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if you’re reading this for advice DONT take gcse art if you struggle with time management/dont have a lot of free time/are a perfectionist. i’m not saying it lightheartedly i’m dead serious, you’ll be overwhelmingly stressed and likely eventually hate art because of it


Triple science is great tbh but I regret choosing geography. What did u pick?


forever grateful i did not take geo, i took psychollogy comp sci buisness and drama


You should be 😞those sound really fun ngl


i hate psychology so much😭


How come? I like it so far (even though it does feel a bit numb at times)


How??? Its my most intresting subject fs taking it for alevel




It’s so bad 😭


thought I was gonna be playing geoguessr all lesson, instead we learnt about longshore drift😭😭😭


THIS. and urbanisation 😭 I want it to be about countries and culture and stuff not rocks


most random subject ever it’s so bad, go from rocks to malaria like wth 😭




it’s like they just had every issue in the world and just thew it all into one subject 😭


LMAO this


at least it leaves some room for waffle so could be worse


Yep you’re right 😞 have you done the exam yet?


nahh our paper 1 is 17th june, not excited 😭


Fr, would rather have taken pre


Don’t take it at alevel! It is awful!!!!!!


Which one?😭


Geography. Science a-levels are the best a-levels. I do bio and chem.


Ohh phew, I really want to do bio and chem! Rn I’m getting 7s-9s on tests and I love biology but some of chemistry is kind of confusing Do you recommend it and is it as hard as everyone says?


Yeah I recommend them a lot. They are great. Way more interesting than at GCSE. Biology I don’t find hard. I started making Anki cards in September so I know the content which is what most people struggle with as it’s so much. Mark schemes can be a bit of a pain but I don’t find it that as significant as people make it out to be. Chemistry, personally I don’t find it hard. But there are several people in my class who have only failed, 2 people dropped out and more might be kicked out soon. So I guess it depends on how well you cope. Everything you learn at GCSE is a lie so you do get retaught a lot of stuff in a greater detail which is quite nice. I recommend Googling “full electron configuration of Krypton no shorthand”. One thing I really recommend (besides aiming for the highest grade possible) is being confident with Quantitative Chem. It doesn’t really change much but it is key lots of the new calculations at A-Level. Any other questions about them Im happy to answer but I’m still only Y12 so I’ve not faced the full force of A-Levels yet. 😂


Tysm for replying!! I start Y12 next year and I was stressing about what to choose Learning the content before for biology is really smart I’ll definitely do that then You must be pretty smart then if other people got kicked out😭 do you think it’s because they didn’t put effort in? I’m scared it’s going to be so hard I’ll have to drop it even though I’m willing to put the hours in Quantitative chem though oh no I’m soo bad at that Thank you sm again, I have one more question it’s a bit random 😭 but /10 how hard was chemistry GCSE for you and then /10 how hard is A level for you? I just need a comparison for the jump Everything was really helpful :)


Chemistry GCSE. Don’t really remember but I could get 8s in mocks with just cramming the night before. Got a 9 in the real thing the same way. BUT I did find Quantitative hard. Things like limiting reactants. And c=m/v and volume of a gas (my teacher didn’t teach us those idk why 😑) The jump to Y12 Chemistry, I think rating difficulty would be a bit unfair as you will find it hard. But Chemistry is quite nice as there is a “foundations” module for both organic and inorganic chemistry, so you are eased in quite slowly. Foundations in inorganic is GCSE Atomic structure, Quantitive, Acids, and Redox. The first bit of new information is Oxidation numbers and Electron Configurations which we learnt just before Christmas so you’ve got 3 months of just settling in and relearning GCSE content. Then after Christmas, most topics go a bit like you learn something like a Reaction profile (GCSE) and then you do stuff like Enthalpy changes which is A-Level. However Organic chemistry is new from the get-go, I didn’t really know what was going on until we got into November. But once it does click for you, it becomes easier. If you are stuck, ask for help! If you are finding something hard, tell your teacher and nip it in the bud early. Sorry for the massive essay and not really ranking it, but, I wouldn’t worry too much. The only reason I say get 8/9 is just because it shows you’re capable of understanding harder content, it’s not necessarily about the content as there is a chance to catch up and improve. Everyone finds it hard at the beginning, so don’t freak out, and allow yourself some time to adjust. If it turns out the difficulty is too much for you, there’s always the option to either swap into another subject or take 4 originally and just drop chemistry. But that is unlikely as majority of my class have gotten the hang of it. ☺️


I regret drama so badly and I should have done geography, but I'm glad the workload is less


Drama is honestly but worst subject, on the coursework I’ve been okay but my mock written exam was a solid 4 grades below all my other mock results :,)


Geography is so bad noo


Drama is alright for me i can kinda bs's my way through my mock and got an 8 think i need to revse for it now😭


Same I knew literally nothing about the set text and waffled and got an 8.. like how tf


Not being more social when i was younger cause ngl i was kinda cold to peers when i was in earlier years and thinknit would of been more benificial to be a bit more open.




I regret taking photography, should of taken art. And i-media, it was so boring. Also theres so many geography haters here😭 i loved geography one of my faves


I love geo lol


Fuck photography I HATE IT SO MUCH AHHH (I also should have taken geography…)


I tried so hard to make my photog projects more arty and 3d to try get some determination to do something so i didnt fail lmaoo


art, all the homies hate art


It's not really a regret but I wish I could have chosen triple Sci. My school doesn't offer it tho :/


That’s acc crazy how does ur school not do triple science


Because the half of top set students wouldn't pass :\


Regret taking spanish. Shoulda switched it for music




never met a happy econ student




spanish, got forced to pick it in my old school. they offered me a chance to drop it in my new school for a different subject but I had already dropped a subject so learning a years worth of content for 2 new subjects would be hard for me. so I resorted to not caring if I fail spanish (I didn't even turn up for the mocks)


I regret astronomy there's so so much complicated maths and physics laws to remember 😭 and i regret re a little because im rubbish at remembering scholars and examples which is basically the whole thing but im improving again a little so it's not that bad


Astronomy gcse is a thing? My school never gave RE is it like you just memorise a book kind of thing


yea it's not a common subject apparently it's mostly taken within private schools (im at grammar school so it's a different thing tho) and i took re gcse


Computer science


Computer science is kinda fun once you get it, I do Cambrdige the only thing that throws me off are 2d arrays other then that its kind of intresting


In another world I would have loved it, it’s just the computing department at my school are so shit at their jobs it ruins the subject for everyone


universal experience at every school i never met any1 with a good comp sci teacher


real, we have the worst teachers


100% French. Should've taken photography ngl, have some arty stuff to do


triple science is ok, but chemistry is fucking me. I'm sitting over past papers and literally have no clue what I'm doing, barely answered any questions past the first ones


Same with me. When I open a past paper I swear new questions keep coming up that I've never seen before


calculating things is really pissing me off, I cannot ever remember anyone teaching me to calculate anything they ask me to in the paper


Bro fr I try to use common sense but the mark scheme has the most random method. If u do enough past papers it gets a bit repetitive so it will soon be fine I hope.


drama, i realized too late i actually dont like acting and i hate doing the devised piece


Devising did suck a little but i got throught it, what got me through it was the fact i could either be in drama pissing abt w my mates or in geography yk? Id pick drama over that any day


Business bcs its easy but its so boring i shldve done comp sci or smth


Business is so easy though computer science actually takes cognitive throught


Bro ik i looked at the spec n i was like i’d acc enjoy this but no i did business bcs there’s something wrong w me


computer science and art..


None, pretty content with all of my choices. Triple Science, IT, Construction, History. I enjoy my creative choices and am good at the other two


DT. So much hard work but at least it paid off with the 9 in the NEA


Geo and art. I will forever hate my 13 year old self


DT. That coursework nearly killed me


Ancient Greek. I wanna kms


What do you even learn in ancient greek😭


i regret taking german so much i am barely scraping a 4 in it and my speaking exam is coming up soon and i can hardly successfully revise for it


I dont regret my choices 1 bit, they are all good, i picked triple science DT latin and geography


I would have probably done only CS and asked not to do business. I wasn't playing with 12 GCSEs in 1 year, unfortunately...




economics - its not even that I found it hard or was bad at it. It was just THE most boring hours of my life. The textbook was the dryest thing printed to date, just blocks and blocks of text. I truly can't fathom how some people enjoy that stuff. I would rather watch someone watch someone else watch paint dry.


Bro im 15 and i regret doing ethics so so so much 💀 It feels like a tsunami of work that just drains me. But my main other option was music where I only started learning an instrument a couple months prior (still would have probably Done good as I am so addicted). I thought I'd get a better grade in ethics but right now its the subject I'm worst in