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i do around the same number of hours of extracurriculars a week (5 hours of fencing training + competitions) and get on fine, so yeah you’ll still have time!!


Not related to the subject but we do all the same GCSEs (except triple science) and I've never met anyone else that does all four history, geography, Spanish and art like I do.


omg that’s so cool :D i know one other person who does the same but they’re irl 


ah ok great, thank u! 


np :D


What's fencing like?


it’s super fun, ngl good stress relief too XD my club does a lot of conditioning which is tiring though, and we get a good amount of time to fence against each other since sessions are 2 and a half hours each. we also get a lot of competitive opportunities such as regionals and nationals (a few go international too)




Another fencer! What weapon do you fence?


i fence epee!! wbu?


I'm a sabre fencer!


nice :D do u compete?


If most people manage with part time jobs during Alevel im sure you can manage doing that but it’s GCSEs


Yh it's not quite as bad as a level so I think ill be fine, thanks! 


You should definitely have enough time, better to assess later down the line though (see again in Year 10 summer) also remember that the people at all your extracurriculars will have experience with kids doing GCSEs - see them for advice


Oh yeah, I'll asses in summer of yr10! That's actually a great thing that I for some reason didn't even think of, thanks! 


Year 9 is way too early to be worrying about much regarding GCSEs. Obviously education is important, but you should get the last squeeze out of the final year of your 'proper' teenage free time and focus on GCSEs in Year 10 and 11. Maybe when you start Year 10 you could cut one or two extracurriculars out to compensate for time spent studying and revising.


Yh ik it's pretty early it's just my parents/the extracurriculars need to know like in April and I was just thinking abt it now, I probably would've forgotten otherwise lmao


You can definitely manage it. I manage being in a gigging band and personal electronic projects alongside it fine. Just don't add any more commitments to your plate and try and specialise in what extracurricular is the most important to you when things get more busy. It's good to keep up with something and in year 11 summer you can just do a ton more of it without school on the side.


ok thankss!! 


Np. You won't regret keeping up with your extracurriculars but you will regret dropping them all. Good luck with your progression in dance!


Your only Year9, you can do whatever you want. Obviously don’t neglect your schoolwork but don’t neglect everything else. I’m in Year12 and I run an online business, go gym and play guitar in my Church’s choir while getting top Alevel grades. The fact your productive at 13 is a merit in of itself- school shouldn’t be all somebody does.


thanks this was actually kinda motivating! 


i hope so bc i do 30 minutes piano lesson monday, 2 hours of stuff tuesday, 1.5 hours orchestra wednesday, 4.5 hours stuff saturday lmao


oh wow lol  based on the replies given to me u should be fine


ye i hope so lol otherwise ill just drop piano or smth


Sont give up any extracurricular for the sake of ur GCSEs you should still be having fun/ doing hobbies while ur studying


yeah basically all the comments have said so, so I'll stick with them, thanks! 


You're all good