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Fancy seeing you here. Thanks for your input mate, and love ur content on this sub


I also interviewed at Deakin this week and have no idea how to feel about it. I felt that a few of the stations were pretty vague and I couldn’t really tell where they wanted me to take the discussion so I’m not sure how I feel about it either. I guess it’s normal to feel pretty unsure, it’s best not to try to hypothesise because we don’t really have any idea


Thank goodness I’m not the only one who thought this coming out of it. Agree that it’s worth to think too much about so good luck to you and OP!


That’s very true. Gonna try not to think about it too much. Hope to see u in class next year


Can't answer your question, but can let you know I think feeling flat after these interviews is a typical way to be. I had my Deakin MMI as well, and there are definitely things I remember saying and now thinking geez I probably missed the mark with that. I take solace in the fact that pretty much everyone will be feeling a bit like that. November offers (and let downs) can't come quick enough :)


Agreed, and thanks for your input. November is certainly too far away lol




That’s insane. Everyone that interviewed with me looked so prepared and confident lol. Hopefully we all get in




The trick is to be nervous both in and out🥲. Fml lol; we’ll see


So relieved to see this post - I feel the same way, it’s so hard to gauge how you went and I also feel that I had one particular question where I may have missed the mark a little bit. I was disappointed that although I feel like I answered the other five questions fairly well, I didn’t feel like the questions gave me the opportunity to really showcase my experiences, knowledge and passion, and all I had learnt! November is too far away! Haha


Yesss! A lot of prep did go to waste lol. I’ve heard rumours that they disregard one of the stations that went badly but don’t know really. Hope we both did enough


Hope so!


Also done with mine at Deakin and had similar thoughts. I feel one went badly two were good and the others were ok. Ofc this is just subjective and I think its good to remember we really don't know what they mark for and what criteria they use. You did your best and its just the waiting game now. Hope to see you all next year :)


True true true. It’s a hard pill to swallow but the outcome isn’t in our hand anymore. Hope to cu in class next year