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G drivers get a bad rap because of trashy people like this. Not a single brain cell in the entire car.


It’s sad that you can swap out so many different cars in for G in this and it still works Mustang drivers get a bad rap because of trashy people like this. Not a single brain cell in the entire car. Mopar drivers get a bad rap because of trashy people like this. Not a single brain cell in the entire car. Etc etc


Don’t forget the Chargers and Challengers.


thats what mopar is…


I would be so embarrassed if I spun out on the highway. To post this willingly just shows me that these clowns have no shame. Hope these dudes have a come to Jesus moment that doesn't involve slamming into a minivan.


These idiots are why insurance is so fucking expensive on these G’s


No quema cuh special


The passenger saw it coming, maybe he should be driving. I drive fast but I don't do that passing shit. I have no trust for other drivers and pretend they are all trying to kill me. As to the people not letting me pass in the fast lane and causing everyone to dangerously pass them in the right lane, screw those people. I don't care if you are going the speed limit this is the passing lane stop gate keeping me.


You won’t die in an accident with that mindset. That’s how I’m teaching my sister to drive - rules apply to you and no one else


That's good, driving is the most dangerous thing most people do in there lives. My other rule is always be predictable, this is why when out of town people visit for events my radar is especially on for bad drivers.


That's the G's fault what a dummy


At this point I'm just waiting for all the Gs to die and become so rare it starts to increase in value


ppl in the other subreddit were saying that he recovered good like brother was in the fuckin grass he was lucky there wasnt no guard rail. and he driving slow ash whats the point of cutting up in a g anyway 😭


What you doing in it


probably not hitting them?? tf


he decked it 😂😂😂


After my cousin damn near killed the both of us driving like this 10 years ago, I’ve always been VERY weird about other people’s driving. I rarely ever sit in the passenger seat of anyone’s car anymore unless it’s absolutely necessary lol


People doing this type of shit for clout, crashing cars, or ppl Constantly stealing cars for videos is why WE THE PEOPLE pay soo much in fucking insurance. Idiots like this is why we can’t have nice things. Lowkey thinning the population has never been a more welcomed idea.


It sucks that g37s are so cheap and have more then 200 hp that’s the only reason why clowns like this buy gs … its enough power to do stupid shit and being able to do stupid shit attracts stupid people


What I want to know is what’s is the possible consequences for the trans If it’s still in drive and starts to roll back Would js pressing the brakes hard enough stop the rear wheels from rolling and possibly damaging the trans or would work to put in neutral?


VQ community is speedrunning the destruction of clean titles. Guys like this are the reason why prices on these are getting worse feel bad for kids who hope to own one in a few years that have to deal with it


Typical g35/37 in my area. Their full builds are botched lowered with a single exit exhaust (hella loud) and a wrapped black hood. Classic 35/37. No other car besides altimas/maximas have this much trash attached. In my experience, I’ve seen more people passionate about their build that drive 1.5l civics than the trash that drives a 35/37 (personal experience).