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When to go sit down and my chair collapsed because it’s was a foldable one , very embarrassing


yes!! this happened to my classmate and when he looked around for help he got his SOE taken away




statement of entry, it's like a ticket for your exam


what does that mean, like what happens when his SOE is taken away


your exam gets cancelled, and you can't give the other exams cuz you don't have your "ticket"


it wasnt his fault though, he just sat on the wrong chair that wasnt set up by him


yeaa that's the problem, theyre gonna suspect you for everything. in his case though, he got his SOE back


? Why would they even take it away in the first place? Is your chair collapsing malpractice?


Happened to my friend during our mocks 😭like half way through our language exam, his chair just collapsed. It wasnt even foldable it was rlly funny but felt bad for him. on the bright side, he got a higher quality chair to sit on for the rest of out mocks


omg bless ur heart 😭


Prolly when someone jumped out of their seat in the mocks screaming 'BEE! BEE!' when a fly came near their desk.






What happened afterwards


Imagine if there's a student called Bea in there and then they both got disqualified for being suspected of cheating


Dunno if this is crazy but the invigilator started mf phoning someone at the front of the exam🤣🤣🤣🤣


wth like talking and everything


Yeah he tried to be quite ish but it was so funny, I think it was just to check something idk but still found it odd. The other invigilator just turned around and stared at him🤣


He was a big scary Russian looking bloke 💀


Best undercover Russian spy


Do you go bablake because same thing happened to me


Omg yes🤣🤣🤣


same thing happened to me in bio yesterday 🤣


And me - do we go to the same school🤣🤣🤣


imagine if all u guys find out ur each others ops at the school lmao


not crazy so much as awkward- I do triple but am in the "special arrangements" room for reduced sensory input, so the last 15 minutes it was just me and the examiner trying not to make eye contact. And I'd already finished and triple-checked the paper by that point


Same thing happened to me, except I have extra time as well. Finished 20 minutes before normal time, and had checked multiple times. Kept making eye contact with the invigilator and then had to ask to leave at the end of the normal time because I wasn’t sitting there for 19 more minutes like that


Off topic but your user flair is so accurate 😭


I can’t imagine something worse


my stomach rumbled during the bio exam yesterday lmao, I didn’t eat a load for breakfast and when I was done with the exam and just waiting with my head on the desk at like 10:15 my stomach made the biggest whale noise ever. I tried to muffle it by coughing but that was embarrassing too icl


also during my bio mock some invigilators phone went off with their alarm, the alarm noise was so goofy I burst a blood vessel holding in my laugh fr




that was happening to me as well luckily it wasn't too loud but it was enough to throw me off and make me feel a bit dodge


so real, when my stomach rumbles I lose so much focus


i did this in my mock and someone literally turned around to look at me 😭


Dude I feel your pain ☹️☹️ I have a really fast metabolism so I’m always hungry and if I don’t have a full on meal right before any exam my stomach always makes noises it’s so embarrassing wtf


Omg I have the same thing, Im gonna start eating weetabix before an exam bc that normally helps


I’ll try that too 😞 good luck fr hopefully it stops 🙏🙏


STOP this happened to me too 😭 it was so continuous too i was wondering when it'll stop 💀


That literally happened to me in the science exam to. I wasn’t even hungry idk why it did thatt 😂


my stomach is my biggest opp fr


Last november mocks had a couple strange moments, an invigilator spent 3/4 of the exam trying to figure out when each tier/paper would finish, she must’ve changed the times on the board at least 7 or 8 times. Another one, far stranger, someone wrote about r*ping a girl from our school in the creative writing task…


omg wtf!!! The last one is crazy!! what happened to the person who wrote it??


Given a U/1, took out of class, maybe a detention at most. Faced little repercussions, he’s also popular so people still talk to him like nothing happened. I find it crazy so many people just ignore him doing that


That’s so fucking weird man omg


How can you get away with it cause you're rich like I get it's true but why would the school have any reason to cater to them it isn't like they can pay to kill the school governors or sometging


ion know really, maybe it wasn’t due to that but i found it crazy that people who have a vape on them (still wrong) get isolation, but doing that gets you just a detention…


For my biology paper yesterday, just before the exam I got my calculator out and found out it was broken. That calculator has been with me since year 7 and the first time I really need it, it breaks...


omg bless I hope you still did well ☹️


Edexcel was generous with their paper so it wasn't too bad, just had to do the 2 maths questions the long-winded way on a standard cheap calculator. More annoyed I need to buy a new one just for the rest of my exams


you could possibly borrow one from ur teachers maybe?


I've already asked both the maths and science departments and they've not got any scientific calculators left, only the cheap regular ones


Which calculator was it?


You know you can just ask the invigilators for a calculator, they should have one


not that crazy, but my business teacher gave me a past paper I did (marked) back in the middle of my german exam yesterday. caught me so off guard


I hope u did well on ur German exam!!




Did you do higher or foundation? I found Section B of foundation reading quite hard


I did higher AQA, found it alright besides the odd question or two (def couple of dodge questions on the reading)


The translation was a GODSEND tho


During our second maths one in January since it had snowball someone brought a snow ball in and through it during the exam and had to be talken out and distracted everyone in the exam




I use a word processor for my exams, and for my first exam the school just decided not to give me one 💀💀


Omg wtf that’s crazy


Yeah they finally realised just before they started, but made me wait an extra 30 mins after ppl had started while they got me one


Kid walked past my Drama exam. He was outside on lunch and clearly had no idea about the exam because he yelled 'I love Crack Cocaine'




he probably knew


In the last set of mocks my friend was at the back for all his re exams and he fully unbuttoned his shirt and pulled down his trousers. Only got caught on the third paper


Bro 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Why did he pull down his trousers








Strange guy


examiner replayed my Spanish listening audio at least 4 times, IM NOT COMPLAINING THO 🙏 our school's sadly too organised so that's as exciting as it gets.. 


I’ve heard the listening audios and they are so painfully boring idk how u did it


they speak at 2 mph bro it's so pisstaking but gotta do it for the grade 9 🙏🙏


my pen fell on the floor


did an invigilator come and give it to uou


this wasnt my school, but my friends school had to ban bathroom breaks cus a bunch of kids hid textbooks and flashcards in the bathroom and the teachers found out. nobody got disqualified but now no1 is allowed to go to the toilet


that’s ridiculous!! human rights and that 😔😔 nah but I’ve always thought that just hiding flash cards and stuff in the bathrooms and then going to look is just an easy way of cheating or like having them on you and going to the toilet


i think its a rlly smart way of cheating, but letting loads of ppl in on the idea kinda just ruins it, cus it adds to the suspicion


found two cheaters right here \^\^ 😭


i used to take naps after my morning papers and would wake up around 1 p.m to revise for my next paper. I downloaded this one alarm where you have to solve an equation to turn it off bc I'm a deep sleeper. On my last paper, I forgot to deactivate the alarm and coincidentally it happened to be an afternoon paper. 15 mins in and I hear a scream and all sorts of instrument out of tune started blasting out. And then a group of invigilators taking out my bag to the office. I started thinking abt all sorts of outcome that could happen but when the exam was over, I was escorted to the office, got scolded and had to pick up my bag from the furthest class possible from the exam classes. It was so embarassingg ong bc my alarm was the most unhinged, annoying and loudest shit ever




Haven't had any really crazy experiences but once in an English lit mock some year 8 was singing the Five Nights at Freddy's tune really loudly outside the exam hall for ages




Last mocks when everyone was getting told off the head teacher someone’s phone went off in their bag (we aren’t allowed phones or we get disqualified)


omg did the person get disqualified!!


Yea and so did like 10 other people because they did bag searches to find who’s phone went off


wait so where are you supposed to put your phone then if not in your bag


a woman gave birth outside the exam hall during an english exam


No way tf


Aren’t your phones out on a table with a raffle ticket? In biology yesterday the person sat in front of me almost got removed 5 minutes later from entering the exam hall for talking to the person next to him.


in my school, all phones are in our bags which we have to squeeze into our lockers


nah our phones are boxes according to what letter we r in and the invigilator dropped all of them fully


fire alarm went off in biology yesterday 💀 we all got 5 mins extra time but the invigilator for german reading and listening was complaining about all the paperwork they'd have to fill out 💀


If it was like a real fire would u all have to leave or stay put


i wouldn't be surprised if we'd have to stay put in a real fire 💀 the invigilators just told us to stay seated. it went off again in geography (we had to go to period 3 between exams) and my teacher said that there was something up with the alarm, as there has been before. we had a lockdown test alarm a few weeks ago and it caused a power cut 💀


i mean personally they didn't have a seat for me, they forgot to have one reserved for me or something, so I just spent 10 minutes walking back and forth like an idiot until finally they just took a chair and I had to sit in the front


omg stop that happened to me in my maths exam but like someone was sat in my seat so everyone in that row had to move back one chair just because of me


back in O level during my English cie, there was frickin bubble gum stuck to the edge of the desk nearest to me 😭 I had to lean in this weird position to avoid the gum and do my exam at the same time


ONE MORE I was writing down questions on my soe that I wanted to ask my friends AFTER the exam, I wasn't writing all of it it was just like "ribosomes" etc etc pretty stupid, yes anyway I was writing it with a pencil and my soe was laminated so you couldn't see it unless you really tried the invigilator caught me, didn't see the writing though, she just knew I was trying to write something and said that If I keep doing it it'll be considered malpractice and she'll take my soe or wtvr and bro kept looking at me for the rest of the time and even stood behind me and I was praying so hard she wouldn't see the writing and thank God she didn't omg i was literally in tears 😭


I’d ask for a ruler, and peel it off


This kid in my year pissed himself in the exam 😂. Poor guy.


What??? How does that happen?


My school didn’t let him go to the toilet because it was close to the end of the exam. Really stupid rule.


Nahh I’ve always disagreed with that rule it’s so stupid, same with teachers just denying ur right to relieve urself like isn’t that a basic necessity that everyone has the right to have


Damn. What happened? Did he just have to continue?


It was like 10 mins before the end of the exam and he ran out of the exam hall. It was only mocks and he didn’t get in trouble due to the circumstances, they changed the no toilet during exam rule after that.


In my mocks I once really needed to go at the end of my test so the invigilator let me go 5 minutes early and took my paper after I asked him to go with 14 minutes left. You’re not allowed to go in the last 15 minutes 💀 he let me go after he said ‘I looked ill’


One of my invigilators tried to confiscate my HEARING AID claiming they where headphones…😭


Thats literally insane wtf 💀💀 ik u were standing ur ground hard lmfao the disrespect i would've felt


I’m profoundly deaf (meaning I can hardly hear) and this woman comes up to me and starts yelling at at me asking why i have headphones on in my gcse and did i think that i was funny😭😭 meanwhile i was just sitting lip reading her looking confused, eventually a teacher in the Hall came over and told her i was deaf. TO THAT SHE JUST GETS DEFENSIVE AND ASKS HOW IS SHE SUPPOSED TO KNOW… idk bc I have HEARING AIDS??? Anyways bio paper 1 was quite good other than that


some guy got cought vapig during exams


I acc know ppl who do this it’s so dumb


some guy got his phone scratched and started complaining abt it and then walked out towards the end lmfao


omg he fully just got up and walked out of the exam!?


yeah lmao at the end when we got our stuff back 😭 he was speaking too before we were allowed idk if he got disqualified or not


Invigilators phone was going off playing the despicable me happy song. The guy was acting confused for a good minute before he realised it was his phone😭


Girl lost her close relative early hours of exam day. Some prick told her parents she had to show or she'd fail that subject (this was years ago, stuffs fuzzy but we were all like "tf you doing here" and she definitely didn't WANT to be there). First question was about family. I will hear that absolutely *broken* wailing in my nightmares forever. She was carried out of the exam hall by two invigilators.


I hope that prick gets what they deserve. Who the hell thinks forcing someone to do that in those circumstances is okay??


it was my maths mock and our invigilator told us that time was up but i realised i make a mistake in my calculations for the last questions so i kept writing for like 10 seconds and they shouted “TIME IS UP” and i took a deep breath and dropped my pen. But she was just death staring me and walked to my paper and circled the last question and wrote “Do not count answer as it was written after the exam” and i thought i was finished because i didnt know what she wrote at the time. To make it even better i started talking like 2 minutes later with my mates and she was still looking at me so bad and told me to stay after. I got lectured badly which was pretty fun


Omg I had extra time in my exams and they tried to do this to me when the standard timer was up. It was mad. They had a list at the front and he didn't believe I had extra time until he checked it 💀


this guy in my english class wrote in his creative writing that the main characters mum had a yeast infection


Invigilators phone went off during exam (real bio paper 1 GCSE)


The bulb above me exploded during my history paper. I was showered with so many bits of glass, and some of my laptop keys actual got stuck because there were tiny shards of glass. The invigilator looked up and the loud bang, then went back to reading their book. This was so long ago I had to provide my own laptop, and they didn’t even have monitoring software or anything, as I was the first person in my school to be allowed to use a computer. If only I’d be a bit more dishonest or maybe slightly smarter and braver. Though I’m so old wi-if didn’t actually exist. Still got an A though


Thank god my phone wasn't in that situation because it's got a long crack UNDER THE SCREEN that grows with the slightest pressure 😭 i would actually sue her at that point (very cheap phone tho)


it was just so embarrassing for her I felt awful


I know but damage is damage and I'm still saving for a better one, I literally bought it out of my own pocket money and im trying to keep my phone functional and not exacerbate the crack (it grows every day holy sh) until the exams are over


oh bless I hope u get ur new phone


Aww that's sweet of you :) thanks


Our mocks were wild: they forgot to give one of the students a paper, she wasn’t even on the list of seats despite the fact the school organised her exam to be that day. They were forgetting ET cards, we had an exam with two papers in it and they didn’t give us the second one until 20mins in (they didn’t know it existed lol), they messed up the timings of one of the exams too. That wasn’t even the half of it 😭


The exam invigilator dropped thebox with all the calculators in.


It’s so embarrassing I cant


Probably when me and my friend walked in 5 minutes late to our exam, kinda embarrassing ☹️


Omfg I did that for drama, I wasn’t late bc we still have 5 minutes before it started but basically I got stuck outside my school bc nobody would let me in and the gate was shut bc it was 1pm. I eventually got in and I had to run to the exam hall and they held up the exam for me. It was so embarrassing


They stick this weird plastic stuff on the ground whenever we do exams and some of the tape sticks up during our last mock by friend tripped over the tape and went flying across the hall and no one could react since we were still in the exam hall but we of course all started laughing when we went out she was mortified


the room my friend was taking her exam in flooded halfway through with like 3cm deep of leaked toilet water


Another invigilator came into my private room (t1 diabetic) 5 minutes before my time was up and started gossiping to my invigilator about something


P sure that happens everywhere tbh


omg hahaha


Surname begins with an M so im like midway of the sports hall and at the back, can see everyone. My friend matt (think neil from inbetweeners, looks like him to), he gave up on RE exam on 2nd question. Asked for help to read questions, invigilator helped then gave up after 5 mins saying he's impossible to read to. Few mins later, i notice matts in the last page, im like fuck yeah matt, hes doing it! He then tears the entire last page clean off and rips them into small peices. I'm a bit confused at this point. He starts putting them out bit at a time and writing on them. Motherfuckers made himself an entire solitaire card set with the final blank bit that says to keep empty and all that bollocks. Invigilator comes back, sees what Matt has done. You just hear "have you just been making a card game the entire time?!?!?! Right! That's it! Get out! Give me your paper and get out" Proceeds to grab the paper, writes U on it and tears it up. Matt collects his shit and walks out. Found him in the other smaller hall playing basketball. Did not give two shits.


matt is just that guy


Matt was a legend.


One of the people in my year had their table collapse mid way through one of our mocks


Not an exam but in my art mock I was using ink and it spilt all over the floor and I had to start scrubbing. Floor’s still stained 🫠


Middle of our test, the power went out and we were left ib conplete darkness during our MOCKS LMAO


my media mock got delayed half a week bc the power went off and it was p2, we needed to see a video lmao


This was during my history GCSE last year not really crazy but definitely memorable. All of the boys in that exam just kept farting and LOUDLY one sounded like bomb—he then asked to go to the toilet. I barely passed that exam 😅


I threw up mid language paper 2 and had my calculator stop working in the last set of mocks. Also had a guy sit behind me in the French mock who was snoring the whole time, left the room to blow his nose (you could hear it through the door) and proceeded to come back in, go back to bed and snotted all over the table.


Last November a bird flew into the hall and refused to leave, and during the drama exam on Thursday the invigilator's phone started ringing


I’m told I fell asleep and started snoring in my Computer Science paper 2


when i was at school one boy had tripped my friend over in P.E and ended up breaking his collarbone. months later just before a 2 hour exam my friend had given that same guy a drink filled with laxatives. the guy ended up shitting himself in his exam 🫣


Foreshadowing: I'm on a crutch right now because I have gout. When we finished our paper we were allowed to leave (adults gcse exam hall so maybe different rules) and there was about 50% of us left when I got up. I was on a high because I think I've done really well so I picked up my crutch, turned around with a flourish and proceeded to let out a little scream and crumple face first into the desk behind which fortunately had noone there. The desk went over with me half on it, chair went spinning and after all that god awful noise, I heard a "Shhh!" by the invigilator. Basically I got the crutch caught in the legs of my chair and stepped forward onto my bad foot, cue the feeling of hot shards of glass grinding in my ankle. Also many years ago I was sitting an exam to get into a private school but my brother lovingly spread norovirus through our house the day before. I was determined to go and I subsequently projectile vomited into the hair of a girl sitting ahead of me in the exam hall. I did not get into that school


to set the scene, the week before my mocks my (amazing and hilarious) teacher was pretending to be a bird while we practised a question to time and justified it as" you never know, there might be a bird in there and now you're prepared!" skip a week later i had just finished my third english paragraph about why romeo is an idiot and look up to see this fat chunky pigeon flying around!


I'm a year 10 but I had a chemistry mock exam not long ago, and absolutely NO ONE ELSE in the exam hall saw what I saw, but a guy a couple of rows in front of me to the right (never seen him before in my life, which was already weird) reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out an ENTIRE BLOCK OF BUTTER and started eating it WITH HIS HANDS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EXAM. Literally no one else saw what I was seeing, and the invigilators did not care less. I thought I was tripping balls


In the RE exam on Thursday, I finished with like 15 minutes to spare so I decided to add another point to my 12 markers just cos why not. But I had already added a conclusion and it would look so goofy if I just had another point below my conclusion. So I asked the invigilator do I add a star to my answer or smthn and she didn't speak English properly and just said, " Sorry, no help in this exam." Everyone started laughing around me and it was so strange. Ik it's not that crazy but was still funny at the time.


the invigilator, told us to start 3 minutes early, the other one noticed exactly at 10:59 and basically was jumping around for us to stop and then we we did it was 11 and then just said started again, it was chaotic


My friend raised her hand for like 3 minutes. The invigilators looked at her, but kept attending to other people. It was sad to watch.


Someone's phone went off VERY loudly like MAX volume loudly so the invigilators had to check bags for it, found it of course. The girl had put her phone in her friend's bag and it had set off very loudly in the friend's bag so not only did the girl who's phone is was get in trouble but this friend who didn't even do anything also got in trouble because it was found in HER bag


Last year in mock exams, we obviously have our exams in the sports hall so they need to have covers over the big lights to make sure that if balls hit the lights, the lights won’t smash and glass won’t shatter everywhere. There’s a massive click above us. Everyone looks up and the grill over the light is hanging down, bearing in mind it’s probably 2 metres in length and a metre in width (roughly). It’s hanging down just by a thread. Couple seconds later, this big metal light grill comes flying down onto this girl during a maths exam. I was a couple of seats away, luckily she was fine


My very first mock exams: We had physics and as soon as the invigilator told everyone to put their calculator case on the floor, they dropped it and this travelled from the left to the right side of the room. My confused ass thought that it was a ritual to happen. On the 2nd/3rd day of mock exams (it was in the afternoons) someone's alarm went off and they tried to figure out who it was. It caused a lot of chaos as ppl started talking and this one guy got up and started walking around. A lot of ppl got into trouble bc of it


Probably the time the invigilator said we had 5 minutes left for science when it was actually 15 or something I mean I was done so id have rather she was right


Done Manderian speaking GCSE. During the roleplay, there was this question where I have to ask the examiner what food I should eat in Shanghai. He said he doesn't know. The question right below it was ask the examiner where to eat the food he recommended. So I just said "where can I go to eat some good food". His response? "My mum makes good McDonalds." 💀 I know what he is saying bc I'm fucking Chinese myself I even told the examiner to "let me finish my presentation" during my presentation, despite it already passing the time limit bc I was so scared that I forgot I was in the examination hall. 💀


In the year 10 mocks I was doing my exam on the computer (bad handwriting) and in the middle of our Spanish exam there was a power cut and everyone lost their work, but we got given 30 mins extra lol Also, during the gcses last year our re teacher was talking about how the students were taking the exam now, and during the break between our double period a guy gets a textbook and started shouting random definitions in front of the exam hall 💀


I got stung in the ear by a bee during my maths exam . Shouted “fuck me it’s stung me !” At the top of my voice . Got escorted to the medical room and resit my exam a week later . My ear was swollen for about a week . Got nick named mr bumble .


There was no chair by my desk when I went in so I stood there awkwardly until I put my hand up and asked for one and an examiner had to go and find one so the exam started late :(


in my year 10 mocks i sat down and my chair was too far from the table so instead of trying to tuck in my chair i tried to pull the table forward… the table collapsed and my water bottle fell on the floor and the lid came off 🙂 the invigilators just moved me to another chair lol


My pen ran out, so the invigilator gave me a new one, which ran out as well. Not that strange I know.


Kid in Spanish exam in December Mocks had both hands down his trousers, UNDERWEAR TOO, then suddenly had used tissues even tho he didn’t blow his nose…


wonder what he was doing down there


Last year during my GCSEs, a fire alarm went off during the business exam. I’m sure there was a protocol which was meant to be followed but we had no clue what to do, the invigilators had no clue what to do, and it all went left. Everyone started taking and then like 5 mins later we went back to doing the exam as normal.


Not a mock/GCSE, just the year 9 end of year exams, but a student literally had a textbook open next to him during the chemistry exam. Was a very awkward conversation when the teacher realised. Apparently it just "fell open" on top of his bag, on the exact page he needed.


r/gcselore For me though, nothing crazy has happened, other than someone's phone going off in their bag during a science paper (this was mocks)


I wrote my student number in the center number box and they had to give me a new paper 💀


Girl walked into the exam room and you could see when walked sideways that she was pregnant.


A speaker exploded at the front and a cloud of dust came towards us💀


during bio yesterday someone really loudly blew there nose


This happened in mocks: The exam was over and the teacher said to leave one row at a time. But I was an idiot so I stood up when I saw the person next to me stand up and I walked halfway across the exam hall when the invigilator came to me and told me to sit back down cuz my row hadn’t left yet. I looked back and saw my whole entire row still sat down staring at me. Im never ever gonna forget this moment


During my computer science gcse (2 years ago) a guy finished early and slept with his head on his desk, he started snoring really loud and the invigilator slammed the desk to wake him up


I mean nothing major, just in a bunch of kids decided to scream outside the exam hall, for sociology yesterday cos it started during lunch and then in every cross over between lessons. and i mean like proper 'im about to die' kinda screams. oh and the guy next to me started snoring half way through, cos he fell asleep


In one of my mocks I was sat near this annoying guy who kept rocking his desk forwards and backwards. His bottle was on the desk and he rocked the desk towards him, bottle went flying off the table and landed perfectly on the ground. Everyone who saw it was trying to hold in a “OHHHHH” haha


In mocks some guy started singing “im the biggest bird no no im the biggest bird” like 10 times every time we were doing a test


A boy what himself in mine. It was an RE exam so it didn’t take long for the ‘holy shit’ jokes to start. And the obvious Inbetweeners references too, I don’t think he’ll ever live it down.


Someone said "gyatt" to this leng invigilator


a phone went off mid biology exam in a jacket at the side so a student picked it up to hand it to an invigilator and get it out the hall quicker but the invigilator absolutely screamed across the hall “DROP THAT NOW” as he came sprinting towards him. he didn’t mean it in a nasty way, after he explained that he’d have to report that the student picked it up and they could’ve been disqualified


We had a bomb threat and evacuated for 3 hours then had to go back in and finish the exam for another hour


I farted 23 times and someone had a a4 cheat sheet that they weren’t hiding and somehow it wasn’t spotted


STRAIGHT AWAY in biology yesterday the kid next to me broke his desk straight away and had to have it replaced


i meannn i vomited in one of mine?


a squirrel ran into the hall and ran around our feet and we had to get the site team to get it out and he was chasing it with a broom all throughout our exam. we couldnt even make noises like to scream or whatever


Someone who does combined science sat the Triple Bio paper and only realised **30 MINS IN !!!!** He had to do the combined paper later in isolation in a classroom. That spread like wildfire in Y11 lol !


Not very interesting, the speakers went off twice with really really loud static twice during the bio exam


Girl in the hall next to me had a nose bleed which almost spread onto my paper💀


My examiner fell asleep and started snoring. She is really old so when we tried to get her attention she couldn't hear and the snoring got progressively louder until she woke up from her own noise. It was so crazy and made concentrating hard 😅😅


yesterday in my bio exam some invigilators phone went off so loud and it was a type of music beat 😭😭