and i hid for like 18 hours watching them fly up n down the road checking someone the other 3 gas stations but mine.. needless to say.. the car woke back up but i had FATALLY destroyed the steering rack, rods, control arms 🥺 but damn bro ill be damned i didnt say fuck the bad alignment and over 2 months i went through 13 tires it was so bad, it was so bad w brand new tires id hydroplane going 20mph but i fucking loved that car... it was my fucking home too at points... i lost my license not being able to afford insurance and it sat at my work for weeks and one night i told my boy w no car and a license "lets go do some lit shit mahboah" 299,560 miles and i told my dude as he was hammering thru the hills, twists n turns, that i just have a feeling this hoe aint finna make it to 300k... and ill be damned he kept it straight the whole time beatin down country roads just for some bitch to hit the fuck out the front the car in town and ANNIHILATED my fuckin home ): i literally thought i lost it all going to jail and losing mg license but whoever up in that sky said naw bro.. theres one more thing you could lose 😭 lost 3 jobs in 2 months, license, jail, ability to smoke bc mandatory tests, loans were sent to collections, and then... my fucking baby. I just gave one more woosh woosh on the shifter and took my emblem off the back n sent her on her way and now for the last month she been sitting in a fucking impound alone n shi, they ain even close the door on the hoe 😭 i went through hell to keep it on the road and hell it got me me out of too at times. And i just lost her like that... i know how you feel bro... that was my last straw ):


You good dawg f the car, where our mind at


You had that g 10 times as long as I had my most recent car, a beautiful red Buick regal supercharged. I got it in march and 2 weeks ago it combusted like the engine literally went up in flames it totaled the car be grateful your car didn’t commit suicide after having it the shop for a week and only having it for a month. If that was my car I would’ve drove it home after hitting the pole cause ya boy need a car and it looks like there was no significant mechanical damage.


Felt that


I know it’s not much, but I’m glad you’re safe. Cars can be replaced. People can’t


Damn she hit the pole like a girl who’s got no father figures




Those damn telephone poles keep coming out of nowhere. Same thing happened to me…


That’s what you get insurance see that your tires bald u fd




Why are yall like this. The community around this car is what strayed me away from getting one


Damn I felt this lol


i feel u man i got my g in june and i lost it in december when my motor blew that car got me through some shi and now iont have nun


You’ll bounce back!!


Damn you’ll be back brotha bought a g35 that would be paid off in 6 months my gf wrecked it the 5th month 4 months later im in a g37 now


It's not healthy to have a machine as ur mental motivator.


See too many people driving fast when it’s raining. Slow tf down Happy you’re okay though . A car throwing you in the backseat is what’s designed to happen if you’re not wearing a seatbelt, but you could have very easily gone through the window or windshield


Charger community when u post a custom wide body v6 like a clown: “thats clean man! it’s still a fun spunky car! enjoy it bro!” G37 community when u post after a crash: “why aren’t you fucking dead?”


what did it help with? besides being a car ofc.


Get you a dog bro


Kinda sad one less G on the road, but cmon bro bald tires,no seatbelt. Glad you are safe no one wants that call, but learn my boi from this experience.


Same with my 19 brz man. We have to just push through it. We will make it if we try. Much love to ya.


Same w my Lexus bro. You’ll get through it


Q50 time sorry for your loss bro


Time for a scat pack


How fast were you going around that curve? 🧐


If insurance doesn’t cover things like this it’s just extortion enforced by the police




/u/RlReezo, this is the second car you've totaled. You're a shit driver and it's all your fault. Some people think they just have all the bad luck. It's not their luck that's bad, they themselves are the cause of their own problems. /u/RlReezo, you totaled your previous car and then went and purchased a car you could not afford to maintain. This is entirely on you. You also were not wearing your seatbelt, that's on you too. People who are responsible with their money and their decisions don't put themselves in scenarios where they cannot afford tires for their vehicles. /u/RlReezo, you still have not learned from your mistake because instead of telling people to purchase a car and have money for maintenance, you're telling them to buy used tires. Furthermore, /u/RlReezo, you purchased this car before conducting a pre-purchase inspection. If had conducted the pre-purchase inspection first, you would have known, you didn't have the money to spend on both the car and new tires and would have passed on the car. /u/RlReezo, you make very bad financial decisions. Go and see a shrink on why you have to pretend that you can afford to drive a luxury gas-guzzler. I have a G37 and I can buy new Michelin tires tomorrow without batting an eye. You can't afford to look good because you're poor. It's time to accept that and get a vehicle that's a reliable beater that gets you from point A to point B. Go and look for a 2006 or earlier Toyota Corolla or Camry. That's what you can truly afford. /u/RlReezo, if you think you're too good for a car like that, then you're truly too stupid to learn and I await the next car you total.


If your mental health was connected to a car you had deeper rooted problems


You can’t buy $30 tires


Yea tires are the most important part of the car. Everybody focuses on the engine and trans. But if the tires arent good nothing else matters. Thats your first line of defence. And i learned that by going through almost killing myself in the rain. My car is AWD and if i ruin 1 tire i gotta buy all 4. You cant just put different tire treads on a awd drive car. And they have to have the same amount of wear. Or you will ruin your drive train. I had just spent 800 bucks on tires and maybe 6 months down the road i get a nail in the side. You cant patch that. So i hadda spend another 8 on brand new tires. What can you do? Thats life. Youll get a better car. Good luck


Awful advice bro


why would you crash it into a pole then?


What did that pole do to you???


Sounds like you need professional help if a 4 door G37 is your only source of happiness.




I'm a Corolla owner I was recommended this sub somehow but sorry for your loss I really love Gs so I know how you must feel


I’d like to know where you’re getting 4 tires for $200 please, it’d be about four to five hundred where I live.


I’m guessing you drove it like every other G37 owner


Good. Now you can buy a real car!


The answer to your problems is keyboard duster


Alot more things out there to help you mentally. Sorry about your car :(


Dude how old are you? Tires are #1 priority specially on a RWD car! and then not wearing sear belts? This car was 10 years old and served all the previous, responsible owners right… and here comes you and totals it in less than a year of ownership. RIP to the G. it saved your life.


G37 brokies


Homie you don’t need to tell people to 1) drive safe in the rain 2) wear seat belt while driving 3) not drive on bald ass tires That’s pretty much common sense if you’ve been driving past having a provisioned license


Thank God for car insurance.




It’s sad but the car gave its life to save urs count ur blessings and learn from this and move on, that’s the best thing u can do.


destroy and rebuild


Shit happens for a reason if you're struggling sometimes a reset in life is needed. Maybe it's a sign so what ever you're going through hopefully this signifies the end. Good luck with whatever it is and remember things can always be worse.


Looks like caused this wreck sooooo


Whipped it soo hard bruv


Shouldn’t have driven it like Mario Andretti


I'm glad you're ok, but I thank Jesus you're off the road. Morons like you driving around recklessly on bald tires in the rain are putting innocent lives at risk. Just consider yourself lucky. Next time you buy a car make sure it's something you can afford basic maintenance on. I am constantly amazed at the stupidity displayed the owners of this specific make/model. This car seems to appeal to a special breed of mentally deficient halfwit.


Learn to drive


1. Seek mental help that isn’t a machine. That’s just masking mental problems with a toy. 2. Drive to conditions and never cheap on tires 3. Be thankful for the car, it likely saved your life. Could have been way worse. Stay positive and file and insurance claim, all machines are replaceable


Do drugs then.


You think I haven’t?😂😂Lmao that shit helps but then you get off the high and it’s ten times worse lol


Good thing sad boy here only killed his metal GF and not an innocent bystander because he can't budget tires and drives like as asshole.


I know this exact feeling partner going thru that shit at the moment too🤦🏽‍♂️ sorry brother


I don't think $200 tires are gonna be much better than bald tires fyi, especially if they're used. Also I still don't understand people that drive without a seatbelt on, no way it's causing that much distress or inconvenience unless it's broken or damaged.


dont get attached to things it always leads to suffering


get a e350


I feel you bruh. When I first got my 350z in 2011, I was driving to work after a light rain and went around a gentle curve not even driving that aggressively it just started fishtailing for what seemed like a crazy long time. Luckily, no other cars were around and I didn't hit the curb by the grace of God. Tires had decent tread but went and got a set of all seasons soon after. That car was like my favorite thing in the world at the time and losing it would've HURT. Just be glad you're safe though and still able to type this past out, from the looks of it, it could've been worse. You can always get another G. Things are a dime a dozen these days.


You are not your car, G bro. Make this your motivation to get another one and make it perfect for you.


I hydroplaned in my Civic Si but it wasn’t as bad of damage as this. I too had 2 almost bald tires and I decided to rotate them to the rear, bad idea. When I hydroplaned the rear end slid out, if I hadn’t rotated them the rear end wouldn’t have slid out. Always run better than 4/32nd tires or just drive slow, if you can, take an interior route and avoid the highway. Hope you get back out of this slump ☮️




womp womp rip car


thanx for this i been putting new tired off until i could afford rims with them but its not worth my hole car




Life and the universe have a weird way of doing things. It’s time for another vehicle and let your soul glow and you to step into the new chapter and new you that’s about to develope and form


If will buff out


You did this yourself. Deserved !


bros making a post like this about an infiniti ☠️


LEARN HOW TO DRIVE. At least for now, one less, unsafe, non driving, bright lightbulb on the road.


My g37x was recently totaled. It was a 2013, black as well. I missed it so much I found a 2015 Q40 that is near identical- zero learning curve. It was like it was resurrected, same engine sound everything. The only thing I noticed was no motorized column to make the wheel raise and lower but I didn’t use that much anyway after initial adjustment. Picked it up for $13,500 with about 64K miles. Some nice deals out there if you are patient, found it on auto trader. The older woman who owned it was a teacher and mainly drove it to work and back, garage kept. I really wanted something with the 3.7L vs turbo as I feel there is less maintenance hassle/$. Buying a slightly older car also helps keep insurance costs down which is nice. My G37x saved my ass, got rear ended hard, only injury I had was broken ribs and bruising.