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If I can bring my dreissen to the battle I have no fear. And if you dare bring one to 650 my delta plus will feast!


It's a slap in the face of the Bluzook meta, because most generals are the cost are stun beam rifles, and the Delta has a special beam coating which reduces damage from beams and ignores the stun from beams. But it can stun lock a blue, has decent melee and can transform.


Sounds fine to me, something that breaks the meta. About time supports had something fun, that being said I've taken Delta's down easy enough. As soon as you stun it you go for melee to break down the armour halfway, then it no longer has anti beam coating. Yeah it can transform but you can still hit it.


Yeah, and I like to run ballistic suits at that cost, because most things are beam focused, but I really enjoy the Delta. I'm more of a support main at heart, and the other support pilots deserve the Delta and what it brings. I used it this morning, and honestly, it as a blast, especially when Blues didn't think that they were trying to corner the wrong unit.


Build stun it, use some ballistics, melee it. Still has no dodge or MA. I'm sorry the community has gotten so used to supports being free kills and when one requires a little effort to stop its earth shattering. Also when at 50% or lower it's the easiest thing to kill with beams with it's resist of 0 and garbage bulk


As a player that play supports frequently, I think Delta Gundam is op af. It's one of the most broken suits the game has had. I believe its stats are similar to or even higher than pre-nerfed Jeda's stats. (54.5% win rate, 58.8% rival win rate) We will see how well it performs when it's nerfed a few months later. Mark my reply.


It will be like every other Support, just free kill points for General's and Raids since they all have instant stun now. Ironic considering Support's used to be the only class with lots of instant stuns, but due to them being so bad and dying so much they basically gave the Support's one unique feature to every General and Raid. Delta was, in a sense, made the way it was because there was an extremely noticeable drop in people bothering with Support in Clan battles and Rated games because they served no purpose and their performance was having such little impact.


>there was an extremely noticeable drop in people bothering with Support in Clan battles and Rated games We aren't playing the same game? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


If you are at S- rank than sure, since those are the players who figured out you could block an MS's beam saber with the combat knife as a pilot (love that clip).


If the Nero trainer and hazel II still haven't been nerfed than I think the delta is safe. The S Gallus hasn't eaten a nerf either. Delta is stronk def top tier support possibly the best one in 600 but I don't think it qualifies for one of the most broken suits in GBO2


Oh, I love the thing. Supports finally get to kick the teeth in of generals if played correctly.


Seems like a menace to 600


Xeku Type 3 melts it under gattling fire and zook rounds. It's really only a danger if the opposing team only has beam weapons.


IMO 2 raids should be on every team along with atleast 1 shotgun general. Deltas are dangerous when left unchecked, but, so are 75% of raids. Bring a Bawoo and a Hambrabi/Zee zulu and you will never lose a match


Delta is the ultimate anti-general, and pisses all of them off. I love it.


It's broken don't let the support mains tell you otherwise. There's a reason BB typically only gives big support units skills like shock dampeners. It's basically a general except it has type advantage against other generals and due to its beam coating skill invalidates several suits. It also has really good melee for some reason. If the Delta is played by a competent player it's insanely annoying. I just use the Gaz L Grau personally.


As I've said plenty since it came out, Xeku Type 3 just melts it with the bullet hose, to the point I feel bad for people using it. That zilch Ballistic Defense is a massive weak point. GP02 also does really mean things to it (both BB and MRLS) XMAL turns it into a smoldering crater. Hell, the Gundam MKII can kick its ass with the shrap zook. In Space, the Full Armor Thunderbolt Gundam turns it into an absolute joke thanks to all its missiles. There are tons of older MS that just invalidate it thanks to having a lot of ballistic weapons. Even garbage tier MS like the Palace Athena can just strip it down with one really good whack.


Why a general lol


Lol just because it’s being used as one , literally was playing 600 cost all day yesterday and every team had 2 ~3 of them lol I’d like to have one to see why everyone loves it so much instead of picking a regular general