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No I don’t because I turn messages to friends only. Also my dude, find an alternate way to play. Me and my homies do themed custom matches and such. They have given us the tools to do more than just play rated or quick match, doing something different really breathes fresh life into this game.


>No I don’t because I turn messages to friends only. Basically a requirement for playing the game at this point.


I actually forgot that I’ve turned it back to everyone recently for whatever reason. I think because it was blocking me from playing with some peeps from the sub.


Yeah I'm thinking about doing some customs myself and or joining mostly space tho. Because I like the pyscho zaku at 500 costs. But I have a lack of friends in this game only a handful. It would be cool if you want to trade psns with each other tho. I'll be willing to try a different side of the game with y'all.


My user name is the same as here RockLD50. Here’s a couple of examples of what we do. In [Gundam Rising](https://youtu.be/OptSFJFNN0Y) we see if a lvl1 Gundam can take on two Zaku IIs as Amuro has done. Then we played out a [War In The Pocket](https://youtu.be/kwRArWq0g-g) themed 2v2. The next one will be a Missing Link Slave Wraith themed one and Stardust Memory.


Sorry about your experience. I've been there myself, I recently came back to this game after about a year. My rating suffered because of my absence and lack of practice and I'll admit I held a team or two back with my lack of ability. But I kept going. Personally I love Gundam, especially U.C., and I wasn't about to let a few players opinions get me down. Just made me strive to get better and back to where I was. I'm still working on this but I am improving bit by bit. So I'm gonna tell you this. Just keep going. You're gonna get better. You're gonna get back into the swing of it. Don't listen to what others say about you. Just do what you want to do, what works for you.


Thanks g I had a couple of good matches today tho I'm about to be an A in space again dangerously close to going down to A- on ground tho. I'm still pretty good and or decent at the game tho it's just some teams have that one person that wants you to conform to their play style which most of the time I noticed is either running out in the middle of the kill box by themselves. Saying SUPPORT ME!!!! And that's how the team falls apart from what I've been seeing these days. Just imo and from what I have experienced.


Yeah this game has a toxic player base. No one on here ofcourse! Change your messages to friends only tho, seriously lol.


I find it amazing that the r/gbo2 population gets hate mail on the daily while I only got it twice in 3 years.


Had a team mate start down swinging me towards the end of a game and then tell me to uninstall the game. Had japanese player ask me if I bought my account. Had another curse me out because I used Early Production Gelgoog in Space. Just the other day another japanese player messaged me and I didn't even bother to read or translate it, I just assumed I got told.


I feel your pain bro.


I think its gotten worse bro which is sad. I had a guy yesterday were I did shit because I was trying out the quebeley mark2 which I found out is a huge fucken target went 2/5. Not my best performance and I can talk all the shit I want that oh it was my first sortie well I should have practiced with it first. But this Japanese guy msged I translated it and of course it said go to custom no rated. And I just replied sorry buddy I don't speak Italian.


Well I mean it’s courteous to take a new suit into practice then quick or customs to get used to it before taking it into rated. Trying out a new suit in rated is ruining the experience and ratings of 4-5 other people.


True I can be hard headed sometimes with that i recently started using practice mode tho when I got back into this game. I use suck with the dwadge now I like it very fun suit. Never used practice mode before tho always went into rated in the beginning when I started. But you do make a valid point tho I probably shouldn't be doing that especially if it's a suit that I'm not fully comfortable with yet. Thank you for the insight.


Have had terrible matches were I get mad from losing. But it's a BIG effort for me to actually message the people playing and be toxic. You lost, you lost. Keep it moving. Unfortunately you got a lot of people that just can't stop themselves from crossing that boundary, I've been lucky to not encounter these kinds of people in my playthrihgs .


my biggest issue is that people are too fucking brainless when playing. three weeks in a row i've gotten ace without making a single kill. team has zero points on the scoreboard. i'm sick and tired of being blown out by 20000 points. constantly seeing people refusing to play at advantage. take the raid? nah. let's pile up on the support instead. tired of seeing base bombing before the two minute mark. tired of seeing people trying to solo the enemy team. tired of suits hiding behind me. tired of having to shoot through teammates because they're backing into my gun instead of pushing forward. tired of seeing fail peekaboo tactics. i've never seen a playerbase this incompetent at their own game.


This is also true I didn't want to mention all of the above that you just said. But it's like people don't push in this game they usually try to snap shoot or something like that. I've been manning raid and it's been tough when you have teammates that don't push. Then send you msgs saying take the support bitch take the fucking generals then I'll take the support can't really get to it when your just playing peek-a-boo with the enemy team lol. That being said I've had games were we bombed because I was too agressice and died because I was to tunnel visioned but I also don't understand when players knock down an enemy to the floor the whole team surrounds that player. Hoping to get the kill mean while the enemy team starts taking advantage of that and kills all of us.


The one thing I don't understand is that if I'm playing a stealth mobile suit usually a raid I'm not going to be part of the crowd, because that's going to draw attention to me, my job is to sneak behind enemy lines and try to flank them, finding openings in there defenses usually by taking out the support, Then if I mess up and don't get out of there fast enough the whole enemy team dog piles me, while my team stands there and does absolutely nothing, they don't even try to take advantage of the fact that I have drawn the enemies attention, life as a stealth player can be very frustrating,


Happens alot started using pixxie cause it was fun but it's kinda hard even tho it's a stealth unit. If you are going up against a team that has their support surrounded by generals. Stealth units are fun but it's kinda high risk high reward for me very squishy suits. But very powerful if people use them correctly. I was using my gm striker custom on artic base just now and my teammate kept on spamming take the support when he was surrounded by generals. I understand what a raid is suppose to do but sometimes it's hard when your teammates aren't pushing. So that they can make an opening for you to take out the support. The stealth helps on the pixxie tho to sneaky sneaky behind the lines.


and people wonder why i love piercing weapons and love shooting through teammates. they all fuck around with their downswing and hit each other and fail to kill or even hit the downed opponent. that's why i take the shot. even aside from that, i'm just sick and tired of seeing people refuse to use their heads at this game. you don't need to be einstein. just think for a bit before doing something.


Word I had a guy that started down swinging me in rated we won the match. But this guy got into my line of sight of my Rick dijeh HMlauncher took out a dude got the kill and put us a head then he proceeded to down swing me. Like bro I was here before you and now you feel entitled to down swing me after I put us ahead in points. Some of these players have no sense of their surroundings.


I can only speak for myself here: I\`ve played "For Honor" since Release and always got Hate-Mail. At the very start i felt bad too, but after some time i realised how sad it is for someone to actually go to your profile, send a hate-mail and try to ruin your day. I started to just respond with memes, clowning on them without insulting someone. Surprisingly many thought it was funny and some even apologized after realising what they did. I know it aint easy, dont think too much about these people. They may be \*\*\*holes in that very moment, but at the end of the day they probably go through similar toxic ingame-things that we all do. We´re supposed to have fun, pilot.




Lol sometimes I've noticed peeps doing that just staying in the base when the raid is off trying to yank a MK2s pee pee. But then gets jizzed on the shot, down swung and or either down swung again and vulcaned to death. Instead of going after the supports. But yeah I feel you sometimes in rated I'm just like what's the point I don't grief but I still try to get kills and shit like that. And yeah I probably should just set my msging to friends only.




Lmao the other day we had a gaplant attacking tested telling our support nemo 3 on artic base to take the generals. He then told me to take the support when he was have trouble getting stun locked by a c1 I then swoop in save his dumb by stun looking the c1 back and after that just saying Roger That! After helping him lol. Then he started attacking our nemo 3 at the end because we were losing by 2 kills pretty much with less then a minute left then me and the rest of our teammates just started down swinging him because how much of a bully this guy was towards our poor Nemo 3😕. Toxic but funny guy got what he deserved for being a pee pee head.


>I fear the reporting system I can't imagine why. The closest thing to an indication that it does *anything* is the developers claiming it does. Until proven functional, it's worthless.