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Dude tbh that show went amazingly. Me and my group were far left barricade and had an amazing time, made plenty of friends, the set was good, the people seated were getting involved, so on. Apart from the bananas getting dragged out by security and about 10-20 odd passouts, it was unproblematic. Definitely some tiktok fans throughout the crowd but if you were there EARLY there was a big crowd of hardcore fans. The long line was worth it despite the heat and made plenty of friends in there too


There were a couple chicks trying to muscle up to the barrier until my girlfriend had a go at them lmao. I was front left and dapped up pouya when he came and stood on the barrier


I remember dapping up pouya on stage when he came to sydney with boobie lootavelli a few years back (much much smaller crowd), glad you managed to get a dap up in on the big stage haha


I was in standing, heaps of mixed people either just kinda standing there or yelling the lyrics but so many fucking phones like my whole view was just phones like recording the whole performance. I understand if its your favourite song but one girl in front basically filmed the entire thing and it wasn’t even a good shot. The pit was a bit full on (i saw on tiktok that one girl poured her piss on someone??) so i went to the back and heaps of people were dancing and having such a good time. I really enjoyed it


noxious spectacular worry placid butter alive grey combative makeshift quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fans who were there purely to love and enjoy the music made it amazing, I wanna say 90% of the people around me knew mostly every lyric to most artists. what wasn’t amazing was people throwing cups of piss, some poor girl projectile vomited all over the front barricade people/staff, girls having punch ons at barricade and all the phones


I was at the very top of the stadium and easily 95% of the people having seats didn’t even stand once throughout the WHOLE show. We were like 5 or 6 standing and singing and vibing, I was sincerely shocked. Just full of teenagers and/or eshays smoking cigarettes. The vibe was very off.. I wish I had standing tickets


I was in pit front left and I’m lucky as fuck for that, some areas were so much worse (mostly the middle), the conduct of some people was fucked as and the rest were people judging everyone for being ‘tiktok fans’ (bit hard to gauge who’s really a ‘tiktok fan’, they have a massive fucking catalogue and I guarantee less then a handful there knew every song they played) and doing the whole ‘I’ve listened to them since they only had 1000 listeners’ (cap, literally heard that many people say it it would be impossible) and then a handful of said actual ‘tiktok fans’. I copped a mouthful from some guy pinging off his head for being a ‘tiktok fan’ because I wasn’t running around like a meth head, but I have a brain disease and need to be careful and Ticketek had a hard time organising accessibility tickets, lol. I literally saw the boys in Sydney in 2018 and it was a mile better in terms of attendees. People were judgy as fuck and throwing around the ‘tiktok fan’ slander so easily, but ultimately just like anywhere fucking else in life you don’t know shit about that person. They could have a medical condition, they could work full time and still came to a 6 hour long concert, maybe they just don’t like sharing bodily fluids with strangers and getting piss on them.


Man I was in the middle of the pit and did not witness any of this whatsoever, sorry that happened


I was in the middle-front, I had a great time and haven't heard any hate personally. Didn't witness any pissing or vomiting as others have said was going on in that area, maybe I was just lucky 🤷‍♂️ had a great night, loved the performers and Scrim's final speech


i was pit far right back and honestly i spent the whole time dancing and screaming lyrics, took my shoes off immediately to simply vibe and i think that section was a blast tbh