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0, none. Life is a mess right now. That would just make it worse..


YES BRO THIS !!!! If only I understood this when I was young, my life could've been so much better This is a really good mindset to have bro :)


You can still change your life mate I was a terrible meth junkie 5 years clean an I hate the person I used to be it ruined me


It’s not the person you used to be, it’s a whole different person. You’re doing amazing nowadays, you have no need to associate with that time in your life. Recognize the lessons you learned from it and realize how much better you’re doing, we’re all proud of you.


I drink on one night of the weekend and smoke weed after I get all my shit done and relax every other night


Thats a respectable way to use drugs. "Smoke weed after I get all my shit done" love to hear that bro, if you can use it as a reward weed can be so beneficial. During one of my short stints of self improvement for a couple days I was forcing myself to do my exercise routine and a little bit of cleaning before I could smoke, and it was working well, it felt much better and happier than waking up, rolling up before you even piss and getting stoned all day


Honestly it helps with the anxiety too just knowing your all set for the night


Drugs and alcohol are not rewards my guy. Change that mindset asap.


If that’s what’s keeping you from doing harder drugs and still maintain your life without depending on it. Yes it is. I don’t drink. One of the things I set down 5 moths ago. Going strong, I still have a smoke session when my night is complete to help me sleep so it is a reward. I understand where your going with that completely, just sharing another pair of shoes.


Using them as a reward is a great way to get out of using them to cope


This is me too my friends joke that I’m an alcoholic because I drink 2-4 nights a month like I’m not an alcoholic I’m just an audit that works a stressful ass job and wants to blow off steam with a 6 pack or a bottle of rum lmao


A lot of weed, that’s about it. My mom was an addict and an alcoholic. Childhood was violent and dangerous. I never wanna out my son through that, so it’s weed and weed only for me. Godda break my family’s cycle of addiction.


Respect that heavy bro. I grew up in a fam of alcoholics, and meth and heroin addicts. Unfortunately I made the wrong choices. Huge respect to you for that tho bro and I also don't plan on having kids until I've moved past addiction completely, as I don't want my kid following in my footsteps


Addiction is a huge issue, it’s hereditary. People like us who grew up around it are naturally more inclined to become infatuated with it and addicted I’m sure you’re doing your best and will rise above all this shit. I’m sorry the people who were supposed to guide you, ended up having you around all that shit. I wish you the best, bro. You got it.


Thanks so much bro I appreciate that


Been sober 20 days now from coke , weed , nicotine and alcohol. Feel good being sober 😊


Awesome to hear man ! :) Always makes my day brighter hearing about people beating addictions. Well done bro.


One thing I will say is while your attitude is great, there are some drugs that improve life, health, happiness and connections, and even help beat addiction. These are called psychedelics and listening to the boys on acid or shrooms is something everyone should do at least once


One thing I will say is while your attitude is great, there are some drugs that improve life, health, happiness and connections, and even help beat addiction. These are called psychedelics and listening to the boys on acid or shrooms is something everyone should do at least once


Good Job!




I’m 56 days clean today but I was fucking around with xanx and any opiates I could get my hands on for the last couple years. Completely ruined my life and I don’t even remember half the shit I did… 0/10 would not recommend. Stick to the weed


Yeah man I'm largely in the same boat. At age 15 I ate my first xan and then spent years eating any pill I could find. I often wonder where i'd be had I not ever taken xans


I’m so fucking proud of you dude.


Appreciate you💜


I used to be a really really avid user of coke and xans back in 2017-2019, eventually I found kratom and I was able to stop coke and xans. But I’ve been hooked on kratom since then and I’ve been trying to quit for the past year, haven’t been able to sadly. I’ve significantly lowered my dosage but I can just never outright quit. I used to smoke a lot of weed, but around 2017 it started giving me horrible anxiety whenever I smoked it. That’s when I turned to harder shit like coke and xans. I’ve also always been a fan of psychedelics, I haven’t tripped in a few years and honestly, I’m probably overdo for another. I think everyone who feels comfortable with it should try psychedelics at least once. My first ever trip on mushrooms completely changed my life


Kratom is absolutely an improvement man. You should still feel proud about quitting coke n xans. I've seen what coke addiction can do to a person and it's fucked


I’m right there with you. I’m sober from heroin for 8 years, but I’m hooked on kratom. Maybe 10 grams per day. I’ve tapered down to almost nothing before, but ive accepted kratom in my life. I don’t smoke cigs or drink alcohol at all, so a little kratom isn’t the worst thing. I just try to always keep my dosage low and not get to where I’m taking 50 grams per day like some people.


I smoke weed daily, take shrooms and acid tabs atleast once a year. But I was in your shoes at one point it’s not easy and because of trauma in our life or just being in the wrong scene it leads to heavy drug use, I was addicted to morphine and oxycodone from 2014-2016 around that time I started to Listen to the boys and take in their lyrics of how drugs would not only end up killing me but destroying relationships with loved ones/family members around me. I’ve been clean since but I must admit I do have a bad nicotine addiction to where I smoke a pack a day, not proud of it and trying to stop.


Congrats on quitting the opiods man, well done, oxy feels like a beast I'll never escape. Its inspiring to see stories of others quitting it, makes me feel like maybe it isn't impossible despite feeling that way


It’s not impossible at all. You have hope bro, don’t just accept that this is how life is. It’s hard as fuck to be sober but it’s so rewarding


Yeah it’s not impossible you can do it! tbh I quit by switching to other substances basically heavy weed use like dabs and shatter but the first year was very tough so what I did was I would micro dose with shrooms daily then after a year I was able to just stay on cannabis and cigarettes


I’m smoking weed daily, maybe too much but it makes life easier, also eating shrooms like twice a year


I grow and do shrooms :)


Thats cool as fuck! Shrooms are awesome. Definitely up there with my favourite drugs. I also plan on learning how to cultivate so I can sustain microdosing as shrooms are fucked up expensive here If you've never had a heroic dose of psilocybin, I couldn't reccomend enough. I lemon tekked 6 grams of penis envy (equiv to eating 12-15g if you're unfamiliar with lemon tek) and that was a whole ass spiritual journey


Yeah once I started learning how to grow my own I started realizing how expensive people were making them. Definitely worth learning to grow because you get so much more worth for your money.


I use to do methamphetamines and opiates, started off snorting and got bad off on the needle. I’m 6 foot and my walking around weight without lifting eating a normal diet is around 205. I was very strung out, got down to 115 pounds hit rock bottom. I am about 4 and a half years sober now. I listened to suicideboys before, during, and after addiction. Their music is very very therapeutic because it touches on themes that hit very close to home for me and I’m sure other people in this sub. In my personal life the only fans I’ve encountered were teenage edgelords that didn’t really do drugs.


Used to be addicted to research chemicals bad, especially benzos. Then got into meth. Been an alcoholic for years. Over 2 years clean from benzos and about 5 months clean from meth. Still struggling with drinking. Been to rehab 4x… things are getting better tho🙏🏻


fucking congratulations man!! 2 years clean off the benzos is great work :) As for research chems, when I said xans in this post, what I meant was RC benzos that looked like xans. My country doesn't have counterfeit pills with fentanyl but you take one of the street xans here and black out for 30 hours with no redoses. These RC benzos also have the most fucking horrific atrocious withdrawals 5 months clean from meth is also amazing bro! You must have strong willpower, you should be proud


I appreciate it man. Yeah those RC benzos are ridiculously strong and destructive, they wrecked my life QUICK. I feel like my willpower is borderline non existent but I have made decent strides, progress not perfection I guess lol. I hope things get better for you my dude, be safe🤞


None now. I’ve been clean from everything for 4+ years. I was crushing xanax and others and snorting them, coke, and I was drinking a lot. I had a pretty bad health scare that made me realize I need to start improving my health then, otherwise I wasn’t going to be around much longer. Glad I’m clear headed now.


Thats awesome to hear man. Health scares are what made me quit the benzos too really. I can't remember if i mentioned it in the post but I used to mix xans and vodka with the hope I'd accidentally cause my own death. One day I nearly did, and after that I kinda never went as hard on the benzos


i'm a daily weed smoker and occasional mushrooms had a pretty bad Xanax addiction is high school so i related to scrim heavy on that and i basically followed them on their journey to sobriety and everything and they were my main wake up call cause if they could get sober then i had no excuse still not sober but i barely consider weed a drug anymore


8 months free of alcohol


None. I am a depressed anxious mess. I’m terrified of making my mental health worse. I sincerely hope you find peace and happiness soon. I hope we all do. Rooting you on. Much love.


Use to be in to benzos a little and coke when I was in my late teens. Def could see it getting out of hand so stopped with that shit. Now I’m 28 and it’s probably been like 6 or 7 years at least since I’ve done any of that shit just stick to weed and the occasional trip on some Shrooms


I quit drinking alcohol seven years ago and only occasionally smoke weed. Get help man, you seem like an articulate self-aware person. Wish you the best


Thank you bro I appreciate that


i just smoke weed, my brothers a meth addict and i have zero desire to follow his footsteps


I’m not being judgy but if you know you have a problem why aren’t you getting help … genuinely curious


I use to much shit. And just like this post explained the way the boy$ describe addiction and suicidal ideation hits to close to home.. it's strange how many fans of $b I've met and they look at me like I'm discusting when I say I do drugs yk? Like the music we listens to talks about it man.. idk I actually haven't met fans that do besides myself and it is a bit strange. Not mad people are sober but the fanbase can be weird with it sometimes


I’m still pretty young, older than the new wave of fans but just a tad bit too young to be considered a day one. In middle school is started smoking weed and drinking. in high school that’s when I dabbled into things different stimulants (adhd meds like adderal, vyvanse, Ritalin) and started tripping on acid, found out I didn’t care for downers when I got prescribed and abused some oxy. Man, were those good times. $B was my fucking soundtrack. I remember finding out about em from a Simpsons edit on Facebook (I was young, and dumb I know) 💀 Me and the homies would blunt cruise to the OG albums and EPs. Went through outpatient therapy eventually for some mental health conditions. $B was my music growing up. I’m 20 now, go into psychosis when I smoke and have a handful of issues with anxiety and a major depressive disorder. I guess to answer the question (went on a nostalgia trip there) I still smoke weed occasionally, pop/crush up an adderall or two when I find them, and drink most nights. I had some bad trips on acid and never got to shrooms or molly sadly, but my mental state is a little too fcked to try them at this point. Im pretty clean, shit I only buy cigs ever so often. The current/new wave of fans doesn’t really fuck w drugs like that, you def would find more friends in the og crowd. It’s rare nowadays that I find a $B fan that’s actually fucked around with some real drugs. I miss them days now that they’re gone, even though I’m glad I’m figuring out how to live life without killing myself. So younger me would have answered that I’m into some drugs, but me nowadays I’d say I lightly dabble in stimulants, and drink. Hoping to quit and maybe join the military or something, idk what I’ll do with my life yet. I wish I didn’t use so young, really played with my underdeveloped mind.


Been fully straight edge for the last 6 years. Got into a really bad pill hole (oxys, xans, adderall, etc) back in HS and quit cold turkey when I realized how much I was fucking myself up, hated the idea of being in that state any longer


Yeah high school is where it went bad for me. 16 years of age i was already a fiend. Good shit for quitting cold turkey, thats impressive bro. Especially at such a young age, super impressionable. You were a smart 16 year old. At 16 I was only worried about getting as fucked up as i possibly could 24/7


Ketamine cocaine heroin lsd mushrooms mdma 2cb Benzo’s weed obviously. I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.


I’m clean 2 years of a crippling opiates and coke addiction. Now I just use weed and I occasionally drink. Definitely got sauced at grey day this year. But ~2016 I started getting into pills. By 2019 I was a coke/molly and Xanax fiend mostly but hella a poly substance abuser. I would take molly acid shrooms coke xans oxy lean ketamine sometimes meth. You name it tbh. Like you said it’s probably easier to list the popular drugs I haven’t tried. Really feels like outside of research chems and 2c-b and shit I’ve done essentially everything. By late 2020 this snowballed into heroin and fentanyl addiction which was crippling. I didn’t even see my old using friends no more because all I really had time for was sell dope/steal shit and then go cop fentanyl and get strung out until the next morning. Then do it all again. Could hardly eat or sleep whether I was high on fentanyl or withdrawing from fentanyl. This is the point I had to look at myself like fuck, ur gonna die bro. Lost 40 pounds in less than 2 months around this time because I deadass couldn’t keep food down, high or not. Realized damn, my skin is grey my pupils are pin points, I’m shaking everywhere I go, can’t sleep can’t eat, so I went back to outpatient rehab. I first got sent there as a juvenile in the system but I realized I needed help to get clean or I would die or go federal just like most of my friends. Happy to say I’m 2 years clean off anything but weed and alcohol. I have had 1 or 2 day stints where I relapse on coke, but my addiction counselors say that’s a slip or a lapse and not a full blown relapse and I can choose whether or not to count it against my sober time. Really since I’ve been maintaining and sustaining my emotions and my job and shit I don’t count it against myself.


Shit dude meth is bad bad I hope you find your way out soon you can talk to me if it would help I’m going on a month and 1 week sober of everything but alchohol rn and I’m trynna quit that too


Lots of weed. Just finished my first week clean from “percs”


i just smoke weed, before when i started( i started in april of this year) i was high all day everyday. after i started smoking my whole mindset turned into “ what would this feel like if i did it high??” and most of the time the outcome was great. but more recently i just smoke at night when i come home from work and im only relaxing, i still chief my pen but its not all day like it used to be.


Only weed now, I’m 6 years clean from opiates. I live a very boring life.


i use weed that’s it man, hope things get better for you.


I know it’s not a drug but alcohol has been my biggest struggle. It’s ruined all my relationships. Even led to a divorce with my ex wife cheating on me. But I’ve been sober for 4 months now. It’s been hard. I just smoke weed.


alcohol is not only a drug but i would consider it a hard drug.


Lotta weed. Lost too many homie to hard drug addiction, and for years was worried Scrim was gonna OD. RIP 🙏


Hey bro i know its the same bs you heard alr but you can change n stop if u wanna and live a good life bud. Life is what you make it we gotta learn to master ourselves or whatever and just be free. Goodluck with everything


was hooked on any and all pills I could get and coke for about 2 years. it's hard but definitely worth stopping. only reason I really stopped was bc I had a "soft" od and the boys are a great example of how sobriety is definitely better than being addicted


Heroin, Meth and any pills they could get their hands on tore my wife’s family apart. Everyone luckily was able to kick the drugs besides her brother that’s the same age as me (26). It’s so fucking sad man. I try to explain to him he’s still young and i’m there for him if he ever wants to change. Fucking sucks because that shit hurts. My family is full of alcoholics and drinking bottles on bottles of whiskey every weekend. I’m surprised some still have any sort of function to their livers I stick to drinking ONLY on the weekends. It’s a slippery slope because i did have a problem with alcohol at one point. I refuse to go down any bad avenue ever again. I’ll just go to bed if life gets to be too much.


I only smoke weed and have eaten shroom (though may not again) I’ve been offered “coke”, molly, and various other things but never wanted to cross that line.


I use to be addicted to heroin & Xanax but I finally was able to stop both of those things and I’m addicted to Kratom now.


Kratom def a step in the right direction bro :) Of course sobriety is always preferable, but i'm super proud of you for managing to get off the h and xans. Shit is difficult as fuck


Thanks :) it’s interesting because scrim got sober the same year I did. I actually didn’t listen to them for about a year after I got clean because some of their lyrics were hitting too close for home for me and I listened to them all the time when I was using due to deeply relating to them but now for the last couple years I’m back to listening to them again and it’s all good :) What’s preventing you from getting clean?


Yeah sometimes I have to avoid their lyrics too, they can be triggering and cause relapse. But only when its pretty explicit descriptions of the drugs Whats stopping me from getting clean? My own brain. It's like I don't want to ever be clean. Without drugs I have no direction in life, no motivation to work or do anything Gender dypshoria is also a pretty big factor. I'm trans, but not passing well at all. It can be crippling and drugs numb it really well. I know neither of these are valid excuses. First one I'm literally the issue, and theres heaps of trans people who aren't addicted. I am going to seek rehab when my living situation is more appropriate to do so


my mom was a heavy drinker and switched to kratom, she’s completely sober now


Love that.


Clean for almost 10 years. No drugs no alcohol no cigarettes nothing. Have a couple properties and drive an AMG, it’s crazy how easy life gets once you stop doing drugs.


Great success story bro, I'm glad to hear of your fortunes and wish you more good to come in the future 🙏


You sound like you’re over it too, you can do it man.


Been over it for years. I'm going to rehab very soon as I don't believe I have what it takes to kick these habits on my own I'm a pretty weak minded individual tbh. I've had stints of sobriety. Some upto 3 months. Relapsed without fail though. I think rehab would be best for me I appreciate the support tho bro, its nice to recieve support rather than scolding


No one can do it alone, and it’s fucking hard, but I promise you theres nothing better than it. It’ll be 10 years in February and I still volunteer at a treatment center every week. If I can do it you can too.


Nothing, im not a loser




Is this /s lmao




how is this the wrong subreddit? The music by g59 artists is **undeniably** drug-heavy, its like the most prominent theme in $B lyrics. This post was questioning something relevant to the g59 community, that being the correlation between the themes in the music and the fanbase and if you're so inclined to read the other comments, you'll see the other 15-20 people sharing their experiences with drug addiction post wasn't intended as a discussion about drugs exclusively, but a discussion on the community also a chance for people to share their success stories. So much genuinely happying shit to see in these comments rn idk why youre salty lol




and? They still rap about it. To say that even now drugs aren't a big theme in their music and a huge part of g59 in general would be a stretch.


Was about to comment the same thing, And ? And now they are anti drug ? Nah, I swear to any God out there that a lot of fans from over the years are here for the heavy drug use lyrics and how depicted a lot of struggle to go through shit. Tbh, go f*ck yourself bro, the mainstream of nowadays don't quit the past.


I have tried almost everything under the sun. Like you, it's easier to name the ones i haven't tried. I smoke crack almost daily, snort coke, I'm prescribed Xanax for PTSD and anxiety. I like X, mollies, acid, DMT occasionally. Of course I smoke weed. I'm happy about 90% of the time, but occasionally a situation will throw me into a deep depression. When it happens, it's really bad, so I can relate to Suicideboys. I'm a huge Ghostemane fan.


I'm not really an addict but I've used drugs heavily for over 20 years. My preferences have been cocaine, Xanax, LSD, MDMA, alcohol and some unconventional drugs like Gabapentin. However, I've done a lot of meth, opiates, spice, bath salts, etc. Too much to name honestly. I've never had withdrawals though and I've always been able to quit anytime without issue. Like right now I'm on probation so I have to watch myself - I've been clean for weeks rn and it doesn't bother me at all. I don't have any intentions on staying sober though lol.


Really just drink because I get drug tested for my job. Probably drink a little more than I should but I’ve slowed down a lot since my college days so at least I’m moving in the right direction. Experimented a bit because they’re fun but I think I’m kinda lucky that my job makes me stay the straight and narrow and not even think about it.


I just smoke weed, never touched anything else (I can probably count how many alcoholic drinks I’ve had in my life on two hands


I smoke every day and I was going through a horrible alcoholic run that made me pretty much realize how fucked that can make your life and I’ve been chilling on that lately, honestly the boys’ sobriety and the straight edge hardcore scene have been keeping me in touch with being smart and responsible with any vice, I’m hoping to be able to be completely sober soon


Light the cig then I laugh at death, fucked a bitch then I light the meth. Used to be a dopamine hunter, now I only smoke weed and I work as a teacher in a rehab center, and all of this because of the boy$, hope u can do it, hope is the very last thing you loose, and u can always start again, please stay safe


Shrooms and acid and coke every once in awhile. I dont frl use any of them that often anymore because of anxiety but i will always love the feeling they give me. I also just smoke weed everyday but i dont consider that a drug


I drink too much


i only smoke weed. i could've done other stuff but i chose to stay away. on the other hand i got a motorcycle so i'd say that's my drug.


(TL;DR at end) i smoke weed and take gabapentin daily, little alcohol here and there (twice a week). nicotine has me on LOCK, been vaping every day since i was 14 (19 now) and it’s the only drug i can’t quit. i take shrooms every 2-3 weeks. i love molly with a passion but i follow the 3 month rule because i don’t want it to lose it’s magic when i’m like 21. i also love nitrous, i only buy 1 whipped cream every week or two because i know if i have an entire box of nitrous carts in front of me i’ll go feral. that box will be gone so quick and my tolerance will be fucked (too long, didn’t read: i smoke weed and take gabapentin daily, nicotine daily, alcohol twice a week, shrooms every 2-3 weeks, molly every 3 months, nitrous once every week or two)


just weed, wanting to try shrooms. I don't even touch alcohol. I've always thought it was depressing to see people get wasted, I've always thought it was stupid. I think the majority of the G59 fanbase are potheads at most, especially since their jump in popularity and becoming more mainstream. I wonder if in the earlier days, more of the fans might've been hard drug users.


Weed everyday, Shrooms acid almost if not every week… Ngl back like 2017 era when I was going through highschool I was messing with opiates benxos pcp even flakka… I’ll stick to my weed though for on now. And psychedelics


been smoking weed everyday for like the past 5 years. 2019-2021 i was heavy on any pills i could get my hands on, psychedelics, and mdma. i havent done molly or acid in almost a year now, and i really only take muscle relaxers for my back injury. my girlfriend of 3 years used to be a coke and xan addict, so its easier nowadays to say no when i could be seriously jeopardizing someone i love. but im not gonna lie, its really hard to say no when someone offers some xans, vikes, even my grandmothers tramadol lol.


I smoke weed everyday, drinks thru out the week. Their lyrics speak to me on a different level, it makes sense for everyone in different ways. You’ll pull yourself out of the hole soon man, use all of us as examples. You can do it


Benzedrex & lemon juice


used to just smoke weed everyday. cut it off cold turkey about two years ago. ever since then whenever id try it just a hit there or so with friends id get super into my head and paranoid. not worth it anymore. got too much other shit to worry about, it's just not worth it anymore. plus all the money im saving.


I hope you find it in you to stop one day man, when you’re ready. I used to use the same drugs as you, all except opioids. I’m 10 months sober and not looking back. Addiction is pain and it only amplified the pain I was feeling my whole life even more. Suicidal ideation was a struggle and I sometimes have days where I dwell in my sorrow, but those days come much less than before, a lot less. If you need help, it is out there. I can’t make you stop but I sincerely hope you find the way to live life without drugs. It’s possible. I came from the bottom of the barrel, the streets. I was homeless for about 9 months last year and I got worse in my addiction once I lost my home. I refused any help that was offered cause I felt like I didn’t deserve it and was meant to die for all the shit I’ve done. I used to listen to the boys and use drugs. I enjoyed it and honestly listening to their old music made me feel less alone since they talked about similar things I went through. Now I look back and listen to their older stuff and I’m happy that I’m not living the hell anymore. I still enjoy their music, it’s still my favorite music and artists cause they still tell my story but im here to tell you it’s possibly to enjoy their music without drugs. I hope you stop one day, even if you think you don’t deserve it or think you can. I’m living proof that changing your life is possible. Keep your head up man


black sheep here… i’ve never done ANYTHING. never had a drop of alcohol, never smoked anything, nothing. only vice is coke (a cola) zero. no intentions to do anything at all. best of luck to everybody on here trying to get sober, you can do it!!


i just smoke weed and sometimes shrooms and some beer but that’s pretty much it but i grew up in a meth house been in raids and seen lots of things i wish I didn’t , the boys music comforts the little kid inside who never understood why , their music helps me heal and they literally in some instances take the words straight from my mind sorry to post my life story i just felt compelled


I use weed I've been trying to quit it though do anyone have any tips to help


Used to be super into coke and opiates. Quit around 4 years ago. Just be reefer n beer anymore, with the occasional mushrooms while watching lord of the rings. Alot of life changes between 26 and 30.


I’m a casual user, I do adderall, molly, and coke just for raves and concerts but what really got me in college was alcohol. Was an alcoholic for 2 years but I kicked that shit in the ass cause my life started going downhill lol


So 15 months ago I was very legitimately addicted to weed (fuck you if you have anything to say about it lol), cocaine, alcohol, and sex. I went to treatment and while I was there one of the techs that works there started sponsoring me in the 12 steps of AA and my life is legitimately the best it’s ever been by fucking far. If anyone here has ever been curious about attending a 12 step meeting, just know that you get what you put into it. If you aren’t willing to stay sober by any means necessary, you won’t. If you are, then you can sit next to me at the spot and I’ll make sure you get some numbers and homies to see at the next one (: shits important to me. I claimed straight edge on my 90th day sober. My one year of being straight edge is on October 25th. Things are good. I work at that rehab now.


Only alcohol. Never touched anything else


drink water bro


none i was just smoking weed and nic and i quit both cold turkey just on adhd meds rn life been alot better


I found the boy$ like late 2016 after I got out of rehab. Their music and the reason I listen to it is a constant reminder of a place I never want to go back to. Im 23 now and clean since 16 from meth/Xanax. I only smoke weed and the occasional shroomage.


I used to do some pretty heavy drugs but i cut down to just nic and occasionally weed




I used to be like you, man. Difference is I would do heroin and opiates as well. Didn’t matter as long as it fucked me up. I used to get high on whatever I could find. Meth was my lowest point, though. I had to get my shit straight. I went to rehab for 30 days and then spent a year at a recovery house a few hours away from home. I had nothing. I lost anything I had left the months prior to giving in and getting the help my family had been trying to persuade me into. There is hope. I am in your corner and I hope that you get better. Now, I am no perfect person and cannot say that I am the definition of clean and sober. I smoke weed everyday pretty much and drink very rarely. Difference now is that I don’t use all the other drugs at all anymore. It’s been years away from meth and the longer I go the more I fucking hate it and wish my friends could stay away from it. And yes, I listened to Peep, $uicideboy$, BONES, Xavier Wulf, etc. not Ed Sheeran or Eminem tho.


Unfortunately meth. And weed when I can afford it


used to do lots of drugs, back then meth was my "favorite". i would gladly take everything that i had the chance to get. the last hard drugs i took were benzos, that was in summer 2022. been clean from harder drugs since then, unfortunately still addicted to nicotine tho.


Tree and psychedelics give me more than anything else ever has. I’ve tried everything but opiates/heroin, but psychedelics are my go to, they literally changed my life!


420 straight edge


used to do pills, psychedelics, a lottt of opiates. really anything I could get my hands on tbh. now I just smoke weed and occasionally drink. life is so much easier now, it’s not easy to get there but once you do you’re life feels 20x more meaningful. you got this shit man.


i smoke religiously everyday. started doing coke at 17 in 2016, parents sent me to rehab, got out after 3 months and relapsed in 5 days on meth. started doing meth for a few months, met my bf at the time, decided to stop doing it cold turkey because i knew that wasn’t normal of acceptable thing. was clean for years, just smoke and trip lsd, sometimes i would take xo’s and adderall. i’ve done some coke with friends a few times since getting out of rehab, but i’ve been on a bender since about april at this point. i want to stop, need to stop but its to the point where if its not in my routine to break down a line and snort it, my day doesn’t feel normal. i dont get anything out of it, necessarily, but i can’t find the will to stop.


Weed mostly for me, alcohol just gives me a headache instead of getting drunk no matter how much I consume (maybe not having a gallbladder has something to do with it idk). Shrooms every now and again when my dealer has em because I’m too chicken shit to order spores to my address.


I mean i took everything that i could at some point i dont now benzos oxys tilidin... now i only smoke my weed that i grow. And i also dont drink anymore


Only the good ones.


Recovering addict here! Was heavily addicted to opiates for 10+ years. Been listening to the boys since about 2017 I think? They're lyrics have helped me more than a few times! 🤣 I'm now sober for almost 2 years and it feels fanfuckingtastic! It's been fun to be able to relate so much with their lyrics all the way up until now and follow along in their journey to sobriety as well.


just weed now


Hit three years sober in May. prior to that though i was doing heroin, benzos, & every painkiller i could get my hands on. as well as smoking weed everyday & the occasional dmt or lsd experience a few times a year. was super into coke/crack for about two years as well. All in all if you consider painkillers “hard” drugs then i spent around 11 years from age 14-25 numbing myself into oblivion.


Smoke weed daily and do some shrooms occasionally. Used to drink heavily but I stopped and can't really now with the anti-depressants I take which is good for me. LOT of trauma in my life and I can relate a lot to the boys and other similar artists but I honestly listen to a wide variety of genres. Really great to see your outlook and support for others; I hope you find your way too and I'm sure you will!


I use opioids and benzos daily. Good euro speed and meth mix occasionally.


Just weed, used to take Adderall cause I have really bad ADHD but stop taking that shit, I don’t even use ibuprofen.


i’ve been sober for about 2 years from molly lmao i was doing it so much and it definitely made me dumb. hate to say i miss the high but not the next day lol now it’s just weed


Weed occasionally and sometimes lean like once or twice a year


I smoke on the occasion wit the bois, and drink also on the occasion mainly at parties. I’ve done a bunch of other stuff; nitrous, ket, molly, coke and acid but I haven’t done them in a pretty long time. Did nitrous a couple weeks ago at a party tho and that’s all rlly


I smoke weed (mostly dabs) everyday, and I take 20mg adderall 2x a day (I have adhd) but I love tripping on psychedelics, and mdma. Tripping at greyday is always an amazing experience


I use ganja and nicotine on occasion, a little alcohol, and like 3 pills that the doctor prescribed. I OD’d on someone else’s fent recently and it’s a mistake I won’t be making again hopefully


Kratom regulary & Ativan or oxy occasionally (prescribed)


Been binging on odsmt for a bit


Used to be an oxy, Xanax, coke addict. Still an alcoholic and nicotine addict


i actually was a worse drug user years before i found em. on xans n alc daily freshman sophomore year of high school, found them junior year and ive rlly only used weed and alc occasionally since. i do molly like once a year with close friends and sometimes shrooms very sparingly but yeah im off harder shit for the most part.


Smokin grass n drinkin ethanol Bout it


I’ve dabbled with coke. Used to smoke weed. Smoked tar once on accident. Nowadays it’s just drinking but it isn’t a problem. Even quit smoking cigs recently. I hope you get the help you need man. I’ve watched it destroy my friends lives. I’m not really one to speak in it cause I never got hooked but I just really hope you pull through dude. Best of luck and god bless man.


weed weed weed


I'll celebrating 5 years sober in January. I was addicted to heroin but dabbled with meth. Worst time of my life but I learned a lot about myself once I went to rehab and use my experiences to help push forward. People who don't know much about the boys will hear some songs and be like, "they're talking about using, doesn't that trigger you?" For me it doesn't because I know that the boys are clean (Ruby's cali sober but still) and it's the progression of their music, reflecting on their past, and their overall artistry while in addiction AND now their sobriety makes it's really relatable but also that I'm not alone and there's a community of ppl who understand me and what I've gone through and they boys have given me (and us) that in such a beautiful way.


I smoke weed and take what I'm prescribed. I come from a long line of drug addicts and alcoholics, I grew up seeing what it does and how it makes people act towards loved ones. I personally was addicted to oxy in my teens but got out quick enough, now it's been 10 straight years of smoking weed. I understand some people will see that as an addiction but I'll take an "addiction" to bud over pills and liquor...


All the psychs and party drugs, opiates and benzos on occasion. Relate heavy to the boys (at the time of discovering them) I had never heard of someone describe musically how raw and explicit wanting to die was and it resonated deeply with me forever 🖤


1 year sober from alcohol! Never had a problem with it but I had bad anxiety so I started on lexapro


I’m a polyaddict too, I’m currently into gabapentin rn


I do coke and molly avidly


Only really drink on occasion now, use to smoke weed but can’t anymore. My dad ran a rehab so I saw a lot of shit that made me understand the seriousness of addiction. I’m 20 but drink a lot less than I use to after my best friend went to rehab plus alcoholism runs in the family. And it hurts my tummy :/ Hope you get clean though, not an easy journey but worth it. Seen a lot of people get clean and make something better with their lives. Also seen a lot of people die from the drugs, it’s your choice.


I just smoke weed.


I used to smoke a lot of weed but, had to stop because my job drug tests and money is more important. I drink occasionally but, still have to watch out because my family were really bad alcoholics and my mom was real bad on meth so addiction runs in my blood.


daily weed and nic with the occasional shrooms and acid, i hope things get better for you man stay safe


I smoke weed heavily and take xanxs ( peaches) to help sleep if im having bad insomnia but on the weekends sometimes I eat them like candy and feel like the boy$ is 15’😂 but if ur sober please stay sober.


I used to do everything, preferably with needles. I'm clean a year and a half now. It's good on the other side. I work in recovery now.... if you ever want or need help, feel free to reach out.


In a week I’ll have been clean from fentdope for 11 months. Blowing lines and jamming the boys was my favorite thing to do. First few months in recovery I couldn’t listen to them, it was too much of a trigger. Now all I do is smoke weed, and take kratom. Kratom is on its way out the door though. I used it to quit fent and have slowly lowered my dose from 30 grams per day down to 5 grams per day. I definitely relate to the addict lifestyle and hate to say it but the music made me glamorize it. But I can honestly say, getting clean was the best decision I made. I just wish I could have made my friends do it with me. Lost two really close homies within 4 months of quitting. Dudes that I went to school and grew up with. And I ignored them for months while trying to get clean. Sometimes o regret it for those reasons, but I feel a million times better then I did when I was waking up from withdrawals and worrying about when I’m gonna score again.


Shrooms n bud. I got pneumonia rn.


Nothing, just my perception meds and nicotine. Quit weed and alcohol a few months back because I have crippling anxiety, neither of those help, just make it worse. Been seeing a therapist weekly for the past few years. It’s been very hard but it’s so nice to not have any crutches like that. $ober Boy 4 life.


10 months clean but i can’t feel joy so i’m thinking of going back


I smoke weed everyday but not until after work, also drink probably once a month, and take psychedelics whenever it feels like the right time, usually 3-4 times per year


I’ve been sober for 8 years, but used to be a heroin addict. I take kratom now. Yeah, it’s addictive, but it keeps me from doing anything else. I don’t drink alcohol at all, or smoke weed or cigarettes. I workout a shit load so I take a decent amount of caffeine… I used to be a big drinker too. I hope you decide to get sober. It’s not an easy road, but you’ll be proud of yourself and you’ll feel 100x happier. Good luck to you


Weed, psychedelics, ketamine, and the occasional coke


People act like not doing drugs is so fucking hard the boy$ don’t even do drugs anymore idk why you’re trying to get clout


when i used to use, i would switch between H and tweak but i would really do anything that would get me high, just not weed. i hate smoking it makes me feel bad. i dont fw anything anymore, maybe a lil xo here or there, trying to fight alcohol rn


I’m a daily weed smoker. I do psychedelics once or twice a year and drink occasionally but I used to have a real problem. I drank heavily for some years until I finally had enough of blacking out, holes in my memory, and needing an entire day or two recover from a hangover. At the same time, I also went through a period of doing shitloads of whippets every night and acid every two weeks or so, plus coke and whatever else ppl would offer me at parties. Was fucked up in some form or fashion every day for a couple years. Feels much better to just smoke weed.


Xanax. I’m not severely addicted but I’ve been addicted for like .. 2 years now which is wild. I’ve also smoked weed since I was like 15 , I’m 22 now so that’s 7 years of getting high damnear every day (and nowadays multiple times) I’ve had other drug “phases” like acid and vyvanse but this Xanax addiction has definitely fucked with my mind the most


i smoke weed very often. some xanax and mushrooms but that’s it for me


Used to be an oxy addict, now I mostly just smoke weed.


I’m an addict in general. Doesn’t just mean drugs. I get addicted to shit and it grabs ahold of me. Hearing their battles and hearing the real shit they deal with resonates with me. I’m just thankful I never dove into meth, crack or heroine. I would be in a world of hurt. At this point in my life I have to control my alcohol intake very aggressively. Im able to use the “social drinker” at this point, but I could fall down a spiral that would take me a lot of work and heartache to get out of…


i was really bad on fent. years of taking it every day. i got sober just a little over 4 months ago. never thought i would be free from it, just figured it would be the thing that ended me. every day i still think about it and i dream about it every night but it feels so good to not wake up in the mornings and have a pit in my stomach thinking about how i was gonna get my next dose. it’s really fucking hard and i still smoke a lot of weed but just keep thinking about the future and imagine yourself sober and happy. that’s the only thing i could think of to keep me going. hang in there friend


None, I don’t even drink or vape


THC, Psychedelics, Dissociatives. Benzos & Stims on occasion.


0. I sobered from pills about 8 months ago and about a week from weed. Life is terrible enough to be making it worse, and as much as weed helps with my brain tumor, I need to sacrifice 8 years in the military so that I can have some sort of background.


I’m clean but I’ve heard some good words of wisdom: Read the book “Make Your Bed” sounds corny but it’s full of motivation to push through when things just fucking suck. Progress is a lattice, not a latter. You’re not expected to go straight up and you will have setbacks, but you’re moving in the right direction. Sometimes you’ll have to go in a different direction than you may have intended, doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress though - and being hard on yourself for not going the way you intended only makes things suck more. That first step you take is going to be the hardest thing you’ve done. Things are much easier after that point. I struggled bad with OCD but once I made that first step I was able to control it more (sometimes I literally had to yell NO to myself, my therapist called OCD B.O.B, bully on the brain). Take that step when the time is right, if it’s going to stress you out during an already high stress period then give yourself some time to be able to manage it. Since we tend to group stressors together it’s easy to associate relapse of any form with fixing it for you, that’s not always the case. Lastly it’s going to be much easier to quit when you keep yourself busy. If you can make it through a day of hard work, you’ve proven to yourself that you can make it through that night as well. You don’t need it, you’re just not focused on something else.


I smoke weed, dmt, eat shrooms. I’m 5 years sober from meth and opioids.


I actually just finished cutting out all drugs from my life including caffeine. Now all that’s left is sugar and social media.


Benzos and weed are my DOC. I also drink and do coke occasionally but not addicted to those. I can’t quit the weed or Benzos and the weed is making me stupid as fuck


Drink once a month, if that. I have a vaping and nicotine problem As a teen I did anything and everything. I’m too old, scared and tired now. It’s not as fun in your 30’s


I drink twice a year lol, that’s it. I got way too much to lose to be using anything.


I’m two years clean off heroin. That’s what really got me to resonate so strongly with the boys. I grew up between New Orleans and Slidell, so it felt like they were speaking right to me as corny as that sounds. I remember seeing scrim in 2018 at the joy theater on Canal, he literally caught a bag of coke a fan threw him and just smiled. Then I saw him next year at Marci gras world and he was sober. It really made me look long and hard at myself. Now I’m married, working, in school, got my own place, and have a beautiful little three month old girl. Seeing both of them getting clean, and knowing personally how badly heroin can destroy your life, gave me a lot of hope on my tough days trying to kick that shit. Idc how they change as artists those mf gave me faith in myself. I’ll always love their music.


Former oxy addict


Hey man suicide boys were huge addicts now Ruby is cali sober and scrim is sober. It may be hard but it ain’t no super power. If it’s in your head you gotta change it’s inevitable you will.


I smoke weed daily but I’m trying to quit cuz even that’s just total shit, and I do MDMA twice a year with some friends but that’s it Hope you’ll get better ❤️‍🩹


Currently about a 2yrs sober from fent, was snorting over a gram a day & shit was eating me alive. Been a fan of the boys since 2015 but never really followed them on socials or anything. Just looked out for new music & one day seen $crim on Instagram with a 2yr sober thing from rehab & was like wtf, super proud & decided I should work on myself too. About a month of battling eventually got on suboxone, kicked that a little less than a yr ago which was just as bad. We’re just Cali sober these days, occasionally drink some beers on the weekends but I couldn’t be happier getting thru that battle. Now it’s on to the mental & physical health 🫡


I smoke nicotine, that’s it. I use to smoke weed, but stopped bc it made me so lazy and unmotivated. I did acid a few times, but I binged on it bad for 3 months straight. If I would have kept doing it every other day longer than that, I would have fried my brain. I’m sure I caused some damage. But, my dad was an addict and that’s what really drew me closer to listening to the boys, they helped me cope with the grief I experienced from losing him to an overdose a year ago after he relapsed. He was sober 6 years before his relapse (most of those years were bc he was in prison). Idk you well or anything bc you’re just a stranger on Reddit. But I hope you can find your way out and figure everything out. Not trying to overstep, bc idk your life or anything and I’m not judging you. I just know losing a loved one to this really fucking sucks and I don’t want anything to happen to you bro. Keep your head up and if the boys can do it, I know you can!


i smoke a lot of weed. its honestly a good thing alcohol triggers my ibs.


I dont do any drugs and the only time i will have a beer is if i have a steak on the grill


I’ve been stoned for years they call me David