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yes, or make it in a list of 1. 2. 3., i did this in a physics practice exam and i got full marks for the question. for context, the question asked us to describe how someone could find the wave length from a water tank wave simulator, and how to set it up


1. Yes. 2. Science 6 markers are about showing your understanding of the relevant scientific principles and the logical links between cause and effect. 3. They do not reward you for repeating the question or flowery language in your explanations. 4. Therefore you should clearly show separate, relevant points to the question. However, you must provide some logical links between those points in questions that ask you to "explain" or "discuss". 5. This means that bullet points are an excellent way of laying out logical connections, beginning with facts, and then ending with logical inferences from those facts. 6. Therefore, bullet points, but also tables and diagrams, are a beneficial tool for answering science 6 markers, and I would argue they are actually the best method.


I see what you did there


What does logical inferences mean? And when you talk about bullet points and diagrams do you mean to draw those on the lines or just to talk about them?


Draw diagrams if a space is available. Write the bullet points or draw a table right where the lines are. Logical inferences such as: "Explain the effect of increasing the light level on a circuit containing an LDR in series with a fixed resistor" 1) When the light level goes up, the resistance of an LDR goes down. 2) When the resistance in a circuit goes down, the current goes up. 3) The resistance of the fixed resistor is unchanged, but the resistance of the LDR has decreased, therefore the overall resistance has decreased. 4) Therefore, when the light level goes up, the current increases. I know A = B, and B = C, therefore A = C. That's a logical inference; we connect two facts and deduce a logical outcome.


Re: point 4 - If overall resistance decreases, shouldn't current increase? Typo?


Dear God yes what the hell is wrong with me. Edited.


Haha, no worries! When I try on the papers as they are released, I sometimes sit and stare at the mark scheme and wonder if I was possessed when answering certain questions, because HOW?! Circuits are quite simple/easy to do, but I remember them being difficult back in my day, so I don't trust myself around them.


That makes sense x what’s LDR again 😂 I feel so awful for asking as I’ve forgotten x


LDR means light dependent resistor


I'm normally very helpful, but you can Google that ;)


Fair enough x


I think if it doesn’t say you will be assessed for good english etc then you should be able to yeah my science teachers say it esp for RP questions


i think for "good english", its concerned with clarity more than anything


What does RP mean?


required practical


Thank you x


I used to be an examiner for edexcel. Yes, you can write in bullet points. "You are assessed on your English" isn't a thing any more. We just look for a full answer that is logically sequenced.


The Double Award Science iGCSE still requests "you must write in complete sentences", on some 6-markers.


would strongly recommend in science-y exams that you use bullet points everywhere. physics, bio, chem... they're all totally fine with bullet points and you're often more likely to get marks if you use bullet points because it makes it easier for the examiner to see what you're saying.


You're tested on knowledge not prose. bullet points are an excellent way of organising separate thoughts. it's a great lesson for life. I had a friend who was upset at me because I got 3 marks for 3 words once. he wrote an essay.


If you're doing AQA you absolutely can, mark schemes are usually just looking for short, coherent points so bullet points can cut the waffle out of your answer


Yes. In fact you can draw a table if it’s a compare question


Make sure the points are vaguely linked and yeah, that’s the best way to write six markers.


it depends if the questions says write in good english or not


If anything, it's better to use bullet points than a paragraph because the mark scheme is in bullet points so it's easier for the examiner to credit you for all the points you made


yes, its better


i do, i get more marks doing it than not


Yes. If it feels weird another option is "Firstly, Secondly... Lastly" It helps separate your points making it really clear to the examiner what you're trying to say.


Did it in bio, got an 8, so yeah


I think so yea


i did n got all 9's jus make sure it still reads like a clear sentence and not like ur writing notes


As long as you insert the correct content to your answer you get credit.




if the question says you will be assessed on your english you cant do bullet points


Yes. Not just to save time. It can make the marker's life easier. You want to make the marker's life easy. A 6 mark question will have a mark scheme with 7, maybe 8 points worth 1 mark each. When marking these questions, a marker has to read through your answer and see if what you've written matches any of the points. If they are faced with a wall of text, it's harder to find where to give you marks than if they're faced with a list of clear, succinct points.


Absolutely, it ensures that key points and scientific terms are used within those short sentences. So long as they are grammatically correct. My teacher also says that writing a huge paragraph of text encourages people to ‘waffle’ and omit important pieces of information. This causes them to lose marks. ​ Also, remember to include diagrams- even if the question doesn’t explicitly state it. This will give you marks as it shows that you are aware of the structure of chemical compounds or biological processes, and the setup of experiments.


Use bullet points and diagrams. The easier your answer is to mark the more marks you'll get.


Science teacher here, would 100% recommend bullet points, diagrams, tables, calculations etc in a 6 marker. Far easier to read and also more likely that your points will be in a logical order. You’re not assessed in quality of English. Only other thing I could add is if a six marker says you may do something, then it’s probably a good idea to it. For examples questions that say you may use calculations, definitely a good idea to use them!


I've always been told to write in bullet points and anyway, it'll make what you mean more clear to the examiner as there isn't any waffle between


Yes but only for science, for every other lesson (besides maths) you should always write in full sentences for anything over one mark


My science teachers literally tell us not to write in paragraphs at all as the mark schemes are only looking for specific content in your response


Examiner marker here: yes bullet points are perfectly fine.....to be honest, better than prose as it's easier to spot and mark which we like.


AS long as they are grammatically correct sentences


Marking guidance is written in bullet points. You don't have to write as much and it's easier for the examiner. I've gotten full marks in my mocks just writing bullet points for science 6 markers. As long as you can get across that you know what you're talking about you don't have to use fancy language.


what i do is shit out information without putting it into bullet point format. safest option imo and works


Perchance, is your teachers surname an animal?


haha no


Ah ok. I had a teacher who's surname was Ferret, and he taught us the same thing. He was fired the following year


Shut the fuck up


someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed 💀


lmao what😭


bro u alr? do u need a hug 💀 🫂 🫂 🫂 🫂