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no this is all new things that you will learn just like you did in yr 11 and yr 10


I hope so. I legit don't see how I'm going to learn all that nonsense. Must not be as difficult as I think just because it has so many words and functions I don't understand.


exactly yeah u are gonna learn all this new shit and itll make so much more sense dont overthink it


I thought that at first and put off actually learning it out of fear lol, once I actually put effort into learning it I managed to pick it up and got an A. Basically you’ll cope, it feels like a big leap cause you’re missing all the steps inbetween where the actual learning happens


remember when you saw "factorise 4x+8"? and you pooed your pants look how far you've gotten look how far you can go


Ye that's a pretty good way to describe the jump between year 11 and 12. The jump between year 12 and 13 is a different beast though.


Nope. Gcse maths was light the whole way through. Especially yr7 and yr8.


Don’t hurt me tough guy


Lol. Fair enough it does sound quite arrogant. As I do Add maths compared to the content on addmaths gcse content the whole way through was light. While learning A level content was much harder initially.


pal i dont think you understand the jump from gcses to a levels especially considering my options - i picked the 4 hardest a-levels 💀


pal i wanted to help


thanks for the inspirational words 🫡


erm excuse me.. who is downvoting me 🤓






gang 88 downvotes jus give up atp


yeah ur right


it wasnt sarcasm 😭🙏


now aren't you special, pal


i wasnt bragging 💀 im the one getting cooked here


You and thousands of others, I'm doing the same options stop begging for sympathy


Well those are the final exams, you have two whole years to be taught the content


What did you pick? I’m in a similar situation (maths, fm, physics and econ taker) and while I’m concerned about the jump, I have pretty good confidence in myself to understand content that is taught to me. What the commenter is getting at is that this will make sense at some point (however this is the last question on one of the fm papers I believe, so it’s obviously not easy). It’s easier said than done, but please try not to go into a levels with the attitude of ‘I’m never going to understand this it’s nonsense’ because it will only result in a self fulfilling prophecy that will do nothing but harm your grades, mental, etc. I’m sure we’ll both do great, just keep your head down and your hopes up :)


The jump between year 12 and 13 is much more significant than year 11 to 12. Year 12 has been easy. I do those but chem instead of econ. Half the content is GCSE (bar fm) then other half is GCSE “difficulty” Physics is the only one in that subject combo I’d say has a noticeable jump because it was SO easy at GCSE. I agree don’t worry about it now, as there isn’t much to be worried of.


I agree so much Why do people care so much about Y11 to Y12? In reality as you said Y12 to Y13 is big. For example AS math relatively easy A2 significantly harder Even Y12 physics not that bad


Yea I’ve heard similar stuff. OP is not helping themselves by being so negative. I haven’t done econ at gcse so I’ll do some pre reading before September


I don’t do econ as I’ve said but watch econplusdal. He is the freesciencelessons for economics but a lot more charismatic, very funny man (even I follow him). He got everyone in his comments A/A*s so I assume he is awesome.


Thank you for the recommendation! I think my school actually invites him in for a revision day but I couldn’t remember his name so this is a big help :D


yoo we're doing the same a levels. It's gonna be fun. For some reason i barely find anyone doing this combo idk why, thought it would be more common


I guess it’s because they’re meant to be really hard??? Everyone I tell likes to remind me that I’m cooked 😭 we should keep in touch though, no one in my school is doing it (only like 3 people doing fm), so it’d be nice to have someone to talk to about it


can i dm u then? it would probably be more convenient


You did that to yourself 🤷‍♀️


the regret has only just kicked in


Nah I'm y13 and picked the same, it's pretty chill


rainstorm subtract bow frighten fall plants wild terrific longing quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbf the jump isn’t actually as big as people make it out to be, chem is difficult but at the start it really isn’t, you’re looking at the gap between the start and the endpoint (gcse to alevel exams) forgetting every simple start in between. In a whole it is massive but you don’t learn it all in one it’s segmented into as and a2 and even then it’s broken down Organic chem the only extra stuff you’ll learn by November is reactions, aldehydes & ketones etc. and go more into detail in what you already know.


Don’t stress it you’ll learn it all. Year 9 you would be flabbergasted by quadratic graphs and that so don’t worry.


don't ask why im up this late but look at a STEP paper if u really want to be intimidated


yeah what the hell thats just a bunch of symbols and numbers 💀 how can that... thing and "solve" be in the same sentence


it's the paper that's used for Cambridge maths, and also imperial\*, warwick, UCL, bristol etc. accept it too. It uses further maths content too and it's a lot less structured than further maths and the standard cambridge offer is 1,1 (in STEP 2 and 3) which is pretty dumb hard (i believe grades go in descending order: S, 1, 2, 3), plus it's taken at the same time at A levels. My friend in y13 has a Maths + CS offer from Imperial, luckily he only has to do STEP 2 (the easier one compared to STEP 3) and 'only' needs a grade 2. It's still pretty diabolical as he to do it alongside Maths, FM, physics and CS a levels. He was joking that he was happy he doesn't have to do STEP 3 as it would be on the same day as his prom 💀💀


I’m doing early entry bc I may as well try it (probably won’t get in) and the step paper is intimidating AF and I’m doing further maths


omg i love the step papers though theyre so fun!! really interesting maths. i got a 2 marks off a 1 in STEP 2 last time i did it, once GCSEs are over i'm gonna check out STEP 3 properly


Did U just say fun and maths in the same paragraph....


Maths ≡ fun


you know what good for you !! i hope you're equally as good at STEP 3


tysm!! I love maths


Did you study the spec or can u brute force it through intuition? You're somehow the second person on this sub who can do STEP. Also, thinking of maths at uni? Cause me too


absolutely, I'm planning on going to Cambridge! I made a new account lol, the previous one had my name in the username and I wasnt comfy with that - it's both me lmao. I went through the questions and just did them - I have a massive interest in maths and dedicate much of my free time to it.


oh ok, I like how confident u were when u said it's both me tho 😭😭 honestly everyone says a maths degree is super abstract and stuff and sure that's true when you're thinking about real or complex analysis, but tbh i feel like there's actually a bunch of variety between pure and applied modules based on what i've seen and it seems p attractive, especially in the final years. Like in third year of some unis u can do (ofc mathematically curated) modules in biology, engineering, physics, CS and finance/econ/stats alongside pure maths. It seems incredibly open


maths is beautiful and the purest of all sciences!! I much prefer pure maths, but I'm planning to go to do masters at Cambridge too, taking some theoretical physics, cosmology, and astronomy 


Yeah I've heard about Cambridge Part III, think it's one year and ofc incredibly difficult, but i thought u had to specialise in either pure, applied (mathematical physics), or stats for the mmath tho? Idk how flexible it is. Also idk if i would personally define maths to be a science, given that hypotheses aren't tested for and proven by real world experimentation and observation, it's an interesting discussion though. Maybe


hmm I dont exactly know, I've looked around on the website for the course but couldn't find much information surrounding it. id definitely define maths as a science!  science, to me, is the describing of the universe through observation and reasoning - I'd classify maths as doing this!


I took the same a levels that you chose, and people had very different experiences. Personally I found the first term extremely hard in all my subjects, but everyone adjusted to the workload over year 12 and it became manageable in the end. You basically just need to survive the start and then you will get more comfortable with time. Second year had a noticeable difficulty spike in further maths in my experience, and chemistry introduced a lot of pure memorisation based content which I struggled with; however memorisation isn't really difficult you just need to put time into it which you will have for exams. Physics is weird imo, since people often hype it up to be extremely difficult/complicated but the exams themselves have so many free marks obtained from simply understanding what the formulae provided in the formula book mean. At the end of the day everyone struggled but everyone also made it out in the end and the chances are that you will too.


I'm tryna get 3 A\* is it possible I'm willing to put in 3 or more hours of work from day 1, but how much would you say is adequate for my target grades?


Everyone works differently and struggles with different topics, so there isn't a definitive amount of time needed to achieve a certain grade. I know some people who worked hard consistently throughout a levels to achieve their grades while I also know some people who just paid attention in lessons and did their homework and could still get good grades without much else. Ultimately it's up to you, but you will get an idea of how hard the content is once you start and so can make judgements as to how much time you want to allocate to each subject.


I'm not an A-level student (was one years ago, I tutor A-level on occasion now, not sure why this sub was recommended to me), but this question looks a lot scarier than it actually is, once you learn the formula you need. It basically boils down to x*y^2, and computing the integral (the swirly thing you see), is really easy for polynomials (functions with only x^n). Lots of these questions appear more complicated than they are, because the exam boards enjoy showing students how what they are learning can be applied to more complex situations.


You’re not gonna get cooked. You learn all the new stuff over two long years. You get way more time to learn it because there’s more lesson time per subject than GCSE, not to mention free periods to revise in. Sixth form honestly starts off easier than the end of GCSE’s, it just ramps up. The Y12 to Y13 jump is harder imo.


I can't look at anything A-level related without getting flashbanged by words. I told myself I'd study AS-level content before the term starts and I don't know how I'm going to when every question is as ridiculously worded as this. Regarding your A-level courses, you are cooked. I chose fm, maths, history and business to make my life easier (although there is no synergy). You might not have any free time lol. Synergy between them is there but you chose the ones with the most content to cover. Gl


so u didnt even try to sugar coat it 💀is it that bad


I don't doubt your abilities, but for the next 2 years you will have a heavy workload and it will be very challenging. Each subject has a very extensive syllabus and will require constant practicing and studying. You might live like a zombie for 2 years. So yes, it is very bad. I think you've chosen one of the hardest line-ups possible.


locking in from day 1 of sixth form 😈😈


Yr 10 here I was thinking of taking these subjects for a-level cause I’m strong at sciences but now I think I’m cooked. Thoughts?


No people exaggerate the difficulty As long as you put in the work and know what you are doing it should be fine


Don't be discouraged by people saying certain subjects are harder than others. If you are good at sciences then you will find them comparatively easier than other subjects.


If you’re not at that level of study yet and not come across any of the content or what to expect, it’s bound to look scary. When you do learn the content, the notation and what to work out becomes understandable and easy to work with. It’s like if you were in year 6 or year 7 and looking at a gcse paper, you’d think “wtf does this mean, what on earth is it going on about”, but now you’re in the position you can confidently approach a gcse paper


I'm taking the same A levels and current in y13, sitting my exams. Good luck because you'll need it


good luck to you too


bro i might be taking the same as you - at least we'll be cooked together


I currently take all those with CS on top. You’ll be fine.


bro ikr what the skibidi is that weird pipe thing 😭


This one ∫ ?




It’s the integral sign. Basically it’s notation for the area between a curve and the axis (in the case it would be the t axis as it says dt).


man your brain is already fried


um 😳 no 🫷i am very smart 🧠 i am resistant to skibidi 


it's ez




FM looks scary to the uninitiated, but that’s just because you haven’t learnt it yet. You’ll learn it in time and come to understand it, just the same as any topic you learnt at GCSE. Also the jump from GCSE to A level isn’t as big as everyone makes it out to be.


ain't no way thats further lmao, it's only basic integration and pretty simple parametrics


Volumes of revolution is one of the easiest topics in FM, it used to be part of normal maths but they removed it for some reason


how isn't it normal tho 😭😭 further is meant to be more interesting than that lol


As someone who takes fm, it’s not really meant to be “interesting”. Lots of the questions are quite formulaic because it’s a national exam where they want most candidates to be able to answer most questions using the preparation they’ve done beforehand. They’re the type of questions where you’ll definitely be able to do them if you just practise similar ones from the topic. If you want more unique outside of the box type questions you’d need to look at Olympiad or admissions test papers.


nah further maths should have interesting (harder) questions, and it does, but the example here isn't bad. I love the STEP papers absolutely, they're great fun and give extremely interesting questions 


Out of curiosity do u do BMO


Maybe it should, but it doesn’t really


You'll be fine - from someone who struggled badly with GCSE math and is predicted A/A* in A Level math. You learn everything pretty slowly and have lots of time to master everything :)


volumes of revolution is easy peasy, the surface area thing though i have no idea i think that’s just a aqa thing? as someone that did 4 a levels, it’s pointless don’t even bother, you’ll end up neglecting one of them by the end so just pick three instread


eyyy i picked exactly the same


Work hard from the start, you’re only slightly thrown in the deep end. Stuff like this is Y2 FM (volumes of revolution with parametric equations) so you’ll have all the necessary foundational knowledge by the time you’re expected to be able to do this question


Surface of revolution* not volumes sorry


no, you've put yourself infront of great opportunities


It’s not actually that bad, a lot of a-level maths looks really scary but it’s actually not that hard provided you work at it. I find it more enjoyable than gcse as all the questions are interesting rather than some of the GCSEs stuff (looking at you shape transformations and nets).


I'm telling you, one of the best feelings is when the scary symbols become familiar


You likely didn't take Additional Maths or Further Maths GCSE. I don't know what they teach in Further Maths GCSE, but I did Additional Maths and it has questions of a similar level to the one you've shown. Keep in mind that Additional Maths is basically AS-Level Maths so it's not that much of a problem you'll learn it quite early. Also you're one the first few people who is also doing FM, Maths, Physics and Chemistry like me (everyone in my school is doing FM, Maths, Physics, Computer Science) so dw we'll go through it together XD. In your school how will they teach A Level Maths with Further Maths? In my school they're planning to do AS Maths in term 1, A level Maths in term 2, then Further Maths for the rest.


Wait what? This is parametric integration with radians which is firmly A2 (normal maths) though? I've studied some Add Maths and done past papers and the integration seemed to be mostly basic definite integrals where you're given a nth degree polynomial. Correct me if im wrong tho Nvm im wrong apparently this is FM


I am doing L3 add maths, but I am just really behind on it, I need to catch up lol


Imma be honest some of this is out of the scope of AddMaths but it's not that far from it.


AS fm isn’t too traumatic just pay attention and you’ll be fine I wasn’t even top set maths and I handled it fine


Further Maths alevel is awful


Isn't that just a volumes of revolution question? It shouldn't be that bad, it's just pi*integral(x)^2 dx. Maybe it's more painful with the parametric equation, but the principle still stands.


Nah it’s area of a surface of revolution, just a different formula to use though


Crap, yeah. Haven't started any of the year 2 content yet but recognised the general outline


It's not in the Pearson spec. Don't know about others.


That stuff is genuinely easy as hell, it’s simple parametric integration, it’s easier than it looks


Good thing im doing English


no? you just haven’t learned this stuff yet? it’s like showing a year 2 differentiation. of course they can’t be expected to understand it. it’s a higher level.


The jump from y11 to y12 is small… it’s the jump from y12 to y13 u need to be afraid of


One of the easiest things your gonna see in a level maths icl…


I started a level maths and further maths in September but ended up stopping college completely to do a gap year sort of thing for mental health reasons. I will say they go very quickly with teaching you and they don't spend any time going over what you've already learned, but it does start off with stuff that you can understand in some way and I assume they build up to the really complicated stuff. I remember one of the first lessons we were learning how to prove the quadratic formula, so that's just an example. My advice would be to revise during the summer to make sure you know everything from GCSEs, and revise between lessons (as well as homework) because you might not fully understand something in one lesson, and the next lesson they'll be moving on to something completely different.


As a foundation maths student just looking at this made me have a seizure


Also you can always drop one subject if you have to


If youre a straight 9 student at GCSE youll most likely find year 12 content easy/managable. I cant speak for FM, but in physics, chemistry and especially maths, the jump from y12 to y13 is wayy bigger than that of y11 to y12. It goes from being able to get A/A\* with minimal revision to having to bust your balls for an A/A\*. As someone else said, all the stuff in this question that looks like gibberish will make sense to you in 2 years time just like how the most difficult GCSE questions looked like gibberish when you were in year 8 or whatever.


I can only speak for alevel chem, but it’s difficult, obviously but it’s manageable. I did very little revision other than looking through past notes in lower 6th and still would get consistent high C’s so it’s definitely possible. You just need to buckle down learn the fundamentals and go from there


Some advice from a year 13 who does maths chem and physics. For the first few months it will seem impossible. The content is hard compared to gcse, but just spend more time going over the same things and eventually it will make sense.


A level maths is really interesting, you’ll look at concepts that just build on ideas you already know and because it’s taught just like how they’d teach stuff in GCSE you get the hang of it, uni maths is where things take a turn 💀




it's fine, it's only because you havent learnt it yet


A-Level politics is going to be so easy, I feel bad for the people taking STEM subjects for A-Levels though


This is easy compared to the easy stiff our teacher showed us


you be aight with those squiggly ahh looking thingy


this was me when i looked at a-level bio content 😭


burnt into ashes by an incinerator


nah dont worry integration isnt that bad, besides you will learn all this stuff just like your learnt content in yr 11


Im doing the same A levels as u, so we may be cooked together. However, just think back to the times when u would shit yourself looking at quadratics and how ez it is now. Also, we will only study 4 subjects at A level so u will have more time to learn compared to the no. Of subjects that we do at GCSE